Barbarian Path: Blithesome Champion

by TheCrimsonLounge

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Barbarian Path: Blithesome Champion

Path of the Blithesome Champion

While many barbarians channel their rage through anger and fury, barbarians of the Path of the Blithesome Champion embody a calm, confident strength. They rage not with fury, but with a smile on their face, inspiring allies and terrifying foes with their unwavering presence. Their strength comes from an inner belief, bolstering themselves and those around them.

Aura of Confidence

Your unshakable confidence radiates outward, lifting the spirits of those around you. With a smile on your face, you embolden your allies to fight harder, knowing they stand beside a fearless comrade.

At 3rd level, when you choose this path, your rage manifests as an aura of unwavering confidence that empowers both you and your allies. While raging, you exude an aura that extends 10 feet from you in all directions (but not through total cover). Allies within the aura, including yourself, gain a bonus to their attack rolls equal to your Rage Damage bonus.

Unsettling Presence

Your confidence becomes a weapon in itself, shaking the resolve of enemies who dare come near you. Just as your presence inspires allies, it strikes fear into the hearts of your foes.

Starting at 6th level, while you are raging, your overwhelming confidence strikes fear into your enemies. When a hostile creature starts its turn within 10 feet of you or enter the area for the first time, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of its next turn.

DC for Wisdom Save (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier)

Unshakable Confidence

Your belief in yourself is so powerful that it not only fortifies your own mind but also shields others from debilitating conditions. Your confidence is a beacon that dispels doubt and weakness.

Starting at 10th level, your overwhelming confidence can bolster both yourself and your allies. As an action, you can end one of the following conditions on yourself or a creature within 10 feet of you: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Bolstering Presence

In the heat of battle, your confidence fuels an almost supernatural resilience. Allies standing with you feel an empowering force, as your presence alone makes them stronger and fearless.

Starting at 14th level, your presence on the battlefield becomes an unstoppable force of inspiration and vitality. Your aura extends out to 30 feet and you and each ally within the aura gain temporary hit points at the start of each of your turns equal to your Constitution modifier + half your barbarian level (rounded down). These temporary hit points last until your rage ends.

Additionally, while within your aura, you and your allies are immune to the frightened condition for the duration of your rage.


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