Descarga gratuita de libros electrónicos de epub en el Reino Unido. REANIMATED LOVE
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- Page:
- Format: pdf / epub / kindle
- ISBN: 9781958228791
- Publisher: Quill & Crow Publishing House
Overview Elizabeth Lavenza is a tortured woman living alone in a crumbling estate. Haunted by her fathers death, she is an outcast ridiculed for her appearance and otherworldly abilities. Tambora is a reanimated creation, hunted as a monster and tormented for being different. He longs to find peace amid the harshness of the world. When Elizabeth discovers the injured giant on her doorstep, what begins as a mystery soon blossoms into a love that will transcend death, life, and death again. A true Gothic romance, Reanimated Love tells the story of a timeless love between two lost souls reaching out.