##### Converted to PF2e by Shawn Bowman
“This product is offered to users free of charge, can be shared by anyone and is not for resale. The Dark Sun setting is the property
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# Credits
This is the second adventure of the Lands of the Ravaged Sun campaign, designed for a group of 4 characters of level 2. It can be
dropped into any Dark Sun setting or continue the campaign from the events of LOTRS1-1 Whispers of Dread.
Inside a peak of the Ringing Mountains, a primeval temple, hollowed out to harmonize an alliance between legendary Earth
Drakes and feral halflings, protects a single drake egg. With the bizarre disappearance of a halfling tribe from the area that protected the temple, an opportunistic hunter seeks to take the egg and exploit its power. Unchecked, the hunter’s actions could upset the future of an entire species and disrupt a sacred intersection of nature and magic forever.
Writing: Robert Adducci, Monty Platz (Toucanbuzz)
Editing & Development: Darvin Knorr, Robert Adducci, Monty Platz (Toucanbuzz), Shawn Bowman
Producer: Darvin Knorr
Art: Matthew Makin
Tokens: Devin Knight
Cartography: Gabriel Eggers (Avangion), Trevor Rogan (Oneiromancy Maps), Becca Brage (The Musical Rogue)
Layout: Gabriel Eggers (Avangion)
Version Number 1.0
This adventure is rife with cunning traps and ruthless mercenaries; the author bears no liability
for ensnared souls or fortunes lost to the depths of the ancient temple.
# Table of Contents
- ##### [5Table of Contents](#p5)
- ##### [6Adventure Background](#p6)
- ##### [6Adventure Overview](#p6)
- ##### [6Timelilne of Events](#p6)
- ##### [6Expanding the Adventure](#p6)
- ##### [7FAQ/Troubleshooter](#p7)
- ##### [8Part 1: Prologue](#p8)
- [1. Getting the Players Involved](#p8)
- [2. Prologue Personalities](#p8)
- [3. Scenarios](#p8)
- ##### [10Part 2: The Gathering Storm](#p10)
- [1. Journey to the Temple](#p10)
- [2. The Halfling's Remnants](#p10)
- [3. Signs of the Earth Drake](#p10)
- [4. Akterec Subdued](#p11)
- [5. Part 2 Conclusion](#p12)
- ##### [13Part 3: The Heart of the Temple](#p13)
- [1. The Temple or the Expedition](#p13)
- [2. Bypass Tunnel Entrance](#p13)
- [3. Hidden Chamber and Spring](#p13)
- [4. Guardian Constructs](#p14)
- [5. Temple Glyphs](#p14)
- [6. Ley Lines](#p14)
- [7. The Egg Chamber](#p15)
- ##### [16Part 4: The Drake's Legacy](#p16)
- [1. The Mother Drake's Return](#p16)
- [2. The Egg Hatches](#p16)
- ##### [18Part 5: Conclusion](#p18)
- [1. Rewards](#p18)
## Adventure Background
Long before humankind trod the foothills of the Ringing Mountains, a delicate balance prevailed between the halfling Kaltimuk tribe and Earth Drakes. The two carved a sacred temple into the mountains as a testament to centuries of harmony, and the Kaltimuk accepted the honor of guarding drake eggs during seasonal departures. The halfling scions have vanished, and a single egg lies unprotected within the temple’s sanctum. This sacred site now faces a grave threat: a ruthless treasure hunter, Raxan, schemes to take the egg, unwittingly endangering every life in the region.
## Adventure Overview
The players create reasons to seek out the temple and possibly choose between siding with the treasure hunters or a druid in
Part 1, Prologue. Adventurers continuing the Lands of the Ravaged Sun campaign may uncover more clues to the halfling disappearance within a forgotten temple. In
Part 2, the Gathering Storm, they make the journey to the temple where the hunters and druid come into conflict. In
Part 3, the Heart of the Temple, they must get to the egg before the hunters and may come to understand the legacy between Earth Drakes and halflings. In
Part 4, the Drake’s Legacy, the fate of the egg is decided, and an Earth Drake returns. Ultimately, the party succeeds if it discovers temple secrets of the Kaltimuk tribe and makes a decision as to the fate of the egg. This adventure uses Milestone Experience, and at its conclusion, characters will gain a level.
## Timeline of Events
Day 1: Prologue Events
Day 2: Begin travel from Celik to Thirst (35 miles) then Thirst to the Temple of the Rock Drake (30 miles) which barring any major setbacks should take between 2 and 4 days depending on pace and route.
Within 1 day’s travel from Celik to the temple,
Part 2: The Gathering Storm events occur
## Expanding the Adventure
The motivations for the party to venture to the temple may also include being hired (in good faith or with ulterior motives?) by Raxan to join his mercenaries as they head off to plunder the sacred site. If this is the case, then additional opportunities may present themselves to test the morals of the PC’s, especially if there is a druid in the group. For example, will they allow or take part in the murder of Akterec, the desecration and plunder of the temple itself, or the sale of the egg?
Next, the existence of the amulet that allows the temple defenses to be bypassed can be removed from the adventure. This will ensure that the risk of entering the temple directly is significantly increased. Or another approach may be that the amulet will only work if the party’s intentions are to safeguard the egg.
In addition, when Raxan retreats into the secret bypass tunnel after the murder of Akterec, he may feel emboldened enough to foolishly taunt the adventurers to walk into the temple directly to take the egg for themselves while adding that he has his own and much safer way in.
## FAQ/Troubleshooter
Should I track food and water?
Unnecessary, but you can. While survival is often a Dark Sun trope, not every group wants to track supplies, especially if the quest is unrelated to survival on limited resources. This quest is focused primarily on the rescue (or
retrieval) of the drake egg.
How can I bond characters?
If characters are continuing on from LOTRS1-1 Whispers of Dread, this should not be an issue. If not, characters should have good reason that they are willing to trust their lives to the person next to them. Before starting the adventure, consider having Player 1 explain how they met Player 2’s character, and continue around the table until every player has spoken. Then, reverse the order, and have the player explain why their character would risk life and limb for the character alongside them. Also, see Part 1.1 Getting The
Players Involved below.
For characters continuing on from LOTRS1-1 Whispers of Dread, what if Junal was prevented from telling players of his cousin Raxan’s plans to seek out the Earth Drake egg?
Any one of the prisoners or reavers and their leaders could have overheard Junal mention that his cousin Raxan is looking for a valuable Earth Drake egg. Alternately Raxan can approach the party upon their return to either Thirst (he is searching for his cousin Junal) or Celik (he is looking for swords for hire). This is necessary for progression into the LOTRS1-2 adventure.
Are all difficulty checks (PF2E) assigned?
Not all as many are situational. The DM should be guided by the table for difficulty checks for level 2, ranging from Very Easy (DC 11) to Normal (DC 16) to Nearly Impossible (DC 26).
What if the party is attacked by the mother Earth Drake?
If the DM has given enough information and warning about how suicidal such an encounter would be and players still decide to engage the creature, it will likely be a quick lesson on how not to survive in the world of Athas.
# Part 1: Prologue
### Getting the Players Involved
he adventure begins with players traveling from the merchant city of Celik to the Temple of the Earth Drake, carved into a low peak of the Ringing Mountains, having cause to explore the temple. In this prologue, retroactively roleplay with characters the three scenarios of Raxan, treasure hunter, Halfling mystery, and Druid business. In these scenarios, players should manifest their character’s motivations to explore the temple and possibly choose sides. No player action in the prologue affects any non-player character.
### Prologue Personalities
Akterec: Pterran druid, upright lizard man with three-fingered hands and tail, small slits for ears, no visual difference between males and female pterrans. In native language communicates with hisses and pops as well as fingers to click and tap. When speaking Common, still uses hisses and finger clicks. Wears clothing only when in settlements. Always calm, always looks into eyes when talking.
Letsie: House Maraneth agent, a merchant who can speak on behalf of the House and bind it to agreements. Human woman, shaves head bald, never speaks unless necessary. Her House does little trade in slavery, relying on Celik’s ruins for wealth.
Raxan: Middle-age, handsome human, white mohawk, slight limp from younger days encounter with deadly trap, mottos “Never sleep owing someone something” and “Always take care of your own.” Puts hand on shoulders/backs of others when making a serious point, except thri-kreen (inwardly cannot sleep soundly nearby one, fears they will eat him).
### Scenarios
Raxan, treasure hunter
Parties continuing the campaign from Whispers of Dread are offered a chance to loot an Earth Drake egg from the temple by Raxan, a treasure hunter whose cousin Junal was taken captive by the reavers. Grateful for Junal’s rescue, he pitches his opportunity. Those who did not participate in Whispers of Dread are instead approached for their prowess in some previous venture as Raxan needs to
expand his crew. Read or paraphrase his pitch:
"Ever heard of a Drake? Of course you have. What can eat an entire mekillot and make the Dragon itself think twice? What has a hide so valuable that the sorcerer kings make ‘em illegal? What has teeth so magical that wearing one protects you for life from illness? Now, in all fairness, who wants to fight a Drake? Not one creature in the Tablelands! And, not I. They say Raxan is many things, but he’s not sand-blasted. What would you say, though, to making each and every one of us rich? I (taps his head) have the location of an Earth Drake egg, abandoned and all by itself, worth a fortune and far easier to secure than a hide. I also have a buyer. I just need a full crew.”
Raxan personalizes his pitch to those who dealt with the reavers. He offers a non-negotiable 30gp each after the sale, as well as a degree of fame. The buyer, if impressed, will certainly have more tasks just as lucrative. Raxan will not reveal his buyer’s identity. His crew will avow Raxan always follows through and takes care of them. Raxan reveals only that the location is in the Ringing Mountains, in former halfling territory, and they don’t have to worry about the halflings. “They just up and left. Good news for us.” He also reveals he’s been working on an easy way in, so it’s all about how much loot they can carry than actual
If asked about the druid Akterec (below), he scoffs at the notion and suggests it may all be a ploy. He jokingly reassures them he’s not going to cook the egg, and if they’re that worried, they don’t have to come along and someone else can be rich.
### Halfling mystery
Parties continuing the campaign may wish to further explore the disappearance of the halflings, having obtained clues possibly from the villagers of Thirst or the ledgers of Medhanit. In all cases, House Maraneth agent Letsie seeks them out. House Maraneth has discovered a halfling tribe from around the Ringing Mountains has abruptly vanished. This is bad for Celik because the tribe operated as a buffer for monstrous creatures. House Maraneth is supplying the expedition of Raxan, the treasure hunter, and has discovered through loose talk the egg Raxan seeks is in some halfling sacred site. There may be clues. There is no monetary reward. This may cement a permanent working relationship with the House.
DMs can bring back NPCs from Whispers of Dread, such as Simret, or a villager from Thirst. These should be used as non-combatants who can act as guides to the area or even help trail Raxan’s expedition.
### Druid business
The pterran druid Akterec hopes the party will be sympathetic to its cause, especially if the party has a druid, ranger, or earth cleric in it, risking sneaking into Celik at dusk to beseech them after they have encountered Raxan or Letsie. Read or paraphrase:
While the characters walk along a plaza, emptied after a day of business, a grey-colored lizard skitters up onto a stone bench and instantly becomes a pterran, an upright lizard person, as tall as a human. Its scales shimmer with the hues of the desert at dusk, blending seamlessly from sandy tones to a deeper green. Adorned in simple robes that gently flutter in the breeze, it speaks with a voice punctuated with hisses, using its fingers to make clicks.
Akterec introduces itself as a protector of the Ringing Mountains lower hills region, where once some of the Kaltimuk tribe of “the People” (halflings) hunted and roamed. Characters from cities may know some sorcerer kings and queens have bounties out for druids, but Celik is not ruled by such. Through its network of listeners (small animals), it knows about Raxan’s expedition to a halfling temple to take an unprotected Earth Drake egg. It has attempted to dissuade him from the expedition and failed. Akterec implores the party to protect the egg rather than take, or let it be taken. It also reveals:
- The vanished Kaltimuk tribe once guarded a cave temple wherein Earth Drakes would lay eggs. One egg remains within the temple’s sanctum.
- It does not enter the temple, believing the People designed wards to keep out threats. It does not wish to risk death as its own protected lands depend on it.
- The temple may have clues as to the disappearance of the halfling.
- The druid’s powers are not strong enough to simply destroy Raxan, especially outside its protected lands, nor does the druid condone death unless necessary. The temple lies just outside the druid’s region.
- The egg is more than just an egg. The union with the halflings created a symbiotic relationship that stabilizes the earth, enriches it, and makes it resistant to defiling.
- Other humans have been to the site, digging. Normally Akterec would not care about looters, but once it overheard discussion of the drake egg, it took steps to harass the diggers and even ensured a group of slavers crossed their path, starting a battle. Characters from Whispers of Dread may surmise that this was Medhanit’s reavers.
- It will attempt to delay the expedition but will never travel with the party. Akterec works alone.
Akterec offers, in good faith for listening and considering its proposal, two figs of healing (minor) and an apricot of darkvision (lesser) (as per the potions and elixirs).
Note: enchanted fruits in Dark Sun never spoil.
# Part 2: The Gathering Storm
Drawn to the mysteries of the ancient temple nestled in the foothills of the Ringing Mountains, adventurers embark on a journey shaped by legends of formidable Earth Drakes and the halflings of the Kaltimuk tribe. This sacred site, a testament to a long-standing harmony, now faces a threat that could unravel centuries of balance and mutual respect.
### Journey to the Temple
Three events punctuate the trip to the temple, occurring in the last 24 hours of the journey, with the Akterec encounter occurring last and upon arrival to the temple site. If the party is traveling with Raxan, they are posted as scouts to protect the flanks and scavenge any halfling encampments. Raxan’s caravan begins with 32 Athasian bandits, 2 tarek, 1 acolyte (sun para-elemental cleric), and 6 domesticated kanks with supplies and gear.
If the party joins Raxan’s group with secret intentions to take him out, he begins wary of their loyalties and has them watched. A combat at this time should be suicidal.
If the party does not join Raxan and his group and instead choose to trail behind him, because of his knowledge of the land, he arrives at the temple before them. However, clever parties may take out a scout or two, which causes Raxan only to hasten more.
### The Halflings’ Remnants
Among the deserted sites, the adventurers piece together a narrative of a community abruptly uprooted. Personal belongings, unfinished crafts, and offerings to the Earth Drake paint a vivid picture of the deep bond between the halflings and the drakes, now disrupted by unknown forces. Rotted food, signs of scavengers picking through, but no bodies and no signs of any struggle. It is as if the people simply disappeared or walked off. Describe the Earth Drake as a “wingless, bulky lizard of massive girth.”
Searching: Parties spending more than 1 hour get a +2 to a perception check to find supplies but may attract 4 hungry baazrag (see Devin Nights Desert Encounter I & II packs). The final perception check determines what is found, and each item may only be discovered once. Use the standing stones map as the creatures attack shortly after the party leaves the village being searched.
DC 11: 10 sp, 4 slings & 100 pieces of stone ammunition, 11 torches
DC 16: 1d6 translucent gel beads (detects as magical); if put into a container capable of holding liquid, transforms into up to 1 gallon of water, never exceeding the container.
DC 18: A crude stone amulet on a leather string engraved with an upright Earth Drake (detects as magical). If the players use identify magic it will only reveal the item is specifically keyed to a location and otherwise has no inherent properties. The amulet will allow the group to bypass some guardians of the temple.
### Signs of the Earth Drake
The adventurers find colossal tracks of the Earth Drake and evidence of recent activities. A successful DC 14 Perception Check leads the characters to crystallized mana. Characters can recall knowledge Arcana DC 16 to understand its properties (this allows any arcane caster to enhance a spell without defiling, reducing the action to cast a spell by one; once used it turns to inert crystal), and a colossal broken claw fragment which can be crafted into either a L or 1 bulk weapon, costing 20 gp and 2 days with a successful DC 16 Crafting check. The bone weapon is treated as if made of metal and does not have the flaw, or inferior traits.
### Akterec Subdued
This encounter is run as the adventurers approach the temple (see Map, Area 1, Appendix C). If with Raxan, they have just caught up as the expedition has already reached the temple environs, a strangely lush, large plaza in the shadows of the mountains. Use Illustration “Temple of the Rock Drake” above to describe the features after the encounter.
The adventurers now stand before the ancient temple entrance, its silent stones a testament to deep mysteries, and the sacred oaths of its guardians now under threat. Raxan’s troops have caught the druid Akterec, who has been harassing the expedition and caused the death of several of his people. Reduce Raxan’s athasian bandits to 26 total. His crew wants their piece of flesh and have forced
Akterec to expend most of its powers. Akterec is now trapped in a mesh net in the plaza before the temple. Raxan has already gone on ahead through the tunnel in Area 2 that his diggers prepped (before contact with reavers, prompting a retreat of his expedition).
There are 4 athasian bandits and 1 tarek in the plaza.
If the party attacks the expedition (Moderate Encounter), the combat attracts 4 athasian bandit guards from Area 2 (bypass tunnel entrance). These guards will make the decision to intervene on Round 4 (upgrade to Severe Encounter). Akterec will attempt to assist the party. Akterec (animal order) currently has 2 hit points and has exhausted all spell slots and abilities. It acts last on initiative, begins restrained in the net, and will cast
ignition to assist the party. Have a player roll the attack and choose targets (+14 spell attack, 30’ range, target 1 creature, 4d4 fire damage). It is a low priority target for enemies unless it reduces any foe to 0 hit points, at which point it is targeted first if possible.
If players are part of Raxan’s expedition, the tarek, orders the players to finish off the druid (to prove their loyalty). It points out the druid is a cold-blooded killer and those men and women it lured to their deaths had families and children. Akterec pleads its case one more time. If the party balks longer than 2 rounds, the expedition members kill the druid, triggering Akterec
If Akterec dies, the land is enraged. Hostile creatures are summoned to the outskirts of the temple environs, remaining for 5 rounds before being unsummoned. They attack the expedition and possibly the party. This immediately attracts 4 athasian bandit guards from Area 2 (bypass tunnel entrance).
- If the party watched Akterec die or killed him, they are targeted by: giant centipedes (3), vipers (3), 1 earth scamp. (severe encounter)
- If a grand melee erupts, presume that the guards (except the tarek) take 4 damage on odd rounds, and the enraged creatures (except the earth scamp) take 4 damage on even rounds. Apply this to other scenarios.
- If the party refused to kill Akterec, the summoned creatures go around them to attack the expedition, only becoming hostile to the party if directly attacked.
If the party sides with the creatures, they must deal with 8 athasian bandits. The remaining 6 (2 from the plaza and 4 from area 2) bandits and tarek deal with a giant centipede and viper apiece. Enemies flee to Area 2 if their total numbers are reduced to 4 or less; following creatures to Area 2 does not automatically reveal the hidden entrance.
Treasure: each athasian bandit carries 1d6 gp. The tarek has 10 gp.
### Conclusions
If Akterec lives, it is in no shape to assist and implores the party to stop Raxan. It warns one cannot wait outside (and ambush Raxan on the way out). If Raxan liberates the egg, he will set off catastrophe. It volunteers 2 figs of healing (minor) and its pterran-manufactured thanak weapon, Scalewrath, reasoning it may make the difference between total destruction of the land, or its salvation. Akterec implores the land to aid the party giving them the effect of a 3 action heal (3d8 Hit Points) on all party members and allowing immediate attunement of Scalewrath.
► If Akterec dies, the party can loot his body. They can take a 10 minute rest with no impact on the progress of Raxan.
► If the party sided with the expedition, the survivors reveal there is a hidden entrance at Area 2 and implore them to aid Raxan against any other tricks the druid might pull. Area 2 suffered a rockfall after Raxan entered, thanks to hasty excavation. However,
the expedition will assist in clearing the tunnel, taking 2 hours of labor and allowing a 1 hour rest for the party.
► If the party waits too long, such as by attempting to take an 8 hour rest, prompt them that they can feel a ripple of discordant energy emanate from the temple. The stone amulet from the halfling village begins to crack. If they still do nothing, in short time a titanic mother Earth Drake appears in the area, towering over the foliage, and begins tunneling into the earth itself in a rage, collapsing the temple, and triggering a failure of the adventure. If alive, Akterec attempts to soothe her, only to be buried by a hill of earth that she summons.
A fight with the creature is assuredly a death sentence for the party, though once it avenges itself on the temple, it leaves at maximum burrowing speed.
### Scalewrath
Resembling a sawblade, a thanak has two hardwood strips bound with a row of pterrax teeth protruding along one edge, perfect for slicing. Scalewrath (attunement) is a one-handed martial melee weapon weighing 1 bulk, dealing 1d6 slashing damage, with the agile and finesse traits, and a Weapon of the Land. A Weapon of the Land adapts to its wielder, who is always proficient with the weapon while attuned. During attunement, the user chooses two (2) features that remain until the weapon is no longer attuned. These subtly change the appearance of the weapon, as described by the player (such as a small storm playing over the weapon if it adopts a jolt rune).
- Becomes a magical +1 striking weapon.
- Acts as a primal symbol.
- Gains the two-hand 1d10 and deadly d8 weapon traits
- Gains a jolt rune, dealing 1d4 electricity damage on a successful Strike
- Gains a ice rune, dealing 1d4 cold damage on a successful Strike
- Gain a 1st level spell-slot if able to cast non-cantrip spells.
The DM is encouraged to modify these over time based on the character’s relationship with the weapon, allowing them to re-attune to change powers, such as adding a poison damage feature, or having the weapon enhance a class-specific feature. None of the features, however, should exceed the general power of those listed above.
# Part 3: The Heart of the Temple
### The Temple or the Expedition
The characters may enter the temple directly or may have ascertained there is a secret entrance in Area 2, requiring the party to make a DC 18 Perception check (to notice traffic in that area, DC 14 if guards were noticed entering the battle from that area). No check is needed if the expedition revealed a tunnel exists. Raxan, 10 bandits, 1 tarek and 1 acolyte are in the bypass tunnel, on the far side of the cave-in.
### Bypass Tunnel Entrance
The tunnel at area 2 is concealed as above and has also suffered a minor rockfall thanks to Raxan’s hasty excavation. It takes 4 persons on the outside using tools (on site) 2 hours to clear the rockfall enough that a medium-sized or smaller creature can get through, and 4 hours for a large one.
Out of the 10 bandits Raxan has with him, he has left 2 tired athasian bandits in the tunnel with torches to begin excavating from their end towards the bypass tunnel’s entrance. They take frequent breaks and yell out for excavators on the other side to be careful, not expecting trouble. From the interior with proper tools, the excavation takes half the time.
The tunnel exits into Area 7, the Egg Chamber.
Treasure: Each bandit has 1d6 gp on them.
### Hidden Chamber and Spring
If the rockfall in Area 2 is cleared, this activity causes a thin wall of stone to collapse, nearest to Area 2, revealing a secret chamber. Alternately, a DC 14 Nature check will reveal the wall is weak, automatic if a character has a background in stonework. The spring within is home to a mischievous water elemental (water scamp) that can speak Thalassic and exists so long as its spring remains undefiled and unpoisoned.
The entity thinks of itself as “Spring” (a pool with no bottom), has no concept of time, and is curious where its friends have gone. It used to play with “Rock” (visual of a smooth boulder) who would make tunnels for the summoners (“water-bags that move,” humanoids except thri-kreen remind Spring of the summoners, who were ancient halflings). Rock would put stone walls up and down.
Spring’s job was to make sure the water stayed open between its home (elemental plane of water) and this home. Then one day, the water door closed, and Spring had to work extra hard to get water from other places. Then one day Rock was gone and the water-bags were gone.
Spring has no concern about the Temple or current events and only wants to recreate its “good times” with Rock and a water-bag it once liked. If the party plays along, it promises to retrieve something from its “under-the-mountain-rocks-hidey-spot-crevice-stream.” Spring attempts to communicate with visuals what it wants:
The party to mimic Rock, including being chased by Spring while the party moves rocks around. Spring slaps hard (Rock never minded) while chasing, inflicting 1d6+1 slashing damage during the ordeal to a random participant.
To repair the wall that fell down. Rock always fixed things that fell. Using Raxan’s nearby excavating tools or their own, and others must succeed on two DC 14 Survival or Nature checks in a row. Multiple failures upsets Spring, who will, once only, drain the moisture out of a single random party potion fruit, rendering it useless, or waterskin if no potions.
Breathing. Spring is fascinated by the need to take in air and wants to experience when water-bags take in air by going into their lungs. A character is volunteering to drown (Spring cannot force itself into lungs without permission) becomes unconscious and must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude. On a failure, you take 1d10 damage, and on a critical failure, the character dies.
Upon success of at least two of the above three tasks, Spring tells them to wait before they finish the wall and on a watery tendril extends a heavily corroded bronze ring with a face set with the armored, horned head of a braxat. It sends a visual of a hand wearing the ring, shiny and new, at a wall, then pulling its hand back violently. The braxat head appears to smash the wall, obliterating it.
Treasure: This is a corroded Ring of the Ram, modified: requires no attunement, characters can activate the ring with one or more actions, depending on the number of successes per task completed above. Once those actions are used, the ring crumbles, leaving only a non-magical braxat head.
If the party opts for combat with Spring, it will fight until reduced to 5 hit points, then retreat into a watery crevice under its spring and hide within the mountain’s spring systems to nurse its wounds. Spring believes it still has a job to do (keep water flowing) and cannot be swayed from that belief as it is ingrained by the summons that brought it to Athas. Its destruction would prevent that job from being done.
Sidebar: Clever players might be able to lure some of Raxan’s forces here and trick them into a conflict. If Spring figures out the ruse, it will become insulted enough to attack
the party.
### Guardian Constructs
At the base of the first flight of stairs leading up to the temple’s entrance (Area 4 on the map), two statues of Earth Drakes (animated armor), silent sentinels of stone, awaken to test the adventurers’ resolve (moderate encounter). These constructs, animated by elemental magic, challenge the party to prove their worthiness, their right to stand in defense of the temple’s sacred charge. The constructs will not attack anyone wearing the Earth Drake amulet or those adjacent to the wearer unless attacked. The guardians will not pursue beyond Area 1, nor into Areas 2 or 5.
### Temple Glyphs
As the characters near the top of the second flight of stairs leading into the temple, glyphs glow on the walls from floor to ceiling (at Area 5 on the map). If they have the Earth Drake amulet the glyphs go out when the amulet is near.
A reeking dwarf corpse rots nearby, too far gone to identify (Raxan’s former business partner who set off the glyphs). A creature that steps on a glyph activates the Warding Glyph trap.
## Ley Lines
Read the following
Two pulsing lines of orange energy travel the floor and reflectively illuminate the cavern, whose walls are decorated with crystals, shaped and colored to create from a distance murals that tell a story regarding titanic lizards and a halfling tribe. The ley lines converge deeper into the cavern, and side chambers contain crystalline tables upon which rest various pottery items. Faint but indistinguishable humanoid voices can be heard coming from further in.
### Area Features
The ley lines (found at Area 6 on the map) embody the symbiotic relationship with Earth Drake eggs at Area 7, sustaining the temple and maturing the eggs with magical energy. All spells cast by druids, rangers, and non defilers, gain a status bonus to its damage equal to double the spell's rank, and such casters are aware of the infusion and feel a calm peace. A DC 14 Arcana or Nature Check reveals that there used to be multiple ley lines.
### Development
Raxan has reached Area 7 and is poised to claim the egg. His holdups are whether the temple will collapse or summon defenses if the egg is removed, and how to move it given it is larger than he expected. Raxan has left 2 bandits on watch in case of problems. These guards are poking around the pottery at one of the tables and will immediately yell and flee to Area 7 (egg chamber) rather than engage in combat. Anyone lingering for longer than 1 minute in cavern may attract attention from Area 7 and its encounter.
### Murals
The murals take 30 minutes to fully decipher as the stories span different alcoves, ultimately depicting a meeting of halfling and immense drakes. Together, they excavate this temple and seasonally, Earth Drakes would leave their eggs. The halflings created a society based around this relationship, creating harmony in their existence. Multiple ley lines to (now empty) chambers suggest multiple eggs were once housed herein. The last mural depicts many seasons passing and an Earth Drake returning to claim a hatched
egg in a great procession, renewing the land around the temple.
### Tables
The pottery is devotional and depicts events in the murals. Mixed into the pottery are crystalline rods, some containing a purplish hue that seems to slowly move through the crystal. These are halfling memory rods, a method of communicating for the Kaltimuk tribe where one can hear the words of the author (in the halfling language, which may require translation). While some have been damaged, 34 purple rods can be recovered and over a period of at least 24 hours, pieced together to give the information contained in the Conclusion.
## The Egg Chamber
Read the following
A nest of stone, shaped and cupped like an open hand, holds a radiant egg of orange hues, fed by an orange ley line of power coursing through the cavern floor. The egg is immense, easily the size of a full-grown human in height, and it pulses with a hastened heartbeat reflected in the ley line. The energy from the egg is captured by crystalline formations on the walls, which feed and sustain the illumination of the caverns and the energy of the temple. Your bodies rejoice in the infusion of life.
### Area Features
Same as Area 6. 1/day, the egg senses basic motivations of those within 10 ft. of it. A living creature that it deems means it no harm within this range senses that the egg can choose to heal its wounds (5 hit points restored) or cure itself of a single poison/disease once per day. A creature is healed as a free action on its turn. The egg ignores the first 5 points of damage of any kind inflicted upon it, automatically makes all saving throws, and is AC 15, 50 hit points.
### Pivotal Moment
This encounter is run as adventurers approach Area 7 on the map. The adventurers face a crucial decision that will shape the future of the temple and Earth Drakes. The egg is about to hatch. Regardless of what the party chooses, the Earth Drake egg’s mother has returned to the temple to witness this moment. With no members of the Kaltimuk tribe present to complete the ceremony, she drives off any expedition survivors and burrows into the temple entrance to get to her egg. Once the DM feels discussion has wound down, or combat is initiated here or from Area 6, begin Part 3, the Drake’s Legacy.
### Development
Raxan may believe the party is here to help, though he is highly suspicious if they enter from the main entrance (giving them a +2 bonus on deception checks to trick him). He is also suspicious why they needed to enter the temple and how things went with the druid. The egg is larger than he anticipated, and he is unsure if they can get back through the bypass. He is also worried about magical traps if the egg is moved, given the fate of a former business partner at Area 5. Raxan’s crew, except the acolyte, openly fantasize what they’ll do with their shares.
► If the party sides with Raxan or deceives him, he listens to suggestions that include him having eyes on the egg at all times. It will take 2 medium humanoids of 10 or higher Strength to carry the egg (the terrain is not conducive to rolling), reducing their speed to 10 ft. per round.
► If the party attacks Raxan from Area 7, he is not surprised, having discussed with his loyal crew whether the party could be trusted, and to be wary around them
# Part 4: The Drake's Legacy
The mother of the egg, an adult Earth Drake, has arrived to witness the hatching of its young, a momentous occasion that renews the land. When she doesn’t see the halfling guardians, she burrows through the entrance, taking care to not collapse the cavern as there may be halflings inside. Any expedition survivors outside flee or are killed.
If Akterec lived and believed the party was saving the egg, it communicates this to the mother drake, who avoids randomly injuring one random non-halfling character. She is not advanced enough to distinguish one humanoid from another and envisions anything interfering with her egg as a threat.
DM Note: The Earth Drake normally is a foe well beyond a 2nd level party. However, its actions make it a reduced threat foe for a time. The DM should emphasize the sheer size and lethalness of the creature, large enough to swallow a half-giant whole.
This part ends if (1) all enemies are defeated, (2) the egg is nearly destroyed, or (3) the egg reaches Area 1.
## The Mother Drake’s Return
The mother drake’s arrival is terrifying. From inside, the entire cavern shakes, crystals crack, and the wards at the front explode as the entrance is widened under her burrowing assault to get to the egg. Raxan tells his crew not to panic and attempts to use the bypass to escape with the egg, ordering the party (if on his side) to distract the drake, along with most of his forces. The Earth Drake lodges herself in the primary entrance (Areas 4 & 5), moving forward enough to get within 60 ft. of Area 7 so that she can use her tremorsense to sense targets regardless of vision.
Meanwhile, if Spring the water elemental from Area 3 survived, the shake caused the wall to come down again. It senses favorably the drake’s return and comes to help against anything attacking the drake or trying to move the egg from Area 7. If Spring was previously injured, it has recovered 2d8 hit points.
If the animated armors from Area 4 were not encountered, they follow the burrowing drake, an ally, into Areas 6 and 7 to dispatch intruders.
Credit: William O'Connor
Expedition forces: (extreme encounter)
- Raxan, bandit captain. Carries 10 gp and 4 silver pieces.
- 2 athasian bandits. Possibly +2 athasian bandits from the inside of the cave in of Area 2 (bypass tunnel). Each has 1d6 gp.
- 1 sun para-elemental acolyte .
- 1 tarek.
Earth Drake forces:
Earth Drake. Acts last in the round.
- Will not attack halflings or Akterec’s protected PC unless attacked.
- Will not move unless the egg makes it outside to Area 1. See Developments.
- Actions:
Daze, focusing first on attackers, then anything attacking a halfling or Akterec’s allies, plus a jaws Strike against a melee target within 10 ft.
- Cannot take any other action while wedged.
- Withdraws if reduced below 200 hit points.
Spring, water elemental. May fight expedition forces in Area 2 first.
Animated Armor from Area 4. Will not attack amulet bearer but otherwise attack the nearest non-ally targets. Their primary goal is to get to the egg and destroy any intruders in the way.
### Developments
These developments only occur if the party takes no actions. Their decisions may affect how others act and the DM should modify accordingly.
Round 1:
Earth Drake arrives, delays attacking this round, and gets into a position blocking the entrance. Animated armors may arrive and begin attacking everyone.
Raxan orders 2 athasian bandits to carry the egg to the bypass tunnel leading to Area 2 and follows them. If the party took a short rest at any time, the tunnel is already clear. If not, Raxan realizes the way is blocked. If triggered, Spring attacks egg carriers, killing 1 bandit per round. Once both egg carriers are dead, Raxan will hit Spring, causing it to flee the combat.
If the way is clear, the egg moves at 10 feet per round, exiting the tunnel after 10 more rounds. If the party attacked Raxan, his guards in Area 7 focus on them first.
Round 2:
If the way is clear, the egg moves at 10 feet per round, exiting the tunnel after 10 more rounds.
Round 3:
► Spring is driven away by Raxan. Raxan returns to Area 7, with the two bypass guards if they are still alive.
Threatening the Egg. Raxan will attempt if reduced to 50% hit points or less, or obviously about to lose. If near the egg, his visual threat succeeds in causing the Earth Drake to cease attacks. However, this does not stop anything else from attacking. If the party or armors attack his forces, Raxan hits the egg and the drake withdraws from the entrance. It will not attack anyone within reach of the egg with a weapon. Raxan begins to slowly escape through the front, warning the party it is the only way to save all their lives.
If the egg is taken to Area 1, the mother drake withdraws and confronts them. The armors and Spring do not pursue. The egg begins to ripple with energy. Go to The Egg Hatches, Threatened.
Destroying the Egg. If the egg is reduced to 10 hit points or less, go to The Egg Hatches, Damaged.
If the party shows the egg is safe and defeats all threats, they may witness an event only a handful of Tableland dwellers have ever seen. Go to The Egg Hatches, Safely.
### The Egg Hatches
Damaged. The ley energy of the temple dies with the hatchling, which weakly attempts to climb from its shell and collapses, tongue lolling, never to move again. The mother drake withdraws. No more death will be visited upon this area for today, but the party senses a great harm has been inflicted upon the land. The future of Earth Drakes in these mountains may have been erased, forever.
Safely. The egg becomes more vibrant the closer it is to being returned to its pedestal at Area 7. Within minutes, in an explosion of profound primordial energy, the egg hatches. A kaleidoscope of nature’s colors, bound into ripples of potent energy, echo through the ley lines and are refracted by the crystals. The ley lines carry life throughout the temple and into the lands beyond. The air lightens and hums with the celebration of the unity between the foundational element of earth and Athas. Emerging with a confused blink from the egg, faded from its vibrant eruption, is a miniature version of the mother drake. It knows its mother, and together, the two unite. Her gaze falls upon you, and for that moment, there is peace. She gathers her young and the two lumber off towards the mountains, the newborn climbing the sheer cliffs innately.
All living creatures in the area permanently gain +1 Hit Point maximum. The DM may optionally allow a dead player character to forgo this benefit and instead be resurrected at 1 hit point.
Threatened. The egg begins to crack. Inside the temple, the ley lines thrum with a misplaced energy as the harmony between earth and mortals is disrupted. Whip-like orange energy lashes from the egg, seeking the ley lines that would satisfy a union, but it cannot. A confused, sickly lizard the size of a dwarf emerges from the egg, but clearly something is wrong. If the mother drake is near, she seizes her offspring and flees, burrowing into the mountains at maximum speed. Without her, nothing can save the newborn from dying within the day. Without the ritual of the egg in its proper place, no renewal of the land occurs.
If alive, Raxan will attempt to flee, seeing his venture wrecked.
# Part 5: Conclusion
The adventure concludes with the egg hatching and the party gaining access to the memory stones of the Kaltimuk tribe, revealing an event that impacted the fate of an entire people and by consequence, the fate of the Earth Drakes. The campaign continues in LOTRS 1-3 Echoes of the Vanished.
The legacy of the party’s choices may open new adventures, including seeking out Raxan’s patron, restoring the lost union between drake and mortals, or suffering the vengeance of Earth Drakes and their allies.
### The Halflings’ Fate Begins to Unveil
The following can be gleaned from the memory stones found within the temple, though without dates, from multiple authors who function as the leader of temple operations:
- The temple’s excavation was a joyous occasion, attended by multiple Earth Drakes and the tribe’s greatest casters and leaders. Each egg would be protected as the Earth Drakes roamed, and their return and the birth would renew the land.
- The tribe hoped the union could be replicated, perhaps after centuries of observation, with other drakes, to drive back the defiled land.
- The temple was once larger, but an attack by defilers seeking its riches caused cave-ins and the loss of many elemental allies. Knowledge of summoning these allies back was lost.
- Day-to-day operations, including renewal of wards. The crafter of temple guardians dies, and all are sad. They are unable to replicate her work.
- The tribe is worried about the declining number of Earth Drakes in the region but holds hope that even one egg may lead to a resurgence, the author muses that the lone egg in the temple may hatch in the next year or so, and expects a glorious reunion.
- Concern about a widening division in the tribe regarding something referred to as “the artifact.”
- Several months ago, all tribe members without exception were summoned to a very urgent and important gathering in the far western part of their lands. They were gathering to vote on some sort of profound decision which may affect the future of the entire tribe.
- Temple keepers wished to remain neutral in the matter and tend to the temple only, forming their own minor faction.
- Leaving the egg unguarded caused much conflict among the temple keepers, fear of the consequences of it being taken or harmed could not be ignored but the call to leave the temple would be obeyed.
### Rewards
All characters gain a level at the conclusion of the adventure.
Scalewrath: If the party refused the weapon or did not search Akterec’s body, either Akterec will present it to them as a gift, or Scalewrath is found in the aftermath.
# Appendix A: NPCs & Monsters
#### Acolyte
Common, Pyric, Susurran
Athletics +5, Diplomacy +5, Medicine +7, Religion +10
chitin armor, religious symbol, stone warhammer
+10; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
20; poison 3
20 feet
{1A} warhammer +7 (deadly d10, flaw, inferior, shove, weighty),
1d8+1 bludgeoning
Divine Prepared Spells DC 17, attack +9; dizzying colors, heal x3, runic weapon; divine lance, shield, stabilize
Cleric Domain Spells DC 17, 1 Focus Point; Dazzling Flash
Turn Undead When a sun cleric uses heal to damage undead, each level 0 or lower undead that critically fails its save gains the fleeing condition for 1 round.
#### Akterec
+15; low-light vision
Common, Iruxi, Wildsong
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +12, Intimidation +13, Nature +13, Stealth +10 (+12 in forest), Survival +13
+1 staff, dagger, hide armor,
25 feet
{1A} thanak +13 (magical, deadly d8, two-hand d10),
2d6+4 bludgeoning
{1A} jaws +13, 2d6+4 piercing
{1A} claws +13 (agile), 2d4+4 slashing
Druid Prepared Spells DC 22, attack +14; heal, summon animal; blazing bolt, exploding earth, scorching ray; breathe fire, fleet step, summon animal; ignition, healing plaster, guidance, light, rousing splash
Druid Order Spells DC 22, 1 focus Point; heal animal
#### Animated Armor
+6; darkvision
Athletics +9
17 (13 when broken)
+4; construct armor
20; 9bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, spirit, unconscious, vitality, void
Construct Armor Hardness reduces any damage it takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once animated armor is reduced to less than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks, removing the Hardness and reducing its Armor Class to 13.
20 feet
{1A} slam +10 (magical),
1d8+4 bludgeoning plus Grab
#### Bandit
Common, any one language
Athletics +5, Intimidation +4
mace, light crossbow, 20 bolts, hide armor
14 (15 with shield raised)
Shield Block {R}
25 feet
{1A} mace +8 (shove), 1d6+3 bludgeoning
{1A} crossbow +6 (range increment 120 feet),
1d8 piercing
#### Earth Drake
+29; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 120 feet
Athletics +36, Intimidation +33, Nature +28, Survival +30
disease, drained, enfeebled, paralyzed, petrified, poison, polymorph, stupefied; acid 15, mental 15;
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 35.
Reactive Strike {R}
35 feet, burrow 25 feet, climb 35 feet; earth glide
{1A} jaws +35 (deadly 3d10, reach 10 feet),
3d12+20 piercing plus Improved Grab
{1A} claw +35 (agile, reach 15 feet),
3d8+20 slashing
{1A} tail +35 (reach 15 feet),
3d10+20 bludgeoning
Primal Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27; heaving earth, shape stone, wall of stone; earthquake; pave ground, petrify; one with stone (×2); daze, message, telekinetic projectile
Crystal Burst {2A} (earth, primal) The earth drake summons an explosion of razor-sharp crystal splinters dealing 18d6 piercing damage in a 30-foot burst within 120 feet, with a DC 38 basic Reflex save. The earth drake can't use Crystal Burst again for 1d4 rounds.
Earth Glide The earth drake can Burrow through any earthen matter, including rock. When they do so, the earth drake moves at their full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of their passing.
Swallow Whole {1A} (attack) Huge, 8d6+6 bludgeoning, Rupture 35
Trample {3A} Huge or smaller, claw, DC 38. When the earth drake Tramples, it can Stride up to triple its Speed.
#### Raxan
Athletics +8, Intimidation +6, Survival +5
hide armor, stone khopesh, tortoise shield (Hardness 3, 10 HP, BT 5)
19 (20 with shield raised)
Reactive Strike {R}
25 feet
{1A} stone khopesh +7 (deadly d10, trip), 1d8+4 slashing
{1A} tortoise blade +7 (versatile P), 1d6+4 slashing
Pack Attack Raxan deals an extra 1d4 damage to any creature that is within reach of at least two of Raxan’s allies.
#### Tarek
Athletics +7, Intimidation +4, Survival +4
breastplate, javelin (4), handfork, heartpick
Ferocity {R}
Reactive Strike {R}
25 feet
{1A} handfork +7 (agile, disarm, tarek), 1d6+4 piercing
{1A} heartpick +7 (fatal d10, tarek, trip),
1d8+4 piercing
{1A} fist +7 (agile, nonlethal), 1d4+4 bludgeoning
{1A} javelin +7 (thrown 30 feet), 1d6+4 piercing
Pack Attack The tarek deals an extra 1d4 damage to any creature that is within reach of at least two of the tarek’s allies.
#### Warding Glyph
DC 18 (trained)
A magical glyph flashes before triggering a spell.
Thievery DC 18 (trained) to disable the glyph or dispel magic (2nd level, counteract DC 21) to counteract the glyph
Thundering Push {R} (primal) A creature steps on a glyph The triggering creature is hit by a thunderous blast and takes 3d10 sonic damage and is pushed back 5 feet. The triggering creature can attempt a DC 18 Basic Reflex Save. A creature that critically fails this save takes double damage and is pushed back 10 feet.
The trap resets over the course of the round and can be triggered again 1 round later.
#### Water Scamp
+3; darkvision
Athletics +6, Stealth +6
20 (fast healing 2 (while underwater)); bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; acid 3, fire 3
20 feet, fly 25 feet, swim 25 feet
{1A} claw +8 (agile, finesse), 1d6+1 slashing
Arcane Innate Spells DC 17, attack +9; acid grip; create water
Druid Order Spells DC 22, 1 focus Point; heal animal
Acid Breath {2A} (acid, primal) The water scamp breathes acid in a 15-foot cone that deals 2d6 acid damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex save). The water scamp can't use Acid Breath again for 1d4 rounds.
Drench {1A} (primal, water) The water scamp shakes out a seemingly endless supply of water from its fur to put out all fires in a 5-foot emanation. The scamp extinguishes all non-magical fires automatically and attempts to counteract magical fires (+7 counteract modifier).
# Appendix B: Maps
### Baazrag Encounter Map
by Trevor Rogan (oneromancy Maps)
### Temple of the Earth Drake Map
by Trevor Rogan (Oneromancy Maps) & Becca Brage (The Muscial Rogue)
### Lands of the Ravaged Sun Map
by Gabriel Eggers (Avangion)
### Tablelands Map
by Gabriel Eggers (Avangion)