{epub descargar} AMBROSIA

by shacibixyqex

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  • Page:
  • Format: pdf / epub / kindle
  • ISBN: 9783982038933
  • Publisher: Lenia Lenient

Overview At fourteen, Katya signs her life over to entertainment monopolist W-Media to be broken down and reshaped into the perfect superstar. At twenty-one, now under the name Ambrosia, she is the centerpiece of wildly popular girl-group Moxxy, female lead in hit-block-buster S.L.Y., and firmly cemented as one of W-Medias most lucrative creations ever. She, also, hides a mental-breakdown-induced shaved head under her wig, keeps bleeding out of her nose due to experimental performance-enhancing drugs, and is about to turn the most prestigious award ceremony of the year into a whirlwind of shattered glass and bloodshed.  AMBROSIA is a non-chronological story with a frame narrative that spans only a single day, while the story-within draws from anywhere within the past seven years of management-dictated shower times, content-factory dorms, and a life made for consumption that slowly but surely turns the pleasure of being looked at by everybody into the overwhelming urge to claw out eyes.


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