Art by Un Lee.
Spiritual Warrior
Receive External Spiritual Help
The Spiritual Warriors never battle alone, and sometimes they even appear talking to themselves. They gain their powers through ancestors, magical items or even some unknown being, awakening powers that set them apart from the rest in versatility and raw power.
Level 3: Beyond Knowledge
When you finish a long rest or if you choose to meditate during a short rest, you can gain two proficiencies that you don’t have, being a skill or tool of your choice. You mystically acquire these skills through your spirit, who shares past or paranormal knowledge with you. This benefit lasts until you use this feature again.
Level 3: External Help
You have a spirit that stands behind your back, with a translucent form and whatever appearance you choose. This spirit is only visible to you and those who can see the Ethereal plane.
When you choose this subclass, choose Wisdom or Charisma to be your Spirit Ability. This choice affects the other features of this subclass, some of which use your Spirit Save DC, which is equal to 8 plus your Proficiency Bonus plus your Spirit Ability's Modifier.
Level 3: Spiritual Powers
When you roll initiative, you gain a pool of "Spirit Points" equal to the Spirit Ability's Modifier. You can spend your Spirit points to do any of the following:
- When you take the Attack action, you can spend 1 Spirit Point to imbue a weapon or your Unarmed Strikes with the power of the Spirit, dealing 1d4 extra Force damage until the end of your turn.
- In place of an attack, you can can spend at least 1 Spirit Point to command the Spirit to make an attack instead. All creatures you choose within a 15-foot cone of you must make a Dexterity saving throw or they will take a number of d8 equal to the Spirit Points spent + Spirit Ability's Modifier of Force damage.
- When you are the target of an attack roll, using your Reaction, you can spend a Spirit Point to give disadvantage to the attack; for each point beyond the first spent, one more attack you suffer until the start of your next turn will be made with disadvantage.
You regain one expended Spirit Point at the start of each of your turns.
Level 7: Levitation
You gain other uses for your Spirit Points, listed below:
- Using your Bonus Action, you can gain 10 feet of fly speed per point spent, which lasts until the end of your turn.
- For each Spirit Point spent, the range of your melee attacks is increased by 5 feet until the end of your turn.
- If you spend 1 Spirit Point, attacking at long range doesn't impose Disadvantage on your attack rolls with Ranged weapons, and your range to these attacks increases by 20 feet per Spirit Point spent for the same duration.
Level 10: Greater Connection
You gain proficiency in saving throws depending on the attribute you chose as your Spirit Ability, being it Charisma or Wisdom.
Level 15: Spirit Gasp
When you use Second Wind, you recover a spent Spirit Point.
Level 18: Fusion
Using your Bonus Action, you can temporarily merge with the spirit that accompanied you all along. When you do this, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
- You grow one size bigger;
- You regain all Spirit Points at the start of each turn;
- You have advantage in Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws.
Once you use your Bonus Action this way, you can only do it again when you finish a long rest.