Red Lily Knight

by thauandelicinha

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Red Lily Knight

Fight with Deadly Vines

Plants are often associated with life and protection. However, these warriors completely reverse this notion, using vines and thorns to bathe in the blood of their enemies. Thus, they are extremely aggressive, and the plants they summon usually have a crimson appearance, reminiscent of the blood shed by their powers.

Level 3: Red Thorns

Your relationship with nature is quite peculiar. You gain proficiency in Nature or Medicine.

Additionally, you can summon deadly red vines to assist you in combat. In the place of an attack when you take the Attack Action or as a Bonus Action, you can cast Thorn Whip. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for the spell. The size of the cantrip die increases to d8 at level 7, d10 at level 10 and d12 at level 15.

Level 3: Blood Bloom

The thorny vines of death aid you and the spilled blood invigorates you. Using your Bonus Action, you invoke a state of ecstasy, turning your hair red and making red marks appear on your face, resembling blood. When you do so, crimson vines emerge from the ground. Creatures you choose within a 10-foot radius of you become Restrained until the start of your next turn.

Additionally, for 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • The range of Thorn Whip becomes 120 feet and the distance you pull the creature is doubled;
  • Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 slashing damage;
  • Your melee attacks have an additional 5-foot reach.

You have one use of this feature, gaining one more at levels 7 and 15. You regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Level 7: Spider Lily

Using your Bonus Action, you can launch a vine and move to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.

Level 10: Thorny Terrain

When you use Blood Bloom, you gain the following additional benefits for the duration:

  • Immediately after using Blood Bloom, you can cast Spike Growth, and you don't take damage from the spell;
  • Your melee attacks now have an additional 10-foot reach.

Level 10: Wipe with the Vine

When you use the Attack Action, you can replace half of your attacks (rounded up) with a sweeping attack using vines. When performing this special attack, creatures of your choice within a 20-foot radius must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Str. or Dex. mod.), taking damage from your weapon on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Level 15: Thorny Advance

Your mastery of the vines increases, as does your mobility. As such, you can ignore difficult terrain, as if the vines constantly aid your movement by holding you in the air.

Also, the thorny vines assist you even if you miss your attacks and can slow down your enemies. When you make an attack in your turn, you can activate the Slow or Graze mastery property, even if a different Weapon Mastery is being applied.

Level 18: Everblooming

When you roll initiative and have no uses of Blood Bloom remaining, you can use the feature after
dealing a total of 50 damage (to creatures) in

Lastly, the extra damage die of Blood Bloom
becomes d12.


1st Art by T_blence
2nd Art by Wuthering Waves