The Wizard
A tiny halfling lowered the
hood of his azure robe as he
drew his gem-encrusted wand
from his sleeve. Focusing on the
charging bandit leader, he muttered a
spell in Elvish, and an iridescent blast
of light burst from his wand. The bandit
captain fell to the ground, clawing at his
eyes that had been blinded by the spell.
Drawing out the final runes on a magic
circle on the ground, an elvish sage prepared
to recite the incantation that would bind the
ancient fey spirit to her service. In a flash of
light and burst of cold, a Lord of the Unseelie
Court appeared before her, bound to the circle.
The elven summoner unfurled another ancient
scroll and began the incantation which would
would bind the faerie to her service.
A stark white owl flew in front of the full moon and
came to rest on the outstretched arm of an impossibly
old man. The owl, his familiar, rested weightless on the
sage's arm as he expertly transcribed the arcane runes
from the ancient tablet into his grimoire of spells. After
he finished, he slowly stood, grasped his staff, and began
to cast the spell he had just transcribed.
All three of the magicians described here are Wizards, sages who through careful study learn to manipulate the forces of the multiverse to perform spells and rituals.
Scholars of the Arcane
Wizards use their incredible genius to decode the laws of the multiverse, then manipulate the same laws to produce spells. Traditional scholars divide the types of magic into eight Spell Schools: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation. Each of these schools with its own unique theorems, esoteric rules, and magical abilities, and the Wizards who master them.
While all Wizards have a basic knowledge and know some spells from each school of magic, they always choose a single school as their focus. In pursuit of mastery over their chosen magical specialty, Wizards will search the multiverse for any knowledge that could aid in advancing their arcane research.
Independent Magicians
Unlike all other practitioners of the arcane arts, Wizards earn their magical abilities through sheer dedication and research. While other channelers of occult and divine magic are gifted with, inherit, or bargain for their power, Wizards unlock their spellcasting with no supernatural help. Often apprenticed to an elder of the same arcane tradition or studying in a formal school of magic, a Wizard will learn all they can before they can before striking out to advance their knowledge alone.
The call of undiscovered knowledge, potential power, and forgotten secrets eventually draws a Wizard from the safety of their university or tower, and out into the world. Wizards take up adventuring as part of their quest to understand the multiverse, and the magical knowledge that is only found in the ancient tombs of arcane sages and the forgotten ruins of
empires whose knowledge eclipses that of modern sages.
Your Wizard
When creating a Wizard, consider what drives their pursuit of arcane knowledge. Are they the eldest child of a noble house who was molded from birth to become a powerful wielder of the arcane arts? Are they a self-taught magician who found a Spellbook and decoded the esoteric theorems within? Or, are they simply an average student at a wizarding academy?
Also, consider the visual aesthetics of your spells. As magic is an expression of its channeler, it varies by the Wizard. Do your spells appear as crimson flashes of ruthlessly efficient light? Are they luminescent manifestations of beauty and art?
Multiclassing and the Wizard
If your group uses multiclassing, here's what you need to know if you take a level in the Wizard class.
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in the Wizard class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a Wizard.
Proficiencies Gained. If Wizard is not your initial class, you gain no proficiencies of any kind when you take your first level as a Wizard.
Spellcasting. Add all of your levels in the Wizard class to the appropriate levels from other classes to determine available spell slots.
The Wizard
Level | PB | Features | Cantrips Known |
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th |
1st | +2 | Arcanist, Spellcasting | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
2nd | +2 | Studious Recovery | 3 | 3 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
3rd | +2 | Arcane Tradition | 3 | 4 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Increase | 4 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
5th | +3 | — | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — | — |
6th | +3 | Tradition Feature | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | — | — | — | — | — |
7th | +3 | Signature Spell (1) | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — | — | — | — | — |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Increase | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — |
9th | +4 | — | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — | — | — | — |
10th | +4 | New Focus School, Tradition Feature | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | — |
11th | +4 | Signature Spell (2) | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | — | — | — |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Increase | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | — | — | — |
13th | +5 | — | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | — | — |
14th | +5 | Tradition Feature | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | — | — |
15th | +5 | Signature Spell (3) | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | — |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Increase | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | — |
17th | +6 | — | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
18th | +6 | Archmage, New Focus School | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
20th | +6 | Arcane Mastery | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Class Features
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d6 per Wizard level
- Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier.
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Wizard level after 1st
- Armor: None
- Weapons: Daggers, quarterstaffs
- Tools: calligrapher's supplies
- Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
- Skills: Choose two of the following: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Religion
Starting Equipment
As a Wizard, you start with the following equipment, along with the equipment granted to you by your background:
- (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger
- (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
- (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
- A Spellbook with 100 pages, a quill, and a robe
Quick Build
You can make a Wizard quickly by using these suggestions: First, make Intelligence your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Sage background. Finally,
choose to learn the firebolt and prestidigitation Cantrips.
You understand the arcane and esoteric as well as any mortal being can. At 1st level, you gain proficiency in Arcana. If you are already proficient in Arcana, you instead add double your proficiency bonus to your Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
Through your research, study, and practice you have learned to manipulate the forces of reality to cast spells. At 1st level, you gain the features below and create your own Spellbook:
Focus Schools
Arcane magic is divided into eight traditional Spell Schools: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation; each with its own unique theorems, esoteric rules, and magical abilities.
At 1st level, you gain unique insights into one Spell School of your choice from the list above, your Focus School. Certain Wizard features only apply to spells from Focus Schools.
You gain an additional Focus School of your choice at 10th and 18th level. Whenever you gain a Focus School after your first, you can forgo the new School to add three new Wizard spells to your Spellbook (see below), all from Focus Schools.
At 1st level, you know three Cantrips from the Wizard spell list, one of which must be from your Focus School. You learn another Wizard Cantrip of your choice from any Spell School at 4th level, and again at 10th level in this class.

You have compiled yourself an Arcane Spellbook,
a tome of arcane lore with its own secret notation unique
to you. It can only be read by you, or another Wizard if they are able to decipher your notation. You determine what your Spellbook looks like, but it must be a Tiny object capable of storing written information.
At 1st level, your Spellbook contains six 1st-level Wizard spells of your choice, two must be from your Focus School.
Copying Additional Spells
As you adventure, you may discover additional Wizard spells recorded in ancient scrolls or hidden away in esoteric tomes.
When you discover such a spell of 1st-level or higher, you can copy it into your Spellbook if the spell is a level for which you have spell slots as shown on the Wizard class table. To do so, it takes you 2 hours per level of the spell. This represents all of the experimentation, deciphering, and arcane notations that are necessary for you to understand this new spell.
When you copy a new Wizard spell from one of your Focus Schools, the time required to copy that spell is halved.
Replacing your Spellbook
You can copy Wizard spells from your Spellbook into another Spellbook only needing to spend 1 hour per level of the spell, as your own notation is easier to decipher. This time is halved to 30 minutes per level for spells from Focus Schools.
If your Spellbook is lost, you can use this same procedure to transcribe the Wizard spells you currently have prepared into a new Spellbook. The knowledge of all other spells from your Spellbook is lost. For this reason, many Wizards create multiple well-hidden copies of their Spellbook.
Spellcasting Focus
You can use either an Arcane Focus or your Spellbook as the spellcasting focus for the Wizard spells you have prepared.
Spellcasting Restrictions
Because of the delicate and precise gestures required to cast spells, you cannot cast Wizard spells while you are wearing
armor or wielding a shield, unless a feature says otherwise.
Preparing &
Casting Spells
The Wizard table above shows how many spell slots you have to cast spells. To cast a Wizard spell of 1st-level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all of your expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
During each long rest, you prepare the list of Wizard spells that are available for you to cast by studying your Spellbook.
When you do, you choose a number of Wizard spells from your Spellbook equal to your Wizard level + your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of 1). This process of memorization and study takes 1 minute per each level of the spells you prepare.
Learning Spells of 1st-level & Higher
When you gain a Wizard level, you add two Wizard spells of your choice to your Spellbook at no cost, one of which must be from your Focus School. Both the spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the Wizard table.
Spells added to your Spellbook this way reflect the arcane research you conduct, as well as intellectual breakthroughs you have had about the nature of magic and the multiverse.
Ritual Casting
Your understanding of the arcane arts allows you to perform ritual magic. You can cast any Wizard spell in your Spellbook as a ritual, so long as it has the ritual tag, even if not prepared.
Spellcasting Ability
As you learned your magic through research and study, your Intelligence is the spellcasting ability for your Wizard spells. Use Intelligence if one of your Wizard spells refers to your spellcasting ability, Spell save DC, or Spell attack modifier.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
+ your Intelligence modifier
Studious Recovery
Starting at 2nd level, you can study your Spellbook to regain some of your potential. During the course of a short rest, you can regain a single expended spell slot of a level equal to half your Wizard level (rounded down), or lower.
You cannot use this feature to recover a spell slot higher than your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1st-level).
Arcane Tradition
At 3rd level, you choose the Arcane Tradition that represents your magical knowledge from the list here: Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Evoker, Illusionist, or Transmuter, all of which are detailed at the end of this class description.
Your Arcane Tradition grants you features at 3rd level, and again when you reach 6th, 10th, and 14th level in this class.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two ability scores by 1. As normal, you can't increase
one of your ability scores above 20 using this feature.
Signature Spell
Your research has led you to the discovery of a spell that
is known only to you, a Signature Spell. At 7th level,
choose one spell in your Spellbook of 2nd-level or
lower to become your Signature Spell. It must be
chosen from one of your Focus Schools.
You can modify this spell in any number of the ways below,
but you cannot modify it so that its spell level is greater then
the level for which you have spell slots on the Wizard table.
If the spell gains benefits from being cast at a higher level,
the level at which they gain these benefits also increases.
Once discovered, your Signature Spell is added as a new
spell in your Spellbook. You also rename your new spell to
reference you as its creator and its modified power. Another
Wizard can copy your Signature Spell into their Spellbook
following the normal rules for copying spells.
At certain Wizard levels, your study results in additional
Signature Spells, following these guidelines: at 11th-level
you create a new Signature Spell of 3rd-level or lower, and
at 15th-level you gain a Signature Spell of 5th-level or lower.
Alternatively, whenever you create a new Signature Spell, you can select a previous Signature Spell and modify it again.
Casting Time
If the spell has a casting time of one action, it becomes one bonus action, but the spell level of this spell increases by 1.
You remove components from the spell. It must have at least one remaining component. You cannot remove components that are consumed or have a gold cost. For each component you remove, the level of this spell increases by 1.
The level of this spell increases by 1, but if you fail a saving throw to maintain your concentration on this spell you can use your reaction to automatically succeed instead.
You replace all the damage dealt by the spell with the type of damage dealt by another spell contained in your Spellbook.
If the spell lacks the Ritual tag, it has a casting time of one action or one bonus action, and it does not have a material component with a gold cost, it becomes a ritual spell for you.
You modify the shape of a spell that normally targets a cone, cube, cylinder, line, or sphere to target an area of equivalent size (the same number of 5-foot cubes) but a new shape.
Custom Signature Spells
At the discretion of your DM, a Wizard can modify a Signature Spell in ways not detailed here, or even create a completely new original Signature Spell!
When using this optional rule, be attentive to the effects of spells of the same level and Spell School. Spells that are questionably powerful should have their level increased to match its newfound effect.
You have mastered the lofty heights of arcane knowledge.
At 18th level, choose two spells of 1st or 2nd-level that you have in your Spellbook. These spells must be from one of
your Focus Schools and have a casting time of one action. You always have these spells prepared, though they don't
count against your prepared spells. You can cast these
spells at their lowest level without spending a spell slot.
You can replace one of these spells following the same
guidelines by spending 8 hours studying your Spellbook.
Arcane Mastery
You are an unparalleled master of arcane arts who bends
reality itself their will. At 20th level, you are considered to
always have every spell in your Spellbook prepared.
Wizard Spell List
Below are the spells available to the Wizard, organized by
spell level. They are in the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything *, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything **,
and the laserllama Spell Compendium LL, a tome of
both new and alternate versions of official spells.
All spells have their School listed in abbreviated form:
Abj | Abjuration |
Con | Conjuration |
Div | Divination |
Enc | Enchantment |
Evo | Evocation |
Ilu | Illusion |
Nec | Necromancy |
Tra | Transmutation |
Cantrips (0-level Spells)
School | Spell |
Abj | blade ward LL |
Abj | resistance LL |
Con | create bonfire * |
Con | frostbite * |
Con | infestation * |
Con | mage hand |
Div | guidance LL |
School | Spell |
Div | message |
Div | true strike LL |
Enc | friends LL |
Enc | mind sliver ** |
Evo | acid splash LL |
Evo | fire bolt |
Evo | lightning lure LL |
School | Spell |
Evo | ray of frost |
Evo | shocking grasp |
Evo | thunderclap * |
Ilu | dancing lights |
Ilu | light |
Ilu | minor illusion |
Nec | chill touch |
School | Spell |
Nec | poison spray LL |
Tra | beckon air LL |
Tra | control flame LL |
Tra | mending |
Tra | mold earth LL |
Tra | prestidigitation |
Tra | shape water LL |
1st-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | absorb elements * |
Abj | alarm (r) |
Abj | mage armor |
Abj | prot. evil & good |
Abj | shield LL |
Abj | snare * |
Con | find familiar (r) |
Con | floating disk (r) |
Con | fog cloud |
Con | grease |
School | Spell |
Con | ice knife * |
Con | unseen servant (r) |
Div | comprehend lang. |
Div | detect magic (r) |
Div | identify (r) |
Div | magic missile |
Enc | catapult * |
Enc | charm person |
Enc | hideous laughter |
Enc | sleep |
School | Spell |
Evo | arcane lance LL |
Evo | burning hands |
Evo | caustic brew ** |
Evo | chromatic orb * |
Evo | thunderwave |
Evo | torrent LL |
Evo | witch bolt LL |
Ilu | color spray |
Ilu | disguise self |
Ilu | illusory script (r) |
School | Spell |
Ilu | silent image |
Nec | cause fear * |
Nec | false life |
Nec | inflict wounds |
Nec | ray of sickness |
Tra | earth tremor * |
Tra | expeditious retreat |
Tra | feather fall |
Tra | jump LL |
Tra | longstrider |
2nd-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | earthbind * |
Abj | lock/unlock LL |
Abj | rope trick |
Con | cloud of daggers |
Con | continual flame |
Con | dust devil * |
Con | flaming sphere |
Con | misty step |
Con | web |
Div | augury (r) |
Div | darkvision |
Div | detect thoughts |
School | Spell |
Div | locate creature LL |
Div | locate object |
Div | mind spike * |
Div | see invisibility |
Enc | crown of madness |
Enc | hold person |
Enc | levitate |
Enc | mind whip ** |
Enc | suggestion |
Evo | acid arrow |
Evo | arcane scorcher * |
Evo | gust of wind |
School | Spell |
Evo | pyrotechnics |
Evo | scorching ray |
Evo | shatter |
Evo | snowball swarm * |
Evo | warding wind * |
Ilu | blur |
Ilu | darkness |
Ilu | invisibility |
Ilu | magic aura |
Ilu | magic mouth (r) |
Ilu | mirror image |
Ilu | phantasmal force |
School | Spell |
Ilu | skywrite (r) |
Nec | blindness/deafness |
Nec | gentle repose (r) |
Nec | ray of enfeeblement |
Nec | shadow blade * |
Tra | alter self |
Tra | dragon's breath * |
Tra | earthen grasp * |
Tra | enhance ability |
Tra | enlarge/reduce |
Tra | magic weapon LL |
Tra | spider climb |
3rd-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | counterspell LL |
Abj | dispel magic |
Abj | prot. from energy |
Abj | glyph of warding |
Abj | magic circle |
Abj | remove curse |
Abj | tiny hut (r) LL |
Con | sleet storm |
Con | summon fey ** |
Con | summon shadow ** |
School | Spell |
Con | thunder step * |
Con | wall of sand * |
Con | wall of water * |
Div | clairvoyance |
Div | nondetection |
Div | sending |
Div | speak with dead |
Enc | enemies abound * |
Enc | fear |
Enc | intellect fortress ** |
Evo | fireball |
School | Spell |
Evo | lightning bolt |
Evo | minute meteors * |
Evo | stinking cloud |
Evo | tidal wave * |
Ilu | feign death (r) |
Ilu | hypnotic pattern LL |
Ilu | major image |
Ilu | phantom steed (r) |
Nec | animate dead |
Nec | bestow curse |
Nec | life transference * |
School | Spell |
Nec | summon undead ** |
Nec | vampiric touch |
Tra | blink |
Tra | erupting earth * |
Tra | fly |
Tra | gaseous form |
Tra | haste |
Tra | slow |
Tra | tiny servant * |
Tra | water breathing (r) |
4th-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | banishment |
Abj | private sanctum |
Abj | resilient sphere |
Abj | secret chest |
Abj | stoneskin |
Con | dimension door |
Con | sum. aberration ** |
School | Spell |
Con | sum. construct ** |
Con | sum. elemental ** |
Con | wall of fire |
Div | arcane eye |
Div | divination (r) |
Enc | charm monster |
Enc | confusion |
Evo | fire shield |
School | Spell |
Evo | ice storm |
Evo | sickening radiance |
Evo | storm sphere |
Evo | vitriolic sphere * |
Evo | watery sphere * |
Ilu | faithful hound |
Ilu | greater invisibility |
Ilu | hallucinatory terrain |
School | Spell |
Ilu | phantasmal killer |
Nec | blight |
Tra | control water * |
Tra | elemental bane * |
Tra | fabricate |
Tra | polymorph LL |
Tra | stone shape |
5th-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | planar binding |
Abj | wall of force LL |
Con | arcane hand |
Con | conjure elemental |
Con | far step |
Con | infernal calling |
Con | teleportation circle |
Div | cont. other plane (r) |
School | Spell |
Div | legend lore |
Div | scrying |
Enc | dominate person |
Enc | geas |
Enc | hold monster |
Enc | modify memory |
Enc | synaptic static * |
Enc | telekinesis |
Enc | telepathic bond (r) |
School | Spell |
Evo | cloudkill |
Evo | cone of cold |
Evo | dawn |
Evo | immolation * |
Ilu | creation |
Ilu | dream |
Ilu | mislead |
Ilu | seeming |
Nec | danse macabre * |
School | Spell |
Nec | enervation |
Nec | neg. energy flood * |
Tra | animate objects |
Tra | control winds * |
Tra | passwall |
Tra | skill empowerment* |
Tra | transmute rock |
Tra | wall of stone |
6th-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | contingency |
Abj | globe of invul. |
Abj | guards and wards |
Con | arcane gate |
Con | instant summons |
Con | scatter |
Con | summon fiend ** |
School | Spell |
Con | wall of ice |
Div | true seeing |
Enc | mass suggestion |
Evo | chain lighting |
Evo | disintegrate |
Evo | freezing sphere |
Evo | sunbeam |
School | Spell |
Ilu | eyebite |
Ilu | mental prison |
Ilu | programmed illusion |
Nec | circle of death |
Nec | create undead |
Nec | magic jar |
Nec | soul cage * |
School | Spell |
Tra | create homunculus * |
Tra | flesh to stone |
Tra | investiture of flame * |
Tra | investiture of ice * |
Tra | investiture of stone * |
Tra | investiture of wind * |
Tra | move earth |
7th-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | magnificent mansion |
Abj | symbol |
Con | forcecage LL |
Con | plane shift |
School | Spell |
Con | teleport |
Enc | power word: pain |
Evo | arcane sword |
Evo | crown of stars * |
Evo | delayed blast fireball |
School | Spell |
Evo | prismatic spray |
Ilu | mirage arcane |
Ilu | project image |
Ilu | simulacrum |
Nec | finger of death |
School | Spell |
Tra | etherealness |
Tra | reverse gravity |
Tra | sequester |
Tra | whirlwind |
8th-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | antimagic field |
Abj | mind blank |
Con | demiplane |
Con | maze |
School | Spell |
Con | mighty fortress |
Div | telepathy |
Enc | antipathy/sympathy |
Enc | dominate monster |
Enc | feeblemind |
School | Spell |
Enc | power word: stun |
Evo | incendiary cloud |
Evo | sunburst |
Ilu | illusory dragon * |
Ilu | maddening dark * |
School | Spell |
Nec | clone |
Nec | horrid wilting * |
Tra | control weather |
Tra | mass polymorph LL |
9th-level Spells
School | Spell |
Abj | imprisonment |
Abj | invulnerability * |
Con | blade of disaster ** |
Con | gate |
School | Spell |
Div | foresight |
Div | time stop |
Enc | psychic scream * |
Evo | meteor swarm |
School | Spell |
Evo | prismatic wall |
Ilu | shapechange |
Ilu | weird LL |
Nec | astral projection |
School | Spell |
Nec | power word: kill |
Tra | true polymorph |
— | wish |

Arcane Traditions
Choose the Arcane Tradition from the options below that best represents your Wizard's arcane knowledge and spellcraft:
Abjurer | Evoker |
Conjurer | Illusionist |
Diviner | Transmuter |
Abjurers are masters of magic that safeguards, banishes, and thwarts hostile magical creatures, spells, and effects. Known for their ability to reverse potent enchantments and combat extraplanar entities, Abjurers are sought out to reverse alien incursions into the material plane and banish evil creatures.
Arcane Ward
3rd-level Abjurer Tradition feature
You can siphon residual abjuration magic to create an Arcane Ward around yourself. When you spend a spell slot to cast an Abjuration spell, you can siphon some of its residual power to cloak yourself in an Arcane Ward, which persists until the end of your next long rest.
On creation, your Arcane Ward has a number of hit points equal to twice your Wizard level + your Intelligence modifier.
Whenever you take damage, your Arcane Ward takes it in your place. If your Ward is reduced to 0 hit points, you take any residual damage. While at 0 hit points, the magic of the Arcane Ward remains, but it cannot absorb any damage.
Whenever you expend a spell slot to cast an Abjuration spell, your Arcane Ward regains hit points equal to twice the level of the spell slot expended. You can also use your bonus action to expend a spell slot and cause your Ward to regain hit points equal to twice the level of the slot expended.
Once you create your Arcane Ward, you
cannot create another until
you finish a long rest.
Scholar of Abjuration
3rd-level Abjurer Tradition feature
You are a dedicated student of Abjuration magic. Abjuration is now one of your Focus Schools of magic. If Abjuration was already one of your Focus Schools, you gain another Focus School of your choice.
You also choose two Abjuration spells of 2nd-level or lower from the Wizard spell list to add to your Spellbook.
Projected Ward
6th-level Abjurer Tradition feature
You can use the power of your Arcane Ward to defend others. When a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use a reaction to cause your Arcane Ward to absorb that damage. If this damage reduces your Ward to 0 hit points, the original target takes any residual damage.
Empowered Abjuration
10th-level Abjurer Tradition feature
Your knowledge of Abjuration magic allows you to utilize it better than most. You add counterspell LL and dispel magic to your Spellbook if they were not already there. If you already had them in your Spellbook, you add one Abjuration spell of your choice to your Spellbook for each that was there.
Whenever you make an ability check as part of either spell you can add your proficiency bonus to your roll.
Your Arcane Ward also gains resistance to all non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Master of Abjuration
14th-level Abjurer Tradition feature
Your mastery over Abjuration magic has infused your mortal form with an innate magical ward. You have advantage on all
saving throws against spells, and resistance
to all damage dealt by spells.
As a student of Conjuration, you specialize in spellcraft
that conjure creatures, objects, and energy from other
planes. As your powers as a Conjurer grow, you learn to
create things from nothing, call powerful extraplanar creatures to your aid, and teleport yourself and your
allies across vast distances in an instant.
Scholar of Conjuration
3rd-level Conjurer Tradition feature
You are a student of Conjuration magic. Conjuration
is now one of your Focus Schools. If Conjuration was
already one of your Focus Schools, you gain another
another Focus School of your choice.
You also add two Conjuration spells of your choice,
of 2nd-level or lower from the Wizard spell list, to your
Spellbook when you adopt this Arcane Tradition.
Minor Conjuration
3rd-level Conjurer Tradition feature
You can draw on your knowledge of Conjuration magic
to conjure temporary objects from nothing. As an action,
you can instantly conjure a single Tiny inanimate object
in your hand, or in an unoccupied space on the ground
that you can see within 10 feet of you.
To conjure an object you must have seen the object
before, and be familiar with its makeup. To conjure an
object that would special require expertise to craft, you
must be proficient in the corresponding artisan's tools.
You cannot conjure copies of magic items.
Any object you conjure is visibly magical, and radiates
dim light in a 5-foot radius. It has a number of hit points
equal to your Wizard level, and its Armor Class is equal
to your Intelligence score. The object disappears after
1 hour, or when it is reduced to 0 hit points, or if you
use this feature to conjure another object.
When you use this feature you can expend a spell
slot to conjure a larger object, determined by the level
of the spell slot you expend as shown below:
Spell Slot | Size |
None | Tiny |
1st | Small |
3rd | Medium |
Spell Slot | Size |
5th | Large |
7th | Huge |
9th | Gargantuan |
Self Transposition
6th-level Conjurer Tradition feature
You use Conjuration magic to instantly move through space. You add misty step to your Spellbook and you always have it prepared, but it does not count against your prepared spells. If you already have misty step in your Spellbook, you add one Conjuration spell of your choice to your Spellbook instead.
Moreover, you can cast misty step once between each long rest without expending a spell slot.
Whenever you cast misty step, you can force one object or creature equal to your size or smaller in range of the spell to make a Charisma saving throw against your Spell save DC.
On a failed save, you and the target instantly switch places in place of the normal effects of the misty step spell.
Creatures can willingly fail this Charisma saving throw.
10th-level Conjurer Tradition feature
Your deep knowledge of Conjuration magic allows you to call increasingly powerful entities. When you cast a Conjuration spell that summons creatures or use your Minor Conjuration to create an object, one creature or object you conjure gains temporary hit points equal to twice your Wizard level.
Master of Conjuration
14th-level Conjurer Tradition feature
Your ability to conjure and control extraplanar creatures and energies is unparalleled. When you cast a Conjuration spell that summons or conjures a creature, your concentration on that spell cannot be broken by taking damage.
Often carrying out their research far from civilization, Diviner Wizards use their knowledge of the arcane arts to reveal the unseen, uncover lost secrets, and even predict the future. The magic of Divination is an uncertain one, but Diviners attempt to master this esoteric school of magic to further their ends.
Scholar of Divination
3rd-level Diviner Tradition feature
You are a dedicated student of Divination magic. Divination
is now one of your Focus Schools of magic. If Divination was already one of your Focus Schools, you gain another Focus School of your choice.
You also choose two Divination spells of 2nd-level or lower from the Wizard spell list to add to your Spellbook.
3rd-level Diviner Tradition feature
You have begun to unlock the secrets of Divination magic, the ability to see the future, if only in short and shadowy visions. Once during a long rest, you can perform an esoteric 1-hour ritual where you view shadowy glimpses of possible futures. At the end of this 1-hour ritual, roll two d20s and record the results. These are your Portent rolls.
Whenever a creature you can see makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can replace its d20 roll with one of the Portent d20 rolls that you recorded. You must use this feature before the creature rolls its d20.
Once you use a Portent d20 roll it is expended. Any unused Portent rolls are lost when you perform this ritual again.
Ascended Awareness
6th-level Diviner Tradition feature
Your magic gives you an increased awareness. So long as you are not incapacitated, you can't be surprised and you add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to your initiative rolls.
The Third Eye
10th-level Diviner Tradition feature
You can use Divination magic to awaken your true powers of perception. Over the course of 1 hour, which can be during a short or long rest, you can perform a ritual to enhance your sight in one of the ways listed below. It extends out from you in a 60-foot radius and lasts until you use this ritual again:
Eldritch Sight. You can see magical effects and objects as if you were using the detect magic spell.
Ethereal Sight. You can see into the Ethereal Plane and invisible creatures and objects appear as if they were visible.
Infernal Sight. You can see normally in both dim light and darkness, produced by magical and non-magical sources.
Runic Sight. You can read any language, even those that have been lost, as if was written in your native language.
Master of Divination
14th-level Diviner Tradition feature
When you perform your Portent ritual during a long rest, you roll each d20 twice and choose which of the results to record as your Portent d20 rolls.
You can also use an action on your turn to expend a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher to replace your current Third Eye benefit to another benefit with your choice from the list.
While most view Evokers as channelers of destructive magic, Evokers consider themselves to be masters of arcane energy of all kinds. Scorching flames, bitter frost, crackling lightning, and caustic acid, Evokers can control it all. Powerful Evokers are a terrifying sight to behold on the field of battle, reducing their foes to smoldering heaps with their elemental magicks.
Scholar of Evocation
3rd-level Evoker Tradition feature
You are a dedicated student of Evocation magic. Evocation
is now one of your Focus Schools of magic. If Evocation was already one of your Focus Schools, you can select another Focus School of your choice.
You also choose two Evocation spells of 2nd-level or lower from the Wizard spell list to add to your Spellbook.
Potent Cantrip
3rd-level Evoker Tradition feature
Your deep understanding of Evocation magic increases the potency of even your minor magic. You learn one additional Evocation Cantrip of your choice from the Wizard spell list.
Also, when you cast an Evocation Cantrip that requires a spell attack roll or saving throw you gain the benefits below:
Spell Attack. When an Evocation Cantrip requires you to make a Spell Attack Roll, you add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to one damage roll of the spell.
Saving Throw. When an Evocation Cantrip requires its targets to make a saving throw, creatures take half damage on a successful save, but do not suffer any additional effects,
other than damage, imposed by the Cantrip.
Sculpt Spells
6th-level Evoker Tradition feature
Your understanding of Evocation magic allows you to shape your destructive magic to safeguard your allies. Whenever you cast an Evocation spell, you can designate a number of creatures equal to 1 + the level of the spell. These creatures are immune to the effects of your spell and take no damage on the turn that you cast the spell.
However, any effects of the spell that persist after its initial casting affect these designated creatures as normal.
Empowered Evocation
10th-level Evoker Tradition feature
Your Evocation spells are especially potent, even compared to those cast by other mages. On the turn you cast an Evocation spell, you can re-roll any number of the damage dice for that spell, but you must keep the new result of these rolls.
You must choose how many dice you will re-roll at once.
Master of Evocation
14th-level Evoker Tradition feature
You can channel your life force into your magic to increase its power in times of need. When you cast an Evocation spell of 5th-level or lower, you can choose for it to deal its maximum possible damage, in place of rolling.
You can use this feature once between each long rest with no adverse effects to you. However, each additional time you use this feature before you finish a long rest you take 2d12 necrotic damage per level of the spell (minimum 2d12).
This damage ignores resistance and immunity to necrotic damage, and the damage cannot be lessened in any way.
You are a practitioner of all magic that misdirects, befuddles, and confuses, you are an Illusionist. Limited only by your own ingenuity, you can create profound effects that dupe all but the most observant foes. While other Wizards prefer a more direct approach, you pride yourself on unorthodox solutions.
Scholar of Illusion
3rd-level Illusionist Tradition feature
You are a dedicated student of Illusion magic. Illusion is one of your Focus Schools of magic. If Illusion was already one of your Focus Schools, you gain another of your choice.
You also choose two Illusion spells of 2nd-level or lower from the Wizard spell list to add to your Spellbook.
Illusionist Adept
3rd-level Illusionist Tradition feature
Your study of illusions has made you exceptionally skilled in their use. You learn the minor illusion Cantrip, but it doesn't count against your Cantrips Known. If you already know the Cantrip, you learn another Wizard Cantrip of your choice.
When you cast minor illusion you can create both illusory sound and image with a single casting of the Cantrip, and you can cast minor illusion as an action or a bonus action.
Finally, you can cast any Illusion spell from your
Spellbook without providing verbal components.
Phantasmal Spells
6th-level Illusionist Tradition feature
Your skill with Illusions allows you to create illusory
versions of your other spells. Whenever you cast a
Conjuration or Evocation spell from your Spellbook,
you can choose to produce an illusory version of the
spell, changing its effects in the following ways:
- Its Spell School changes to Illusion.
- You can ignore any of the normal material
components of the spell for this casting. - If it forces its targets to make a saving
throw, targets make an Intelligence
saving throw instead of the normal
saving throw for that spell. - If it deals damage, its damage is
replaced with psychic damage. - If it conjures anything with hit
points, its hit points are halved.
Any creature whose Intelligence
score is greater than your Spell
save DC instantly sees through
any spell cast in this way and is
immune to all of its effects.
All other creatures interact with,
and believe they are experiencing the
normal effects of the spell.
Illusory Magic & Effects
Whenever playing a mage that uses Illusion magic, and especially when playing an Illusionist, talk with your DM about how they plan to run Illusion spells.
Illusory Self
10th-level Illusionist Tradition feature
You can disappear into your illusions when in danger. When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to create an illusory version of yourself in your space which takes the attack instead of you. You then immediately teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 10 feet.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. When you have no uses left, can expend a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher to use it again.
Illusory Reality
14th-level Illusionist Tradition feature
You can temporarily give your phantasms solid form. When you use your action to cast an Illusion spell, you can use your bonus action to make one non-magical, inanimate object that is part of that illusion real.
This object cannot deal damage or cause harm. Regardless of its appearance, its Armor Class equals your Spell save DC and it has hit points equal to three times your Wizard level.
This effect persists for 1 minute, but ends if it is destroyed, if you end the effect with your bonus action or if you use this feature to make another illusion real.
Transmutation is the magic of understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing matter. However, it is not an all-powerful magic; it is impossible to create something out of nothing. As a Transmuter, you know that if you wish to obtain something, something of equal value must be sacrificed in exchange.
Scholar of Transmutation
3rd-level Transmuter Tradition feature
You are a student of Transmutation magic. Transmutation is one of your Focus Schools of magic. If Transmutation was already one of your Focus Schools, you can select another Focus School of your choice.
You can also choose two Transmutation spells of 2nd-level or lower from the Wizard spell list to add to your Spellbook.
Equivalent Exchange
3rd-level Transmuter Tradition feature
You can use your knowledge of Transmutation magic to alter the physical properties of objects. As an action, you can touch a non-magical object (or part of an object) and expend a spell slot to transform its Material or Shape as detailed below:
Material. You change an object made of iron, steel, stone (not gems), or wood to another material from this same list.
Shape. You alter the shape of the object to suit your needs. You cannot add or destroy material as part of this action. The new shape of the object is crude unless you are proficient in the artisan's tools corresponding to its material makeup, or are familiar with the inner workings of such an object.
Size. The level of the spell slot you expend determines the size of the object you can change. You can alter an object that fits in a cube with sides of 1-foot per level of the spell slot.
For example, by expending a 3rd-level spell slot
you can alter any object (or part of an object) that
fits inside of a 3-foot cube.
Concentration. You must concentrate on this
change as if concentrating on a spell or the object
instantly reverts to its previous form. After
1 minute of concentration any changes
to the object become permanent.
Transmute Self
6th-level Transmuter Tradition feature
Your deep understanding of Transmutation magic allows you to make dramatic alterations to your physical form. During a long rest, you can choose one 1st-level Transmutation spell in your Spellbook that targets a creature, and perform a 1-hour ritual to make its benefits permanent for you. If it normally requires concentration, it does not when cast in this way.
The effects of this spell last until you perform this ritual on yourself again during a subsequent long rest.
Empowered Transmutation
10th-level Transmuter Tradition feature
You add polymorph LL to your Spellbook. You always have it prepared, but it does not count against your prepared spells. If you already have polymorph in your Spellbook, you add one Transmutation spell of your choice to your Spellbook instead.
Also, when you cast polymorph on yourself, its casting time becomes a bonus action. While transformed you retain your personality, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.
Finally, when you use your Transmute Self feature, you can now select 2nd-level Transmutation spells in your Spellbook.
Master of Transmutation
14th-level Transmuter Tradition feature
You learned the secrets necessary to create a Philosopher's Stone, a Tiny alchemical object capable of wondrous feats of Transmutation. During each long rest, you can spend 1 hour performing a ritual to create one Philosopher's Stone. This ritual renders any previous Philosopher's Stones inert.
When you cast a Wizard spell, you can expend the Stone to cast that spell at 5th-level, without expending a spell slot.
Alternatively, you can use an action cast to one of the spells below at 5th-level, expending the Philosopher's Stone in place
of a spell slot and any material components. When you cast
a spell in this way it counts as a Wizard spell for you:
awaken |
contagion |
creation |
mass cure wounds |
raise dead |
restoration LL |
The Alternate
Become the master of arcane spellcraft that you were meant to be! Master arcane magic with a reworked Spell List and six Arcane Traditions!
Version 1.1.1 - Created by /u/laserllama
Last Updated: December 17th, 2024
Artist Credits:
Covers - Hugh Pinder - MTG: Hard Cover
Page 1 - Victor Adame Minguez - Teller of Tales
Page 3 - Magali Villeneuve - Intrude on the Mind
Page 4 - Magali Villeneuve - Temporal Pilgrim
Page 5 - Dominik Mayer - Time Stretch
Page 6 - Dominik Mayer - Inverse Sun
Page 8 - Chris Rahn - Starlit Mantle
Page 9 - Kieran Yanner - Architect of Law
Page 10 - Dominik Mayer - Negate
Page 11 - Marta Nael - Lightning Strike
Page 12 - Dmitry Burmak - Wily Illusionist
Page 13 - Josua Raphael - Urza, Prince of Kroog