ON BEING ILL (edición en inglés) leer epub VIRGINIA WOOLF

by ojashujidopi

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ON BEING ILL (edición en inglés) VIRGINIA WOOLF ebook

  • Page:
  • Format: pdf / epub / kindle
  • ISBN: 9781916809802
  • Publisher: Eris

Overview "Always to have sympathy, always to be accompanied, always to be understood would be intolerable." Virginia Woolfs essay begins by lamenting the surprise neglect of ill-health as a potential literary subject. What then unfolds is a dazzlingly written series of reflections on sickness, fiction, and the chilling indifference of the natural world. Above all a testament to the fundamental solitariness of the human soul, this is an indispensable work by the preeminent stylist of twentieth-century English literature.


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