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Defeating jihadist terrorism Jacques Baud ebook
- Page: 390
- Format: pdf / epub / kindle
- ISBN: 9782315010790
- Publisher: Max Milo
Overview What the terrorists want and say Thirty years ago (before the first war in Iraq), about 500 attacks killed 350 people a year. Today, after endless wars against terrorism, the number of attacks has increased 30-fold and the number of victims by 100. Wherever our forces are engaged committed, terrorism is on the rise : either we unleash community rivalries (as in Libya and the Sahel), or we seek to overthrow governments (as in Syria and Iraq) or we generate resistance movements (as in the Sahel and Afghanistan). Based on the original texts of the jihadist terrorism strategists, on the post the Islamic State itself after the attacks in France, in Britain, and the United States, the book examines the problematic of terrorism and and jihadism in order to explain its mechanisms, extract action strategies for action and for defeating this scourge. Former intelligence officer of the Swiss government's hostage crisis unit and head of UN intelligence in Sudan. Based on his personal experiences in peacekeeping operations in Africa and Central Asia, the author had to interact with jihadists in the field on several occasions. His observations led him to further study the asymmetric nature of jihadist terrorism and to draw lessons from contemporary Western engagements.