Otherworldly Patron: Symbiote

by iuseeldritchblast

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Patron: Symbiote

Otherworldly Patron: Symbiote

Your patron is a sentient organism that has combined with your body. It feeds on your magic, in return modifying and strengthening your body in weird and wondrous ways. Examples include sporadic sentient fungi, benevolent intellect devourers, or even experimental sentient organisms. Are you able to strike a symbiotic or even friendly relation with the organism or are both of you vying for control over your own body?

Did you encounter this organism whilst it was dying and show it mercy? Or maybe it force assimilated itself into your body without you knowing? However the pact was forged, you now are host to powers that strengthen and morph your very form.

Cantrip Adept

1st-level Symbiote feature

The number of cantrips you know at each warlock level is doubled. You can also learn cantrips from the druid spell list. These count as warlock spells for you.

Symbiotic Modification

1st level Symbiote feature

You can entreat your patron to shape and augment your body with fleshy biological structures.

Active Modification. As an action, you can modify your body with one modification from the Symbiotic Modifications List that can be actively manifested. This modification lasts for 10 minutes, if your hit points fall to 0, or you use this feature again, at which point you return to your original form and the modification turns to ash. You can only use this effect a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Spontaneous Modification. Your spellcasting causes your patron to erupt with power, twisting and morphing your body. If you spend a warlock spell slot to cast a warlock spell, you can roll a d20 on the Modifications Table a number of times equal to the level of the warlock spell slot you used. You manifest the modifications that you rolled. If you roll a modification more than once, you reroll on the table until you roll another modification. These modifications last for 1 minute, if your hit points fall to 0, or you use this feature again, at which point you return to your original form and the existing modifications turn to ash, ending any lingering effects. Effects like healing aren't reversed.

Symbiotic Strength. If you have one or more modifications manifested, you can use your Charisma modifier instead of your Strength modifier for any modifications, ability checks, attack rolls, or damage rolls that use Strength, and Strength saving throws.


6th-level Symbiote feature

Your patron teaches you how to control and shift between your modifications. If you have modifications manifested through Spontaneous Modification, you can replace one modification with another of your choice as a bonus action, ending any effects of the modification you replaced. At 15th level, you can replace two modifications instead. Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it again until you next use Spontaneous Modification.

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This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.


Altered Being

10th-level Symbiote feature

Your patron bestows a permanent augmentation onto your form. You don’t age, nor do you suffer from disease. You gain resistance to poison damage and you gain advantage on saving throws against the poisoned condition. Also, you permanently manifest one modification of your choice from the Symbiotic Modification List that can be actively manifested. You don’t lose this modification when all others disappear. You can manifest and hide your modification as a bonus action.

Aberrant Horror

14th-level Symbiote feature

You entreat your patron to morph your body beyond your limits, temporarily becoming a true aberration.
When you use Spontaneous Modification, you can instead take an Aberrant Horror form. This form lasts until your modifications disappear. In this form, you gain the rolled modifications and the following benefits:

  • Your size becomes huge.
  • Your reach increases to 10 feet.
  • When you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can treat a d20 roll of 14 or lower as a 15.
  • You manifest two extra modifications from the Symbiotic Modifications list of your choice.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Your patron

You decide if your patron alters your own flesh and bone, or if they conjure and attach biological structures to your body like a suit of armor, or anything in between. If you play a construct, is your patron like a computer virus instead and do you develop metallic structures instead? Also, how does your patron manifest Eldritch Invocations and Pact Boons? Do you develop a second eye lid for Eldritch Sight that bends the light to reveal magic, or is your Book of Shadows fleshy with eyes on the spine?

Modification Table
D20 Modification
1 Living Weapon
2 Piercing Legs
3 Biomantic Toolbox
4 Hormone Haze
5 Neural Link
6 Arcane Source
7 Bone Armor
8 Bioelectric Overload
9 Aquatic Adaptation
10 Wisp Light
11 Toxic Blood
12 Bludgeoning Hands
13 Hundred-Eyed
14 Reinforced Musculature
15 Vesicular Fruit
16 Carnivorous Cannon
17 Diamond Scaled
18 Feathered Flight
19 Chest of Teeth
20 Distorted Wings

Symbiotic Modification List

Aquatic Adaptation

Can be actively manifested.

You grow gills on your neck and additional feet from your ankles that form flippers. You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed and you can breathe underwater.

Arcane Source

Your patron manifests its own spellcasting focus as a ghoulish head on your body. If you cast a cantrip as an action, you can cast another cantrip as a bonus action, but you can't cast the same cantrip twice in one turn through this effect.

Bioelectric Overload

You grow amplifying nerves that spark with electricity. Once during your turn, when you hit a creature with a cantrip, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target take lightning damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Biomantic Toolbox

Can be actively manifested.

Your body parts can morph into different tools. You gain thieve’s tools, a disguise kit and a forgery kit, and you gain proficiency in these tools.

Bludgeoning Hands

You form multiple hands and arms that pummel nearby enemies. You grow a number of arms and hands equal to your proficiency bonus. The hands can’t hold objects or be used to manipulate objects such as locks. Once per turn, when you hit a creature within 5 feet of you, you can deal extra bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 per arm you have.

Bone Armor

Your bones grow and cover your body like armor. You gain temporary hit points equal to your warlock level and you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.

Carnivorous Cannon

You form a second mouth on your body that focuses your cantrips. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a cantrip, you can add your Strength modifier (minimum 1) to one damage roll you make.

Chest of Teeth

Your chest peels away to reveal a horrifying mouth lined with razor sharp teeth. As a bonus action, creatures in a 15 foot cone must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of their next turn. A target automatically succeeds on the save if they can't see you.

Diamond Scaled

You grow tough scales of diamond. You gain resistance against slashing, bludgeoning and piercing damage.

Distorted Wings

Your flesh, skin and bones morph into tattered wings. As a bonus action, you can produce a powerful wing beat to move back 10 feet, without provoking opportunity attacks. If you do this, you can only cast cantrips during this turn.

Feathered Flight

Can be actively manifested at 6th-level.

You sprout feathered wings somewhere on your body. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed, and you can hover.

Hormone Haze

You form cone shape structures that emit a cloud of calming and healing hormones. Creatures of your choice that start their turn within 5 feet of you regain hit points equal to your Strength modifier. Each creature can only benefit from this effect a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and they must finish a long rest before they can benefit again.


Can be actively manifested at 3rd-level.

You grow multiple eyes on different parts of your body. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Also, creatures you target with ranged attacks can’t benefit from half or three-quarters cover.

Living Weapon

You develop a natural weapon of your choice such as claws, or piercing appendages. Your natural weapon counts as a simple melee weapon with a reach of 5 feet, and you are proficient with it. It can’t be sold but it is worth 1sp. Your natural weapon deals piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage (as appropriate to the weapon) equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier. If you cast a cantrip during your turn, you can attack with your natural weapon as a bonus action.

Piercing Legs

Your legs sharpen into points that carve into the ground. Your speed is decreased by 10 feet. You make any space you move through harder to traverse and it becomes difficult terrain until this modification disappears.

Reinforced Musculature

Can be actively manifested.

You grow fleshy tendrils that wrap around and strengthen your muscles. You gain advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Also, your walking speed increases by 30 feet, and your jumping distance is doubled.

Toxic Blood

Your blood becomes toxic and you can coat your weapons with it. If your hit points are less than your hit point maximum, you can coat one of your melee weapons in poison as a bonus action. The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon, it is poisoned until the end of their next turn.

Vesicular Fruit

Can be actively manifested at 3rd-level.

You develop transparent bumpy structures on your back. As a bonus action, you grow one Vesicular Fruit which you can administer to willing creatures in the same bonus action. When eaten, the creature ends one condition affecting them which can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned. Each creature can only benefit from this effect once and they must finish a long rest before they can benefit again. Only one fruit can exist at any time.

Wisp Light

Can be actively manifested.

You grow wispy, illuminating appendages on your body that hypnotize foes. You can cast cantrips without using verbal or somatic components. Moreover, you shed bright light in a 15 foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet.


Change Log


  • Rewording some parts that don’t affect the mechanics e.g magical to magic
  • Slight changes to the look of the document
  • Magic Eater - Added the ability to learn cantrips from the wizard and druid spell lists
  • Gifts from Within - Removed an increase to strength score
  • Gifts from Within - Added proficiency in Athletics and Acrobatics
  • Symbiotic Modification - clarified that you can use your Charisma modifier instead you Strength modifier for all modifications that use your Strength modifier
  • Biomantic Horror - the form lasts for longer (old: 2 rounds, new: 1 minute)
  • Biomantic Horror - removed that frightened creatures need to take the Dash action
  • Biomantic Horror - added that frightened creatures can make a Wisdom check to end their frightened condition
  • Biomantic Horror - added that frightened creatures take extra damage equal to your warlock level when you damage them
  • Arcane Devourer - Added a DC
  • Arcane Devourer - now can be used proficiency bonus times per long rest
  • Arcane Devourer - Added further benefits when you successfully consume a magical effect
  • Arcane Focus - moved to 5th level
  • Living weapon - clarified how it should interact with Pact of the Blade
  • Vesicular Fruit - clarified how the Vesicular Fruit should work i.e how many can be made, how many can exist at one time, if they stay after the modification disappears etc
  • Vesicular Fruit - Added restrictions on how many uses each creature can have of Vesicular Fruit per long rest to avoid goodberry juggling
  • Vesicular Fruit - Nerfed the Vesicular Fruit healing (old: 6d6, new: 6d4)
  • Nightmare Blade - clarified how it should interact with Pact of the Blade


  • Removed restriction on casting of leveled spells
  • Removed features - Magic Eater, Gifts from Within, Arcane Devourer
  • Added features - Cantrip Adept, Altered Being
  • Symbiotic Modification - Removed the use of pact slots to get modifications as a bonus action
  • Symbiotic Modification - Introduced Active and Spontaneous Modification uses
  • Everchanging - Level changed (old: 10th level, New: 6th level)
  • Everchanging - Can now change two modifications at 15th level
  • Aberrant Horror - Name change (old: Biomantic Horror, new: Aberrant Horror)
  • Aberrant Horror - Duration change (old: 1 minute, new: lasts until your modifications end)
  • Aberrant Horror - Removed all effects around frightened creatures
  • Aberrant Horror - Added buff to Intimidation checks
  • Aberrant Horror - Added that you can manifest two modifications of your choice
  • Added modification table for Spontaneous Modification
  • Modifications removed - Bio-Cannon, Carnivorous Maw, Parasitic Curse, Bone Forest, Forceful Bellows, Toxic Pods, Armored Familiar, Biological Talisman, Biomantic Paper, Mucosal Discharge, Septic Blade, Mitotic Form, Multi-Handed, Infectious Cloud, Nightmare Blade, Impenetrable Skin, Neuronal Overclock
  • Modifications Added - Biomantic Toolbox, Bludgeoning Hands, Carnivorous Cannon, Chest of Teeth, Diamond Scaled, Distorted Wings, Hormone Haze, Neural Link, Piercing Legs, Toxic Blood
  • All modifications now available at 1st level with some available for Active Modification at later levels
  • Modifications selected for Active Modification - Aquatic Adaptation, Feathered Flight, Hundred-Eyed, Reinforced Musculature, Vesicular Fruit, Wisp Light
  • Bioelectric Overload - Removed change cantrip damage type change
  • Bioelectric Overload - Extra damage trigger changed (Old: lightning damage dealt and Dexterity save, new: once per turn, on successful cantrip hit)
  • Bioelectric Overload - Radius change (old: 15 feet, new: 10 feet)
  • Bioelectric Overload - Damage changed (old: 2d6 + proficiency bonus, new: proficiency bonus)
  • Bone Armor - Removed piercing damage when you are hit
  • Bone Armor - AC modification changed (old: 10 + Dexterity modifier + number of modifications manifested up to 5, new: +1 to AC)
  • Bone Armor - Added temporary hit point gain
  • Feathered Flight - Name change (old: Monstrous Wings, new: Feathered Flight)
  • Feathered Flight - Added hover
  • Hundred-Eyed - Name change (old: Many-Eyed, new: Hundred-Eyed)
  • Living Weapon - Removed effect related to Pact of the Blade
  • Living Weapon - Damaged changed (old: 1d6, new: 1d8)
  • Living Weapon - Bonus action attack changed (old: if you have a free hand, new: if you cast a cantrip)
  • Living Weapon - Bonus action attack damage changed (old: 1d4, new: 1d8)
  • Reinforced Musculature - Now gain both arms and legs effect
  • Reinforced Musculature - Effect changed (old: reroll melee weapon damage roll, new: advantage on Strength checks and saves)
  • Reinforced Musculature - jump distance changed (old: quadrupled, new: doubled)
  • Vesicular Fruit - Fruit production changed (old: on casting a conjuration cantrip, new: as a bonus action)
  • Vesicular Fruit - Removed healing
  • Vesicular Fruit - Changed number of times a creature can use the fruit (old: twice per long rest, new: once per long rest)
  • Wisp Light - Removed cantrip components changed (old: somatic, verbal and material, new: somatic and verbal)

Thank you



Original author for the Biomantic Symbiote: iuseeldritchblast

In this version, I dropped the limited spellcasting effect. With spellcasting as an option, I felt that giving warlocks more choice may be overwhelming so decided to experiment with a Symbiote that spontaneously manifests modifications when you use spells, like a wild magic sorcerer.

I might later make more similar subclasses based on the wild magic sorcerer so stay tuned!

I am always looking for and open to feedback, comments and any issues that come up in play tests.


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