Bugbear & Blade's Armor Rework v 0.1

by TheCunningDM

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Bugbear and Blade's Armor Rework

But Why?

I've avoided adding DR for years for all the reasons you've heard before. This document (and current playtesting) owes it's existence to two things. The first is my attempt to make large and larger creatures feel different, which lead to some inelegant solutions, and during that time coming across Galiphile's new Unbound Realms armor. (Check their work out, they've got some very cool stuff going on!)

I took a look at their system and asked: "What if we turned this up to 11!"

Armor Properties

AC: The AC is calculated thusly: 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Dexterity Bonus. Armor modifies this as seen in the AC column of the armor. (taken straight from Galiphile)

DR: Damage Reduction. Any Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing damage the wearer takes is reduced by this number.

Full Coverage: An armor that has this property also applies it's damage reduction to any Acid, Cold, Fire or Lightning damage taken.

Heavy (x): If the character wearing the armor has a strength score that's less than the number in parenthesis they count as if they are not proficient with this armor.

Noisy: Any character wearing noisy armor has disadvantage on stealth checks.

Ornamented: This armor can be worn in polite society without causing disadvantage to Deception, Persuasion or NPC reaction checks.

Name Cost Armor Class (AC) Damage Reduction (DR) Properties Weight
Light Armor
Gambeson (Padded) 5 gp Dex Modifier (max 2) 3 8 lb.
Leather 10 gp Dex Modifier 1 10 lb.
Hardened Leather 45 gp Dex Modifier 2 13 lb.
Brocaded Gambeson 150 gp Dex Modifier (max 2) 3 Ornamented 8 lb.
Medium Armor
Hide 10 gp Dex Modifier (max 2) 3 12 lb.
Chain shirt 50 gp Dex Modifier (max 2) 4 20 lb.
Cured Scale 50 gp 6 Noisy 45 lb.
Breastplate 400 gp Dex Modifier +2 20 lb.
Brigandine 450 gp Dex Modifier (max 2) 5 Noisy 40 lb.
Metal Scale Mail 450 gp 7 Noisy 40 lb.
Heavy Armor
Great Hide 30 gp 5 40 lb.
Bronze Plate 30 gp 6 Noisy 40 lb.
Chain Hauburk 75 gp 7 Full Coverage, Heavy 15, Noisy 55 lb.
Half plate 750 gp Dex Modifier (max 2) +2 4 Heavy 13, Noisy 40 lb.
O-Yoroi 1,100 gp +1 5 Full Coverage, Heavy 15, Noisy 60 lb.
Brigandine and Chain 550 gp 8 Full Coverage, Heavy 15, Noisy 60 lb.
Full Plate 1,500 gp +2 6 Full Coverage, Heavy 15, Noisy 65 lb.

Armor Modifications

Fur Lined: The armor reduces the wearer's AC by 1, but gives the wearer advantage on extreme cold enviroment checks.

Reinforced: This can't be applied to any armor that has the Noisy property. The armor gains a +1 AC and the Noisy property.

Spiked: The armor reduces the wearer's AC by 1, and any creature that grapples or is grappled by the creature takes 1d4 piercing damage at the start of it's turn.


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