Plane Touched

by JohanHolm

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Plane Touched (feat)

Choose one plane and learn spells associated with it. You learn one set 2nd-level spell, plus a 1st-level spell of your choice that belongs to one of the two spell schools described in that column (an example has been provided for each school).

Plane Set Spell Schools Available Examples
Feywild Misty Step Enchantment, Transmutation Bless, Goodberry
Shadowfell Invisibility Conjuration, Necromancy Find Familiar, Cause Fear
Elemental Chaos Levitate Abjuration, Evocation Absorb Elements, Thunderwave
Astral Plane Tasha's Mind Whip Divination, Illusion Hunter's Mark, Disguise Self

You can cast each of the spells you learn once per long rest without expending a spell slot, as well as with any spell slots you have. Your spellcasting ability modifier for them is Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom (choose when you gain this feat).