Blade of the Fey Champion

by ArgenisDBarrios

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Blade of the Fey Champion

Blade of the Fey Champion

Martial Weapon (Longsword), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

This Verdant blade is made of cold iron and forged by the finest crafters of the Seelie court, it has been endowed with the various blessings of the courts of the feywild giving it a variety of powers, while attuned to this blade you have the following abilities:
  • You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon

  • This weapon deals 2d6 points of slashing, Piercing, Fire, Thunder, Lightning, Acid, or Cold, that you can switch between as a free action. Additionally if you have the paladin's smite and improve smite features you can change their damage to match the blade's damage as well.

  • Due to the duality of the Seelie and Unseelie courts the weapon deals and additional 1d6 of either Radiant or Necrotic damage, that you can switch between as a free action.

  • You can cast the following spells at will: Hideous Laughter, Crown of Madness, and Plant Growth. More over due to the wild and chaotic magic of the feywild instilled upon this blade you can cast spells even when otherwise you would not be able to such as being under the feeblemind spell or being under rage effects.

Additionally due to the blessings of the various courts the blade is imparted boons from each of them that the champion can call upon:
  • Boon of the Spring Court: As an action you can slam down the blade unto the ground creating an oasis of the feywild around a 60 foot radius centered on the point where the blade was placed, while within this oasis all friendly creatures regenerate an amount of hitpoints at the start of their turns equal to your wisdom modifier plus your proficiency bonus for 1 minute, additionally if you stay within the oasis for its duration the creatures within also gain the effects of the greater restoration spell. You can do this an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

  • Boon of the Summer Court: As a bonus action you can bring to life the spirit of summer around you, the fierce and intense presence of the season creates an aura of jovial energy: all friendly creatures within a 30 foot radius are under the benefits of the Haste spell, this last for ten minutes. You can do this an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest. You can't have both this and the boon of the Winter court active at the same time.

  • Boon of the Winter Court: As a bonus action you can bring the slumbering of nature to hostile creatures around you, the calming and overbearing dormancy creates its aura around you: all hostile creatures within a 30 foot radius must make a wisdom save or be under the effects of the slow spell, this last for ten minutes. You can do this an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest. You can't have both this and the boon of the summer court active at the same time.

  • Boon of the Autumn Court: As an action you can make a ranged weapon attack sending forth a ray of the transitional energies of the Autumn spirit to an enemy you can see within 60 feet of you, just like the animals of the wilds prepare for the winter to come so too does the enemy targeted by this ray: on a hit the creature of this must spend its next turn taking the dodge action and staying in place. You can do this an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

  • Boon of the Unseelie Court: The Queen of Air and Darkness was the hardest to convince to bless the blade but after some deliberation between the courts she finally agreed to it: The blade can create a discordant melody when striking with critical accuracy: When scoring a critical hit the blade lets out a wail of discourse, all enemies within 30 feet must make a wisdom save or immediately made to make an attack at their closest ally using their reaction.

  • Boon of the Seelie Court: Queen titania having been the first to bless the blade imparted the spirit of the Seelie court onto the blade to be carried onto the duties of her chosen champion, the change and ever chaotic energies of the feywild diminishing after the convergence she used some of the remaining power held over from the plane itself to gift it the very same change the plane once held: Once per dawn the wielder of the blade can cast the shapechange spell using the blade as the material component for the spell.

Artist Credit

Barrow Blade by Alexander Mokhov

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