Fate: Historic Conflict

by Tindall4CO

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Fate: Historic Conflict


The following is a non-profit fan-made tabletop RPG. The Fate Series is the property of Konoki Nasu and Type: Moon. Please, support the official release! And if you enjoy this then please make sure to check out the additional materials I will add to this system and let me know what you think of them. I should also state tat I do not claim ownership of any of the images used in this book as all of them are owned by their respective creators.

Table of Context

Page Topic
3 Chapter 1: Introduction
10 Chapter 2: Backgrounds
15 Chapter 3: Masters
35 Chapter 4: Magecrafts and Holy Sacraments
53 Chapter 5: Talents
55 Chapter 6: Servants
68 Chapter 7: Status Effects
69 Chapter 8: Class and Personal Skills
80 Chapter 9: Noble Phantasms
82 Chapter 10: Equipment
85 Thank you and Art Disclaimer

Chapter 1: Introduction

Hello and welcome to Fate: Historic Conflict a tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) based on the popular anime series known as Fate. This system was created as I felt that homebrew for other systems didn't really give the feeling of what going through a Holy Grail War or Singularty felt like it would in the anime.

What is Fate?

For all of you who don't know what Fate is and are finding this system because of a friend or bored one day and stumbled upon this system allow me to explain the concept to you.

Fate is an anime series that mostly revolves around a competition known as a Holy Grail War which involves usually seven people known as Masters who summon epic heroes from history or myths to fight for them in this competition known as Servants. They battle for what is known as the Holy Grail which is said to be able to grant the winner of the war a single powerful wish. The war ends when only one team of a Master and Servant are left standing.

But it's not all about just throwing hands as usually in these wars there are deep plots being done by all members of the war either for good of the world or others or for their own selfish desires. In the end it's anyone's game in knowing what will happen in one of these wars.

Creating a Game

When you decide to run a game in this system you need to figure out a few things before you get to rolling dice and fighting against others.

Firstly when you are getting a game started it is a smart move to figure out how many players you want in your game. In a Holy Grail War there are seven teams comprised of two people for each team with the recommended amount of player characters being 8 people with NPCs filling up the remaining three teams. This is so players have less likely the chance to get into PvP until near the end of the game.

Next you will need to figure out where and when to set the game. Will it be 19th Century London or Ancient Greece the possibilities are basically limitless of what eras and locations you want yourself and your players to explore and interact with.

Finally once you have figured out all those you just need to create the characters of Masters and Servants. What heroic or villainous individuals will the Servants be and what type of people are the Masters including what desires have driven them to seek the Holy Grail itself? Remember this system is built mostly on the characters and their interactions with others and the world itself so this is one of if not the most important part of creating a game in this system.

Creating a Character

Now onto the fun of this system as well as most TTRPG systems and thats understanding how you can create your own character to play in a campaign in this system!

Now when you are making a character you need to figure out if you are going to want to play as a Master or a Servant as while they are similar in most aspects they are also different in a couple of ways so they feel unique when compared to one and another. To start let us look at the parts that are shared between the two different types of characters and that is their five parameters which are used to determine different things about them.

Strength: Strength measures how physically strong your character is. Your strength modifier is used for most weapon attack rolls and their damage rolls and decides how much you can carry.

Agility: Agility measures how quick you are to react to things as well as how fast you can move around. Your agility modifier is used to calculate your speed, AC, as well as used for some weapon attack rolls and their damage rolls.

Endurance: Endurance measures how much your character can take before going down. Your endurance modifier is used to calculate your health points (HP) by adding it to your Hit Dice (HD) for each level you.

Mana: Mana measures how strong the Magic Circuits of your character are to use Magecrafts, Holy Sacraments, or Noble Phantasms. Your mana modifier helps determine how much mana points (MP) you have as well as the attack rolls for Magecrafts and Holy Sacraments and deciding what their difficulty modifier (DC) is if they call for people to make a check against it.

Luck: Luck measures how naturally lucky your character is from convincing people to make something cheaper for you to getting out of sticky situations. Your luck modifier will be used to enhance the rolls for other checks to better help your chances at succeeding them.

Noble Phantasm: This stat is used only by Servants and it gives an idea for others of how powerful their Noble Phantasms are. The rank for this stat is decided by the average rank of your Noble Phantasms.

Understanding the Ranks

So unlike other TTRPG systems this systems uses what are known as ranks for your stats just like you would see in the Fate series. These ranks vary depending on different things about your character and unlike other systems unless you pick a specific thing during character creation or as you level up they do not increase over the course of the game you are in.

So for characters the lowest rank you can have is E rank which represents an average human/servant depending on what type of character your playing as and as the ranks increase they represent higher levels of humans/servants. For Master characters you can only reach C rank for your stats which represents the peak of what humans are capable of. Below this is a character giving an explanation to the different ranks as well as what modifiers they have.

Rank Modifier
E +4
D +5
C +6
B +7
A +8
A+ +9
A++ +10
EX +12

Character levels

In this system Master and Servants have levels they can gain during a game or are set to and stay at for the entire game. For Masters they have the levels 1-20 while Servants have the levels 1-30 to represent them being above human levels. To gain levels you either have to gain experience points (EXP) by killing creatures, completing objectives in game, or other ways the one that runs the game decides on like just simply progressing the story.


This isn't just the name of a Servant class but also what the person who runs the game is called. They are the ones that schedules the sessions, plans the games, and makes sure everyone is having fun and following the rules. In this system like other TTRPGs the Ruler has the final say on rulings and can decide to bend the rules if they feel like it would better the experience of the game.

Difficulty Class (DC)

A difficulty class is used for certain things from Magecrafts/Holy Sacraments to trying to pick the lock of a door. The way the difficulty class is decided depends on the DM but for players it's usually 8 plus a certain stat connected to it and sometimes even your proficiency rank connected to it.


In this system you have proficiencies and they will grow as you level up. Most Masters will start off with Inexperienced rank or Talented and can reach a maximum of Expert while Servants start with Talented or Expert and can reach a maximum of Master.

Proficiency bonuses are applied to attack rolls, skill checks, stat checks, Magecraft attacks and difficulty class as well as armor classes.

Inexperienced: This is the base level of proficiency a character can have and it represents the character having never really done anything involving the skill or check. The bonus modifier for skills and checks with this level is +2.

Talented: This is the second level of proficiency a character can have and it represents the character being rather good at the skill or check. The bonus modifier for skills and checks with this level is +4.

Expert: This is the third level of proficiency a character can have and it represents the character being one of the most experienced people when it comes to this skill or check. The bonus modifier for skills and checks with this level is +6.

Master: This is the highest level of proficiency a character can have and it represents the character being at the peak of this skill or check with almost no one besting them at them. The bonus modifier for skills and checks with this level is +8.

Skill Checks

Now we arrive at the different types of skill checks in this system and their basic uses. Though you could use these skills in different ways beyond what their uses are described as here with your Ruler's approval.

Strength Skill:

Athletics: This is used to see how much you can try and push your physical might to your limits and possibly even past them for a brief moment.

Agility Skills:

Acrobatics: This is used to try and preform feats of acrobatics such as flipping or sliding over a car and similar situations.

Thievery: This is used when you try to sneak around or steal from someone without being noticed.

Endurance Skill:

Survival: This is used to try and handle against some injury you have taken showing off your ability to handle pain.

Luck Skills:

Perception: This is used when you want to try and look around for things out of place, hidden, or just odd about the area.

Insight: This is used when you want to try and figure out a person that you might not trust fully. It can be used to try and see past any lies they try to make.

Medical: This is used for when you are trying to fix a wound by closing it or getting rid of whatever caused it without damaging and hurting the person or yourself any further.

Persuasive: This is for you to use when you want to make someone who isn't your ally to believe your story or reasoning.

Deceptive: This is used when you want to lie to others to believe your false story to better help yourself.

Mana Skills:

Magecraft: This is used when you need to try and better understand a certain Magecraft and any possible weaknesses or workarounds you can use to your advantage.

Sacraments: This is used to try and better understand certain Sacraments so you can figure out their weaknesses or possible workarounds involving it.

Armor Class (AC)

Now we move onto the aspects of your character that will revolve around combat more than anything else and what better way to start than to figure out how to calculate your armor class. Now though the name mentions armor you don't need to be wearing any to have an AC as it is calculated in a unique way. For this system how you figure out your AC you first need to understand that it uses both your agility and endurance ranks and add them to a simple math problem. This math problem is 10 + ? + ? + ?= ? with the first two question marks representing your agility and endurance with it taking 2 points per rank level from agility and 1 point per rank level from endurance. The final question mark of the problem is your proficiency rank modifier.

For example if you as a Master had a C rank agility, a D rank endruance and an inexperinece rank modifier the math problem would look like this 10 + 6 + 2 + 2 which by adding the numbers together you get an AC of 20!

Mana Points (MP)

Next up is mana points which are used when casting Magecrafts and Holy Sacraments as well as to activate the effects of a Noble Phantasm. Like armor class this also has a math problem but this math problem is different for Masters and Servants.

For Masters this math problem is simple as it is 10 + ? + your proficency rank for mana checks. The question mark in this math problem is your rank in mana with you getting 1 point per rank level so a C rank mana with Talented proficiency rank would look like this 10 + 3 + 3 = 16 MP.

For Servants that math problem is mostly the same but has an additional factor to it being 10 + (? x 2) + your proficiency rank. The question mark here is the same as for the Masters math problem so for a B rank mana Servant with Expert proficiency rank it would look like this 10 + (4 x 2) + 6 = 24.

For Masters they can recharge their mana points by eating and relaxing for 1 hour or by going to bed which recovers not just their mana points but also their health points but takes 8 hours to complete. Meanwhile Servants cannont recover their mana points and must seek assistance from their Master by their Master giving them mana points from their own pool of points.

Money Points

This section is important for buying supplies from food to weapons so it is best to pay attention to this so you know how it works as well as how to earn more money points.

So for this system you can buy stuff using money points with food, hotels, and other basic essentials costing only one money point to get while stuff like vehicles and weapons cost more. During character creation you roll a 1d10 to decide your starting amount of money points with this roll being able to be effected depending on the sort of background you choose during creation granting you more money points at the start of the game.

To gain more money points you can try your hand at stealing from other players or none player characters (NPCs). You could also ask your Ruler if you could find a part time job to work during the game to earn a steady stream of money points during the game. For additional ways to earn money points make sure to ask your Ruler and see what you can come up with. One Money Point equals between 1-40 USD.


Now its time we talked about how you can calculate your characters speed so you know how much they can move in combat as well as how fast Servants can move outside of combat. Movement in combat also doesn't cost an action but you can only move as far as your movement speed dictates.

To calculate how fast a Master can move is simple as all we need to do is take their agility rank into account. If they have an E rank agility then they have a 20 foot movement speed in combat with the movement speed increasing by 10 feet for each rank higher than E.

For Servants they have the same calculation for their movement speed in combat but have an additional 30 feet added to the movement speed. This additional movement speed is not the same for all Servant classes as Lancer class Servants have instead of 30 additional feet they get 40 additional feet and Riders instead get 50 additional feet.

For a Servants speed outside of combat you take their combat movement speed and then multiply that by their agility rank with the multiplier being a x2 for E rank and increasing by 1 for each rank above E.

Calculating Jumping

In this system jumping is calculated rather easily but how high and how far you can jump depends on if you are a Master or a Servant.

For Masters calculating your jump height is simple as all you need to do is look at your Strength Rank. An E rank in this Parameter grants you two feet of height from a jump with the height increasing by two for each rank higher. The same can be said for distance but instead of two feet the distance you can get from an E rank strength is 10 feet with the distance increasing by 10 for each rank higher than E.

Now Servants are similar but they start with 10 feet of height with E rank strength and increase by 10 for each rank higher than E. The same can be said for their jump distance with it being 20 for E rank and increases by 20 for each rank higher than E.

Remember that even if your jump distance is farther than your movement speed you can only jump as far as your movement speed unless you spend an action to dash.


In this system you can take either one class or multiple ones if you so desire and it fits in with your character. To do this is rather simple as you can take as many levels in as many classes as you wish as long as the total number of levels doesn't exceed your total level.

For example if you have a 7th level character who is a 5th level Magus then you can take two levels from either Clergy or Mage Killer or one level from both.

Understand that even if you multiclass into a different class you only gain the proficiencies from your base class and not from the additional class.


This system also introduces an interesting feature and that is being able to multiclass with different subclasses. To do this you first need to be at or above the level where you gain your subclasses and have a free level or two. Once you have those then you can choose a different subclass from the classes you are in and begin to advance in that subclass.

Of course you still have to follow the progression of that subclass which you will start at the level of where that subclass starts off. While you level up the other subclass you don't gain the features of your original subclass as you will have to dedicate levels into that in order to gain those additional features.


If you fall off a building or find yourself in some other way of falling towards the ground then you will enter a state called "Falling". While in this state you have disadvantage to all attacks with weapons or Magecrafts and the range of your Magecrafts and attacks are cut in half. This is to represent how hard it is for one to aim or concentrate while falling from great heights.

The falling state only activates when you are falling 30 feet or more towards a solid surface or the ground. When you are falling you will be heading towards the ground at your base speed every turn until you land or hit the ground. For every 5 feet you fall and don't land safely you will take 1d8 points of damage.

Making an Attack

In this system much like others when you make an attack roll you roll a d20 and add whatever modifier the attack asks for as well as your proficiency level of that attack roll.

After you make an attack roll you will either miss or hit the target. Missing is done when you roll below the armor class of your target and hitting happens when your dice roll result is equal to or higher than your target's armor class.

Once you hit a target then comes the part where you inflict damage upon them. This is calculated by using your weapons damage dice and adding the parameter modifier for the weapon which is the same as for the attack rolls as well as any other modifiers for damage rolls.

Scene Changes

In this system there is a a mechanic which is used whenever you hit a target with a critical hit. When you do this you send an opponent flying/crashing into another map that the Ruler choses. Your character afterwards can run after them to continue the battle in the other map or instead use this chance to try and escape from the conflict.


In this system there is other things a team can do besides scheming for the next battle and these are called Interludes. This can be for either Masters or Servants and it lets them do stuff such as going to school or spending time during the day to enjoy it with their teammate or even go to work. Doing this allows for rewards depending on what you choose to do from gaining money points, proficiency levels in skill checks, or ranking up a Servants skills or even their Noble Phantasm.

Fame Advantage

This mechanic is a spin of the Fame mechanic in Fate when a Servant is summoned to the land where their legend or history originated. For this system a Servant summoned to their home is allowed to increase the rank of one of the stat checks as well as gain two additional skill checks.

This is so that a Servant summoned to their home is buffed but not made too powerful compared to the other Servants of the war.

Health Points (HP)

Its now time that we talked about health points and how they will effect your character during their creation as well as when you are gaining levels.

Each class has their own Health Dice that they use to figure out their maximum Health Points as you can take the average of that dice or roll to see if you can get a higher number than your average. At the first level a character will have the maximum result of their heath dice.

The second part of figuring out your health points is to add your endurance modifier to the dice roll result and thus you find out how much more additional health points you gain for that level.

Number of Actions

For this system you have a number of actions that you can do per turn with this number depending on the rank of your agility representing how much you can do in a short amount of time.

To figure out how many actions you have per turn is quite simple as you have 2 actions at E rank and you gain an additional action for each rank above E.


Now we finally arrive at the truly fun stuff as well as all the different things you can do in combat. During combat you have actions which can be done as many times during your turn depending on your agility modifier, bonus actions which can only be done once during your turn, and reactions which can only be done once during your turn or another persons turn and can be used again at the end of your next turn.


Buster Attack: This action allows you to hit with your full might allowing you to make one attack roll and deal 3d your weapons damage dice. This costs three actions.

Quick Attack: This action allows you to attack at rapid succession as you make one attack roll and deal 2d your weapons attack damage. Doing this also allows your critical hit range to increase by one for the next turn. This costs two actions.

Arts Attack: This action has you conserve a lot of your strength in order to regain your mana slightly as you make one attack roll dealing 1d your weapons damage dice and regain 1% of your maximum MP. This costs one action.

Dash: This action allows you to double your movement speed during your turn. This costs two actions.

Hide: This action allows you to try and hide from people before you enter their vision or after they have lost sight of you. This costs two actions.

Toss: This allows you to toss something you can lift whether it be a person or object. If you toss it at an enemy you can make an attack roll to try and hit them with it. You can throw something a number of feet equal 5 times your strength modifier. This costs one action.

Grapple This action allows you to try and grapple someone with an athletics skill check against their athletics or acrobatics check. If you succeed they are grappled with their movement dropped to 0 and attack rolls made against them have advantage. This costs two actions.

Cast a spell: This action has you casting a spell of any level at an enemy within the spells range. This cost two actions.

Disengage: This action lets you move away from an enemy next to you without them being able to attack you with an attack of opportunity. This costs two actions.

Bonus Actions

Help: This bonus action allows you to support an ally within 30 feet of you. This gives them advantage on their next attack roll or check.

Distract: This bonus action allows you to confuse an enemy withing 30 feet of you. This gives them disadvantage on their next attack roll or check.

Drink a Elixir: This bonus actions has you drink one elixir you have to recover your HP.


Attack of Opportunity: This reaction allows you to make one attack roll against an enemy that is trying to leave your range.

Clash: This reaction is one you can use when someone makes an attack roll against you. For the rest of that persons turn whenever they make an attack roll against you then you can make one yourself. If your result is higher than theirs you block the attack. You can only clash against a number of attacks equal to the amount of actions you have.


When combat starts before anyone can do anything all characters must roll for initiative to see how the turns will be ordered and who will be going first. When rolling for initiative you roll a d20 and add your agility modifier to the roll. Once everyone has rolled their initiative you order the turns from highest roll to lowest roll and if two or more people tie on a roll whoever has the highest agility rank goes first. If multiple people tie and have the same agility rank then they roll a d20 until someone gets the higher roll.

Critical Hits

In this system there are things called critical hits which are moments when you land on a specific number. When you deal a critical hit you take the total damage you did on that attack roll and double it. The number for a critical hit is usually a 20 but this number can change depending on a class feature or skill that increases the numbers that qualify as a critical hit.

Advantage and Disadvantage

How advantages and disadvantages work in this system is slightly different than other TTRPG systems. In this system you can gain advantage through sneaking up on an enemy without being noticed, having yourself and an ally flank an enemy from opposite sides, or any other ways depending on your Ruler. You can also gain disadvantage for 1 round by being snuck up on or for as long as you are being flanked.

When you gain advantage you gain a +5 to attack rolls, skills, or checks and your critical hit range is doubled so if your critical hit is only on a 20 then it is now on a 19 and 20. The opposite is true for disadvantage as you gain a -5 to attack rolls, skills, or checks and your critical hit range is halved so if it was originally 19 and 20 then it just becomes 20 but can't become anything less than a 20.

Escaping Combat

During combat if things aren't looking too good for you then you can choose to try and escape. To do this you must announce that you are trying to escape combat to your Ruler and for the next three turns remain 100 feet or more away from any hostile creature. You could also choose to try and hide for three turns instead which ends combat if you are not found within those three turns and afterwards your character will sneak off away from the area safely.

Unarmed Attacks

If you don't have a weapon or have run out of mana points during a fight not all hope is lost as each character has access to unarmed attacks. These attacks are made with your arms, legs, or even head to damage others and Masters and Servants have different damage dice. For Masters your damage dice is 1d6 while Servants have 1d8 to reflect their levels in strength but both use your strength modifier for the attack and damage rolls.

Damage Types

Finally its time to discuss the different damage types in this system and the ways they can be applied to yourself or others.

Slashing: This damage type is usually done by slashing weapons such as swords and axes.

Piercing: This damage type is usually done by piercing weapons such as spears and arrows.

Bludgeoning: This damage type is usually done by blunt weapons such as batons and similar weapons.

Fire: This damage type is usually done by fire Magecrafts as well as explosives.

Water: This damage type is usually done by water Magecrafts and other high pressure sources of water.

Ice: This damage type is usually done by harsh blizzards and freezing cold attacks.

Earth: This damage type is usually done by earth Magecrafts as well as earth based disasters.

Wind: This damage type is usually done by wind Magecrafts as well as extreme winds.

Divine: This damage type is usually done by divine weapons or other sources of divine power.

Demonic: This damage type is usually done by demonic weapons or other sources of demonic power.

Magic: This damage type is usually done by ether Magecrafts as well as added to other damage types that are produced by magic.

Poison: This damage type is usually done by poisons or poisonous weapons or creatures.

Breaks and Going to Bed

In this system there are things known as Breaks and Going to Bed which can help you in certain things. For Masters if you announce your going to take a break then your character spends 1 Money points and 1 hour relaxing and eating which in turns recharges your mana points. If you announce your going to bed then your character will turn in for the day and sleep for 8 hours which in turn regains all your health points and mana points. If you are interrupted during either of these then you only regain half of what you would originally gain from them.

Chapter 2: Backgrounds

Now its time we explored the different backgrounds in this system and what they have to offer both in lore as well as bonuses from money to certain features that might end up helping you during your game to gain the upper hand in certain situations you might find yourself in.

Clock Tower Magus

Clock Tower Mages are those who have chosen to study or work within the main branch of the Mage Association HQ. They are individuals who have either shown great talent or come from wealthy mage families to be allowed to study or work here. Those who have graduated from the Clock Tower usually end up becoming great mages in their own right thanks to the knowledge from there.


Since you come from the Clock Tower either by money or your own talents you can be considered at least average in terms of the amount of money you have on you at the start of the game. When you roll to see how many money points you get at the start of the game you may add a 1d6 to the roll.

Studying Helps

During your time at the Clock Tower you have trained your mind through the study of Magecrafts from the origins of their creations to their many different uses both in and out of combat. You gain the Expert proficiency level for the Magecraft skill.

Always Good to Come Prepared

As a Clock Tower Mages you have be taught over and over again to never do anything half done. Because of these teachings you have come to the Holy Grail War more prepared than others. You start off with two elixirs to heal yourself if you are hurt.

Mage Family Heir

Heirs to mage families are usually the pride and joy of their families being the next generation to enhance their families power. Though some families simply use their heirs for their own personal goals but in the end the results are the same. Those who are heirs to mage families usually go through intense training both physically and magically to make sure they are the best they can be in those aspects.


You come from a wealthy family that funds your exploits in Magecraft with their vast wealth. Because of this at the start of the game when you are rolling to determine how much money points you have you may add 1d12 to the roll.

Practice Makes Perfect

As the heir to a Mage family your family has made sure to train you throughly not only in the ways of Magecraft but also physically so you aren't lacking in either department. You gain Talented proficiency level for both Athletics and Magecraft.

A True Prodigy

During your training in your families Magecraft you have shown to be a prodigy quickly getting the basics of the Magecraft at a young age and continued to show your proficiency at the craft. The mana point cost for Magecrafts of your base element cost 1 point less to cast (minimum of 1).


A being similar to a human but only through appearances usually. They are those created from mana and thus are nothing but living mana. This makes these beings perfect as batteries for Magecrafts or as a Master in a Holy Grail War thanks to their large reserves of mana coursing through their entire bodies. Though these all are great upsides unless time is taken to make sure that they are perfectly made these beings only survive for at best two decades.


Most homunculus are created by those of high ranking mage families to be used however that family sees fit such as the Einzbern family using homunculus to extend their family's lineage and to participate in Holy Grail Wars. Because of this at the start of the game when you are rolling to decided how much money points you have you may add 1d8 to that roll.

Mana Battery

As a homunculus you were created from mana and it courses throughout your body in high levels that most humans. This is reflected in certain things as you gain expert level in mana checks and when figuring out how much mana points you have the 10 in the math problem becomes a 14 instead.

Servant-like Body

Most homunculus are made to have much more durable bodies than normal humans and sometimes even magecraft enhanced humans. This is reflected as when going to bed instead of it taking 8 hours to complete the process only takes 1 hour to complete as mana courses through you hastening the process.

The Holy Church

Another secret society like the Mage Association and are known to go against the association. Members of the Holy Church follow the teachings of god and the bible and see Magecraft and those that use them as unholy things that must be cleansed or at the very least controlled. This has caused many incidents between the two secret societies with only a few occasions of them working together such as when a Holy Grail War begins.


As a member of the Holy Church you are giving funding by the organization during your assignments which can range from watching over a town and reporting anything to the Holy Church or hunting down heretics. At the start of the game when you a rolling to decided how much money points you gain you can add 1d8 to the roll.

Witch Hunt

As you grew up in the Holy Church or was brought in and learned of their ways you have become accustomed to the teachings of Holy Sacraments as well as the understandings of basic magecraft. Because of this you gain talented proficiency level in both the Sacraments and Magecrafts skills.

Working for the Man Upstairs

Since you are a part of the Holy Church you are mostly seen by those outside of the organization as a man or woman of god. Thanks to this when you are buying stuff from a person who worships the same faith as the church then the prices for their items or services is reduced by half (rounded down. minimum of 1).


These individuals as those who mostly remain underneath the radar of both the Mage Association and Holy Church. This can because of a number of different things as you could be a mage who has chosen to remain hidden from them for your own personal reasons or you are simply an average everyday person who just goes about his day unaware of the things hiding in the shadows around them.


Since you are either hiding or unaware of the secrets of the world you don't have as much of a flow of money like other backgrounds do. At the start of the game when you are rolling to decide how much money points you gain you may add 1d4 to the roll.

Quick Hands and Eyes

As you have focused less on Magecrafts and Holy Sacraments and instead on your own interests you have gains a rather unique set of skills compared to Mages and the Holy Church. You gain the talented proficiency rank for perception and one other skill of your choice.

Just Another Face

Since you have blended into the massive crowd that fills up everyday life and normal society you are harder to figure out and learn about to others. Because of this when someone makes a insight check against you they have disadvantage on said check as well as on checks made to learn more about you.

Chapter 3: Masters

Now we arrive at the section involving Masters including the special features they get, their classes, Talents, and Magecrafts/Holy Sacraments.

Master Features

These are features that all Master characters possess no matter what class or teachings they take. These features will most likely be the most used during games.

Clairvoyance (Skill)

This skill is used by Masters to read the parameters of Servants. Doing this only costs one action to do but if you wish to read their skills you will have to make seperate mana checks against each skill that has its own difficulty class being 8 + the skills rank + their proficiency rank for their skills.

Mana Transfer

This is the act of a Master transferring their own mana points to their Servant since usually they cannot generate their own mana. This action takes a minute to complete and allows the Master to give a bit or all of their mana points to their Servant to recharge their own pool of points.

Mana Restoring

Unlike Servants Masters may regain their mana points by themselves without the need for outside help. To do this a Master can either take a break spending 1 money point and 1 hour to recharge their mana or instead they can go to bed thus spending 8 hours to fully recover.

Command Seals

These are the most powerful as well as most viable tools in a Master's arsenal. A Command Seal can be used to effect your Servant in a wide range of ways from aiding them to forcing them to follow your orders. But be warned as during a game a Master only gets 3 Command Seals even if they make a contract with another Servant so make sure you use these wisely.


The most basic and standard use of a Command Seal. This allows you to use 1 Command Seal to enforce a order upon your Servant which can be from telling them to do something against their wishes or making them unable to do something unless given commands to do otherwise. These commands can last from a moment to until the contract between you and your Servant is ended.

Offensive Command

These types of commands are used in battle when you feel that you and your Servant need an edge against your opponent. They usually greatly increase your Servants power for a short period of time. You may activate one of the following commands at the cost of 1 Command Seal:

Push Beyond your Limits!: You increase the power of your Servant for the next ten turns of combat. During this time they gain advantage to attack rolls and may add 2d6 to damage rolls. If they instead use Magecrafts/Holy Sacraments then instead of adding 2d6 to damage rolls they add 5 to the DC of those for ten turns.

Unleash your Noble Phantasm!: You grant your Servant a large amount of mana for an instant. This allows them to unleash their Noble Phantasm during your turn without spending mana points to do so.

Heal your wounds!: Using the command seal you coat your Servant in healing mana. This command fully recovers the health points of your Servant.

Defensive Command

These types of commands are mostly used to defend either yourself or your Servant from others. Just like other commands the following cost 1 Command Seal to activate:

To me!: You suddenly teleport your Servant from wherever they were originally to anywhere within 5 feet of you.

Brace!: With this command you enforce your Servant in a coat of mana granting them an additional 250 HP. This additional HP lasts only until the start of their next turn.

Defend Yourself!: This command covers your Servant in a defensive wall of mana giving them a +5 to their AC until the end of their next turn.


A Magus is a person who wishes to understand the world on a deeper level as well as a person who wishes to unlock the secrets of Magecraft. A magus usually spends their entire life on this pursuit though there have been accounts of Mages who instead choose to use Magecraft for other purposes like helping those in need. Whatever your choice is as a magus in the end there is one thing all mages share in common and that is their desire to keep Magecraft hidden from those who do not know of its existence.

What are Magi?

A Magi also known as Mages or Magus are practitioners of Magecraft, the magical science and are seekers of the "Truth". Long ago this title use to mean both Magus and Magicians with the difference being that Magicians could preform true miracles unlike Magus who can only barely scratch the surface of such things. This "Truth" that Magi seek is also know as the Root of Akasha and is known to be the beginning of all things in the known universe and those that arrived at it are given what has been called True Magic which can make a Magus into a Magician with power to create true miracles.

During this pursuit Magi could gain new powers through magecraft but those powers are simply by-products that they will use to lead them to the Root. But this isn't the goal for all Magi but it is for most of them as others have instead chosen to live lives where they help others with their Magecraft through a number of different effects. One example of the later is a boy known as Shirou Emiya who is considered barely as Magi but still strives to use his Magecraft to save and protect those in need even if one day it will cost him his own life.

Another example is Waver Velvet or what he is now known as Lord El-Melloi II or by his many nicknames given to him by his students or other members of the Clock Tower. He uses his knowledge of Magecraft to help his students as well as others seen by the cases that he has taken on from time to time. But before all this he was a student of the Clock Tower and a Master of the 4th Holy Grail War in Fuyuki and through his experiences during that time it changed his perceptive and lead him down this new path in life.

So in the end a Magi can be any type of person depending on their goals and what drives them. In that aspect you could say they aren't that different than normal everyday people. Well except for the fact they can destroy an entire floor in a building but that is something you will learn soon enough.

Level Features Magecrafts Known E Rank D Rank C Rank B Rank A Rank
1st Element Affinity, Magic Circuits 2 2
2nd Magecraft, Magecraft Feature 3 3
3rd Thaumaturgy 4 3 1
4th Talent Selection 5 3 2
5th Element Mastery 6 3 3
6th Magecraft Feature 7 3 3 1
7th Expert Magrcraft 8 3 3 2
8th Talent Selection 9 3 3 3
9th Thaumaturgy Upgrade, Higher Magecraft 10 3 3 3 1
10th Magecraft Feature 11 3 3 3 2
11th 12 3 3 3 3
12th Talent Selection 12 3 3 3 3
13th 13 3 3 3 3 1
14th Magecraft Feature 13 3 3 3 3 1
15th Thaumaturgy Upgrade 14 4 3 3 3 1
16th Talent Selection 14 4 3 3 3 1
17th 15 4 4 3 3 1
18th Higher Magecraft upgrade 15 4 4 3 3 1
19th Talent Selection 16 4 4 4 3 1
20th Element Mastery Upgrade 16 4 4 4 3 1

Class Features

As a Magus you gain the following class features

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d6 per Magus level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 6 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health points at higher levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Endurance modifier per Magus level after 1st


  • Stat Checks: Expert in Mana checks and Talented level in either Strength checks or Agility checks.
  • Skill Checks: Talented level in your choice of two of the following Atheltics, Acrobatics, Persuasive, Deceptive, Magecraft, and Perception.
  • Attacks: Talented level in Simple Weapons, Unarmed Attacks, and Magecraft attacks and DC.
  • Armor Class: Inexperineced in Armor Class

Element Affinity

At 1st level you get to choose one base element from the five elements. Afterwards you roll a 1d100 to see how many additional sub elements you gain getting an additional one from 1-33, 34-66, 67-99, and 100. The number of Magecrafts you can gain from the Magecraft list of these subelements is equal to 1/4th your Mage level (rounded up).

Magic Circuits

At 1st level you have activated your Magic Circuits which run across your body through and are what allow you to cast Magecrafts. In this class you gain a number of Magecrafts depending on your level and may swap them out after going to bed letting you pick other Magecrafts from the lists that are available to you.

Magecraft attack modifier: Your mana modifier + your proficiency level modifier.

Magecraft check DC: 8 + your mana modifier + your proficiency level modifier.


At 2nd level, you have begun to break away from the basics of Magecraft and learn more about other forms of Magecraft.

You choose one of the Magecraft subclasses and you gain features from your Magecraft subclass at 2nd level, 6th level, 10th level, and 14th level.


At 3rd level you have understood how to slightly better your ability with Magecrafts. Now when you do a Magecraft attack roll you will get your critical chance on a 19, and 20.

This feature increases a 9th level becoming a critical chance on a 18, 19, and 20, and then at 15th level with the chance on a 17, 18, 19, and 20.

Talent Selection

At 4th level you get to pick a talent that you can take. These can do a wide variety of things that will help you in different situations and make you feel unique.

At 8th level, 12th level, 16th level, and 19th level you may take an additional talent of your choice.

Element Mastery

At 5th level you have become much more accustomed to the power of your element. Because of this at this level you take half damage from damage from your main element.

This features increases at 20th level with you taking no damage from your main element type and Magecrafts of that element now cost one less MP than usual (minimum of 1).

Expert Magecraft

At 7th level you have become much more advanced in your usage of Magecraft. You now become Expert proficient with Magecraft attacks and DC.

Higher Magecraft

At 9th level you have learned how to properly enhance a Magecraft. Thanks to this you can now increase the ran of a Magecraft to ones of higher ranking by expending an additional mana point for each rank higher than base.

At 18th level you can now increase A rank Magecraft to A+ by expending two additional mana points than what is normally required for the Magecraft.

Jewel Magecraft

Now we enter into the first subclass for Magus and a well known Magecraft in the series. This Magecraft is known to be used by Rin Tohsaka in the 5th Holy Grail War and revolves around the usage of different types of jewels in their Magecrafts hence the name.

Gem Caster

At 2nd level you have begun the basics of this Magecraft and already know one of the most important parts of it. This Magecraft is special as you get to store a Magecraft into a gem to be used for later. Depending on the gem you may increase the rank of the Magecraft without spending MP to do so but once the Magecraft is used the gem will immediately shatter making in unusable.

  • Sapphire: This gem is the lowest ranked of all the gems. It will store a Magecraft of any level but wouldn't upgrade even an E rank Magecraft. This gem cots 2 Money Points.
  • Ruby: This gem is the second lowest ranked of all the gems. It will store Magecraft of any level and upgrades E rank Magecraft into D rank Magecraft. This gem costs 4 Money Points.
  • Emerald: This is the middle of the rankings of all gems. It will store a Magecraft of any level and can increase a E and D rank Magecraft into a C rank Magecraft. This gem costs 6 Money Points.
  • Amethyst: This gem is the second highest ranked of all the gems. It will store a Magecraft of any level and upgrades E, D, and C rank Magecraft into a B rank Magecraft. This gem costs 8 Money Points.
  • Diamond: This gem is the highest ranked of all the gems. It will store a Magecraft of any level and increases the level of a E, D, C, and B rank Magecraft into an A rank Magecraft. This gem costs 10 Money Points.

Brilliant Shine

At 6th level you have learned to unleash the full brilliance of your jewels. During your turn you can use two actions to fire off any of your jewels that don't have a Magecraft inside of them within a 60 foot radius of you and caused them to explode in a bright light. All creatures within a 10 foot radius must make a AGL check against your Magecraft DC or else become blind. They can reroll this check at the end of their turn and if they succeed they are no longer blinded.

Jewel Shatter

At 10th level you can overload a gem that isn't storing a Magecraft and throw it in an area within a 60-foot radius around you. Every creature within a 20-foot radius of the area you threw the gem at needs to make a AGL check based on your Magecraft DC. If they fail they take damage depending on the gem you used and half as much damage on a success. The starting damage is 4d8 Magic damage from a Sapphire with the damage increasing by four extra dice for each gem higher than Sapphire all the way to 20d8 for a Diamond.

Shining Shield

At 14th level you have learned how to use your gems for defense instead of just offense. As a reaction you may use a gem to defend yourself by giving you a shield with the HP of the shield depending on the gem used. For a Sapphire it will give you a shield with 25 HP. This HP increases by 25 for each gem of a higher rank all the way to 125 HP for a Diamond. This shield lasts until the start of your next turn.

Puppet Magecraft

The next Magecraft on the list is known as Puppet Magecraft. This Magecraft as the name suggest involves creating puppets and bringing them to life with mana. At higher levels a Mage of this Magecraft can even take souls of living beings and put them into their puppets. These dolls are controlled with a bonus action and if they aren't commanded then they will defend themselves.

Empty Doll

At 2nd level you have only just begun to make puppets and so far all you can do is make empty dolls. They aren't the strongest types of puppets but they are the easiest to make as it only takes a short rest and 2 Money points to make one empty doll. The dolls use the following stat block:

Empty Doll

Medium Construct

  • Armor Class 13 AC
  • Hit Points 8 (1d6+4)
  • Speed 20 ft

E (+4) E (+4) E (+4) E (+4) E (+4)

Check Proficiency: Perception and Thievery


Claws Melee Magic Attack: +6 to hit, Reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+4) Magic Slashing damage

Magus Doll

At 6th level you have become more advanced at creating your dolls. Now you can construct a Magus Doll which takes two hours and 6 Money Points to make one Maguc Doll. This Doll uses the following stat block:

Magus Doll

Medium Construct

  • Armor Class 13 AC
  • Hit Points 24 (3d6+12)
  • Speed 20 ft

E (+4) E (+4) E (+4) E (+4) E (+4)

Check Proficiency: Perception and Magecraft


Magecraft Ranged Magecraft Attack: +7 to hit, Reach 60ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+4) Magic damage

Claw Melee Magic Attack: +7 to hit, Reach 5ft., one target Hit: 12 (2d6+4) Magic Slashing damage

Instant Army

At 10th level you have gotten much more experienced at making an Empty Doll and because of this you can craft more in a shorter amount of time. You can now create five Empty Dolls in a single hour instead of just one. The HP of the dolls also increases from 1d6+4 to 8d10+32. The Parameters increases to D ranks and the Claw damage now deals 2d6 Magic Slashing Damage.

Juggernaut Doll

At 14th level you can create the strongest doll you can make after all your time practicing your craft. This doll takes 3 hours and 10 Money Points to make and has the following stat block:

Juggernaut Doll

Large Construct

  • Armor Class 19 AC
  • Hit Points 120 (10d10+60)
  • Speed 40 ft

C (+6) C (+6) C (+6) C (+6) C (+6)

Check Proficiency: Perception and Athletics


Claw Melee Magic Attack: +11 to hit, Reach 5ft., one target Hit: 30 (5d8+5) Magic Slashing damage

Rune Magecraft

Now we arrive at the current final Magecraft for Magus. Rune Magecraft is one of the most unique Magecrafts as you can make many different effects by combining the different runes that are connected to this Magecraft.

Rune Craft

At 2nd level you gain access to the usage of Rune's able to combine them for different effects. You will talk with your DM what the effects would be for a combination of Runes. Doing this gives you one of the widest range of features and effects in almost any situation using the following runes:

Fehu ᚠ Power and Control

Uruz ᚢ Power that can’t be controlled

Thurisaz ᚦ Protection or Foresight

Ansuz ᚬ Stability

Raidho ᚱ Focus of energy

Kenaz ᚲ Knowledge

Gebo ᚷ Connections

Wunjo ᚹ Balance in Chaos

Hagalaz ᚺ Ice and cold

Naudhiz ᚾ Break free from constraints

Isa ᛁ Heat and Warmth

Jera ᛃ Nature and Life

Eihwaz ᛇ End and Beginning, Magical Protector and facilitator

Perthro ᛈ Memory and Problem Solving

Algiz ᛉ Defense

Sowulo ᛊ Light

Teiwaz ᛏ Success through sacrifice

Berkana ᛒ New Life

Ehwaz ᛖ Power

Mannaz ᛗ Gain upper hand in disputes and arguments

Laguz ᛚ Water

Inguz ᛝ Storage and release of power

Dagaz ᛞ Filter good and bad energy

Othala ᛟ Wealth of family and peace

Familiar Magecraft

This is a rather standard Magecraft that has those that practice it focus on the usage of familiars in different ways than the more basic usages.

Pseudo Familiars

At 2nd level you gain the ability to create pseudo Familiars. You can touch an animal and take control of it for 10 minutes. During this time you can have the familiar move around while your body stays in place. The familiar can use items and if it is a small creature then it can enter spaces only they can enter.

Greater Create Familiar

At 7th level you gain the Create Familiar Magecraft if you don't have it already, this doesn't count to the number of Magecrafts you can learn. With this feature you can create an additional familiar and these familiars can cast Magecrafts you have prepared from their location. These Magecrafts still burn your MP. Familiars will act on your turn.

At 11th level you can create three familiars and at 14th level you can create four familiars.

Familiar Weapons

At 11th level you can turn a familiar into a weapon of your choice. This weapon deals magic damage for the purpose of overcoming resistances. While this familiar is a weapon it deals an additional damage dice and you can turn it back into a familiar whenever you wish.

A Murder of Crows

At 14th level you can spend 6 MP to create a swarm of familiars. These familiars will surround a 30-foot radius within 120 feet of you and trap people within the area. The familiar swarm has 8d10+MNA in HP and the only way to get out would be to kill the familiar swarm. These familiars makes instant opening for your Magecrafts or those allied with you.

Martial Magecraft

The next up is a Magecraft which I myself enjoy using from time to time when I wish to get my hands dity during one of my experiments.

Martial Arts Mastery

At 2nd level you have been trained to enhance your body and use it like a trained weapon. Your unarmed attacks rolls can now use your mana modifier instead of strength and they deal 1d10 + your mana modifier in magic bludgeoning damage.

At 10th level the damage becomes 1d12 + your mana modifier and you can burn 2 mana points to make an additional attack roll.

Gut Punch

At 7th level your movements and strength behind your strikes have become much stronger and honed. Using 2 actions you can make an attack roll hitting someone hard in the gut. That person must make a END check against your magecraft DC or else lose 2 actions during their next turn.

Enhanced First

At 11th level you have learned how to reinforce your arms and legs for brief moments at a time.

Whenever you hit a create you can spend 1 MP to deal an additional 2d8 Magic damage to them. This damage increases to 2d10 at 16th level.

Deadly Force

At 14th level you have truly become a Master in your craft and become a truly deadly weapon.

Whenever you make an attack roll you can turn the attack roll into a critical hit. You can do this a number of times equal to half of your Luck modifier (rounded up) per long rest.

Projection Magecraft

Oh this Magecraft is truly the one I have enjoyed learning more about. The advancements done by a boy barely even considered a Magus are truly inspiring. And I can't wait to test all of the new potential he gave this Magecraft.

I am the Bone

At 2nd level you have learned the basics of Projection Magecraft.

As an action you can project any weapon or non-edible item that isn't magical in nature. This item remains for 1 hour or if you move more than 15 feet away from it. You can only create one weapon or item at a time.

At 10th level the weapons you create become magical and deal an additional damage dice of the weapon.

Unknown to Death

At 7th level you have advanced to what was originally the peak of this Magecraft.

As an action you can spend an amount of MP to create floating weapons. These weapons deal 2d8 Magic Piercing damage and can be fired at a target within 120 feet of you with an range Magecraft attack roll. The number of weapons you create is equal to how many MP you spend.

Yet These Hands Will Never

At 11th level you have begun to cross into the new horizons that have been made for this Magecraft.

As a reaction you can scan the weapon that a person is using against you within 120 feet of you. Doing so allows you to understand how they fight with that weapon. The person gains disadvantage on attacks made at you for 1 round.

You can use this feature and amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) per long rest.

So as I Pray

At 14th level you have reached the true new horizons that has been granted to this Magecraft.

Using two actions you can create a Noble Phantasm that you have seen before within the last month. To create a Noble Phantasm you need to spend MP with an E rank Noble Phantasm costing 2 MP to make and it increasing by 2 MP for each rank higher than E. Though you can create Noble Phantasms it is impossible to create divine constructs or an A+ or higher Noble Phantasm. These Noble Phantasms only last for 1 minute.


A Clergy are members of the Holy Church who lead double lives similar to the Magi in the Mage Association. The difference between them is that Clergy aren't seeking the Root of Akasha but instead are a group of Zealots that seek to destroy any trace of heresy from the face of the earth.

What is the Holy Church?

The Holy Church also just called The Church is the other side of the Roman Catholic Church that remains hidden from the public eye. While the public side ignores the existence of heretic teachings and other such things the Holy Church goes out of its way to kill them. This sort of behavior has put both the Holy Church and the Mage Association on very different sides of things and usually causes both parties to get into conflicts. But the Magi aren't the only targets that the Holy Church has to handle as they also deal with Ghouls and other undead abominations which they handle with their different ranks of members.

There are few times where the Holy Church and the Mage Association find some neutral ground and one of those times are when there are Holy Grail Wars. You see whenever a Holy Grail War is planned those who do so usually go to the Holy Church and ask for them to sanction the war and choose one of their members to act as an Overseer. This Overseer is charged with making sure that those who participate in the war follow the rules setup and that any hints of the war are covered up and those not allowed to know of it as well as both the Mage Association and the Holy Church's existences are silenced one way or another.

A notable member of the Holy Church is Kirei Kotomine who is kknown as an Executor of the Holy Church who specialize in the killing of unholy abominations like Ghouls. He was one of the Masters during the 4th Holy Grail War and the Overseer of the 5th Holy Grail War. Though on the surface he appears like a normal holy man underneath he is a man who enjoys twisting others and causing chaos and misery and it was the church's oversight on what Kirei became during the 4th Holy Grail War that allowed him to commit horrible acts during the 5th Holy Grail War and almost cause mass destruction that could have completely destroyed not just Japan but possibly the entire world if he wasn't stopped in time.

Level Features Sacraments Known E Rank D Rank C Rank B Rank A Rank
1st Holy Sacraments, Holy Order 2 2
2nd 3 3
3rd Baptism Sacrament 4 3 1
4th Talent Selection 5 3 3
5th 6 3 3
6th Order Feature 7 3 3 1
7th Extra Bonus Action, Talent Selection 8 3 3 2
8th Expert Holy Sacrament 9 3 3 3
9th Order Feature, Holy Weapons 10 3 3 3 1
10th Baptism Sacrament Upgrade 11 3 3 3 2
11th Talent Selection 12 3 3 3 3
12th Evasion 12 3 3 3 3
13th 13 3 3 3 3 1
14th Order Feature, Talent Selection 13 3 3 3 3 1
15th 14 4 3 3 3 1
16th 14 4 3 3 3 1
17th Talent Selection 15 4 4 3 3 1
18th 15 4 4 3 3 1
19th 16 4 4 4 3 1
20th Baptism Sacrament Upgrade 16 4 4 4 3 1

Class Features

As a Clergy you gain the following features

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d8 per Clergy level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 8 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Endurance modifier per Clergy level after 1st


  • Stat Checks: Expert level for Luck checks.
  • Skill Checks: Talented level for two of the following skills Atheltics, Acrobatics, Perception, Insight, Persuasive, Sacraments.
  • Attacks: Talented in Simple Weapons, Unarmed Attacks, and Holy Sacrament attacks and DC.

Holy Sacraments

At 1st level you gain access to Holy Sacraments which you gain a number of them depending on your current level. These Sacraments are taught by all members of the Clergy and so you have access to all the known Sacraments.

Holy Sacrament attack modifier: your mana modifier + your Holy Sacrament proficiency level modifier.

Holy Sacrament check DC: 8 + your mana modifier + your Holy Sacrament proficiency level modifier.

Holy Order

At 1st level you chose one of the orders in the Holy Church. These orders are built and train those a part of them in different ways depending on what duties that are assigned to fulfill for the Holy Church.

Baptism Sacrament

At 3rd level you have learned how to send away spirits that refuse to move onto the afterlife. As an action you may force a MNA check on a undead creature equal to your Holy Sacrament DC. If the creature fails the check then they go to 0 HP instantly. The creatures you can use this on can only be 1/4th your current level (rounded up). This feature upgrades at 10th level having creatures that are effected be half your level (rounded up). And at 20th level the creatures that can be effected are your current level and below.

Talent Selection

At 4th level you may pick any Talent that you fulfill the requirements of. You can gain an additional Talent at levels 7th, 11th, 14th, and 17th.

Quick Reflexes

At 7th level you have become a lot faster with your movements thanks to your training. Because of this you may now do two bonus actions per turn instead of one.

Expert Holy Sacraments

At 8th level you have trained your body and spirit through religious pray and intense training. Because of your hard work you now gain Expert level proficiency for Holy Sacrament attacks and DC.

Holy Weapons

At 9th level your usage of your weapons of choice has become much greater than before. Now your weapons are infused with your own mana giving them special properties. Attacks made with your weapons stops any creature from regaining HP until the end of their next turn.


At 12th level you have become a master at dodging attacks much more than any human could hope to. Because of this you may now give yourself the evasion status effect as a bonus action. With this status effect you may dodge a single attack from any source.


The order of the Holy Church is known as the bloodiest group. Members of this order are usually assigned to the killing of demons as well as heretical things. You are trained to be an effective killer and to make sure the job is done as fast as possible.

Enhanced speed

At 1st level when you join this order you become trained to be faster than others. Because of this you gain the talented proficiency level for Agility checks and gain 10 feet to your movement speed.

Knowledge of the Heretics

As a member of this order you have been allowed to study the teachings of Magus. Because of this you gain access to one of the Magus Magecraft lists and you may use them as Holy Sacraments.

Trained against Magus

At 6th level you have become much more adept at fighting against Magus. You have advantage on checks made against Magus Magecrafts and your HD now become d10s.

Effective Killer

At level 9 your training has made you become better and better at killing others. Your critical hit range on a roll for attacks is now 19, and 20.

Merciless to the unholy

At level 14 you have reached the peak of your training as an Executor. You now gain an additional attack action and when you are attacking undead or demonic creatures you gain an additional 1d6 to your damage rolls against them.


This order of the Holy Church are unlike mosts as they are more built around getting rid of demons through exorcisms instead of weapons. This order is built to basically fit the image of a kind member of the church.

Holy Senses

At 1st level when you join this order you become trained to handle much more pain than others. Because of this you gain the talented proficiency level for Endurance checks and take half damage from slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage.

Divine Will

At 6th level you have strengthened your mind to not be swayed by the undead or demonic creatures no matter what. You are now immune to any charms or frightened effects from undead and demonic creatures.

Soul Reading

At 9th level you have become much more capable at reading the souls of others. Because of this you can now tell if a person is being honest with you or not without making any LCK checks against them.

Holy Wounds

At 14th level you now have the power to damage undead and demonic creatures with wounds they can't heal from. Whenever you attack an undead or demonic creature you can force them to make an END check against your Magecraft DC. If they fail then their maximum HP goes down a number equal to the damage you dealt to them.


This is the highest order of the Holy Church's military force. Members of this order are known to defend holy places as well as train Executers. They are known to use halberd as their weapons of choice but in later years more and more have stopped using them but they are still a symbol of the order.

Holy Training

At 1st level when you join this order you and trained beyond your physical limits and because of this you gain the talented proficiency for strength checks. When someone provokes an attack of opportunity from you then you gain advantage on the attack roll against them. You may also attack them even if they disengage but at disadvantage.

Divine Body

At 6th level you have become much more effective as your body has reached above normal limits. You gain an additional free feat and you may grant yourself an additional action. This additional action usage increases to two uses at 11th level and three uses at 16th level. THese uses recharge on a short rest.

Guts of a Knight

At 9th level you have proven to be capable of surviving even the strongest hits. As a bonus action you can give yourself the guts status effect. This effect lasts for two turns and keeps you a 1 HP after one attack would bring you to 0 or below. This feature recharges on a long rest.

Divine Spear

At 14th level you have proven your worth as a Knight of the Holy Church. As an action you may summon a holy spear into your hand. These spears have a reach of 10ft and deal 1d10 radiant damage when one handed or 1d12 when two handed. The spears have a throwing range of (100/300). After you throw a spear you may summon another as a free action. At the end of your turn if you hit a creature with a thrown spear these spears will explode dealing a d12 of radiant damage depending on how many spears you hit them with.

Mage Killer

These are individuals who decided to use their knowledge of Magecraft and Modern day equipment to hunt down Mages for either money or a personal reason. Whatever the reason these individuals are hunting for you can be certain they will be very effective.

What is a Mage Killer?

A Mage Killer is an individual who has practiced at least the basics of Magecraft and of modern day weapons. They have chosen to hunt down twisted mages and other individuals that usually plan to commit horrible acts. Though sometimes these individuals kill just to kill and have no reason why they do it.

A popular Mage Killer is Kiritsugu Emiya who was famous during his time as a very skilled Mage Killer who has killed many mages and normal criminals. He was known for being brutal but effective as he would do almost anything to ensure his mission was complete. For a good majority of people they didn't know why he did all of this but those who did knew it was honorable as he simply wished to bring peace to the world even if he had to kill again and again until that wish of his was finally complete. Unfortunately for him he never accomplished his dream and lost everything in exchange with nothing to show for all the pain he suffered.

Another individual who classifies as a Mage Killer is actually the adoptive son of Kiritsugu Emiya known as Shirou Emiya. In most universes he is mostly the same but in one his mind became razor focused on his goal of being a Hero of Justice and began to be just as brutally effective as his father. This made all those who viewed him as a villain but he didn't care as long as he protected the innocent. In the end it caused him to kill many he would consider loved ones or close individuals to ensure that those who would bring harm to the world would be put down. Truly another sad ending to a great individual.

Now as you can see the life of a Mage Killer is not one of joy or happy endings most of the time. Those that walk down this path are either too insane to care or choose to suffer the pain to do some measure of good in the world even if they end up alone in their final moments. If you truly wish to follow this path then I wish for you the best but know you will only deal with the worst.

Mage Killer
Level Features Magecrafts Known E Rank D Rank C Rank
1st Skill Expertise, Mage Slayer
2nd Quick Footed, Magic Circuits 2 2
3rd Killer Classifications feature 3 3
4th Talent Selection 3 3
5th Lying in Wait 4 3 1
6th Skill Expertise, Mage Slayer Improvement 4 3 1
7th Killer Classifications feature 5 3 2
8th Talent Selection 5 3 2
9th 6 3 3
10th Talent Selection 6 3 3
11th Killer Classifications feature 7 3 3 1
12th Talent Selection 7 3 3 1
13th 8 3 3 2
14th Mage Slayer Improvement 8 3 3 2
15th Killer Classification feature 9 3 3 3
16th Talent Selection 9 3 3 3
17th 10 4 3 3
18th 10 4 3 3
19th Talent Selection 11 4 4 3
20th Origin Bullet 11 4 4 3

Class Features

As a Mage Killer you gain the following class features

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d10 per Magus level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 10 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health points at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Endurance modifier per Magus level after 1st


  • Stat checks: Expert level proficiency in Luck checks and talented level proficiency in either Mana or Agility checks.
  • Skill checks: Talented level proficiency in four skills of your choice being Athletics, Acrobatics, Deceptive, Perception, Magecraft, and Thievery.
  • Attacks: Expert level proficiency in simple weapons and fire arms. Trained level proficiency in unarmed attacks and Magecraft attacks and DC.

Skill Expertise

At 1st level, choose one skill you have proficiency in and become an expert at it. Doing this lets you double your proficiency bonus for rolls involving this skill.

At 6th level you can pick another skill to become an expert at.

Mage Slayer

You have trained yourself to be better at fighting Magus and Clergy than most other individuals.

When you attack a Magus or a Clergy you may focus on them using your own Magic Circuits to damage them more than normally. Whenever you deal damage to the target your focused on you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. This effect lasts for 10 minutes

You can focus on a target a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses on a long rest.

This feature receives an upgrade at levels 6th and 14th increasing the damage to 1d8 at 6th level and 1d10 at 14th level.

Quick Footed

You have trained to move around quickly so you can never be cornered or caught by your opponents easily.

At 2nd level you can take the dash action as a bonus action. Your movement speed also increases by 20 feet and when you dash creatures have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity.

Magic Circuits

at 2nd level you gain access to 2 Magecrafts of E rank that you can pick. For this class you can only pick from one Magecraft list and you can change out what Magecrafts you have on a long rest.

  • Magecraft attack modifier= your proficiency bonus + your Mana modifier
  • Magecraft check DC= 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Mana modifier

Killer Classifications

At 3rd level you get to pick a Killer Classification. These subclasses let you handle targets in different ways whether it be through trickery or sabotage. You gain a feature from your Killer Classification at levels 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th.

Talent Selection

At 4th level you gain a talent. These will help shape your character over the course of these levels making them feel much more unique with various additional features. You get to pick additional talents at levels 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th.

Lying in Wait

At 5th level you have taken your first big leap in becoming a trained killer. Thanks to this you can now spend a turn preparing to launch an attack on someone by not taking any actions or movement. If you do this then your next turn you will be given advantage.

Origin Bullet

At 20th level you have learned to craft Origin Bullets which give you the best way at handling Magus and Clergy. Once per day you can load this bullet into any Firearm and fire it at a target in range of the weapon. The target must make a MNA check against your Magecraft check DC and if they fail they become unable to cast any Magecrafts or Holy Sacraments from 12 hours and any Magecrafts or Holy Sacraments currently effecting them stop. If they succeed the target still takes 10d10 Magic Piercing damage.

Path of the loner

From my understand of the records we have on those that choose this path it is that they are given lives where they are mostly alone and when they have someone to walk the path with it is only for the most brief of moments,

Trained Marksmen

At 3rd level you have begun to walk down this path and have learned the basics of it.

You gain +2 to all attack rolls as well as a +5 to damage rolls made with firearms. Reloading a firearm is done instantly now instead of costing an action.

Stealth Assassin

At 7th level you learn how to move quietly without making a sound. you gain talented level proficiency in thievery checks. If you already have this level it instead becomes expert level proficiency.

Those trying to spot you have disadvantage on perception checks against you.

Ricochet Bullet

At 11th level you have become even more skilled with firearms letting you fire at targets that normal humans would say is completely impossible.

If a creature is within full cover you may make an attack roll against them. That creature must make an AGL check against your Magecraft DC. If they fail the bullet hits them and you can roll damage normally.

Deadman's Firing Squad

At 14th level you have truly become a Master at your craft when it comes to firearms and how to properly aim your bullets. Using all your actions you may target an area within your firearms range and unleash a flurry of bullets. All creatures within a 20-foot radius of that area must make an AGL check against your Magecraft DC. If they take 8d10+STR points of Magic Piercing damage on a failed save and half as much on a success as the hail of bullets ricochet around the area shredding through anything in their path.

Path of the Madman

Through through study of a man in the 4th Holy Grail War I have found an interesting individual who has used his skills and his madness to kill others and remain hidden from sight. This path truly is one path is one paved in nothing but blood.

The beginnings of a Madman

At 3rd level you have already started showing signs of not being all there in the first place. You begin to enjoy the pain and anguish of others as you inflict even more pain unto them.

If a creature is below half health you gain advantage on attack rolls against them and critical hits against them now deal x3 damage instead of x2.

Hidden Madness

At 7th level your madness has grown more and more but you have learned to hide it quiet well to the point a person wouldn't suspect you of being mad in the first place.

People have disadvantage on Insight checks against your Deceptive checks to hide your true intentions and you gain advantage to these Deceptive checks.

The Carnage Must Never End

At 11th level your madness has evolved to allow you to keep fighting for longer than you normally should.

As a bonus action you can spend MP to heal yourself. For each MP you burn you can regain 1d8+MNA in HP.

You Think That Was Enough

At 14th level you have truly become a complete and utter madman who's rage and insanity has exceeded anything realistically possible.

Whenever your HP drops to 0 you make make a END check with the DC equaling 5 + the damage that drop you to 0. If you succeed then instead of going to 0 HP you instead regain HP equal to 8d10. Every time you succeed the check the DC goes up by 2 the next time. The DC resets after you finish a long rest.

Path of the Broken

This is a path few have followed and from all the files I have on those that follow this path they usually don't end well. But perhaps there might be some light at the end of this tunnel if you can handle the hell your walking into.

Without remorse

At 2nd level you have begun to close your heart towards all others as all that matters is your objective.

As a bonus action you may focus your resolve to kill your target. You gain the Attack Up status effect dealing an additional 10% of your total damage on attacks. This lasts for one turn and you may use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

Mind of Steel

at 7th level you are now completely focused on your objectives letting you overcome all other temptations.

As a reaction you may spend 2 MP to remove all mental effects from Magecrafts that are currently effecting you.

Bullet Proof

At 11th level you have been in countless battles and because of this you have harden yourself to damages.

You now take half damage from Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning damage both normal and magical.

Magic Circuits Backfire

At 14th level you may infuse your weapons with your own mana causing them to have a unique effect on others.

Whenever you land an attack on someone you may burn an MP to effect their Magic Circuits. The next time they use a Magecraft or Holy Sacrament they must roll a 1d20. If they get an 11 or higher then the Magecraft or Holy Sacrament goes off as normal but if they get a 1-10 then the Magecraft or Holy Sacrament doesn't go off and they take 2d8 Magic damage. After this happens the effect wares off and must be reapplied.

Chapter 4: Magecrafts and Holy Sacraments

Now that you know how Masters work we can get into their most used feature and thats Magecrafts. These are split into five different groups based off of the elements you have a connection. Like it was mentioned before each element works different from each other and thus can be used different for each situation.

Magecrafts ranks

Similar to skills and parameters Magecrafts also come in ranks to signify how strong they are compared to other Magecrafts. Like before they come in the ranks of E, D, C, B, and A but with the Magus can be upgraded to A+.

Magecrafts counters

Magecrafts have a unique feature with them and that is they counter each other in different ways. The counter system is simple as it follows this ruleset. Water counters Fire, Fire counters Earth, Earth counters Wind, and Wind counters Water. But as you can notice that Holy Sacraments aren't apart of the ruleset and that is because they aren't effected or counter any of the elements neither does Ether.

Costs for Magecrafts/Holy Sacraments

When you cast a Magecraft or a Holy Sacrament you must give up a number of MP in doing so. For E rank you must give up 1 MP with the number of MP you are giving up increasing by 1 for each rank higher than E.

Fire Magecrafts

E Rank

Flaming Weapon

E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You infuse your weapon with fire causing the blade or a portion of it to be wrapped in flames. During this duration whenever you deal damage you add 2d4 fire damage to the roll.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then the damage increases. At D rank the damage becomes 2d6, then 2d8 at C rank, 2d10 at B rank, and 2d12 at A rank.


E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You focus your mana on a creature within 30 feet of you and then cause a sudden burst of flames to produce on that creature. You make a ranged Magecraft attack on them dealing 2d6 points of fire damage on a hit.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then the damage increases by 2d6 for each rank above base.


E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 hour

You use your mana to ignite a small flame on the tip of your finger. This flame doesn’t have enough heat to burn you or another but it sheds light in a 20 foot radius around you letting yourself and others see in dark places.

Flame Drake Breath

E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (15 foot cone)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You channel your mana into your throat heating it up more and more until it is ready to come bursting out of your mouth. Using an action you may let out a wave of flames in a 15 foot cone in front of you. All creatures in the cone must make a AGL check taking 2d6 points of fire damage on a fail and half as much on a success.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then the damage increases by 2d6 for each rank higher than base.


E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You lift your hand in front of you in a fingergun motion as you focus your mana in front of your fingers. You then shoot your ignited mana towards a target with a ranged Magecraft attack dealing 2d10+MNA fire damage on a hit.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then you can make an additional attack roll for each rank higher than base.

Hot Streak

E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You boost your speed with your mana using the flames like a jet engine. Doing this your movement speed is doubled and anyone you pass that is within 5 feet of you must make a AGL check against your Magecraft DC or take 2d6 fire damage.

Flame Manipulation

E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using your mana you can target and manipulate any source of flames within 30 feet of you. Doing this you can snuff out the flames completely, cause them to burst in size and heat for a moment, or move them to anywhere else within the range of this Magecraft. Those in the burst of flames must make an END check against your Magecraft DC or take 2d4 fire damage.

Reduce Flames

E Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using your understanding of your own element you can use that to better defend yourself with that knowledge. When you are attacked by something that deals fire damage then you can reduce that damage by half using your reaction.

D Rank

Flame Drake Shield

D Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 round

You weave in front of you a symbol of protection that ignites into flames. Anyone that makes a melee weapon attack against you first takes 4d6 fire damage for each attack made against you as the flames burn them everytime they get close to you.

Flame Whip

D Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions

  • Range: Self

  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

    You mold your mana into a whip made out of your ignited mana. This whip has a range of 10 feet and on a hit it deals 2d6+MNA fire damage.

Circle of Flames

D Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (20 foot cone)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

You create a circle of flames at the edge of a 20 foot radius around you. These flames remain until the spell ends or your lose concentration. If anyone touches the flames they take 4d8 fire damage.

Molten Floor

D Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You embue the ground within 60 feet with your ignited mana causing the ground to become heated and broken up. Anyone who enters the area takes 1d8 fire damage for every five feet they travel through it and their speed is halved while in the area.

Orbiting Suns

D Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Four rounds

You create four spheres of flames and target one creature within range of this Magecraft and have the spheres circle around them. For the next four rounds one of the spheres will suddenly launch at the creature causing them to make a AGL check at the start of their turn taking 2d8 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.

Flame Drake Claws

D Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You focus your mana around your fingers and ignite them crafting burning claws around them. These claws deal 1d8+MNA fire damage and a creature that is hit takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of their turn until they use an action to put out the flame.

Fire Ward

D Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Until Dispelled or Triggered

You create a small ward and fill it with your ignited mana. This ward fills a 5 foot area and is invisible but releases a bit of heat. Any creature that enters the same space as the ward must make an END check against your Magecraft DC taking 4d8 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.

C Rank

Flame Drake Chains

C Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 100 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You craft a long chain made up of your ignited mana to use on fleeing targets or those out of range. You make an attack roll against a creature within range dealing 8d6 fire damage on a hit. If you hit the creature they then make a STR check against your Magecraft DC being pulled 50 feet closer to you on a fail and remaining in place on a success.

Burning Hail

C Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 150 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You focus your mana into the air creating multiple tiny projectiles before igniting all of them before throwing all of them in a point within range. All creatures within a 20 foot radius of that area needs to make an AGL check taking 8d8 fire damage ona failed save and half as much on a success.

Inferno Vortex

C Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You focus your mana into an invisible swirling vortex within range that fills a 10 foot radius before igniting it. All creatures that are in the votext make an END check against your Magecraft DC taking 8d8 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a success. Any creature who’s HP is reduced to 0 because of this is burned to ash.

Ignition Rush

C Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You engulf your arms and legs in a quick burst of your ignited mana before unleashing a flurry of blows against your opponent. You make three attack rolls dealing 2d8+MNA fire damage on a hit.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft you gain an additional attack roll for each rank higher than base.

Molten Wall

C Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Indefinite

Using your ignited mana you can effect a wall to harden it to resemble cooled lava. Doing this makes it so the wall or door cannot be open or broken through without having a strength of a rank higher than this Magecraft.

Flame Jets

C Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You release a burst of your ignited mana from underneath your feet giving you a short but large increase in your jump height. With this Magecraft your jump height is doubled for your turn.

B Rank

Flame Drake Glide

B Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

While you are at least 10 feet in the air you can use this Magecraft to glide a set amount of feet in any direction. The distance you can glide for is equal to how high you are in the sky multiplied by two. After you finish moving you will land safely back on the ground.

Heat Seeker

B Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You charge up your mana into your hands before igniting them and firing it off. These blasts follow one creature of your choosing in range causing them to make a AGL check at disadvantage taking 10d8 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.

Amber Glow

B Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You cover yourself in healing gentle flames. These flames grant you 2d4 HP at the start of your turn for the duration of the Magecraft.

Flame Drake Tail

B Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You concentrate man into you back creating a temporary tail made of mana and ignited with your flames. You can use this tail to attack dealing 2d8+MNA fire damage on a hit. You can also try to grab a creature with this tail and creatures grabbed by it take 1d8 fire damage at the start of their turn until they are free of the grab or the Magecraft ends.

Wall of Flames

B Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You produce a wall of flames using your ignited mana that stretches out 60 feet long and 20 feet high. These flames cannot be based through and any creatures that touches the wall must make an END check taking 10d8 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.

A Rank

Flame Drake Sword

B Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 foot cone
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You craft a mana sword ignited by your flames before thrusting it forward unleashing a wave of flames in a 30 foot cone. All creatures in the cone must make an END check taking 12d10+MNA fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.


B Rank Fire Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet long 15 feet wide
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You charge up a large amount of mana in front of you before igniting it and blasting it forward in a straight line. All creatures inside of the line makes an AGL check taking 12d10 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a success. Those that fail are burned taking 1d10 fire damage for ten turns or until someone uses water Magecraft of this rank or higher to put it out.

Earth Magecraft

E Rank

Pebble Burst

E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You bring up a couple of small pebbles and hurl them towards a creature within range. You make a ranged Magecraft attack roll dealing 2d4 Earth damage on a hit.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then the damage increases by 2d4 for each rank higher than base.

Wall Climb

E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Using your mana you can create a pathway up any vertical surface allowing you to climb up them without losing any speed in doing so.

Pocket Sand

E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You form some sand into your hand before sending it flying into the eyes of a creature within range. That creature must make a END check against your Magecraft DC or be blinded. The creature can remake the check at the start of each of their turns ending the effect on a success.


E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You lift a boulder up from the ground and hurl it as hard as you can with your Magecraft. You make a ranged Magecraft attack roll against a creature within range. On a hit you deal 2d6 Earth damage and have them make a STR check against your Magecraft DC or else become prone.

Rock Armor

E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 minute

You form a thin layer of earth around your most important parts of your body giving you greater protection. For the duration of the Magecraft you only take half damage from Bludgeoning damage.

Create Sand

E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You target a spot within range creating a 20 foot radius of sand in the area. Those that enter the area lose half their movement while inside of the sand.

Glass Shield

E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 round

You create sand in front of you before turning it into harden glass. For the duration of this Magecraft you gain a +2 to your AC.

Rock Gauntlets

E Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round

You move rocks around your arms allowing your punches to hit harder than they normally would. For the duration of this Magecraft you can make melee Magecraft attacks that deal 2d8+MNA earth damage on a hit.

D Rank

Sand Veil

D Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (10 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a small whirlwind of sand that makes it difficult for those inside of it to see. For the duration of the Magecraft you and anyone else inside of the veil has disadvantage on attack rolls.

Glass Shards

D Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create shards of glass before hurling them towards a creature within range. You make a ranged Magecraft attack roll dealing 4d6+MNA earth damage on a hit.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then the damage goes up by 2d6 for each rank higher than base.

Rock Cage

D Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You craft a cage made from harden rocks that fill a 20 foot radius within the range of this Magecraft. Those inside of the cage cannot get out unless they break the Magecraft or have a strength of a higher rank than this Magecraft.


D Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using your understanding of the earth you can spend one minute using your Magecraft to create a tunnel that stretches out 120 feet long and 20 feet wide allowing you to move through areas in different ways compared to others.

Move Rock

D Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You can use your Magecraft to move any rock that you could lift with your STR rank from up to 60 feet away from you to anywhere else within your range.

Earthly Restraints

D Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You move rock around someone within range causing their movement to be restricted. At the start of their turn they have to make a STR check or else have their actions reduced by two.

Create Metal

D Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 1 hour

You spend time refining some earth into an item that can fit in your hands. For the duration of the Magecraft this item is considered magical to overcome resistances and returns back to normal earth once the duration is finished.

C Rank


C Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You target a point within range and create a 20 foot radius of quicksand. All creatures in the quicksand make a STR check against your Magecraft DC or sink a bit into the sand. Those inside the sand have disadvantage on AGL and Acrobatic checks and their speed is reduced to 0 but can repeat the STR check try and get free from the sand.

Rock Spears

C Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a couple of spears made out of sharp rocks and hurl them at a creature within range. The creature makes a AGL check against your Magecraft DC taking 6d8+MNA earth damage on a hit. This Magecraft goes through sufaces made by Magecraft or effects lower than this rank.

Spiked Earth

C Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

You alter the ground of a 20 foot radius within range slightly to form small sharp spikes on it. Anyone who walks through this area takes 2d8 earth damage for every 5 feet they walk through it.

Earth Radar

C Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 foot radius
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You place your hand on a surface and pulse your mana throughout a small area. Doing this you can sense how many creatures are within the range of this Magecraft as well as their locations as long as they are touching the floor.


C Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 200 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You launch a bolder at full force over a great distance letting you target any creature within range. You make a ranged attack roll on the creature dealing 6d10 earth damage on a hit. The creature and all others within a 10 foot radius of it must make an END check against your Magecraft DC taking 2d10 Bludgeoning damage or half as much on a success.

Earth Enhancement

C Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You imbue yourself or any other willing creature with the strength of the earth. For the duration of the spell creatures with this effect have advantage on Athletic and END checks.

B Rank

Rock Wall

B Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

You spend 1 hour molding the earth around you into 60 feet long, 40 feet tall, and 2 feet thick walls of hardened stone. These walls can't be broken through unless you have a STR rank, Magecraft, or Noble Phantasm of a higher rank.

Iron Gauntlets

B Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You enhance your understanding of the earth to a higher degree and now can make yourself Iron Gauntlets to increase your power in combat. For the duration of this Magecraft you deal the base damage of your Earth Gauntlets with an added 2d4 Bludgeoning damage to them.


B Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (30 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You send forth a wave of mud that hits all within the cone. Every creature in the cone must make a STR check against your Magecraft DC or be pushed back 30 feet and their speed is reduced by half for four turns.

Earth Dome

B Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled or broken

You form earth to surround you completely giving you total protection from all sides. The Dome has an AC of 14 and HP equaling 10d10+MNA.

Glass Shredder

B Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You choose a spot within range and all creatures within a 30 foot radius of that spot makes an END check against your Magecraft DC taking 10d10 slashing damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a success. Those that fail the save lose 1d8 HP at the start of their turn until they are healed with Magecraft or a Holy Sacarament.

A Rank

Rock Fortress

A Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

You create an entire fortress which fills a 60 foot by 60 foot space and stands at 60 feet tall. It has the same type of walls from Rock Wall and the inside has staricases and a rampart with an entrance/exit. Everything else will have to be put in manually by yourself.

Glass Storm

A Rank Earth Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You put most of your Mana into creating hundreds of thousands of glass that swirls around in a vortex in a 30 foot radius within range. All creatures make a END check taking 12d10 Slashing damage on a failed save and half as much on a success when they begin their turn in the storm or enter it for the first time during their turn.

Wind Magecraft

E Rank

Speed of the Wind

E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 minute

You boost your speed with a large gust of wind that follows you as you move around. During this Magecraft you gain 20 feet to your movement speed.

Wind Wall

E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 round

You surround yourself in a gust of wind that protects you from ranged attacks. Until the start of your next turn any ranged weapon attack made against you is at disadvantage.

Dancing Wind

E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You move with the wind bobbing and weaving in quick motions. For the remainder of this turn you don't provoke attacks of opportunity whenever you leave a creatures attack range.

Wind SHot

E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 160 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You fire off a high pressure gust of wind across long distances letting you target a creature within range and make a ranged Magecraft attack roll on them. If you hit them you deal 2d4 Wind damage to them.


E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a powerful updraft that send you soaring high up in the air going up into 60 feet in the air.

Wings of a Falcon

E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a pair of mana wings letting you soar through the air for a brief time. Though this isn't true flight it still is a great distance. You may glide with these wings letting you move a distance equal to your height multiple by 3.

Guiding Winds

E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You choose a creature within range and use your Magecraft to effect the winds in between you and the creature. For the duration your ranged attack rolls gain a 1d4 to them and when the creature drops to 0 hp you can change targets with a bonus action.

Enhance lungs

E Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: 24 hours

You increase yours or another's lung capacity letting you hold your breath for longer than normal. You now can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to your END rank multiplied by 2 starting with 2 rounds for E rank.

D Rank

Wing Slicers

D Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You choose one creature within range and have them make a END check against your Magecraft DC. If they fail they take 4d6 slashing damage and half as much on a success.

Heavy Gust

D Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (60 foot line)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a blast of heavy wind in a 60 foot long and 10 foot wide line in a direction you choose. All creatures in the line must make a STR check or be pushed back 30 feet. WHile they are in the line they have their movement speed halved and any flame Magecraft of this rank or lower cast in this line is extinguished. You may change the direction this line is facing as a bonus action.

Wind Coating

D Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You coat a weapon of your choosing in a small amount of harsh winds. Whenever you deal damage with this weapon for the duration it deals an additional 4d4 wind damage.

Push with the Winds

D Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a powerful gust of winds letting you push objects of 40 pounds or less in range in any direction.

Light as a Feather

D Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You enhance yourself or another with winds allowing them to be slightly lighter than they were normally. For the duration the creature has advantages on AGL checks.

Silent as the Wind

D Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: COncentration, up to 1 hour

For the duration of this Magecraft you can move around as quietly as the wind itself. You gain a +10 to Thievery checks for the duration.


D Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a downdraft at a point within range that fills a 10 foot radius wide and 40 feet high. Any creature in that radius must make a STR saving throw or else fall prone.

C Rank

Blustering Winds

C Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a powerful gust of winds that repel attacks made against you. Using this Magecraft you can push away water Magecrafts of this rank or lower before they hit you.

Air Boost

C Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

While you are at least 10 feet in the air you can create a short but powerful burst of wind behind you letting you move an additional 20 feet in a direction of your choice.

Wind Bow

C Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 100 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You fire off three arrows made of dense winds at any targets within range. You make three ranged Magecraft attacks dealing 6d6+MNA wind damage on a hit

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then you gain an additional arrow for each rank higher than base.

Wind Speeder

C Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create orbs of wind underneath your feet letting you move at higher speeds than normally. For the duration you can use the dash action using only one action instead of two.


C Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a strong gust of wind in a 20 foot radius within range. All creatures within the gust of wind need to make a STR check or else be hurled up 40 feet into the air.

Protective Winds

C Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (10 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You craft a spinning vortex around you letting you gain a form of protection from others. Whenever someone enters 10 feet of you or starts their turn in that area they need to make an END check against your Magecraft DC taking 6d6 wind damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.

B Rank

Vortex Slash

B Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You focus on a creature within range of you before unleashing harsh winds all around them. The creature must make a END check taking 8d6 Wind damage on a failed check and half as much on a success.

Wind Blade

B Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You craft a blade made out of winds that is invisible to the naked eye. When you make an attack roll you do so at advantage and deal 2d8+MNA wind damage on a hit.

Air Jump

B Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a instant and strong gust of wind underneath your feet letting you jump double the height or distance of your base jump height or distance.


B Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You are able to create a short burst of wind in front of you pushing yourself backwards 10 feet.

Hurricane Blast

B Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (60 foot line)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a powerful line of twisting and shredding wind. All creatures within a 60 foot long and 10 foot wide line must make an END check taking 8d8 wind damage and being pushed back 60 feet on a failed check and half as much on a success.

A Rank

Knight of the Wind

A Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (60 foot radius)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You channel as much wind as you can into your weapon and feet as you go as fast as your body possibly can. You attack up to 6 creatures within range making Melee Magecraft attack rolls at advantage and dealing 10d10+MNA wind damage on a hit. Once you are finished you reappear 30 feet outside of the radius.

Wings of a Dragon

A Rank Wind Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a set of powerful mana wings in the shape of a dragons allowing you temporary flight. You gain a flying speed of 100 feet letting you stay high up in the air for a long period of time.

Water Magecraft

E Rank


E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You focus your mana and let it cool effecting the air in a 5 foot spot within range. The air becomes wet and causes everythin in the spot to come cold and damp putting out fire from Magecraft and effects of this rank.

Water Orb

E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create an orb of water using your colded mana with the orb floating around you. For the duration of the Magecraft you take half damage from fire damage.

Let it Rain

E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You make a small rain cloud above a point you can see that fills a 20 foot radius. This rain cloud causes all who enrters it to make an AGL check or cause themselves to fall down onto the ground.


E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You form a small amount of water in front of you before firing it off at a creature within range. You make a ranged Magecraft attack roll dealing 2d4 water damage on a hit.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then the damage increases by 2d4 for each rank higher than base.

Serene Steam

E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a cooling and relaxing current of steam that can call the nerves. You can remove any mental effects on a person you touch with this Magecraft that is equal to this rank.

Control Water

E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You target 10 feet of water within range and can move it anywhere within range or freeze the water instantly for 1 minute.

Water Whips

E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (10 feet)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You craft long whips of water around your arms. These whips have a reach of ten feet and allow you to make melee Magecraft attack rolls with them dealing 2d8+MNA water damage on a hit.

Water Barrier

E Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 round

You form a wall of water in front of you as protection. Until the start of your next turn all attacks made with weapons that deal slashing damage has disadvantage against you.

D Rank

Water Jet

D Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a high pressure blast of water and send it forth towards a creature within range. You make a ranged Magecraft attack roll dealing 4d6 water damage on a hit and force them to make a STR check or else be pushed back 15 feet.

Frozen Stiff

D Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You form water around the feet of a creature within range and instantly freeze it. At the start of the creatures turn they must make a STR check or else have their speed reduced to 0. They can make this check again at the start of their next turn.

Aquarius Evasions

D Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You quickly move water underneath you letting yourself glide across the ground in an instant. You gain evasion to one attack made at you.

Tidal Surge

D Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (20 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create water and rise it up like a crashing wave before sending it forth in a 20 foot cone in front of you. All creatures must make a AGL check taking 4d4 water damage and falling prone on a failed check and half as much on a success and remain standing.

Hydro Jets

D Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You form high pressure jets of water around your legs sending you flying 40 feet in a direction you choose. If you land 5 ft near a creature by the end of the 40 feet then you can make a melee attack roll against them at advantage.

Solid Water

D Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You grant yourself or a willing creature a special enchantment against water. That creature can walk on the surface of water without falling into it for the duration of this Magecraft.


D Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a water source underneath a creature within range. That creature makes a AGL check against your Magecraft DC and if they fail they are sent 10 feet into the air and take 4d4 Fire damage. If they succeed then they remain on the ground and only take half damage.

C Rank

Water Sphere

C Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You target a creature within range and create a sphere of water around them. The creature makes a STR check at the start of their turn escaping from the sphere on a success. They can remake the check at the start of their next turn or a creature can make a STR check to try and pull them out. A creature can hold their breath for a number of rounds in the sphere equal to their END rank starting at 1 at E rank and gain an additional round for each rank higher than E.

Hydro Bullets

C Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (30 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a wall of water before unleashing a wave of high pressure water in a 30 foot cone. All creatures need to make a AGL check taking 6d6 water damage on a failed save and half as much on a success. This damage ignores Defense Up.

Dense Steam

C Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You target a spot within range and create a wave of stream that covers the area. All creatures within the stream are blinded until they walk out of the steam.

Acid Rain

C Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet (20 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

You form a cloud of acid rain 10 feet above a spot within range that fills up a 20 foot radius. All creatures within the rain gain the Defense Down status effect. You can move the rain 20 feet as a bonus action.

Hail Downpour

C Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You target a spot within range and send forth a downpour of hail in a 30 foot radius. All creatures within the radius must make an END check taking 4d8 ice damage on a failed check and half as much on a success.

Water Tendrils

C Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

You target a spot within range and create a pool of tendrils made from the water. Creatures in this area must make a STR check at the start of their turn or when they enter this area for the first time on their turn to not be grabbed by these tendrils. Those grabbed by the tendrils have their movement reduced to 0 and attacks that deal water damage have advantage against them.

B Rank


B Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You create a swirling whirlpool in an area within range. Creatures within the range need to make a AGL check or else be pulled 15 feet towards the center of the whirlpool. Movement speed in the Whirlpool is halved.

Water Shift

B Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

While in or standing on a source of water you may sink yourself into the water and reappear within another source of water within 60 feet of your original point.

Siren's Song

B Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You let out a hypnotic song that effects all creatures of your choosing within range. The creatures must make a LCK check or else be hypnotized to go to the closest source of water as fast as they can and drown themselves. If a creature succeeds the check then they are immune to the effects for an hour.

Ice Dome

B Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (10 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

You form a dome of ice around you protecting you from Wind Magecraft lower in rank than this Magecraft. This dome has 8d4+MNA in HP and takes double damage from fire damage.

Healing Water

A Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You enhance yourself or a willing creature with soothing healing water. A creature healed by this water gains 8d8 HP.

A Rank

Maelstrom Blast

A Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (100 foot line)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You form the most powerful amount of water you can create before firing it off in a 100 foot long and 5 foot wide line. Those within the line must make a AGL check taking 10d10 water damage and being pushed back 100 feet on a failed check and half as much on a success and staying in place.


A Rank Water Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (60 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a massive wall of crashing waves sending them forth in a 60 foot cone. Creatures in this cone need to make a AGL check taking 10d8 water damage on a failed check and half as much on a success. Structures of Magecraft or effects lower than this Magecraft take double damage.

Ether Magecraft

E Rank

Mana Disruption

E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (15 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You fill the area around you with a small wave of Ether. Any Magecraft of E rank that is casted or is affecting the area within the radius is disrupted thus either canceling out the Magecraft or opening up a safe area inside of it.

At higher ranks. When you increase the rank of this Magecraft it increases the rank of Magecrafts it affects.

Bounded Field

E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 30 foot radius
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

You create a mage circle around a 30-foot radius of your choosing. This area can have different effects which you can discuss with your DM from causing others to make a MNA check to get closer to the area or having the area give off a silent alarm when people enter the space.

At higher ranks. When you increase the rank of this Magecraft its rank increases by 20 additional feet.

Magecraft Absorption

E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reactions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 round

You force ether into a point around you to protect yourself. If you are hit by a Magecraft you can use the ether to disrupt the flow of the Magecraft and only take half as much damage as you would have originally.

Slow Descent

E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reactions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using ether you can modifier your own descent from high drops. Doing this allows you to land safely without the worry of hurting yourself even from the greatest of heights.

Enhanced Speed

E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Using ether you enhance the muscles in your legs for a brief period of time. During this time your movement speed increases by 10 feet and you can use the dash action using one action instead of two.


E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You can target one creature within 30 feet of you and force them to make a MNA check. If they fail the check then they are confused. When a person is confused then at the start of the turn they roll a 1d2+1 and lose an amount of actions per the result. They also can’t concentrate on Magecrafts and at the end of their turn they can make the MNA check again ending the effect on a success.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then the dice roll increases to 1d4 at rank B and 1d6 for rank A.

Examine Item

E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

WIth this Magecraft you can focus on trying to understand an item. When you do this you can tell if it is a Mystic Codex or not and if it is what is its rank and effects. You can also tell if there are any Magecrafts on the item in question and what they do.


E Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 8 hours

With this Magecraft you enhance your own durability and reaction time letting you be better at dodging and taking hits from others. With this spell active you gain a +2 to your AC as well as to AGL checks.

D Rank

Far Sight

D Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: 1 mile
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

Using a liquid or other reflective surface you may try and spy on a location you know within the range of this spell. During the duration you can see and hear everything within the area you are looking at in real time. If they place is a bounded field then your view will appear outside of the bounded field unless it is your own.

Magecraft Detection

D Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

Using this Magecraft you are able to try and sense any Magecrafts within 30 feet of you. You can also get to tell what type of element they are connected to or if they are a Holy Sacrament. You cannot detect Magecraft through walls or doors that are more than 1 foot thick.

Disrupt Magecraft

D Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You may choose any creature or object within range of this Magecraft and try to get rid of any Magecraft currently effecting them. Magecraft of a lower rank than this one have their effects ended instantly.

At higher rank. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then it will end the effects of Magecrafts equal to the new rank.

Without a Trace

D Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 8 hours

Using Magecraft you make yourself for the duration undetectable by Magecraft. This is best suited for those that like to move around stealthy as well as esentale for any Master so they can’t be spied on by others.

Mental Block

D Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 8 hours

Using Magecraft you can defend yourself from having your memories read, altered, or erased for the duration of this effect from Magecrafts or effects of this rank or lower.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft its effect protects you from Magecrafts or effects of the higher rank or lower.

Object Reinforcement

D Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

With this Magecraft you can touch an object and enhance it with reinforcement. Doing this has two effects depending on how your using the object in question. If it is an object for defense then it grants you full cover while behind it and HP equal to 5 times the rank modifier of this Magecraft. If it is for a weapon then it deals the magic version of its original damage for the duration.

At higher ranks. At higher ranks the HP of the defense option increases depending on the rank you increase it to.


D Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

With this Magecraft you can unlock any door or similar objects with locks on them in an instant. You may also unlock things locked by Magecrafts or effects of this rank or lower.

At higher ranks. At higher ranks you may unlock doors or similar objects locked by Magecrafts or effects of the higher rank.

C Rank

Geas Contract

C Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Indefinite

Using this Magecraft you can create a contract on any piece of paper. This contract is a curse that effects all parties that sign the contract and if anyone who signed the contract breaks any of its rules then the punishments written on the contract will happen immediately. This Magecraft can’t be broken but a person must willingly sign it.

Shared Perceptive

C Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 4 miles
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Using Magecraft you can try and detect any familiar within the range of the spell. If you detect one you try to connect your senses with the familiars letting you see through its eyes and hear what it hears. If you try this you have to make a MNA check against the master of the familiars Magecraft DC or you can get permission from the owner letting you by pass this check. If you successed then you can continue without being detected by the owner of the familiar but if you fail then the owner will know someone tried to spy through their familiar.

Create Familiar

C Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

Using this Magecraft you can create a familiar of a small sized creature. This creature is completely loyal to you and will follow any command you give it to the best of its ability. The familiar has an AC of 14 and 25 HP. With an action you can see and hear through the familiars eyes letting you try and spy using it or go to places without being there in person.

Lesser Healing

C Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

As a Magus you can heal wounds with your Mana. When you use this Magecraft you can heal any creature you touch for 6d4+MNA.

At higher ranks. When you uses this Magecraft at higher ranks its healing effects increases by 2d4 for each rank higher than base.


C Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 2 miles
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

Using this Magecraft you may effect two objects of any type giving them a link so you can talk through one of them and it will come out of the other object. You can use this as a secure communication between yourself and a ally with both objects beings able to be talked through and heard from.

Advanced Speed

C Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 5 rounds

This Magecraft is an advanced version of the Enhance Speed Magecraft. During the duration your speed is doubled and you are granted advantage on AGL checks. Any attacks of opportunity made against you are also made at disadvantage.

B Rank

Erase Memory

B Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

This Magecraft is used to effect the minds of others letting you pick a moment within 1 hour of the persons memory and erase it completely to cover up a moment in time.

At higher levels. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then how far you can erase a memory extends to a day at A rank, a week at A+ rank, and a month at EX rank.

Magecraft Ambush

B Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Until Dispelled or Triggered

This Magecraft is used by Mages when setting up their workshops and allows them to store Magecrafts into a spot that will activate. You can also use this as a sensor letting you know if someone enters your workshop without using a Bounded Field.

Mana Overcharge

B Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

Using this Magecraft you can start putting mana inside of an object slowly making it get closer and closer to the objects limit. At any time you can throw the item anywhere within its throwing range or explode it within your hands. Once it explodes everyone within a 20-foot radius must make a END check against your Magecraft DC. If they fail they take 8d8 Magic damage and half as much on a success.

At higher ranks. If you increase this Magecrafts rank then the damage increases by 2d8 for every rank above B.

Ether Barrage

B Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (60 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a large magic circle in front of you and expel shards of condensed Ether in a wide range in front of you. All creatures within the radius of this Magecraft must make a AGL check against your Magecraft DC. If they fail they take 10d8 Magic damage and half as much on a success.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft the damage increases by 2d8 for each rank above B.

A Rank

Greater Gravity

A Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You focus your ether to a specific point and thus increase the gravity of that area. All creatures within a 30-foot radius of that area must make a STR check against your Magecraft DC or drop down onto the ground and cannot move or use their hands. Those with A rank strength are unaffected by this Magecraft and those effected may make the STR check at the start of their turn.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Magecraft then it will effect those with a strength rank lower than the higher rank.

Rho Aias

A Rank Ether Magecraft

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 round

You call forth the concept of the shield of Ajax the Greater to protect you. Doing this you summon a shield of seven flower petals. Each petal has 10 HP for a maximum of 70 HP for all seven layers of the shield. The shield also grants you full cover.

Holy Sacraments

E Rank

Divine Wisdom

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You chant some words of wisdom from your teachings. These words empower either yourself or another giving you advantage on all checks and attack rolls made for the duration.

At higher ranks. If you increase this Holy Sacraments rank then you may target an additional person at C rank and two additional people at A rank.

Blessed Body

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Using your faith in your lord you enhance your body evenly with mana giving you benefits depending on which stat you choose to enhance.

  • Strength: You gain advantage on Athletic checks and double you carrying weight for the duration.
  • Agility: You gain advantage on Acrobatic checks and you gain 20 additional feet of movement for the duration.
  • Endurance: You gain advantage on Endurance checks and you gain resistance to one type of damage for the duration.
  • Luck: You gain advantage on Luck checks and get to add 1d4 all attack rolls for the duration.
  • Mana: You gain advantage on Mana checks and against Magecrafts or Holy Sacraments with checks you take half damage on a fail and no damage on a success for the duration.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Holy Sacrament you can target one additional person at C rank and two additional people at A rank.

Holy Arrow

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You use your mana to create an arrow or any projectile of bright light. This arrow can be fired off at any target in range as you make a ranged Magecraft roll. If the target is hit they take 2d6+MNA divine damage.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Holy Sacrament you can target an additional attack roll on the same target or a different one in range for each rank higher than base.

Divine Rights

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Indefinite

As a holy person you have the skills and the teachings to bless those that have passed on. When a person or other being is killed you can perform rights on its body. Doing this ensures that the body cannot return from the dead as an undead monster by any means.

Great Health

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

With your understanding of the human body and your practice in medicine thanks to the Holy Church you can add the sick. You can target one creature and remove all illness or poision that is currently effecting them.

Enhanced Senses

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You can use mana to increase your sense of sight and hearing helping you get a better handle of your surrounds. During the duration you have advantage on perception checks and checks made against traps.

God's Strength

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You can bestow a blessing from god onto yourself granting yourself enhanced power when attacking. For the duration you gain 1d6 divine damage to your damage rolls.

At higher ranks. When you increase the rank of this Holy Sacrament the damage increases by 1d6 for each rank higher than base.

Blessed Food

E Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Until long rest

With a prayer and some mana you can bless food thanks to the teachings of the Holy Church. This food grants an additional 2d4 additional HP even if you already have max HP. This additional HP remains until you take a long rest or if you cast this Holy Sacrament again.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Holy Sacrament then the additional HP increases by 2d4 for each rank higher than base.

D Rank

Disrupt Magecraft

D Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You may choose any creature or object within range of this Holy Sacrament and try to get rid of any Magecraft currently effecting them. If the Magecraft is of lower rank this Holy Sacrament then it is ended instantly

At higher rank. If you increase the rank of this Holy Sacrament then it will end the effects of Magecrafts equal to the new rank.

Protection of the Lord

D Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

With the teachings of the lord and of the Holy Church you can grant someone protection from the unholy. For the duration you or someone else has resistance from demonic damage.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Holy Sacrament then you can target an additional person at C rank and two additional people at A rank.

Purify Food and Drink

D Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

Using mana you can effect both food and drinks that have been effected by natural effects or unnatural effects. You can remove harmful effects from food caused by posion or disease equal to this rank.

Hidden Path

D Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 hour

Using mana you can erase traces of your footsteps or other signs of your tracks. Doing this helps you not be followed by others trying to track you by footsteps or anything else they could try to follow.

Persuasive Aura

D Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (60 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

With the help of mana you can create a small aura of calming and warm emotions. All creatures within 60 feet of you have disadvantages on Insight checks made against you. You also gain advantage to any Persuassion checks made on creatures within your aura.

Holy Light

D Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You use mana to fill any object that can fit in your hand or can produce light with a divine glow. The object fills a 20 foot radius around it with divine light. Undead or Demonic creatures within this light have disadvantage on checks and attack rolls.

Hollow Ground

D Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 40 foot radius
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

You create a special Bounded Field in a 40 foot radius. This bounded fields lets you only allow those you have assigned to enter or exit the area. Those assigned can only be assigned when you cast this Holy Sacrament.

At higher ranks. If you increase the rank of this Holy Sacrament then you get 10 extra feet for the radius for each rank higher than base.

C Rank

Lesser Healing

C Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

As a Clergy you can heal wounds with your Mana. When you use this Holy Sacrament you can heal any creature you touch for 6d4+MNA.

At higher ranks. When you uses this Holy Sacrament at higher ranks its healing effects increases by 2d4 for each rank higher than base.

Sins of Man

C Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You focus mana into your weapon attacks. Whenever you hit a creature they have to make an END check against your Magecraft DC. If they fail the save then you can give them one of these effects for the duration of the Holy Sacrament.

  • Sloth: For the duration of this Holy Sacrament they lose half of their movement speed.
  • Wrath: For the duration of this Holy Sacrament they enter a blind rage and thus charge and attack the closest to them even if that person is their ally.
  • Pride: Your enemy can now only on you and only you. For the duration of this Holy Sacrament or until your dead they can only use actions, bonus actions, reactions, and movement if it is focused on you and no one else.

Divine Eruption

C Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You let out a prayer before slamming your hand onto the ground. Doing so causes a eruption of holy light to fill a 30 foot radius around you. All creatures besides you in the radius must make a END check taking 10d6 divine damage and being pushed out of the radius on a failed save and taking half damage and not being pushed out of the radius on a success.

Chains of Faith

C Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

With a prayer you summon forth chains made from your faith. Using these chains you can target one creature within range and have them make a STR check. If they fail their speed is reduced to 0 and you gain advantage on attack rolls against them while they have disadvantage on attack rolls. The creature can make the check again at the start of their turn.

Protection of Faith

C Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: 8 hours

You spend one hour in prayer and reading from the bible to hone your faith and will. Afterwards you gain advantage on checks made against Magecrafts and effects that would cause you to do things you wouldn’t normally do.

Divine Weapon

C Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Using your faith you can turn a normal weapon into a divine weapon capable of harming those usually uneffected or resistant to normal weapons. Touching a non magical weapon you can make it magical for the duration of this Holy Weapon changing its damage type into divine damage to overcome resistances and immunities.

B Rank

Anti-Magus Zone

B Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Using your teachings of how to fight against Magus’s you can create a special type of temporary Bounded Field. In this Bounded Field Magecrafts of any kind cannot be used leaving those inside only able to fight using weapons instead.

Divine Axe

B Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (60 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You craft a golden axe covered in holy light for a brief moment in your hands. Once the axe is created you swing with all your might causing a small wave of holy light to arc in a 60 foot cone in front of you. All creatures within the cone must make a END check against your Magecraft DC taking 10d6 divine damage on a failed save and half as much on a success. Undead and Demonic creatures take double damage from this damage.

Death Scythe

B Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (5 feet)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You fill your minds with images of death and famine as you summon a pitch black scythe into your hands. For the duration of this Holy Sacrament you can use this scythe which deals 2d12+MNA demonic damage on a hit. Everytime a creature is hit with this scythe it’s maximum HP goes down half the amount of damage you dealth. This HP can only be recovered by a long rest or a Maecraft or effect that gets ride of curses that is higher than this rank.

Aura of Death

B Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (30 foot radius)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You surround yourself with the feeling of true fear that effects all but yourself. Those that enter the aura during their turn must make a LCK check or else have fear overcome them. During this they can only move away from you until you are out of their line of sight. They can remake the check at the end of their turns ending the effect on a success.

Holy Daggers

B Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You craft two golden daggers in your hands and prepare to unleash them. You target one creature within range of this Holy Sacrament and make two attack rolls on them dealing 4d8+MNA on a hit. If a creature is hit then they begin to bleed losing 1d6 hp at the start of their turn. The only way to stop this bleeding is with a healing Magecraft or to make a Medical check against your Magecraft DC.

A Rank

Divine Punishment

A Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Self (40 foot radius)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You lift your hand into the air and let out a passage from the bible. Once you finish a swarm of golden daggers fills a 40 foot radius around you. All creatures besides you must make a AGL check against your Magecraft DC taking 10d10 divine damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a success.

Greater Healing

A Rank Holy Sacrament

  • Casting Time: 2 actions
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You choose a creature you can touch and let out a passage from the bible. As you say these holy words mana coats the individual and restores all of the HP as well as gets rid of any illness or curse currently effecting them right now.

Chapter 5: Talents

Now that you know all of the current Magecraft lists it is time to arrive at the last important part of building a character and that is the different types of talents you can gain as your character progresses through their levels.

Hardworking Student

You have spent the longest time studying Magecraft and it's history to try and understand as much as you possibly could.

  • You gain talented level proficiency on Magecraft. If you already have this level of proficiency then instead it becomes Expert level proficiency.
  • Your Magecraft attack rolls and DC increase by 2.

Person of Faith

You have dedicated yourself completely to the Holy Church thus spending every waking moment practicing the teaching of God.

  • You gain talented level proficiency on Sacrament Checks. If you already have this level of proficiency then instead it becomes Expert level proficiency.
  • Holy Sacraments now cost 1 MP less than they originally would.

Quick Footed

You have either trained to become faster than you could normally or were born this way.

  • Your AGL rank increases by 1 to a max of C rank.
  • Your movement speed increases by 10 feet and Magecrafts that slow your movement only remove 10 feet.

Hard Worker

You have trained your body to become stronger through tough exercise.

  • Your STR or END rank increases by 1 to a max of C rank.
  • Your carry weight increases by 20lbs more than originally.


You are a person who lives for the thrill of luck to see whether you succeed or not.

  • Your LCK rank increases by 1 to a max of C rank.
  • You can use your LCK feature an additonal time per long rest.


You have lived your life facing off against difficult odds or your worst fears and still stand tall.

  • You have immunity to frightened effects.
  • Allies within 30 feet of you have advantage against effects to frighten them.


You have lived a life full of adventure and exploration and thus have become accustomed to it.

  • You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
  • You gain talented level proficiency for Survival checks. If you already have this level of proficiency then instead it becomes Expert level proficiency.

Tough as nails

You have withstood pain over and over again from small amounts to large amounts and because of this you have become much tougher than normal.

  • You gain advantage to END checks as well as increase the rank of it by 1 to a max of C rank.
  • You take the highest roll for HP from this level onwards.

Healing Expert

You have spent your time studying healing effects and the best way for someone to recover.

  • You gain Expert level proficiency on Medical checks.
  • Healing Magecraft/Holy Sacraments gain a bonus +10 to their healing effects.


You have trained yourself to handle any amount of pain coming at you to the best of your ability.

  • You may use your reaction to reduce the damage you would take for 1 turn by half.
  • If you are forced to make a saving throw then you take half damage on a fail and 1/4th damage on a success.

Eagle Eye

You have trained your life in long range attacks as well as observations.

  • You gain talented level proficiency for Perception checks. If you already have this level then instead it becomes expert level proficiency.
  • You don't gain disadvantage from shooting at the long range of a ranged weapon.


You have learned how to properly wrestle and grapple others.

  • You gain advantage on grapple checks.
  • You gain a base damage with hand to hand combat of 1d8+STR.

Person of many talents

You have practiced how to be good at multiple different things.

  • You gain two additional talented level skill check proficiencies.
  • You choose one skill check you are talented level in and it becomes expert level.

Practice makes Perfect

You spent a long time working on not just your strengths but weaknesses as well.

  • You gain talented level proficiency for one stat check of your choice.
  • You can choose this talent multiple times as long as you have at least one stat check that isn't talented level or higher.

Chapter 6: Servants

Servant features

For the first part of this chapter we will be talking about the special features that Servants have that give them unique stuff compared to the Masters.

Master and Servant Contract

This feature is usually done when a Servant is summoned by their Master at the start of a Holy Grail War but can also be used if a Servant loses their Master or the Master loses their Servant and they wish to make a new contract with another person.

If the contract is ever broken then the Servant suffers the Masterless Servant feature which causes them to lose 5 MP every hour they are without a Master unless they have the Independent Action skill. If they no longer have any MP left to lose then they will take damage equal to five of their highest hit dice every hour.

Servant Body

As a Servant you have become much tougher than a normal human even if you were just a human in your life. This toughness is reflected in your damage immunities as you are immune to any non-magic damage making those that fight you have to rely on either their Magecrafts or find/craft a mystic code to be able to fight you.

Immaterial Body

You are comprised of a large portion of mana that lets you take a physical form. But you may also lower you amount of mana letting you become invisible and intangible allowing you to walk through sold surfaces without worry. During this you cannot be seen unless someone has a MNA rank equal to your own or higher. If you enter combat you instantly reappear and can't turn invisible again until you have gone three turns without fighting or getting hit.

Inhuman Recovery.

As a Servant you are able to recover from injuries at a much faster rate than normal people. As a bonus action you may consume any number of Hit Dice letting you roll all of those and add you END modifier to the result of the rolls. Once you have the total of those rolls you add that to your Health Points but you cannot go over your maximum amount of Health Points.

Servant Sensing

As a Servant you have a much easier time picking up on the presence of mana in an 100-foot radius around you and are able to tell if it comes from a mage or from a Servant. For sensing the presence of mana you must make a perception check against 10 + their MNA modifier. For Servants their DC increases by two but to tell which Servant it is you must beat the DC by five or more points.

Noble Phantasms

Now this is the biggest feature a Servant has compared to the Masters as it is their biggest ace in the hole. Noble Phantasms are the embodiment of the Servants history or legends and also give hints at what their true names could possibly be. Noble Phantasms can range from physical weapons to traits such as God Hand for Heracles. Whatever they materialize as you can be sure they will usually help the Servant in one way or another.

When you activate your Noble Phantasm there is not only a mana point cost but also an action cost. The amount of actions you have to spend to activate your Noble Phantasm will always be two actions so that all characters even with E rank agility can activate their Noble Phantasms.

Servant classes

Knight Class

This group consist of three different classes that share the Magic Resistance class skill. These three classes being the Saber, Archer, and Lancer classes.

Saber: Knight of the Sword and Heroic Spirit of the Sword. A jack-of-all-trades warrior. Agile and powerful in close quarters; extremely adept at swordsmanship.

Archer: Knight of the Bow and Heroic Spirit of the Bow. Excellent scouts that excel in possessing powerful Noble Phantasms. Masters of long ranged warfare.

Lancer: Knight of the Lance and Heroic Spirit of the Lance. Gifted with extreme agility and proficient in hit-and-run tactics as well as ranged melee weapons such as spears and lances.

Cavalry Class

This group consists of four different classes. The classes that reside in this group are the Rider, Assassin, Caster, and Berserker classes.

Rider: Mounted Knight and Heroic Spirit of the Mount. Experts of the mount able to tame any beast, be it mythical or mechanical.

Assassin: Silent Killer and Heroic Spirit of Assassinations. Extremely skilled at covert, stealthy, and silent operations.

Caster: Magus and Heroic Spirit of Spells and Sorcery. Adept in magecraft, being one of the few able to use sorceries of the highest caliber.

Berserker: Mad Warrior and Heroic Spirit of Berserker Rage. Crazed warriors that have lost almost all traces of their sanity in exchange for great power.

Servants of the Holy Grail War

These seven Servant classes are the basic types and ones that are most likely to be summoned in a Holy Grail War. There are a few rules for these Servants and that is only one of each class can be summoned in a Holy Grail War so you will most likely not find two of the same Servant Class unless you are in a Great Holy Grail War.


To begin our explanation of the seven Servant classes we will start with what is considered the strongest class in the Holy Grail Wars and that is the Servant class Saber.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d10 per Saber level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 10 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your endurance modifier.


  • Stat checks: Master level Strength and Expert level for either Agility or Mana.
  • Skill checks: Master level for Athletics and Expert level for three skills of Acrobatics, Deceptive, Persuasive, Survival, Perception, and Medical
  • Attacks: Master level for Simple and Martial Weapons and Expert for Unarmed attacks

Class Skills

As a Saber Servant you usually will have the Magic Resistance and the Riding class skills. The rankings of these skills will be dependent on the events during your life like how much you have interacted with magic or how well know you are to use a mount during your life.

Heroic Slash

As a Heroic Spirit of the sword you have become more deadly than the typical Servant. You may add 1d6 to a number of attack rolls equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain these uses on a long rest.

It sucks to be you

Over the course of your history you have become more confident during battle letting you better guard against the unknown. Because of this features such as flanking or similar features do not benefit against you.

Prodigy of War

You have gotten accustomed to battle time and time again. Because of this you have learned to do certain actions quicker than others. You can turn an action that would cost two actions into only costing one action a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).


Next on our list of Servant classes is the one known for its range and versatility being the Archer class. These Servants thrive in long range combat keeping their enemies a fair distance away from them during combat.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d10 per Archer level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 10 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your endurance modifier.


  • Stat checks: Master level Agility and expert level for either Mana or Luck
  • Skill checks: Master level for Perception and expert level for three skills of Athletics, Acrobatics, Deceptive, Persuasive, Survival, and Insight
  • Attacks: Master level for Simple and Martial Weapons and Expert for Unarmed attacks

Class Skills

As an Archer class Servant you will most likely have the Magic Resistance and the Independent Action skills though there are some cases where you can have different skills. These skills will depend on the events during your life such as how much you have interacted with magic or acted on your own.


You are a Servant who has mastered long range combat. Though your dedication towards your choice of combat you no longer suffer disadvantage from shooting at long range or when you are five feet next to an enemy. You also ignore 1/2 and 2/3rds cover.

Inexhaustible Supply

As an Archer class Servant you have come accustomed to fighting for longer periods of time by lowering the amount of mana you spend. Because of this Noble Phantasms cost one mana point less to activate.


Thanks to your training of range weapons you have learned to push past the weapons original limits to aim even farther than before. Your long range with any ranged weapon increases by 50 times your AGL starting at 2 at E rank and going up by 1 for every rank above E.


Now we finally arrive at the last member of the Knight class and the second fastest Servant of the original seven being the Lancer class Servant. These Servants are known for their agility and survivability thanks to their class skill so it is best not to take them easy.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d10 per Lancer level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 10 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your endurance modifier.


  • Stat checks: Master level Agility and expert level for either Mana or Endurance
  • Skill checks: Master level for Acrobatics and expert level for three skills of Athletics, Deceptive, Persuasive, Survival, Perception, and Thievery
  • Attacks: Master level for Simple and Martial Weapons and Expert for Unarmed attacks

Class Skills

As a Lancer class Servant you most likely will have the Magic Resistance and the Battle Continuation class skills though there are some cases where you can have different skills. These skills rankings will be depend on factors in your life such as how much magic you interacted with or moments where you have taken fatal or large amounts of injury and continue fighting.


You have trained yourself to react quickly to danger in a battle. Because of this you may evade a number of attacks equal to your AGL starting at 1 attack at E rank and increasing by 1 each rank higher than E. The amount of uses recharges on a long rest.

Spearmans Reach

Since you have trained your whole life with a type of polearm you have become accustomed to its reach and how to push its reach even farther than normal. Your reach with a polearm increases by five feet.

Now Fate shall Decide

As an example of your skill with a polearm before you make an attack roll you can choose to take a -5 to the roll but in return you gain a +10 to your damage roll.


Now we move away from the Knight Classes and onto the next group of the Cavalry Classes starting with the Rider class Servant. This class is based around mounted combat and being able to be the most mobile out of the original seven Servant classes.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d8 per Rider level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 8 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your endurance modifier


  • Stat checks: Master level Agility and expert level for either Luck or Mana
  • Skill checks: Master level for Acrobatics and expert level for three skills of Athletics, Thievery, Survival, Deceptive, Persuasive, Perception, and Medical
  • Attacks: Master level for Simple and Martial Weapons and Expert for Unarmed attacks

Class Skills

As a Rider class Servant you will most likely have the Magic Resistance and Riding class skills though there are some cases where you could have different skills. Your ranks in these skills will depend on factors and events in your life such as how much magic you had interacted with or how well known you were to use mounts in your life.

Heroic Charge

Before you make an attack roll if you moved 30 towards an enemy you may force them to make an AGL check against a DC of 8+STR+PB. If they fail they are prone.

Supernatural Steed

Your mount gains a bonus to its speed equal to your base speed. It also gains an attack which deals 1d8 + your STR with the attack roll also using your STR stat.

Without a Hitch

With your amazing speed you can easily move in and out of combat without worry. If you move 60 feet towards an enemy before attacking them then afterwards you can move away from them without provoking an attack of opportunity from them.


Now for the halfway point of the Cavalry class of Servants we reach the most sneakest and greatest at collecting information on other masters known as the Assassin class Servant. These Servants aren't great in 1v1 battles but are great at setting traps and fighting in groups.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d8 per Assassin level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 8 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your endurance modifier


  • Stat checks: Master level Agility and expert level for either Mana or Luck
  • Skill checks: Master level for Thievery and expert level for three skills of Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Deceptive, Perception, and Medical
  • Attacks: Master level for Simple Weapons and Expert for Unarmed attacks.

Class Skills

As an Assassin class Servant you will most likely have the Independent Action and Presence Concealment class skills though sometimes there have been others with different skills. The rank of these skills will depend on your factors and events in your life such as how well known you were to act on your own and how well you kept yourself hidden.

Assassin Strike

Once per turn you can deal increased damage on an opponent if you have advantage or an ally is within 5 feet of the enemy. The extra damage is 1d8 and increases to 2d8 at 7th level, 3d8 at 12th level, 4d8 at 16th level, 5d8 at 21st level, and 6d8 at 26th level.

Deadly Critical

You are trained to be an expert killer and because of it you gain the following bonuses. Your critical hit range increases to 18, 19, or 20 and when you land a critical hit deal x3 total damage instead of the normal x2.

In a single Breath

As a bonus action you may take both the dash and disengage action at the same time to quickly get away. You may only activate this feature if you dealt sneak attack damage on a person this turn.


And now we arrive at the Servant who could be considered the most magical compared to every other Servant with it being the Caster class Servant. Whether they be actual witches and wizards or simple artist and inventors these Servants are perfect at building bases to defend themselves and destroy their enemies.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d6 per Caster level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 6 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your endurance modifier


  • Stat checks: Master level Mana and expert level for either Agility or Luck
  • Skill checks: Master level for Magecraft and expert level for three skills of Acrobatics, Thievery, Survival, Deceptive, Perception, and Sacraments
  • Attacks: Master level for Magecraft attacks and DC and Expert for Unarmed attacks

Class Skills

As a Caster class Servant you will most likely have the Territory Creation and Item Construction class skills though there have been others with different skills. The ranks for these skills will be decided by the land you ruled or the places you've built in your life as well as how well known you are for creating items.

Power equal to True Magic

As a Caster Servant you are a step above Mages and Clergy and their Magecrafts. Instead of taking 2 actions to cast a spell it takes you only one action. You can also increase the rank of your Magecrafts to A+ and EX the same as a Magus.

A True Magician

You are considered above the peak of modern Mages and thus your Mana levels and usage is much better than any Masters. You gain an addition to your Mana pool equal to your proficiency bonus and spells costs half as much Mana points as they usually do (rounded down) but cannont go below 1.

Unique Magecraft

Each Caster is their own unique Mage and this feature reflects this. You are given additional custom spells depending on your history. This makes your Caster more unique in how they handle combat.


Now we arrive at the final Servant class for this book. This is the Servant class that is known to be basically a walking tank and perfect for those that just want to command a monster to destroy their enemies or better known as the Berserker class Servant.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d12 per Berserker level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 12 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your endurance modifier


  • Stat checks: Master level Endurance and expert level for either Strength or Mana
  • Skill checks: Master level for Atheltics and expert level for three skills of Acrobatics, Deceptive, Survival, and Perception,
  • Attacks: Master level for Martial Weapons and Unarmed attacks

Class Skills

As a Berserker class Servant you will likely have the Madness Enhancement and the Battle Continuation class skills though others have been shown with different skills. The rank of these skills will depend on factors and events during your life such as how well know you were to be a raging warrior or survive fatal injuries and continue to battle.


Your class as Berserker makes you able to handle a good amount of damage. You may reduce an attacks damage by half for one turn equal to your END rank starting at 1 time per long rest at E rank and gaining one additional use per rank higher than E.

Stronger and Stronger

You constantly are wanting to destroying anything and everything in both your and your Masters way. Every time you land a hit you gain additional points of damage after the first hit. It starts off at +2 points of damage and gets multiplied by 2 for each successful hit. If you miss an attack the additional damage gets reset. The additional damage caps at +64 points.

It's all or nothing!

Once you are down to 30% or below your maximum HP you have two choices to benefit you.

The first option grants you +5 to every attack roll you make an two additional damage dice for damage rolls but you take double damage from every damage type.

The second option is gaining resistance to every damage type but you also take a - 5 to attack rolls and lose two damage dice for damage rolls. Your damage dice count can't go below 1.


This is an extra class that isn't summoned by a Master but by the grail itself. Members of this class are summoned to a Holy Grail War to be the unbiased judge and make sure that those in the war are following the rules. A Servant can qualify for the Ruler class if they have no wish of their own for the grail or are an unbiased person.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d10 per Ruler level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 10 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your endurance modifier


  • Stat checks: Master level Luck and expert level for either Endurance or Mana
  • Skill checks: Master level for Persuasive and expert level for four skills of Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Deceptive, Perception, and Medical
  • Attacks: Master level for Simple and Martial Weapons and Expert for Unarmed attacks and Magecraft attack and DC

Class Skills

As a Ruler class Servant you usually have access to the Magic Resistance, True Name Discernment, and God's Resolution class skills unlike others. The ranks of these skills will depend on factors in your life such as your interaction with magic in your life, how well known you are with being granted prophecies, and for God's Resolution being dependent on your connection to faith as well as how the grail feels your rank should be whether higher or lower for the current war.

Level Head

You are the one thing that can keep order in a Holy Grail War and sometimes to keep people following the rules you have to make them calm down. As an action you can magically fill a 100 foot radius around you. Creatures in this radius have to make a DC 20 MNA check and if they fail they are calmed down. Any conflict happening with those affected immediately ends.

A pleasant request

As a Ruler you have command over Servants of the war with your command seals. You also can help these Servants by other means than just these buffs. You may give a Servant all of their hit points, HD, and MP back an amount of time equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses of this feature recharge on a long rest.

Extra Servant Classes

During my time studying the different types of classes that Servants can become I have found two additional extra classes. These classes aren't normally found in a standard Holy Grail War but if you alter the system you could exchange on of the original seven classes for one of these extra classes.


The first of these three extra classes is known as the Avenger class. Those that can acquire this class are beings who are filled with a great deal of hatred towards either a group of people or possibly the world itself. Their anger surpasses even the Berserker class as it is a rage that still remains long after they had died. Those that I have learned that are apart of this extra class includes Angra Mainyu as well as the Gorgon.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d10 per Avenger level
  • Health points at 1st level: 10 + your endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your endurance modifier


  • Stat checks: Master level Mana and expert level for either Agility or Endurance
  • Skill checks: Master level for Deceptive and expert level for three skills of Athletics, Acorbatics, Thievery, Survival, and Perception
  • Attacks: Master level for Simple Weapons and Unarmed attacks

Class Skills

From my studying of this extra class I have learned that their skills revolve around their hatred towards others with the skills Avenger and Oblivion Correction. For the Avenger skill I have learned that the more hatred one can produce towards a being the greater this rank becomes while the Oblivion Correction skill grows the harder it is for the Avenger to lose their hatred once they gain it.

Clouded by Anger

Though many tests and a couple dozen assistants I have concluded that Avengers are immune to charm effects as well as other Magecrafts that target ones mind. Perhaps their raw anger towards others protects them against these effects.

One who knows pain

As I have spent time conducting more tests to learn about Avengers I have gained a new understanding of them. After an Avenger takes damage they may use their reaction to then take half damage from the same damage type until the start of their next turn.

Untainted Forms

Through varies tests and studies I have learned that Avenger class Servants are unique when effected by stuff such as Grail Mud. Usually a Servant must have insane will and understand of themselves to resist the grail muds effects but it appears that Avengers are completely immune to the effects of Grail Mud and similar substances.

Moon Cancer

Next on the list of these Extra Classes is one that is known as Moon Cancer. This class is hard to understand as from the info I have collected there could be any number of reasons as to why the individual in question has become a Moon Cancer Servant. The best connection I can find is with those that have interacted with the moon itself from scaring it in one way or another to just being involved with the moon.

Health Points

  • Health Dice: 1d8 per Moon Cancer level
  • Health Points at 1st level: 8 + your Endurance modifier
  • Health Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your endurance modifier


  • Stat checks: Master level Mana and expert level for either Luck or Agility
  • Skill checks: Master level for Persuaive and expert level for three skills of Athletics, Acrobatics, Thievery, Survival, Deceptive, and Perception
  • Attacks: Master level Unarmed attacks and Expert level for simple and martial weapons

Class Skills

As I have studied Moon Cancer Servants I have noticed that they all have different Class Skills from each other but what I have noticed is that a good number of them share similar class skills. These skills are Magic Resistance and Territory Creation with the rank of these skills being decided upon events of their lives such as how much magic they have interacted with or what places they have built or ruled over in life.

True Name Discernment (False)

From my studies on these types of Servants I have learned they have an innate ability similar to the True Name Discernment class skill though weaker. As an action you may make a MNA check on a Servant within 120 feet of you to try and learn of a class skill or personal skill they have. The DC of this check is 12 + their rank in the skill with it being +4 for E rank and increase by 1 for each rank higher than E.

Built tough

I have also learned that Moon Cancer Servants are much more durable than most standard Servants. When you are calculating HP per level you may add +2 to your HP for that level you may also add +2 to all END checks.

Loves to mess with others

From what I have gathered from Moon Cancer Servants they appear to enjoy messing with others on various levels. Usually this is done by messing up with their plans and such. Moon Cancer Servants may use a reaction to cause a creature to roll with disadvantage on any attack roll, skill check, or stat check. This disadvantage lasts until the end of that creatures turn.

Class System

Servants uniqueness doesn't end here as on top of what has been shown already they also have a system of advantages and disadvantages against each other. This addition causes Masters and Servants to have to think about who they will take on and how they will do so depending on their standing against them. Below this is the class advantages and disadvantages for each Servant class:

Saber: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Lancer and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Ruler and Archer classes.

Lancer: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Archer and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Ruler and Saber classes.

Archer: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Saber and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Ruler and Lancer classes.

Rider: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Caster and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Ruler and Assassin classes.

Caster: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Assassin and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Ruler and Rider classes.

Assassin: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Rider and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Ruler and Caster classes.

Berserker Deals an additional 10% total damage to all classes.

Ruler: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Moon Cancer and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Avenger classes.

Moon Cancer: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Avenger and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Ruler classes.

Avenger: Deals an additional 10% total damage to Ruler and Berserker classes while dealing 5% less total damage to Moon Cancer classes.

Noble Phantasm Clashes

In this system when an enemy Servant unleashes their offensive Noble Phantasm within range of one of your own offensive Noble Phantasms you can attempt to clash against it with your own Noble Phantasm using your reaction.. Doing this puts you and your enemy into a clash with the winner being decided on who has the higher ranked Noble Phantasm as it breaks through the clash and has the enemy deal with its effects. If the Noble Phantasm that lost the clash is only one rank lower than the victorious Noble Phantasm then the Noble Phantasm that won has its damage reduced to a rank before it's original rank for this action (minimum of E rank).

Chapter 7: Status Effects

Now that you know a bit more about the different classes as well as the features they have lets move onto the status effects. These will be mostly used by personal skills and can greatly increase your chances in a fight if used properly.

Attack Up

Your total damage is increased by 20% for a number of turns based on your Personal Skill.

Attack Down

Your total damage is decreased by 20% for a number of turns based on your Personal Skill.

Defense Up

You take 20% less damage for a number of turns based on your Personal Skill.

Defense Down

You take 20% more damage for a number of turns based on your Personal Skill.

NP Guage Up

You regain a % of your maximum MP based on your Personal Skill.

Sure Hit

This status effect let's you hit a target who has the evasion status effect. The amount of uses depending on your Personal Skill.


You are granted immunity to all damage types and effects such as poison for one round. The usage and duration of this status effect depends on your Personal Skill.


You take X amount of fire damage every time it gets to your turn. The duration depends on your Personal Skill.


You take X amount of poison damage every time it get to your turn. You can roll an END check to end the effect. The duration depends on your Personal Skill.


You are unable to move/take any actions for X amount of turns. You can roll an END check to end the effect. The duration depends on your Personal Skill.


You remain at 1 HP no matter what for X amount of rounds based on your Personal Skill.


You are able to dodge attacks for X amount of turns. The duration lasts depending on your Personal Skill.

Ignore Invincible

This status effect let's you hit a creature that has the Invincible status effect. The amount of uses depends on your Personal Skill.

These are all the current status effects in the system. We will add more effects in later books so be sure to get excited for those later features.

Chapter 8: Class Skills and Personal Skills

Now that we have the status effects finished it is time to talk about Class skills which will be passive buffs that help you during combat or exploration. Most Servants only have two Class Skills with only a few classes getting more than that.

Battle Continuation

This skill is one that is tied closely to the Lancer and Berserker classes. It allows a Servant to continue fighting longer than they normally could possibly letting them turn the tied of battle or just to let themselves live long enough to take their opponent down with them. The longer your character has fought with a fatal wound or been known to survive long amounts of pain.

E Rank

You gain the Guts status effect once you reach 10% or below your maximum HP. This effect lasts for one turn and recharges on a long rest.

D Rank

You gain the Guts status effect once you reach 10% or below your maximum HP. This effect lasts for two turns and recharges on a long rest.

C Rank

You gain the Guts status effect once you reach 10% or below your maximum HP. This effect lasts for three turns and recharges on a long rest.

B Rank

You gain the Guts status effect once you reach 10% or below your maximum HP. This effect lasts for four turns and recharges on a long rest.

A Rank

You gain the Guts status effect once you reach 10% or below your maximum HP. This effect lasts for five turns and recharges on a long rest.

God's Resolution

This is the class skill specific to the Ruler class Servants. It is used to help the Ruler class control the other Servants if needed with command seals. This increases either by your faith or connection to the divine or from the Grail's own influence.

E Rank

You gain two Command Seals which can be used on any Servant summoned in the current Holy Grail War.

D Rank

You gain three Command Seals which can be used on any Servant summoned in the current Holy Grail War.

C Rank

You gain one Command Seal for each Servant summoned in the current Holy Grail War. You cannot used a Command Seal for one Servant on another.

B Rank

You gain two Command Seals for each Servant summoned in the current Holy Grail War. You cannot use a Command Seal for one Servant on another.

A Rank

You gain three Command Seals for each Servant summoned in the current Holy Grail War. You cannot use a Command Seal for one Servant on another.

Independent Action

This skill is the basic Class Skill of both the Archer and Assassin class. Those with this skill are able to be distant from their Masters for longer periods of time without worry of vanishing. This is a great skill to have if your fighting style is ranged or you are good at sneaking into places alone.

E Rank

You can be over 500 feet from your Master for one day. During this time you don't suffer the effects of the Masterless Servant feature.

D Rank

You can be over 500 feet from your Master for two days. During this time you don't suffer the effects of the Masterless Servant feature.

C Rank

You can be over 500 feet from your Master for three days. During this time you don't suffer the effects of the Masterless Servant feature.

B Rank

You can be over 500 feet from your Master for four days. During this time you don't suffer the effects of the Masterless Servant feature.

A Rank

You can be over 500 feet from your Master for five days. During this time you don't suffer the effects of the Masterless Servant feature.

Item Construction

This is one of the unique skills of the Caster class Servant. It allows you to create different types of items that can help you in different ways from security cameras to charms that protect your Master from certain things.

E Rank

You can create up to two items and each time you create another item you have to replace one of the already existing items you've created. The effect of these items can vary and you will need to discuss with the DM their effects.

D Rank

You can create up to four items and each time you create another item you have to replace one of the already existing items you've created. The effect of these items can vary and you will need to discuss with the DM their effects.

C Rank

You can create up to six items and each time you create another item you have to replace one of the already existing items you've created. The effect of these items can vary and you will need to discuss with the DM their effects.

B Rank

You can create up to eight items and each time you create another item you have to replace one of the already existing items you've created. The effect of these items can vary and you will need to discuss with the DM their effects.

A Rank

You can create up to ten items and each time you create another item you have to replace one of the already existing items you've created. The effect of these items can vary and you will need to discuss with the DM their effects.

Madness Enhancement

This skill is the only unique skill of the Berserker Servant class. This skill empowers you but in return it makes you more and more beast like or have a greater hunger for conflict even when everyone else doesn't wish for it.

E Rank

At this rank you gain a +1 to STR and END to reflex your enhancement increasing your might beyond your normal limits.

D Rank

At this rank you gain a +1 to STR and END to reflex your enhancement increasing your might beyond your normal limits.

C Rank

At this rank you gain a +2 to STR and END but you also gain this drawback. Every time you see a Servant or are in a battle with a Servant and your Master tells you to run you must make a LCK check. If you get a 1-10 on the results then you are thrown into a frenzy where you must fight until either you are the enemy is dead. Alternatively your Master can use a Command Seal to stop you.

B Rank

At this rank you gain a +2 to STR and END but you also gain this drawback. Every time you see a Servant or are in a battle with a Servant and your Master tells you to run you must make a LCK check. If you get a 1-10 on the results then you are thrown into a frenzy where you must fight until either you are the enemy is dead. Alternatively your Master can use a Command Seal to stop you.

A Rank

At this rank you gain a +3 to STR and END but your madness drawback increases to reflex your greater strength. Now instead of you going into a frenzy on a 1-10 it has increased to a frenzy chance from 1-15. This better reflexes the fact you have become more beast than man at this rank.

Magic Resistance

This class skill is one of the more powerful skills. It allows the user of this skill to passively resist Magecrafts of the same rank as it. It also allows the user to break Magecrafts of lower ranks.

Magic Immunity: You are immune to the effects and damages of Magecraft of the same rank or lower than your Magic Resistance rank.

Magic Destruction: As an action you may destroy a Magecraft effecting an area or a person that is of a lower than than your Magic Resistance rank.

E Rank

At this rank you are immune to the damage and effects of E rank Magecrafts.

D Rank

At this rank you are immune to the damage and effects of D rank and lower Magecrafts. You can also destroy lingering effects of E rank Magecrafts on places, objects, and people.

C Rank

At this rank you are immune to the damage and effects of C rank and lower Magecrafts. You can also destroy lingering effects of D rank and lower Magecrafts on places, objects, and people.

B Rank

At this rank you are immune to the damage and effects of B rank and lower Magecrafts. You can also destroy lingering effects of C rank and lower Magecrafts on places, objects, and people.

A Rank

At this rank you are immune to the damage and effects of A rank and lower Mabecrafts. You can also destroy lingering effects of B rank and lower Magecrafts on places, objects, and people.

Presence Concealment

Now we arrive at the most useful skill of the Assassin class being their ability to remain undetected from everyone but the most perceptive of Servants and Masters. This skill can be useful for sneaking around to gain information or to escape a battle that has turned sour. Each rank gives you a better chance at not being detected. If they have a high enough rank in MNA then when they do a perception check they will be able to try and detect you.

E Rank

You are undetectable to people with D rank MNA. Those of a higher rank can still detect you with a Perception check that beats your Thievery check.

D Rank

You are undetectable to people with C rank or lower MNA. Those of a higher rank can still detect you with a Perception check that beats your Thievery check.

C Rank

You are undetectable to people with B rank or lower MNA. Those of a higher rank can still detect you with a Perception check that beats your Thievery check.

B Rank

You are undetectable to people with A rank MNA or lower. Those of a higher rank can still detect you with a Perception check that beats your Thievery check.

A Rank

You are undetectable to people with A+ rank MNA or lower. Those of a higher rank can still detect you with a Perception check that beats your Thievery check.


Now we move onto the skill best connected with the Saber and Rider classes. This skill shows off your skills on any mount whether it is a living creature or a vehicle.

E Rank

Your mounts speed increases to your base movement speed +20.

D Rank

Your mounts speed increases to your base movement speed +40. You are able to mount/dismount your mount for free as long as you have half or more of your movement left.

C Rank

Your mounts speed increases to your base movement speed +60. You are able to mount/dismount your mount for free as long as you have half or more of your movement left.

B Rank

Your mounts speed increases to your base movement speed +80. You are able to mount/dismount your mount for free as long as you have half or more of your movement left. You can take the disengage action as long as you have half or more of your movement speed left.

A Rank

Your mounts speed increases to your base movement speed +100. You are able to mount/dismount your mount for free as long as you have half or more of your movement left. You can take the disengage action as long as you have half or more of your movement speed left. When mounted others have disadvantage on rolls when they use the clash reaction against you.

Territory Creation

This is the other unique skill of the Caster class and allows them to setup a base that fits their style of fighting. This can be a temple they had in life to a forge. Whatever it is that they need for their work can be created as their base.

E Rank

Your territory is your own domain where you are given advantages or you give others disadvantages. At this rank you can choose one custom buff or debuff for your territory. At this rank your territory can be only the size of 20 square feet.

D Rank

Your territory is your own domain where you are given advantages or you give others disadvantages. At this rank you can choose two custom buff or debuff for your territory. At this rank your territory can be only the size of 40 square feet.

C Rank

Your territory is your own domain where you are given advantages or you give others disadvantages. At this rank you can choose three custom buff or debuff for your territory. At this rank your territory can be only the size of 60 square feet.

B Rank

Your territory is your own domain where you are given advantages or you give others disadvantages. At this rank you can choose four custom buff or debuff for your territory. At this rank your territory can be only the size of 80 square feet.

A Rank

Your territory is your own domain where you are given advantages or you give others disadvantages. At this rank you can choose five custom buff or debuff for your territory. At this rank your territory can be only the size of 100 square feet.

True Name Discernment

This is the second unique Class Skill of the Ruler class. This skill helps the Ruler know who the Servant they are looking at is from their stats, skills, and Noble Phantasms depending on the rank they have on this skill.

E Rank

You can tell what a Servants true name is along with their parameters.

D Rank

You can tell what a Servants true name is along with their parameters and one of their Class and Personal Skills.

C Rank

You know a Servants true name along with their parameters and Class Skills and Personal Skills

B Rank

You know a Servants true name along with their parameters, Class Skills, Personal Skills, and Noble Phantasms.

A Rank

You know everything about the Servant you are looking at even their pasts when they were alive.

Personal Skills

Now that we are finished with the Class Skills it is time to talk about the next group of skills your Servant character will be using and that is the Personal Skills. These skills will either give you active or passive buffs but both types will make your fighting style unique for your Servant based on who they were in life or myth. To activate skills you have to spend a bonus action.

Creating your own Personal Skill

Now I know not all skills in this list will cover what your character can do and so to fix this to better make your character feel as unique as they are this will explain a quick way to make a skill of your own.

So when you are creating a skill you first need to talk with your DM about it. Together you both can think of a suitable name and effect the skill has. You should also think about the skill and its ranks to decide what each one would gift the player using this skill. Doing this we can save the skill you created and add it to a future book.


A composite Skill consisting of a person's charm as well as the natural talent to command or unify an army or country.

E Rank

You and all allies within a 15ft radius of you gain the Attack Up status effect increasing your total damage by 10% (rounded up) for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

You and all allies witbin a 15ft radius of you gain the Attack Up status effect increasing your total damage by 15% (rounded up) for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

You and all allies within a 15ft radius of you gain the Attack Up status effect increasing your total damage by 20% (rounded up) for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

You and all allies within a 15ft radius of you gain the Attack Up status effect increasing your total damage by 25% (rounded up) for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

You and all allies within a 15ft radius of you gain the Attack Up status effect increasing your total damage by 30% (rounded up) for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.


The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat or reset the battle conditions.

E Rank

At this rank you remove any debuffs you currently have and regain 5% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

At this rank you remove any debuffs you currently have and regain 10% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

At this rank you remove any debuffs you currently have and regain 15% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

At this rank you remove any debuffs you currently have and regain 20% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

At this rank you remove any debuffs you currently have and regain 25% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.


A Skill that acts as the measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not. At high levels, one can be considered a Demigod.

E Rank

This skill works as a passive buff granting you additional damage on damage rolls. At this rank you gain a +2 to damage rolls.

D Rank

This skill works as a passive buff granting you additional damage on damage rolls. At this rank you gain a +4 to damage rolls.

C Rank

This skill works as a passive buff granting you additional damage on damage rolls. At this rank you gain a +6 to damage rolls.

B Rank

This skill works as a passive buff granting you additional damage on damage rolls. At this rank you gain a +8 to damage rolls.

A Rank

This skill works as a passive buff granting you additional damage on damage rolls. At this rank you gain a +10 to damage rolls.


A visual ability that is also called Hawkeye. This is generally a must have ability of the Archer class. It is also frequently used during scouting. Simply looking from a high location is sufficient to fully survey a town and search for enemies.

E Rank

This skill is a passive skill that benefits from you using long ranged weapons. At this rank your sight and range with ranged weapon attacks has increased to 1 Kilometer (3,300 feet).

D Rank

This skill is a passive skill that benefits from you using long ranged weapons. At this rank your sight and range with ranged weapon attacks has increased to 2 Kilometer (6,600 feet).

C Rank

This skill is a passive skill that benefits from you using long ranged weapons. At this rank your sight and range with ranged weapon attacks has increased to 4 Kilometer (13,200 feet).

B Rank

This skill is a passive skill that benefits from you using long ranged weapons. At this rank your sight and range with ranged weapon attacks has increased to 6 Kilometer (19,800 feet).

A Rank

This skill is a passive skill that benefits from you using long ranged weapons. At this rank your sight and range with ranged weapon attacks has increased to 8 Kilometer (26,400 feet).

Golden Rule

A Skill that refers to the measurement of one's fortune to acquire wealth.

E Rank

You gain a money roll you can do at the start of Servant character creation with the roll being 1d10+10. You also can use a usage of this skill to regain 5% of your maximum MP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

You gain a money roll you can do at the start of Servant character creation with the roll being 1d10+15. You also can use a usage of this skill to regain 10% of your maximum MP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

You gain a money roll you can do at the start of Servant character creation with the roll being 1d10+20. You also can use a usage of this skill to regain 15% of your maximum MP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

You gain a money roll you can do at the start of Servant character creation with the roll being 1d10+25. You also can use a usage of this skill to regain 20% of your maximum MP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

You gain a money roll you can do at the start of Servant character creation with the roll being 1d10+30. You also can use a usage of this skill to regain 25% of your maximum MP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.


The ability to instantly identify “the best personal course of action” during combat.

E Rank

This skill grants you the effect to better your odds at anything though natural born and trained instinct. You can give yourself advantage for one turn. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

This skill grants you the effect to better your odds at anything though natural born and trained instinct. You can give yourself advantage for two turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

This skill grants you the effect to better your odds at anything though natural born and trained instinct. You can give yourself advantage for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

This skill grants you the effect to better your odds at anything though natural born and trained instinct. You can give yourself advantage for four turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

This skill grants you the effect to better your odds at anything though natural born and trained instinct. You can give yourself advantage for five turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

Mana Burst

The increase in performance caused by infusing one's weapons and body with Magical Energy and instantly expelling it.

E Rank

You gain the Attack Up status effect dealing an additional 10% (rounded up) of your total damage to one of your attack rolls. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

You gain the Attack Up status effect dealing an additional 15% (rounded up) of your total damage to two of your attack rolls. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

You gain the Attack Up status effect dealing an additional 20% (rounded up) of your total damage to three of your attack rolls. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

You gain the Attack Up status effect dealing an additional 25% (rounded up) of your total damage to four of your attack rolls. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

You gain the Attack Up status effect dealing an additional 30% (rounded up) of your total damage to five of your attack rolls. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

Mind's Eyes (Fake)

A natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience.

E Rank

Upon activation you gain the Evasion status effect for one turn. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

Upon activation you gain the Evasion feature for two turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

Upon activation you gain the Evasion feature effect for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

Upon activation you gain the Evasion feature effect for four turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

Upon activation you gain the Evasion feature effect for five turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

Mind's Eye (True)

A heightened capacity for observation, refined through training, discipline and experience.

E Rank

When you activate this skill you can evade one attack. You also gain 1d8 to damage rolls for one attack. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

When you activate this skill you can evade two attacks. You also gain 2d8 to damage rolls for two attacks. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

When you activate this skill you can evade three attacks. You also gain 2d10 to damage rolls for three attacks. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

When you activate this skill you can evade four attacks. You also gain 3d10 to damage rolls for four attacks. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

When you activate this skill you can evade five attacks. You also gain 3d12 to damage rolls for five attacks. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

Monstrous Strength

A Skill that temporarily grants a rank up to one's Strength parameter for a time limit determined by the ranking of this Skill.

E Rank

At this rank when you activate this skill your STR stat increases by one rank for one turn. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

At this rank when you activate this skill your STR stat increases by one rank for two turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

At this rank when you activate this skill your STR stat increases by two ranks for three turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

At this rank when you activate this skill your STR stat increases by two ranks for four turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

At this rank when you activate this skill your STR stat increases by three ranks for five turns. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

Natural Body

The possession of a perfect body as a living being since birth.

E Rank

You can remove the Attack Down status effect from yourself and recover 5% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

D Rank

You can remove the Attack Down status effect from yourself and recover 10% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

C Rank

You become resistant to the Attack Down status effect. Those trying to effect you must roll a d20 and if they get a 1-10 the effect doesn't work. You can also recover 15% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

B Rank

You become resistant to the Attack Down status effect. Those trying to effect you must roll a d20 and if they get a 1-10 the effect doesn't work. You can also recover 20% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

A Rank

You are immune to the Attack Down status effect. You can also recover 25% of your Maximum HP. You may use this skill up to four times per day.

Protection From ???

A chant that offers prayers to a God that oneself might receive a charm (spell) of protection.

E Rank

You have a 35% chance when someone tries to attack you with what you are protected from.

D Rank

You have a 45% chance when someone tries to attack you with what you are protected from.

C Rank

You have a 55% chance when someone tries to attack you with what you are protected from.

B Rank

You have a 65% chance when someone tries to attack you with what you are protected from.

A Rank

You have a 80% chance when someone tries to attack you with what you are protected from.

Chapter 9: Noble Phantasms

Finally we arrive to the biggest and most important part of a Servants abilities and that is their Noble Phantasm. This is usually the most well known weapon they had in life or something about their most well known feats. Though these weapons and features are usually turned up to 11 to really make them feel larger than life.

Classifications of Noble Phantasms

So for Noble Phantasms there are different classifications known as Anti-Whatever with each classification fitting a specific group of enemies or a singular enemy. You can also have a Noble Phantasm that is built to handle things such as dragons or other creates like Anti-Dragon which makes it deal more damage to that creature. Now we will begin to talk about the basic classifications of Noble Phantasms and what each one does.

Anti-Unit: Now to start off this list is the Anti-Unit classification. This classification is used when your Noble Phantasm is situated to target and usually defeat a singular enemy in one on one combat. This classification can also be used on Noble Phantasms that only target yourself and buffing yourself in one way or another. An example of a Noble Phantasm in the Anti-Unit classification would be Heracles's God Hand which grants him 12 additional lives.

Anti-Army: Next up and slightly higher in the ranking is the Anti-Army classification. This classification is for large groups of enemies letting you take them out in a powerful single attack. An example of a Noble Phantasm in the Anti-Army classification would be Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg where if he throws the spear it will cause a massive explosion wherever it lands. The range of this classification can be a 150-foot cone, 75-foot raidus, or a 150-foot cube.

Anti-Fortress: The next classification on the list and one that is built for both damage to enemies as well as structures. This classification shares the same wide range of damage of Anti-Army but has the added effect of dealing increased damage to structures. It is said that Noble Phantasms with this classification can destroy an entire fortress in a single hit. An example of a Noble Phantasm in the Anti-Fortress classification would be Artoria's Excalibur which creates a massive beam of light to destroy almost anything in it's path. This classification has the same range as Anti-Army

Anti-World: Now we arrive at what is considered be the more powerful levels of Noble Phantasms classifications. Noble Phantasms in this classification have the power to destroy an entire layer of the would once it is fully charged up and thus usually is only for Noble Phantasms of very high rankings. An example of a Noble Phantasm in the Anti-World classification would be Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish which is a blast of energy coming from his sword Ea which is said at full power can destroy an entire universe.

Building a Noble Phantasm

Next up in this chapter is how you can build your own Noble Phantasm that fits your Servant character and what they were either known for or what famous weapons they had in their lives.

True Name: Firstly with everything your Noble Phantasm needs a True Name for when you invoke it's power.

Classification: Next up would be the Noble Phantasms classification aka what it's best at.

Rank After that you need to choose what rank best fits a weapon or feature about the Noble Phantasm.

Passive and Active effects: Now you need to make a passive effect that the Noble Phantasm has and an active one that is done once you announce your Noble Phantasms True Name.

DC: The DC would work either as 12 + the rank modifier or as 8 + the stat it is best connected to + the rank modifier.

Cost: Finaly you need to put in the cost of the Noble Phantasm.


"Sword of Promise Victory" A++ Rank Anti-Fortress

This weapon is an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm that deals 1d12 Magic Slashing damage. The divine light from this holy sword is so strong even in its sealed state letting you deal an additional 2d8 Radiant Damage.

Activation Effect: When you hold this holy sword with two hands you may invoke its True Name and use 3 actions. Once you do a holy beam of light erupts from the blade before you slam it down in front of you. All creatures in a 500 foot long and 30 foot wide line must make a DC 28 END check taking 45d10 Radiant damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.

MP COst: 7 MP

Rank Damage MP Cost
E 4d10 1 MP
D 7d10 2 MP
C 12d10 3 MP
B 21d10 4 MP
A 25d10 5 MP
A+ 35d10 6 MP
A++ 45d10 7 MP
EX 50d12 8 MP

Reality Marbles

Now we arrive at a powerful type of Magecraft that is one of the closest things to True Magic. A Reality Marble is a Magecraft that has you force your inner world onto the world and can either be used to only effect you like Kiritsugu Emiya's Innate Time Control which separates your own time from the outside worlds for a brief period allowing you to move much faster than a normal human would be capable of. An example of the other type of Reality Marble would be that of Shirou Emiya's Unlimited Blade Works. This Reality Marble drags others into Shirou's own inner world which holds almost weapon in the world with the limit being Divine Constructs which is because of the lack of enough mana to create them.

How do Reality Marbles work?

Now that you know some examples of the two types of Reality Marbles it is now time we explain how these would work in game. Now since the two types of Reality Marbles work different in their uses this means that their abilities and other things will also be different from one and another.

Internal Reality Marble

These Reality Marbles only target yourself and so the effects last usually for longer and have a lower cost to them. An Internal Reality Marble follows the following rules.

  • This is concentration based and lasts up to 1 minute.
  • To activate a Internal Reality Marble it costs 2 MP.
  • If you don't have enough MP you instead make a DC 10 END check. The DC increases by 2 for every success.
  • If you fail the check then you take 2d10+END points of damage and fail to activate your Reality Marble.

Any effects your Reality Marble has will need to be discussed with your DM.

External Reality Marble

And now for the standard type of Reality Marbles. These Reality Marbles enforce your inner world onto the normal world and bring those around you into your own reality for a limited time. Like the Internal Reality Marble this one follows the following rules.

  • To activate a External Reality Marble it costs 4 MP with it costing an additional 2 MP every turn after the activation turn.
  • Those within range of your Reality Marble must make a MNA check with the DC equaling 8+MNA+PB.
  • The range of your Reality Marble is 50xMNA.
  • If a person fails the save they are pulled into the Reality Marble anywhere you desire, if they succeed the save they are still pulled into the Reality Marble but decide where to appear, if they succeed by 5 or more points they aren't pulled into the Reality Marble.

The effect your External Reality Marble has will need to be discussed with your DM. These effects are usually more powerful than Internal Reality Marbles to explain the higher cost.

Chapter 10: Equipment

When going into war it is always best to go in prepared and that's where equipment comes in. These items will be used during your time in a Holy Grail War and can come in handy for almost any situation as you fight for the Holy Grail.


The first items of this lists are weapons and are what you will most likely be using besides Magecrafts and Holy Sacraments during a fight.

Attack Rolls: These are used whenever you attack another creature with a melee or ranged weapons attack. When you attack a creature your attack roll will look like this 1d20 + your strength modifier + any levels of proficiency. If the number at the end of this is equal to or higher than the armor class of your target then you land a hit on them.

Damage Rolls: After you land a hit on a target you then have to do a damage roll. How a damage roll works is similar to attack rolls as it should look like this weapon damage dice + your strength modifier + any levels of proficiency.

Critical Hits: These have been talked about before but also need a bit more explanation to them. Whenever you land on the correct number for the d20 then the normal attack instead becomes a critical hit. This special hit allows you to do damage roll even if the total number doesn't equal or beat their armor class.

Damage Dice: These are used for every type of weapon but can vary depending on a weapon. These types of dice go from 1d4 all the way to 1d12 though depending on certain things the number of dice could increase because of the weapon itself or effects caused by yourself.

Range: Now when it comes to range for weapons they are similar to damage dice in the fact they vary from weapon to weapon. Usually melee weapons have a range of 5 feet while ranged weapons have much longer reach but comes with the downside of if you attack a creature within 5 feet of you with a range weapon then you suffer disadvantage on those attack rolls.

Hands: Each weapon because of its design has this feature which tells you how many hands you need to use to use the weapon. For example if it says that the weapon only has a need for one hand then that leaves the other hand open to grab stuff, cast Magecrafts/Holy Sacraments or to grab another weapon to use. Meanwhile if it says it needs two hands then that means both of your hands will have to hold the weapon for it to be used.

Reload: This is a special property used for firearms which tells you when you will have to reload it after a certain number of attacks. To reload a firearm you will have to spend one action as well as make sure you have enough ammo to reload it.

Simple Melee Weapons

Weapon Name Price Damage Weight Hands Weapon Traits
Shortsword 1 MP 1d6 slashing 2lbs 1 finesse, dual
Dagger 1 MP 1d4 slashing 1lbs 1 finesse, thrown 20/60
Spear 1 MP 1d8 piercing 3lbs 1 reach, thrown 20/60, two-handed d10
Staff 1 MP 1d4 bludgeoning 1lbs 1 two-hannded d6
Black Keys 1 MP 1d8 piercing 0lbs 1 dual, finesse, thrown 30/90
Whip 1 MP 1d4 slashing 1lbs 1 finesse, reach

Martial Melee Weapons

Weapon Name Price Damage Weight Hands Weapon Traits
Longsword 2 MP 1d8 slashing 3lbs 1 two-handed d10
Greatsword 4 MP 1d12 slashing 6lbs 2 two-handed
Battlexe 2 MP 1d8 slashing 4lbs 1 thrown 20/60
Greataxe 4 MP 1d12 slashing 7lbs 2 two-handed
Rapier 2 MP 1d8 piercing 2lbs 1 finesse
Hammer 2 MP 1d8 bludgeoning 2lbs 1 two-handed d10

Simple Range Weapons

Weapon Name Price Damage Weight Hands Weapon Traits
Crossbow 2 MP 1d8 piercing 5lbs 2 two-handed, reload one shot, range 80/320
Hand Crossbow 1 MP 1d6 piercing 3lbs 1 reload one shot, range 30/120
Heavy Crossbow 4 MP 1d10 piercing 18lbs 2 two-handed, reload one shot, range 100/400
Sling 1 MP 1d4 bludgeoning 0lbs 1 range 30/120
Shuriken 1 MP 1d4 piercing 0lbs 1 finesse, range 30/90

Martial Range Weapons

Weapon Name Price Damage Weight Hands Weapon Traits
Shortbow 2 MP 1d6 piercing 2lbs 2 two-handed, range 80/320
Longbow 2 MP 1d10 piercing 2lbs 2 two-handed, range 150/600
Cannon 8 MP 1d12 bludgeoning 20lbs 1 reload one shot range 600/2,400


Weapon Name Price Damage Weight Hands Weapon Traits
Pistol 4 MP 2d6 piercing 3lbs 1 reload 15 shots, range 50/150
Revolver 4 MP 2d8 piercing 3lbs 1 reload 6 shots, range 40/120
Hunting Rifle 6 MP 2d10 piercing 8lbs 2 two-handed, reload 5 shots, range 80/240
Sniper Rifle 6 MP 2d8 piercing 8lbs 2 two-handed, reload 30 shots, range 120/280
Shotgun 5 MP 2d8 piercing 7lbs 2 two-handed, reload 2 shots, range 30/90
Machine Gun 10 MP 4d6 piercing damage 15lbs 2 two,handed, reload 500 shots, range 60/120

Weapon Traits

Now each weapon has its own different traits as you have seen from the list of the weapons in this system so far. Now that you have seen all the weapons it is time to explain the different weapon traits.

Finesse: This trait means that this weapon can use either your Strength modifier or Agility modifier for the attack and damage rolls.

Dual: This trait means that if you are wielding two of this weapon then they gain a +2 to damage rolls and allow you to make an additional attack roll during your turn.

Reach: This trait means that instead of the usual 5 feet of range a melee weapon has a weapon with this trait has a 10 foot range of attacks.

Thrown: This trait means that this weapon can be thrown with the normal and long range of this weapon being recorded with the weapon. If you throw the weapon at it's long range then you will have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Two-Handed: This trait can mean this weapon deals increased damage when two-handed or that you can only use this weapon by using both hands.

Range: This trait means this weapon has a wider range to it's attacks than melee weapons. The normal and long distance of these weapons are recorded with them.


Now comes the bulk of stuff you will be getting during your games. These stuff are what isn't usually classified as weapons being clothing, food, and other things you might need during your game besides housing. And maybe a few explosives.

Item Name Price Weight Item Uses
Bag 2 MP 5lbs Allows you to carry up to 30 pounds of gear
Casual Clothes 1 MP 3lbs A set of clothes for casual wear
Formal Clothes 4 MP 6lbs A set of formal clothes for events
Travel Clothes 2 MP 4lbs A set of clothes for harsh climates
Gernade 6 MP 2lbs An explosive that can be thrown at any point within 60 feet and causes all creatures to make a DC 16 AGL check taking 4d6 fire damage on a fail and half as much on a success
C4 8 MP 2lbs An explosive that can be setup with a trigger that causes a 40 foot explosion causing all creatures within that range to make a DC 20 AGL check taking 6d10 fire damage on a fail and half as much on a success
Bullets (20) 2 MP 0lbs Used as ammunition firearms
Arrows (20) 2 MP 0lbs Used as ammunition for bows
Bolts (20) 2 MP 0lbs Used as ammunition crossbows
Cannon Ball 6 MP 10 lbs Used as ammunition for cannons
Food and Drinks (1 day) 1 MP 0lbs Feeds a character for one day
Elixir 2 MP 0lbs Recovers 2d4 + 2 HP
Greater Elixir 4MP 0lbs Recovers 4d4 + 4 HP
Superior Elixir 6MP 0lbs Recovers 8d4 + 8 HP
Cooking Utensils 4MP 8lbs Used to make food for a whole day with a successful luck check
Ingredients 2MP 10lbs Can be used with Cooking Utensils up to four times
Crafting Tools 4MP 8lbs Used to craft weapons, bullets, or explosives with a successful luck check
Crafting Supplies 6MP 10lbs Can be used with Crafting Tolls up to eight times




So I started this about a couple months ago as I love the Fate series as well as Tabletop games. So I decided to spend over a month working on this with just myself and two other people. I really hope you all like this system we have made together as well as give me feedback on what changes you feel might be needed to better balance this system to give it a better feel and run smoother games. I also wish to say that I do plan on updating this book and making more in the future adding more stuff from Fate from Magecrafts to Servant classes. But for now I hope you all enjoy and have fun in your games.

Art Disclaimer

So I will say this but none of the art in this book is my own. They were all created by talented individuals and If you find the art online thanks to this book make sure to support the creators of these arts as they are very talented individuals who have worked hard making these pieces of art. I do hope this allows the creators to not be mad at me for my usage of their art in this book. I do not plan to make a profit with this book as the art in it is not mine to gain any profit from and I hope you all understand that.

Future Plans
  • Additonal Talents
  • Additonal Magecraft
  • Additional Subclasses
  • Additional Servant Classes

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