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### Descargar libros gratis en iPod Touch FINDING A GEEK FOR MY VERY OWN (edición en inglés) [![Focus](]( Para descargar o leer este libro, haz clic en el botón de enlace de abajo : ➡ [**[Descargar libro]( "Descargar libro")**] ➡ [**[Leer libro en línea]( "Leer libro en línea")**] ### FINDING A GEEK FOR MY VERY OWN (edición en inglés) TAMMY GODFREY ebook * Page: * Format: pdf / epub / kindle * ISBN: 9798224132553 * Publisher: Phoenix Voices Publishing Overview Tiara loved going to comic book conventions every year, however this year Tiaras best friend Carrie is changing things up by making her go to speed dating. Yes, I know speed dating, Tiara wanted to throw-up. She wasnt asking for a hot guy, theyre too much trouble. Tiara wants a guy thats into D&D, conventions, cosplay, SciFi movies, binge-worthy TV shows, and comic books, vintage and new. In other words, a geek. There are three times the amount of nerd guys than nerd girls, and still she couldnt hook one. But things change. Her eyes catch a gleam from the cosplay armor of Iron Man, and meets Adam, the man behind the mask. His power: the ability to make her heartbeat like a jack hammer. Has she found a geek for her very own? Adam comes to the comic book convention every year with his friends and family. After he beholds a beautiful Mother of Dragons, his purpose is clear - talk to her. Most women that come to these events have boyfriends, but this one was on her own. Adam realizes that the woman of his fantasy is real when she passes the ultimate test. She meets the family and survives the judgement of friends. But with the light of newfound love comes the dark. She is Dakota, aka The Ex. She was paid to be a cosplay girl, but her real agenda was clear. Get Adam back or dash the hopes for anyone else.