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# Project 5.5 ___ **Version 2** ## Preface The D&D 5.5 project is a large collection of variant rules for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, meant to act as a “vanilla plus” modification of the original system and as a compendium of the majority of material released for the original system over the past few years. It includes numerous fundamental changes to the original rules, and is partially backwards compatible with the original system and subclasses. ___ I do not claim to own ideas and rules presented in the original 5th edition material, nor do I claim any of the art presented. This is unofficial fan content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. All credit goes to Wizards of the Coast and artists’ whose works are used, the latter of whom are credited directly on pages where their art appears or at the end of the document where their work appears. #### Playtest Material These variant rules are to be considered major modifications in playtest. They are not official in any capacity, nor are they necessarily complete or balanced. As new updates and fixes are made, they will be added to this doc and its subsidiaries. #### Backwards Compatibility? Many of the rules here, especially classes, were changed to fit the balancing of the 5.5 project, and are not backwards compatible with the original system as they are currently written. ___ The races and subraces, renamed here to Ancestries and Heritages, are mostly compatible with the original system, but may interfere with balancing. ___ When using this system, especially with 5.5 classes, it is recommended to use all applicable 5.5 rules instead of the original content for a given item, if available. For example, if you were to play with the 5.5 rules for the Fighter class, a subclass from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything may not be easily translatable to the new progression system. #### Can't Find a Rule? If a rule from the original 5th Edition D&D is not present here, then it is either unfinished or it is material with too few or no changes that warrant a revision. Until a revised version of a rule is made, the original version is recommended. \columnbreak #### Mistakes, Feedback, and Questions If you find a mistake in one of these docs, you have a question about one or more rules presented here, or you have feedback you'd like to give about anything you find here, please contact @esteban_7581 on Discord, or /Scared_Carob771 on Reddit! #### A Note on GM Binder Links This document and its sublinks are updated often. When an update releases, some links may not show the updated page upon opening them if you had previously opened that link. To fix this, simply reload the page. If that doesn't work, then there is either a delay before the link fully updates, or I improperly updated the link. #### Additional Links - [Master Changelog from 5e]( "All the changes I made from 5th Edition D&D") - [Project 5.5 Update Log]( "A list of all updates made to Project 5.5") - [Credits]( "Credits to all art and content inspirations") - [Feedback Form]( "A place to provide feedback on the project")
\pagebreakNum # Player's Handbook ## Ancestries The following ancestries are available to be played in Project 5.5. They are sorted into four categories: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Prestige. Common will likely be allowed in most games and in most worlds, with those ancestries usually comprising the majority of society. Uncommon ancestries may be harder to find, and Rare ancestries may be much harder to find; you should ask your DM if you can play one of those ancestries. \columnbreak #### Prestige Ancestries Prestige ancestries are ancestries that modify another ancestry, usually at later levels to meet their prerequisites. You must always build your character using a Common, Uncommon, or Rare ancestry before you can apply a Prestige ancestry (For example, you must make your character a Human before they can Prestige into a Dhampir). Some ancestries can also be played as Prestige Ancestries (such as Shifter, for example), and some have Prestige ancestries for specific ancestries listed on their document (such as Fledgling, for example). The rules for these specialty Prestiges are written in a dedicated note on that ancestry, and are labeled here with a "
". If an ancestry has a "
+ ", it has multiple Prestige options.
##### Common - [Dragonborn]( "Dragonfolk descended from dragons.") - [Dwarf]( "Short, hardy folk who live beneath the mountain.") - [Elf]( "Long-living minor fey people attuned to the various biomes of the world.") - [Gnome]( "Short, eccentric minor fey who chase new experiences.") - [Goliath]( "Mountain giantfolk that live in the peaks of mountains.") - [Halfling]( "Short folk that typically enjoy the simple life.") - [Human]( "The most common folk, and the most adaptable.")
- [Lupin]( "Loyal, civilized Dogfolk and werewolf hunters.") - [Orc]( "Nomadic warriors known for their bulky forms and natural strength.") - [Tabaxi]( "Catfolk with an insatiable curiosity and wanderlust.") - [Tiefling]( "A people cursed with the visage of devils.") \columnbreak ##### Uncommon - [Aviana]( "A line of humans native to the Plane of Air, known for the wings on the sides of their heads.") - [Axol]( "Axolotl lakefolk known for their underwater farming and trading.") - [Centaur]( "Half-horse, half-human fey.") - [Eladrin]( "Elves greatly attuned to the fey, their appearance taking on seasonal changes in accordance with their mood.") - [Firbolg]( "Half-giant cowfolk greatly attuned to the forests of the world.") - [Fledgling]( "Birdfolk native to the Plane of Air with a desire for knowledge.")
- [Gith]( "A vaguely fish-like people divided over an old war.") - [Goblin]( "An ugly subterranean folk that are perfectly average and non-average at all things.") - [Gnoll]( "Chaotic hyenafolk descended from ancient demons.") - [Harengon]( "Fey bunnyfolk, known for being the personifications of travel.") - [Hobgoblin]( "A line of goblins raised to be warriors for the fey.") - [Kitsune]( "Charismatic and witty fox people with a connection to the spiritual world.") - [Kobold]( "Small dragon-adjacent people known for their cowardice and inventiveness.") - [Lizardfolk]( "Crocodilian swampfolk living off animalistic instinct and wits.") - [Minotaur]( "Half-bull, half-human folk who wander and guard strongholds with a strong sense of direction.") - [Ratfolk]( "Clever and communal mouse or rat people with a minor obsession with collectibles.") - [Satyr]( "Goat-like fey known for their revelry and whimsy.") - [Thri-Kreen]( "Communal bugfolk that originated from the Cosmos, but have adapted to deserts.") - [Triton]( "Humans native to the Plane of Water, known for their noble guardianship of the seas.") - [Twinned Lineage]( "People who display the characteristics of multiple ancestries.")
- [Yuan-Ti]( "The emotionless, conspiring snakefolk originally born of ancient rituals.")
\columnbreak ##### Rare - [Aasimar]( "Rare folk descended from celestials of major alignments.") - [Automaton]( "Robotic folk created to perform a specific task.")
- [The Carved]( "Statues given life by absorbing the souls of the dead.") - [Changeling]( "Folk with variable appearances that often blend into other societies.") - [Chiropteran]( "Amalgamations of bats and drow exiled to dark caves.")
- [Fairy]( "Tiny trickster fey more prone to helping than not.") - [Farlander]( "People heavily warped by a cosmic entity after narrowly escaping its pull.")
- [Genasi]( "People that bear strong characteristics of the four elements.") - [Gorgonfolk]( "Ancient humans cursed by a vain deity with features of gorgons.") - [Grung]( "Territorial frogfolk who rule their ponds like a kingdom.") - [Hadozee]( "Monkeyfolk that sail across wildspace in some of the first cosmic vessels.") - [Half-Dragon]( "A dragon-humanoid centaurfolk that lair like dragons but speak like humanoids.")
+ - [Klaw]( "Horrifying amalgamations of crustaceans and humans that are very sociable despite their appearances.") - [Lepid]( "Moth and butterfly fey creatures that mess with the civilized world.") - [Loxodon]( "Elephant folk seeking enlightenment.") - [Oculos]( "Beholderkin born from a failed reincarnation.") - [Plasmoid]( "Amorphous amoeba-like creatures descended from the Cosmos.") - [Saurian]( "Space pirate dinofolk who plunder in the name of their crime families.") - [Shifter]( "A people cursed with a natural but controlled lycanthropy.")
- [Siren]( "Half-fish half-human folk with a great interest in toying with ships and their crew.") - [Tortle]( "Old turtlefolk who believe the life of adventure is 'normal', and push it to the extreme.") - [Vespidae]( "Bee and Hornetfolk making a nation for themselves in a world of nations brand new to them.") - [Vineling]( "A newborn, identityless plant-people descended from the fey.") - [Weaver]( "Centauroid spiderfolk that rely on their wits to survive in isolated caves.")
\columnbreak ##### Prestige - [Archfey]( "The apex of fey power, governing broad natural concepts.") - [Dhampir]( "The half-vampire, stuck between life and death.") - [Dreamseer]( "A person cut off from their own dreams but able to see others'") - [Hexblood]( "A person severely affected by fey witchcraft or eldritch magic.") - [Illithid]( "Brain-eating psionic slavers of old, being overtaken by a morally superior generation.") - [Lich]( "Undead magi that have cheated death with dark magic.") - [Mana-Sundered]( "Folk who have become a magical void.") - [Reborn]( "Undead folk reanimated with faded memories of a past life.") - [Warpflesh]( "People warped by cosmic entities.")
\pagebreakNum ## Classes The following classes are available to be played in Project 5.5. They are sorted into three categories: Common, Uncommon, and Prestige. Common classes will likely be allowed in most games and in most worlds, with those classes likely being somewhere within most societies. Uncommon classes may be harder to find; you should ask your DM if you can play one of those classes.
##### Common - [Barbarian]( "Barbarians channel their fury into their brute force combat.") - [Bard]( "Bards derive magical power from performing songs and dances.") - [Cleric]( "Clerics channel divine power into potent spellcasting.") - [Druid]( - [Wildshape Forms]( - [Fighter]( "Fighters are trained warriors who use their skill and experience to dominate the battlefield.") - [Maneuvers]( - [Investigator]( "Investigators are detectives that follow leads to achieve their goals, supporting their allies with knowledge.") - [Monk]( "Monks are martial artists that hone their body into living weapons.") - [Paladin]( "Paladins gain the power to smite their foes from swearing upon a powerful oath.") - [Ranger]( "Rangers are master trackers that use their skills to find and hunt their prey.") - [Rogue]( "Rogues utilize stealth and underhanded tactics to achieve their goals.") - [Sorcerer]( "Sorcerers were born with innate magic, and as a result best understand how to manipulate their spells directly.") - [Wild Magic Surge table]( - [Metamagic Options]( - [Warlock]( "Warlocks gain magic through devotion to a dark patron, who sometimes calls them to do favors to maintain their power.") - [Eldritch Invocations]( - [Wizard]( "Wizards gain their magic through intense study, inscribing their spells into an ever-expanding spellbook.") \columnbreak ##### Uncommon - [Artificer]( "Artificers are masters of invention, creating and harnessing the power of Magic Items.") - [Artificer Infusions]( - Blood Hunter - [Mystic]( "Mystics influence their world with their thoughts, honing their powerful psionics.") - [Psionic Talents]( - [Oracle]( "Oracles are the accursed spellcasters with visions of divine secrets.") - [Oracular Curses]( - Summoner
#### Prestige Classes Prestige classes are class options that modify another classes, usually at later levels to meet their prerequisites. You must always build your character using a Common or Uncommon class before you can apply a Prestige classes (For example, you must make your character a Barbarian before they can Prestige into Multiclass). ##### Prestige - [Multiclass]( \columnbreak ## Equipment - [Armor]( - [Weapons and Weapon Actions]( - [Tools, Kits, and Packs]( ## Character Customization - [Alignment]( - [Feats]( "Special customization options you get every 4 levels.") - [Languages]( "A short compendium of all Project 5.5 languages") ## The Rules of Magic - [Rules, Lists, and Descriptions]( - [Wild Magic Surge table](
\pagebreakNum # Dungeon Master's Guide ## Combat ##### Mechanics - [Movement and Chasing]( - Surprise - [Ships]( - Traps - [War]( ##### Imposed Effects - [Conditions]( - Diseases - [Environmental Hazards]( ## Roleplay - [Roleplay]( "A brief overview on roleplay as a whole.") ##### Roleplay Details - [Alignment]( ) - [Languages]( ##### Roleplay Mechanics - [Influence]( "A roleplay system for tracking NPC relations.") - Patrons and Organizations - [Skill Challenges]( "A method of running a complex series of skill checks") - Group Skill Checks ## Exploration - [Hexploration]( - [Environmental Hazards]( - [Ships]( - Running Environments - Arctic - Desert - Forest - Marsh - Mountains - Ocean - Underdark - Wildspace ## Between Adventures - [Downtime and Project Clocks]( "A versatile system for running small-scale downtime.") - Resting - [Strongholds]( "Also called player bases") - [Skill Training]( \columnbreak ## Magical Curiosities ##### Magic Items - Item Design - Random Loot - [Magic Items]( "A collection of magical items.") - Artifacts ##### Secret Spells - [Graviturgy Spells]( "The secret art of Gravity Magic.") - [Hemomancy Spells]( "The forbidden art of Blood Magic.") ## Monsters and Encounters - Challenge at High Level Play - Crafting Monsters - [Monster Ability Toolbox]( "A collection of abilities and actions to put on your statblocks.") - Side Objectives - [Skill Challenges]( "A method of running a complex series of skill checks") - Group Skill Checks - Traps
## Miscellaneous Goodies ##### Epic Levels - Epic Levels - Epic Spells ##### Playtest Campaigns - One Shot: Critter Quest - [One Shot: The Whispering Crypt]( "Psionic whispers have been emanating from the local crypt; people have gone missing entering it or return with psychic headaches...") ##### Other - [The Shitpost Pack]( "This is where all the meme suggestions live") \pagebreakNum # Monster Manual ## Wildlife ##### Aberrations - Stargazers ##### Beasts ##### Celestials ##### Constructs ##### Dragons - Primordial Dragons - True Dragons - [Purple Dragons]( "The terrifying wandering dragons of the Underdark.") - Stardust Wyrm ##### Elementals ##### Fey ##### Fiend ##### Giants ##### Monstrosities ##### Oozes ##### Plants ##### Undead - [Martyred Soul]( "The punished souls of failed dark servants.") \columnbreak ## Sample Organizations Organizations are yours to create. Not all or even any of the following organizations are required for a given world, but could exist if the DM decides. If not, perhaps they inspire organizations of your own. ##### Level 3-8 | Order of the Black Rose The hidden bane of cities, pulling the strings from the shadows to achieve their insidious goals. ##### Level 10-20 | The Undying Evil A conclave of immortals orchestrating the inevitable end of all deities.