CHAMPAGNE BEACH leer epub gratis

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E libro de descarga gratuita para Android CHAMPAGNE BEACH 9781923144545 (Spanish Edition) de MATT FRANCIS


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  • Page:
  • Format: pdf / epub / kindle
  • ISBN: 9781923144545
  • Publisher: Big Sky Publishing

Overview In the serene setting of Vanuatu’s Santo Island, tranquillity shatters when the lifeless body of a French farmer, Guy Simeon, is discovered on the pristine white sands of Champagne Beach. As they delve deeper, a labyrinth of secrets, coercion, and lies emerges. Simeon’s missing wife and strained relationship with his son paint a complex picture of his troubled life. Moreover, his financial woes and grievous interactions with locals only deepen the pool of suspects.         Ifira Point the first book in the series won 2025 Ned Kelly Award, for, Best Debut Crime Fiction. From the bustling port town of Luganville to the idyllic beaches and azure waters of Santo, George and Jayline tirelessly pursue leads but find themselves entangled in a web of confusion with no clear motive, weapon, or suspect in sight.Praise for the series ... a tour de force both in its vivid descriptions of warts-and-all Vanuatu and its ability to suck the reader into the frustrating investigation of its likeable detective. A thoroughly enjoyable read. - Colin Cotterill, best-selling crime fiction author I was really intrigued because the place setting is an integral “character” of the book. - Emily Webb, best-selling author.


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