Ebook download for mobile free Classical Myth 9780197527986 (English Edition) by Barry B. Powell
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Classical Myth Barry B. Powell ebook
- Page: 736
- Format: pdf / epub / kindle
- ISBN: 9780197527986
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
Overview For decades, Classical Myth has been one of the most popular and best-selling texts for the study of classical myth. Oxford University Press is proud to publish this essential book in a vibrant new ninth edition, complemented by digital learning resources that further enhance the reader's engagement with the classical past.
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Package this text at a discount with one or more of the author's translations of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid--all pubished by Oxford University Press--or with any title in the Oxford World's Classics series. Please contact your OUP sales representative to set up a package.