Adventurer's Guide to Voracious Adaptions
Gobblin' Goblins
This voracious supplement, much like the Tome of Devouring, is designed to implement rules into 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons that allow player characters and Non-Player Characters (also known as NPCs) alike to attempt to devour and potentially digest one another, as well as try to avoid such fates. Featuring a series of new options for your characters, players will be well equipped to eat (and be eaten by) thee creatures around them.
Why the seperate book?
Couldn't fit it all in a one-page table of contents appropriate for a PDF-style layout. Also so it is hopefully easier to find the specific thing you're looking for!
NSFW Warning (18+)
Yes, this is a fetish-fueled potentially pornographic add-on to your vore games. As such, don't use this shit around fucking minors or otherwise SFW environments. Discuss consent as a group and ensure all parties are fine with the use of this content before actually using it as a player or Dungeon Master. We are not responsible for your failure to use common fucking sense and to not be a creep.
Why Ko-Fi?
Art ain't cheap, and time isn't infinite. The Tome of Devouring crew understandably wants to provide quality work from quality artists. Every art piece in this document is STRICTLY used with expressed permission from artists, and is strictly commissioned by one or more member(s) of our team. Therefore your contributions allow us to ensure a level of professional quality above that of most other homebrew Dungeons & Dragons contents. Without you, this document would be quite bare and empty.
New Player Options
All the races of 5e have unique features and traits to help them stand out, but few have features that assist in voracious settings. To assist in making your characters more powerful in voracious scenarios, the following list are optional racial traits your DM may allow you to take in exchange for other racial features (or for free in certain instances). It is advised to keep the trait within their specific race, but your DM can easily let you take a different trait from another race.
{{ Player's Handbook}}
Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, and Tiefling -
{{ Volo's Guide to Monsters}}
Aasimar, Bugbear, Firbolg, Goblin, Goliath, Hobgoblin, Kenku, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Orc, Tabaxi, Triton, and Yuan-Ti Pureblood -
{{ Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes}}
Gith -
{{ Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica}}
Centaur, Loxodon, Minotaur, Simic Hybrid, and Vedalken -
{{ Acquisitions Incorporated}}
Verdan -
{{ Eberron: Rising from the Last War}}
Changeling, Kalashtar, Shifter, and Warforged -
{{ Mythic Odysseys of Theros}}
Leonin and Satyr -
{{ Van Richten’s Guide to Ravnica}}
Dhampir, Hexblood, and Reborn -
{{ Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos}}
Owlin -
{{ Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse}}
Aarakocra, Deep Gnome, Duergar, Eladrin, Fairy, Genasi, Harengon, Sea Elf, Shadar-Kai, and Tortle -
{{ Astral Adventurer's Guide}}
Astral Elf, Autognome, Hadozee, and Thri-Kreen
Player's Handbook Races
Reptilian Swallow:
Replaces Dragon Breath Feature
A dragonborn, taking after the appetite rather than the magic of their bloodname gains a ferocious ability to devour creatures unlike most other humanoids. Upon grappling a creature as part of the same action a dragonborn with this trait can instantly mark one successful devour attempt. This effect can stack with other similar effects, even if resulting in an instant devouring.
Voracious Familiarity:
Replaces Stonecunning Feature
Whenever a dwarf with this feature makes an Intelligence check related to voracious matters, they are considered proficient in the skill used and add double their proficiency bonus to the check, instead of their normal proficiency bonus.
Hefty Nature:
Replaces Keen Senses Feature
An elf with this trait is considered proficient in any check or saving throw to escape an attempt to devour them. If the elf elsewise gains proficiency this trait allows them to add their proficiency bonus twice rather than merely once.
Unlikely Predator:
Replaces Gnome Cunning Feature
A Gnome with this feature can grapple a creature up to two sizes larger than itself, and has the capacity of a medium creature rather than a small creature. This trait does not grant advantage on any rolls nor proficiency in itself.
Replaces Skill Versatility Feature
Once per long rest, if a spell were to inflict a condition or effect, other than outright damage, to a half-elf with this feature, they can change the target to a creature they have eaten or that has eaten them.
Dummy Thick:
Replaces Relentless Endurance Feature
Once per long rest, as a reaction, a Half-Orc can choose to force a creature within a touch-range to make their digestion damage roll the maximium or minimium roll result possible. The Half-Orc in question chooses which result. The Half-Orc may choose itself as a target for this effect.
Hard to Swallow:
Replaces Brave Feature
A halfing with this trait has advantage on saving throws and skill checks to prevent themself from being eaten, absorbed, or otherwise put inside another creature.
Outdoor Policy:
Optional Feature
A human with this trait can mark a single successful escape attempt once per long rest on any devour contest they find themself in.
Exotic Texture:
Replaces Infernal Legacy Feature
A tiefling with this feature can deal fire damage equal to their character level every time they have digestion damage dealt to them, this feature can be used a number of times equal to half their character level (minimium 1) per long rest.
Volo's Guide to Monsters Races
Otherworldy Biology:
Replaces Healing Hands Feature
The aasimar typically hold celestial origins, and as such may hold divine or dark powers even within their very organs. When rolling digestion damage, an Aasimar with this trait may choose to deal an additional 1d4 necrotic or radiant (determined when choosing the Aasimar race) per character level, once an aasimar has used this feature, they cannot use it again until they finish a long rest.
Reactive Intestines:
Replaces Surprise Attack Feature
A bugbear with this trait deals an additional 2d6 digestion damage for the first round of combat every fight.
Hidden Stomach:
Replaces Hidden Step Feature
With a mere touch, a Firbolg with this trait can hide the bulge of a voracious or otherwise overly swollen stomach, so long as that stomach either belongs to the firbolg, or contains the firbolg. This method of hiding the stomach ends when digestion damage is dealt, or when the firbolg falls unconcious by any means, including sleeping during a short or long rest.
Expeditious Treat:
Replaces Nimble Escape Feature
You can take the Devour or Escape action as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Stonehard Stomach:
Replaces Stone's Endurance Feature
A goliath with this trait can enforce the mountain's power in their blood, allowing them to deal an additional 1d12+CON Force damage once per long rest when dealing digestion damage to one or more creatures.
Replaces Saving Face Feature
Hobgoblins are careful not to show weakness in front of their allies, for fear of losing status. When a Hobgoblin with this trait succeeds a devour or escape attempt, they can gain a number of successes equal to the number of allies they can see within 20 feet of them (maximum bonus of +5 bonus). Once they use this trait, they can't use it again until they finish a short or long rest.
Master of Disguise:
Replaces Expert Forgery Feature
A kenku with this trait gains the ability to cast disguise self without expending material components a number of times equal to their proficiency modifier each short or long rest. They can only disguise themself as a creature they have met in person.
Acid Sensitivity:
Replaces Sunlight Sensitivity Feature
A kobold with this trait is not weak to the sun, but acids, especially that of a stomach. A kobold with this trait takes an additional 1d4 acid damage whenever that damage type is taken.
We have decided the Lizardfolk does NOT need a buff or alternate feature. This is coming from Lizardfolk lovers like you.
Replaces Aggressive Feature
An Orc with this trait, as a bonus action on a turn it has not yet moved, can deal an additional roll of digestion. If this bonus action is used, the Orc cannot move until the start of their next turn, except by being moved by force.
Cat's Claws (Vore-Variant)
Replaces Cat's Claws Feature
Because of their claws, a tabaxi with this trait gains an unarmed strike attack. Their claws are natural weapons, which can be used to make unarmed strikes. If a hit is made with these unarmed weapons, they deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + their strength modifier, instead of the typical bludgeoning damage. Additionally, due to their pampered nature, a Tabaxi with this trait no longer has a climbing speed, but instead cannot have disadvantage imposed on their unarmed strikes when eaten by another creature.
Natural Predator:
Replaces Control Air and Water Feature
As one of the same species as the Voracious Mage Darya Minali, a triton with this trait can call on the magic of their inner cravings. With this trait a triton can cast Darya's Magic Maw with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, they can cast Stretch Body with it, and starting at 5th level, they can also cast Amplify Acids with it. Once they cast a spell with this trait, they can't cast that spell with it again until they finish a long rest. Their choice between Constitution or Charisma is their spellcasting ability for these spells. Once the spellcasting ability score is chosen, it cannot be changed for this trait.
Yuan-ti Pureblood
True Serpent:
Replaces Magic Resistance Feature
Yuan-Ti with this trait are treated as one size larger during devour contests when calculating the number of successfull devour checks needed by the Yuan-Ti. Also, Yuan-Ti with this trait have advantage on Dexterity based skill checks and saving throws to avoid and/or escape being eaten. This does not grant advantage on struggle checks once eaten however.
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
Mental Gymnastics:
Replaces Githyanki/Githzerai Psionics Feature
A gith with this feature gains the ability to grapple any entity that can phase through surfaces, such as ghosts. Creatures devoured or grappled by a gith with this feature cannot teleport, enter different planes of existance, or phase through a Gith with this feature. Features such as a Kraken's "Freedom of Movement", or other effects that allow a creature to use their movement speed to escape grapples still work against a Gith that has this feature.
Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica
Stable Body:
Replaces Charge Feature
A centaur with this trait can freely move while in a devour contest, if in the role of predator, similar to how a creature may move when grappling a creature. A centaur with this trait is not restrained when in a devour contest as the role of predator. A centaur with this trait also cannot suffer movement penalties from eating a single creature if that creature is smaller than Huge.
Sturdy Body:
Replaces both Natural Armor and Powerful Build Features
A loxodon with this feature loses their Natural Armor and Powerful Build traits, but gains a newfound size and power in themself. A loxodon with this trait IS a Large creature, with a carrying capacity, as well as push, pull, and lift weight of a huge creature. Their voracious capacity is that of a large creature. A Loxodon with this trait has disadvantage on stealth and sleight of hand checks, but advantage on non-devouring athletics checks against objects and creatures smaller than itself.
Voring Rush:
Replaces Goring Rush Feature
Immediately after a minotaur with this feature uses the Dash action on their turn and moves at least 20 feet, they can make a devour attempt on a creature within 5 feet of themself as a bonus action, the target does not need to be grappled if the attempt succeeds. The creature cannot be more than 1 size category larget than the minotaur when this feature is used.
Simic Hybrid
New Animal Enhancements:
Expands the Animal Enhancements Feature
The body of a Simic Hybrid has been altered to incorporate certain animal or monster characteristics. A Simic Hybrid with this trait can choose one animal enhancement at level 1 and a second enhancement at 5th level.
At 1st level, they gain the option to choose one of the following options:
Bassalisk's Saliva Glands: A petrified creature eaten by you is cured of their petrified condition after 1 turn fully devoured inside of you, curing petrification this way inflicts one level of exhaustion on the cured creature.
Snake's Stomach: Your voracious capacity increases by one size category.
Draconic Intestines: Your stomach AC and DC both increase by 2.
At 5th level, their body evolves further, developing new characteristics. They can choose one of the options they didn't take at 1st level, or one of the following options: -
Giant Frog's Tongue: You can cast "Frog Tongue" a number of times equal to your profiency modifier per long rest. You use your Constitution as your spellcasting ability for this spell when using this ability.
Owlbear's Blood: You increase in natural size by one size category, but gain vulnerability to piercing damage. If you gain resistance to piercing damage the two cancel eachother. If you gain immunity to piercing damage it becomes resistance instead.
Spider's Bite: When in a devour contest as the predator, you can deal 1d4 poison damage to the prey target as part of your devour attempts. If the creature is knocked out or killed by this damage, you may instantly finish swallowing or releasing them within the same devour action.
Tireless Predation:
Replaces Tireless Precision Feature
A Vedalken with this traitis proficient in one of the following skills of their choice: Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Perception, Stealth, or Survival. The Vedalken with this trait is also proficient with one tool or instrument of their choice.
Whenever they make an ability check with the chosen skill, tool, or instrument, they roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the check's total.
Acquisitions Incorporated
Growing Hunger:
Replaces Size Feature
A Verdan with this trait does not grow with their level, instead their voracious capacity, carrying capacity, and so forth does. A Verdan with this trait increases their voracious capacity, carrying capacity, as well as push, pull, and lift weight limits by one size category at 3rd and 5th levels from small, to medium, and then large. A Verdan with this trait also takes up the capacity of a creature equal to their capacity size. But in all other regards including devour contests Verdan stay small creatures by default unless otherwise effected by a spell, feat, or other feature or effect.
Eberron: Rising from the Last War
Shifting Instincts:
Replaces Changeling Instincts Feature
A Changeling with this trait can, as part of a grapple, devour, or escape action end their shapeshifting and revert to their natural form. In doing so, they catch any creature within 5 feet of themself that did not know they were a changeling off guard and gain advantage on their grapple, devour, or escape attempt.
Master of The Mind:
Replaces the Dual Mind and Mental Discipline Features
A Kalashtar with this trait can use their Mind Link trait to communicate with the souls of creatures digested by a creature within proper range of the Mind Link trait. A Kalashtar with this trait that is digested cannot have its soul destroyed by their predator, and can haunt their predator's dream until their revival or the predator's death. A Kalashtar with this trait also gains resistance to digestion caused by spells and magical effects, but not naturally occuring digestion damage.
Increased Shifting:
Replaces Darkvision Feature
A shifter with this trait loses their darkvision trait, except when actively shifted. When their "Shifting" trait is active, a shifter with this trait gains 60ft of darkvision as per normal, but gains advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks made to find other creatures, as well as sources of food or drink.
Built to Last not Fast:
Replaces Integrated Protection Feature
A warforged with this trait has their voracious capacity halved, but they deal fire damage for digestion rather than acid. A warforged with this trait also gains resistance to digestion damage, unless the damage is fire. If the warforged has full health, they may freely deal an additional 1d8 force damage when dealing digestion. This increases to 2d8 at level 10.
Mythic Odysseys of Theros
Head of the Pack:
Replaces Daunting Roar Feature
A Leonin with this trait takes like a lion, and ensures the pack is well fed. If a Leonin with this trait does not have a live creature inside itself, but can see one or more friendly or otherwise allied creatures near it that have one or more living creatures inside themself the Leonin has advantage on grapple and devour checks, and can use their bonus action to commit a grapple or devour attempt.
Freaky Fey:
Replaces Ram Feature
Starting at third level, a Satyr with this trait can cast "Sexual Hypnotism" once per long rest. The spell's casting ability is Dexterity and still requires concentration. A Satyr with this trait can cast the spell additional times using spell slots of 4th level or higher.
Van Richten's Guide to Ravnica
Newfound Hunger:
Replaces Ancestral Legacy Feature
A Dhampir with this trait can choose to deal necrotic damage instead of acid when digesting a creature, unless the Dhampir has taken radiant damage that round if during combat. A Dhampir with this trait cannot be poisoned by food, potions, or other items or creatures they have eaten.
Insidious Indigestion:
Replaces Hex Magic Feature
A Hexblood with this trait can use their reaction to deal psychic damage to a creature that attempts to digest it. A predator that damages the Hexblood with any digestion damage takes psychic damage equal to the damage they dealt to the Hexblood. A Hexblood can use this a number of times equal to half of their level rounded up (minimium one).
Replaces Deathless Nature Feature
A Reborn with this feature can be reformed or revived by any spell that can typically revive or reform a creature without material costs, additionally a reborn with this feature can reform at will with a successfull percentage roll, the criteria being a roll equal to a number twice the number of the Reborn's character level. In example, a level 1 Reborn would need to roll a 2 or higher. A Level 20 Reborn would need to roll a 40 or higher. On a successful roll, the Reborn is reformed without any of their items 24 hours after death or digestion. This feature is negated by magical effects that specify containing the soul or otherwise preventing reformation.
Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos
Silent but Deadly:
Replaces Silent Feathers Feature
An Owlin with this trait makes no noise when devouring a creature in a devouring contest, and the creature they attempt to devour is impossible to hear from the outside other than through magical means such as the message cantrip or sending spell.
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse
Stooping Flight:
Replaces Wind Caller Feature
An aarakocra has advantage on grapple and devour rolls against a potential prey creature or object if the aarakocra has flown a total of 20 or more feet in the same turn.
Deep Gnome
Gift of the Underdark:
Replaces Gift of the Svirfneblin Feature
A Deep Gnome with this trait is treated as if they were once size category larger during devour contests, including the number of successes needed, capacity, and other factors save for the initial grapple itself. Deep Gnomes with this trait also have a 1d4 bonus to attempts to escape devour contests.
Blood of the Taboo:
Replaces Duergar Magic Feature
A Duergar with this trait has halved capacity, but deals their level in additional force damage every time they deal digestion damage. Duergar with this trait also take up twice as many capacity points when eaten.
Season's Churning:
Replaces Fey Step Feature
An Eladrin with this feature continues to change their seasonal aspect every long rest, but rather than gaining a new effect to their Misty Step spell, they gain a new effect when dealing digestion damage.
- Autumn: If a creature is killed by the Eladrin's digestion, they gain an additional 10 feet of movement for the rest of that turn, this effect can stack to a maximium of double the Eladrin's walking speed ignoring spells and magical items. An Eladrin with this weather pattern that has dealt digestion damage this turn cannot be targeted by attacks of opportunity for the rest of that turn.
- Winter: The Eladrin gains temporary hit points equal to the total digestion damage did to all creatures inside itself, the temporary health ends at the start of the Eladrin's next turn.
- Spring: The Eladrin can choose to heal all devoured creatures instead of dealing damage. The Eladrin may also cause goodberries it eats to effect all devoured creatures.
- Summer: The Eladrin can choose to use their action to deal fire damage equal to the Eladrin's character level to all consumed prey, but deals 1 fire damage to themself per creature that survives. The Eladrin gains 5 feet of movement on their next turn for every 1 point of fire damage dealt to themself this way.
Munching Magic:
Replaces Fairy Magic Feature
A Fairy with this trait knows the Appeal cantrip. Starting at 3rd level, they can cast the Darya's Magic Maw spell with this trait. Starting at 5th level, they can also cast the Digestive Barrier spell with this trait. Once they cast either leveled spell with this trait, they can't cast that spell with it again until they finish a long rest. They can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots they have of the appropriate level.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is their spellcasting ability for these spells when they cast them with this trait (choosen when they select this race).
Gaseous Treatment:
Replaces Mingle with the Wind Feature
An Air Genasi with this trait, starting at 5th level, can cast Gaseous Form on itself once per long rest. While in Gaseous Form the Air Genasi can escape a creature that devoured it by using 5 feet of movement per size category of the creature. 5 feet for a small creature, 10 for a medium, and so forth (minimium of 5 feet of movement).
Magic Muncher:
Replaces Earth Walk Feature
An Earth Genasi can digest magical items of up to Rare rarity, when attempting to do so the item must not be worn or carried by a living creature. The digestion damage is halved if the item is higher rarity than Uncommon rarity. Items that grant digestion immunity or resistance have resistance or immunity themsel ontop of the halved damage.
Burning Hunger:
Replaces Reach to the Blaze Feature
By using their bonus action a Fire Genasi with this trait deals fire damage equal to their proficiency modifier to a creature they are in a devour contest with, as pred or prey. Additionally, Fire Genasi with this trait may choose to deal fire damage for digestion damage rolls.
Calm Waters:
Replaces Call to the Wave Feature
Starting at 3rd level, a Water Genasi with this trait can, a number of times equal to their proficiency modifier per long rest, fake their death within the stomach of a creature that has devoured them. The Water Genasi casts Feign Death on itself as a racial spell, using Charisma as it's spellcasting ability. The predator's stomach takes on the appearance that the prey has digested, and only an Insight check against the Genasi's spellcasting DC (8 + Proficiency + Charisma Modifier) can identify the Genasi as undigested. The spell lasts for 1 minute, but grants immunity to any form of digestion damage during this time. The spell ends early if the Genasi is somehow released, or if the predator falls unconcious or dies by any means.
Quick Footwork:
Replaces Lucky Footwork Feature
When a Harengon with this trait fails a Devour or Escape attempt's roll in a devouring contest, they can use their reaction to roll a d4 and add it to the roll, potentially turning the failure into a success. They can't use this reaction if they're prone or their speed is 0. This trait also cannot be used if the other creature in the devour contest is smaller than the Harengon, or if the Harengon has already used this trait in the same devouring contest.
Sea Elf
Conquerer of the Sea:
Replaces Friend of the Sea Feature
While completely submerged underwater, any devour or escape attempts made by a Sea Elf with this trait are marked as two successes instead of one.
Hunger of the Raven Queen:
Replaces Blessing of the Raven Queen Feature
As a bonus action, a Shadar-Kai with this trait can teleport to an occupied space within 30 feet that it can see. The creature within that space must make a DC 12 Dexterity Saving Throw, or be partially devoured. Upon a failed save, a devour contest begins with the Shadar-Kai as predator, and one success marked. On a successful saving throw, the Shadar-Kai is pushed to the nearest available space and the devour contest attempt fails. This trait can only be used once per long rest.
Starting at 3rd level, the DC of this trait increases to 14. Also starting at 3rd level, any attacks made against a Shadar-Kai who uses this trait has disadvantage until the end of the turn after this trait was used.
Tight Space:
Replaces Claws Feature
A tortle with this trait gains a natural +5 bonus to their Stomach AC, and a natural +2 to their Stomach DC. A tortle with this trait suffers from halved voracious capacity however. Creatures eaten by a Tortle with this trait have disadvantage on rolls relating the the struggle action.
Astral Adventurer's Guide
Astral Elf
Gurgling Mistep:
Replaces Starlight Step Feature
As a bonus action, if an Astral Elf with this trait is inside of another creature, they can magically teleport up to 60 feet into another random creature, though the creature they leave can use their reaction to deal digestion damage. An Astral Elf with this trait can use this trait a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus, and they regain all used when they finish a long rest. If the Astral Elf has been inside of a creature within the 60 feet radius before, they can choose that creature as the location to teleport to, even if they cannot see the creature. If a creature brings the Astral Elf to 0 hit points with their reaction, the Astral Elf's teleportation fails, and is digested by the creature.
Mechanical Construct:
Replaces Mechanical Nature Feature
Autognomes with this trait have resistance to poison and digestion damage, as well as immunity to disease. Despite their mechanical nature, the maker of the Autognome seems to have added a bio-fuel converter that needs to be refilled from time to time with food or prey. An Autognome that does not consume food, or digest a creature, once per long rest, will gain a level of exhaustion similar to a starving creature.
Skilled Hunter:
Replaces Hadozee Dodge Feature
Hadozee with this trait can use Acrobatics instead of Athletics in Devour Contests as predator.
While cool as hell, the Plasmoid race is already built too good for a vore upgrade. Sorry slimey fans.
Compacting Carapace:
Replaces Chameleon Carapace Feature
While you aren't wearing armor, your carapace gives you a base Armor Class of 12 + your Constitution modifier.
As an action, you can compact your internal body or expand it. If you choose to compact, all creatures inside of you take an additional 1d4 bludgeoning when you deal digestion damage. Your capacity is reduced by 2 when using this action though. When you choose expand your capacity is doubled, but you deal 2 less digestion damage. The expand and compact abilities can be held for up to 1 minute of concentration, as if focusing on a spell.
Writing, Editing, & Formatting
VoraciousTriton / SouthernDruid
The main author of the 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 versions, Triton spends most of his time reading, writing, playing, and DMing D&D 5e to begin with. Triton is more often than not chatting about various D&D stories that his friends wished he'd shut up about.
Digestion and Devouring was originally designed by VeryBatty, whom can be found at any of the following places, without their hard work none of this would exist to begin with. From the bottom of our hearts thanks to VeryBatty! Please check them out, maybe even thank them for the original supplement!
Artists and Visuals
Jac / IncognitoSeaLife
One of the two head artists of the team, Jac's works are primarily used in the Tome of Devouring book, but can also be seen on our Support Page (aka the very next page)
That's All For Now! Or is it?
While this may be everything for Eth's Monster Menu, it really isn't!
For those curious enough to ask what comes next after all of this content, you can keep an eye on our Twitter/X (linked below) any updates, or you can go above and beyond and become a Ko-Fi supporter, gaining access to our Discord for sneak peeks and other wild benefits.