### Core Spiritist Traits
- **Primary Ability:** Intelligence or Wisdom
- **Hit Dice Die:** D6 per Spiritist level
- **Saving Throw Proficiencies:** Wisdom and Intelligence
- **Skill Proficiencies:** Choose two from Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight, Medicine, History, Performance, or Religion
- **Weapon Proficiencies:** Simple weapons
- **Armor Training:** None
- **Starting Equipment:** Choose A or B: (A) Sickle, 2 Daggers, Robe, Scholar’s Pack, and 20 GP; or (B) 55 GP
### Becoming a Spiritist
#### As a Level 1 Character
* Gain all the traits in the Core Spiritist Traits table.
* Gain the Spiritist's level 1 features, which are listed in the Spiritist Features table.
#### As a Multiclass Character
* Gain the Hit Point Die from the >Core Spiritist Traits table.
* Gain the Spiritist’s level 1 features, which are listed in the Spiritost Features table. See the multiclassing rules to determine your available spell slots.
##### Spiritist Class Features
| Level | Proficiency Bonus | Class Features | Kindred Communion | Cantrips Known | Prepared Spells per Kindred Spirit | Spell Slots per Kindred Spirit | Spell level |
| 1 | +2 | Ethereal Medium, Kindred Spirits, Spirit Magic| - | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | +2 | Kindred Communion, Honor Dead | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
| 3 | +2 | Spiritist Subclass | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
| 4 | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
| 5 | +3 | ─ | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
| 6 | +3 | Subclass feature | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
| 7 | +3 | Spiritual Revelation | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 |
| 8 | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 |
| 9 | +4 | ─ | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 5 |
| 10 | +4 | Subclass Feature | 3 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 5 |
| 11 | +4 | Unseal Spirit | 3 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 12 | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 13 | +5 | Unseal Spirit, Ethereal Walker | 3 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 14 | +5 | Subclass Feature | 3 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 15 | +5 | Unseal Spirit | 3 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 16 | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 17 | +6 | Unseal Spirit | 4 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 18 | +6 | ─ | 4 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 19 | +6 | Epic Boon | 4 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
| 20 | +6 | Ethereal Awakening | 4 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
As a Spiritist, you gain the following class features when you reach the specified Spiritist levels on the table.
### Level 1: Ethereal Medium
By training of your ethereal senses you can interact and learn from souls of the dead in a myriad of ways.
You can always see and hear the souls in the ethereal plane and converse with them but only you can see them and other people with similar abilities to yours.
Through touch of a soul or a ritual of invitation, you allow a Soul of the dead to take temporary refuge in your body while you read through their life, gaining experiences and knowledge the soul had.
As a magic action you magically touch a soul in the ethereal plane you can see or spend a 10 minute ritual over the former body of the soul used to house in.
The soul may reject the invitation if it so chooses.
As the spirit is being channeled in your body, the only things it can do is move your body, experience your senses, and speak.
Languages the soul used in life is translated to yours, and it can converse to anyone who talks to your channeling body, but is not inclined to give straight or truthful answers.
As the channeling is going you experience a flow of random memories the soul had in life, you can gleam into any particular memories the soul had if you focus your will towards certain ideas, places, people, things the soul had experienced with a check of your Spiritist spell modifier against the souls highest mental modifier.
The channeling last for 10 minutes.
You can only allow a spirit to channel through you a number of times equal to your Spiritist spell modifier, and regain 1 use once per long rest.
You personally always have the speak with dead spell prepared, the spell doesn't count towards your total spells prepared and you never have to cast it with a spell slot or material components.
Choose one way of the Spiritist that will determine how you collect and apply the knowledge you learn to determine your spellcasting ability for your Spiritist career.
##### Philosopher:
Ever wondering and theorizing the behaviors, challenges, and outcomes of the dead of what they did in life.
You apply these lessons in the trials and errors of your own life to make favorable repeats of the past and avoid the less favorable ones: Your spellcasting ability is Wisdom.
##### Erudite:
By focusing on the practical, and logical actions, enriching knowledge and streaks of genius the dead did for favorable outcomes in their life.
You apply these lessons to expand your natural mental ability, and curiosity for the unknown to be an ever better student in the learning theater of life: Your spellcasting ability is Intellect.
### Level 1: Kindred Spirits
Through a early lifetime of conversing, learning, and channeling the souls of many afterlives, you can do a 1 hour ceremony to culminate the knowledge and power you gained from the souls and a small piece of your own soul into a manifested spiritual entity called a Kindred Spirit.
Kindred Spirits are small sized undead conduits that take the form you wish that reflects the aspect you assign the spirit, in which you use them to prepare, and cast spells through on your journey while you retain the ability to cast your known cantrips by yourself, and your Kindred Spirits count as Spellcasting Focus without the need to be holding them for the Spiritist spells you have prepared in them.
The spirits have their own abilities and share many of your stats in their statblock.
You can interact and utilize your kindred spirits in more ways besides spellcasting with your spiritist features.
Kindred Spirits bestow Vex’s to your enemies and Gifts to your allies, each Vex and Gift work in different ways depending on your active spirits aspect.
The spirits can move a distance of 40ft x your proficiency bonus away from you before they start taking 1d8 force damage for every turn they spend the max distance away from you.
The spirit’s take their turn on your turn, if you don’t interact with the spirits with your spiritist features or to cast spells the spirit’s take the dodge action.
If a Kindred Spirit’s health is reduced to 0 it dissipates into nothing and you take a backlash of psychic damage equal to half your Spiritist level rounded down.
While out of combat you can manually dissipate any and all active Kindred Spirits with a magic action, then anytime you wish you can manifest spirits of a different or the same aspects with a bonus action but with the same spell lists you prepared and spell slot usage in any previous spirits, if any spirit is dissipated by having their health reduced to 0 you can manifest any or all of them at the end of a short rest or with a 1 hour ceremony with the same spell rules above.
The Kindred Spirits are sentient but are aspected to a certain viewpoint of existence because of the experiences, and knowledge shared by you from the souls of the many afterlives, and the small portion of your soul reflecting a bit of your own perspectives.
The spirits general demeanor, and some of their innate magic are determined by the aspects you assign them, but they will always be loving to you and your allies and will never act out of your will and permission, but any conversement, advice and comments they make will be drawn towards their aspected nature, and your spirits may appear from being manually dissipated in times your facing moral or practical dilemmas to give their ideas, and opinions on the matter before dissipating again, they tend to bicker allot.
All Kindred Spirits you create dissipate with your death.
You can create more Kindred Spirits of different Kindred aspects at Spiritist level 5,11,17.
##### Choose a Kindred aspect from the list below when you manifest one.
##### Furious:
A vicious and volatile aspect towards existence stemmed from the wrathful, unjust and antagonistic knowledge you granted from souls, and your own perspectives towards fury and vengeance.
This spirit will usually try to convince you to make actions that are violent, and passionate.
Conversations, ideas, and remarks it makes will either be brutally blunt at best, to borderline hate filled at worst.
##### Sprightly:
A contented and excitable aspect towards existence stemmed from the rewarding, fulfilling and fortunate knowledge you granted from souls, and your own perspectives towards joy and benevolence.
This spirit will usually try to convince you towards acts of opportunity, and or charity.
Conversations, ideas, and remarks it makes will either be hope fillingly kind at best to naive optimism at worst.
##### Sorrow:
A sluggish and dejected aspect towards existence stemmed from the unfortunate, melancholic, and hopeless knowledge you granted from souls, and your own perspectives towards misery and vulnerability.
This spirit will usually try to sway you to laziness and apathy.
Conversations, ideas, and remarks it makes will either be downplaying the effects and urgency of events at best to mood killing rants at worst.
##### Dread:
A cowardly and anxious aspect towards existence stemmed from the worrying, horrific and terrifying knowledge you granted from souls and your own perspectives towards panic and foreboding.
This spirit will do its best to steer you away from things that may seem dangerous or uncomfortable.
Conversations, ideas, and remarks it makes will either be well evidential indications of suspicion at best to baseless paranoia at worst.
##### You automatically know the Spirit Trail, and Spirits March cantrips and they don’t count towards your total number of cantrips known.
#### Spirit Trail:
*Level 0-Transmutation*
- **Casting Time:** Bonus Action
- **Range:** 120 Feet
- **Components:** V
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
You grant a burst of spiritual energy to a creature you created by way of spells or class features and direct them with your will.
The creature gains 40 plus movement speed until the end of its turn and immediately uses their movement to run to any point you desire that you can see and it can move as long as the point desired is not dangerous to the creature.
The creature doesn't trigger opportunity attacks in the process unless you want it to from certain creatures.
- **Cantrip Upgrade:** The creature gains an additional 40 feet of movement at levels 5, 11, 17
#### Spirits March:
*Level 0-Transmutation*
- **Casting Time:** Action
- **Range:** 120 Feet
- **Components:** V
- **Duration:** Instantaneous
You liven all creatures you created by way of spells or class features with a surplus of spiritual energy and direct them all with your will.
All creatures you create gains 20 plus movement speed until the end of their turn and immediately uses their movements to run to any points you desire that you can see and they can move as long as the points desired are not dangerous to the creatures.
The creatures don’t trigger opportunity attacks in the process unless you want them to from certain creatures.
- **Cantrip Upgrade:** The creature gains an additional 20 feet of movement at levels 5, 11, 17
> ## Kindred Spirit
>*Small sized undead*
> ___
> - **Armor Class**: 12+your proficiency bonus
> - **Hit Points**: 8 + 4 per your level
> - **Speed**: 30 ft, (Hover)
>|Str:10 (0)|Dex:16 (+3)|Con:10 (0)|Int:Equal to yours |Wis:Equal to yours|Cha:Equal to yours|
> - **Damage Immunities**: Poison
> - **Condition Immunities**: Poisoned, Exhaustion, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Charmed
> - **Senses**: your senses, your Perception Proficiency
> - **Languages**: Understands and Speaks languages you speak
> ___
> ***Spirit Resistance:*** The Kindred Spirit gains a bonus on saving throws against spells equal to your proficiency bonus and Spiritisit spell ability modifier.
> ***Kindred Link:*** The Kindred Spirit gains half of all healing you receive from any sources rounded up and all of the amount of health you heal from a short rest.
> ***Incorporeal Movement:*** The Spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
>The Spirit takes 1d10(5) force damage and is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space if it ends its turn inside a creature or object.
> ***Kindred Vex:*** When a Kindred Spirit touches a hostile creature the creature must make a constitution saving throw against your spell save dc or take 1d4 damage based on the aspect of the spirit that touched them and an extra 1d4 damage of the same damage type at the start of the creatures next two turns, or half as much initial damage and only one turn on a successful save.
>Creatures have a 1d4 penalty to constitution saving throws against Kindred Vex for each unique damaging Kindred Vex it has remaining turns on and receives more turns of the Kindred Vex it received from a Kindred Spirit based on the target's save or fail.
>The damage and saving throw penalty of each unique type of damaging Kindred Vex doesn't stack with more turns of the same type of damaging Vex.
>A hostile creature can only be affected by Kindred Vex from the touch of each aspected Kindred Spirit once per combat round.
> ***Kindred Gift:*** When a Kindred Spirit touches a friendly to neutral creature or you, they gain a benefit until the end of their next turn based on the aspect of the spirit that touched them.
>Once the benefit is spent so is the turn of the gift but if they still have more than 1 turn of the same type of Kindred Gift they’ve gotten from a spirit they retain the benefits of that spirits Kindred Gift until no more turns of the gift are remaining.
>If creatures and the Spiritist get more turns of a Kindred Gift from an aspected spirit while the turns of the same previous gift remain, the turns of the previous gift gain an additional turn.
>The benefits of each unique type of Kindred Gift don’t stack with more turns of the same type of Gift.
>A friendly, neutral creature or their Spiritist can only be affected by Kindred Gift from the touch of each aspected Kindred Spirit once per combat round.
> ***Furious:*** Vex:Fire damage/Gift:1d4 bonus to the creature’s next attack roll.
> ***Spritely:*** Vex:Lightning damage/Gift:1d4 healing at the start of the creature's turn and plus 5 movement to their next movement.
> ***Sorrow:*** Vex:Poison Damage/Gift:the creature takes 1d4 reduced damage from the next instance of damage it takes.
> ***Dread:*** Vex:Cold Damage/Gift:the creature gains 1d4 bonus to its next saving throw.
> ___
> ### Actions
> ***Dodge.*** You focus entirely on avoiding attacks. Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and you make Dexterity saving throws with advantage. You lose this benefit if you are incapacitated or if your speed drops to 0.
### Level 1: Spirit Magic
Through the knowledge and power you gained from the souls of the dead, you gained the ability to cast spells in different ways.
You can cast cantrips by yourself and use your Kindred Spirit’s as catalysts to cast spells with spirit slots. See the Player’s Handbook for rules on spellcasting. The information below details how you use those rules as a Spiritist.
##### Cantrips.
You know three Spiritist cantrips of your choice. Ray of Frost, Prestidigitation, Light are recommended.
Whenever you gain a level up, you can replace one of your cantrips with another cantrip of your choice from the Spiritist spell list.
When you reach Spiritist levels 4 and 10, you learn another Spiritist cantrip of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips column of the Spiritist Features table.
##### Kindred Spirit Casting.
As detailed in the Kindred Spirit’s feature, your spirit’s are the bearer’s of the knowledge and power of your magic.
To cast a spell you have prepared in a spirit you must have sight of the creatures or area to cast the spell, and perform the needed verbal components while holding the material components if a spell has a need for it, while the spirit of your choice must perform the spells needed somatic components in tandem of your verbal components if needed.
Any spells casted originate from and or effect the Kindred Spirit unless you choose for it to originate from and or effect you, but you still hold concentration for any concentration spells and can only concentrate on one spell at a time.
You prepare spells in Kindred Spirits from your Spiritist spell list.
##### Prepared Spells of Level 1+.
You prepare the list of 1+ spells in Kindred Spirits that are available to cast with this feature. To start, choose 3 level 1 Spiritist spells from the Spiritist spell list. Ray of Sickness, and Thunderwave are recommended.
The number of spells on your Spirit’s list increases as you gain Spiritist levels. As shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Spiritist Features table. Whenever that number increases, choose additional Spiritist spells list until the number of spells on your Spirits list matches the number on the table. The chosen spells must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level. When you reach level 6, for example, you learn a new Spiritist spell, which can be of level 1–3.
If another Spiritist feature gives spells that you always have prepared, those spells don’t count against the number of spells on the list you prepare with this feature, but those spells otherwise count as Spiritist spells for you, for example the Spirit Trail, Spirits March cantrips.
##### Spell Slots.
The Spiritist Features table shows how many spell slots your spirit’s have to cast your Spiritist spells of levels 1–5. The table also shows the level of those slots, all of which are the same level.
When a spirit leaves your service by being dissipated or slain, the spell slot usage it had carries over to any new spirit you manifest whether it was the old spirit’s aspect or not. You regain all expended Spirit Magic spell slots when you finish a Long Rest.
For example, when you’re a level 5 Spiritist, you have two level 3 spell slots. To cast the level 1 spell Sleep, you must spend one of the slots for which you have prepared the spell in a spirit, and it is cast as a level 3 spell.
##### Changing Your Prepared Spells.
Whenever you finish a Short or Long Rest, you can change your spirits list of prepared spells, replacing any of the spells that are prepared in them with any other Spiritist spells for which your spirits have the spell slots for.
##### Spellcasting Ability.
Intellect or Wisdom are the spellcasting ability for your Spiritist spells.
##### Spellcasting Focus.
You can use your Kindred Spirits as a Spellcasting Focus for the Spiritist spells they have prepared in them and your personal known cantrips.
You don’t need to be holding your spirit’s to use them as a focus for spells or personal known cantrips.
### Level 2: Kindred Communion:
You spend charges of Kindred Communion to spiritually synchronize with your Kindred Spirit’s to enhance their magical prowess and create unique effects that almost mimics spellcasting from the options list below.
You learn more ways of communion at certain Spiritist levels, and subclass features.
You have a maximum of 2 charges for Kindred Communions and gain more charges at certain Spiritist levels.
You can spend one Kindred Communion charge on each communion once before having to take a long rest.
You regain all charges of Kindred Communion on a short rest.
### Level 2 Communion: Spirit Retreat
As a Reaction to a Kindred Spirit about to take damage, you disperse the spirit before any harm can be done to it.
On your turn you can remanifest the kindred spirit in a space within 5 feet of you at will.
### Level 2 Communion: Spirit Shriek
As a Bonus action, you cause all Kindred Spirits to cry out in a burst of spiritual energy.
All hostile creatures within 20 feet of the Kindred Spirit need to roll against an application of Kindred Vex while all allies within the same feet of a spirit receive a turn of Kindred Gift.
### Level 2 Communion: Kindred Barrier
As a reaction to taking incoming damage you sap 4 health from each of your Kindred Spirits in which you gain the amount of damage done to them + your proficiency bonus in 4 times the amount of temporary Hit Points.
Once you spend a Kindred Communion charge on this feature you can activate it again for free before the end of your next long rest.
### Level 2 Communion: Kindred Evolution
As a bonus action, you enhance the spiritual essence to all of your Kindred Spirits until the end of your next long rest, granting them one of the following benefits.
Every 4 levels of Spiritist you have after level 2 allow you to choose an additional benefit.
1. Flight: you grant the spirits a flying speed equal to their natural movement speed.
2. Fortitude: you grant the spirit’s resistance to one non-magical physical damage type and one elemental damage type that isn’t force.
3. Fourth Sense: You grant the spirits the ability to see through both magical and non-magical darkness, and through walls up to 60 feet while you gain the ability to see through their eyes at will but only one at a time.
When a spirit spots something of interest to you for example an enemy or when they make a successful perception check, they send a mental thought of alert to you to look through their eyes.
4. Free Pocket: You make a tiny pocket dimension like a bag of holding into each of your spirits being, you can store a number of pounds of 40 x your proficiency bonus of objects no bigger than spirit's size into the dimension of the spirit.
You can choose to pick or poor out any of the deposited items any time out of combat, the items are trapped in the dimension if all your spirits are dispersed or slain or if the benefit wears off until you grant this benefit again.
When you use a communion charge to grant this particular benefit you can grant this benefit again for free whenever you wish. You can’t put spirits or bags of holding into the pocket dimension or spirits into bags of holding while this effect is active.
### Level 5 Communion: Kindred Coalescence
As a magic action, you recall all Kindred Spirits into your body granting yourself their spiritual power, while the effect is active you can't use any other Kindred Communion’s but you gain the following benefits, permanent benefits of all Kindred Gifts, All active benefits your spirit’s have from Kindred Evolution, the ability to cast all the spells they have prepared and spend their spell slots yourself but you have to perform the somatic components as needed for a spell, plus 40 movement and the ability to move like they do with incorporeal movement.
Lasts for 10 minutes and an additional 1 minute for every spiritist level you have after level 5 you choose to end it early at will, remanifesting your spirits in the nearest space to you.
### Level 5 Communion: Ethereal Passage
As a bonus action choose one Kindred Spirit that you can see and teleport swap places with the spirit.
When you spend a Kindred Communion charge on this communion you can use it again for free before the end of your next long rest.
### Level 5 Communion: Kindred Weapon
As a Magic action, you materialize one Kindred Spirit into any simple weapon called a Kindred Weapon, and equip it either yourself or to a willing creature that you can see within 60 feet without spending the creatures action for 1 minute, you can use another bonus action or reaction to end the effect early.
After the effect is over the spirit returns to its normal state unharmed in the nearest safe space
The Kindred Weapons effects and damage type are based on the Kindred Spirit’s aspected Kindred Vex.
When the weapon is first equipped it grants a turn of Kindred Gift and at the end of the wielder's turn while equipped.
If the Kindred Weapon is dropped or thrown it automatically teleports back to the wielder’s hand at the start of their next turn.
The Kindred Weapon gains a bonus to hit and damage rolls equal to half your Spiritist spell ability modifier rounded up and makes the target roll against Kindred Vex on hit once per turn.
You can’t cast spells from the Kindred Spirit while it’s a Kindred Weapon.
If the Kindred weapon is destroyed the Kindred Spirit it is made from is slain.
### Level 7 Communion: Spirit Vanish
As a Magic action you grant all Kindred Spirits you have active Greater Invisibility for 1 minute.
### Level 11 Communion: Ethereal Efflux
When you cast a spell that requires concentration you can spend a Kindred Communion charge at the spells casting to grant all Kindred Spirits you have active an emanation aura of 15 feet from them that affects creatures within once per round.
Hostile creatures that enter or end their turn within the emanation roll against an application of Kindred Vex, and treats the area as difficult terrain while friendly/neutral creatures that enter or end their turn within the emanation gain a turn of Kindred Gift, and allows them to be able to ignore difficult terrain.
The emanation lasts for as long the Concentration spell is active.
### Level 14 Communion: Call of the Kindred
As a Bonus action you instantly manifest anew all of your Kindred Spirits that were dispersed, slain, or any active Kindred Spirits that you choose, and immediately remake their prepared spell list to your liking.
### Level 17 Communion: Spiritual Revelry
As a magic action you enhance your Spirit Trail, and Spirits March cantrips to be able to be used with a bonus action, action or reaction and allowing Kindred Vex/Kindred Gift to be applied to creatures by contact an additional 3 times per combat round for 1 minute.
### Level 2: Honor Dead
You can do a 1 minute ceremony honoring the dead you learned from or personally knew who will grant a boon of spirit energy to your Kindred Spirits granting them the following benefits.
The Kindred Spirits gain Temporary HP equal to your proficiency bonus+Spiritist spell ability modifier and recharges a Spell Slot if it has been spent in a spirit.
You regain use of this feature on a short rest and long rest.
### Level 3: Spiritist Subclass
You gain a Spiritist subclass of your choice: Embark on Journey of Conflict, Journey of Prosperity, Journey of Domination, or Journey of Fellowship are detailed after this class’s description.
A Subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Spiritist levels.
For the rest of your career you gain each of your subclass’s features that are of your Spiritist level or lower.
### Level 4: Ability Score Improvement
You gain the Ability Score Improvement feat or another feat of your choice for which you qualify.
You gain this feature again at Spiritist levels 8, 12, and 16.
### Level 7: Spiritual Revelation
You gain greater understanding of the nature of how the afterlives work and how souls function, allowing you to improve your Kindred Spirit’s Vex’s and Gifts based on their aspects, in addition when you roll initiative with no Kindred Communion charges you regain 1 charge once per long rest.
You can change the elemental damage type of a Kindred Spirits aspected Vex to a different damage type based on their aspect when you manifest them.
* Furious:Force
* Sprightly:Radiant
* Sorrow:Necrotic
* Dread:Psychic
The gifts your Kindred Spirit’s give can never roll lower than a 2.
### Level 11: Unseal Spirit
With a spiritual breakthrough, you learn how to unlock the true magical potential of the afterlives through your Kindred Spirits.
Select a Kindred Spirit to be the host of this expanded magic.
The spirit allows you to prepare spells of the higher level available in your Spiritist spell list and cast one of them once per long rest without the need of a spell slot.
You can select only one of each Kindred Spirits to unseal to greater effect at spiritist levels 11(level 6 spells), 13(Level 7 spells), 15(Level 8 spells) and 17(level 9 spells).
At Level 19 you can cast two level 6 spells and level 20 you can cast two level 7 spells from Unseal Spirit.
The Unseal Spirit uses a Kindred Spirit has carry over to newly manifested spirits just like spell slots.
### Level 13: Ethereal Walker
Through the culmination of your trials, successes and errors in your Spiritist adventures, you now can cross the planes of this realm and the one of the dead without straining your magical prowess better than most.
You learn the Etherealness spell and always have it personally known and prepared yourself, you can cast the spell without the need of spell slots or the spell use of an unsealed spirit.
While in the Ethereal Plane because of this feature, the Kindred Spirits you last manifested, manifest themselves even when you manually dispersed them, also you, and your Kindred Spirits can’t be harmed or affected in any way from anyone on the plane or harm or affect anyone there.
While in the Ethereal Plane Ghosts, Spirits and those who can come and go from the plane as they choose may come to you offering either advice, lessons, information on something important, conversement, a request, criticism of your adventuring ways, threats, or just to be rude and mean, especially if it’s a being you or your party has killed in its life.
You can use a magic action to render any unwanted denizens of the Ethereal Plane unable to sense you or you able to sense them while on the plane, and re-render the senses anytime with another magic action.
You can cast the spell once per long rest.
### Level 19: Epic Boon
You gain an Epic Boon feat or another feat of your choice for which you qualify.
Boon of recovery is recommended.
### Level 20: Ethereal Awakening
Through your reflections on the nature of soul and consciousness from your learning from souls, personal journey’s and your Kindred Spirits you have become untethered by the limits of the mortal coil, so for the rest of your days you can roam the world more liberated than a spirit even while still bonded to mortal flesh.
You no longer need to eat, drink, sleep, breathe, or “relieve yourself” from the effects of eating, and drinking, and naturally gain the ability to hover, fly, move through creatures and objects like they’re natural terrain.
You now gain the benefits provided by Spirit Trail, and Spirits March, and are affected by all of the effects of Kindred Communions you activate that affect all of your Kindred Spirits but not when a communion affects a single spirit.
You personally can give Kindred Vex’s, and Kindred Gifts through contact, and communions like your Kindred Spirits, and you gain your own personal Kindred Gift when you cast Spirit trail or Spirits March.
Your Kindred Vex damage: Any elemental damage type you choose when applied.
Your Kindred Gift effect: 1 turn of haste without the effects of lethargy.
### Spiritist subclasses.
A Spiritist subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Spiritist levels, as specified in the subclass.
The next sections presents the Journey of Conflict, Journey of Prosperity, Journey of Domination, and Journey of Fellowship subclasses.
## Journey of Conflict
Conflict, War, Battles, Disputes, Debates, the opposition of one side against another for reasons best known only to the sides themselves.
Even when one conflict ends in a winner, loser or a full on stalemate, conflict will never cease as long as even a molecule of life exists in the universe.
You have begun a spiritual path from the experiences and knowledge you gained so far from yourself and the dead that to keep and gain anything worthwhile in life or even keep your life is to spiritually arm yourself for the ever inevitable clash of wills against those who would have the means, power, and skill to prevent you from attaining what you want or to take it all away.
### Level 3: Spells of Conflict
Through ascertaining the victories of conflicts from the souls of the afterlife you culminate extra spells at the Spiritist level listed in the Conflict spell table below that you always have prepared in all of your Kindred Spirits at a certain level.
##### Spells of Conflict
| Spiritist level | |
| 3 | Ray of Sickness, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, Flaming Sphere|
| 5 | Glyph of Warding, Lightning Bolt |
| 7 | Ice Storm, Vitriolic Sphere |
| 9 | Cloudkill, Flame Strike |
### Level 3: Vexing Spellcraft
You learn how to weave the vex’s your spirits give enemies with spells to devastating effect.
Once per round the first time you deal damage from spells and cantrips to creatures suffering turns of Kindred Vex you cause them to take instant damage from each unique Kindred Vex as if they started their turn.
### Level 6: Searing Spirits
Harnessing the power of the adrenaline of conflict, you make your spirits vex’s deadlier than ever.
Kindred Vex initial damage deals bonus damage equal to half your Spiritist spell ability modifier rounded up while turns of Kindred Vex deal additional damage equal to half your Spiritist spell ability modifier rounded down.
### Level 6: True Vex
The Damage of your Kindred Spirits Kindred Vex's ignore resistance and immunity is treated as Resistance but is not ignored.
### Level 10: Conflicting Energies
Casting a spell and using a Kindred Communion on the same turn causes you, and your Kindred Spirits to burst a wave of spiritual, and magical energy.
Hostile Creatures within 20 feet of you and each Kindred Spirit takes damage equal to half your Spiritist level rounded up in force damage from you plus the Kindred Vex damage type of each of your Kindred Spirits that are in their burst range.
### Level 14:Kindred Communion: Inflame Vex
As a magic action you cause all hostile creatures within 100 ft to receive damage from any turns of Kindred Vex they have on them at the start of your turn as if they started they’re turn for the next 4 turns, and cause them to receive the maximum damage of any damage roll of Kindred Vex.
When you use a kindred communion charge on this communion you can use it again for free before the end of your next long rest.
## Journey of Prosperity
Prosperity, Abundance, Wealth, the gaining of things wished and pleasantly unexpected.
Whether the hard working farmer gaining a lush crop as the fruits of his labor, the expansion of an empire's kingdom bringing in new goods, space and experiences for the people, the lovers unspeakable joy of creating life to the world.
Life has a way of finding prosperity even in the bleakest of odds.
You have begun a spiritual path from the experiences and knowledge you gained so far from yourself and the dead that to make the world a better place for yourself and the world, you must cultivate, stimulate, and foster growth in all things whether planned or by chance, even if you are wicked you understand the ever benefit of granting prosperity is to eventually gain by it too.
### Level 3: Spells of Prosperity
Through following along the enjoyments of prosperity from the souls of the afterlife you culminate extra spells at the Spiritist level listed in the Prosperity spell table below that you always have prepared in all of your Kindred Spirits at a certain level.
##### Spells of Prosperity
| Spiritist level | |
| 3 | Healing Word, Magic Weapon, Bless, Cure Wounds, Goodberry|
| 5 | Elemental Weapon, Mass Healing Word, Create Food and Water |
| 7 | Fabricate, Aura of Life |
| 9 | Mass Cure Wounds, Circle of Power |
### Level 3: Abundance Abound
You’ve learned how to give much greater rewards with your magic by infusing them with positive spiritual energy.
Whenever you cast a spell on other creatures that grants healing, bonuses to hit/damage or skill/save bonuses based on a dice roll, you add half your Spiritist spellcasting ability modifier rounded up to the results of the roll.
### Level 3: Bearings from Beyond
The spirits grant you an occasional practical boon of wealth as thanks for walking them down their joyful past.
Whenever your party is rewarded from quests or finds gold in a container in the world you roll a d20, on a 10 or higher you gain a bonus of gold equal to 4 times your spiritist level.
### Level 6: Shield of the Gifted
Once per short rest as a reaction to when a creature makes a successful attack roll against you, you grant your self turns of Gifted Shield to a number of all unique aspected Kindred Gifts that all creatures have turns of.
Gifted Shield increases your AC by +1 for every turn you have remaining but 1 turn is lost when a creature misses an attack roll against you and decreases by 1 at the end of your turn.
### Level 6: Gift of Giving
Your Kindred Spirits Kindred Gifts last 2 turns at base instead of 1.
### Level 10: Resilience of the Kindred
Your Kindred Spirits picked up how to infuse the living with a special kind of spiritual energy they discovered, creatures have +4 health for each unique aspected Kindred Gift they have turns of.
### Level 14: Kindred Communion: Gracious Gifts
As a magic action you cause all friendly/neutral creatures within 100 ft to receive 4 additional turns of any Kindred Gifts they currently have, the bonus to rolls you give from Abundance Abound equals to your full Spiritist spell ability modifier, and your spirits Kindred Gifts gain the bonus of Abundance Abound to their roll results.
Effect Lasts for 4 turns, when you use a kindred communion charge on this communion you can use it again for free before the end of your next long rest.
## Journey of Domination
Domination, Control, Manipulation, Coercion, Oppression, the act of impressing your will on others either by strength, tactics, or skill.
Whether its narcissistic partner in a relationship gaslighting their partner to do what they want, a ruler's royal regent appealing to the ruler to get certain privileges, or a grand magus charming an entire village of common folk to pay tribute to them to expand their wealth.
Life has way of building the will in the special few to imprint their world view on others
Domination comes in many shapes and forms that your path is set to master every way possible whether for purposes benevolent or malevolent.
### Level 3: Spells of Domination
Through studying the effects and power of Domination from the souls of the afterlife you culminate extra spells at the Spiritist level listed in the Domination spell table below that you always have prepared in all of your Kindred Spirits at a certain level.
##### Spells of Domination
| Spiritist level | |
| 3 | Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers, Command, Suggestion, Animal Friendship|
| 5 | Fear, Hypnotic Pattern |
| 7 | Charm Monster, Dominate Beast |
| 9 | Dominate Person, Geas |
### Level 3: Vexing Stupor
By infusing your spirit’s with memories of submission they cause creatures to have a 1d4 reduction to Mental saves against your spells that inflict, charmed, incapacitated, and frightened conditions for every unique aspected Spirit Vex they have turns of.
### Level 3: Exertion of Spiritual Will
You learned how to guilefully make people susceptible to influence through your spirits gifts.
When you or anyone in your party needs to roll a charisma check against a friendly to neutral creatures, the check DC is reduced by 2 for every Kindred Gift they have turns of.
Should the charisma check be failed the gift is dispelled and the creature wonders what came over them, and subconsciously steels themselves against the influence again, preventing the check DC reduction till their next long rest.
In addition you naturally exert an aura of spiritual energy that bolsters your speech capabilities, granting you a bonus to charisma checks equal to your spiritist spell modifier.
### Level 6: Controllers Compulsion
When you cast Spirit Trail or Spirits March you can target creatures who have the charmed, and frightened conditions inflicted by your spells to make them move to points you desire but still not obviously dangerous with the spells effects and benefits.
### Level 10: Dominators Retort
You learned how to better shield your mind against the effects of domination and punish those who dare try to impress their will on you.
You always have advantage against spells and effects that inflict the charmed or frightened conditions.
When you make a save against these effects you can spend a reaction to deal psychic damage equal to your Spiritist spell ability modifier+Proficiency Bonus+your Spiritist level to the creature who attempted to put these effects on you.
### Level 14: Kindred Communion: Kindred Possession
As a magic action you send one of any of your Kindred Spirits to attempt to possess a creature that you can see within 80 feet of the spirit you choose that isn’t undead, or a construct.
The creature must make a wisdom save against your Spiritist spell save dc or be charmed as it loses all control of its being to the Kindred Spirit possessing it while they remain fully conscious throughout the process.
The creature has the same negative saving throw penalties from your Spirit Stupor feature on all of this communions saving throws.
On the possessed creature’s turn you can issue verbal commands at no action cost that the Kindred Spirit will make the target do to the best of its ability, the actions can only be what you figure out it can do with a investigation check or seen it done, unless you issue a command to make the spirit read the creatures combat memories and speak to you all of its actions at the cost of the action the possessed creature had that turn.
The creature is affected by your choice of either Kindred Vex or Gift of the Kindred Spirit possessing when you activate this communion, gaining turns of either at the moment of possession and end of their turns.
You can cast spells from the creature as if they were a Kindred Spirit and doing so doesn't spend their action.
When the creature takes damage from sources other than Kindred Vex the target can make another wisdom save.
When a creature successfully saves against the possession or when the duration expires, the Kindred Spirit is expelled to the nearest safe space and the creature can’t be possessed again until the end of their next long rest.
Effect Lasts for 4 turns, when you use a kindred communion charge on this communion you can use it again for free before the end of your next long rest.
## Journey of Fellowship
Fellowship, Companionship, Camaraderie, Friendship, Jollygood cooperation between parties towards an ideal or goal.
All great beings that draw breath rarely get to this point alone.
Ever since the birth of the universe living organisms have worked together to build, strengthen, learn and protect one another, and that’s a fact that will never change until the end of the universe.
You have begun a spiritual path from the experiences and knowledge you gained so far from yourself and the dead that to build, learn, and protect anything truly exceptional in this world you need all the hands possible to contribute, so you turn your focus on gathering and strengthening every hand you can get as possible.
### Level 3: Spells of Fellowship
Through focusing on the moments of teamwork of from the souls of the afterlife you culminate extra spells at the Spiritist level listed in the Fellowship spell table below that you always have prepared in all of your Kindred Spirits at a certain level.
##### Spells of Fellowship
| Spiritist level | |
| 3 | Find Familiar, Unseen Servant, Spiritual Weapon, Summon Beast|
| 5 | Animate Dead, Summon Undead |
| 7 | Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Summon Elemental |
| 9 | Summon Dragon, Summon Celestial |
### Level 3: Spirit Stratagem
When you make creatures summoned by you other than your Kindred Spirits move with Spirit Trail or Spirits March that are capable of attack actions you can command any of them to use those actions against creatures of your choice when you move them within range, making them use attack actions in this way uses their action for their turn, in addition you can select one ally creature that you can see to gain the movement speed bonus of Spirit Trail or Spirits March when you cast them.
### Level 3: Fellowship itself is almost Priceless
You learned how to involve the bond of your Kindred Spirits to all beings you summon with magic, lowering their price to bring to this world.
All spells that create creatures only require a total GP cost of any material components you have that have a GP value equal to half the spell's original material component GP cost, in addition when you spend the original component of a spell that summons creatures under your control you retain half of the component in both scale it had and GP value.
### Level 6: Help from All no Matter how Small
Once per long rest when you cast a spell with a spell slot that creates creatures under your control that have a spell level lower than your highest spell level you can choose instead of upcasting the spell to cast the spell at the lowest spell level but without the need to concentrate on the spell itself, casting a spell in this way only lets the summoned creature last until your next long rest if the spell has no set duration.
### Level 10: Alms for Companions
You learned how to grant your Kindred Spirits gifts to your summoned creatures when you use Kindred Communions.
Using a Kindred Communion grants 1 turn of each unique aspected Kindred Gift of each Kindred Spirit you have manifested to all creatures you summon.
### Level 14: Kindred Communion: Kindred Champion
As a magic action you designate one creature you summoned with a spell and send a Kindred Spirit of your choice to symbiotically enter their being, and make them a Kindred Champion, granting them a plethora of power.
You no longer need to concentrate on the spell that summoned the creature and the duration of the spell that the creature originated from is now infinite.
The Creature has an extra action on its turn.
The Creature Grows to Large size if it was smaller than large size and Huge size if it was equal to large size.
You can always telepathically command it to use any of its actions or use its actions on creatures that trigger Opportunity attacks from it with no action cost on your part.
The Creature gains a bonus to AC, and to hit equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded up, and bonus health of 1 per your spiritist level.
The Creature always has the aspected Kindred Gift of the Kindred Spirit inside them.
You can cast spells from the creature as if they were a Kindred Spirit and doing so doesn't spend their action and any Kindred Communions that affect all Kindred Spirits affect the Kindred Champion but not when a communion targets a single spirit.
The Kindred Champions attacks make creatures roll against Kindred Vex once per turn.
The Creature is immune to charms, fear and any attempts of binding or control effects that would control what the creature would do because of the unconditional love it has for you from the Kindred Spirit inside them.
Once per short rest, when you are under the conditions of charmed, frightened, proned, grappled, restrained, stunned, and paralyzed when the creature turn begins it will immediately use the disengage action with +80 movement speed to try to touch you and end any of the conditions on you.
The Kindred Champion can only move a total feet of 90+10 times your proficiency modifier before it starts taking 1d12 force damage for every turn it spends beyond the limit.
You can manually dismiss the summoned creature with another magic action ending its designation as a Kindred Champion and manifesting your Kindred Spirit inside them to the nearest safe space.
Should the Kindred Champion be slain the Kindred Spirit inside them is slain and you get more backlash damage of a slain Kindred Spirit equal to the spell level of the designated Kindred Champion.
Effect lasts until the designated Kindred Champion is dismissed or slain but you can only have one creature be your Kindred Champion.
When a Kindred Champion is dismissed you regain use of this communion after a long rest.
##### Cantrips:
- Chill touch
- Poison Spray
- Spare the Dying
- Mage Hand
- Spirit Trail
- Spirits March
- Message
- Dancing Lights
- Blade Ward
- Light
- Prestidigitation
- Thaumaturgy
- Ray of Frost
- Vicious Mockery
- Thunderclap
- Minor Illusion
- Toll the Dead
##### 1st Level:
- Alarm
- Armor of Agathys
- Bane
- Color Spray
- Chromatic Orb
- Comprehend Languages
- Detect Evil and Good
- Dissonant Whispers
- Faerie Fire
- Feather Fall
- Fog Cloud
- Jump
- Illusory Script
- Ice Knife
- Identify
- Longstrider
- Silent Image
- Unseen Servant
- Witch Bolt
- False Life
- Thunderwave
- Inflict Wounds
- Ray of Sickness
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter
- Sleep
##### 2nd Level:
- Summon Beast
- Misty Step
- Animal Messenger
- Arcane Lock
- Augury
- Blindness/Deafness
- Blur
- Calm Emotions
- Crown of Madness
- Darkness
- Enthrall
- Detect Thoughts
- Enhance Ability
- Find Traps
- Gust of Wind
- Hold Person
- Invisibility
- Knock
- Levitate
- Loate Animals or Plants
- Locate Object
- Mirror Image
- See invisibility
- Shatter
- Mind Spike
- Zone of Truth
- Pass without Trace
- Conjure Animals
- Phantasmal Force
- Gentle Repose
- Spiritual Weapon
- Ray of Enfeeblement
##### 3rd Level:
- Summon Fey
- Phantom Steed
- Clairvoyance
- Counterspell
- Daylight
- Fly
- Gaseous Form
- Lightning Bolt
- Major Image
- Summon Undead
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Fear
- Spirit Guardians
- Nondetection
- Sending
- Stinking Cloud
- Protection from Energy
- Tongues
- Wind Wall
- Animate Dead
- Bestow Curse
- Feign Death
- Remove Curse
- Revivify
- Summon Undead
- Vampiric Touch
##### 4th Level:
- Blight
- Arcane Eye
- Banishment
- Confusion
- Death Ward
- Freedom of Movement
- Greater Invisibility
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Ice Storm
- Locate Creature
- Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound
- Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
- Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
- Summon Aberration
- Phantasmal Killer
- Conjure Minor Elementals
- Summon Construct
- Conjure Woodland Beings
- Summon Elemental
##### 5th Level:
- Contagion
- Summon Celestial
- Tasha’s Bubbling Cauldron
- Animate Objects
- Antilife Shell
- Awaken
- Cone of Cold
- Contact Other Plane
- Destructive Wave
- Dispel Evil and Good
- Dream
- Hold Monster
- Legend Lore
- Mislead
- Bigby’s Hand
- Mislead
- Rary's Telepathic Bond
- Scrying
- Seeming
- Synaptic Static
- Telekinesis
- Wall of Force
- Summon Dragon
- Conjure Elemental
- Raise Dead
- Reincarnate
##### 6th Level:
- Circle of Death
- Summon Fiend
- Chain Lightning
- Guards and Wards
- Globe of Invulnerability
- Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere
- Otto’s Irresistible Dance
- Programed Illusion
- True Seeing
- Wall of Ice
- Wind Walk
- Find the Path
- Conjure Fey
- Create Undead
- Eyebite
- Harm
- Magic Jar
##### 7th Level:
- Finger of Death
- Conjure Celestial
- Forcecage
- Mirage Arcane
- Etherealness
- Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
- Resurrection
- Prismatic Spray
- Sequester
- Project Image
- Reverse Gravity
- Mordenkainen's Sword
##### 8th Level:
- Clone
- Antipathy/Sympathy
- Befuddlement
- Glibness
- Mind Blank
- Telepathy
##### 9th Level:
- Astral Projection
- Foresight
- Imprisonment
- Storm of Vengeance
- Power Word Kill
- Prismatic Wall
- Weird
- True Resurrection
Took me a little while to brainstorm, refine, articulate and balance this class to what I feel would be as close to what WOTC would make with inspiration from their earlier 2024 UA warlock designs, Laserllama's early rendition of their shaman and a couple of personal eureka moments I had.
Links to the original sites where i found the art for my homebrew class below.
Cover, Soul Mage-Matt Forsyth: [Artist](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4NrPY)
Pg 3, Spirits gathering around maiden-Sarah King: [Blogger](https://tabletopden.com/dnd/spirit-guardians-5e-guide/)
pg 5, Spiritist on water-andreiaugrai: [Artist](https://www.artstation.com/andreiaugrai)
pg 7, Spiritist readying for battle-Angevere: [Artist](https://www.deviantart.com/angevere/art/Spirit-shaman-664314796)
pg 11, Collection of spirits and adventurers-Randy Vargas: [Artist](https://www.artofmtg.com/art/mascot-exhibition/)
pg 14, Kindred Communioner-Blizzard-WoW: War Within: [Trailer](https://youtu.be/zYdFLUBjwCU?t=82)
pg 18, Conflict Mage-Greg Rutkowski: [Artist](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KEd5o)
pg 20, Prosperity Healing Spirit-RedditGremlins: [Artist](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/ywygyy/art_a_healing_spirit/)
pg 22, Kindred Possession-Alex Mehan: [Article maker on Vampire:The Masquerade Ghost Hunters sourcebook](https://www.dicebreaker.com/universes/world-of-darkness/news/ghost-hunters-rpg-kickstarter)
pg 24, Kindred Champion-GrandFailure: [Artist](https://stock.adobe.com/images/the-man-with-a-magic-lantern-facing-the-giant-deer-in-a-mysterious-valley-digital-art-style-illustration-painting/288272863?prev_url=detail)
Back Cover-Dania: [Artist](https://www.behance.net/gallery/15729781/DRAGON-SPIRIT)