The Manager's Handbook

by Lannis

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Manager's Handbook





New Mechanics


Manifesting an Ego

Actual Gameplay Stuff

since D&D isn't really the actual Project Moon Universe, I have made some little adjustments to the perfect lore PM cooked, since this game is supposed to be a funny rpg to play with friends (if you have any), and not every world has ultra-tech that bends reality for no apparent reason and can extract equipment from transcendental beings that ignore any conventional rule of any universe, for comodity, E.G.O. Equipment is obtained from interacting / Suppressing the Abnormalities, and if you are a sweat and want an easy justification for this immense plot hole, you could say that in this universe it just works like that, also, below this page, you can find a "short" explanation of Abnormalities and E.G.O. if you haven't ever played any of the PM games. Also i MUST precise that every Abnormality is suffering Qliphoth Suppression (their powers are being greatly suppressed) even if not in a Lob. Corp. facility, because if they weren't, certain ones could easily wipe entire universes effortlessly.

!!! Important Note !!!

This homebrew literally has stuff that can make your character just unalive itself, have severe mental breakdowns that lead it into becoming a furry and murdering everyone and then themselves, plus some other twisted shit, if that doesn't suit you, you are a pus- i mean just don't use the homebrew.

!!! Reddit Mods Read This !!!


  • This Homebrew is mainly Inspired by the games:
  • Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina,
  • and Limbus Company
  • Credits to Project Moon for all their games <3
  • All Pictures in this homebrew are either taken from
  • the Project Moon Games or their Wiki, all rights
  • belong to them, i have edited some of the screenshots
  • to remove the background. all pictures are screenshots.
  • Credits to Canto VI for Being better than Cinema
  • Credits to Lobotomy Corporation for making me spend
  • a whole month on day 49
  • Credits to the Wifeless Guy for dancing Gangman Style
  • Credits to Gregor for doing the DING-DING-DING
  • and carrying my 4th Walpurgis Night.
  • Credits to- HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE RED MIST!?!?!?
  • Credits to Vergilius for reminding me of my daily quests
  • Credits to Kim Ji-hoon for being the best VTuber.
  • Credits to the Green Marker that carried the
  • Limbus Company Stream.
  • Credits to The Erlking for being Absolute Peak


My homebrew's Discord server (Come if you have questions or just want to roast me, also since this homebrew is in its early stages, i would really appreciate if you send me some feedback).

All percentages are rounded down.

All results of halving etc. is rounded down.

Unless specified, with turns i mean your character's turns.

All offensive feats require an attack roll to hit unless specified otherwise (or unless they have an aoe).

Feats that can be used with a bonus action can also be used with an action.

Effects that reduce actions per turn wont make you do less than 1 action.

If an attack always hits you still roll the d20, applying critical success as normal.

Effects that ignore AC from armors also ignore AC from natural armor.

can be played alongside normal D&D5e stuff.

When i Say "Individual" i mean a generic humanoid, it being either a PC or an NPC, while "Creature" is intended to represent a generic being that is not an Abnormality.

Made by Vincy66 (Vincy66 on discord)


The E.G.O Equipment are weapons and suits extracted from Abnormalities' beings, appearing in various forms. E.G.O (or Extermination of Geometrical Organ) is in itself the archetype of an Abnormality, drawn out and compressed into equipment form. It is said that the moment someone equips E.G.O, they'll instantly know how to properly wield it, regardless of fighting background. As this type of equipment is essentially independently functioning archetypes of an Abnormality, it is no mistake to say that E.G.O. owners wield the same kind of power and danger that Abnormalities possess.

Due to their nature of essentially being Abnormalities stabilized into suits and weapons, those with weak minds and wills will risk having their egos consumed by E.G.O Equipment beyond their capabilities. When a human equips E.G.O they are not mentally prepared to wield, the Abnormality within the equipment will one-sidedly whisper into the mind of the user until it eventually takes over their mind. This process is known as E.G.O Corrosion, where the Abnormality’s personality gradually overrides the wearer like a ‘shell’, until the equipment in question completely overtakes them, physically transforming the wielder into a monster acting as another instance of the original Abnormality.

Apart from direct extraction methods, Abnormalities can also provide trinkets or even their own body parts to Individuals they fancy. These presents are collectively known as E.G.O Gifts, and will either permanently integrate into the person’s anatomy or form an attachment with them that makes them reluctant to cast the gift off. Though E.G.O Gifts are of a lesser degree than regular E.G.O Equipment, they are still a part of the egos of the Abnormalities they originated from, and carry the same risk of mental deterioration if too many Gifts are taken by one person.


An "Abnormality" is a special type of Individual present in all of the Project Moon Games, they are entities representing various concepts born from the human mind. Ranging from human fears, complexes, and desires.

Each ‘species’ of Abnormality possesses a unique physiology and appearance, ranging from inanimate objects to intelligent beings; some Abnormalities even lack a physical form entirely and exist as an intangible phenomena themselves. Given the fact that they are human fantasies made real, Abnormalities don’t abide by the conventional laws of physics nor possess functional anatomy analogous to those of normal living organisms. Because of the basis of their existence, every Abnormality is immortal, and will come back from any and every wound—no matter how many times they're smashed, split, strewn apart, and suppressed.

Among the more cognizant ones, communication is possible with some Abnormalities, but interaction inherently poses danger due to their volatile personalities and abilities. Abnormalities typically possess an orange-and-blue morality, with their values being centered on the concept they embody. Due to the strange strands of logic that Abnormalities fundamentally follow—along with their dangerous, anomalous capabilities. This renders conventional reason and judgment irrelevant and brings great risk of death to those encountering them.

It is also due to these factors that it makes forming a genuine relationship with an Abnormality essentially impossible, with connections between these entities and their handlers only possible through a thorough understanding of that Abnormality and by entertaining its innate desires. Still, any degree of bond a human may form with an Abnormality will not stop the entity from killing the former if the human in question missteps and offends and/or loses themselves to the desires of the Abnormality.

Repeatedly killing humans is not a strange occurrence for these monsters, as their psychology and mentality remain immutably constant, as Abnormalities are abstract concepts and ideas made manifest. Thus, they will perpetuate the same behaviors over and over for the rest of their existence and will naturally forget or ignore anything that happens in the past in favor of their current behavior, incapable of even acting in any manner unrelated to their embodied concept.


Aberrations are variants of the existing Abnormalities, described as being similar to how plants or animals may have subspecies. They often resemble the same topic as the Abnormality, but either in a slightly different manner or in a completely opposite way.

New Mechanics

The Four Virtues

Abnormalities Don't Interact with your Stats Directly, but instead interact with your Four Virtues, each one being a total of a group of your stats, they have their own levels, divided in I, II, III, IV, V and EX based on the score.

0-3 4-7 8-11 12-15 16-19 20


Fortitude's Score is equal to half of the sum of your Strength and Constitution scores. For Each level of Fortitude, Your MaxHP increases by 10


Fortitude's Score is equal to half of the sum of your Intelligence and Wisdom scores. For Each level of Prudence, Your Max Sanity increases by 10


Temperance's Score is equal to half of the sum of your Charisma and Dexterity scores. For Each level of Temperance, Your Interaction Success increase by 1


Justice's Score is equal to the sum of all your levels. At levels III, and EX, your Attack Speed Increases by 1, also increases your Speed by 5 each level.


Abnormalities won't attack only the Physical exterior of their opponents, they will also attack their minds, dealing damage directly to one's Sanity.

Each player starts at 100 Max Sanity, Sanity can only be increased by Prudence and will automatically restore to full after any kind of rest.

Certain Abnormalities will kill their target instantly as they reach 0 Sanity.

Reaching 0 Sanity will make the player go into Panic, having them rolling a d4 to determine the type of their Panic, if an Individual that has 0 Sanity suffers more Sanity Damage, that damage will be converted to HP damage, Reaching 0 HP while Panicing will cause the Individual to Suicide on the spot.

Roll Type of Panic
1 Murder
2 Suicide
3 Wander
4 Sabotage

Murder: The Individual enters a Murder Frenzy and starts attacking the nearest target.

Suicide: The Individual stands still for a minute (10 turns) and then takes its own life.

Wander: The Individuals wanders randomly, dealing 10 Sanity to any other Individual (Except Abnormalities) in a 10 feet area from itself on its turn's end.

Sabotage: The Individual goes to the Nearest Abnormality and intentionally Triggers its Aggressive State. If there are no Abnormalities Nearby, reroll the Mental Breakdown Type.

Suffering Sanity Damage from Allies will instead heal you, if you heal to full sanity from 0, you will recover from your Panic.

if you reach 0 Sanity from your E.G.O.'s effects, your Panic will always lead to an E.G.O. Corrosion, in which you will transform into a distorted version of yourself that resembles one random Abnormality that you wield as E.G.O., and you will behave like the Murder Panic Type, until you reach max Sanity again, by being hit with WHITE damage. While corroded you won't be able to regain Sanity from your E.G.O.'s effects.

Status Effects

Status Effects are Divided in 2 Aspects, Potency and Count.

A Status Effect's Potency indicates how strong the effect of that status will be when it triggers (Max 99).

A Status Effect's Count indicates how long that status will last (Max 99).

Abnormalities and their E.G.O. Equipments can inflict various kinds of status effects, some of them may be labled as "Unique (effect)", which means that they behave like (effect) but also have some unique properties.

The Basic Status Effects Are:


Inflicts (Potency) Burn Damage and loses 1 Count at the end of the turn.


Inflicts (Potency) Bleed Damage and Loses 1 Count when attacking.


Inflicts (Potency) Sinking Damage and Loses 1 Count on Hit, Sinking Damage targets Sanity before HP, if the target has no Sanity, it will directly target HP.


Has No Potency

Decreases the Combat Priority By Count and Speed by 5 times Count.

Example: you are fighting 3 creatures and inflict 3 bind to one of them, that creature will act 3 places behind, meaning that if it was the first to act it will become the fourth.

Expires at the end of the turn.


Inflicts (Potency) Rupture Damage and Loses 1 Count on Hit.


Roll a d100 when you attack, if the number is =< to the product of your Poise Potency x Count, The Attack is a Critical Hit. You lose 1 Poise Count at the End of your turn and each time you make a Critical Hit by the effects of status effect.


Used by Moves, Max Count is 20, Does not deplete by itself.


Can be Bursted through Special Moves, when that happens, roll a d100, if the number is =< to the Tremor Potency, The Attack will Stun the Enemy for 1 turn and will reduce its Resistances by +0.5. Enemies become immune to Tremor Bursts for 3 turns after recovering from the stun. Tremor Count Decreases by 1 at the end of the afflicted Creature turn.


Has No Potency

Gives as many disadvantages as Paralysis Count to Attack Rolls.

Decreases by 1 After an Attack Roll.

Sinking Delunge

Deal Sinking Potency * Sinking Count Sinking Damage.


Has No Potency

Increases the Combat Priority By Count and Speed by 5 times Count.

Example: you are fighting 3 creatures and gain 3 Haste, you will act 3 places forward, meaning that if you was the last to act, you will now be the first.

Expires at the end of the turn.

Amplitude Conversion

Converts all Tremor Potency and Count into another type of Tremor.

Amplitude Entanglement

Adds the effect of another Type of Tremor on top of normal Tremor, lasts 1 turn.

Misc Stats

Interaction Success Increases any roll made to Interact with an Abnormality by its Value (rounded down)

Any increase to Temperance and Prudence will become an increase to MaxHP (Fortitude) / Max Sanity (Prudence) if their score is already 20. (1 point = 2 Max HP/Sanity)

Any increase to Temperance will instead become an increase to Interaction Success (at a rate of 1 Temperance = 1 Interaction Success) if its score is already 20.

Any increase to Justice will instead become an increase to Attack Speed and Speed (at a rate of 1 Justice = 0.1 Attack Speed and 5 speed) if its score is already 20.

Tremor - Reverb

When Bursting Tremor - Reverb, Deal Tremor Damage equal to Tremor Potency

Tremor - Decay

For each 4 Tremor - Decay Potency reduce your target's AC by 1

Tremor - Chain

For each 10 Tremor - Chain Potency reduce your target's Attack Rolls by 1

Tremor - Fracture

Increase the Defence Loss on Stun made by tremor by 0.5 (from 0.5 to 1.0)

Tremor - Everlasting

When Bursting Tremor, flip a Coin, on heads Tremor Burst again for free, can happen twice per tremor burst (this won't stun twice or inflict more defence loss, it will only trigger effects that require Tremor Bursts).

Damage Types

Damage Types are discussed in the next page.

E.G.O. Equipment

E.G.O. is divided intro three categories: E.G.O. Weapon, E.G.O. Suit and E.G.O. Gift. All the Equipment of an Abnormality is defined by a single or sometimes two names, Most Abnormalities only have 1 type of each, but in some cases they could have more, and also their Risk Level isn't bound by the Abnormality's.

E.G.O. Weapons

The Stats that this Equipment control are:

Damage: What Type of Damage an E.G.O. Weapon inflicts with its normal attacks and how much

Attack Speed: The Number of Attacks a weapon can do in one action shown as a number, in case the weapon's attack speed is classified as "0", attacking will take up your entire turn, also "0" ATS weapons cannot increase their ATS.

Range: The Range of a weapon's attacks, Melee E.G.O. weapons have a base range of 5ft.

Dual Wielding E.G.O. Weapons makes you incur in a Max Sanity Reduction based on the Rank of the Weapons

ZAYIN 5 10 15 20 25
TETH 10 15 20 25 30
HE 15 20 25 30 35
WAW 20 25 30 35 40
ALEPH 25 30 35 40 45

E.G.O. Suits

The Stats that this Equipment control are:

Resistance: What Resistances the E.G.O. Suit grants against RED, WHITE, BLACK, and PALE damage.

ZAYIN E.G.O. Suits share the same AC of 12, increasing by 1 each Risk Level, Abnormalities also share this trait.

E.G.O. Gifts

The E.G.O. Gifts are equipment that can either improve or sometimes decrease the Four Virtues of the Individual who wears it. Unlike the previous E.G.O. Equipment, E.G.O. Gifts are obtained by Interacting with an Abnormality. Some of them might have Special Abilities that produce different effects on the user or others. They are permanent on the respective Individual and last until their deaths.

Multiple E.G.O. Gifts can be equipped to the same Individual, however, each Gift decreases the wielder's Max Sanity by 1 for each RIsk Level of the Abnormality (1-ZAYIN - 5-ALEPH).

E.G.O. Gifts Weight Nothing, and as the owner you can see through them as if they weren't there.

E.G.O. Acclimation

E.G.O. Equipment undergo a process of Acclimation the More you Use them, this process allows the user to draw out more and more power from it, effectively increasing its stats and Rank. This Process can take place based on the XP you gain (if you use XP), or when the DM sees fit. Acclimation is divided in 5 levels, for weapons, each level increases the damage it does as shown in the table below (note that the damage in the table isn't incremental as it represents the total damage increase), the dice value (no dice > 1d4 > nothing > 1d6 > nothing > 1d8 > nothing > 1d10 > nothing > 1d12 > nothing > nothing > nothing > 1d20), and the Rank also as shown in the table below.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
ZAYIN TETH Rank, +5 +7 damage HE Rank, +10 WAW Rank, +12 ALEPH Rank, +15
TETH +4 damage +6 damage HE Rank, +9 WAW Rank, +11 ALEPH Rank, +14
HE +3 damage +5 damage +8 damage WAW Rank, +10 ALEPH Rank, +13
WAW +2 damage +4 damage +6 damage +8 damage ALEPH Rank, +10
ALEPH +1 damage +3 damage +5 damage +7 damage +8 damage

E.G.O. Suits only increase their rank as shown in the table.

Damage and Resistances

Resistances are calculated like this: your base resistance to an attack (excluding pale) is 1.0, meaning you take normal damage, for each .1 this resistance changes, you take 10% more or less damage (example: at 1.2 resistance you take 20% more damage, at 0.8 you instead take 20% less)

Based on the Risk Level of an Abnormality or E.G.O. equipment, more or less damage is taken (Abnormalities do not receive resistances from ranks, they only deal more damage).

ZAYIN 0 0 +0.2 +0.5 +1
TETH -0.2 0 0 +0.2 +0.5
HE -0-3 -0.2 0 0 +0.2
WAW -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 0 0
ALEPH -0.6 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 0

example: ZAYIN E.G.O. wielders add 1.0 to their resistances towards attacks from an ALEPH Abnormality / E.G.O. (they take twice the damage).

at 0.0 resistance, all attacks will inflict no damage.

If a resistance goes in the Negatives, the attack will instead heal the target (example: if you have -1 resistance to RED damage you will heal by the attack's damage, WHITE damage regenerates Sanity, BLACK damage regenerates both, and PALE damage regenerates a % of your HP).


"Every Abnormality may not have a reason to exist, but they all have a will to persist."

One may ask, But how do Abnormalities work in actual gameplay? well the explanation is kinda convoluted so bear with me.

Each Abnormality has 3 Important Features : Behavior, Damage Type, and Risk Level


Each Abnormality's Behavior is different, as they require diverse methods of approach, but they all share the same basic traits:

Every Abnormality starts in a Calm State, in which they won't attack the players on sight, and can be interacted with.

While Interacting with an Abnormality, roll a D20, which score is affected by a Virtue of your Choice, each Abnormality has 3 Results: Bad, Normal and Good, which all have different effects based on the Abnormality and the players.

Every Abnormality has "Liked" and "Disliked" Virtues, When interacting with said Virtue, you gain an Advantage / Disadvantage on the roll.

Every Abnormality has a stat called "Qliphoth Counter", which represent the state of Suppression they are under, on certain conditions this counter will lower, and upon reaching 0 the Abnormality will start attacking players.

Additionally, each Abnormality has certain "triggers" when Interacting with it, which can unleash various effects.

Some Abnormalities have Special Interactions with other Abnormalities.

Also note that Abnormalities do not have a Sanity value, any Sanity Damaging Attack will deal normal HP damage to them, BLACK damage only deals its normal HP damage towards Abnormalities.

Damage Types

Abnormalities do not deal conventional damage types, they instead have 4 Specific Types of Damage that ignore any normal resistance and immunity except if it is a specific resistance against them (example: being resistant to slash,pierce and bludgeoning doesnt make you resistant to RED damage). Each player has a base resistance against all the damage types of 1.0, which means they take normal damage against it, except against PALE damage, which has a base resistance of 2.0, which means you take twice the damage against it.

RED damage

RED Damage Type involves Physical Trauma, which will normally decrease HP by its value. Any Damage that isn't categorized as "RED", "WHITE", "BLACK", or "PALE", and doesn't come from a status effect will only deal half of its damage as RED damage against E.G.O. and Abnormalities.

WHITE damage

WHITE Damage Type involves Psychological Trauma or Effects, which will decrease Sanity.

BLACK damage

BLACK Damage Type involves compound damage to both body and mind, which will decrease both HP and Sanity.

PALE damage

PALE Damage Type involves direct damage to one's soul, which decreases the HP of the target by a percentage of their Max HP with each attack. Each point of Pale Damage will remove 1% of the target's Max HP at 1.0 Pale resistance.

Risk Level

Abnormalities have 5 Risk Levels: ZAYIN, TETH, HE, WAW, and ALEPH; each describing how dangerous it can be to humans, you must bear in mind that an Abnormality with a low Risk Level isn't necessary weak, but it simply is less harmful to humans. Non E.G.O. equipment are considered ZAYIN level by default.

ZAYIN Abnormalities are the lowest and safest Risk Level to interact with. They aren't very threatening to Individuals, none of them will attack directly, but most of them can still deal damage through abilities or even trigger instakill effects, so one should still handle them with caution. These Abnormalities usually give positive effects and/or don't cause major consequences.

TETH Abnormalities are more dangerous than most ZAYIN Abnormalities, but still more manageable than HE Abnormalities. In this category and onward, the Abnormalities will start to deal threatening damage if lacking the proper defenses (Which can kill or panic players). Some of them will trigger their abilities when getting Bad Results too many times, reducing their Qliphoth Counter, while others will only trigger their abilities when the players make a mistake.

HE Abnormalities are a firm middle ground on the Risk Level chart, ranking higher than TETH and below WAW. They can cause various negative effects on the players and their surroundings, ranging from dealing constant damage to being able to kill players in one hit. These Abnormalities can be a serious problem when their Work Results are low and their Qliphoth Counters reach 0, which will result in them attacking or triggering their abilities. They're neither too easy nor too difficult to keep them calm and happy, though players may need higher levels to work on them.

WAW Abnormalities are dangerous Abnormalities while attacking and also calm, proving to be more dangerous than HE ones but just behind ALEPH Abnormalities. They can easily cause mayhem across the players and once their abilities trigger, it is hard to put them in their place. All of them have a way to start attacking unprompted, summon minions or possess players. If neglected, their power will overwhelm you.

ALEPH Abnormalities are extremely dangerous both while Calm and when they trigger their abilities, being more dangerous than WAW Abnormalities. Their abilities are the most powerful in-game, as well as having unique styles; from transformations, massive area damage, to the summoning of minions. Abnormalities of this class are able to cause a 'Party Kill' if they aren't suppressed in time or are left unattended.

I must precise that the Risk Levels don't always correspond to a direct upgrade in strength, ZAYIN abnormalities can be as strong as ALEPHs, but since their behavior is calm, and sometimes even helpful, they are ranked as such. As the Category itself is called "RISK Level" and not "POWER level" it reflects how Risky an encounter with an Abnormality is.

When encountering an Abnormality, you suffer Sanity damage based on your level and the abnormality's Risk level.

Level 1 - 4 0 15 45 75 100
Level 5 - 9 0 5 30 50 100
Level 10 - 14 0 0 15 30 50
Level 15 - 19 0 0 0 25 40
Level 20 0 0 0 5 25

Abnormalities Classification

This page is entirely flavor as it explains how abnormalities's classifications are made, this has no impact on gameplay.

How do classification work?

Each Abnormality has a classification code following a Letter-XX-YY format:

The Letter Stands for:

F: Fairytale

Fairy Tales, folklore, forgotten stories, and urban legends.

T: Trauma

Traumatic experiences, phobias, or intense emotions.

M: Mythical

Based on Human Mythology.

O: Original

Originates from beyond this reality, unknown cause of birth, naturally occurring phenomena, or were manufactured by humans. The catch-all categorization for any Abnormality that doesn't neatly fit into the previous classifications.

The First set of numbers (XX) stands for:

01: Humanoid—or possessing human-like characteristics:

Includes Abnormalities possessing human-like bodies or appendages, even if distorted or malformed. Excludes humanoid collections of non-human objects. Humanoid Abnormalities that can transform into an beastial/non-humanoid forms, usually upon breaching, are usually still designated under this classification. Abnormalities if their creation is closely related to humans

02: Animalistic:

Abnormalities that resemble animals, rather than humans.

03: Otherworldly or religious:

Abnormalities that are described or appear to be foreign and alien to the world. religious in theming; dependent on human attention or worship; unable to be properly comprehended by human understanding and/or perception.

04: Inanimate or Stationary:

Mostly includes object-like Abnormalities that are not appended to the 01, 02, or 03 designations. Virtually no Abnormality in this category is capable of independent movement, or is willing to move from its position, remaining mostly stationary, with certain exceptions; locomotion is limited to teleportation or attaching themselves to an Individual. Consequences due to mismanagement are often instantaneous or impromptu.

05: Machines and artifacts:

Applies to Abnormalities resembling inanimate objects similar to those classified as 04, but includes mechanical entities that can act autonomously and are capable of independent mischief. Behaviors are affected by various factors and situations, especially via the player’s choices, and cause long-term and significant consequences.

06: Abstract:

Includes Abnormalities that do not exist in physical reality and are closer to intangible phenomena Alternatively, the Abnormality is dependent on the perception of others, desiring to obtain a proper form or identity through observing or being observed by human beings, and / or being denied personhood, therefore having no original appearance.

07: ‘Breaching Tool’:

Include Abnormalities that are conditionally a Tool Abnormality and are capable of Aggressive Behavior.

08: Sin: Includes all Peccatula, related to the 7 sins.

09: Tool-type: Includes object-like Abnormalities that cannot attack and can be interacted with to benefit the player to varying results.

The Second set of Numbers (YY) is a unique number assigned arbitrarily to the abnormality, its length can vary.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 13

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 13 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


A silent Abnormality that understands the conflict between good and evil. Its empty eye sockets stare at all those who encounter it.

A giant skull that is attached to a cross, it wears a crown of thorns. It floats about 2 meters above the ground.

While its appearance is bizarre, it is rare to record an incident of violence when Interacting with this Abnormality.

It feeds on the “evil” that seeps out during conversations between Individuals. When Interacting, the Individual will kneel before it (standing also appears to be acceptable) and present their evil by confessing their sins to it. The way it feeds is unknown.

One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Penitence"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Penitence"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Penitence"

Good Result on an Evil Individual : Changes the Individual's Evil Alignment to Neutral, Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Penitence"

Good Result: Restores Half of your Max Sanity to all your Party

Normal Result: Restores 10 Sanity

Bad Result: You Suffer 5 WHITE Damage.

When WhiteNight's 12th Apostle Confesses their Sins to One Sin, it will Ray Holy Light upon WhiteNight, Instantly Suppressing it.

When Interacting with One Sin while Wearing E.G.O. Weapon, Suit and Gift of WhiteNight, the Individual will have their Equipment transformed to Original Sin and will gain the E.G.O. Gift "Penitence"

E.G.O. Gift

Penitence : +2 Prudence, Advantage when Working with One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds. (Hat)



Damage: 1d4 + 5 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: heal 5 Sanity and gain 2 Penitence

Acclimation increases the Sanity Heal by 2 and the Penitence gain by 1 each level

Original Sin


Damage: 1d12 + 16 PALE damage

Attack Speed: 0

Range: Melee

On Hit: Heal 15 Sanity and gain 6 Penitence

Acclimation increases the Sanity Heal by 5 and the Penitence gain by 2 each level

Can only be used while wearing the E.G.O. Gift "Penitence"


Unique Charge (Has no Potency)

You can Convert any Charge Count you gain into Penitence

On the Start of your turn, you gain Temp HP equal to Penitence

At 20 Penitence, You can unleash an attack that deals Three Times your Weapon's Damage as WHITE damage, Heals your Sanity by how much damage you dealt and makes you unable to gain Penitence for 3 turns.

Changes Appearance based on Penitence, at 6+ Penitence gain a golden aura on your weapon, at 12+ Penitence gain an halo, at 20 Penitence the golden aura grows in size and envelops your whole body



Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

Original Sin


Resistances: RED: 0.5 WHITE: 0.5 BLACK: 0.5 PALE: 0.2

If an Individual wields "Original Sin" both as a Weapon and Suit, and has the E.G.O. Gift "Penitence", they will be granted an Angelic Halo above their head, they will gain resistance to Radiant Damage, an they will gain + 25 Max Sanity.

If an Individual wears any piece of "Original Sin", they will be Unable to gain any piece of "Paradise Lost", and will deal x2 damage to WhiteNight.


Liked Virtues: Temperance, Prudence, Justice

Disliked Virtue: Fortitude

Qliphoth Counter: 1

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 12

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 12 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


Wears a black fedora and a beaked mask. Has huge black wings instead of arms or legs. It is capable of human communication, though it prefers to talk little.

It came to this world by itself, claiming that the world has contracted a dreadful disease only it is able to cure. We could not find anything about this “disease” it refers to.

It seems to like treating employees when they are injured or sick. It shows satisfaction when helping others, and it seems quite sympathetic and benevolent. Even after a week of observation, we found no aggression, or violence. Only contributions to the assumption that this Abnormality is eminently “gentle” and good for us.

Plague Doctor



Good Result: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Bless"

Normal Result: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

Bad Result: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

When the Qliphoth Counter reached 0, the 3 Nearest Humanoids become Possessed and go towards Plague Doctor to be Blessed.

Each Time Plague Doctor Blesses someone, it transforms.

When Plague Doctor has blessed a total of 12 Individuals, it Transforms one last time, and Those who have been kissed by Plague Doctor shall be reborn as the blessed.

Individuals Blessed by Plague Doctor cannot Interact with it anymore.

E.G.O. Gift

Bless : +6 to all Virtues, +6 Speed, +0.6 Attack Speed. (hovers over your head)

Plague Doctor gives no E.G.O. Weapons or Suits.

Plague Doctor after 1 Blessing

Plague Doctor after 2 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 3 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 4 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 5 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 6 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 7 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 8 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 9 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 10 Blessings

Plague Doctor after 11 Blessings


Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality


Interacting with This Abnormality will cause the Death of every Being in a 1 Mile Area.

This Abnormality can Shapeshift into other Abnormalities, but the disguise vanishes if an Humanoid is at least 15 feet close to it.

Every Humanoid in a 10 feet area from the Abnormality have to roll a Prudence Saving Throw (DC 12), Interacting with the Abnormality on a Failure.

This Abnormality gives No E.G.O. Gift, Weapon or Suit.

Don't Touch Me



A machine in the shape of a box with a tempting big red button. Old scribblings are written around it. They're mostly warnings, such as: "Don't push the button."

Many individuals file their temptation to push the button as so strong it gives them insomnia. However, as the number of individuals claiming they are suffering from this temptation is quite large, a solution to this problem is being worked on currently.

One of the most important aspects of defining an abnormality is "free will". This Abnormality is confirmed to possess a strong will to make anyone around it want to push it. Thus, it is categorized as an Abnormality.

When the button is pressed apocalypse will befall, others say rainbow-colored light will shine down and unicorns will descend from thed, things that shouldn't happen, happen. Some say an ape sky, and others still say a bomb buried deep underneath the facility will detonate and reset everything. However, none of these rumors are confirmed.

Caution is advised as this Abnormality possesses the ability to evoke one's curiosity to press it. Sometimes, it changes its shape in a cunning attempt to be pressed by mistake.


Liked Virtues: Fortitude, Prudence

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 12

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 12 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


Opened Can of Wellcheers, is an Abnormality composed of a flashy grey soda vending machine and two humanoid guards that resemble shrimp, wearing gray overalls and yellow boots.

The vending machine dispenses a free soda branded "Wèllcheers" upon the emptying of the drink dock, effectively making a drink always available.

Opened Can of Wellcheers



Good Result with Liked Virtues: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Soda"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Soda"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Soda"

Interaction with Prudence: Drink a Wellcheers, Restoring Half of your Sanity

Interaction with Fortitude: Drink a Cherry flavored Wellcheers, Restoring Half of your HP

Interaction with Temperance or Justice: Drink a Grape Flavored Wellcheers, Restoring Half of your HP and Sanity

Bad Result: Fall asleep on the spot. Shortly afterwards, the shrimps will Capture you, as a large wave carrying a fishing boat will take you away, "Killing" you.

E.G.O. Gift

Soda : +2 Fortitude (its a beard)



Damage: 2 RED damage

Attack Speed: 3

Range: 120 feet

On Hit: heals 2 HP and 2 Sanity, Dealing a Critical Hit doubles the amount of heals.

Acclimation Increases the amount of HP and Sanity heal by 2 each level.

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level



Resistances: RED: 0.8 WHITE: 1.0 BLACK: 1.0 PALE: 2.0


It assumes the shape of a cheval glass, but nothing is reflected on its surface.

The only thing it shows is people. When facing oneself in the mirror, the subject changes. There are numerous suggestions, like the possibility of a linkage to a parallel universe or magical powers, but none of this can be confirmed.

Those who face themselves in the mirror may appear the same, but in actuality, they have become completely different people.

Looking into the mirror multiple times will gradually eat away one’s humanity until they become indistinguishable from a hollowed husk of a man, so caution is advised.

Mirror of Adjustment



When Interacted, Mirror of Adjustment will allow you to Change your Stats, and your Skills.

When Interacting more than once with Mirror of Adjustment in a Single Day, the Abnormality will halve your Stats and your Proficiencies.

Changing your Stats mean that you can freely re-arrange all your stat points, without adding or subtracting to your total stat points, same thing with proficiencies.


You have 10 strength and 20 charisma, by using Mirror of Adjustment you can have 12 Strength and 18 Charisma.

You have the Investigation Skill, by Using Mirror of Adjustment you can lose that skill to gain another.


Liked Virtue: Fortitude

Disliked Virtues: Prudence, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 8

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 8 and > 3

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 3


The Abnormality is similar to a fairy, having two pairs of wings and a small body. They act as a cluster.

They use a language we cannot understand to communicate with each other. They follow a few Individuals around when they enter their Territory, using their special abilities to help heal injuries. People call this act "The Fairies' Care".

The fairies are no more than carnivorous monsters, and their "protection" is their method to keep the meat fresh. When an individual enters another Abnormality's Territory, they gobble them up in fear that they would lose their food to something else.

Fairy Festival



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift and Weapon "Wingbeat"

Good Result with Temperance: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Wingbeat"

Good Result: Receive "The Fairies' Care" for a 6 Hours

Normal Result: Receive "The Fairies' Care" for 6 Hours

Bad Result: You Suffer 5 RED damage.

If Someone Under "The Fairies' Care" Tries to Interact with Another Abnormality, The Fairies will eat Said Individual, Instantly Killing It.

E.G.O. Gift

Soda : +2 Temperance (Glove)

The Fairies' Care

Heal 1/10 HP every 10 turns (1 minute).



Damage: 1d4 + 5 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflicts 1 Bleed on hit and heals HP equal to half the Bleed Potency on the Target.

Acclimation increases the Amount of Bleed on hit by 1.



Resistances: RED: 0.8 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 1.0 PALE: 2.0


When Stepped Inside, We Can Change Anything will close itself, Slowly Killing Whoever is Inside and Generating electricity as a result.

Once We Can Change Anything closes itself, it Won't Reopen until whoever is inside dies.

We Can Change Anything



After the popularity of the “All-Around Helper” skyrocketed, “We Can Change Anything” was released as the second installment of XX Inc’s home robot series.

As to be expected of all of XX Inc’s products, it sports a variety of functions.

Is your child a troublemaker who cries all the time? We can change that!

Don’t like how you look? Are you too fat? Too skinny? We can change that!

Is your house suffering from an outage because you don’t have the money to pay for the power bill? We can change that!

It’s quite simple. Just open up the machine, step inside, and press the button to make it shut. Now everything will be just fine.

The machine will produce energy after an individual enters it. Seeing as once inside, nobody ever comes out, it must be rather comfortable.

We Can Change Anything's Inside


A mysterious worn-out machine used for operations.

This machine was designed to pull back the skull and destroy nerve tissue safely and efficiently.

Many of those who underwent an operation inside the machine have found themselves rested and healthy again.

Those who answered “Yes” to the question “Do you love your city?” were deemed cured. Those who answered “No” weren’t allowed to discharge.

The longer the machine is in use, the better a person becomes. Furthermore, the longer it is used, the faster the question will change.

You Must Be Happy



Stepping Inside You Must Be Happy will lock you in place.

While inside You Must Be Happy, The Machine will Ask "Do you love your city?"

After Asking the Question, You Must Be Happy will bring in front of you a button with a screen Displaying "YES" or "NO", at increasingly faster intervals.

Trying to press the button will make you roll a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 1), pressing "NO" on a failure and "YES" on a success.

Pressing the button while the Screen Displays "NO" will instantly kill you.

Pressing the button while the Screen Displays "YES" will increase your Virtues' Score by 1 for each turn you spent inside You Must Be Happy for a day.

For each turn you spent inside You Must Be Happy, the DC to the Dexterity Saving Throw increases by 1.


A mysterious marble which hangs from the ceiling.

We know of an ancient practice; the countless promises that were made, and the unending faith placed in them.

However, all that they yielded was only hollowness and betrayal.

Those betrayed hearts sank into the depths, slowly forgotten in the ever-lengthening corridors of time.

If you make an attempt with an austere heart devoid of desire or expectation, however, you may receive an unexpected reward.

Old Faith and Promise



Interacting With the Abnormality will make it take your Weapon, and roll a d20.

After a short while, the Abnormality will increase your weapon's damage and return it to you.

Trying to further increase the weapon's damage will have a chance of it getting destroyed.

The Abnormality will turn blue while processing, gold on a success, and black on a failure

The Damage Boost lasts a day.

Upgrade Damage Increase Roll to Succeed
0 20% >0
1 40% > 5
2 60% > 10
3 80% > 15
4 100% 20


Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 3

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 17

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 17 and > 7

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 7


A silent Abnormality that understands the conflict between good and evil. Its empty eye sockets stare at all those who encounter it.

A giant skull that is attached to a cross, it wears a crown of thorns. It floats about 2 meters above the ground.

While its appearance is bizarre, it is rare to record an incident of violence when Interacting with this Abnormality.

It feeds on the “evil” that seeps out during conversations between Individuals. When Interacting, the Individual will kneel before it (standing also appears to be acceptable) and present their evil by confessing their sins to it. The way it feeds is unknown.

Army in Black



Good Result: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Pink"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Pink"

Normal or Good Result with Disliked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Pink"

Interacting with Justice: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

Normal or Good Result with Temperance: Army in Black will summon a copy of itself that follows the Individual for 6 Hours, granting 20% Damage Reduction to them, and healing its party by 12 HP and Sanity every 2 turns (12 seconds). Triggering this effect lowers the Qliphoth Counter by 1

Normal or Good Result with Temperance Under level 9: Army in Black will summon a copy of itself that follows the Individual for 6 Hours, granting 20% Damage Reduction to them, and healing it by 12 HP and Sanity every 2 turns (12 seconds), but said Individual will enter a Murder Panic until the 6 Hours end. While in this trance the Individual's eyes are covered by Pink Hearts. Triggering this effect lowers the Qliphoth Counter by 1.

When an Individual who has a copy of Army in Black successfully suppresses an Abnormality, Army in Black's Qliphoth Counter increases by 1.

Bad Result: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1 and you suffer 25 WHITE damage.

When Someone Died in a 1 Mile area around Army in Black, its Qliphoth Counter would lower by 1.

When The Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Army in Black will summon 4 Black copies of itself (See T-01-10-A).

E.G.O. Gift

Pink : +5 Justice, increases the corresponding E.G.O. weapon's damage by 5 if the E.G.O. armor is also equipped (Helmet)




Damage: 25 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: 1 Mile

Requirements: Level V Prudence



Resistances: RED: 0.5 WHITE: 0.3 BLACK: 0.4 PALE: 1.0

Requirements: Level V Fortitude

Army in Black

Medium Abnormality

  • Hit Points 250
  • Speed 15 feet

1.2 0.6 1.0 0.8

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level ALEPH

Passive-Aggressive: This Abnormality won't Attack unless damaged.


Black Hearts Shockwave: Army in Black will release a Shockwave of Black Hearts in a 30 feet area around itself, dealing 15 BLACK damage.

Final Salute: Only usable after 10 turns, Army in Black does its last Salute and blows itself up, dealing 50 WHITE damage in a 1 Mile Area, this attack's damage is unavoidable and deals a 120 feet Knockback, if you hit an object from this knockback, you will also get knocked prone.


Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 10

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 10 and > 1

Bad Interaction Threshold : 1


Warning: You have been hit by the baldy-bald psychological attack. If a non-bald person reads this, they’ll be granted the privilege to go bald at an extremely rapid pace. If one wants to stop this from happening, they must Interact with this Abnormality. In addition, if you find 10 or more strands of hair on your pillow in the morning, it is recommended to peruse this article at least three times.

The Letter Inside You're Bald is 머, which is the middle letter for the korean word "Bald".

You're Bald...



If this Abnormality is interacted by someone who isn't Bald, the Abnormality will make That Individual Bald, and will progress to its second form.

If this Abnormality is interacted by someone who isn't Bald twice in a day, the Abnormality will make any Creature in a 1 mile area Bald, and will progress to its third form.

If this Abnormality is interacted by someone who isn't Bald thrice or more in a day, the Abnormality will make any Creature in a 10 miles area Bald.

After not being interacted for a day, You're Bald... returns to its first form.

Non-Bald Individuals will always have a Bad Interaction.

Interaction with Fortitude Made by a Bald Individual will grant them the E.G.O Weapon "Tough"

Interaction with Prudence Made by a Bald Individual will grant them the E.G.O Suit "Tough"

Interaction with Justice Made by a Bald Individual will grant them the E.G.O Gift "Tough"

E.G.O. Gift

Tough : +2 Justice, only works if the user is Bald (Glasses)

You're Bald...'s second form


Rank: TETH

Damage: 3 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: 120 feet

Requirements: Being Bald

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level

You're Bald...'s third form



Resistances: RED: 1.0 WHITE: 1.0 BLACK: 0.8 PALE: 2.0

Requirements: Being Bald


Liked Virtues: Fortitude, Temperance, Prudence

Qliphoth Counter: 1

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 12

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 12 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


A Bottle filled with Saline solution, Corked with Cake

After REDACTED consumed the Cake, the whole area was Flooded with Water

After a short while, the water disappeared and REDACTED left the area

A broken Heart was pinned on REDACTED's heart.

Those who covet the Bottle of Tears shall drown in tears of their own.

Bottle of Tears



Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Eyeball Scooper", Lowers Qliphoth Counter by 1

Good Result with Temperance: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Eyeball Scooper"

When Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, The Abnormality will Shatter, flooding the area with Water for 1 minute, while inside the Water, you suffer 5 WHITE Damage per turn (each 6 seconds).

Bad Result: Suffer 5 WHITE Damage.

This Abnormality grants no E.G.O. Suit.

E.G.O. Gift

Eyeball Scooper : +4 Prudence (Neckwear)

Eyeball Scooper

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d4 + 5 BLACK damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 1 Sinking, Heals user's Sanity by twice the Sinking Potency on target.

Acclimation Increases the amount of Sinking Potency by 1 each level, and Sinking Count by 1 at level 3.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 3

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 12

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 12 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


Blubbering Toad has the appearance of a giant, gray rock-colored toad with blue warts covering its back. It has two huge, blue bulging eyes that periodically dart around independently of each other. It is able to retract its eyeballs into its body, as well as extend them out of its eye sockets to attack opponents. The inside of its mouth is coated with a blue goopy substance and houses a long, thick blue tongue that is also covered with this substance.

Blubbering Toad



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Cavernous Wailing"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Cavernous Wailing"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Cavernous Wailing"

Good Result: Blubbering Toad sings a Soothing tune, anyone that can hear it recovers 15 Sanity

Bad Result: Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1, also suffer 5 WHITE damage

When the Qliphoth Counter reaches 0, Blubbering Toad will start Crying, any Individual that can hear Blubbering Toad's Cry loses 5 Sanity each turn. The only way to stop Blubbering Toad's cry is to suppress it.

E.G.O. Gift

Melted Eyeball : +4 Prudence (Hat)

Cavernous Wailing

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d8 + 10 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 0

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 2 Tremor Potency.

Special Move: Inflict Amplitude Conversion to Reverb and Burst Tremor, then reduce Tremor Count by 1. can only be used if the target's Tremor isn't Reverb.

Acclimation Increases the amount of Tremor Potency by 1 each level, and of Tremor Count by 1 at level 3.

Cavernous Wailing


Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.5 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 3.0

When you reach under 30% HP for the first time in a fight, you gain Temp HP equal to 20% of your Max HP for 3 turns.

When the Temp HP from this armor expire or run out, every enemy in a 30 feet area suffers 4 Sinking Potency and Count

Acclimation doubles the Temp HP and Sinking Potency at level 3.

Blubbering Toad

Huge Abnormality

  • Hit Points 600
  • Speed 5 feet

1.0 0.5 1.0 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level ZAYIN

Passive: Blubbering Toad will only become aggressive if attacked.

Melting Eyeballs: each 200 HP lost, one of Blubbering Toad's Eyes will explode, making it unable to use the attack related to that eye and lowering its defences by 0.5

Shifting Eyes: Blubbering Toad attacks once with its tongue, and once per eyeball (3 attacks total), every 4 turns Blubbering Toad will use Eyeball Weight if both its eyeballs are intact.


Crying Slap: Blubbering Toad Opens its Mouth and Extends it tongue, slapping a target in a 30 feet area, dealing 5 WHITE damage and inflicting 5 Sinking Potency and Count

Melty Eyeball: Blubbering Toad extends its Left Eye and uses it to attack, Dealing WHITE damage based on Sinking Potency on target

Gushing Gloom: Blubbering Toad extends its Right Eye and attacks the Individual with the most Sinking Potency, inflicting 10 WHITE damage and 3 Sinking Potency.

Eyeball Weight: after 4 turns, Blubbering Toad attacks up to 3 targets with both its eyeballs, dealing 10 WHITE damage and doubling their Sinking Potency and Count.


Liked Virtue: Prudence

Disliked Virtues: Temperance

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 12

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 12 and > 6

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 6


It takes the form of a girl burnt to ashes. Even though there's nothing left to burn, the fire still doesn't extinguish.

A matchstick impales the girl's body like a stake. Usually, the match is always lit, while the Abnormality shows no sign of activity. Because of this, people often speculate that the matchstick may be the Abnormality's true body. However, recently, the ashen figure was seen crying, according to witnesses.

The charred body represents the child's crumbled hope, while the ever blazing flame represents the obsession for affection. It's always in conflict with the contradiction between these two.

Well, she’s like a ticking time bomb. No one can tell if she’s in a good mood or not. We just hope that we won’t be the one blown up before entering the her sight. She won’t get any better, we can only try and keep her from getting worse.

Scorched Girl



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift and Suit "Fourth Match Flame"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Matchlight"

Normal Result: roll a d4, on a 4 the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1

Bad Result: flip a coin, on head the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, also suffer 10 RED damage

When Qliphoth Counter reaches 0, Schorched Girl will become Aggressive

Successfully Suppressing this Abnormality before it explodes grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Fourth Match Flame"

E.G.O. Gift

Fourth Match Flame : +4 Fortitude (Held like a Cigarette)


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d12 + 20 RED damage in a 5 feet area

Attack Speed: 0

Range: 250 feet

On Hit: You gain 2 Ember.

Ember is Twice as Effective on this Weapon.

Acclimation increases the amout of ember gained by 1 for each level.

Fourth Match Flame

Rank: HE

Damage: 1d8 + 8 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

Requirements: Level III Fortitude

On Hit: Inflicts +2 Burn Potency, +1 Burn Count and gain 1 Ember.

Acclimation increases Ember gained by 1 and Burn Potency by 2 Each level, and Burn Count by 1 at level 3.

Scorched Girl

Small Abnormality

  • Hit Points 120
  • Speed 20 feet

0.5 2.0 1.0 2.0

  • Condition Immunities Burn
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH


Fourth Match Flame: after 4 turns, Scorched Girl blows Herself Up, Dealing 300 RED damage to every creature in a 25 feet area.

Fourth Match Flame

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.6 WHITE: 1.0 BLACK: 1.2 PALE: 2.0

At Acclimation level 3, you gain resistance to Burn damage.


Unique Burn (Has no Potency)

All your damage is increased by 1 for each Ember you have.

All Your Attacks inflict 1 Burn Potency for each Ember you have.

At the end of your turn, suffer (Ember x 2) Burn damage.

Ember does not Decay.


Playing the music box will heal 10 Sanity to everyone who hears the song each turn.

After 30 seconds (5 turns) of it playing, anyone that hears its song Instantly Panics.




A music box with an impressive sculpture of a dancing ballerina.

When wound up, a sad melody begins to play. No one knows when it was made or who made it, but it doesn’t seem to be new judging from the slight skips in the song.

There are a few phrases crudely carved on its surface: “Do you remember this melody? The professor used to play this song when the students were sleepy. Happy birthday.”

Listening to this music box will make anyone feel like everything will be okay in the end, lifting their fatigue. However, excessive listening will make one lose grip on reality, and be driven mad.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtue: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 4

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


An Abnormality taking the form of an old and feeble woman. Anytime someone approaches, it will talk to that person.

What it tells differs from time to time, however, it will always commence with “Dearie, dearie, would you like to hear a story?”. This story could be a lullaby, an unspecified poem, a nursery rhyme, a common children’s story, or something entirely new. It knows every children’s story and will not stop recounting until the listener finally leaves.

She may be the loneliest of all the Abnormalities. She’s filled with loneliness, and tells her tales to fill that void. Well, every story needs a listener. When someone approaches her, she’ll try to fill that void. Of course, listening to her is a very dangerous thing. She knows every story on Earth and even those that cannot possibly exist. Our minds can’t cope with such a thing. She could fry your brain in an instant.

Old Lady



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Solitude"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Solitude"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Solitude"

Good Result: Increases the Qliphoth Counter by 1

Bad Result: Suffer 10 WHITE damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter reaches 0, Old Lady will create a 30 feet field of a thick black smoke named "Solitude", if someone was to touch Solitude, that individual will be stunned for 1 minute, taking 5 WHITE damage every 6 seconds (total 50 WHITE damage).

When Interacting with another Abnormality in a 1 Mile area: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

E.G.O. Gift

Penitence : +3 Temperance (Glasses)


Rank: TETH

Damage: 3 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 3

Range: 120 feet

On Hit: Inflicts 1 Sinking Potency

Acclimation increases the Sinking Potency inflicted by 1, and adds +1 Sinking Count at level 3.

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 1.5 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.8 PALE: 2.0


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Prudence, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


An Abnormality in the shape of a woman against the wall. Over time, her unbearable sorrow grew into a mournful obsession, covered in countless, lengthy hairs.

As she is always facing the wall, not a single person has seen her face. While she occasionally talks to herself and weeps quietly, it is impossible to have a meaningful conversation with her. Despite her human appearance, it is impossible to discern what she is really looking at or her true intentions.

She will attempt to talk to or pique the interest of those who are about to leave her proximity. However, one should never look back in response, as it may cause mental damage. Certain rumors insist that one may turn to stone upon looking back, but this is clearly not true.

The Lady Facing the Wall



Interaction with Temperance: the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Screaming Wedge"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Screaming Wedge"

Normal Result: Flip a Coin, on Heads the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

Bad Result: roll a d20, if the result is less than 16, the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1 also suffer 10 WHITE damage.

After Interacting with The Lady Facing the Wall, If your Temperance is level 1, you will turn behind you to look at the Abnormality and instantly Panic.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, The Lady Facing the Wall will reveal her face, dealing 30 WHITE damage to anyone that witnesses it.

This Abnormality grants no E.G.O. Gift.

Screaming Wedge

Rank: HE

Damage: 1d8 + 8 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: 250 feet

Requirements: Prudence Level II

When attacking, if wielder’s Fortitude and Prudence Levels are lower than III, flip a coin, on heads take 5 Sanity Damage.

This Weapon's attacks are Piercing, meaning they wont stop at the first target hit.

Screaming Wedge

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 1.2 WHITE: 0.6 BLACK: 1.0 PALE: 2.0


Liked Virtue: Justice

Disliked Virtues: Prudence, Temperance

Qliphoth Counter: 4

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Noise"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Noise"

Good Result: Increases the Qliphoth Counter by 1

Normal Result: Flip a Coin, on Heads the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

Bad Result: roll a d20, if the result is less than 17, the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, also suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, 1.76 MHz will start slowly spreading its static to all surrounding things within 1 mile, covering them in it, while stepping inside the static, you suffer 3 WHITE damage each turn (6 seconds). after the Qliphoth Counter reached 4 again, all the static instantly vanishes.

This Abnormality has no E.G.O. Weapon.

1.76 MHz



This Abnormality is a phenomenon with no visible form. It was discovered when some individuals began to exhibit shared symptoms when entering a specific area. They all suffered hallucinations of a specific nature, and their mental corruption increased.

After setting a radio’s frequency to 1.76 MHz, we waited. Following 12 minutes, a mysterious voice was heard through static. It was difficult to make out what it was saying, but it appeared to be in distress and was asking for help.

17 minutes in, the voice stopped and 3 loud explosions were heard, which were then followed by 2 smaller explosions. It can be assumed that the situation the voice was in was chaotic, as based on the various levels of screaming that could be heard.

23 minutes in, all was silent.

Once 25 minutes passed, the radio began to emit smoke. We thought the machine had fried, but no fault could be found.

Continuing past 30 minutes, everyone in the area was suddenly filled with rage and started to exhibit the desire to assault one another with extreme aggression.

Following the incident, all individuals who took part refused to seek counseling. It is still unknown what caused the collective rage."

Afterwards, unknown noises and hallucinations started to occur near the area. This is a recording of the day we must never forget. It brings us to a chaotic place—forgotten by many—that must never be forgotten.

E.G.O. Gift

Noise : +2 Justice, When wearing the Corresponding E.G.O. Suit, decrease Max Sanity by 10 and increase Attack Speed by 1. (Brooch)


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 1.2 WHITE: 0.7 BLACK: 0.6 PALE: 2.0

Requirements: Level II Prudence


Liked Virtue: Fortitude

Disliked Virtues: Prudence

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Normal Interaction Threshold : > 6

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 6


An Abnormality that takes the form of a giant spider, guarding its domain in darkness. It's difficult to see the Abnormality with bare eyes. Small spiderlings skitter around the floor.

When REDACTED squashed one of the spiderlings by accident, a giant spider descended from the ceiling. REDACTED was dragged to the ceiling in only a moment. The cocooned individual hanging off the ceiling of its domain will be a healthy meal for the spider's offspring.

Spider Bud



Normal Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift and Weapon "Red Eyes"

Normal Result with Liked Virtue and at least 2 Cocoons: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Red Eyes Open"

Normal Result with Temperance: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Red Eyes"

Bad Result: Suffer 10 RED damage.

Interaction with the Abnormality: Suffer 3 RED damage.

Interaction with Prudence: Spider Bud descends, capturing you in a Cocoon, and killing you.

Interaction while your Prudence level is I: Spider Bud descends, capturing you in a Cocoon, and killing you.

E.G.O. Gift

Red Eyes : +3 Temperance (Glasses)

Red Eyes

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 2 Bleed Potency

Acclimation increases the Bleed Potency by 1 each level, and the Bleed Count by 1 at level 3

Red Eyes Open

Rank: HE

Damage: 1d12 + 8 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 2 Bleed Potency and 1 Count, Gain 1 Red Eyes

Acclimation increases the Bleed Potency by 1 each level, and the Bleed Count by 1 at level 3

Special Move: You completely Unsheate the sword, webbing up to 3 targets in a 120 feet area and bringing them in front of you, then you slash, dealing Three Times This Weapon's Damage, inflicting 3 Bind next turn, 10 Bleed Potency and 2 Bleed Count. Requires 20 Red Eyes, and makes you unable to gain Red Eyes for 3 turns. deal +10 Damage against targets with 3 Bind.

Requirements: Fortitude level III, Prudence Level II

Red Eyes

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.8 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.8 PALE: 2.0

Requirements: Fortitude Level II

Gains -0.1 RED Resistance each 5 Red Eyes

Red Eyes

Unique Charge (Has no Potency)

You can Convert any Charge Count you gain into Red Eyes

Your weapon inflicts (rounded down Red Eyes/5) Bleed on hit, and deals twice that number as RED damage.

At 20 Red Eyes, You can unleash an attack that deals Three Times your Weapon's Damage as RED damage, Heals your HP by Bleed Potency on target, and makes you unable to gain Red Eyes for 3 turns.

Changes Appearance based on count, at 0 Red Eyes, all the eyes on the E.G.O.s are closed, at 6+ Red Eyes the eyes will open, and at 16+ Red Eyes the eyes will Glow red, and at 20 Red Eyes you will gain a dark purple aura.


Liked Virtue: Justice

Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Temperance

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 16

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 16 and > 10

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 10


A self-loathing Abnormality that spends every day letting out miserable screams. It wishes to break the cycle of the curse, but there is no way to do so.

Beauty was once a fair lady with charming green eyes. One day, this poor lady learns of a job opening at the manor of the count, with the promise of hefty payment.

The count had a monstrous appearance. Rumor says anyone who dares to enter his manor is never seen again.

'It must be that hideous monster preying on people.' With that thought in her mind, she brought a very sharp knife with her.

The lady was hired and worked at the manor. Contrary to the rumor, the monster was nowhere to be seen. Sometimes at night, she could hear a voice. It was very kind and compensated her for her troubles handsomely.

Beauty and the Beast



Interaction with Justice: Always Results in a Good outcome, Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Penitence" and "weakenes" the Abnormality.

Interaction with Justice while the Abnormality is "weakened": the Abnormality dies, and whoever interacted last with it will be transformed in the Abnormality, effectively killing them.

Interaction while the Abnormality is "weakened": the Abnormality will return "Healthy".

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Horn"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Horn"

Bad Result: You suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

E.G.O. Gift

Horn : +2 Prudence, +2 Fortitude. (Hat)


Working in the manor, the lady bore a greedy thought. 'If the count was gone, I could take all his possessions for myself!'

One day, she went inside the count's room. The room that she was instructed to never enter during the day. There she saw the count's true form. He was truly horrendous. Hundreds of eyes, four legs, he was neither human nor animal.

The lady thought: 'Perhaps such a hideous monster would be better off if it didn't exist.' She proceeded to stab the beast with her knife.

Surprisingly, the beast laughed in its last moments.

Before the lady could even ask why it was laughing, she began to change. Hundreds of eyes formed and a thick coat of fur grew on her. Soon, she turned into the beast.

Now, the manor and all its riches belonged to her.

...Rumor says anyone who dares to enter the count's manor is never seen again.


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 2

Range: 10 feet


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.8 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 1.5 PALE: 2.0

Heal 10 HP each turn you didn't take damage if your HP isn't Full.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 13

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 13 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


An Abnormality which contains the pain of all those who couldn’t take their sorrow in stride.

A bath of a gloomy color, topped up with blood. The blood is always kept in equilibrium; it never overflows. Only despair can be found in its sunken depths. Unbearable depression overwhelms all who look into the bath. In an instant, it can pull a nearby person into it. It bears no considerable strength, but those who suffer from its crushing depression do not resist. It devours the victim until nothing remains except for their wrists. All the hands which float in the bath are pale, exsanguinated; they stretch into the air and reach out as if asking for help.




Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Wrist Cutter"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Wrist Cutter"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Wrist Cutter"

Interacting while having Fortitude or Temperance at level 1: Hands will come out of the Abnormality and grab the individual, pulling them into the tub, and killing them. after their death a Pale Hand appears in the Tub

If 3 Pale Hands are in the tub, Bloodbath will pull the individual into the tub regardless of their stats, instantly killing them and resetting the amount of Pale Hands in the Tub

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

E.G.O. Gift

Wrist Cutter : +2 Temperance (Glove)

Wrist Cutter

Rank: TETH

Damage: 3 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 5

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 1 Bleed Potency

Acclimation increases the Bleed Potency inflicted by 1, and adds Sinking Potency equal to half Bleed Potency at level 3.

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level

Wrist Cutter

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 1.0 WHITE: 0.6 BLACK: 1.2 PALE: 2.0

You gain Resistance to Bleed and Weakness to Sinking


Liked Virtue: Fortitude

Disliked Virtues: Prudence, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 1

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


An Abnormality whose brain is imbued with rage, screams, and malicious cries. There is a wound on his forehead that never seems to heal. He hates everyone and everything. He wears a straitjacket, but is as free as any man. No amount of chains and restraints is enough to prevent him from committing violence.

A wide range of medicine and chemicals were injected into him. Some were used for the sake of humanity's future, while others were for new medical techniques. They all had the potential of changing the world. The researchers were getting more and more excited. Although they didn't openly express so, it was almost palpable.

“My head... turning into metal... folds in my brain, being flattened...” He kept repeating strange words, and the final procedure was quickly put in place. Treatment was halted, and he was dissected so his brain could be used for research. How do I know? I sedated him myself. He kept muttering nonsense until the end.

Forsaken Murderer



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift and Weapon "Regret" (the TETH weapon)

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Regret"

Bad Result: roll a d20, if the result is less than 17, the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, also Suffer 10 RED Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Forsaken Murderer's head will transform and he will become Aggressive.

E.G.O. Gift

Penitence : +2 Prudence, +2 Fortitude (Mouth)

Forsaken Murderer in his Aggressive State


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 12 RED damage

Attack Speed: 0

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 3 Tremor Potency, when Tremor Potency is 6 or more, trigger Tremor Burst and lower Tremor count by 1.

Acclimation increases the Tremor Potency by 1 each level and evolves at level 3. (counts as another weapon).


Rank: HE

Damage: 1d8 + 8 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 3 Tremor Potency and 1 Tremor Count

Acclimation increases the Tremor Potency by 1 each level and gives +1 Tremor Count at level 3

Special Move: Attacks 3 Times dealing half damage, then Bursts Tremor, deals Tremor Potency as RED damage, and lowers Tremor Count by 3.


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

If you are the last to act in a fight, your attacks deal +6 RED damage.

If you aren't the last to act in a fight, gain 3 Bind.

Forsaken Murderer

Medium Abnormality

  • Hit Points 270
  • Speed 30 feet

1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Chained Wrath : in combat, Forsaken Murderer is always the last to act, but all its attacks deal +5 RED damage if he was attacked before its turn.

Fear: All of Forsaken Murderer's Attacks lose 2 damage for each different Status Effect on him.

Regret: Forsaken Murderer will use Metallic Ringing each 3 turns.


Slam: Forsaken Murderer Slams his head in front of himself, dealing 4 RED Damage in a 10 feet area and inflicting 3 Tremor Potency and 2 Count.

Metallic Ringing: Forsaken Murderer Slams his head with greater force 3 times, dealing 8 RED Damage in a 15 feet area and Bursting Tremor each slam.


Liked Virtue: Prudence

Disliked Virtues: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 4

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


A small and confident bird that punishes the evil, guilty, and all sorts of irreverent people. Some have said that it is cute when the bird mightily flutters its tiny wings.

"People have been committing sins since long ago. Why do they commit sins, knowing it's wrong?" The small bird wondered. “It must be because there's no one to punish people for their misdeeds. If someone takes that role, then no foul act would happen in this world ever again!” With this in mind, the little bird left the forest it had been living in, and never went back.

Punishing Bird



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift and Suit "Beak"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Beak"

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

When Interacting with another Abnormality in a 1 Mile area: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

When Someone Panics in a 1 Mile area: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Punishing Bird will become Aggressive, after 2 minutes, or when a Panicking individual returns to normal, Punishing Bird will return Calm.

Attacking Punishing Bird will anger it. While angered, Punishing Bird will fully become red, and will chase down whoever attacked them last for up to 10 minutes, using PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!! if they reach the one who attacked.

When Punishing Bird, Big Bird, and Judgment Bird are within 10 miles from each other, they will group up and fuse together, creating a New Bird.

E.G.O. Gift

Beak : +2 Justice (Neckwear)


Rank: TETH

Damage:3 RED damage

Attack Speed: 3

Range: Melee

Deals +1 Damage for each turn you spend in combat without taking damage (max 5)

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.7 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 1.2 PALE: 2.0

After Being Hit while in combat, the Suit becomes completely red for 1 turn. If using the Associated E.G.O. Weapon, the damage buff from that weapon's effects is doubled while the suit is red.

Punishing Bird

Small Abnormality

  • Hit Points 200
  • Speed 30 feet

1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Misdeeds Not Allowed : When Attacked Punishing Bird will become enraged, gaining 800 Max HP (1000 HP total), and changing its behavior.

Punishment! : While normal, Punishing Bird will only use peck as an attack, While enraged Punishing bird will only use PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!! as an attack, after using PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!, Punishing Bird will return Calm.


Peck: Punishing Bird pecks, dealing 2 RED damage.

PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!: Punishing Bird opens its torso, revealing a huge set of jaws, and bites, dealing 1000 RED damage.

Enraged Punishing Bird using PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Prudence

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 13

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 13 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


An Abnormality that resembles a child's innocent doodles. Originally, it had no stable form, its shape would continually morph. To this day its aspects still change, albeit at a much slower pace. Component analysis has revealed that the Abnormality consists of matter that does not exist on Earth. It is notable for its metaphysical appearance that one cannot explain with words."

It often shows incomprehensible linguistic activity. Someone tried to decipher its speech, but their mental contamination level rose beyond the limit within several days. They suffered severe psychosis and had to be quarantined.

When the Abnormality becomes Aggressive, it will emit noises. As the sounds it makes have what could be considered a melody and syllables, we consider it “singing”. However, no one can precisely remember it, given that most of the time they are unable to describe it due to their serious brain damage.

Fragment of the Universe



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Fragments from Somewhere"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Fragments from Somewhere"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Fragments from Somewhere"

Normal Result: Flip a Coin, on Heads the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

Bad Result: roll a d20, if the result is less than 16, the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, also Suffer 10 BLACK Damage.

If an Individual panics from the damage of the Bad Result, the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Fragment of the Universe changes form and become Aggressive.

E.G.O. Gift

Fragments from Somewhere : +2 Temperance (Brooch)

Fragment of the Universe in its Aggressive State.

Fragments from Somewhere

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 BLACK damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: 10 feet

On Hit: Inflicts 2 Tremor Potency and 1 Count.

At Acclimation level 3, each attack inflicts 1 Enlightenment, but your Max Sanity is reduced by 15. At Acclimation level 5, the Max Sanity reduction is removed.

Fragments from Somewhere

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

At Acclimation level 3, each time you trigger a Tremor Burst, Recover 10 Sanity, but your Max Sanity is reduced by 15. At Acclimation level 5, the Max Sanity reduction is removed.


Unique Tremor (Has no Potency)

Increase Tremor Potency gained by Enlightenment.

On Tremor Burst, for Each 2 Enlightenment on target, trigger an additional Tremor Burst and clear Enlightenment.

Fragment of the Universe

Large Abnormality

  • Hit Points 200
  • Speed 30 feet

1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages None
  • Risk Level TETH

Incomprehensible : When Fragment of the Universe Triggers a Tremor Burst, add +50 to the d100 roll for stun, will also trigger an additional Tremor burst for each Enlightenment instead of each 2.

Echoes from the Beyond : Fragment of the Universe will use Echoes from the Beyond each 3 turns.


Multiattack: Fragment of the Universe attacks twice with its Tentacles.

Tentacle: Fragment of the Universe pierces its target with its tentacle, dealing 5 BLACK damage and inflicting 5 Tremor Potency, 1 Count and 1 Enlightenment.

Echoes from the Beyond: Fragment of the Universe Sings, dealing 10 WHITE damage to anyone that can hear it, inflicting 5 Tremor Potency, 1 Count, and triggering Tremor Burst.


Liked Virtue: Justice, Fortitude

Disliked Virtues: Temperance

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 18

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 18 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


An armor that seems to have been used hundreds of years ago. An engraving on its bottom states: “Life is only granted to those who hold no fear of death.” Obviously, putting this armor on is forbidden.

After running a few tests on the armor, we have come up with the following conclusions: If this armor is worn by a coward, their chances of fatal injury and death are drastically increased. Inversely, when someone who holds no fear of death wears it, their chances of injury and death are exceedingly decreased.

Crumbling Armor



Good Result with Justice: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Courage"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Life for a Daredevil"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Life for a Daredevil"

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

Interaction using Temperance: your head will be instantly Cut off, killing you.

If someone wearing this Abnormality's E.G.O. Gift tries to Interact with an Abnormality using Temperance or tries to use a Tool Abnormality, their head will be instantly Cut off

E.G.O. Gift

Courage : Increases Justice based on how many times you Interact with an Abnormality using Justice, can be removed anytime. (Aura)

Number of Interactions Increase in Justice Decrease in Max HP Aura Color
0 2 0 Blue
5 3 5 Orange
10 5 15 Orange
20 8 25 Red

Life for a Daredevil

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d8 + 8 PALE damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

Requirements: Justice Level II

You Deal and Take Double Damage If you also wear the associated Suit.

Life for a Daredevil

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.6 WHITE: 0.9 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

Requirements: Temperance Level II

You Deal and Take Double Damage If you also use the associated Weapon.


Can be Attached as a Brooch to gain 10 Max HP, 5 Fortitude and 1 Attack Speed

If removed before 30 seconds have passed or before killing something, puts the wearer in a Murder Panic in which all their stats will be doubled until they are returned to normal, or after 6 hours.

Will remove by itself after 6 hours.

The Heart of Aspiration



A heart without an owner; it still beats even after being removed from its body.

When borrowed, its rate of contraction will double, enhancing the borrower’s vigor and strength.

Excessive aspiration would bring about unwarranted frenzy.

Individuals who did not attack any targets before returning the heart, or those who returned the heart before 30 seconds had passed entered a state of derangement, repeating mindless killings with their enhanced strength.


Liked Virtue: Prudence

Disliked Virtue: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 1

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


It's always partially buried, only showing its eyes and a mysterious luminous organ above the ground.

There's no way to confirm what it looks like in its entirety. As it moves underground, it is impossible to predict its path.

Meat Lantern



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Lantern"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Lantern"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Lantern"

Bad Result: the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 BLACK Damage.

If Meat Lantern is interacted less than 40 seconds after its last interaction, its Qliphoth Counter will lower by 1.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Meat Lantern will bury underground and appear somewhere else in a 1000 feet area, with only its flower shown. If someone was to walk within 30 feet of that flower, Meat Lantern would instantly devour them by revealing its 2 enormous jaws, dealing 500 RED damage. Dealing 330 Damage to the flower seems enough to "suppress" Meat Lantern, making it return to its calm state.

E.G.O. Gift

Lantern : +4 Fortitude (Replaces your Teeth)


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 16 BLACK damage

Attack Speed: 0

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflicts 2 Rupture Potency, if the target has no Rupture, Inflict 6 Rupture Potency instead.

Acclimation increases Rupture Potency by 1 per level (including rupture from the conditional). Increases Rupture Count by 1 and unlocks a special move at level 3.

Special Move: You begin spinning with your weapon, creating a wirlwind of hits, dealing half this weapon's damage 4 times (each time inflicting rupture like a normal hit), and inflicting 6 Rupture Count on the first hit, also regenerate 10 + (1 per Rupture on target) HP. 3 Turns CD. Hits an additional time if under Half HP, healing for the entire damage of the hit.


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.8 WHITE: 0.7 BLACK: 1.2 PALE: 2.0

Glows in the Dark, creating a 30 feet area of light.


After being Read, Skin Profecy increases Prudence by 8 but decreases WHITE resistance by 0.3 for a day, can stack unlimited times.

While under the effects of Skin Profecy, if one where to panic, a portal will appear before them and drag them in, Killing them.

Skin Profecy



An ancient-looking religious book that rests on top of a skinny lectern. Its numerous pages are written on old parchment.

Its believers prayed that its sanctity would last forever by binding the tome in human skin.

Those who open the book will be enlightened to unimaginable truths. The ones who have mastered the truths will be called by the prophets; this call cannot be denied.

Save us now and forevermore. The truth shall set us free.


Liked Virtue: Fortitude, Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Prudence

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


Skin Prophet has the appearance of an emaciated humanoid with maroon-colored skin. Its body appears bony with an elongated spine connecting its upper body to its lower body. It lacks legs, instead having a lumpy mound for a base.

The Abnormality possesses three heads, each sprouting from a separate elongated neck. Each head has a singular large, orange, glowing eye with a red vertical slit pupil.

It has a pair of arms with clawed hands that are seen holding up a large book. A third arm, sprouting from the center of its chest, holds a fiery quill. The cover of the book appears to made of the same skin as the Abnormality's body. Skin Prophet is seen constantly scrawling in the book using its quill. The contents are illegible, made up of unknown glyphs, though they are described as prophecies of the future.

Skin Prophet



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "9:2"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "9:2"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "9:2"

Bad Result: The Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

Interaction with Justice level 2 or lower: The Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

Interaction while not full HP: The Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Skin Prophet will become Aggressive, and 4 Candles will appear around him.

E.G.O. Gift

9:2 : +3 Fortitude, -2 Prudence (Hat)


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 1 Burn Potency, if the target has no Burn, inflict 3 Additional Burn Potency

Acclimation increases Burn Potency by 1 per level (including Burn from the conditional). Increases Burn Count by 1 and unlocks a special move at level 3.

Special Move: Dash in a 15 feet Straight line and perform a slash, everyone in that 15 feet line will suffer twice this weapon's damage and 10 Burn Potency, doubled if they didn't have Burn. 3 Turns CD.


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

If your Acclimation level is 3 or more with this suit, and theres a target in a 120 feet area with at least 20 Burn Potency at the start of your turn, double its Burn Potency. Works once per target.

Skin Prophet

Large Abnormality

  • Hit Points 275
  • Speed 0 feet

0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Fiery Down : When Skin Prophet Inflicts Burn Potency against a target without burn it doubles the Potency inflicted.

As The Prophecy Foretold : While All the Candles are snuffed out, Skin Prophet gains -1 to all its resistances and can only use All Shall Scatter once per turn. When all the Candles are Lit, Skin Prophet loses the resistances and uses All Shall Scatter and Longing once per turn, on the second Turn he will also use 9:2, if all the candles get snuffed out on the turn Skin Prophet was using 9:2, it will use 6:5 Instead.


All Shall Scatter: Skin Prophet slashes with its quill, dealing 5 RED damage and inflicting 2 Burn Potency and 1 Count.

Longing: Skin Prophet pierces a target with its quill, dealing 8 RED damage and inflicting 4 Burn Potency if the target has burn.

9:2: Summons a Hail of Fire on up to 7 targets, each one of the suffers 20 PALE Damage, 10 Burn Potency and 4 Count. Snuffs out all the candles.

6:5: Skin Prophet Summons a Hail of Fire on Itself, Suffering 20 PALE Damage, 10 Burn Potency and 4 Count.


Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 6

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 6


What's with that look on your face? That kind of facial expression isn't recommended in our city.

Goodness, why are you making such a face? You're making others feel gloomy too. Please be more considerate, you don't live in this world alone after all.

You are very poor at expressing your emotions. You must be quite shy.

One sunny day, just like that day they sincerely dried the laundry, they dried their own skin.

Everyone was finally satisfied when they showed a bright smile. If they met people who asked what was wrong, they would respond: “I'm just shy, that's all. Just shy...”

Today's Shy Look



Each 6 Seconds (1 turn), roll a d6, Today's Shy Look will change Expression as described in the tables below, the expression won't change while Interacting with the Abnormality

Based on what Expression Today's Shy Look is making, you will get advantage or disadvantage when interacting with it

While the expression is Smiling, Interactions have double advantage and having a bad result won't damage you

While the expression is Happy, Interactions have advantage and having a bad result deals half damage

While the expression is Neutral, Interactions have no special properties

While the expression is Sad, Interactions have disadvantage and having a bad result will make you suffer double damage

While the expression is Angry, Interactions have double disadvantage and having a bad result will deal triple damage

Good Result with Smiling Expression: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Today's Expression"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Today's Expression"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Today's Expression"

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 BLACK Damage.

E.G.O. Gift

Today's Expression : -2 Prudence, +4 Temperance (Face Mask)

Today's Expression

Rank: TETH

Damage: 3 BLACK damage

Attack Speed: 3

Range: 120 feet

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level

At the start of your turns, roll a d6, based on the result you deal more or less damage based on the table below

Roll Expression Damage
1 Smiling -2
2 Happy -1
3 Same as the Last Turn Reroll if its the first turn
4 Neutral 0
5 Sad +1
6 Angry +2

Today's Expression

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.7 WHITE: 0.6 BLACK: 1.5 PALE: 2.0

Requirements: Fortitude Level II

At the start of your turns, roll a d6, based on the result you take more or less damage based on the table below

Roll Expression Damage
1 Smiling -10
2 Happy -5
3 Same as the Last Turn Reroll if its the first turn
4 Neutral 0
5 Sad +5
6 Angry +10


Can be Equipped to gain 10 Max HP, 5 Fortitude, and a 5 HP per turn heal

If the Wearer's HP are full for a minute after Equipping the Bracelet, They will instantly die, with overgrown cells sprouting from their bodies

If the Wearer's HP are not full before removing the Bracelet, they will instantly die

The Bracelet cannot be removed by external causes, only by the wearer.

Luminous Bracelet



A bracelet that gives off a soft turquoise light. Many unexplainable things have been discovered in the Outskirts.

When it is worn, all wounds are healed without a trace of scarring.

However, to wear this bracelet even when one has not a scratch left on their body is an act of greed.

This bracelet shall not forgive those who hold greed in their hearts, thus it must only be worn by those in true need.


Can be Attached as a Brooch to gain 5 Justice by losing 8 Prudence and 10 Max Sanity.

If removed before 30 seconds have passed or when the wearer panics, makes the wearer gouge their eyes out while letting out a maniacal laugh, instantly killing them.

Will change any evil alignment to a good one while equipped.

Behavior Adjustment



An electronic device with a mysterious symbol engraved into it.

It readjusts everyone to become righteous, no matter how wicked, evil, and arrogant they may be.

However, its users will become too dependent on the device and lose all ability to think on their own.

Eventually, intellect loses all meaning as they forget even how to exist.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtue: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 10

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 10 and > 6

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 6


An Abnormality whose form sports a goat’s fur and horns. It is not unique in regards to its appearance with the exception of several colorful eyes embedded upon its body. Gaining information about this Abnormality is expected to be difficult due to its ceaseless slumber

A demon must change its shape to deceive others. A demon must grant sweet dreams to deceive others. A crack appears in the human mind when it is shown the dream it yearns for. A demon will never miss this chance to bring one to their doom.

Counseling... Rest... All of it was useless. I spent days by myself, agonizing until I finally realized it. It lured me with an unforgettable bait. That was the price for eating away my nightmares. And then it left me with nothing but void, so I would have no choice but to return to it. Then... I have lost to it.

Void Dream



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Engulfing Dream"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Engulfing Dream"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Engulfing Dream"

Bad Result: The Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

Interactions with a Temperance level of II or less made the individual enter a perpetual state of sleep, killing them.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Void Dream will become "Aggressive"

E.G.O. Gift

Engulfing Dream : +4 Prudence (Hat)

Engulfing Dream

Rank: TETH

Damage: 3 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 3

Range: 60 feet

When hit by this weapon 9 or more times, you fall asleep, unable to wake up until your next turn

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level

Engulfing Dream

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

You are Immune to all effects that inflict sleep.

Void Dream

Small Abnormality

  • Hit Points 250
  • Speed 15 feet

0.5 1.5 1.0 2.0

  • Condition Immunities Sleep
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Dreaming : When hit, Void Dream will change form and become truly Aggressive, and its size will change to Medium.

Nightmare Eater : will only use Gentle Whisper while in the first form, in the second form will also use Cackle each 2 turns.


Gentle Whisper: Void Dream releases 4 orbs of light in random directions, each orb will travel for 30 feet before disappearing, if an orb makes contact with someone, that someone will fall asleep, but can be awakened by dealing damage to it.

Cackle: Void Dream Cackles, anyone that can hear it suffers 5 WHITE damage, if a sleeping individual hears the Cackles, they will instantly wake up and panic.

Void Dream's Second Form

Fully Bloomed Grave of Cherry Blossoms


Disliked Virtues: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 3

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 8

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 8 and > 3

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 3


A silent Abnormality that understands the conflict between good and evil. Its empty eye sockets stare at all those who encounter it.

A giant skull that is attached to a cross, it wears a crown of thorns. It floats about 2 meters above the ground.

While its appearance is bizarre, it is rare to record an incident of violence when Interacting with this Abnormality.

It feeds on the “evil” that seeps out during conversations between Individuals. When Interacting, the Individual will kneel before it (standing also appears to be acceptable) and present their evil by confessing their sins to it. The way it feeds is unknown.

Grave of Cherry Blossoms



Good Result While Fully Bloomed: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Cherry Blossoms" and restores HP and Sanity of any individual in a 120 feet area to max.

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Cherry Blossoms"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Cherry Blossoms"

Good Result While not Fully Bloomed: Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

Normal Result: Restores 10 Sanity

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

Based on the Qliphoth Counter, Grave of Cherry Blossoms will have different stages of bloom:

Buds at 3 QC, a few leaves at 2 QC, flowers at 1 QC, and Fully Bloomed at 0 QC

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Grave of Cherry Blossoms will make the 5 nearest creatures (except whoever interacted with it) roll a Prudence Saving Throw (DC 14), being captivated on a failure. Creatures Captivated by this Abnormality will walk towards it, and the first that reaches it will be captured by the tree and instantly killed, freeing the other by being captivated but dealing them 15 WHITE damage.

While captivated other non-captivated individuals nearby can free you from being captivated.

If Grave of Cherry Blossoms successfully kills someone with its ability, it will remain Fully Bloomed, and when interacted unleash a healing wave

After unleashing the Healing Wave, of after Failing to capture anyone, Grave of Cherry Blossoms's Qliphoth Counter will return to 3

E.G.O. Gift

Cherry Blossoms : +2 Prudence, +2 Justice (Hat)

Cherry Blossoms

Rank: TETH

Damage: 3 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 3

Range: 60 feet

On Hit: Inflicts 1 Bleed Potency

Acclimation increases the Bleed Potency inflicted by 1, and adds 1 Bleed Count at level 3.

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level

Cherry Blossoms

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 1.2 WHITE: 0.6 BLACK: 0.7 PALE: 2.0

Gives Resistance to Sinking


Liked Virtue: Fortitude

Disliked Virtues: Prudence, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 16

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 16 and > 6

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 6


A super fluffy ultra-cute puppy with white fur like fresh snow.

This Abnormality is so cute that just taking a short little glance at it will make you feel so much better. It has the eyes of an angel and is the purest thing in the world.

This little Abnormality couldn’t be evil at all. The only thing you have to worry about is your heart aching if you look at it too long because it’s just so cute. In fact, whoever encounters this Abnormality tends to lose themselves a bit and often need to be forcibly removed from the area by others. Caution needs to be taken as the assisting individuals can also become captivated by its cuteness and become lost as well.

I heard that you can hear someone’s bones breaking if you walk the hallways at night... If you try and track down that sound, you’ll find a Yeti who’s eating one of our employees...! However, we don’t have an Abnormality that looks anything like a Yeti...




Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift and Weapon "SO CUTE!!!"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "SO CUTE!!!"

Interaction with any Virtue except Fortitude: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

Bad Result: Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Ppodae will transform and Become Aggressive.

E.G.O. Gift

SO CUTE!!! : +4 Fortitude, -2 Temperance (Hat)

Ppodae's Second form


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.8 WHITE: 1.2 BLACK: 0.8 PALE: 2.0

Wearing all 3 E.G.O. equipments of Ppodae will make the wearer neutral to all normally hostile wildlife.


Large Abnormality

  • Hit Points 250
  • Speed 45 feet

1.5 0.8 1.0 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Instinct : After Killing someone, Ppodae will return Passive and will take some nibbles from the dead body.


Slam: Ppodae Slams his Paw in front of himself, dealing 8 RED Damage in a 10 feet area.


Disliked Virtues: Prudence, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


It doesn't bear the traditional appearance of a tree, but its pillar-shaped appearance, its talk about turning people into "fruits".

It uses what looks like vines/roots to ensnare the individuals it successfully lured and incapacitate them at the base of its trunk.

Dingle Dangle is a silly-sounding name, but what it does to people is not very silly.

Dingle Dangle



Good Result: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Hangman"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Hangman"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Hangman"

Each Minute, Dingle Dangle will try to Hypnotize the nearest creature in a 1 Mile Area, succeeding if they have at least Level III Prudence and no other Virtue at Level III or more.

Being Hypnotized by Dingle Dangle makes you walk towards it. When you reach Dingle Dangle's vicinity, it will capture you with its "roots" and hang you, Instantly Killing you.

While Hypnotized other non-Hypnotized individuals nearby can free you from being Hypnotized.

For each Hanged Corpse near Dingle Dangle, you gain Advantage in any interaction made with it.

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

E.G.O. Gift

Hangman : +4 Prudence, -2 Temperance (Hat)


Rank: TETH

Damage: 3 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 3

Range: Melee

On Hit: inflict 1 Bind

at Level 3 Acclimation you gain +1 more damage for each Bind on target.

Acclimation only increases damage by 1 each level


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0


Disliked Virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 15

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 15 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


A one-eyed Abnormality that sits on a chair. Using the red cards she manifests, this particular Abnormality chops off the heads of those who fail to satisfy her.

it's incredibly hard to figure out what she likes and dislikes, making her very feared.

Red Queen was capable of drinking from a soda can, despite having no arms.

Red Queen



Good Result: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Colored Paper"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Colored Paper"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Colored Paper"

Bad Result: Your Head gets Cut off, Instantly Killing you.

When Red Queen is interacted 3 times in a row with the same Virtue, she will Behead the one who interacted with her.

E.G.O. Gift

Colored Paper : +3 Prudence (Glasses)

Colored Paper

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 BLACK damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 2 Bleed Potency, heal Sanity equal to Half Bleed Potency on target

Acclimation increases Bleed Potency by 1 each level, and Bleed Count by 1 at level 3.

Colored Paper

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 1.1 WHITE: 0.7 BLACK: 0.7 PALE: 2.0

When taking Bleed Damage, heal your Sanity by the same value.


Liked Virtue: Temperance, Fortitude

Disliked Virtues: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 3

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


An Abnormality which takes the form of a head with ridiculously long blonde hair.

Besides the hair, the Abnormality consists of a pink head and nothing else.

Tangle is capable of maneuvering its hair at will, and will use them to attack if needed.




Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Cage"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Cage"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Cage"

Good Result: Flip a Coin, on heads Lower the Qliphoth Counter by 1

Each 3 Times a specific individual works with Tangle, its Qliphoth counter will lower to 0 immediately

Bad Result: Lower the Qliphoth Counter by 1, You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Tangle will attack whoever Interacted with them, said individual will have to roll a Fortitude Saving Throw, DC 12, and suffer 25 RED Damage on a failure. if this RED damage takes your HP to 0, Tangle will snap your neck, instantly killing you.

E.G.O. Gift

Cage : +4 Fortitude (Hat)


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 2

Range: Melee

Requirements: Fortitude Level III, Attachment Level II


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.6 WHITE: 1.0 BLACK: 1.0 PALE: 2.0

Tangle Won't attack you even if their Qliphoth Counter reaches 0 while wearing this E.G.O. Suit


Have You Become Strong is a large upgrade factory, with the appearance of a freight container made of smooth and colorful plastic. It contains a hydraulic press, an industrial crusher, and conveyor belts outfitted with robotic arms that are carrying crates and body parts for the Cyborgs.

This Abnormality is an Aberration of "You Must Be Happy"

Have you Become Strong?



When Interacting with Have you Become Strong? It will ask the user "Do You Love the City you Live In?"

When the user Replied "Yes", they Gained 2 Surgery

When the user Replied "No", they were asked the question again

If the user Replies "No" 3 Times in a row, Have you Become Strong will shut down all its Cyborgs and will Remove Surgery from everyone that interacted with it.

If the user Replies 5 Times, no matter the Answer, Hve you Become Strong? will cause an Explosion, which deals 10 RED damage to anyone in a 120 feet area, and then will shut down, removing Surgery from anyone that interacted with it and killing all the Cyborgs.

At 5 Surgery, You will Die and turn into a Cyborg, attacking everyone on sight.

The Cyborg is labeled as O-04-41-A, and given the Name "You Want to Get Beat? Hurtily?"


Reduces MaxHP by 20%, increases Damage By 20%, and gain 1 Haste for each Surgery on self

At 5 Surgery, the Creature instantly Dies and becomes a Cyborg

You Want to Get Beat? Hurtily?

You Want to Get Beat? Hurtily?

Medium Abnormality

  • Hit Points 113
  • Speed 15 feet

0.6 1.0 0.8 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Final Augment : When This Abnormality's HP become 0, Return to Full HP and gain 1 Surgery, at 5 Surgery this creature Dies.

Screwloose Wallop : When This Abnormality Revives, it Uses PUNISH☆MENT in addition to So Excited!!!, when it revives for the last time, it will instead use E-MER-GEN-CY!!!


So Excited!!!: The Cyborg Slams its Big Arm in front of itself twice, dealing 6 RED Damage and Suffering 3 Self Damage per slam.

PUNISH☆MENT: The Cyborg begins Rapidly rotating its Torso, creating a whirlwind of punches and dealing 15 RED Damage to any creature in a 10 Feet Area.

E-MER-GEN-CY!!!: The Cyborg Desperately Slams its Big Arm 3 Times, each time Dealing 8 RED Damage and suffering 3 Self Damage.


Liked Virtue: Fortitude

Disliked Virtues: Justice, Temperance

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 10

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 10 and > 6

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 6


Pink Shoes is a pair of glossy pink shoes. Specifically, they are a pair of pink high heel slippers. The shoes are able to possess anyone who wears them. It also covers its targets with pink ribbons that carry a similar effect.

It must be observed that the ribbons themselves are alive, and act somewhat like vines that ensnare their prey.

Pink Ribbons

At the end of your turn, suffer Bind and Paralysis equal to Pink Ribbon

Increases by 1 Each time you attack, completely clears on turn end.

Pink Shoes



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Roseate Desire"

Bad Result: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 0, You Suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, the next Individual to Interact with Pink Shoes will become Controlled by it.

The Controlled Individual will await next to Pink Shoes until someone comes nearby, it will then engage in a fight with the individual.

The Controlled Individual could use all of its techniques like normal, but its Sanity Was always Max, and all Sanity Damage inflicted to it became HP Damage.

If The Controlled Individual was Defeated, it was freed from Pink Shoes' Control and fully recovered all Hp.

If the Controlled Individual was Victorious, it killed its opponent and then themselves.

E.G.O. Gift

Roseate Desire : -3 Prudence, The First Attack you make each turn against a target inflicts 1 Pink Ribbons (Covers Your Suit in Pink Ribbons)


Liked Virtue: Fortitude, Justice

Disliked Virtues: Temperance

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


Brazen Bull is a bronze, metal statue with the appearance of a bull. It is coated in rust and heat marks

Steam can be seen being emitted from its nostrils.

The mouth of the bull is wide open, revealing a human head inside. As demonstrated in battle, the human figure is capable of emerging out from the bull's mouth, at least up till its abdomen. Its skin is red and scarred, and there appears to be a look of permanent agony on its face.

Brazen Bull



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Capote"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Capote"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Capote"

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

When Brazen Bull is given Water, Its Qliphoth Counter Increses by 1

When Brazen Bull sees anyone drinking water, Its Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

If a Creature that is, or wears Red color approaches Brazen Bull, its Qliphoth Counter will become 0.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Brazen Bull will become Aggressive

E.G.O. Gift

Capote : +4 Fortitude (Hat)


Rank: HE

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

Requirements: Fortitude Level III

On Hit: Inflicts 3 Burn Potency and 1 Count

Acclimation increases Burn Potency by 1 each level, and unlocks a Special move at level 3.

Special Move: You Focus your strength in your fist and release a powerful blow, inflicting 10 RED damage, and 10 Burn Potency to your Target, then you inflict Tremor Potency equal to Burn Potency and trigger a Tremor Burst, if this Tremor Burst Stuns the Enemy, you inflict 3 Burn Count on 5 random enemies (can be the same enemy multiple times). After this Attack, this weapon's Attack Speed is set to 0 for the next 4 turns.


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.7 WHITE: 0.9 BLACK: 0.8 PALE: 2.0

While wearing this E.G.O. Suit, all kind of Bulls become passive to you, unless attacked.

Brazen Bull

Large Abnormality

  • Hit Points 255
  • Speed 45 feet

0.5 1.0 0.7 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Taken By the Horns : When This Abnormality loses 250 HP, its RED resistance lowers by +0.5 and the Human inside will start attacking.

Pain of Stifled Rage : At the Start of the Fight, Each Turn Brazen Bull Gains 1 Stifled Rage, and only uses "Ram" as an attack. When the Human inside Brazen Bull starts attacking, no longer Gain Stifled Rage, but use "Ram" and "Heated Screams" once per turn.


Ram: The Brazen Bull Charges, Ramming everyone in a 15 feet straight line, inflicting 8 RED Damage, 3 Burn Potency and 2 Count.

Heated Screams: The Human inside Brazen Bull Comes out and Screams, anyone that can hear it suffers 8 WHITE damage, 3 Sinking Potency and 3 Count.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtue: Fortitude

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 12

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 12 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


Fairy Gentleman appears as a stout humanoid whose body is made up of a green jelly-like substance. It has a pair of pointy ears, and what appears to be another longer pair of ears drooping down. Two sets of fairy wings can be seen protruding from its back.

Apart from the toothy grin on its face, the Abnormality possesses a second larger maw that is located on its stomach. Both the teeth and tongue lolling out from this mouth are green just like the rest of Fairy Gentleman's body. The slime that composes its body is viscous in nature. During combat, Fairy Gentleman is able to stretch and morph its body into various shapes.

Fairy Gentleman sports a bowler hat and black tie. It also carries a wine glass in its right hand, filled with Fairy Wine.

Fairy Gentleman



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Fairy Wine"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Sloshing"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Sloshing"

Good Result: You Take a Sip of Fairy Wine, gaining 2 Morale Boost, and recovering 15 Sanity, then the Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

Bad Result: You Take a Sip of Fairy Wine, gaining 2 Morale Boost, and recovering 15 Sanity, then The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Fairy Gentleman Becomes Aggressive, and the Individual with the Most Morale Boost has its Count set to 5

E.G.O. Gift

Fairy Wine : When Drinking Fairy Wine, you gain 2 Morale Boost. The Glass Chalice won't ever run out of Fairy Wine, and it won't spill from it unless drank. Can be drank once with a bonus action. This E.G.O. gift doesn't remove any Max Sanity, and can be summoned / unsummoned at will by its owner.


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 BLACK damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: You Inflict 2 Tremor Potency

Acclimation Increases Tremor Potency Inflicted by 1 each level, and Count by 1 at level 3, also unlocks a Special Move and Inflicts 1 Tipsy at Level 3.

Special Move: You reshape the Green Jelly of this weapon into a Ball, and slam it into your Target, dealing twice this weapon's Damage and Triggering Tremor Burst, then reduce Tremor Count by 3 and inflict Rupture Potency equal to Half Tremor Potency on the target. Can Only be Used at 5 Morale Boost and is unaffected by it.


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 1.2 WHITE: 0.7 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

Tipsy won't lower your damage while wearing this suit.

Morale Boost

Has No Potency (Max 5)

You deal +10% more damage for each Morale Boost.

Becomes Tipsy After 5 Turns.


Has No Potency (Max 5)

You deal -10% more damage for each Tipsy.

Expires at the end of the turn.

Fairy Gentleman

Huge Abnormality

  • Hit Points 450
  • Speed 15 feet

1.2 0.5 0.9 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Booze Makes You Hicc! : On the Third Turn in a fight, Fairy Gentleman will summon a giant glass of Fairy Wine with 1 HP and 1 AC, that if attacked while having 5 Morale Boost, it converts that into Tipsy. the Glass of Fairy Wine will be resummoned 3 turns after it's destroyed

Stimulating Smell, Isn't It? : Only uses "Wanna Get Drunk?" and, each 2 turns (in addition to wanna get drunk), "This is all I Got!" if the Glass of Fairy Wine isn't present, if it is present, instead of using "This is all I Got!", Fairy Gentleman will use "I'll Have This!". If the Glass of Fairy Wine isn't Destroyed 2 turns after it was summoned, Fairy Gentleman will eat it, recovering 10% of its HP.


Wanna Get Drunk?: Fairy Gentleman Spits Fairy Wine at its target, inflicting 1 Morale Boost, 5 Tremor Potency and 2 Count

This is all I Got!: Prioritizes enemies with the most Tremor, Fairy Gentleman will slam its belly on its target, Dealing 12 BLACK damage and triggering Tremor Burst.

I'll Have This!: Prioritizes enemies with Tipsy, if there are none prioritizes enemies with the most Morale Boost, Fairy Gentleman Leaps in the Air, and slams its target with all its body, dealing 25 BLACK damage +5 per Morale Boost. if the target had Tipsy, Fairy Gentleman will deal no damage, will remove Tipsy, and will get Stunned for 1 turn, also decreasing all its resistances by +0.5 while stunned.


Liked Virtue: Fortitude, Prudence

Disliked Virtues: Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 3

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 12

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 12 and > 4

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 4


So That No One Will Cry is a tall lanky humanoid doll made up of splintered wooden blocks. Yellow talismans are stuck on to various parts of the Abnormality's body, and completely cover its face. Both the talismans and wooden blocks are stained with blood, especially around the ends of its limbs.

The talismans are stuck on to the Abnormality with a yellow glue. Despite this, the Abnormality is easily able to transfer its talismans to its targets. The talismans appear to carry power-enhancing capabilities, though an excess of talismans leads to an opposite effect, weighing their host down.

This Abnormality acts as if inanimate while Calm, and only moves while Aggressive.

So That No One Will Cry



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Red Sheet"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Red Sheet"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Red Sheet"

Good Result: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1 and you are inflicted 2 Entangled Curse Talismans

Normal Result: The Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1 and you are inflicted 4 Entangled Curse Talismans

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, So That No One Will Cry will become Aggressive

E.G.O. Gift

Talisman Bundle : +2 Fortitude, aIf you deal 12+ damage in a single Attack, you will inflict 4 Rupture Potency on the target (You attach a Talisman on your Forehead)

Red Sheet

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 2 Rupture Potency, inflict and gain 1 Entangled Curse Talisman

Acclimation increases Rupture Potency by 1 each level, and adds 1 Rupture count at level 3. At levels 2 and 4, increases the Entangled Curse Talisman Inflicted and Dealt by 1

Red Sheet

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.7 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 1.5 PALE: 2.0

While wearing this Suit, Entangled Curse Talisman will halve your damage at 18+ Count instead of 9+.

Entangled Curse Talisman

Has No Potency

You Inflict Rupture Potency on all attacks for each Entangled Curse Talisman.

You Suffer Rupture Potency when attacked for each Entangled Curse Talisman

at 9+ Count, you deal half damage with all your attacks.

So That No One Will Cry

Large Abnormality

  • Hit Points 375
  • Speed 30 feet

0.7 0.7 1.5 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Proliferating Curse : STNOWC always uses "Entangling Talisman" and "Cumulating Curse" once per turn, every 3 turns, it will absorb all Entangled Curse Talismans from every individual fighting it, turning it into Reattached Curse Talisman, Then STNOWC will use "So That No One Will Cry" on 3 different targets (can target the same individual if there are less than 3 different targets).


Entangling Talisman: Prioritizes enemies with the most Entangled Curse Talismans, STNOWC smacks its target with its arm, dealing 5 RED Damage and inflicting 2 Entangled Curse Talismans, 2 Rupture Potency and 2 Count

Cumulating Curse: Prioritizes enemies with the least Entangled Curse Talismans, STNOWC smacks its target with both its arms, dealing 8 RED Damage and doubling Entangled Curse Talisman on target, then inflicting 7 Rupture Potency and 2 Count

So That No One Will Cry: Prioritizes enemies with the most Rupture, STNOWC repeatedly smashes its target with its arms, dealing 5 Attacks that deal 4 RED damage and inflict 1 Paralysis next turn and 1 Bind next turn each.

Reattached Curse Talisman

Has No Potency

at 9+ Count, you gain 5 Bind.

at 12+ Count, you deal no damage with all your attacks.


Liked Virtue: Fortitude, Prudence

Disliked Virtues: Temperance, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


Fairy-Long-Legs appears as a tall, slim and lanky green humanoid with two sets of small fairy wings on its back. Its legs are exceedingly long, making up more than half of its height. It has a large protruding chin as well as a long pointy pair of ears and nose. It carries a sinister smile on its face. Its body appears to be made of a jelly-like substance and it can be seen inflating its hand during some of its attacks.

The Abnormality also sports a bowler hat and black tie. It carries a giant four-leaf clover in its right hand that acts as an umbrella. Its right arm is drastically longer than its left arm, being even longer than its body. It is seen using this arm to wound its targets, grab their flesh, and feed it into the vertical maw on its chest. Its forearm is sticky with blood.

While Fairy-Long-Legs is hunting, rain will start, and Fairy-Long-Legs will offer cover from the rain to any passersby, before eating them.




Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Emerald Elytra"

Interacting with Fairy-Long-Legs while not Full HP: the Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

Bad Result: the Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Fairy Long Legs will become Aggressive

Suppressing Fairy-Long-Legs grants the E.G.O. Gift "Four Leaf Clover" to all individuals who damaged it.

E.G.O. Gifts

Emerald Elytra : +2 Justice, If you are the first to act in a fight, you gain 4 Poise Potency and 3 Count. (Back)

Four Leaf Clover : +2 Prudence, When You land a Critical Hit, Gain 6 Poise Potency and 3 Count, only once per turn (Brooch)


Large Abnormality

  • Hit Points 325
  • Speed 30 feet

0.6 1.5 1.2 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Fairy-Long-Legs : Fairy-Long-Legs always uses "Skim Wounds" and "Entangled Injury" once per turn, every 3 turns, Fairy-Long-Legs will use "Smeared Flesh" 3 times instead of the other 2 attacks.

Casting Shade : on the Second Turn of the fight, Fairy-Long-Legs will summon a gigantic Clover from the Ground, this clover has 50 HP and 1 AC, and will increase the damage Fairy-Long-Legs does by 50%, while also doubling the heals it receives


Skim Wounds: Fairy-Long-Legs Performs a Vertical Slash with its Long Arm, inflicting 5 RED damage and 3 Bleed Count, if the target has 2+ Bleed Count, also inflict 1 Paralysis

Entangled Injury: Fairy-Long-Legs Performs an Horizontal Slash with its Long Arm, inflicting 5 RED damage and 3 Bleed Potency, if the target has 2+ Bleed Count, also inflict 1 Bind and 3 Additional Bleed Potency.

Smeared Flesh: Fairy-Long-Legs Performs a Lunge with its Long Arm, inflicting 8 RED damage and 3 Bleed Potency, if the target had Bleed before this attack, Fairy-Long-Legs Heals by 20 HP


Liked Virtue: Fortitude, Prudence

Disliked Virtues: Temperance, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 2

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


Faelantern is an ancient tree lacking any foliage. While it is buried, only its two barren branches can be seen protruding from the ground. A small teal fairy is attached to its lower branch, acting as a lure. It is unknown whether this fairy is a living being, or a facsimile puppeteered by the branches.

If its fairy lure is destroyed, it will partially emerge from the ground. It has a deep-reaching root system which it uses to attack any opponents or victims that are fooled by its lure. An innumerable amount of yellow eyes can be seen peeking out from gaps in the base of the tree and roots.

"We can't get careless and stop here."

Tree branches came at us trying to stop us from going, but we narrowly dodged them.

We've learned the real meaning of the fairy's gesture.

"No such thing as free gifts," someone mumbled.




Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "Midwinter Nightmare"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Lantern"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Lantern"

Bad Result: the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

Interaction with Temperance Level II or less: the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0 Faelantern will become Aggressive.

E.G.O. Gift

Midwinter Nightmare : All Your attacks inflict an additional 3 Sinking Potency (You get a little Fairy on your shoulder.)


Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 12 RED damage

Attack Speed: 0

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 3 Rupture Potency and 1 Count

Acclimation increases Rupture Potency by 1 each level, and at level 3 adds 1 Rupture Count and unlocks a Special Move

Special Move: You Ensnare 2 Targets in Roots and bring them towards you, then you slash them, Dealing twice this weapon's Damage and Inflicting on them 5 Rupture Potency and 1 Count, also if the Targets had 5+ Rupture Potency before the attack, receive the damage you dealt to them as healing. at less than 50% HP, you can target 1 more creature for this move.


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

You have Advantage on Interactions with Fairy Abnormalities, and if you own the E.G.O. Gift "Emerald Elytra" (given by Fairy-Long-Legs) and the Acclimation Level with this Suit is at least 3, the wings grow bigger, allowing you to use them to glide.


Medium Abnormality

  • Hit Points 225
  • Speed 0 feet

1.2 0.6 1.2 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Fairy Lure : Faelantern starts the fight with 50 Temp HP, these represent the HP of its Fairy Lure, while the Fairy Lure is present, no damage can be done to Faelantern, as it will be buried underground, but when the lure is destroyed, Faelantern will emerge, allowing you to damage it. Destroying the Fairy also grants 5 Poise Potency and 2 Count to all party members. The Fairy Lure will regenerate 3 turns after it's destroyed.

Charmed : While the Fairy Lure is Present, one random ally is Charmed by Faelantern, Making it unable to attack it, each time the Fairy regenerates, the number of charmed allies increases by 1.

Uncovered Abyss: while The Fairy Lure is present, Faelantern will only use "Snagged Lure" twice per turn, while the lure is destroyed, it will instead use "Expanding Roots" twice per turn, and on the turn before the Fairy reforms, Faelantern will only use "Uncovered Abyss". Faelantern always rolls a 1 on Initiative.


Snagged Lure: Faelantern Summons its Roots to attack a target, Dealing 5 RED Damage, 3 Bleed Potency and 2 Rupture Count, also heals Faelantern 15 HP if the target has 10+ Bleed or Rupture Potency

Expanding Roots: Faelantern Summons more of its Roots to attack 2 targets, dealing 8 RED Damage, 5 Bleed Potency and 5 Rupture Potency

Uncovered Abyss: Faelantern Ensnares all its enemies in its Roots and Impales them, Dealing 15 RED Damage, that is doubled if the enemy had 5+ Rupture Potency.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


Drenched Gossypium is a large, round cluster of white flowers, whose center appears to be red due to being drenched in blood. A bundle of roots hangs down from under the flower cluster, with some ending in claw-like appendages, while the roots are capable of movement as if to be the Abnormality's limbs.

A field of white, yet somehow dark flowers is ahead. The sky is red, the air windy and bleak.

One giant flower flutters amidst the field.

It resembles a person waving from afar...

You wave out of nostalgia.

In an instant, all the flowers went awash with red, simultaneously turning to face you.

After staring into us for a little while, their red petals flew at us.

It was like a punishment for making a half-hearted gesture.

Drenched Gossypium



Good Result with Liked Virtue: Grants the E.G.O. Gift "White Gossypium"

Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Lantern"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Lantern"

Bad Result: the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

Interaction with Temperance Level II or less: the Qliphoth Counter lowers by 1.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0 Faelantern will become Aggressive.

E.G.O. Gift

White Gossypium : +4 Fortitude, When stunning an opponent, unstun them and inflict 8 Bleed Potency and 2 Count for each turn of Stun you cleared, also they only deal half damage until their next turn. (Attaches to a random spot on your upper body)

Red-Stained Gossypium

Red-Stained Gossypium

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 1 Bleed Potency

Acclimation Increases Bleed Potency by 1 each level, and adds 1 Bleed Count and 3 Gossypium at level 3, since level 3, each 10 Bleed Potency you inflict, your weapon will become Red-Stained, proccing the effects of Gossypium.

Red-Stained Gossypium

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.6 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 1.5 PALE: 2.0

While wearing this Suit, you Regain HP equal to half Bleed Potency on target when you hit them.


Has No Potency

Gain Bleed Potency equal to Gossypium and Bleed Count equal to Half Gossypium at the end of your turn while Drenched Gossypium is in its Red-Stained State.

Does Not Decay until the end of the fight.

Drenched Gossypium

Huge Abnormality

  • Hit Points 315
  • Speed 30 feet

1.2 0.6 1.0 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

Flowering Gossypium : Apply 1 Bind to all enemies with Gossypium, heal HP equal to Bleed Potency on target on hit, at less than 20% HP, become Red-Stained Gossypium until the end of the fight.

Red-stained Gossypium : After Healing 50 HP from hitting targets with Bleed, become Red-Stained Gossypium for 3 turns.

Drenched Gossypium : on the first turn of the fight, use "Gossypium Planting" on 3 different targets, then always use "Gossypium Planting" and "Draining Roots" once per turn. Every 3 turns use "Scattering Gossypium", if in Red-Stained Gossypium state, use "Scattering Red-Stained Gossypium" instead.


Gossypium Planting: Drenched Gossypium Scratches its target with its roots, Dealing 5 RED Damage and inflicting 3 Bleed Potency, 1 Count, and 3 Gossypium

Draining Roots: Prioritizes Targets with the most Gossypium, Drenched Gossypium uses its roots to sap away blood from its target, dealing 2 RED damage for each Gossypium on the target and healing for half the damage it dealt.

Scattering Gossypium: Drenched Gossypium Rapidly spins, Cutting every target in a 10 Feet area with its roots, dealing 15 RED damage and inflicting 8 Bleed Potency and 4 Count, if all enemies hit have Bleed, inflict 20 RED Damage instead.

Scattering Red-Stained Gossypium: Drenched Gossypium Rapidly spins, Cutting every target in a 15 Feet area with its roots, dealing 25 RED damage and inflicting 10 Bleed Potency and 8 Count, if all enemies hit have Bleed, inflict 30 RED Damage instead and heal by the total of Bleed Potency on all hit enemies.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: 3

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5


Portrait of a Certain Day appears as a headless human body dressed in a floor-length gray coat. In the headless body's hand is the associated E.G.O Gift, Headless Portrait. The coat curls inwards as it reaches the ground, holding an oversized, skeletal face with its mouth open. Two massive arms with textures resembling bundles of sticks emerge from the entity's back, with four-fingered hands that touch the ground. Numerous small roots can be seen between the coat and the ground, which the Abnormality presumable moves with.

"My master had a very unfortunate life."

"Sad, sad things happened here. Many sad things."

"I still carry with me my master's portrait because no one remembers them anymore."

"How is it? Can you see it well?"

While Aggressive, Portrait of a Certain Day will summon a thunderstorm, invoking the long gone days at the manor where it once worked as a butler.

Portrait of a Certain Day



Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Penitence"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Penitence"

Interacting with Portrait of a Certain Day while not Full Sanity: the Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1

Bad Result: the Qliphoth Counter Lowers by 1, You Suffer 10 WHITE Damage.

When the Qliphoth Counter Reaches 0, Portrait of a Certain Day will become Aggressive

Suppressing Portrait of a Certain Day grants the E.G.O. Gift "Headless Portrait" to all individuals who damaged it.

E.G.O. Gift

Headless Portrait : +3 Prudence, You Inflict +2 Sinking Potency the first time you inflict Sinking in your turn (Brooch)

Bygone Days

Rank: TETH

Damage: 1d6 + 6 WHITE damage

Attack Speed: 1

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 2 Sinking Potency and Interloper

Acclimation increases Sinking Potency inflicted by 1 each level, and adds 1 Sinking Count at level 3.

Bygone Days

Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.9 WHITE: 0.8 BLACK: 0.9 PALE: 2.0

This Suit Grants Resistance to Sinking Damage.


Has No Potency (Max 1)

You become Vulnerable to Sinking Damage

Killing a creature with Interloper passes it to one its allies

Does Not Decay, Interloper will be removed at the end of the Fight.

Portrait of a Certain Day

Large Abnormality

  • Hit Points 325
  • Speed 15 feet

1.0 0.5 0.8 2.0

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common
  • Risk Level TETH

My Master... : Portrait of a Certain Day always uses "Leave this Place" twice per turn.

Dear Master... : After Suffering 100 Damage, Portrait of a Certain Day will summon 5 Fake Portraits and 1 Master's Portrait all with 30 HP and 1 AC, while the Portraits are present, Portrait of a Certain Day won't deal any damage, will inflict x2 Sinking, and will become resistant to all damage, if the Master's portrait is Destroyed, all other portraits are also destroyed, and Portrait of a Certain day will lose all its buffs, will become vulnerable to all damage, and will use "Who Might you Be?" twice instead of its normal attacks. If the Master's Portrait isn't destroyed in 3 turns, all portraits will be destroyed, and every creature in a 500 feet area will suffer twice the number of portraits as Sinking Potency and Count, also Portrait of a Certain Day will use "Leave, Interloper" instead of its normal attacks. Attacking Portrait of a Certain Day while the portraits are alive reveals which one is the Master's Portrait.


Leave this Place: Portrait of a Certain Day Slashes with its Claw, Dealing 5 WHITE damage and inflicting 3 Sinking Potency and Count. Inflicts Interloper to the Target, if the target already has Interloper, also inflict Interloper to 1 other target without Interloper.

Who Might you Be?: Portrait of a Certain Day Slashes with its Claw five times, Dealing 3 WHITE damage and inflicting 3 Sinking Potency and Count each Slash. If the Target is an Interloper, Deals x2 Damage.

Leave, Interloper: Portrait of a Certain Day Unleashes a Wave of Gloom Upon everyone who has the Interloper status, inflicting 10 WHITE Damage, 5 Sinking Potency, 3 Count, and Sinking Delunge.


Liked Virtue: Temperance

Disliked Virtues: Fortitude, Justice

Qliphoth Counter: Non Hostile Abnormality

Good Interaction Threshold : >= 14

Normal Interaction Threshold : < 14 and > 5

Bad Interaction Threshold : =< 5

Silent Girl



Good Result with Prudence: Grants the E.G.O. Suit "Guilt"

Good Result with Fortitude: Grants the E.G.O. Weapon "Guilt"

Interaction with Fortitude Level 2 or lower: Silent Girl takes out her weapons and kills you.

Interaction with Justice Level 4 or higher: Silent Girl takes out her weapons and kills you

Bad Result: You Suffer 10 RED Damage.

This Abnormality Grants no E.G.O. Gift


The girl remains silent. She would simply glare at the core of one’s inner side with her deep eyes.

However, when she met a person carrying ‘guilt’ or ‘fear’, the girl revealed the nail and hammer she had been hiding behind her back.

When she drives the nail with her hammer, the crack in the mind will grow too wide, and shatter completely.


Rank: TETH

Damage: 6 RED damage

Attack Speed: 2

Range: Melee

On Hit: Inflict 1 Nail

Acclimation increases the Number of Nail Inflicted at level 2, 4 and 5. Also unlocks a Special Move at level 3.

Special Move: Turn this weapon into an hammer, replacing its damage roll to 1d6 + 8, and dealing +6 damage for each Nail on Target, but lowering Attack Speed to 0. Can be Switched Freely.


Unique Bleed (Has no Potency)

You suffer 1 Bleed Potency and Bleed Count equal to Nail at the start of your turn

At the end of your turn, Nail Count is halved


Rank: TETH

Resistances: RED: 0.7 WHITE: 0.6 BLACK: 1.2 PALE: 2.0

Makes you immune to Instadeath due to Silent Girl's Effects


Seems like this is it for now, i am still currently working on this homebrew and will most certainly update this until i have covered every abnormality in the list, but for now this is all this hombrew has to offer, hope you liked it.

Message to the Reddit Mods

If you didn't care about reading the Credits, I would love to explain that all the pictures used in this homebrew are screenshots from the Project Moon Games, all rights belong to them, all the pictures taken from the wikis are also screenshots, which i cannot possibly cite under each of them who took it since i couldn't know it, also since I own all 3 games Project Moon made, i could've simply taken a screenshot for myself, but by using the ones on the wikis I simply cut off a lot of useless work. adding under each and every single picture in the homebrew that it was a screenshot took from a Project Moon game would be a waste of both time, space and would make the homebrew look overall worse. so please don't take this post down.


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