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Chooch Helped Andrea L. Rogers, Rebecca Lee Kunz ebook
- Page: 48
- Format: pdf / epub / kindle
- ISBN: 9781646144549
- Publisher: Levine Querido
A Cherokee girl introduces her younger brother to their family's traditions — begrudgingly! — in this picture book written by Walter Award-winner Andrea L. Rogers and featuring gorgeous collage illustrations from debut artist Rebecca Lee Kunz.
Sissy’s younger brother, Chooch, isn’t a baby anymore. They just celebrated his second birthday, after all. But no matter what Chooch does — even if he’s messing something up! Which is basically all the time! — their parents say he’s just “helping.” Sissy feels that Chooch can get away with anything!
When Elisi paints a mural, Chooch helps. When Edutsi makes grape dumplings, Chooch helps. When Oginalii gigs for crawdads, Chooch helps. When Sissy tries to make a clay pot, Chooch helps . . .
“Hesdi!” Sissy yells. Quit it! And Chooch bursts into tears. What follows is a tender family moment that will resonate with anyone who has welcomed a new little one to the fold. Chooch Helped is a universal story of an older sibling learning to make space for a new child, told with grace by Andrea L. Rogers and stunning art from Rebecca Lee Kunz showing one Cherokee family practicing their cultural traditions.
Chooch Helped
A Cherokee girl introduces her younger brother to their family's traditions - begrudgingly! - in this picture book written by Walter Award-winner Andrea L.
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Chooch Helped
Chooch Helped. by Andrea L Rogers (text) & illus. by Rebecca Lee Kunz. Levine Querido. Oct. 2024. 48p. Tr $18.99. ISBN 9781646144549. COPY ISBN. K-Gr 4–Little
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Chooch Helped
Kjøp «Chooch Helped» av Andrea L. Rogers til en god pris på Bestill hjemlevering eller klikk&hent i din ARK-butikk.
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Chooch Helped
Chooch Helped. Rogers, Andrea L. Kunz, Rebecca Lee. Hardcover. FamilyGeneral Juvenile Fiction. Publisher Price: $18.99. $18.04 New Ships from
Chooch Helped (Hardcover)
Rogers and featuring gorgeous collage illustrations from debut artist Rebecca Lee Kunz. Sissy's younger brother, Chooch, isn't a baby anymore. They just
Chooch Helped by Andrea L. Rogers (review)
Chooch Helped by Andrea L. Rogers (review). Kara Forde. Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, Volume 78, Number 2,. October 2024, pp. 75-76 (Review).
Chooch Helped - Rogers, Andrea L; Kunz, Rebecca Lee
Chooch Helped ; BookHardcover ; EUR20.50 ; Description. A Cherokee girl introduces her younger brother to their family's traditions - begrudgingly! - in this
Chooch Helped (Hardcover)
Chooch Helped is a universal story of an older sibling learning to make space for a new child, told with grace by Andrea L. Rogers and stunning art from Rebecca
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