nTools and Crafting

by AspireGames

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Tools and Crafting


A tool helps you to do something you couldn't otherwise do, such as craft or repair an item, pick a lock, or slice into a computer. Your species, class, background, or feats give you proficiency with certain tools. Tool use is not tied to a single ability, since proficiency with a tool represents broader knowledge of its use. Like skills, a tier of proficiency with a tool allows you to add some amount of your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. Unlike skills, you must have your tools present in order to make an ability check with them.

The table shows examples of some of the most common types of tools. Each tool falls under one of four categories: creator's implements, gaming sets, musical instruments, or provider's kits. Each tool requires a separate proficiency.

The value and weight of tools is driven by the tool's category, rather than individually priced

Creator's Implements

Creator's implements are predominantly designed for building, refining, and repairing things of permanent nature. Each set of implements focuses on a specific craft.

Arcanist's Implements. Used to create arcanic charms and related adventuring gear.

Armorsmith's Implements. Used to armor and shields.

Artillerist's Implements. Used to create turrets and artillery.

Artisan's Implements. Used to create works of art as well as focus icons and related adventuring gear.

Constructor's Implements. Used to create buildings and structures.

Cyberneticist's Implements. Used to create cybernetic augmentations.

Designer's Implements. Used to create precise items, such as gaming sets or musical instruments.

Fortification's Implements. Used to create armor and fortifications for buildings and vehicles.

Gadgeteer's Implements. Used to create trinkets and related adventuring gear such as jetpacks.

Geneticist's Implements. Used to create genetic mutations.

Jeweler's Implements. Used to create jewelry.

Machinist's Implements. Used to create, refine, and repair vehicles.

Mechatronist's Implements. Used to craft, upgrade, and repair robots and electronic devices.

Outfitter's Implements. Used to create clothing and similar worn equipment.

Psionicist's Implements. Used to create psionic amplifiers and related adventuring gear.

System's Implements. Used to create electrical, mechanical, and environmental systems.

Technologist's Implements. Used to create tech pads and related adventuring gear.

Weaponsmith's Implements. Used to create weapons.

Writer's Implements. Used to create written works as well as maneuver catalogs and related adventuring gear.

Gaming Sets

As the name implies, gaming sets are designed to facilitate playing a specific game. The Tools table includes one example, though a wider variety could exist in your realm.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments can often be used in place of—or in addition to—a performance. The Tools table includes one example, though a wider variety could exist in your realm.

Provider's Kits

Like creator's implements, provider's kits are needed to pursue a craft or trade. Some provider's kits are used to craft items that are impermanent, such as grenades, medpacs, or poisons while other tools are used to provide a specific service, such as picking locks or creating a disguise.

Alteration Kit. Used to provide body alterations.

Ammunition Kit. Used to create ammunition.

Cartography Kit. Used to provide maps.

Chemistry Kit. Used to create chemical flasks.

Culinary Kit. Used to create food.

Disguise Kit. Used to create and apply disguises.

Explosives Kit. Used to create explosives.

Forgery Kit. Used to alter, duplicate, and forge documents.

Gemology Kit. Used to harvest and refine precious gems.

Hacking Kit. Used to perform complex digital actions.

Herbology Kit. Used to harvest and refine plants and herbs.

Hunting Kit. Used to harvest and refine animal parts.

Lockpicking Kit. Used to pick locks and create related adventuring gear.

Mining Kit. Used to harvest and refine ores and metals and create mines.

Pharmaceutical Kit. Used to create stimpacs, medpacs, and related adventuring gear.

Poisoner Kit. Used to create poisons.

Substance Kit. Used to create alcohol and other substances.

Surveillance Kit. Used to create and bypass surveillance equipment.

Trapping Kit. Used to create and disarm traps.



You can craft unenhanced objects with an appropriate tool (typically creator’s implements or provider’s kits). In order to craft an object, you need five things: the appropriate tool, recipe, materials, labor, and space.

Appropriate Tool

Most objects are categorized in such a way that the tool with which they are crafted is clearly defined. For instance, weapons are crafted by weaponsmith's implements while medpacs, listed as Pharmaceutical adventuring gear, are crafted by pharmaceutical kits. If the governing tool is not clear, work with your GM to determine the best match tool.


While you don't need a tier of proficiency in a tool in order to use it, if you are not at least trained in the tool you will not have the appropriate knowledge to create an object with it without direct instruction. Being trained or better in a tool includes knowledge of every unenhanced item recipe for that tool.


In order to craft an object, you need half the object’s value in materials. The materials vary by the object being crafted; a sword requires metal, while an outfit requires fabric. For instance, to craft a weapon worth 500 cr, you need 250 in appropriate materials.


You also need half the object's value in labor. For instance, that same weapon worth 500 cr requires 250 cr worth of labor. The rate at which you craft is your crafting rate, discussed below.

Crafting Rate

Your crafting rate is determined by your tier of proficiency: 25 cr/hour for unproficient or trained, 50 cr/hour for proficient, and 100 cr/hour for expertise. That same weapon would take ten hours for unproficient or trained, five hours for proficient, or two and a half hours for expertise.

Multiple characters can combine their efforts toward the crafting of a single object. For larger objects, such as a vehicle, the characters can work together, combining their crafting rates to speed up the rate at which the object is crafted. For smaller objects, multiple characters working at the same time is ineffective, though they can work in shifts, with one character picking up where another character leaves off.


The space required to craft an object varies dramatically depending on the size of the resulting object. For instance, to craft a weapon, you only need a small area like a workbench. For a vehicle, on the other hand, a space like a garage is more appropriate.

Item Cost Weight
Creator's Implements 300 cr 5.00 lb
 Arcanist's implements
 Armorsmith's implements
 Artillerist's implements
 Artisan's implements
 Constructor's implements
 Cyberneticist's implements
 Designer's implements
 Fortification's implements
 Gadgeteer's implements
 Geneticist's implements
 Jeweler's implements
 Machinist's implements
 Mechatronist's implements
 Outfitter's implements
 Psionicist's implements
 System's implements
 Technologist's implements
 Weaponsmith's implements
 Writer's implements
Gaming Sets 150 cr 2.50 lb
Musical Instruments 150 cr 2.50 lb
 Chess set
Provider's Kits 300 cr 5.00 lb
 Alteration kit
 Ammunition kit
 Cartography kit
 Chemistry kit
 Culinary kit
 Disguise kit
 Explosives kit
 Forgery kit
 Gemology kit
 Hacking kit
 Herbology kit
 Hunting kit
 Lockpicking kit
 Mining kit
 Pharmaceutical kit
 Poisoner kit
 Substance kit
 Surveillance kit
 Trapping kit
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