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The Power of Provision Gary Keesee ebook
- Page: 216
- Format: pdf / epub / kindle
- ISBN: 9781945930393
- Publisher: Printopya
Struggling to survive or able to dream big dreams?
A slave to debt or pursuing your God-designed purpose?
Which of these sounds more like you?
What will make the difference in YOUR LIFE?
We can all agree that having enough provision for the things we need in life is essential.
But do you really understand the POWER of provision?
Gary Keesee wants to make it easy.
In this fourth installment of the “Your Financial Revolution” series, Gary uncovers one of the most significant components of his success and the success of others, and another CRITICAL secret of the Kingdom of God: The Power of Provision!
- The FIVE BASIC STEPS you can take to receive the provision you need.
- The importance of faith and how you can tell when you’re not in faith.
- How procrastination can be deadly.
- If you can believe to win the lottery (yes, this really is in here). And much more!
Join Gary on this eye-opening journey, and discover how to implement the Power of Provision in your life!
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