Fighter Subclass:
The Comet Warrior
"Ey, Cap'n? Remember that schmuck we nabbed at the last port? Yeah, the one built like an ogre, swingin’ a weapon ‘bout the size of—well, me? Thought he’d take the loss and move on. But, uh… just got word from the helm. We got somethin’ tearin’ through the black, fast. Real fast. And if I had to guess? That ain't just some drifting rock Cap'n..."
--Spelljammer crew member, moments before impact.
Comet Knights are warriors who have mastered the art of bending gravity itself, allowing them to move with impossible speed and strike with earth-shattering force. Their bodies seem weightless as they dash through the battlefield, weapons far heavier than any mortal should wield flowing effortlessly in their grasp. The true strength of a Comet Knight lies in their ability to control the vertical battlefield, launching themselves into the air and crashing down upon their foes like a falling star. To them, no distance is too far, no height unreachable—only momentum, force, and the perfect strike.
Subclass Features
Level | Feature |
3rd | Variable gravity, Meteor Strike |
7th | Improved Shift |
10th | Gravity's Embrace |
15th | Comet's Flight |
18th | Seismic Impact |
Variable Gravity
Starting when you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you have learned to manipulate gravity around your body, enhancing your agility and resilience. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet, your jump height and distance are tripled, and you gain resistance to fall damage.
Meteor Strike
Also starting at 3rd level, you have learned to harness gravitational force to amplify your weapon strikes.
- You ignore the Heavy and Two-Handed properties of melee weapons you wield.
- When you move (or fall) at least 10 feet before making a melee weapon attack, your attack deals additional force damage equal to 1d8 per 10 feet moved, up to a maximum number of d8s equal to your proficiency bonus.
- If you strike an enemy immediately after falling, you ignore fall damage from that descent.
Improved Shift
Starting at 7th level, your mastery of gravity allows you to reposition yourself with ease.
As a Bonus Action, you can use the movement from your Tactical Shift feature without spending a use of Second wind.
Alternatively, when you do use your Second Wind feature, you can move your full movement speed instead of half.
Gravity's Embrace
Starting at 10th level, your control over gravity extends to those around you, allowing you to manipulate the battlefield.
- When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can apply the Slow or Push property in addition to any other Weapon Mastery property you are using.
- As a Reaction, when a creature within 15 feet of you is falling or forcibly moved, you can either halt their movement or slow their fall, reducing their descent speed to 60 feet per round and negating fall damage.
Comet’s Flight
Starting at 15th level, you have mastered gravity itself, fully breaking it's grasp on you.
You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Additionally, when you use Tactical Shift, you can choose up to two creatures within 10 feet to move with you. Unwilling creatures must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be pulled along with you. A creature that is not on solid ground at the end of your movement, begins to fall.
Seismic Impact
Starting at 18th level, you can create devastating shockwaves upon landing hits, crushing foes beneath your impact.
If you use Second wind, move in a straight line using Tactical Shift and hit a target with a melee attack after moving, all creatures within 15 feet of the target must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier).
On a failed save, creatures take the attack’s full damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and remain standing.
Art credit
First page right: yoha Xu
Second page bottom: Thanh Tran