Ancient Changeling

by c0nfusen

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Ancient Changeling


The Ancient Changelings have been there from the start of time or so people think, no one really knows where they came from or how they got there it seems they have been there the whole time. Very few people actually know about the Ancients as they have rarely been seen in history. Some stories and Fairy tales tell about the true forms in ways of mythical beings saving them from the cold, showing them their doom in fire, healing incurable diseases or godly levels of destructive powers. The Frost and Magma varients are by large the more common ones to be sighted as they have help civilizasons to their golden age and their doom. The Nature varients are in some Elven religons looked upon as gods or deitys the few times they have aperad. The times the Thunder variant has apperd destuction and chaos has followed soon after even conteries away people have heard the thunder before the destruction and down fall of others.
The history of the Ancient Changeling civiliztions is long since lost, there was a time they lived together but some thrived in different life styles and others wanted chaos. All that is known is that The Frost began hiding diseapering after time, The Magma began looking for chaos and war, The Nature ran to the safety of the forests and lush hills, The Thunder wanted power and began figthing internarnally only having the strongest survive.

Physical description

The Ancient Changelings true form look simulare to dobblegangers with them all having humanoid shapes but looking unfinished but still have very extinced chararistics.

The Frost Variant has a slender almost docile body with pale blue almost ghostly like skin color their eyes have a snow white color with sometimes having hues of blue shaterd in them, their hair is often wavy with silver colors.

The Magma Variant has a more brutish bulky body with a dark red skin color and some cracks in their body with glowing red light almost flowing looking, it has been said that the more cracks a Magma variant has in his true from the closer he is to death which leads to a reackles beheavior. Their hair usually have curls or braids with a very dark red color getting lighter at the ends like its burning. Their eyes have dark colors with a red iris like looking down a volcano.

The Nature Variant Has rarely been seen in its true form the times it has been seen they have had tree like bodies almost like Dryads, their eyes with green and dark green colors, their hair has a leaf like look. The few times its been seen its in a female shape, many people think thats its only form but no one truly knows.

The Thunder Variant has only been seen once in history in their true form and was depicted as a God of Destrucion. Their was nothing left standing were it was sigthed only burn marks and sights of lighting strikes. The body of the Thunder variant was described as the body of a god bing fit and muscular they had a purple tone to their skin with britgher marks of lighting going all over their body, with sky blue hair floating almost defying gravity. Their eyes was seen as shining dark blue like they where looking in a different plane

Ancient Elements

The Ancient Changelings where first sited long ago in ancient times no one truly knows where or when they are from, but they have been seen having very good affinity with certain elements.


The Frost varient has mostly been spotted up north, the few times it has been spotted in its true from people have described it as seeing a spirit of ice, with its pale blue skin, silver hair and eyes white as the snow. People who have seen them have seen water freeze to ice around them. The touch of there skin have been seen leaving frostbites on people.
As a Ancient being of Frost you have developed a resistance to the cold, having perfect balance on ice or other frozen surfaces.
At 3rd level you learn the spell Ray of frost only being able to cast it once per short rest as a action.
At 10th level you learn the spell Wall of ice being able to cast it once per short rest as a action and the ability to cast Ray of frost twice per short rest
At 20th level you have gained an imunity to the cold and the ability to cast Wall of ice twice per short rest


The Magma varient has been seen in the south and hotter climats usually around wars due to their chaotic nature. Their true from has rarely been seen with it only being shows at their last moments before death or when they are heavyly wounded, when they have been seen they have been descirbed as walking lava due to their dark red skin and cracks of a glowing red color as their messy red hair and glowing eyes. In their true from people have seen steam seeping out of them almost like its evaporating the water in the air.

As a Ancient being of Magma you have developed a resistance to heat, some have also been seen walking an lava.
At 3rd level you learn the spell Burning hands only being able to cast it once per short rest as a action.
At 10th level you learn the spell Wall of fire being able to cast it once per short rest as a action and the ability to cast Ray of frost twice per short rest
At 20th level you have gained an imunity to the fire and the ability to cast Wall of fire twice per short rest


Coming soon


Coming soon

Ancient Variant Traits

Ability Score Increase.

When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. You can't raise any of your scores above 20.


The Ancient Variant of the Changeling is an ancient race who's lifespan is unkown som have said they can live for millennias but with their ever changing apperance no one truly knows.


The Ancient Variant has a detatched nature, usually staying distant and neutral to everything, leaning mostly to a neutral alignment but some ocasions there have been good or evil ones.
With your element having a small effect on your alignment: Frost leaning towards neutral. Magma leaning towards chaotic. Nature leaning towards lawful. Thunder leaning towards chaotic.
(Its all your choice what alignment you want)


With your ever changing apperance your size is anything from Tiny to Large.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Ancient lifespan.

From having lived since the ancient times you gain proficiency in History and Arcana, and due to your long life span you see time differently making 1 week feel like 1 day(Short and long rest will are not afected by this and work normaly)

Changeling Instincts.

Thanks to your connection to the fey realm, you gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion.

Hiden Past

Since ancient times the ancient changeling has been around from its many years of live they have grown sad, lone and in worst cases gone mad from the connections they have had and made. That made them strive for a metode to seal away their past which they have succeded in doing. The Ancient can gather it's power and seal away their past and abileties in accesorys they hold a deep conection to. The seal can be broken but no one not even the older Ancients don't know how.


As an action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height and weight and can change your size between Medium and Small. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can’t duplicate the appearance of an individual you’ve never seen, and you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that you have. Your clothing and equipment aren’t changed by this trait. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true form or until you die.


You can speak and read Common, Sylvan and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for the character.

Part 2 | Your Introduction

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