Fuente en línea de descarga gratuita de libros electrónicos. EISDREYA: LEAVING LAZEA de D.C. MCANDREWS 9798985130386 CHM RTF in Spanish
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- Format: pdf / epub / kindle
- ISBN: 9798985130386
- Publisher: Red Stone Art Studio
Overview Rema ALazea is a water fairy who cant wait to experience the world on her own terms; but if she does, is she leaving more than just her hometown behind?Eisdreya: Leaving Lazea is a short story, around 4,800 words. Set in a fantasy world full of fairies, elves, dragons, and more, the continent of Eisdreya holds many more stories to come. Leaving Lazea is a prequel to D.C. McAndrews forthcoming debut novel.