
Adventurers can't spend their entire days exploring, interacting, and combating. They need time to rest, sleep and eat, tends wounds, and generally just recharge.
Rests come in three types: quick, short, and long. Creatures can benefit from an unlimited number of quick rests, up to two short rests, and one long rest in a day. Each rest has a minimum duration; at the end of that duration, a creature benefits from the rest provided it did not engage in any strenuous activity, discussed later in this section.
Quick Rest
A quick rest has a 1-minute duration. At the end of a quick rest, a character can spend one Hit Die, rolling the die, adding their Constitution modifier, and recovering hit points equal to the total. A creature can then repeat the quick rest to continue recovering hit points as needed.
Any items, features, powers, or similar that would normally take no more than an action to use and would normally involve a die roll to restore hit points instead restore the maximum number of hit points when used at the end of a quick rest.
Short Rest
A short rest has a 1-hour duration. At the end of a short rest, a character can spend one or more Hit Dice (up to a maximum equals to their level), rolling each die, adding their Constitution modifier to each result, and recovering hit points equal to the total. A character can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll.
Additionally, a character can expend Hit Dice at the end of a short rest to remove one or more levels of exhaustion. To do so, the character must expend a number of Hit Dice equal to their current level of exhaustion to reduce it by one. For instance, if a character has three levels of exhaustion, they could expend three Hit Dice to reduce their exhaustion to two levels. They could then spend two additional Hit Dice to reduce their exhaustion to one level if they choose.
Urgent Short Rests
In some circumstances, a party might feel they need a short rest, but they cannot afford to spend a full hour on the rest. A short rest's duration can be decreased in steps (from 1 hour to 30 minutes or 30 minutes to 10 minutes). Each creature that wants to benefit from the rest can attempt a DC 10 Exertion saving throw for one step or DC 15 for two steps. On a failure, a creature suffers 1 level of Exhaustion but completes the rest as normal.
Any features that have a specific time requirement that could be performed during a short rest can no longer do so. For instance, features that read “over the course of one hour, which can be done during a short rest” would no longer be achievable during an urgent short rest.
Long Rest
A long rest has an 8-hour duration during which a character must sleep for at least 6 hours.
At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a number of dice equal to half of the character's total number of them (minimum of one).
Finishing a long rest also reduces a creature's exhaustion level by 1. A character can expend Hit Dice at the end of a long rest to remove additional levels of exhaustion. To do so, the character must expend a number of Hit Dice equal to their current level of exhaustion to reduce it by one.
A character can't benefit from more than one long rest in a 24-hour period, a character must have at least 1 hit point at the start of the rest to gain its benefits, and a character can’t benefit from a long rest unless in an area which could be considered safe, referred to as a sanctuary.
Strenuous Activity and Interruption
If a rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activity, such as fighting, casting, or at least 1 hour of walking, a character must restart the rest to benefit from it. If a long rest would be interrupted, a character performed light activity for at least 1 hour before the rest was interrupted, and they had a remaining short rest available, they can choose to have completed a short rest.