The Noble Class

by ChatDestroysCookies

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The Noble

A dwarven warrior empress and her retinue charge into battle, the noble empowering her soldiers with subtle enchantment sewn into her every word.

The heir of a powerful fortune manipulates the weave around him, disempowering the opposition's defenses to guide his army to victory.

Nobility. It is something you are born into, something you either are or you are not. Even those who are born commoners and gain status were always destined to be something greater, to hold the position they do. Like Sorcerers, Nobles draw upon their bloodline to gain various powerful feats. However, their gifts are not those of magic and witchcraft, but rather, political power and persuasion. Those who call themselves Nobles use their manifested influence to inhibit the enemies abilities, and inspire their allies to lay waste.

The Old World

Many who claim to be Nobles hail from families that come from the old world. Often, they are those who first established settlements, or those who were given hefty titles in the past by kings and queens. Some, even, may have struck deals or made wishes with genies or fey to gain the power they now have.

Due to their origins, Nobles often hold great political power, able to manipulate the inner workings of cities to be in their favour, or even incite fear in commoners who have heard of their family and wish not to draw their ire.

Fame and Fortune

No matter their origin, Nobles are famous far beyond just their place of birth. With this, they are able to live as they please almost anywhere they go, simply by stating their last name. Being well known also comes with other perks; whether it be to intimidate or persuade others, people often want to do what the Nobles want, without even use of any sort of magic.

On top of that, Nobles are rich, holding vast wealth behind them. Even the mention of this money, and perhaps an aside of the things that could be done using it, can encourage shop owners to offer discounts or even give items for free, as to not become the target of the Noble's anger.

Creating a Noble

When creating your noble, keep in mind their lineage, and the way it impacted how they were raised. Perhaps someone born into money was spoiled as a child, and cannot imagine not being spoiled even now as they've grown. If they were born in poverty and found their way to the top of the caste system, maybe they are unwilling to go back to their childhood, and will do anything to protect their status.

Quick Build

You can create a Noble by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by either Constitution or Dexterity. Second, choose the Noble background.

Optional Rule: Multiclassing

If your group uses the optional rule on Multiclassing in the Player's Handbook, you must meet the prerequisite(s) below to qualify for the Noble class.

Ability Score Minimum Your character must have at least a Charisma score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if they are already a Noble.

Proficiencies Gained If the Noble isn't your original class, you gain the following proficiencies upon taking a level in this class: Rapiers, Longbows, and either Intimidation or Persuasion

Class Features

As a Noble, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per Noble level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Your Constitution Modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Noble level after 1st


  • Armor: Light Armour
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Rapiers, Longbows, Lances
  • Tools: A gaming set and two artisan's tools of your choice

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Intimidation, History, Performance, and Persuasion.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a rapier or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a longbow and quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a lance
  • (a) a diplomats pack or (b) a scholar's pack
  • leather armour and a signet ring with your families crest
Level Proficiency Bonus Influence Features Command Bonus Hit Point Fluctuation
1st +2 1d6 Noble Lineage, Influence 2
2nd +2 1d6 Command, Retainer +2 2
3rd +2 1d6 Authoritative Aura +2 2
4th +2 1d6 Ability Score Improvement, Conjure Wealth +2 2
5th +3 1d6 Noble Lineage Feature, Expertise +2 4
6th +3 1d8 Nobility Manifest (x1) +3 4
7th +3 1d8 Socialite's Scorn +3 4
8th +3 1d8 Ability Score Improvement +3 4
9th +4 1d8 Noble Lineage Feature, Summon Retainer +3 6
10th +4 1d8 Expertise, Nobility Manifest (x2) +3 6
11th +4 1d10 Come to My Aid +4 6
12th +4 1d10 Ability Score Improvement +4 6
13th +5 1d10 Noble Lineage Feature +4 8
14th +5 1d10 Enhanced Retainers, Nobility Manifest (x3) +4 8
15th +5 1d10 Improved Socialite's Scorn +4 8
16th +5 1d12 Ability Score Improvement +5 8
17th +6 1d12 Noble Lineage Feature, Nobility Manifest (x4) +5 10
18th +6 1d12 Follow My Lead +5 10
19th +6 1d12 Ability Score Improvement +5 10
20th +6 1d12 Superior Noble, Inheritance +5 10

Noble Lineage

Whether born into nobility, or having rose through the ranks, your nobility grants you special abilities. At 1st level, choose the source of your Noble powers. Your choice grants you additional abilities when you choose it, and again at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level.


Your Influence manifests into tangible form, allowing you to manipulate the world around you. You gain a pool of dice equal to your level in this class. You can expend these dice to use the following abilities, and additionally unlock extra uses as you progress in this class.

  • Noble's Guidance When a creature that you can see fails on a saving throw, ability check, or attack roll, you can use your reaction to roll one Influence Die and add it to the initial roll.
  • Retainer's Aid When a creature that you can see takes damage, you can use your reaction to roll an Influence Die, and decrease the damage taken by the amount rolled.

Each time you expend an Influence Die, your maximum hitpoints increase by 2 until your next long rest. As you gain levels in this class, the amount of hitpoints gained also increases, as shown on the Noble table. Your hitpoint maximum cannot increase by more than 5 x the amount shown in the table in this way. You regain all expended die on a long rest.


You use your noble vigour to inspire and command your allies. Staring at 2nd level, you can forgo your action to instead choose a friendly creature in range that can hear you. That creature then attacks instead of you, and gains an increase to it's attack roll or damage rolls (it's choice), as shown on the Noble table. If it chooses to increase it's damage rolls, the bonus applies to one roll for each friendly creature within 5 feet of the chosen creature.

You start off with 0 uses of this ability, and gain one use each time you expend an Influence Die, to a maximum of half your level (rounded up) per long rest. You can use Command once per turn.

When you use this ability, you can choose to have the commanded creature increase it's maximum hit points as shown on the Noble table, but then you lose hit points equal to that many + your Proficiency Bonus.


Also starting at 2nd level, choose an amount of friendly creatures equal to your Charisma modifier; these creatures become your Retainers.

When a creature is your Retainer, you gain the following abilities:

  • You can use one of your Influence features on that creature without expending a die, once per Retainer per long rest.
  • When you use Command on one of your Retainers, you only lose hitpoints equal to one roll of your Influence Die if you choose to grant them hitpoints.
  • When that creature would be Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Stunned, you can choose to instead take on that condition. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.

If you complete a long rest and your Retainers are not within 50 feet of you, they are no longer one of your Retainers.

Authoritative Aura

At 3rd level, you command respect such that even your opponents falter upon entering your radius. When a creature that can see you makes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to force that creature to make a Charisma saving throw, with a DC equal to 8 + your Charisma Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. On a fail, you expend and roll one of your Influence Die. For the next minute, that creature subtracts that much from it's damage rolls.

Additionally, when a creature fails it's saving throw against this effect, each time it either misses an attack or fails a saving throw/ability check, it takes Psychic damage equal to the amount shown on the Hit Point Fluctuations column of the Noble Table as it suffers your disdain. It can only take this damage an amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

This ability can be used once per short or long rest.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Conjure Wealth

Your nobility is such that you can create gold at your fingertips. Using this feature, you magically create an amount of gold coins and precious jewels that amount to 20 x your level gp. These appear harmlessly in empty spaces within 20 feet of you.

These magically created items exist permanently if you are within 100 feet of them, but otherwise disappear in 1d4 + 1 days. You can use this feature once per long rest.


At 5th level, choose two of your proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

At 10th level, you can choose another two of your skill proficiencies to receive this benefit.

Nobility Manifest

As you reach 6th level, your aura of grandeur is such that it cannot be snuffed. When you are affected by a status condition other than unconscious, or rolling to avoid an effect, and you fail on your save to avoid/end that effect, you can instead choose to succeed on it. Additionally, if you must use your action to roll to avoid an effect, you instead use your bonus action.

You can use this ability once per long rest at level 6, twice per long rest at level 10, three times per long rest at level 14, and four times per long rest at level 17.

Socialite's Scorn

By 7th level, you've learned how to reflect your disdain on your enemies. When an enemy is suffering your Authoritative Aura effect, it has a penalty equal to your Charisma Modifier to saving throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls.

At 15th level, this feature further enhances. When a creature is suffering from your Authoritative Aura effect and is attacked due to the use of your Command action, you can expend an Influence Die and increase the damage of the attack by double the amount rolled.

Summon Retainer

At 9th level, you can call forth your Retainers. As a bonus action, you can summon one of your Retainers to an unoccupied space in 5 feet of you, as long as they are conscious and within 10 miles of you.

When you summon a Retainer in this way, you can immediately use your Command action without expending a use of it or using your action.

You can use the first part of this ability an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest, and the second part once per short or long rest.

Come To My Aid

Upon reaching 11th level, you are able to force one of your Retainers to protect you. As a reaction to being attacked, you can expend one use of your Influence Die and force a Retainer within 5 feet of you to become the target of that attack instead. Upon using this feature, roll the expended Influence Die, and increase the Retainer's maximum Hit Points by the amount rolled until the end of it's next turn.

You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per long rest.

Enhanced Retainers

When you reach 14th level, the abilities bestowed onto your Retainers are increased, as you gain the following features:

  • Your Service is Not Over When a Retainer fails a death saving throw, you can expend up to 2 of your Influence Die, and add the rolls to the failed throw. You can do this once per long rest.

  • Noble Providence On your turn, you can use your action to roll up to half your Influence Die, and distribute the amount rolled between your Retainers, restoring their Hit Points by that much.

  • Protection When you use your Come to My Aid Feature, you can additionally grant the chosen Retainer resistance to one of the damage types of the attack, lasting until the beginning of their next turn. You can use this ability an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier per short or long rest.

Follow My Lead

By 18th level, you've become a shining beacon to lead your allies. When a Retainer can see another Retainer or you, they gain an increase to their attack and one damage roll per attack equal to your Proficiency Bonus + the amount of Retainers they can see, once per action.


When you roll for initiative, if you have no Influence Die left, you regain one use.

Superior Noble

At 20th level, the blood pulsing through your veins allows you to transform into a royal paragon. On your turn, as an action, you can transform into a Noble Paradigm, gaining the following abilities:

  • For each Retainer within 20 feet of you, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC
  • When using your Command action on a creature, you can increase their Hit Points by a roll of your Influence Die.
  • When you roll an Influence Die, you can choose to have it roll the maximum amount possible. You can do this an amount of times equal to how many Retainers you can see per transformation.
  • Your Retainer abilities that would normally work only once per long rest now can occur one additional time.
A Noble Paradigm

When Noble's transform through their Superior Noble feature, they take on a much more wondrous appearance than the one they currently hold, often based off of their lineage. For example, an Elven Royal might become a being made of plants, with sprites that tend to their clothing in the midst of battle. A Dwarven Warlord, on the other hand, may become a being made of stone, with armour made of precious jewels and an illusory shadow behind each swing of their weapon.

The possibilities are endless! Consult your DM to see hints of your character's backstory you can incorporate into their Paradigm form.

Noble Lineage

Nobles all claim some sort of prestigious bloodline, whether it be royalty or otherwise. Choose a lineage for your character, which grants you various features at different levels.


The children of queens and kings, Nobles who hail from royalty are equally respected and feared by all they come across. When they meet commoners, they are often praised for their high status.

Royal Influence

Upon claiming this lineage, you gain proficiency in Arcana checks, and your Charisma is increased by 2 (to a maximum of 20).

At 16th level, your Charisma score can be increased to 22.

Monarchical Gaze

Even at 1st level, your very look can incite fear or praise from the commonfolk. As an action on your turn, you can force a creature to make a Charisma saving throw against your Royal Save DC, or be charmed or frightened of you (your choice). When charmed or frightened of you in this way, the creature can make another saving throw to end the effect on itself, at the end of each of it's turns.

When charmed by you in this way, the creature speaks only praises of you and your families benevolence, regailing tales it has heard of your kingdom, and it follows simple commands you give it, provided they won't cause harm to the creature. When frightened by you in this way, the creature cannot speak or provide the verbal components of a spell, and must spend each turn trying to leave your line of sight, whether that be by hiding or running away.

Apart from succeeding on it's saving throw, the charmed effect ends on a creature if it is harmed by you or your allies, or you tell it to harm a creature it is friendly to, and the frightened effect ends if it ends it's round at least 60 feet away from you, or it has evaded your line of sight for at least two of it's own full turns. Additionally, these effects end on their own after 1 hour.

Also, if you become charmed or frightened, all creatures currently charmed or frightened by you due to this effect immediately end the effect on themself.

You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per long rest.

Royal Save DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Charisma Modifier

Swear Fealty

At 5th level, you can better force a creature to swear it's fealty to you. When you use your Monarchical Gaze feature, you can subtract an amount from it's roll to avoid the effect equal to the amount of your Retainers that creature can see.

Invoke Loyalty

At 9th level, when a creature you can see succeeds on a saving throw to avoid being charmed or frightened, you can use your reaction to expend and roll one of your Influence Die, subtracting that much from the total roll.

If this causes the creature to fail it's roll and you were not the original caster of the charming/frightening effect, you can force the original caster to make a Charisma saving throw against your Royal Save DC. If the creature fails, you instead become the target of the charmed/frightened creature, as if you had cast the spell or effect that caused the creature's status condition. The charmed or frightened condition ends on that creature as per the original abilities description.

You can use the second part of this ability once per short or long rest.

Protect the Crown

At 13th level, your aura is such that you can force creatures to protect you. When you are targeted by a damaging effect or attack, and you can see a creature that is charmed or frightened by you, you can cause that creature to immediately move up to it's movement speed and become the new target of the damage if it ends up within 5 feet of you. This uses your reaction

If the attack or effect causes damage in an AoE, the creature takes 1.5x the damage, and you only take half. Additionally, when the creature takes damage because of this feature, it can immediately make a roll to end the charmed or frightened condition on itself.

You can use this effect an amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per long rest.

Royalty Manifest

Also at 13th level, your royalty grants you advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, or on ending a charmed or frightened effect on yourself.

Bow Down or Perish

At 17th level, When a creature successfully avoids or ends one of your charmed/frightened effects on itself, you can use your reaction to immediately cause one of your Retainers within 5 feet of the creature to attack it, as if under the effects of your Command feature without expending a use of it.

You can use this effect an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.


Those who hail from Warlord lineages are those who's ancestors took over a region through force, perhaps after winning a war or through an invasion of their land. Their names are feared throughout all the land.

Battle Training

Upon claiming this lineage, you gain proficiency in medium and heavy armour, as well as two martial weapons of your choice.

Incite Weakness

At 1st level, as a bonus action on your turn, you can expend an amount of your Influence Die equal or up to your Proficiency Bonus. Roll these dice, and add that much to the damage of one attack you make this turn.

Additionally, your blows are devastating. After dealing additional damage due to this ability, the targeted creature immediately loses it's concentration, if it is concentrating on something.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, on your turn.

Brutal Swing

At 9th level, when you attack a creature and use your Incite Weakness feature, you can forgo your second attack to instead use your Command feature on one of your Retainers and increase it's damage by one roll of your Influence Die, without expending a use of either. You can do this once per short or long rest, or expend a use of each for subsequent uses.

Baleful Aura

Also at 9th level, when a creature fails it's save against your Authoritative Aura effect, and when it takes it's additional damage, you gain advantage on your next attack on that creature.

Press the Advantage

At 13th level, your damage rolls increase by 1 for each Retainer you have that is not incapacitated.

Fated to Die

At 17th level, when you use your Incite Weakness feature, you can add an additional d6 for each Influence Die being used, to a maximum of 2.

Additionally, the damage increase effect of your Socialite's Scorn ability can apply to your own attacks as well.

Common Birthed

As a Common Birthed, either you or your parents married into nobility or became nobles through other means. In other words, you were not born a noble, but instead became one after much time. Perhaps a Fey fancied you, and elevated your place in the world, or you became close friends with the former princess, now queen, and have been given a place in her court. You are much more in touch with the commoners, but that means you also do not hold as much sway as a noble proper.

Commoner Origins

Before claiming this lineage, you have lived a life amongst the commonfolk, and now are well-versed with them. When you make a Persuasion check, you do so with advantage. Also, at 5th level, your bonus to Persuasion checks increases by 1 for each Retainer you have.


At 1st level, choose a creature friendly to you that can hear you. As a bonus action, you become empathized with that creature. While empathized, both you and the creature gain the following benefits:

  • When you cast a spell, your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Modifier both increase by your Charisma Modifier
  • When you make a Saving Throw, Concentration Check, or Ability Check, you gain a bonus equal to your (The Noble's) Charisma Modifier.

You stay empathized with a creature for 1 minute, and can do so once per short or long rest.


By 5th level, your commands are gentler and less demanding. When you use your Command action on a Retainer, they can cast a spell with a casting time of one action, instead of using an attack.


Upon reaching 9th level, your grace shines upon your allies. When you use Command on an Empathized creature and it casts a spell of 2nd level or lower, they do so without consuming a spell slot. After this ability is triggered, it cannot be triggered again before completing a short or long rest.


Also at 9th level, you relate to your retainers and wish to protect them. Both your and the creature you're Empathized with gain the following features:

  • As a reaction to the other Empathized creature being targeted for an attack, an Influence Die is consumed, and the creature gains Temporary Hit Points equal to the amount rolled + your Charisma Modifier.
  • While Empathized with someone within 20 feet of you, your maximum Hit Points are increased by the amount shown on the Hit Points Fluctuation column.

Additionally, you can Empathize an additional time per short or long rest.


By 13th level, your charismatic aura extends to your retainers. When you are Empathized with one of your Retainers, you can choose to activate this feature by expending and rolling an Influence Die. Both you and the Empathized creature's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores increase by the amount rolled.

This bonus lasts until you or the creature makes an attack or saving throw that uses the boosted stat, unless the attack misses or the saving throw fails. When a creature casts a spell due to your Command action, you can choose to use and roll another Influence Die to refresh or restart the effect.

Instilled Nobility

Upon reached 17th level, you've reached your full potential as a Noble. You can become Empathized with an additional creature.

Also, when you use your Inspiration feature, you can choose to roll a d6 instead of using an Influence Die.


Nobles who hail from this origin have parents or ancestors who are storied diplomats, perhaps having bought their way to nobility, or granted it after great diplomatic deeds. They don't often live the cushy life of the average noble, instead travelling and establishing connections between kingdoms. Diplomat Nobles are backed by large amounts of money, and are often looked on favourably by nobles and commoners alike.

Diplomat Training

Years of travelling risky trails and routes between settlements have hardened you for battle. When you claim this as your lineage, your Hit Dice become 1d10, instead of 1d6, and your Hit Points are increased accordingly. Additionally, when you gain the Ability Score Increase feature, your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 18.

Establish Trade

Even at 1st level, you've learned how to create trade routes. As a bonus action, choose four points you can see. Within the range of those four points becomes your Silk Road. When you use this feature, you expend and roll an Influence Die, increasing your maximum Hit Points by the amount rolled.

While in the Silk Road, creatures that are friendly to you of your choice have the damage they take reduced by your Proficiency Bonus, but each time they are attacked you take that much as damage. This ability cannot cause you to fall below 1 Hit Point or reduce damage to less than 1. If it would cause you to fall below less than 1 Hit Point, the Silk Road ends and you instead go to 1 Hit Point and gain one level of exhaustion. Exhaustion gained in this way does not stack, and is removed during a short rest.

You can deactivate the Silk Road as a bonus action. Otherwise, it lasts for 10 minutes.

You can use this ability once per short or long rest. Also, as you gain levels in this class, the amount of Influence Die you can expend for this feature increases. At level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 20, the amount increases by 1, for a total of 8 die expended at level 20. At level 10, allies damage taken is reduced and your damage received is increased by your Charisma Modifier.


At 5th level, your fortitude has increased due to your journeys. You no longer lose Hit Points when you grant other creatures Hit Points through use of your Command feature, and each time you increase a creature's maximum Hit Points, your own Hit Points increase by the same amount for the current encounter.

Also, while the Silk Road is active, the Hit Points of all friendly creatures (apart from yourself) in it's range increase by your Charisma modifier + the amount listed on the Hit Points Fluctuation column of the Noble table.

Press Onwards

By 9th level, your determination carries you onwards. While the Silk Road is active, the first time the Silk Road would be deactivated due to you falling below 1 Hit Point, you can choose to instead expend up to half of your Influence Die and roll them, regaining that many Hit Points. When this feature is activated, the Silk Road will not be deactivated.

This feature can occur once per creation of a Silk Road.

Respected Trader

At 13th level, many have heard of the diplomatic deeds you have performed, word even having spread to your enemies. When you are would take damage from sources other than your Silk Road, it is decreased by double the amount shown in the Hit Points Fluctuation column in the Noble Table, and when you take damage from the Silk Road, it is decreased by the amount shown on the Noble Table, but not to less than 1.

Diplomatic Expertise

Also at 13th level, your techniques have spread to your allies. For each Retainer in range of your Silk Road, all Retainers gain a +1 bonus to Saving Throws they make while in range.

Also, neither you nor your Retainers are affected by difficult terrain within the range of your Silk Road.

Exercise Authority

By 17th level, you are a weathered and expert diplomat, holding great authority. When using your Press Onwards feature, you use the maximum amount possible on your Influence Die instead of rolling them, and you expend only half of the die you would normally use, but still gain the effects as if using them all. Also, when this feature is activated, you and up to 3 of your Retainers that you can see are cured of any effect causing you to be Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Stunned.


While almost all nobles are heirs to something, those who claim this lineage are born to command others, ready to inherit a great company or fortune that sits just out of their reach. Noble and Commoners alike prefer not to deal with Heirs, whether it be due to their fear of the power they have, or because of their less than polite attitudes they often hold.

First Player

When you claim this lineage, it is after years of being trained to take over hold of one of your parents' legacies. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice and the chess set.

Positional Play

Also at 1st level, you reward your underlings with increased speed and mobility. As an action on your turn, you can expend and roll one of your Influence Die. Choose a friendly creature that you can see; that creature's Initiative is increased by the amount rolled for the remainder of the current encounter. Also, until the end of the creature's next turn, it's movement speed is increased by 5 x the amount rolled.

Romantic Chess

At 5th level, your influence grows, and your commands inspire your employees. When using the Command action on one of your Retainers, you can expend an Influence Die. The Commanded creature immediately takes it's turn after you for this round, and has one of it's damage rolls on the next turn increased by the amount rolled on the Influence Die.

You can do this an amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per long rest.

Critical Positioning

At 9th level, you learn how to get yourself out of situations you don't want to be in. You learn the Misty Step spell, and can cast it an amount of times equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Additionally, immediately after you use this feature, you can take the Command action, but without expending a use of it or using your action. You can ignore the restriction for Commands per turn when casting in this way, but only can use this ability once per short or long rest.


At 13th level, you and your employees are needed in many places, causing you to become more fleet of foot. You gain a bonus to your Initiative equal to your Charisma modifier. Also, when Initiative is rolled, you can choose one of your Retainers to also gain this bonus.

Family Check

Also at 13th level, you've begun to get a finer grasp on noble affairs, and your control grows. When you take the Command action for the first time in an encounter, you can additionally use Command on another creature, provided that creature can hear you and is one of your Retainers. When it is Commanded in this way, the creature gains double the roll bonus, but cannot gain Hit Points from this feature.


By 17th level, you manipulate and exercise your Command and Control as you so do please. When you roll Initiative and you have no uses of your Command action, you gain one use. This does not count against your maximum amount of Command uses.

Additionally, the amount of Command uses you can have per long rest increases by your Charisma modifier.

The Noble

A class by u/TeamDraco


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