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## Way of Force Walking Force Ghost have much to offer and more to teach to Consulars who are attuned to the force. Consulars who follow the **Way of Force Walking** create a *Spiritual Force Focus* allowing them to empower their abilities and commune with the departed. ### power from beyond You gain proficiency is artificers tools, additionally over a long rest you can construct a *Spiritual Force Focus*. Using specially prepared rituals and ancient incantations passed down by Jedi and Sith alike, you have awakened and bound a Force Ghost to your *Spiritual Force Focus*. At 3rd level, while you are holding the *Spiritual Force Focus*, it grants you the following benefits: 1. When an ally within 10 feet of you or your force ghost is hit by an attack you can use your reaction and expend a use of your Force Shield feature to shroud it in Force energy. If you do so, until the start of your next turn, both you and your ally gain the benefits of your Force Shield. This includes the triggering attack. 2. Your *Spiritual Force Focus* is a wellspring of power to bend the force to your will. After every long rest choose a Force-Empowered casting option that you do not have, you may use this casting option once per long rest without paying additional force points, all other rules of Force-Empowered casting apply. If necessary, you can replace the Focus over the course of a long rest by using your artificers tools to rebind a spirit to a new or Enhanced focus to which you are attuned. At the end of the rest, your spirit's consciousness is bound into the new focus, which the consciousness transforms into your *Spiritual Force Focus*. If the previous focus still existed somewhere, it loses all previous properties. ### Manifest Force Ghost At 6th level, you can conjure forth the Spirit of your *Spirit Force Focus*. As a bonus action while the focus is on your person, you can cause the force ghost to manifest as a spectral being, hovering in an unoccupied space of your choice within 60 feet of you. The force ghost is intangible and doesn't occupy its space, and it sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius. While manifested, the force ghost can hear and see, and it has darkvision with a range of 60 feet. The force ghost can telepathically share with you what it sees and hears (no action required). Whenever you cast a force power on your turn, you can cast it as if you were in the force ghost's space, instead of your own, using its senses. You can do so a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. As a bonus action, you can cause the force ghost to hover up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you or it can see. It can pass through creatures but not objects. The force ghost stops manifesting if it is ever more than 300 feet away from you, if someone casts Force Suppression on it, if the *Spiritual Force Focus* is destroyed, if you die, or if you dismiss the force ghost as a bonus action. Once you conjure the force ghost, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 2 force points to conjure it again.
\pagebreakNum ### Spiritual empowerment Starting at 10th level your shared consciousness with your force ghost allows you to bestow the force onto others When you casts a force power that would affect only you, you can instead have it affect yourself and an ally within 10 feet of your force ghost. At 11th level, your companion must be within 30 feet of your force ghost to benefit from this feature. At 17th level, your companion must be within 60 feet. ### Possession Beginning at 14th level, you can send your force ghost to posses other living things. As an action you command your force ghost enters a humanoid creature within 10 feet of it forcing it to make a Wisdom saving throw against your universal force casting DC, being hostile or hurt by you or your companions does not give the target advantage on this save. Upon failing the target is charmed by you for 1 minute, the possessed target acts independently of you but is friendly to you and your allies. The possessed creature still counts as a manifested force ghost for all archetype features but is no longer intangible or shedding light, additionally it loses its flying speed unless the possessed creature has its own flight speed. You maintain your telepathic link but no longer need to spend a bonus action to issue it commands. The possession ends early if either the charmed creature or you are killed, knocked unconscious or the possessed is targeted by the Force Suppression power. Droids and creatures with legendary actions are immune to possession, and finally This power can only be used once per long rest. ### Flow through me Finally at 18th level whenever you cast a force power that cost force points through your force ghost or while holding your *Spiritual Force Focus* that inflicts damage or restores hit points, you may roll one additional damage or healing dice. >**Fleshing out your force ghost** Who is your force ghost? Why are they helping you? Did you find your ghost or did it find you? Roll on the tables below or make up your own story! | d6 | Alignment | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | Jedi | | 2 | Sith | | 3 | Gray Jedi | | 4 | Dark Jedi | | 5 | Neutral | 6 | Other | | d4 | Motive | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | Altruistic | | 2 | Selfish | | 3 | Legacy | | 4 | Destiny | | d6 | Contact | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | Discovered in a temple | | 2 | Met in your dreams | | 3 | A returned friend or relative | | 4 | Taken from another | | 5 | Found in space or hyperspace | | 6 | Just showed up |