Empires of War (PHB Book 2)

by Killbodies0313

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Empires of War (PHB Book 2)

Minion Operations............... Pg.5

Chapter 3 (Minions)

Chapter 3 (Minions in Empires of War)

Some classes may have Minions that they command, these are basic Npc's that they have control of. The amount and type of Minions you may have is dependent on your Class or archetype, this will be located in the Class or archetypes description. Refer to the Monster manual for all minion and

Minions operations

On each of your turns you can command the Minion with verbal commands (no action required) or hand and arm signals (Bonus Action required), in some cases you may have a telepathic or like ability to allow this to happen without noticable traits, if you do you decide What action the Minion will take and where it will move during its Movement, or they can issue a general command with limited complexity, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If they issue no commands, the Minion only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the Minion continues to follow it until its task is complete. The Minion uses your Proficiency bonus when determining Attacks, Saves, Skills and Spell DC.

Multiple Minions

So long as you have more then one minion of large or smaller you may have them form a unit and act as a Mob, see mobs in the Units, section of this chapter. If you have 2 to 4 minions you may split them into 2 separate units of any combination, if you have more then 5 to 7 you may have 3 units and if you have 8 or more you may have 4 units. This does not count for Monsters or Hero's.

Minion Tiers

As a Minions Owner levels up, Some minions will not only benefit from there Proficiency bonus increasing, they may have some abilities that will scale with there owner, this is referred to as a Minion Tier there are 4 Minion Tiers See table below.

Owners Level Minion Tier
1-5 1
6-10 2
11-15 3
16-20 4

Outfitting Minions

Some Minions may be given different weapons and armor by the player, in some cases the race or some upgrades may be chosen when the player first gains control of the minion or when you gains a Minion Tier, in other cases the DM may decide for you or roll randomly in a case where you are a freelancer acquiring worthy mercenaries to fill out the ranks of there team, or maybe you find a Mutant to add to your gang. If this is allowed the details will be noted in the Minions profile. If the race should be one that can change you may apply the racial attribute modifiers, Speed and Size as well as You may also add any proficiencies it may have and any special abilities as well, Consult GM for details and if you have questions ask.

Minion Death

If a Minion dies you can usually procure a new member with an amount of time and resources, consult the DM for details.

Minion profiles

Below is a list of the Minions that are avalible and there stats, but if a class or Archetype has a Minion thats is only for its class it will be listed in the class or Archetype description.


MU-L3, Laborer Unit

Medium, Construct

MU-L3: The M3-L3 necrobot is often called a L3 unit, Loborbot or a Mule. L3 units are stupid and essentially mindless slaves ideal for menial work with little multi tasking and simple instruction, like that of loading or unloading storage, opening or closing a door, hold an object and follow, move material for construction, etcetera.

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners level
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Strength

  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics

  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.

  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.

  • Damage Immunities Poison

  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion

  • Senses passive Perception 10, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft

  • Languages Imperial.

  • Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Powerful Build. Due to the robotic actuators used to make a L3 unit, it count as one size larger when determining your Carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 4 (1D4 + Str) Bludgeoning damage.

CL-3N, Custodian and Sanitations unit

Medium, Construct

The CL-3N or Custodian bot is a common asset for much of imperial life, this bot is used as a maid or custodian to clean and reorganize both Public and private habitation and common areas.

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners level
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Dexterity +4
  • Skills Proficiencies Acrobatics +4, Perception +4
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 14, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Imperial and one other that can be spoken by a human.
  • Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Attention to detail: This unit gains advantage on any saves, checks or tests made that are made to clean or maintain an object or place, or to notice or recall something out of place or different from its baseline directives.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 2 (1D4 + Str) Bludgeoning damage.

T3-RP, Interpretations and Linguistics Unit

Medium, Construct

A T3-RP necrobots are often called T3 Units or Terp Bots. The T3 unit is an Interpretations and linguistics necrobot that knows and can speak as well as transcribe all registered common languages within the imperial database.

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners level
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
  • Saves Proficiencies Intelligence +6

  • Skills Proficiencies History +6, Persuasion +4

  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.

  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.

  • Damage Immunities Poison

  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion

  • Senses passive Perception 10, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft

  • Languages Read and Transcribe all known common languages.

  • Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Synthetic Voice module: This unit may speak languages that are not speakable by other races like some of the Animalkin Laguages.


Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 2 (1D4 + Str) Bludgeoning damage.

Utility and Maintenance units.

Medium, Construct

Utility and maintenance units service various machines and infrastructural utilities and services, such as transportation infrastructures as well as most of the Metropolises utility, Power and construction infrastructures needs. There are many different types of utility and maintenance units, each one focusing on a specific aspect of infrastructural support. The 3 most common types are the T3-K unit that focuses on Technology and maintenance, the B1-D3R unit focusing on Construction and Structural repairs and the M3-D1 unit used in many Imperial Infrastructures to provide medical aid, Support and assistance.

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners level
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Dexterity +4
  • Skills Proficiencies (T3-K: Technology +4, Science +4), (B1-D3R: Athletics +4, Acrobatics +4), (M3-D1: Science +4, Medicine +4)
  • Tool Proficiencies (T3-K: Tech Tools +4, Artificers Tools +4), (B1-D3R: Construction tools +4, Carpentry Tools +4), (M3-D1: Chemistry Supplies +4, Surgical Tools +4)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 11, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Imperial and one other that can be spoken by a human.
  • Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Assistance. This creature may use the help action when used to help with a check they have proficiency bonus.


Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 4 (1D6 + Str) Bludgeoning damage.

Assist: This Necrobot may use the help action on specific actions as described above.

H0-L0, Holographic Communications and Projections Unit.

Medium, Construct

The H0-L0 necrobot or Holobot, acts as mobile holographic communications devices, used for recording or playing back as well as sending and receive Holo communications, This is a medium scale projections using advanced image arrays in the optics of the necrobot projecting life size images of the holo transmission.

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x level
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Intelligence +4
  • Skills Proficiencies Technology +4, Science +4
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 11, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Imperial and one other that can be spoken by a human.
  • Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Holo Unit. This creature is capable of recording audio and the projection of a 5x5ft or 10x10ft area, this can then be sent with access to the Net, this unit can also record send and receive live transmissions as well, provided this unit has access to the appropriate networks of communications.


Fist: Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 4 (1D6 + Str) Bludgeoning damage.

Holo Transmission: As an action you may record and transmit a holo transmission of 6 seconds or less, during this time the Holo units may only move at half its speed.

M3-L33, Melee Protection and Security Unit.

Medium, Construct

The M3-L33 necro bot is commonly called a M3 unit or a Brawlerbot. The M3 is a melee combat bot that is capable of effective unarmed and melee combats with all simple weapons.

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Strength +3
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics +3, Perception +2
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 12, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Imperial and one other that can be spoken by a human.
  • Challenge: 1/4 (50 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Higher Tier: Tier 2 M3-L33 necrobots gain +2 AC, Tier 3 gain gains +2 AC and resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage and tier 4 gains +4 AC and Immunity to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing.

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. All simple Melee weapons. M3-L33 units usually only have one Melee weapon like a Sword, Mace or Axe.


Melee Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach as weapon, one target. Hit Damage as weapon.

GU-N3R, Ranged Protection and Security Unit.

Medium, Construct

The GU-N3R necro bot is commonly called a N3 unit or a Gunbot. The M3 is a ranged combat bot that is capable of effective ranged and thrown weapon combats with all simple weapons.

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners level.
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Dexterity +3
  • Skills Proficiencies Acrobatics +3, Perception +2
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 12, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Imperial and one other that can be spoken by a human.
  • Challenge: 1/4 (50 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Higher Tier: Tier 2 Gu-N3R necrobots gain +2 AC, Tier 3 gain gains +2 AC and resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage and tier 4 gains +4 AC and Immunity to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing.

Weapon Proficiency. All simple ranged weapons. GU-N3R units usually only have one ranged weapon like a pistol or rifle.


Ranged Weapon. Ranged Weapon Attack: Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

C0M-B4T, Combat Operations Unit (Elite)

Medium, Construct

The C0M-B4T necrobot it often called a B4 unit or a Battlebot. B4 units are a perfectly tireless, obedient and fearless soldier ready for your command. these necrobots can be outfitted and modified to specialize in many combat styles both melee and ranged being able to switch between the two.

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Strength +4, Dexterity +4,
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics +4, Perception +2, Intimidation +2, Persuasion +2
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 12, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Imperial and one other that can be spoken by a human.
  • Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Higher Tier: Tier 2 C0M-B4T necrobots gain +2 AC, Tier 3 gain gains +2 AC and resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage and tier 4 gains +4 AC and Immunity to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing.

Weapon Proficiency. All simple and Martial weapons. C0M-B4T units can have multiple weapons, like a rifle and a pistol or pistol and baton or any combo seen fit by its owner, regardless its not usually more then two.


Multiattack. The C0M-B4T Necrobots may make two attacks each turn.

Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

D4-T4, Cognitive Processing and Data analysis Unit (Elite)

Medium, Construct

The D4-T4 necrobot is also known as a T4 unit or Databot. The T4 unit serves as mobile computers with tremendous calculating powers for record keeping and data storage, capable of recording and playing back audio and video as well as Transcribe data to Scroll. The T4 unit can be modified to serve many functions from a automated bank teller to a full functional intergation with a starship allowing it to be piloted unmanned.

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners level.
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
  • Saves Proficiencies Intelligence +6

  • Skills Proficiencies Arcane, History +6, Science +6, Technology +6, Religion +6

  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.

  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic.

  • Damage Immunities Poison

  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Exhaustion

  • Senses passive Perception 10, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft

  • Languages Read and Transcribe all known common languages.

  • Challenge: 1/8 (25 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Synthetic Voice module: This unit may speak languages that are not speakable by other races like some of the Animalkin Languages.

Imperial Functions Processor: This unit gains advantage on all skill checks and save made to process informations regarding Imperial tech, science, history ext.


Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 2 (1D4) Bludgeoning damage.


Battle Class Mechrobot (Special)

Large, Construct

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 16 or 8 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
  • Saves Proficiencies Constitution
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics, Intimidation (Str), Perception
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Necrotic, Psychic
  • Damage Immunities Poison,
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Frightened, Exhaustion.
  • Senses passive Perception 1-, Drakvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Advanced Sensor Array. This creature has a + 5 to perception skill checks and passive perception.


Multi-Attack: this creature may make one fist attacks and one ranged attack.

Impact Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (2D8 + 4)

Minigun with Ammo pack. Ranged Weapon Attack: Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Use Assault cannon Stats with ammo 640.

War Class Mechrobot (Special)

Huge, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 20
  • Hit Points 20 or 10 x owners Level
  • Speed 50ft.

24 (+7) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Constitution
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception, Intimidation (Str)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, necrotic, Psychic
  • Damage Immunities Poison,
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Diseased, Frightened, Exhaustion.
  • Senses passive Perception 1-, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Advanced Sensor Array. This creature has a + 5 to perception skill checks and passive perception.

Frightening Size. This creature has a + 5 to Intimidation skill checks.

Reactive Plating. This creature has immunity to Fire, Cold, Lightning and Acid Damage


Multi-Attack: this creature may make two fist attacks and one ranged attack.

Massive impact fists. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 15 (2D12 + 7) Bludgeoning damage.

Heavy Phosphor Blaster. ranged Weapon Attack: 3 + controllers Proficiency to hit, use heavy Phosphor blaster with ammo 60,

Holy Necrobots

Necrobot Flagulant

medium, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies - +-
  • Skills Proficiencies Religion +5
  • Damage Resistances Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 10, Darkvison 30ft, lowlight 60ft
  • Languages Gothic, High Gothic

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Multiattack. The Necrobot Flagalant may make 3 Flail attacks.

Acro-Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 8 (1D6 + 3)

Relic Bearer Necrobot (Elite)

medium, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 10 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies - +-
  • Skills Proficiencies Religion +5
  • Damage Resistances Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 10, Drakvison 30ft, lowlight 60ft
  • Languages Gothic, High Gothic

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1D4 + 3)

Present Relic (Recharge 6): as an action, the relic bearer may present the holly icon in the space as the Bearer, all friendly creatures within 20ft of the relic gain + 2 to all saving throws made until the bearer picks up the holy icon or goes unconscious. if at any point the bearer is more the 10ft from the icon it looses it aura. If given an order to move the bearer will pick up the icon first as an action or bonus action.

Diology Necrobot (Elite)

medium, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies - +-
  • Skills Proficiencies Religion +5
  • Damage Resistances Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 10, Drakvision 30ft, lowlight 60ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Holy Words. Any creature that has a faith in Ordinatus within 20ft of the relic are immune to the effects of the Frightened and charmed Condition.


Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: Str + Owner Proficiency to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 3 (1D4 + 3)

Holy Acolytes


medium, (Imperial)

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Wisdom +3
  • Skills Proficiencies Religion +5
  • Damage Resistances Slashing
  • Damage Immunities none
  • Condition Immunities None,
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Gothic, High Gothic

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. Clubs, Flails, Hammers, Maces, Whips, Spears, Staff, Simple Pistols and Light armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Acolyte Relic Bearer (Elite)

medium, (Imperial)

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Wisdom +3
  • Skills Proficiencies Religion +5
  • Damage Resistances Slashing
  • Damage Immunities none
  • Condition Immunities None,
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Gothic, High Gothic

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. Clubs, Flails, Hammers, Maces, Whips, Spears, Staff, Simple Pistols and Light armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Present Relic (Recharge 6): as an action, the relic bearer may present the holly icon in the space as the Bearer, all friendly creatures within 20ft of the relic gain + 2 to all saving throws made until the bearer picks up the holy icon or goes unconscious. if at any point the bearer is more the 10ft from the icon it looses it aura. If given an order to move the bearer will pick up the icon first as an action or bonus action.

Acolyte Lector (Elite)

medium, (Imperial)

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
  • Saves Proficiencies - +-
  • Skills Proficiencies Religion +5
  • Damage Resistances Slashing
  • Damage Immunities none
  • Condition Immunities None,
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Gothic, ____

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. Clubs, Flails, Hammers, Maces, Whips, Spears, Staff, Simple and martial Pistols and Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Holy Words. When the owner of this creature is level is 1-5 this creature is a Tier one Lector see below. the Tier increases when the owner becomes higher: 6-10 is Tier 2, 11-15 is tier 3 and 16-20 is Tier 4, This creature has specialist features as one Holy Aura chosen (By Owner) form the Holy aura list on PG ____, the aura range of this is 10ft and you use this creatures Charisma bonus. this creature gains +2 charisma and adds +5ft to is aura range, furthermore this creature gains one additional aura at each tier beyond the first.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.



Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed Varies per race.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Dexterity +2
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics +1, Perception +1, Stealth +2, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11 + owners Proficiency
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creatures controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Medic (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Wisdom +3
  • Skills Proficiencies Perception +3, Stealth +2, Survival +3
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 13
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creatures controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Med Kit (Recharge 5-6). as an action heal one creature within 5ft of you 2D6 per minion tier + 4 hit points. this does not work on Aberrant, Celestials, Plants, Undead, Constructs, Demons and Fiends.

Veteran (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Wisdom +2 Dexterity +2
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics +2, Perception +2, Stealth +4, Survival +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 12 + Owners proficiency
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon plus plasma, Arc and Disintegration weapon, Light and medium armor.

Multi attack: you may make two attacks when using the attack action.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Gunner (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed Varies per race.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Dexterity +3
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics +2, Perception +1, Stealth +3, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11 + owners Proficiency
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon plus plasma, Arc and Disintegration weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creatures controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Assistant Gunner

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +2, Perception +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common

Assistant Gunner: If this assistant gunner is within 5ft of a gunner with a heavy weapon the gunner may ignore the massive parts property, if this is done the assistant may not use its action. if the weapon is moved by the gunner, as a reaction the Assistant gunner will follow and assist in the disassembly and assembly of the weapon.

Ammo Bearer: this creature can carry an extra load of ammo


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Ogryn Bodyguard (Special)

large, Ogre

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 16 or 8 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
  • Save Proficiencies Strength +5 constitution +3
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +5, Intimidation (Str) +5,
  • Damage Resistances slashing, piercing and bludgeoning.
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 9
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Angry: you may make 2 Melee attacks.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.



Medium, Imperial

  • Armor Class 10 + armor + Dex
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners level
  • Speed Varies per race.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +1, Perception +1, Stealth +3, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11 + owners Proficiency
  • Languages Imperial

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creatures controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Frag grenade (Recharge 6). Use standard Frag Stats.

Combat Medic (Elite)

Medium, Imperial

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dex +2, Wisdom +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +2, Perception +3, Stealth +2, Survival +3, Medicine +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 13
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creatures controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Frag grenade (Rechage 6). Use standard Frag Stats.

Med Kit (Recharge 5 - 6). as an action heal one creature within 5ft of you 2D6 + 4 hit points. this does not work on Undead, Constructs and Fiends.

Radio Man

Medium, Imperial

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +2, Intelligence +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Stealth +2, Survival +1, Technology +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 1 (250)

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Radio: -.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Frag grenade (Rechage 6). +2 to hit Use standard Frag Stats.

Standard Bearer (Elite)

Medium, Imperial

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

13 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +2 Charisma +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Perception +2, Stealth +2, Survival +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Frag grenade (Rechage 6). +2 to hit Use standard Frag Stats.

Rallying Standard (Recharge 5 - 6). as an action, all friendly creatures within 15ft of the standard gain 1D10 + 2 temporary Hit points.

Plant Standard (Recharge 6). as an action, the bearer may plant the standard in the ground on a space of the choosing, all friendly creatures within 30ft of the standard gain + 2 to all attacks, damage and save rolls until the bearer picks up the standard or goes unconcious. The bearer will not go more the 10ft from the Standard, if given an order to move the bearer will pick up the standard first.

Veteran Soldier (Elite)

Medium, Imperial

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +2, Strength +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Perception +2, Stealth +4, Survival +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Multi attack: you may make two attacks when using the attack action.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Frag grenade (Recharge 6). Use military grade Frag Stats.

***Special Weapon, *** Pick One of the Below Special Weapons. The veteran must Keep this weapon you may not change it unless the Veteran dies or you replace him through higher command.

Plasma Rifle. ranged weapon attack Hit Dex + Proficiency, Use Plasma Rifle stats.

Flamer. ranged weapon attack* Hit DC 8 + Dex + proficiency to hit, Use Flamer stats.

Grenade Launcher. ranged weapon attack +4 to hit, Use Grenade launcher MK1 stats.

Gunner (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed Varies per race.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Strength +2 Dexterity +2
  • Skills Proficiencies Athletics +2, Perception +1, Stealth +3, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11 + owners Proficiency
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon plus plasma, Arc and Disintegration weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creatures controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Heavy Gunner. the heavy gunner gain a bonus to all DCs of attacks made with the Heavy weapon property or the autofire property equal to the owners Proficiency.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Assistant Gunner

Medium, Imperial

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Str +2, Dexterity +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +2, Perception +1, Stealth +2, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Assistant Gunner: If this assistant gunner is within 5ft of the Weapon system the gunner may ignore the massive parts property, if this is done the assistant may not use its action. if the weapon is moved by the gunner, as a reaction the Assistant gunner will follow and assist in the disassembly and assembly of the weapon.

Ammo Bearer: this creature can carry 40lbs of ammo


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.



Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
  • Save Proficiencies Strength +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +2, Intimidation +1, Stealth +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Beat down: You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated or is part of a unit of more then 3.

Elite Version: This minion may be upgraded to an elite, if this is done this creature Hit points are 10 or 5 x owners level, and its Strength increases by 2 and it may attack twice each round.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Molitov (Rechage 6). ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30\60ft., Sphere 10Ft, deviation (3). Hit Dexterity save DC 15, on fail take 4D6 fire damage. on a pass take half as much.


The Acrobat

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +3
  • Skill Proficiencies Acrobatics +2, Performance +2, Stealth +3
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple weapon, Light armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Acrobat: As part of your movement you can make a Long Jump up to a number of feet equal to five times your Dexterity modifier or a High Jump up to twice your Dexterity modifier. Also, when you fall you can use your reaction to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your Dexterity modifier.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Strongman/woman (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

18 (+4) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Strength +4
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +4, Performance +2, Intimidation (Str) +4
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light Armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

The Brawn: When using a melee weapon, you can ignore the large, Bulky or Two-Handed property. You can't hold two weapons that have the Bulky or Two-Handed property at same time.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Ring Master (Special)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)
  • Save Proficiencies Charisma +1
  • Skill Proficiencies Persuasion +3, Performance +3, Deception +3
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple weapon, Light Armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Ring Master: Whenever you hit with a melee attack using a whip, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, when you hit a creature with a melee attack using a whip, you can use your bonus action to attempt to grapple the creature with it. You can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Charisma (Performance) instead of Strength (Athletics) when grappling this way.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Musician (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
  • Save Proficiencies Charisma +1
  • Skill Proficiencies Persuasion +3, Performance +3, Deception +3
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple weapon, Light Armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Enchanting Song: As an action you start a Song with your chosen instrament. This song lasts for up to 3 minutes, All friendly creatures that can see and hear you may add a d4 to any Saves they make and non friendly creatures that can see and hear you must subtract a d4 from any save the make.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Freak (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 9 (-1)
  • Save Proficiencies Charisma +1
  • Skill Proficiencies Choose one: Athletics or Acrobatics +2, Performance -1, Intimidation (Str or CON) +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light Armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Mutation: This creature gains 1 Mutation of yours or the GMs choice and another at each tier.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Archemist (Elite)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 12 or 6 x owners Level
  • Speed 30ft.

11 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Intelligence +4
  • Skill Proficiencies Arcane +4, Performance +0, Science +4
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple weapon, Light Armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Archemist: This creature Has Proficiency with Archemy Supply and knows 3 Trivial/Common Plans gaining 3 new plans at each tier beyond the first these new plans may be of the next crafting Tier or of a previous crafting tier.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.



Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x owners Level
  • Speed Race +10ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Constitution +3
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +3, Intimidation (Str) +3, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon but no Firearms, Light armor and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Rage: The Tribesman enters a state of rage for 1 minute. During that time they gains +10 temporary HP, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. She also gains a +2 damage bonus to all of her melee attacks and attacks of opportunity are at disadvantage against them.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.


Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 14 or 7 x owners Level
  • Speed Race +10ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Constitution +3
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +2, Intimidation (Str) +2, Survival +1
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. simple and martial weapon, Light armor and medium armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Gunzerk: The Tribesman enters a Gunzerk for 1 minute. During that time they gains +10 temporary HP, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. She also gains a +2 damage bonus to all of their Ranged weapon attacks and attacks of opportunity are at disadvantage against them.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.



Varies, Any race

Assistance service various machines and infrastructural utilities and services, such as transportation infrastructures as well as most of the Metropolises utility, Power and construction infrastructures needs. There are many different types of Apprentices, each one focusing on a specific aspect of service. The most common types are the Technician that focuses on Technology and maintenance, the Foreman focusing on Construction and Structural repairs, the Nurse used in many Imperial Infrastructures to provide medical aid, Support and assistance, Hazmat that is used in many chemical industries or a Magewrightused with Imbuing and enchanting.

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 8 or 4 x owners level
  • Speed as race.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Dexterity +4
  • Skills Proficiencies (Technician: Technology +4, Science +4), (Foreman: Athletics +4, Acrobatics +4), (Nurse: Science +4, Medicine +4, Hazmat: Science +4, Acrobatics, Magewright: Arcana, Science +4)
  • Tool Proficiencies (Tecnician: Tech Tools +4, Artificers Tools +4), (Foreman: Construction tools +4, Carpentry Tools +4), (Nurse: Medical Tools +4, Surgical Tools +4), (Hazmat: Science Kit +4, Chemistry +4), (Magewright: Imbuing Kit, Enchanters Supplies)
  • Damage Vulnerabilities -
  • Damage Resistances -
  • Damage Immunities -
  • Condition Immunities -
  • Senses passive Perception 11, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Imperial and one other that can be spoken by a human.
  • Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. Simple weapon and light armor.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Assistance. This creature may use the help action when used to help with a check they have proficiency bonus.


Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.

Assist: This creature may use the help action on actions on actions related to a skill or Artificers tool they have proficiency with.


Golem Morph (Special)

Medium, Construct, Animaton

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 7 x owners level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
  • Saves Proficiencies Special
  • Skills Proficiencies Special
  • Damage Vulnerabilities Special
  • Damage Resistances Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning.
  • Damage Immunities Psychic, Poison
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Exhaustion, Poisoned, Petrified, Paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 10 +, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages None.
  • Challenge: -

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Morph Physiology. when created and During any long rest you must choose or change some or all of the following features of this creature.

  • Pick any 2 abilities to gain a +4.
  • pick any 2 save proficiencies of your choice
  • pick any 4 skills proficiencies of your choice
  • Pick any 2 damage resistances of your choice
  • pick 1 Immunity of your choice
  • Pick 1 Vulnerability
  • Your weapon deals your pick of either: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
  • Pick one; You may either Dash, Hide, Dash, Dodge or Disengage as a bonus action.

Morph Equipment. when created and During any long rest you must choose or change some or all of the following features of this creature. You gain 3 of the following Traits;

  • + 10ft movement,
  • + 4 AC
  • +5ft reach
  • Weapon is no a D10
  • + 1 Attack
  • +2HP per owners level
  • Weapons have finesse
  • Gain a ranged weapon range 30/120, 1d6 damage, Pistol weapon property
  • Gain a ranged weapon range 60/240, 1d6 damage, Assault weapon property


Multiattack. The Golem morph may make 3 attacks each turn.

Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str + Proficiency to hit, range 5ft, one target. Hit 1d8 + str.

Magi Acolytes

Magi Acolyte (Elite)

medium, (Imperial)

  • Armor Class 10 + armor
  • Hit Points 10 or 5 x your level
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
  • Saves Proficiencies Dexterity +3, Wisdom +2
  • Skills Proficiencies Arcana +2, Religion +2, Perception, +2
  • Damage Resistances none
  • Damage Immunities none
  • Condition Immunities None,
  • Senses passive Perception 12+
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. Light Armor, Simple weapons and Long swords.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Sworsmanship. Long swords count as Fineness

Magi Acolyte (Balance). The magi acolyte only suffer perils of the Arcane on natural 1s.

Arcane Hood (Novice). See rare gear for details.

Spellcasting. The magi acolyte they have 3 first level spell slots to use and there spell casting ability is intelligence. Furthermore The magi acolyte only suffer perils of the Arcane on natural 1s.

Tier 1

  • Cantrips (at will): Mage Hand, Message, Friends, Arcane bolts,
  • 1st level (3 slots): Shield, Catapult, Charm person, Arcane denial


Long sword. Melee Weapon Attack: Dex + Proficiency bonus to Hit, Reach See Longsword, one target, Hit see longsword + dex

Arcane Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: Wis + Proficiency bonus to Hit, Reach See Longsword, one target, Hit see longsword + Wis

Magi Apprentice (Special)

Varies, any Race

  • Armor Class As armor
  • Hit Points 16 or 7 x your level
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +4 Wisdom +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Acrobatics +4, Arcana +4, Religion +2, Perception, +2
  • Damage Resistances None
  • Damage Immunities None
  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses Passive Perception 12+
  • Languages Common

Weapon/Armor Proficiency. Light Armor, Medium Armor, Simple weapons, Long swords and Arcane sabers.

Obedience. This creature controller may give another creature the Ability to command it, it then acts on there initiative if this creature has already taken its actions this round it must wait for the new round to start.

Spellcasting. When the owner of this creature is level is 1-5 this creature is a Tier one caster see below. the Tier increases when the owner becomes higher: 6-10 is Tier 2, 11-15 is tier 3 and 16-20 is Tier 4. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). Shaman Ancient has following Divine spells prepared.

Tier 1

  • Cantrips (at will): -, -, -
  • 1st level (3 slots): -, -, -

Tier 2

  • Cantrips (at will): -, -, -, -
  • 1st level (4 slots): -, -, -, -
  • 2nd level (2 slots): -, -, -

Tier 3

  • Cantrips (at will): -, -, -, -, -
  • 1st level (4 slots): -, -, -, -, -
  • 2nd level (3 slots): -, -, -, -
  • 3rd level (2 slots): -, -, -

Tier 4

  • Cantrips (at will): -, -, -, -, -
  • 1st level (5 slots): -, -, -, -, -, -
  • 2nd level (4 slots): -, -, -, -, -
  • 3rd level (3 slots): -, -, -, -


Arcane Saber. Melee Weapon Attack: +4

Weapon attack. Weapon Attack: Str/Dex + Owner Proficiency to hit, Range see equipped weapon, Targets, as equipped weapon. Hit damage as see equipped weapon.


Utility Drone

Tiny, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 10 or 2 x owners Level
  • Speed Fly 40ft. (Hover no more then 30ft off the ground)

6 (-2) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +2
  • Skill Proficiencies Stealth +5
  • Damage Vulnerabilities: Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Charmed, Frightened, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 16, Drakvison 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages Common

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring: The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Nero Link. This creature requires a Controller with a Nerolink.

Utility Drone Type: Utility drones have many different functions though each utility drone is locked to few or even a single function, see below for the different types of utility drone. Each utility drone has different abilities, each of which may have different requirements to fulfill.

Lantern: this drone usually carries a Flashlight or lantern like device, in some cases this may be as simple as a candle or torch.

Currier: This drone may carry a small amount of papers or a data pad, as well as an audio message of up to 5 mins, this Drone may be given a command to deliver the message to a specific person. once this command is given you no longer need a Drone Nero Harness until the drone returns from its delivery.

Audio Video: This Drone has a video feed and directional microphone that the operator may see. The controller may use its own attributes when calculating checks and saves made while perceive from a drones prospective, while doing this the controller has disadvantage on all Dex saves and Wisdom perception checks. This video and Audio may be sent to a any Computer or Screen for viewing by others. This unit is capable of recording up to 4 hours of video and audio that can downloaded to any computer device.

Interpretations: This drone has a synthetic voice module allowing it to hear, interpret and speak any know language in its database. this is used as a Interpreter.


Utility Function: This creature may use any appropriate action to use or help with a its basic specific to the utility Drone type.

Gun Drone

Tiny, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 5 or 2 x owners Level
  • Speed Fly 40ft. (Hover no more then 30ft off the ground)

2 (-4) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +3
  • Skill Proficiencies Stealth +3
  • Damage Vulnerabilities: Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Charmed, Frightened, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 16, Drakvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form .

Advanced Wiring: The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Nero Link. This creature requires a Controller with a Nerolink.


laser. Ranged Weapon Attack: Dex + Owners Proficiency to hit, 1d6 Fire damage, Range 60/240ft, Assault

Cargo Drone

Tiny, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 5 or 2 x owners Level
  • Speed Fly 40ft. (Hover no more then 30ft off the ground)

10 (+0) 16 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Strength +5
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +5
  • Damage Vulnerabilities: Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Charmed, Frightened, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 10, Drakvision 60ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form .

Advanced Wiring: The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Nero Link. This creature requires a Controller with a Nerolink.

Cargo Hauler: This minion may Carry up to 75 pounds, this can be by the means of many things some haulers have a flat bed that things can be strapped to or some may be designed to carry a box or contained or even able to suspend a net from the Hauler, whatever the case this must be specified when created.


Haul. this drone may use the help action to Push, Pull, Drag or lift something its attached to.

Tracker Drone

Tiny, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 5 or 3 x owners Level
  • Speed Fly 40ft. (Hover no more then 30ft off the ground)

2 (-4) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dex +3
  • Skill Proficiencies Stealth + 3
  • Damage Vulnerabilities: Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Charmed, Frightened, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 13, Darkvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Advanced Wiring: The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Nero Link. This creature requires a Controller with a Nerolink.


Spot. As an action this creature designates a target with a Trackerlight. You gain the ability to “paint” enemies with a specialized laser that helps you and your allies pinpoint threats. When this is done you apply a Trackerlight to one enemy creature or unit within 120ft. These Trackerlights grant abilities to any allies with a Trackerlight tracker and those benefits stack. An enemy creature or unit can only have up to five Trackerlights on them at a time and a Trackerlight lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Only ranged weapons can benefit from Trackerlights. see chart below for Trackerlight benefits, these benefits stack with each other

Number of Markerlights Effects
1 +1 Hit rolls or DC
2 Semi Auto weapons get additional shot at any range and Assault weapons do not suffer penalty from dashing.
3 Ignores cover and effects of long range
4 +1 Damage die to all attacks
5 Gain advantage

Hunter Killer Drone

Tiny, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 6 or 3 x owners Level
  • Speed Fly 40ft. (Hover no more then 30ft off the ground)

2 (-4) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Dexterity +3
  • Skill Proficiencies Stealth +3
  • Damage Vulnerabilities: Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Charmed, Frightened, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 16, Drakvision 60ft, lowlight 120ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form: This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form .

Advanced Wiring: The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Nero Link: This creature requires a Controller with a Nerolink.


Detonate: When this action is used each creature within 10ft of this drone must make a Dex save DC equal 8 + controllers Proficiency + controllers Intel, taking 3d6 Bludgeoning and 3d6 Piercing damage on a failure and half as much on a successful save. Once this action is used the Hunter Killer Drone is permanently destroyed.

Shield Drone

Tiny, (Constuct)

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 6 or 3 x owners Level
  • Speed Fly 40ft. (Hover no more then 30ft off the ground)

10 (+0) 16 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
  • Save Proficiencies Strength +5
  • Skill Proficiencies Athletics +5
  • Damage Vulnerabilities: Lightning.
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Poison, Charmed, Frightened, Exhaustion
  • Senses passive Perception 10, Drakvision 60ft
  • Languages None

Immutable Form: This creature is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form .

Advanced Wiring: The Creature has disadvantage on saving throws against effects that deal lightning damage.

Nero Link: This creature requires a Controller with a Nerolink.

Shield: This Drone has a a Very basic Shield Generator with the following profile

  • Shield Capacity: 10
  • Recharge Delay: 4
  • Recharge Rate: 5


Protect Asset: this drone may use its action to protect one creature within 5 ft of it, when done the creature you are protecting gains a +1 AC against Ranged attacks and when the Protected creatures is hit with a ranged attack, this drone may as a reaction shield the attack taking the damage. Furthermore when a protected creature moves before the start of the Shield drone controller turn the Drone will follow the Creature provided it does not move more then 80ft during this time.

Chapter 4 (Arcane & Corruption)

Chapter 4 (Spell Casting)

once a reviered ability to be born with but now its one of the most feared things as any connection to the now corrupted astral sea is a ticking time bomb if not handled with care, In most cases in the Empire when a child is found to be a Arcane caster They are immediately taken and raised by the mothers of the Arcane until they come

of age to join the Collegiate Arcana. there are few other sanctioned groups of Arcane wielders. One is known as the Magi, The Magi believe in a balance amongst the universe, Like the Machine Host the Magi follow there own religious belief outside the Emperor, the Imperial faith and law, but they have played many important roles within the Empire over the course of imperial history. Now that the Silver sea has been corrupted any arcane user must choose how they wish to use there powers of the purple sea wisely or you may find the godly powers twist you into a Mindless beast.

Harnessing the Arcane

Do to the arjuious task it takes on the soul and mind, to use arcane power, before any power can be cast the Caster must First attempt to manifest it, Roll an Spell ability check With a DC equal to the formula bellow.

Harness the Arcane DC: = 10 + Spell level + 1 for each Arcane charge used during the casting of the spell if any, Cantrips add 0 to the DC.

  • If the save is passed the spell goes off with no issue, follow the spell rules from there on, If the test is failed then the spell fails and nothing happens, Spell slots and any Arcane charges are still used if a spell fails.

  • If you roll a natural 1 or a natural 20 on this roll you Suffer Perils of the Arcane as described below, you must then roll on the Perils of the Arcane table (see on next page), in a case of a natural 20 the spell will still manifest. When a Perils is rolled a caster can choose to attempt to ignore it and not roll on the Perils table, when done the caster must make a Wisdom Save DC 10 + the spells level being cast + 1 for each arcane charge used, on a success the perils is ignored. this may be done a number of Arcane perils equal to your spell casting ability bonus, once all uses of this a used you must complete a long rest to regain all uses.

Astral Corruption

As a result of unpredictable nature of the Magics of the world, your mind, body and soul is always at risk of its corruption. Each time any caster successfully Harnesses the arcane it makes them vulnerable to the Corruption of the goods that grant the powers, use the rules below.

  • Whenever you cast a spell Associated with a type of corruption you gain 1 point of that corruption per spell level, cantrips count as 0, See Discipline Associations on the next page for what disciplines are associated with what Spells. Note some classes and abilities will change what association the discipline may have, for example the Collegiate arcane train in specific studies so they make most spells they cast associated with the neutral powers, they have trained to not build corruption from casting.
  • If you use an arcane charge for Arcane Manipulation on a spell, the amount of corruption you gain is increased by 1
  • If you convert a Spell slot into arcane charges or vice versa you must make a Wisdom Save DC equal to 10 + the spell slot used or created, or suffer 1 point of corruption per charge or spell level gained.

Spell Requirements

Arcane Spells require the proper material component, a Component pouch or a Spell focus to cast and if the spell requires a material with a nominal gold value you must instead have a Piece of Arcanium crystal of equal value as well.

Spellcasting ability

If you should gain levels in a class that has arcane spell casting you may use your class Spell ability in replace of you innate caster spell ability, Furthermore you may use Spell slots from your class to cast your innate abilities and vice versa.

Arcane Bolts

All Arcane Caster quickly learn how to focus and harness the arcane into orbs of focused energy. All Arcane casters gain the Eldritch Blast cantrip, some classes may alter what damage type it will do, this will be noted in the class description. This does not count toword your spells known and you don't need a spell book of like object to cast.

Arcane Conversion

You can use your Arcane Charges to gain additional Power Slots, or sacrifice Spell Slots to gain additional Arcane Charges. You learn other ways to use your warp charges as you reach higher levels.

Creating Spell Slots. You can transform unexpended Arcane Charges into one spell slot as a Bonus Action on Your Turn. The created Spell Slots Vanish at the end of a Long Rest. The Creating Spell Slots table shows the cost of creating a spell slot of a given level, to do this in addition to the arcane charges you must also harness the Arcane with a DC equal to 10 + spell slot level created, if the test is failed nothing happens and the charges are still used.

Creating Spell Slot
Spell slot level Arcane charge cost
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 5
4th 6
5th 8
6th 9
7th 12
8th 13
9th 15

Converting a Spell Slot to Arcane charges. As a Bonus Action on Your Turn, you can expend one spell slot and gain a number of arcane charges equal to the slot's level, to do this in addition to the spell slots you must also harness the Arcane with a DC equal to 10 + spell slots used, if the test is failed nothing happens and the spell slots are still used.

Arcane Imbuing

All Arcane Caster start to learn how to imbue your weapons with Arcanic energy. You may as an action sacrifice an amount of Spell levels to have one held melee weapon gains the following Benefits see chart below for

the cost in spell levels and the benefits involved, to do this in addition to the spell slots you must also harness the Arcane with a DC equal to 10 + spell slots used, if the test is failed nothing happens and the spell slots are still used. this manifestation is still seceptable to Perils of the arcane just like casting a Spell.

Spell Slots Used Duration Effects
1 5 rounds The weapon counts as a +1 Magic weapon and it deals the same type as your arcane bolt
3 1 minute The weapon counts as a +2 Magic weapon and it deals the same type as your arcane bolt
5 2 Minutes The weapon counts as a +3 Magic weapon and it deals the same type as your arcane bolt
7 5 Minutes The weapon counts as a +4 Magic weapon and it deals the same type as your arcane bolt
9 1 Hour The weapon counts as a +5 Magic weapon and it deals the same type as your arcane bolt

Deny the Arcane

All Arcane casters learn the ability to Attempt to surpress another casters abilities, you gain the Arcane suppression spell below, this does not count toward your spells known and you don't need a spell book or like object to cast.

Arcane Denial

1st level Innate caster spell

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within range and line of sight of you casting a spell
  • Range: 30ft + 30ft at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20
  • Target: A creature in the process of casting a spell
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 1st level or lower, Both you and the target make an ability check using there spellcasting ability modifiers and compare the two rolls if your roll is higher then the targets, the targets spell fails and has no effect. If the Spell you are attempting to Deny is of 2nd level or higher you have a negative to the test equal to the difference between 1st level and the level of the spell you targeted.

When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, reduces the penalty to the test made against higher level spells. If the spell you are attempting to deny is of lesser level then the spell slot level used to cast this spell the caster gains a bonus to the test made against the target equal to the difference between the slot level used and the targets spells level.

Discipline Associations

All the spells are broke down into Arcane disciplines as see later in this chapter, below is a list of each discipline and what Association it belongs to.


The following arcane Disciplines are associated with the Neutral powers: Divination, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Technomancy, Biomancy, Universal powers.

Fey Magic

The following arcane Disciplines are associated with the Fey powers: Illudamancy, Fantasmology.


The following arcane Disciplines are associated with the Divine powers: Divine Craft, Terramancy, Galamancy, Hydromancy, Floramancy.


The following arcane Disciplines are associated with the Ruinous powers: Ruinous Craft, Ecxess, Putricology, Hayzilian, Demonology.


The following arcane Disciplines are associated with the Unholy powers: Necromancy, Shadowmancy, Hemomancy, Spirit Craft


The following arcane Disciplines are associated with the Primal powers: Pyromancy, Cryomancy, Electromancy, Faunamancy,

Perils of the Arcane

Arcane magic comes from the purple sea (acting as the Astral Plane)⁠. You might have endured exposure to Magic energies, perhaps through a rift between plains. Perhaps you were born a innate caster, touched by the arcane or with no apparent cause of you learned to wield it through intense study. However it came to be, this magic churns within you, waiting for any outlet and it must be subdued or let free.

Long ago the Astral sea and arcane knowledge was much more balanced until a deal was struck allowing Havoc to gain complete control of the Astral sea, and now thosands of years later the once enchanting Astral sea is now a realm of churning madness of unpredictability and demonic Enccursion, any who lay mortal eyes into the Purple Sea must stand against it corruption.

When an arcane caster uses one of their powers, they invariably draw from the essense of the Purple sea, to manifest powerful abilities that would be otherwise impossible to perform. However, using Arcane powers sometimes yields unexpected and unpleasant results, because the corruption Havoc has spread, and the purple sea is now filled with unpredictability and demons who are drawn to the smell of the Casters soul when using there powers, as each time an arcane power is use a small rift between the two plains is torn.

While the perils of the Arcane are as wild and unpredictable as any other Arcane phenomena, some races such as the Elves have managed to mitigate their effects using magic devices. However, the Empire has yet to master their understanding of these items, and so the common policy with dealing with caster who suffer the Perils of the arcane is to provide the Emperor's mercy (execution) to them as soon as their powers become out of hand referred to as the "Arcanic Salvation".

If a caster should survives an attack from the purple sea, their souls can be permanently marked by the close contact with the arcane energies, becoming more susceptible to the forces of Havoc in future, or.

When an arcane caster attempts to Harness the Arcane and you roll a natural 1 or a natural 20 on the roll you must then roll on the Perils of the Arcane table, in a case of a natural 20 the spell will still be harnessed.

d100 Effect
1 Unbound Arcanic Transformation: One of the most dangerous perils; the caster is possessed by an arcane spirit, becoming an unbound Arcane host Effect: when you roll this you must then roll a d100 again on a roll of 1-10 you must make a Wisdom save DC 25 or turn into a Greater demon, on a 11-25, you must make a Wisdom save DC 20 or turn into a Demon Prince on a 26-50 you must make a Wisdom save DC 15 or turn into a demon herald and on a 51-100 you must make a Wisdom save DC 10 or turn into a lessor demon. If at any point a wisdom save is failed the target will suffer 2d10 Psychic damage on a roll of 51-100, 4d10 on 26-50, 6d10 on 11-25 and 8d10 on 1-10, resistances and immunities outside true Immunities will not apply.
d100 Effect
2 Arcanic Feast: The uncontrolled Arcane energies rip a hole in reality, centering on the caster' sucking him or her into the Astreal sea to be consumed forever. Effect: your are now targeted by the banishment spell as if you had the banishment spell cast on you, the DC for the test is 10 + casters level and the banishment last forever
3 Unpredictable outcome: This Perils of the Arcane is potentially one of the most devastating effect an Arcanist can endure, let alone one Perils but 2 at once. Effect: Roll Twice on this chat re-rolling this result if you should get it again.
4 Astral Purge: Arcanic Energies attempt to tear your body apart. Effect: the caster takes 10d6 force damage, resistances and immunities outside true Immunities will not apply.
5-6 Cataclysmic Blast: The caster is immolated with psychic energy, burning their possessions, equipment and the area around them for a few meters. Effect Cast immolation spell centered on you this lasts for 1D4 rounds
7-8 Blood Rain: A cloud of psychic energy envelops the area, causing storm winds and rain of blood. Effect: The storm is centered on the caster and has a 50ft Radius, While a caster is in this storms effect, any psychic powers cast in the area always cause perils of the warp.
9-10 Ethereal Storm: The excess psychic energy lashes the minds of nearby sentient creatures. Effect: Each creature within 25 ft of the caster must make a intelligence Save DC 15, on a fail they take 4D10 psychic damage and half as much on a pass.
11-12 Dark Summoning: 1 or more lesser demon physically manifests for a short period. Effect: 1d4 lesser demons jump through a rift in the plains, under the GM's control
13-14 Vice Versa: The soul of the caster is cast out and swaps bodies with a nearby being for a short period of time, if there is no nearby other, the soul wanders the warp for the same period and returns slightly less sane. Effect: When this happens if there is a creature within 120ft of the caster, the caster randomly picks one. That creature must pass a will Save equal to the Psykers Spell DC, on a fail, swap Character sheets with the creature this last for 1D4 rounds. If there is no creatures in range or the wisdom save was passed then the caster goes catatonic for 1D4 rounds and must make a wisdom save DC 15, taking 4D8 Psychic damage on a fail and half as much on a pass.
15-16 Warp Whispers: The voices of demons fill the area, speaking into the minds of others and corrupting their souls. Effect: All sentient Creatures within 30ft must make a Wisdom save DC 15 of suffer 2D4 Corruption Points
d8 Effect
17-18 Psychic Mirror: The psychic power targets the caster himself Effect: Change the target of the spell to yourself if it was not and if ti was then one random creature within 60ft.
19-20 Chronological Incontinence: The caster vanishes as time bends around them, they reappear a few moments later. Effect: You are cast into the warp if you fail a Intelligence save DC 15, you disappear for 1D4 rounds during witch time you cannot act or be acted apon in any way. you return to the exact spot you vanished from.
21-22 Locked In: The excess energy remains in the casters mind, locking them into a coma until it is overcome by sheer willpower. Effect: you are stunned 1D4 Rounds
23-24 Soul Sear: The casters soul is overpowered by warp energy, scarring their spirit and preventing them from using their powers Effect You may not manifest Powers for 1D4 rounds
25-26 Psy-Blast: There is a sudden explosion, casting the caster several meters into the air. Effect: Cast catapult on self in a random direction
27-28 Psychic Concussion: The violent energies knock the caster unconscious and cascade outwards, also stunning those nearby. Effect: you are now unconscious for 1D4 round and all creatures within 30ft must make a intelligence save DC equal to the psykers spell save, or be stunned for 1D4 rounds
29-30 Warp Burn: The energies of the warp manifest, striking the casters mind sometimes stunning him temporarily. Effect: the caster must make a intelligence save DC 15, on a fail you Take 4D10 Psychic damage and half as much on a pass.
31-32 The Gibbering: Uncontrolled warp energy surges through the casters mind, burning out their minds and driving them insane. Effect: Cast Feeblemind on yourself
33-34 Warp Madness: A psychic backlash of emotion fills the area, causing nearby individuals to become frenzied and mad. Potentially causing further emotional harm. Effect: Cast the Enemies Abound spell on all creatures within 30ft.
35-36 Tech Scorn: All tech devices and weapons nearby malfunction or jam. Effect: all vehicals and constructs are Stunned for 1d4 Rounds, all electronics stop working within 30ft of the caster.
37-38 Shadow of the Warp: (not to be confused with the Tyranid ability) The world changes appearance, causing people to glimpse the warp for an instant. Potentially destroying minds. Effect: The psyker must make an Wisdom save DC equal to the Psykers Spell DC, on a fail the caster takes 3D8 Psychic damage and be blinded for 1D4 rounds, on a pass they take half damage and are not blinded
d8 Loot
39-40 The Furies: The caster is assaulted by an invisible force, causing himself and nearby objects to be thrown around viciously. Effect: cast Phantasmal Killer on self, it lasts for 1D4 rounds
41-42 Banshee Howl: A very loud screech fills the area out to almost a kilometre, causing people to be deafened. Effect: All creatures Within 3000ft must pass a dexterity save DC 15 or be defend for 1 Minute
43-44 Falling Upwards: Gravity reverses for a few seconds Effect: cast Reverse Gravity on your self.
45-46 Warp Ghosts: Howling ethereal apparitions fill the area, flying around unnerving the living and potentially causing insanity. Effect: cast Dissonant whispers on all creatures within 60ft, the whispers are found foaming from spectral spirits
47-48 Psy Discharge: Static electricity fills the area, causing the caster to float for a short period Effect: Gain a fly speed of 30ft and creatures starting or ending within 5ft of you Suffer 3D6 Lightning damage
49-50 The Earth Protests: The ground shakes violently, causing a local earthquake. Effect: cast earthquake centered on self.
51-52 Bloody Tears: Images or statues appear to weep blood. Chipped wood appears to ooze blood rather than sap. Effect: the caster must make a wisdom save DC15 or gain 2 corruption points
53-54 Spectral Gale: Very strong winds envelop the area, knocking people to the ground. Effect: Cast gust of wind centered on self it last for 1D4 rounds and moves with the caster.
55-56 Unnatural Decay: All plants in the area wither. Effect:* Cast blight on all plant life within 30ft
57-58 Daemonic Mask: The caster channels a daemon for an instant, causing them to take on a frightful appearance for a moment, but corrupting their body permanently. Effect: Any creature that can see you must make a wisdom save DC 15 or be frightened until the end of the next turn.
59-60 Breath Leech: The air in nearby individuals lungs becomes lost, causing them to pause.
61-62 Distorted Reflection: Any reflective surfaces nearby break or distort.
63-64 Veil of Darkness: The area becomes devoid of natural light for a few seconds.
65-66 Haunting Breeze: Winds surround the caster strong enough to move around small objects.
67-68 Spoilage: Any perishable goods within 20ft become stale and useless
69-70 Memory Worm: Anyone in the vicinity of the caster forgets something minor.
71-72 Unnatural Aura: Any nearby animals become frightened and attempt to get away.
73-74 Grave Chill: The area around the caster becomes cold and frost covered out for several metres.
d8 Loot
75-76 Mounting Paranoia: The caster gets an itchy back, as if there is someone behind them.
77-78 Ethereal Stench: The air around the caster becomes either pleasant or noxious DM Choice.
79-80 Warp Echo: For a short period, any sounds cause strange echoes.
81-82 Dark Foreboding: A faint breeze surrounds the area, giving nearby individuals an unsettling feeling
83-84 Mocking Laughter: A sinister chorus or low laughter swirls around the caster and those around them
85-86 The Crawling: The caster is overcome with the sensation of tiny creatures moving just under the skin.
87-88 Flickering Lights: For a brief moment, all light sources within 25 metres of the caster flicker and go out (if during the day or in a similar environment, this light source too seems to flicker for a moment).
89-90 Roiling Mist: A clammy mist roils up from the ground, surrounding the caster for a radius of 25 metres.
91-92 Tears of the Martyrs: All paintings, statues, or equivalent effigies within 25 metres of the caster begin to weep blood. If no such features exist within range, then walls or similar surfaces begin to drip with blood. This bleeding persists for 1 minute.
93-94 Hunting Music: You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for the next minute
95-96 Ethereal Float: Your hair Floats around you as if you where floating in water
97-100 Nothing happens:


Many things will cause Arcane corruption, this will cause different conditions. Corruption is measured in five levels, see below. there are five types of corruption Fey, Ruinous, Divine, Unholy and Primal Corruption each coming from different sources like casting certain types of spells or perhaps you touched a unholy or Enchanted relic, whatever it may be you must always be aware of you corruption levels should you become to corrupt just once you will be marked by the God and may have to live with it, as cleansing the soul of an a godly mark is no easy task.

  • Do not apply Faeish, Ruinous, Divine, Unholy or Primal Corruption to the target character’s hit points, but is rather accumulated over time until its Cured.

  • Each time a character suffers 1 or more points of Corruption, check to see what their current Corruption total for that specific corruption, if it exceeds the next levels threshold, they must make a Wisdom save, this save’s DC is shown on Table below. With a failure, the character suffers the listed condition. If all corruption totals are less then the 1st threshold you are considered Neutral. while Neutral you gain gain no benefits or disadvantages.

  • If a character gains any points of Astral corruption and they have points of Ruinous, Divine, Primal or Unholy Corruption you then subtract that many points from there current Corruption pools from Primal first then Ruinous, Unholy and last from Divine.

  • If a character gains any points of Ruinous corruption and they have points of Astral, Divine, Primal or Unholy Corruption you then subtract that many points from there current Corruption from Divine first then Arcane, Primal and last from Unholy.

  • If a character gains any points of Divine corruption and they have points of Astral, Ruinous, Primal or Unholy Corruption you then subtract that many points from there current Corruption from either Ruinous or Unholy, you may split the amount as you choose, if you gained more the one.

  • If a character gains any points of Unholy corruption and they have points of Astral, Ruinous, Primal or Divine Corruption you then subtract that many points from there current Corruption from Divine first then Arcane, Primal and last Ruinous.

  • If a character gains any points of Primal corruption and they have points of Astral, Ruinous, Unholy or Divine Corruption you then subtract that many points from there current Corruption from Arcane first then Divine Ruinous and last Unholy.

  • If you should go below a Threshold, your Corruption level drops.


Below Shows the Number of corruption points needed at each threshold to prompt a corruption roll.

Threshold DC Corruption Level
25 10 Condition 1
50 15 Condition 2
100 20 Condition 3
250 25 Condition 4
500 30 Condition 5

Neutral Condition

A Enchanted Character has the following Traits.

  • You gain + 1 on all saves and skill checks made of one attribute you choose you may switch this attribute at the end of a long rest.
  • You gain -1 on all saves and skill checks made of one attribute you choose you may switch this attribute at the end of a long rest.

Furthermore if you are Caster.

  • You gain one Neutral Arcane Traits.
  • Gain two Arcane Manipulation of your choice and 2 Arcane Charges.

The Neutral condition does not have levels but the longer you stay neutral the more powerful you become. as you gain levels with the Neutral condition you gain the following benefits.

  • You gain an additional +1 on all saves and skill checks made of the attribute you choose at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.
  • You gain and additional -1 on all saves and skill checks made of the attribute you choose at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.
  • You gain one additional Neutral Arcane trait of your choice at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.
  • you gain an additional 1 Arcane charges every level.
  • You gain one additional True Arcane manipulation of your choice at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and at level 20 you know all arcane manipulations.

If you should lose the Neutral condition you lose all Benefits gained from the condition until you become Neutral again.

Enchanted Condition

A Enchanted Character has the following Traits.

Enchanted Level 1

  • You gain a +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Tainted, Darkened and Enraged targets as well as any Aberrants.
  • The first time your Astral corruption level raises to this level you must roll a D100 on 25% or less you gain one random Neutral or Astral Arcane Trait that you have the prerequisites for.
  • You cant become Graced, Tainted, Darkened or Enraged while you are Enchanted

Furthermore if you are Caster.

  • Gain 1 Neutral Arcane or Astral Arcane trait.
  • You know the Careful Spell and Subtle spell arcane manipulations and 4 Arcane charges to use with it.

At levels 2-5

  • You gain an additional +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Tainted, Darkened and Enraged targets.
  • Your GM may grant you a Mark of the gods in some way this may be specific or random, dependent on you actions. If this is done at Enchanted level 2 you gain a +2 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute, As well as You suffer a -2 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute.
  • Each time your Enchanted level raises to the new level you must roll a D100 on +25% then the last level, until maxed at 100%, you gain one Astral Arcane Trait that you meet the prerequisites for.

If you are Caster.

  • You Know 1 additional Neutral Arcane or Fey Arcane Trait.
  • You know the Twinned Spell and Potent Spell arcane manipulation in addition to all other levels
  • At Enchanted level 3 you gain Empowered Spell and Quickened, Level 4: Heightened Spell and Distant spell level 5: you know all the Arcane manipulations.
  • You gain an additional 4 Arcane charges to use.

At level 3-5

If you are Marked.

  • You gain an additional +1 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute
  • You suffer an additional -1 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute

Tainted Condition

A Tainted Character has the following Traits.

Tainted Level 1

  • You gain a +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Graced, Enchanted and Neutral targets.
  • The first time your Ruinous corruption level raises to this level you must roll a D100 on 25% or less you gain one random mortal or Demonic Mutation that you meet the prerequisites for.
  • You cant become Graced, Enchanted, Darkened or Enraged while you are Tainted

Furthermore if you are Caster.

  • Gain 1 Neutral or Ruinous arcane trait.
  • You know the Empower Spell and Heightened spell arcane manipulation and 4 Arcane charges to use with it.

At levels 2-5

  • You gain an additional +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Graced, Enchanted and Neutral targets.
  • Your GM may grant you a Mark of the gods in some way this may be specific or random, dependent on you actions. If this is done at Tainted level 2 you gain a +2 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute, As well as You suffer a -2 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute.
  • Each time your Tainted level raises to the new level you must roll a D100 on +25% then the last level, until maxed at 100%, you gain one random Mortal or Demonic Mutation that you meet the prerequisites for.

If you are Caster.

  • You Know 1 additional Neutral Arcane or Ruinous Arcane Trait.
  • You know the Quickened Spell and Potent Spell arcane manipulation in addition to all other levels
  • At Enchanted level 3 you gain Sniper Spell and overcharged spell, Level 4: subtle Spell and Distant spell level 5: you know all the Arcane manipulations.
  • You gain an additional 4 Arcane charges to use.

At level 3-5

If you are Marked.

  • You gain an additional +1 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute
  • You suffer an additional -1 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute

Graced Condition

A Graced Character has the following Traits.

Graced Level 1

  • You gain a +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Tainted, Darkened and Enraged targets.
  • The first time your Divine corruption level raises to this level you must roll a D100 on 25% or less you gain one random Divine arcane trait that you meet the prerequisites for.
  • You cant become Tainted, Enchanted, Darkened or Enraged while you are Graced

Furthermore if you are Caster.

  • Gain 1 Neutral Arcane or Divine arcane trait.
  • You know the Careful Spell and Overcharged spell arcane manipulation and 4 Arcane charges to use with it.

At levels 2-5

  • You gain an additional +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Tainted, Darkened and Enraged targets.
  • Your GM may grant you a Mark of the gods in some way this may be specific or random, dependent on you actions. If this is done at Graced level 2 you gain a +2 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute, As well as You suffer a -2 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute.
  • Each time your Graced level raises to the new level you must roll a D100 on +25% then the last level, until maxed at 100%, you gain one random Divine Arcane Trait that you meet the prerequisites for.

If you are Caster.

  • You Know 1 additional Neutral Arcane or Divine Arcane Trait.
  • You know the Twinned Spell and Potent Spell arcane manipulation in addition to all other levels
  • At Graced level 3 you gain subtle Spell and Overcharged spell, Level 4: Quickened Spell and Distant spell level 5: you know all the Arcane manipulations.
  • You gain an additional 4 Arcane charges to use.

At level 3-5

If you are Marked.

  • You gain an additional +1 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute
  • You suffer an additional -1 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute

Darkened Condition

A Darkened Character has the following Traits.

Darkened Level 1

  • You gain a +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Graced, Neutral and Enraged targets.
  • The first time your Unholy corruption level raises to this level you must roll a D100 on 25% or less you gain one random Unholy arcane trait that you meet the prerequisites for.
  • You cant become Tainted, Enchanted, Graced or Enraged while you are Darkened

Furthermore if you are Caster.

  • Gain 1 Neutral Arcane or Unholy Arcane trait.
  • You know the Careful Spell and Overcharged spell arcane manipulation and 4 Arcane charges to use with it.

At levels 2-5

  • You gain an additional +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Graced, Neutral and Enraged targets.
  • Your GM may grant you a Mark of the gods in some way this may be specific or random, dependent on you actions. If this is done at Darkened level 2 you gain a +2 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute, As well as You suffer a -2 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute.
  • Each time your Darkened level raises to the new level you must roll a D100 on +25% then the last level, until maxed at 100%, you gain one random Unholy Arcane Trait that you meet the prerequisites for.

If you are Caster.

  • You Know 1 additional Neutral Arcane or Unholy Arcane Trait.
  • You know the Twinned Spell and Potent Spell arcane manipulation in addition to all other levels
  • At Graced level 3 you gain subtle Spell and Overcharged spell, Level 4: Quickened Spell and Distant spell level 5: you know all the Arcane manipulations.
  • You gain an additional 4 Arcane charges to use.

At level 3-5

If you are Marked.

  • You gain an additional +1 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute
  • You suffer an additional -1 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute

Enraged Condition

A Enraged Character has the following Traits.

Enraged Level 1

  • You gain a +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Graced, Neutral and Enchanted targets.
  • The first time your Primal corruption level raises to this level you must roll a D100 on 25% or less you gain one random Primal arcane trait that you meet the prerequisites for.
  • You cant become Tainted, Enchanted, Graced or Darkened while you are Enraged

If you are Caster.

  • Gain 1 Neutral Arcane or Primal Arcane trait.
  • You know the Twinned Spell and Overcharged spell arcane manipulation and 4 Arcane charges to use with it.

At levels 2-5

  • You gain an additional +1 to all attacks and weapon damage rolls against Graced, Neutral and Enchanted targets.
  • Your GM may grant you a Mark of the gods in some way this may be specific or random, dependent on you actions. If this is done at enraged level 2 you gain a +2 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute, As well as You suffer a -2 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute.
  • Each time your enraged level raises to the new level you must roll a D100 on +25% then the last level, until maxed at 100%, you gain one random Primal Arcane Trait that you meet the prerequisites for.

If you are Caster.

  • You Know 1 additional Neutral Arcane or Primal Arcane Trait.
  • You know the Empowered Spell and Potent Spell arcane manipulation in addition to all other levels
  • At Graced level 3 you gain Heightened Spell and Sniper spell, Level 4: Quickened Spell and Distant spell level 5: you know all the Arcane manipulations.
  • You gain an additional 4 Arcane charges to use.

At level 3-5

If you are Marked.

  • You gain an additional +1 on all Saves and skill checks made on all your Marks favored Attribute
  • You suffer an additional -1 on all saves and skill checks made on all your Marks Hated Attribute

Arcane Manipulations

You may use Arcane charges to manipulate your spells most arcane casters will have arcane Charges and in the class description it will list an amount of the below manipulations you know as well. See below for what each manipulation does and how Arcane charges it will cost. You regain all spent Arcane Charges when you complete a long rest.

You can use only one Arcane Manipulation option on each spell when you cast it, unless otherwise noted.

Careful Spell

When you Cast a Spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell’s full force. To do so, you spend 1 arcane charge per target and choose a number of those creatures up to your intelligence modifier (minimum of one creature). A chosen creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw against the spell.

Distant Spell

When you Cast a Spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you can spend 1 arcane charge per spell level to double the range of the spell.

When you Cast a Spell that has a range of touch, you can spend 1 arcane charges to make the range of the spell 30 feet.

Empowered Spell

When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 arcane charge per dice, to re-roll a number of the damage dice up to your inteligence modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls.

You can use Empowered Spell even if you have already used a different Arcane manipulation option during the casting of the spell.

Extended Spell

When you Cast a Spell that has a Duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 arcane charge per spell level to double its Duration, to a maximum Duration of 24 hours.

Heightened Spell

When you Cast a Spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw to resist its Effects, you can spend 3 arcane charges + 1 per spell level Heightened to give one target of the spell disadvantage on its first saving throw made against the spell.

Quickened Spell

When you Cast a Spell that has a Casting Time of 1 action, you can spend 2 arcane charges to change the Casting Time to 1 Bonus Action for this casting.

Subtle Spell

When you Cast a Spell, you can spend 1 arcane charge to cast it without any somatic or verbal Components as well as this may not be denied or sensed unless the creature casting the deny passes a spell check against the spell casters spell DC.

Twinned Spell

When you Cast a Spell that Targets only one creature and doesn’t have a range of self, you can spend a number of arcane charges equal to the spell’s level to target a second creature in range with the same spell (1 arcane charge if the spell is a cantrip).

To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell’s current level. For example, Magic Missile and Scorching Ray aren’t eligible, but Ray of Frost is.

Overchared Spell

When you cast a spell that requiers a creature to make a save against you spell DC. You may choose to spend a number of arcane Charges up to a maximum of 5, if done, raise the spell save DC by the amount of arcane Charges used.

Sniper Spell

When you cast a spell, you may spend one arcane charges to have your next ranged spell effect ignore the Look out Sir rule, as described in the Units and Moral section of this book.

Potent Spell

When you Cast a Spell that deals damage, you can spend 1 arcane charge to have any damage dealt by this spell count as having the Potent (+) Weapon property, at level 10 you may spend and additional 1 arcane charge to have the damage count as if it had the Potent (++) weapon property and at level 15 you may use a total of 3 charges to gain the Potent (+++) weapon property on damage dealt.

Neutral Arcane Traits

Arcane Resistance

Effect: you are resistant to you choice of one of the following damage types: Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning, Force, Psychic

Enhanced Bolt

Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast cantrip

Effect: When you cast Eldritch Blast, add your spellcasting ability modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.

Arcane Armor

Effect: You can cast Mage Armor on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or Material Components.

Ascendant Step

Prerequisite: 9th level

Effect: You can cast Levitate on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or Material Components.

Arcane Sight

Effect: You can see normally in darkness⁠, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Arcane Detect

Effect: You can cast Detect Magic at will, without expending a spell slot. Furthermore you can detect if someone is an innate caster or if they have casted a spell within the last 24 hours.

Arcane Spear

Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast cantrip

Effect: When you cast Eldritch Blast, its range is 300 feet.

Repelling Bolt

Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast cantrip

Effect: When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line.

Arcane Denial

Effect: you may now cast Deny the witch with up to a number of levels of casting equal to your level you may break this up, for instance at level 7 you have 7 Deny points, so you may cast a 2nd level deny and then cast 5th level equaling a total of 7 points. once all Points are used you can’t use them again until you finish a Long Rest.

Potent Bolts

Effect: you arcane bolts spell gains the Potent (+) weapon feature

Cutting Bolts

Effect: you arcane bolts gain the AP (-_), the blank is equal to your spellcasting ability modifier

Visions of the Purple sea

Prerequisite: 15th level,

Effect: You can cast Arcane Eye at will, without expending a spell slot.

Astral Traits

Gaze of Two Minds

Effect: You can use your action to touch a willing Humanoid and perceive through its Senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can use your action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the Duration until the end of your next turn. While perceiving through the other creature’s Senses, you benefit from any special⁠ Senses possessed by that creature, and you are Blinded and Deafened to your own surroundings.

Fey walk

Effect: You gain a +5 to all stealth skill tests made while traveling at normal speed.

Illusionary Image

Effect: You can cast Silent Image at will, without expending a spell slot or Material Components.

Astral Step

Effect: You can cast Misty step once. You can’t do so again until you finish a short Rest.

Mire the Mind

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Effect: You can cast slow once. You can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest. using your Intelligence modifiers as your spellcasting ability modifier.

Illusionary Self

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Effect: As an action, you create a perfect illusion⁠ of yourself that lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). The illusion⁠ appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet of you. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the illusion⁠ up to 30 feet to a space you can see, but it must remain within 120 feet of you.

For the duration, you can cast spells as though you were in the illusion’s space, but you must use your own senses. Additionally, when both you and your illusion⁠ are within 5 feet of a creature that can see the illusion⁠, you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature, given how distracting the illusion⁠ is to the target.

Once this feature is used you must finish a long rest before using it again.

Master of Myriad Forms

Prerequisite: 15th level

Effect: You can cast Alter Self at will, without expending a spell slot.

Divine Arcane Traits

Divine Resistance

Effect: you are resistant to your choice of one of the following damage types: Radiant, Necrotic, Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Poison, this trait can be taken more then once. gaining a new resistance or gain immunity in a resistance you already have from this trait.

Divine speed

Effect: your base movement increses by 10ft, this may be taken twice stacking the effects.

Weapon Guardian

Effect: You can cast the Spiritual Weapon spell once, without expending a spell slot or Material Components as a bonus action. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this again.

Holy Temperance

Effect: You can cast the Aid spell once, without expending a spell slot or Material Components as a bonus action. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this again.

Positive Energy

Effect: You can cast Bless once using your Wisdom for a spellcasting ability, without expending a spell slot or Material Components. You can’t do so again until you finish a short Rest.

Divine Refraction

Prerequisite: 5th level

Effect: You can cast Shield spell once using your Wisdom for a spellcasting ability, without expending a spell slot or Material Components furthermore when this is done the triggering creature must make a wisdom save DC 8 + Pro + your wisdom bonus, taking 2d6 radiant damage and half as much on a successful save. You can’t do so again until you finish a short Rest. at level 10 this gains Potent and +1d6 damage, at level 15 it gains Potent ++ and +2d6 damage and at level 20 it has Potent (+++) and +3d6 damage.

Brand of Retribution

Prerequisites: hex spell

Effect: Your hex spell, deals radiant damage instead of necrotic. In addition, when you see the creature make an attack and is within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction to end the hex and subtract your Wisdom modifier from the attack roll.

Godly protection

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Effect: You gain a bonus on all save against magical effects equal to your Wisdom bonus.

Saints Visage

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Effect: You can cast the Angelic Guardian spell once, without expending a spell slot or Material Components.. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this again.

Angelic Beacon

Prerequisites: 5th level

Effect: You can cast beacon of hope spell once, without expending a spell slot or Material Components.. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this again.

Weapon of the Gods

Prerequisite: 10th level

Effect: You can cast Holy weapon spell once, without expending a spell slot or Material Components.. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this again.

Blade of Evil's Bane

Prerequisites: 10th level

Effect: Any Melee weapon you hold in your hands deals an extra 1d4 radiant damage against any Undead, Demon, Fiend or anyone with a Mark Havoc, Mortis or Exitar.

Blessed Guardian

Prerequisites: 10th level

Effect: Your familiar permanently gains the benefits of the sanctuary spell, and can use an action to pass the spell's effects onto another creature for 1 minute. Upon doing so, your familiar loses the benefits of sanctuary until you finish a long rest.

Pure Sight

Prerequisite: 15th level

Effect: You can see the true form of any creature concealed by magic while the creature is within 30 feet of you and within Line of Sight.

Chains of submission

Prerequisite: 15th level

Effect: You can cast Hold Monster spell once targeting a Fiend, undead or Demon without expending a spell slot or Material Components. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this again.

Ruinous Arcane Traits

Infernal Resistance

Effect: you are resistant to you choice of on of the following damage types: Radiant, Necrotic, Fire, Cold or Poison

Power Surge

Effect: you can store magical energy within yourself to later empower your damaging Spells. In its stored form, this energy is called a Power Surge.

You can store a maximum number of power surges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). Whenever you finish a Long Rest, your number of power surges resets to one. Whenever you successfully end a spell with Dispel Magic, Counterspell or Deny the witch you gain one Power Surge, as you steal magic from the spell you foiled. If you end a Short Rest with no power surges, you gain one Power Surge.

Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature or object with a spell, you can spend one Power Surge to deal extra damage to that target. The extra damage equals your level.

Thousand Fates

Effect: You can cast Bane once without using a spell slot, You can’t do so again until you finish a short Rest.

Thirsting Blade

Prerequisite: 5th Level,

Effect: as a bonus action you make one attack on Your Turn.

Sign of Ill Omen

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Effect: You can cast Bestow Curse once without using a spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

One with Shadows

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Effect: When you are in an area of dim light or darkness⁠, you can use your action to become Invisible until you move or take an action or a Reaction.

Demon Speech

Effect: You can cast Speak with Demons.

Bewitching Whispers

Prerequisite: 7th level

Effect: You can cast Compulsion once using no spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Minions of Havoc

Prerequisite: 9th level

Effect: You can cast Summon lesser demon once without using a spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Demonic Leap

Prerequisite: 10th level

Effect: You jump distance is tripled.

Demon Familiar

Effect: You gain a small demon familiar, You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and perceive through your familiar’s Senses as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving through your familiar’s Senses, you can also speak through your familiar in your own voice, even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech⁠. ad at will, without expending a spell slot.

Beguiling Influence

Prerequisite: Mark of Sleenesh

Effect: You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion Skills.

Mask of Many Faces

Prerequisite: Mark of Slaanesh

Effect: You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot.

Sculptor of Flesh

Prerequisite: 7th level, Slaanesh

Effect: You can cast Polymorph once without using a spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Plague weapon

Prerequisite: 12th level, Mark of Nurgle

Effect: When you hit a creature with a weapon, the creature takes extra poison damage equal to your wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

Pestiletual Smog

Prerequisite: 6th level, Mark of Nurgle

Effect: creatures within 5ft of you takes 1d4 poison damage at the start of each round and when entering the 5ft radius from outside of it.

Nurgles Vigor

Prerequisite: Mark of Nurgle

Effect: You can cast False Life on yourself at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot or Material Components.

Dreadful Word

Prerequisite: 7th level, mark of Thzeench

Effect: You can cast Confusion without using a spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Eyes of the lore Keeper

Prerequisite: Mark of Thzeench

Effect: You can read all writing.

Book of Ancient Secrets

Prerequisite: Mark of Thzeench

Effect: You can now inscribe magical Rituals in your Book⁠ of Shadows. Choose two 1st-level Spells that have the ritual tag from any spell list (the two needn’t be from the same list). The spells⁠ appear in the book and don’t count against the number of spells⁠ you know. With your Book⁠ of Shadows in hand, you can cast the chosen spells⁠ as Rituals. You can’t cast the spells⁠ except as Rituals, unless you’ve learned them by some other means. You can also cast a spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.

On your Adventures, you can add other ritual Spells to your Book⁠ of Shadows. When you find such a spell, you can add it to the book if the spell’s level is equal to or less than half your level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours to inscribe it.

Wicked Hex

Prerequisite: hex spell

Effect: Whenever the target of your hex spell makes a saving throw of the ability you chose for that activation of hex, it must roll 1d4 and subtract the result from the saving throw.

In addition, if you would roll a number less than your Charisma modifier on the damage die for your hex spell or other curse that deals necrotic damage, you may replace the die with your Charisma modifier.

Grasping bolts

Effect: When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast, you can pull the creature up to 10 feet closer you in a straight line.

Unholy Arcane Traits

Unholy Resistance

Effect: you are resistant to you choice of on of the following damage types: Radiant, Necrotic, Poison,

Unholy Binding

Effect: you may cast the spell animate ghoul without using a spell slot or material components, You can’t do so again until you finish a Short Rest.

Creatures of the night

Prerequisite: 10th Level

Effect: you may cast the spell Dread wings without using a spell slot or material components, You can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Eyes of night

Effect: You can see in dim light within 60 feet as though it were bright light and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only Shades of Gray.

Surge of Unlife

You can cast spare the dying as a bonus action. When you target a creature with spare the dying, it regains 1 hit point after 1d4 rounds instead of 1d4 hours.

Hollow Defiance

Prerequisite: 7th level

Effect: When you roll a death saving throw while you are already at two failures or two successes, you can roll with advantage.

In addition, whenever you return to consciousness after gaining at least 1 hit point while at 0 hit points, you can give yourself temporary hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier. Once you use this effect, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Vigorous Suffision

Prerequisites: 12th level

Effect: As long as you are not concentrating on a spell, you emit an aura out to a radius of 10 feet identical to the aura of purity spell.


Effect: When you score a critical hit with a Melee weapon, the target takes additional necrotic damage equal to your warlock level, and you regain hit points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt in this way.

Master of the Returned


Effect: You can cast any necromancy spell from a spell scroll as though it were on the warlock spell list.

In addition, you roll all Intelligence checks made to learn the nature of cursed items with advantage. If the curse was laid by an undead, you learn more of the undead that originally laid the curse than someone who does not have this feature, even if they would have rolled the same number as you on the Intelligence check.

Primal Arcane Traits

Bestial Leap

Effect: Your jump distance is doubled.

Aquatic Movement

Effect: You gain a swim speed equal to your walk speed.

Tree Beast Movement

Effect: You gain a Climb speed equal to your walk speed.

Aerial Movement

Effect: You gain a Fly speed equal to your walk speed.

Strength of the Bear

Effect: gain advantage on all strength saves.

Ocean Walker

Prerequisite: 15th level

Effect: As an action you produce a sphere of water that extends 5ft from you in every direction. Doing so requires your concentration (as if concentrating on a spell) although this concentration cannot be broken. You can swim in this bubble propelling it horizontally directly above the ground. Or propelling it in any direction if your are flying or swimming. Creatures entirely in this bubble must use their swim speed to move, but the bubble cannot pull unwilling creatures with it. Creatures that attack through it are considered submerged underwater when making their attacks. Finally you can choose whether the bubble is breathable to all creatures. You can use the feature once regaining it after completing a long rest.

Wind Runner

Your walking speed increases by 10 feet and you can cast the Expedetious Retreat spell at will without expending a spell slot.

Godly Marks

Should a person gain favor with one of the gods they may be blessed with a mark as proof of being one of their loyal followers. Mind you being their servants comes at a price as every mark bears a set of tenets and if the are not upheld you can lose favor with the Gods and eventually they will take there mark back and most of the time one may never gain that mark again

Gift: Each mark comes with its own unique gift.

Tenets: Each Mark has a set of Tenets that must be upheld by the Marked individual or you will lose favor when blessed or further suffer the curse. Each time a receiver of a Mark with a divine association does not preform what there tenet is, they will gain 1d4 points of opposed corruption type, Ruinous, Unholy or Primal. Though the dark gods are not as forgiving, if you do not preform a tenet for one of the gods associated with the Ruinous, Unholy or Primal powers they further corrupt you and you must pass a wisdom save DC equal to 12 + your corruption level or gain another point of that type of corruption.

Hatred: Whenever you see a target you have hatred against you must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. If you fail the save you must fight, subdue of bring to justice that creature.

Getting rid of a Godly mark

If a character with a Godly mark falls below 15 points of the appropriate corruption they will not lose there mark, you retain the mark and your currant corruption condition but you will loose all its positive gifts and you will not return the neutral condition. if the mark gives something like mutations or unsightly apperance will remain.

A character may removed a mark with a greater restoration spell for Corruption of level 1, at higher you must cast the greater restoration spell at one level higher for each level greater the 1, for example corruption level 2 would be a spell slot level of 6, Corruption level 3 would be Slot level 7 and so on, ending at level 5 using a 9th level spell slot. If a creature is corrupted level 6 it cant be removed.

Once a Mark is removed you may not gain that mark again unless you do remarkable things to right your wrongs, though this is rare.

The Marks of Havoc

all Individuals with any mark of Havoc have Hatred toward any Graced target at DC 15.

The Mark of Crulsila

Gift. you Gain immunity to being Charmed, and gain resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage.


False Ambition: You may only tell lies (mixing truth with lies is acceptable however). You auto pass any save against zone of truth,

Excessive Desire: Must always indulge in your deepest Desires.

Normality of Pain: You must experience some sort of pain on a regular, you must suffer hp damage of at least 1 point during every hour of a day with the exception of a Long rest.

Prolong Suffering: There is no purpose to killing those that oppose you. Death teaches nothing, only through suffering can they learn.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Graced target and any followers of Bale'reth.

Favored Attributes: Dex and Charisma

Hated Attributes: Strength and Constitution

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Force Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Ruinous powers, Electromancy and Excess.

The Mark of Hayzildir

Gift. You gain immunity to being Blinded and Deafened, and gain resistance to Fire, Force and Psychic damage.


Change Bringer: You govern Change, anytime you may make a change to something you must do so.

Illusitory: Misdirection, Trickery and illusion must be the way.

Mutation: You would rather have the company of a Mutant or Demon over that of an ordinary creature.

4: -

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Graced target and any followers of Puticus.

Favored Attributes: Intelligence and Charisma

Hated Attributes: Strength and Con

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Psychic Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Ruinous craft, Pyromancy, Electromancy, Hayzilin and illudamancy and it counts as associated with the ruinous powers instead of Unholy

The Mark of Putracus

Gift. you gain immunity Poison damage and to the poison condition and you are immune to any negative effects of a disease (although you are still a host for it and may pass it on to other). Your body is drench in a rotting stench, any creature friend or foe within 5 ft must pass a Constitution save DC 10 + Pro + Con or be poisoned until they move more then 5 ft away.


Natural Order: In time, everything decays and ends, this must be the way.

Punish the Undying: Those who refuse the natural order will learn your wrath.

Joyful Rot: You cant help but revile and rejoice in the decay and Rot of organic matters.

Cuddly Pox Blanket: One must always Spread sickness and disease.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Graced target and any followers of Hayzildier.

Favored Attributes: Constitution and Wisdom

Hated Attributes: Charisma and Dexterity

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Poison Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Ruinous, Hayzilin.

The Mark of Gore'reth

Gifts. you deal combat damage with a melee weapon you add an extra 1d4 damage. You also have advantage on all saves versus magical effects friend or foe.


Blood Bath: Thy enemy shalt always end in a rain of blood.

Unbridled Wrath: Wrath and anger is the fuel to my desiars.

Power over the weak: I mast always show my power and domination over the weak.

Murderous Intent: one must end a mortal life at least once a day.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Hayzildier and you also gain hatred against all non Tainted creatures at a DC20.

Favored Attributes: Strength and Constitution

Hated Attributes: Intelligence and Wisdom

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Psychic Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Ruinous and Hemomancy and it counts as associated with the ruinous powers instead of Unholy.

The Mark of the Undivided

Some may not know the source of the power but they are still followers of Havocus and his ruinous powers.

Gifts. -.


Invoke Fear: All know the terror of death, make it known there are fates far worse.

Embrace the Dark Gods: Let those you punish know that ruin is the only end.

Black Hope: Let those with hope in their heart know, that the Divines are a lie and the is only dispair.

4: -

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any _ target and _.

Favored Attributes: Pick one attribute when you first pick this mark, this may not be changed again.

Hated Attributes: Pick one attribute when you first pick this mark, this may not be changed again.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Force Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Ruinous.

Marks of Mortis

All Individuals with any mark of Death have Hatred toward any creature that is not Undead, Celestial, Construct, Fiend or Aberation at DC 15.

The Mark of Fyrah (Dead Flame)

Gifts. Gain Resistance to fire damage and you may cast the burning hands and Hellish rebuke spell once per short rest, this does not need material components yous your Charisma for the spell ability and is cast at a level equal to your level divided by 4 (round up).


Stoke the Flame: You must always stoke a flame regardless of the collateral damage or death it may cause that may be involved.

Fire until death: Each Hour you are alive and dont make a flame you cannot bare.

Mesmerizing Flame : You must always take a moment (1 Action) to see the beauty of a new flame.

End with fire and ash: all that is dead should be returned to Mortis Through fire and ash.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Tainted, Graced or Enraged target.

Favored Attributes: Strength and Charisma

Hated Attributes: Wisdom and Intelligence

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal fire Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Necromancy and the pyromancy discipline Furthermore pyromancy is counted as being associated with the Unholy powers instead of the primal powers.Furthermore you may take arcane traits from the unholy traits list as well as any others allowed.

The Mark of Noxima (Spoiled Death)

Gifts. you gain immunity Poison damage and to the poison condition and you are immune to any negative effects of a disease (although you are still a host for it and may pass it on to other). Your body is drench in a rotting stench, any creature friend or foe within 5 ft must pass a Constitution save DC 10 + Pro + Con or be poisoned until they move more then 5 ft away.


Last Days. Your remaining time on the mortal plane is limited. Use your last days wisely, and do not waste them on frivolous pursuits.

Quarantine. Your affliction can serve as a potent weapon, but can also cause extensive suffering if allowed to spread unchecked. Take the necessary steps to ensure that your condition is only spread to those you intend to strike down.

Until Death or Cure. Your oath is intrinsically tied up with the affliction that motivated it. So long as you are afflicted, you must continue your quest, but when the burden of your affliction has been lifted from your shoulders, so too will the burden of your duty.

4: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Graced target and _.

Favored Attributes: Strength and Con

Hated Attributes: Dexterity and Charisma

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal fire Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Necromancy, illudamancy and the Putricology discipline Furthermore Putricology is counted as being associated with the Unholy powers instead of the Ruinous powers.

The Mark of Eldur

Gifts. You are now a Ghoul, see Ghoul Race for details, you heritage subrace is your current race. If you are already a ghoul nothing happens. Furthermore once Per day when you are reduced to 0 Hp you are instead dropped to 1 Hp instead.


Cold: You Kill with no emotion. Pity is for mortals, you are not one.

Death never stops: When you choose your path, you do not slow; you do not deviate, and you never stop.

Detachment: Never allow personal affairs to get in the way of your goal.

Inevitable: Resurrection of the soul is forbidden, it is disrespectful to the cycle, and denies peace to those at rest. Everyone will die eventually, including those you are closest to, and you must accept that, though the Reanimation of a corpse is just.

Favored Attributes: Pick one attribute when you first pick this mark, this may not be changed again.

Hated Attributes: Pick one attribute when you first pick this mark, this may not be changed again.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Necrotic Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Necromancy and Illudamancy.

The Mark of Lilithena

Gifts. You can see in dim light within 100 feet as though it were bright light and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only Shades of Gray. Furthermore anytime you are in dim light or Darkness you gain a + 1 to all Attacks, skill checks and saves made. Anytime you are in Bright light you suffer a - 2 to all Attacks, skill checks and saves made.


Watch From the Shadows: Make sure you can see all, but none can see you.

Plot From the Shadows: Observe every detail and plan accordingly, being wise, cautious, and steadfast.

Strike From the Shadows: Strike fast and true. Leaving your target oblivious of the dagger in his back and the poison running through their veins.

Disappear Into the Shadows: Leave behind no trace of your presence upon completion of the mission.

Favored Attributes: Dex and Cha.

Hated Attributes: Str and Con.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Necrotic Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Necromancy, Shadomancy and Illudamancy.

The Mark of Abraxus

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Slengoth

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Sanguinar

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

Divine Marks

Marks of Animis

All Individuals with any mark of Order have Hatred toward any Tainted, Darkened or Enraged creature.

The Mark of Agtriss

Gifts. Onece per day you may as a bonus action give yourself an amount of temporary HP equal to your Level + you proficiency bonus, this Hp last until it is depleted or you take a long rest.


Heal: Heal the Wounded and injured.

Defend: Defend the helpless from further pain and injury.

Comfort: Comfort and encourage the bereaved and wayward.

Giude: Guide those to a healthier life.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Tainted or Darkened target.

Favored Attributes: Con and Wis.

Hated Attributes: Int and Cha.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts now heal instead of Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft.

The Mark of Ikone

Gifts. You can cast Daylight spell, without expending a spell slot or Material Components. a number of times per long rest equal to your Charisma bonus, when casting this spell you do not need to harness the arcane and the spell is treated as if associated with the neutral powers.


Day Soul: The day is anew, you must embrace the day, you never feel good sleeping during the day.

Day bringer: You alway wake early in the day and Loathe the days you dont get to.

Light seeker: You hate to spend much in the low light or darkness when not sleeping, For every hour as such darkens your heart.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Tainted or Darkened target.

Favored Attributes: Str and Cha.

Hated Attributes: Con and Wis.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Radiant Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft.

The Mark of Corvasis



Life is Precious: You are a protector of those who have no protection, you must protect anyones life that has no means of protecting its self, needles lose in life useless.

Noble Fathers: Celebration of fatherhood and fatherly guidance for the youth is priority.

Continuation of life: you must never stop the creation of life.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against any Tainted or Darkened target.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts heals instead and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft, Biomancy, and Floramancy.

The Mark of Cenara

Gifts. -.


Feed the Hungry: one must always feed the hungry before ones self.

-: -.

Cherished Mothers: Celebration of motherhood and motherly guidance for the youth is priority.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts heals instead and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft, Biomancy, and Floramancy.

The Mark of Amarrana

Gifts. -.


Leave kindness in every step: It is not enough to just simply fight evil. Where there are those who need aid on your travels, you must leave joy and respite in your wake..

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts heals instead and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft, Biomancy, and Floramancy.

Marks of Ordinatus

The Mark of The God Emperor

Mantel of the Emperor. as a bonus action you gain temporary HP equal to 1d10 + your level as well as you gain a +2 to any one attribute of your choosing or gain +1 to all 6 attributes. This effect lasts for one minute, you may end this as a free action. Once this feature is used you must finish a long rest before you may use it again.


Voice for the Emperor: Thow shall not slander the Empire or the Emperors name.

The Emperors True Foe: All effort of Havocus will be dispatched with extreme prejudice.

Savior of the Empire: The Empire and it true citizens must be protected at all costs.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against all Tainted, Darkened or Enraged, creatures at a DC15.

Favored Attributes: Wisdom and Charisma

Hated Attributes: Dex and Intelligence

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Lightning Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft and Electromancy and the Electromancy discipline is counted as being associated with the Divine powers not Primal.

The Mark of Baros

Gifts. As an action, you can glean information on a target within 60 feet of you. You learn the creature's type (fiend, celestial, undead, etc) and what damage resistances, immunities or vulnerabilities it has, if any. You may do this a number of times equal to your Charisma bonus, these hard states of advantage/disadvantage cannot be negated by any means. you regain all uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.


Violence Versus War: War is grand and glorious. Killing someone in an alley or poisoning their wine is not. Know the difference, and ensure you do not cross the line.

The Front Lines Await: There is no honor in waiting behind a barricade. Wade into battle and let your foes taste your fury.

Always Be Prepared: Those who let their guard down die before they find glory. Always be ready to fight.

Fight The Worthy: You seek opponents, not victims. Your weapon should only bathe in the blood of those that deserve a glorious death.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against all Tainted, Darkened or Enraged, creatures at a DC20.

Favored Attributes: Strength and Con

Hated Attributes: Intelligence and Charisma

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Force Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine and Pyromancy and the Pyromancy discipline is counted as being associated with the Divine powers not Primal.

The Mark of Neuana

Gifts. You arbitrate the will of The Heeding and bestow fortunes to creatures within 30 feet that you can see. you can grant advantage on all attacks made this turn to an yourself as a bonus action or an ally as a reaction to there first attack, this must be declared before any attack results are calculated. You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom bonus. you regain all uses of this feature when you complete a long rest.


-: -.

-: -.

Protect the Unfortunate: You must be a shield for the persistent victims of misFortune.

Punish Abusers of Fortune: Judgment for those perverting the natural order of Fortune.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against Tainted, Darkened or Enraged.

Favored Attributes: Wisdom and Charisma

Hated Attributes: Strength and Constitution

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Radiant Damage and and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines, Divine craft and Divination.

The Mark of Thaos

Gifts. as a bonus action you can create a Righteous holy spear that is made of light, the spear has a base damage of 1d8 radiant damage on hit, it deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage plus another 1d8 a number of times equal to the maximum spell level available to you. You do not have to sacrifice a spell slot if the spear does not hit. The spear has the thrown property with a normal range of 100 feet and a long range of 300 feet. The spear disappears after it hits a target once or until a number of turns equal to your Charisma modifier after it was created..


Code of Justice:. When living your life, you must honor the code of justice and pursue it, Even at the penalty of death. There is no one that may put themselves above justice, Justice does not discriminate nor distinguish between rich and poor, healthy or sick, it only takes into consideration ones actions in existance.***

Civility and Empathy. It is important to not judge too quickly, giving others a chance to open discord. Perhaps a different view can enlighten ones own views and that should be taken into consideration before judgement is passed.

Without Mercy. Judgement must always be upheld and must never falter. Regardless of who, judgement must be carried out with exact precision once passed.

4: -

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against Tainted, Darkened or Enraged.

Favored Attributes: Str and Wis.

Hated Attributes: Dex and Int.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Radiant Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft, and __.

The Mark of Codea

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Temberis

Gifts. you gain Resistance to one type of damage of your choice with the exception of Necrotic and radiant, you also gain the Bolster ability below.

Bolster. when another friendly creature within 10 feet of you is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to magically shield them, giving them a bonus to their AC equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) until the end of the current turn, including against the triggering attack.

Tenets. You must follow these tenets.

Shield the Weak: you must Protect those who need to be protected. Once they are gone, you can do nothing more for them.

Become the Wall: Your shield is all encompassing. Do not protect just one, but many.

Hold the Line: Never submit. You are the first, and sometimes the last, line of defense. Do not break, and inspire your allies to continue the fight.

Favored Attributes: Con and Wis.

Hated Attributes: Int and Cha.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Radiant Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Divine Craft, __, and __.

Marks of Rennova

The Mark of Dryadia

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: Dex and Wisdom

Hated Attributes: Str and Intelligence

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Poison Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Floramancy.

The Mark of Oxlier

Gifts. You gain a +1 to all melee attacks you make for each other ally that is within 5ft of your target. You gain +5 Movement speed and gain advantage on all Survival skill tests. Furthermore you gain the Speach of Fauna

Speach of Fauna: you have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with Beasts. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.


Aid Fuana and Appreciate the Beast: one must aid any fuana in distress and Fauna taken by Exitarr must not be mocked in tis death.

Only whats needed: One must not over use of animal resources and honor the need in them.

Beast Dweller: One must not own Logging or Property in a city or metropolis, Home is in the wilds.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against Primal targets and hatred at DC 20 against Unholy and Ruinous targets.

Favored Attributes: Con and Wisdom.

Hated Attributes: Intel and Charisma.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Piercing or slashing Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Faunamancy and it counts as associated with the divines instead.

The Mark of Izdar

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Yenyeir

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Veldur

Gifts. You gain + 10 to you movement speed and You may move the ground underneath one creature you can see within 120ft. If unwilling, they must make a Dexterity save DC equal to 8 + Pro + Wis, or be moved 20 feet in any direction. Creatures moved in this can or cannot trigger reactions, depending on you. you may use this one per short rest.


Never rest, never tire: Evil lurks in every heart, and in every far-flung corner of the world. You must seek it out and vanquish it wherever it may lie.

Stay the path: Many hardships will stand in your way, but no weary bones, no bitter cold, no raging storms of trecherous route can stand in the way of your true path.

Trust in the path: The roads you take may be twisted and unforgiving, but if you honor the path and those who travel it, it will guide you well.

4: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against Tainted and Darkened targets.

Favored Attributes: Con and Wis.

Hated Attributes: Int and Cha.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Bludgeoning Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Teramancy.

The Mark of Ohdana

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

Marks of Exitarr

All Individuals with any mark of Exitarr have Hatred toward any Tainted creature.

The Mark of Balgen

Gifts. Gain +2 to Strength and Dex and gain a +5 base movement speed or +10 if it has a flying or Swim speed.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred. You incur hatred against all enemy and neutral creatures at a DC20.

Favored Attributes: Strength and Dexterity

Hated Attributes: Charisma and Intelligence

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deals Piercing Damage and you gain access to all spells in the following disciplines _ and the _ Discipline is counted as being associated with the Primal powers not the __.

The Mark of Iggnos

Gifts. Gain a +2 bonus to your Dex and Con ability scores and Resistance to fire damage. Furthermore you do not need to eat of drink, nor does you body perspire in any way.


From Flame to Ash: Nothing should be keept beyond its worth, all shall return to ash.

Eternal Flame: You must produce a flame in some way or do every thing in your capability to do so every hour of each day.

Fuel the Fire: You must always fuel a flame regardless of the collateral damage or death it may cause that may be involved.

Hatred of Water: the thought of immersing or covering yourself in water is repulsive and frightening. Any time spent in water is not welcomed for long

Hatred. You incur hatred against all enemies and neutral creatures at a DC20..

Favored Attributes: Dexterity and Wisdom

Hated Attributes: Strength and Constitution

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deals Fire Damage and you gain access to all spells in the following disciplines _ and the _ Discipline is counted as being associated with the Primal powers not the __.

The Mark of Lazzion

Gifts: gain the storm chosen ability below.

Strom chosen: you may imbue a single, nonmagical melee weapon of your choice with the fury and might of your God. This process requires eight hours of uninterrupted prayer to your deity, detailing your accomplishments, why you must be granted such power, and how you are worthy of such a weapon. Upon success, lightning strikes the weapon, and becomes attuned to you, but doesn't expend an attunement slot. This weapon becomes a magical weapon, and you may cast Lightning Lure through this weapon when you use an action to attack with it. Additionally, this weapon gains the Thrown (range 30/120) property if it doesn't already possess it. As a bonus action, you may call your imbued weapon to you, which travels at a speed of 90 ft in a straight line, dealing 1d8 lightning damage to anything it encounters along its path. This damage is doubled against structures and objects. If this weapon is on another plane, it appears on your next turn as if using the Plane Shift spell in the same space as you, and returns to your hand. Anyone else attempting to wield or otherwise manipulate this weapon must succeed in a Strength check with a DC equal to your 10 + your level + your charisma modifier. On failure, the weapon is effectively too heavy to move. If your imbued weapon is destroyed, you may repeat the imbuement process. At level 15 when you call your imbued weapon to you, the damage it deals to objects and creatures increases to 2d8 lightning damage.


Thundering Voice: Your voice shall be heard. And like thunder, it shall be heard by all.

Strike like Lightning: Be swift. Be fast. And most importantly of all, be decisive.

Positive Conducting: Like metal conducts electricity, so do the people around you. Let your unwavering energy surge into all those around you, so they may be transformed into something greater.

Eye of the Storm: You are the embodiment of the destruction of a storm, let all around you know.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against all Graced, Tainted, Darkened and Enraged.

Favored Attributes: Dex and Con.

Hated Attributes: Int and Wis.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Lightning Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Electromancy, and Galamancy.

The Mark of Fiborah

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Dracoth

Gifts. -.


Ancient Alpha: Dragons are alpha preditors and should be treated as such, alliance is uncommon.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Aether

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Lecertarr

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You also incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

Arcane Marks

Marks of Magerial

The Mark of Arcannon

Gifts. -.


Magic is the way: one must always use magic to complete a task if possible.

Martial Shun: use of weapons and armor are frowned upon.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Rhyzadum

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Cornautiss

Gifts. -.


Time keepers: One must always know the time or able to quickly acquire it.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Sonusus

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Fortunouss

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Sheshogoth

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Ilusitar

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

Marks of Teknocus

The Mark of Ixellia

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Irberiss

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal ___ Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines __, __, and __.

The Mark of Cogtar

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Lightning Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Pyromancy and Pyromancy is considered to be associated with the Neutral powers instead of the Primal.

The Mark of Fordumm

Gifts. -.


-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

-: -.

Hatred: You incur Hatred against __.

Favored Attributes: - and -.

Hated Attributes: - and -.

Casters: Your Arcane bolts deal Fire Damage and you gain access to all spell in the following disciplines Pyromancy and Pyromancy is considered to be associated with the Neutral powers instead of the Primal.

Reject Their Prejudices: Though the uneducated will not understand your ways, it is still your duty to protect them.

Reflection. A paladin must reflect upon their judgements and views, meditating at least twice a week to be sure they are always objective.

Pure Defender: Protecting the innocent is your duty, yet stay your shield from aiding an unjust cause.

Living Honesty: Lying creates more injustice in the world, you can't join the ranks of those who lie, nor can you forgive them easily.

Blind Righteousness: You stay your blade against the innocent, and strike down the guilty. Race, appearances, or affiliations matter little to you.

Ward of Dawn. As an action, a 10-foot-radius immobile magical dome of force appears around you, centered on the point you are standing. The dome cannot be moved and remains for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. Nothing—not physical objects, energy, or other spell effects—can pass through the barrier, in or out, though a creature in the sphere can breathe there. The sphere is immune to all damage, and a creature or object inside can’t be damaged by attacks or effects originating from outside, nor can a creature inside the sphere damage anything outside it. Any creature can enter or exit the space as if the dome was not there. Friendly creatures that start their turn in the dome or enter for the first time on a turn gain advantage on the next attack roll they make before the end of the turn. Any hostile creature within the dome has disadvantage on attack rolls.

Divine Intevenience when another friendly creature within 10 feet of you is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to magically shield them, giving them a bonus to their AC equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) until the end of the current turn, including against the triggering attack

Neutral Disciplines Association

Telepathy / Telamancy

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Message
  • Friends
  • Bewilderment
  • Encode Thought
  • Encrypt/Decript
  • Enumerate
  • Lesser Charm
1st Level
  • Compelled Dule
  • Charm Person
  • Sleep
  • Command
  • Alter Arrows fortune
  • Adjust position
  • Beguiling Gift
  • Trick Question
  • Slippery Fingers
2nd Level
  • Mind Spike
  • Detect Thoughts
  • Silence
  • Magic Mouth
  • Invisibility
  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Zone of truth
  • Calm Emotions
  • Enthrall
  • Suggestions
  • Bedazzling Charm
  • Charm Of Great Fondness
  • Convoluted Dictum
  • Destructive Resonance
  • Hypnotic Missive
  • Indecision
3rd Level
  • Enemies Abound
  • Sending
4th Level
  • Banishment
  • Mordekainens Private Sanctum
  • Greater Invisibility
  • Charm Monster
  • Confusion
  • Compulsion
  • Staggering Smite
5th Level
  • Planar Binding
  • Modify Memory
  • Geas
  • Dominate Person
  • Synaptic Static
  • Dream
  • Contact other Plane
  • Rarys Telepathic Bond
6th Level
  • Contingency
  • Mental Prison
  • Mass Suggestion
8th Level
  • Mind Blank
  • Glibness
  • Telepathy
  • Antipathy/Sympathy
  • Dominat Monster
  • Feeblemind
  • Power Word Stun
9th Level
  • Imprisonment
  • Weird
  • Void Rift
  • Astal Projection
  • Psychic Scream
  • Black Hole

Telekinesis / Telamancy

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Blade Ward
  • Mage Hand
  • Prestidgitation
  • Resistance
  • Mending
  • Telekinetic Trip
1st Level
  • Catapult
  • Snare
  • Feather fall
  • Mage Armor
  • Magic Missle
  • Shield
  • Alarm
  • Tensers Floating Disk
  • Broken Charge
  • Protection From The Void
  • Telekinetic Parry
  • Waft
2nd Level
  • Magic Weapon
  • Knock
  • Levitate
  • Arcane Lock
  • Misty step
  • Hold Person
  • Althea's Travel Tent
  • Champion's Weapon
  • Conjure Mantelet
  • Crushing Trample
  • Decelerate
  • Heartstrike
  • instant Snare
  • Mass Blade Ward
  • Power Word Kneel
  • Time Step
  • Weiler's Ward
3rd Level
  • Accelerate
  • Blink
  • Fly
  • Water Walk
  • Nondetection
  • Dispel Magic
  • Glyph of Warding
  • Protection from Energy
4th Level
  • Otilukes Resisient Shpere
  • Dimension Door
  • Fabricate
5th Level
  • Passwall
  • Planar Binding
  • Telikinesis
  • Hold Monster
  • Wall of Force
  • Teleportation Circle
  • Steel Wind Strike
  • Far Step
  • Wall of time
6th Level
  • Forbiddance
  • Globe of Invulnerability
  • Guards and Wards
  • Scatter
  • Drawmijs Instant Summons
  • Arcane Gate
7th Level
  • Reverse Gravity
  • Sequestor
  • Forcecage
  • Plane Shift
  • Teleport
8th Level
  • Demiplane
  • Antimagic Field
  • Maze
  • Disruptive Aura
9th Level
  • Invulnerability
  • Gate
  • Star's Heart
  • Invulnerability

Biomancy / Biopathy / Biokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Spare the Dying
  • Quicken
  • Uncanny Avoidance
  • Brawn boost
  • Nimbleness
  • Exceptional Wit
  • Fortitude
  • Acumen
  • Allure
  • Impotence
  • Clumsiness
  • Bewilderment
  • Frailty
  • Obtuse
  • Abhorrence
1st Level
  • Expiditious Retreate
  • Cure Wounds
  • Detect Poison and Disease
  • False life
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Ancestor's Strength
  • Bloodhound
  • Deep Breath
  • Gliding Step
  • Thunderous Charge
2nd Level
  • Enlarge/Reduce
  • Alter Self
  • Lessor Restoration
  • Aid
  • Protection from Poison
  • Gift Of Resilience
  • Heartstop
  • Iron Stomach
  • Shade
  • Accelerate
  • heartstop
3rd Level
  • Haste
  • Slow
  • Water Breathing
  • Catnap
  • Revivify
4th Level
  • Freedom of movement
  • Death Ward
5th Level
  • Greater Restoration
  • Skill Empowerment
  • Mass Cure Wounds
6th Level
  • Tenser's Transformation
  • Heal
7th Level
  • Regenerate
8th Level
  • Clone
9th Level
  • Shapechange
  • Power word heal

Divination / Foresight

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • True Strike
1st Level
  • Detect Magic
  • Identify
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Detect Magic
  • Anticipate Weakness
  • Avoid Grievous Injury
  • Find Kin
  • Foretell Distraction
  • Insightful Maneuver
  • Pendulum
  • Seer's Reaction
  • Speak With Inanimate Object
  • Voorish Sign
2nd Level
  • Darkvision
  • Find Traps
  • Locate Animals or Plants
  • Locate object
  • See Invisibility
  • Anticipate Attack
  • Discern Weakness
  • Distracting Divination
  • Distraction Cascade
  • Gift Of Luck
  • Grain Of Truth
  • Lair Sense
  • Read Object
  • Warning Shout
3rd Level
  • Clairvoyance
  • Tongues
  • Opportunistic Foresight
4th Level
  • Arcane Eye
  • Locate Creature
  • Reset
5th Level
  • Scrying
  • Legend Lore
6th Level
  • Find the Path
  • True Seeing
  • Time loop
9th Level
  • Foresight
  • Time Stop
  • Time in a bottle

Universal Craft

Cantrip (0 Level)
  • Eldritch Blast

The following spell are universal Elemental spells you may take any of these spells if you have access to other Disciplines. If you have access to Pyromancy, Cryomancy, Hydromancy, Electromancy, Terramancy or Galeomancy you may take any of the spells below but they only effect the element equivilent to Elemental Disciplines you have acsess to.

1st level
  • Absorb Elements
  • Chromatic Orb
  • Hellish Rebuke
  • Find Familiar (Tiny Elemental)
2nd level
  • Elemental Twist
3rd Level
  • Elemental weapon
4th Level
  • Elemental Bane
  • Conjure Minor Elemental
  • Summon Elemental
5th Level
  • Conjure Elemental
6th Level
  • Primordial Ward

Fey Magic Disciplines Associations


Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Sword Burst
1st Level
  • Conjure Mock Animals
  • Find Familiar (must be a fey of CR 1/4 or less, like, Sprite, Pixie, Lymarien, Nyctli, Mitflit. note: the alignment should represent your current corruption. The spell is no concentration up to one hour)
  • Faerie Fire
2nd Level
  • Cloud of Daggers
  • Rope Trick
  • Cordon of Arrows
  • Glyph Of Shifting
3rd Level
  • Leomunds Tiny Hut
  • Create Food and Water
  • Conjure barrage
  • Impending Ally
  • Conjure Animals
  • Summon Fey
4th Level
  • Leomunds Secret Chest
  • Mordenkainens Faithful Hound
  • Storm of Wings
  • Sudden Stampede
  • Conjure woodland beings
5th Level
  • Conjure Volly
  • Conjure Fey Hound
6th Level
  • Heroes Feast
  • Blade barrier
  • Conjure Fey
7th Level
  • Mordenkainens Magnificent Mansion
  • Mordenkainens Sword
8th Level
  • Mighty Fortress

Illudamancy / Illudapathy / Illudakinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Thaumaturgy
  • Minor Illusion
  • Light
  • Dancing Lights
1st Level
  • Silent Image
  • Illusory Script
  • Unseen Servant
  • Disguise Self
  • Amplify Light
  • Scentless
  • Step Like Me
2nd Level
  • Pass Without Trace
  • Mirror Image
  • Blur
  • Dome Of Silence
  • Phantom Light
3rd Level
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Daylight
  • Major Image
4th Level
  • Hallucinatory Terrain
5th Level
  • Living Shadows
  • Shadow Gateway
6th Level
  • Programmed Illusion
7th Level
  • Simulacrum
  • Project Image
  • Mirage Arcane
8th Level
  • Steam Whistle

Technomancy / Technopathy / Technokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Clockwork bolt (Enhanced Round)
  • Fist of Iron
  • Iron hand
  • Tick Stop
  • Mending
1st Level
  • Grease
  • Analyze Device
  • Animate Construct
  • Armored Heart
  • Armored shell
  • Find The Flaw
  • Gear Shield
  • Hone Blade
  • Machine Speech
  • Machine's Load
  • Ring Strike
  • Tireless
  • Undermine Armor
2nd Level
  • Bitter Chains
  • Boiling Oil
  • Doom Of The Slippery Rogue
  • Gear Barrage
  • Greater Analyze Device
  • Lock Armor
  • Repair Metal
  • Winding Key
3rd Level
  • Gear barrage
  • Overclock
  • Thousand darts
4th Level
  • Absolute Command
  • Fabricate
  • Gremlins
  • Grinding Gears
  • Read Memory
  • Steam Blast
  • Summon Construct
5th Level
  • Mass Repair Metal
  • Magnetize
  • Mechanical Union
6th Level
  • Robe Of Shards
7th Level
  • Timeless Engine
8th Level
  • Power Word Restore
9th Level
  • Time Slippage

Divine Disciplines Associations

Divine Craft

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Guidance
  • Resistance
  • Dancing Lights
  • Light
  • Word of Radiance
  • Sacred Flame
  • Message
  • Mending
  • Benediction
  • Star burst
  • Bless the dead
  • Brawn boost
  • Nimbleness
  • Exceptional Wit
  • Fortitude
  • Acumen
  • Allure
  • Thaumaturgy
1st Level
  • Feather fall
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Charm Person
  • Cause Fear
  • Ceremony
  • Cure Wounds
  • Detect Magic
  • Identify
  • Detect Poison and Disese
  • Faerie Fire
  • Purify Food and Drink
  • Wrathful Smite
  • Healing Word
  • Cure Wounds
  • Divine Favor
  • Guiding Bolt
  • Shield of faith
  • Santuary
  • Protection From Evil and Good (Evil Only)
  • Ceremony
  • Detect Evil and Good
  • Bless
  • Heroism
  • Ancestor's Strength
  • Angelic Guardian
  • Feather Field
  • Guest Of Honor
  • Kareef's Entreaty
  • Litany Of Sure Hands
  • Nourishing Repast
  • Protection From The Void
2nd Level
  • Enhance Ability
  • Magic Weapon
  • Locate Object
  • Silence
  • Gentle Repose
  • Calm Emotions
  • Hold Person
  • Zone of Truth
  • See Invisibility
  • Darkvision
  • Protection From Poison
  • Pass Without Trace
  • Augury
  • Aid
  • Branding Smite
  • Healing Spirit
  • Warding Bond
  • Lessor Restoration
  • Prayer of Healing
  • Spiritual Weapon
  • Blessed Halo
  • Blessed Rest
  • Feather Travel
  • Holy Warding
  • Mantle Of The Brave
  • Orb Of Light
  • Prayer Of Resolve
  • Shared Sacrifice
3rd Level
  • Blinding Smite
  • Crusaders Mantle
  • Revivify
  • Mass Healing Word
  • Spirit Guardians
  • Beacon of Hope
  • Aura of Vitality
  • Ceate Food And Water
  • Feign Death
  • Fear
  • Clairvoyance
  • Protection From Energy
  • Nondetection
  • Remove Curse
  • Dispel Magic
  • Sending
  • Daylight
  • Slow
  • Haste
  • Water Breathing
  • Water Walk
  • Entropic damage Field
  • Holy Vow
4th Level
  • Locate Creature
  • Stoneskin
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Banishment
  • Death Ward
  • Guardian of Faith
  • Aura of Purity
  • Divination
  • Aura of Life
  • Deva's Wings
5th Level
  • Greater Restoration
  • Mass Cure Wounds
  • Destuctive Wave
  • Dawn
  • Hallow
  • Crcle of Power
  • Banishing Smite
  • Dispel Evil and Good (Evil Only)
  • Commune
  • Hold Monster
  • Planar Binding
  • Legend Lore
  • Scrying
  • Reincarnate
  • Holy Weapon
  • Wall of Light
  • Summon Celestial
6th Level
  • Heroes Feast
  • Find The Truth
  • True Seeing
  • Guards and Wards
  • Word of Recall
  • Sunbeam
  • Heal
  • Heavenly Crown
  • Celestial Fanfare
7th Level
  • Temple of the Gods
  • Conjure Celestial
  • Crown of Stars
  • Divine Word
  • Regenerate
  • Resurrection
  • Force Cage
8th Level
  • Power Word Stun
  • Antimagic Field
  • Sunburst
  • Holy Aura
  • Quintessence
9th Level
  • Wish
  • Foresight
  • Power word Heal
  • True Resurrection
  • Mass Heal
  • Theogenesis
  • Greater Seal Of Sanctuary
  • Summon Star

Teramancy / Terrapathy / Terrakinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Mold Earth
  • Magic Stone
  • Pummelstone
1st Level
  • Earth Tremor
  • Guiding Star
  • Land Bond
  • Mud Pack
2nd Level
  • Earthbind
  • Maximilians Earthen Grasp
  • Boulder Toss
  • Ley Disruption
  • Reverberate
  • Spire Of Stone
  • Trench
3rd Level
  • Wall of Sand
  • Erupting earth
  • Meld into Stone
4th Level
  • Stone Shape
  • Stoneskin
  • Phantasmal Killer
5th Level
  • Transmute Rock
  • Wall of Stone
6th Level
  • Bones of earth
  • Investiture of Stone
  • Flesh to Stone
  • Move Earth
  • Fault Line
  • Investiture of Stone
8th Level
  • Earthquake
  • Mighty Fortress
9th Level
  • Unleash Effigy
  • Summon Avatar
  • Ley Surge

Hydromancy / Hydrokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Shape Water
1st Level
  • Fog Cloud
  • Create or Destroy Water
  • Tidal Barrier
3rd Level
  • Wall of Water
  • Tidal Wave
  • Quench
  • Riptide
4th Level
  • Control Water
  • Watery Sphere
5th Level
  • Maelstorm
8th Level
  • Tsunami

Galeamancy / Aerokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Gust
  • Wind Lash
1st Level
  • Zephyr Strike
  • Breathtaking Wind
  • Circle Of Wind
  • Wind Tunnel
2nd Level
  • Dust devil
  • Gust of Wind
  • Warding Wind
  • Wresting Wind
3rd Level
  • Wind Wall
4th Level
  • Storm Sphere
5th Level
  • Control Winds
6th Level
  • Investiture of Wind
  • Wind Walk
  • Storm Form
8th Level
  • Roaring Winds Of Limbo
7th Level
  • Whirlwind

Floramancy / Florapathy / Florakinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Shillelagh
  • Thorn Whip
  • Druidcraft
  • Hail of Thorns
  • Tree heal
1st Level
  • Entangle
  • Ensnaring Strike
  • Goodberry
  • Forest Affinity
  • Forest Native
  • Green Mantle
  • Nature's Aegis
  • Tree Speak
  • Find Familiar (must be a Plant of CR 1/4 or less and they are corporeal, This spell is now concentration up to one hour)
  • Hail of thorns
2nd Level
  • Locate Animals or Plants
  • Spike Growth
  • Barkskin
  • Batsense
  • Thorn Cage
  • Tree Running
  • Vine Trestle
3rd Level
  • Plant Growth
  • Speak With Plants
  • Counjure Animals (must be a Plant instead of a beast and they are corporeal)
4th Level
  • Grasping Vine
  • Guardian of Nature (Great tree only)
5th Level
  • Tree Stride
  • Commune With Nature
  • Wrath of Nature (Animate only Plants)
  • Awaken (Only Plants)
  • Conjure Elemental (Must be a Plant, instead of a elemental and they are Corporeal.)
6th Level
  • Wall of Thorns
  • Transport Via Plants
  • Druid Grove
  • Conjure Forest Defender
  • Conjure Fey (Must be a Plant, instead of a Fey and they are Corporeal.)
9th Level
  • Forest Sanctuary

Ruinous Discipline Associations

Ruinous Craft

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Acid Splash
  • Caustic Touch
  • Crushing Curse
  • Semblance Of Dread
  • Hamstring
  • Hobble
  • Word Of Misfortune
  • Impotence
  • Clumsiness
  • Bewilderment
  • Frailty
  • Obtuse
  • Abhorrence
  • Memento Mori (Demonic Appearance)
1st Level
  • Chaos bolt
  • Inflict Wounds
  • Bane
  • Hex
  • Cause Fear
  • Agonizing Mark
  • Blinding Pain
  • Cause Fear
  • Doom Of The Cracked Shield
  • Grim Siphon
  • Ill-Fated Word
  • Life Transference Arrow
  • Maw of needles
  • Proselytize
  • Roaming Pain
  • Screaming Ray
  • Withered Sight
  • Writhing Arms
  • Hobble Mount
  • Find Familiar (must be a Aberration or Mutant of CR 1/4 or less, like, _ some CR 1/2 may be acceptable, consult GM, This spell is now concentration up to one hour)
2nd Level
  • Ray of Enfeeblment
  • Crown of madness
  • Caustic Blood
  • Chaotic Vitality
  • Clearing The Field
  • Cloak Of Fiendish Menace
  • Crown of Madness
  • Melf's acid Arrow
  • Darkbolt
  • Elemental Horns
  • Exude Acid
  • Furious Hooves
  • Maddening Whispers
  • Negative Image
  • Rolling Thunder
  • Slither
  • Timely Distraction
3rd Level
  • Life Transference
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Feigh Death
  • Hungar of Hadar
  • Mass Hobble
  • Nest Of Infernal Vipers
  • Wave Of Corruption
  • Summon Shadowspawn
  • Summon Lesser demons (must be a Aberration or Mutant, not an elemental.)
4th Level
  • Evard's Black Tentacles
  • Vitriolic Sphere
  • Aura Of Entropy
  • Summon Aberration
  • Caustic waste
5th Level
  • Enervation
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Acid Rain
  • Summon Greater Demon (must be a Aberration or Mutant, not an elemental.)
6th Level
  • Harm
  • Circle of Death
  • Eyebite (Panicked)
  • Misfortune
  • Conjure Fey (must be a Aberration from the current environment, not a Fey and they are corporeal.)
7th Level
  • Symbol
  • Power Word Pain
8th Level
  • Maddening Darkness
  • Abi-Dalzims Horrid Wilting
  • Maddening Darkness
  • Machine Sacrifice
  • Glimpse Of The Void
  • Deadly Sting
9th Level
  • Power Word Kill
  • Weird
  • Unshackled Magic
  • Storm of Vengeance
  • Mammon's Due


Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Black goats blessing
1st Level
  • Find Familiar (must be a Demon or Fiend of CR 1/4 or less, like, _, This spell is now concentration up to one hour)
2nd Level
3rd Level
  • Summon Lesser Demons
4th Level
  • Summon Greater Demon
  • Conjure Fiends
5th Level
  • Planar Ally (Demon)
  • Conjure Fey Hound
  • Conjure Nightmare
6th Level
  • Create Homunculus
  • Infernal Calling
  • Tenser's Transformation
  • Summon Fiend
7th Level
8th Level
9th Level
  • Form Of The Gods


Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Decay
  • Hand of doom
  • Infestation
  • Memento Mori
  • Poison Spray
1st Level
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Bottomless Stomach
  • Cobra Fangs (Putrid Fangs)
  • Disquieting Gaze (poison not necrotic)
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Withering Smite
2nd Level
  • Grudge Match
  • Poisoned Volley
  • Poisonous Flesh
  • Plaguebearer
  • Rotting Corpse
  • Stench of Rot
  • Vomit Tentacles
  • Caustic Blood
  • Mephitic Croak
3rd Level
  • stinking cloud
4th Level
  • Blight
  • Sickening Radiance
5th Level
  • Contagion
  • Cloud Kill
6th Level
  • Eyebite (sickened)
7th Level
8th Level
  • Wind Of The Hereafter
  • Malevolent Waves
  • Frailform
9th Level


Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Dragon roar
1st Level
  • Earworm Melody
  • Fey Glamer
  • Gordolay's Pleasant Aroma
2nd Level
  • Enhance Greed
  • Heartache
3rd Level
  • Incite
4th Level
5th Level
6th Level
7th Level
8th Level
  • Paragon Of Chaos
9th Level
  • Blade of Disaster


Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Dissonant Whispers
  • Visios mockery
  • Brimstone Infusion
  • Misstep
1st Level
  • Tasha's Hideous Laughter
  • Auspicious Warning
  • Brimstone
  • Chronal Lance
  • Fairy Fire
  • Glamer Of Mundanity
  • Liar's Gift
  • Twist The Skein
  • Unluck On That
2nd Level
  • Phantasmal Force
  • Bad Timing
  • Doom Of Consuming Fire
  • Mist Of Wonders
  • Shifting The Odds
  • Spin
  • Unluck On That
3rd Level
  • Phantom Steed
  • Gaseous From
4th Level
  • Phantasmal Killer
  • Shadow of Moil
5th Level
6th Level
  • Eyebite (Asleep)
7th Level
  • Etheralness
8th Level
  • Move The Cosmic Wheel
  • Maze
  • Lower The Veil
9th Level
  • Void Rift
  • Prismatic Wall
  • Maze, Greater
  • Greater Maze

Unholy Discipline Associations

Necromancy / Necropathy / Necrokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Chill Touch
  • Memento Mori
  • Semblance Of Dread
  • Shiver
  • Claws of Darkness
  • Shadow Bite
  • Dark Maw
  • Find Familiar (must be a undead of CR 1/4 or less, like, _.)
1st Level
  • Arms of Hadar
  • Bolster Undead
  • Cloying Darkness
  • Shadow Hands
  • Inflict wounds
2nd Level
  • Animate Ghoul
  • As You Were
  • Conjure Spectral Dead
  • Dead Walking
  • Ectoplasm
  • Grave Sense
  • Jerilyn's Cadaverous Uprising
  • Rotting Corpse
  • Unholy Defiance
3rd Level
  • Animate dead
  • Speak with Dead
  • Fatebinding
  • Seeping death
  • Summon Undead
  • Touch of the Unliving
4th Level
  • Dread Wings
  • Evercold
  • Keening Wail
5th Level
  • Danse Macabre
  • Rise Dead
  • Souleater
6th Level
  • Create Undead
  • Extract Knowledge
  • Raise Elder
  • Raise Questing Dead
7th Level
  • Finger of death
  • Resurection
  • Conjure Greater Spectral Dead
8th Level
  • Malevolent Waves
  • Ghoul King's Cloak
9th Level
  • True Resurrection
  • Umbral Storm

Spirit Craft

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Toll the dead
1st Level
  • Bane
  • Hex
  • Bless the dead
  • Black Ribbons
  • Extract Essence
  • Gird the Spirit
2nd Level
  • Moonbeam
  • Shadow Blade
  • Gentle Repose
  • By The Light Of The Moon
  • Dark Path
3rd Level
  • Gaseous From
  • Life Transference
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Feign Death
  • Soul Borrowing
  • Spirit Guardians
4th Level
5th Level
  • Creation
6th Level
  • Soul Cage
  • Magic jar
7th Level
  • Etheralness
8th Level
9th Level
  • Cosmic Alignment

Shadomancy / Shadopathy / Shadokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Douse Light
  • Semblance Of Dread
  • Silhouette
  • Shadow Blindness
1st Level
  • Cloak Of Shadow
  • Shadow Armor
  • Black Ribbons
2nd Level
  • Darkness
  • Shadow Puppets
  • Shadow Blade
  • Shadow Tree
  • Shadow's Brand
3rd Level
  • Fear
  • Call Shadow Mastiff
  • Shadow Tendrils
  • Shadow Trove
  • Conjure undead
4th Level
  • Hide In One's Shadow
  • Shadow Step
5th Level
  • Living Shadows
  • Shadow Gateway
6th Level
  • Encroaching Shadows
  • Shadow Metamorphosis
7th Level
  • Conjure Shadow Titan
8th Level
  • Steam Whistle (Banshe scream)

Hemomancy / Hemopathy / Hemokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Bloodtide
1st Level
  • Bleed
  • Blood Scarab
  • Bloody hands
  • Bloody Smite
  • Heart to Heart
  • Stanch
  • Weapon Of Blood
2nd Level
  • Blood Lure
  • Bloodshot
  • Lacerate
3rd Level
  • Blood armor
  • Vital Mark
  • Hematomancy
4th Level
  • Blood and Steel
  • Blood Puppet
  • Blood Spoor
  • Boiling Blood
5th Level
  • Cruor Of Visions
  • Exsanguinate
  • Exsanguinating cloud
  • Sanguine horror
6th Level
7th Level
8th Level
9th Level
  • Afflict Line
  • Blood To Acid

Primal Discipline Association

Faunamancy / Faunapathy / Faunakinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Infestation
  • Primal Savagry
1st Level
  • Hunters Mark
  • Beast Bond
  • Speak with Animals
  • Animal Friendship
  • Cure Beast
  • Goat's Hoof Charm
  • Hunter's Endurance
  • Illuminate Spoor
  • Mosquito Bane
  • Scentless
  • Strength Of An Ox
  • Wolfsong
  • Find Familiar (must be a Beast of CR 1/4 or less and they are corporeal, This spell is now concentration up to one hour)
2nd Level
  • Locate Object
  • Beast Sense
  • Animal Messenger
  • Darkvision
  • Find Traps
  • Pass Without Trace
  • Enhance Ability
  • Spider Climb
  • Find Steed
  • Animal Spy
  • Aspect Of The Ape
  • Aspect Of The Ram
  • Bestial Fury
  • Black Swan Storm
  • Call a Roggenwolf
  • Conjure Scarab Swarm (must be from the current environment and they are corporeal)
  • Enhance Familiar
  • Hunter's Cunning
  • Mark Prey
  • Nip at the Heels
  • Revive Beast
  • Snap the Leash
  • Thunderous Stampede
  • Summon Beast (must be from the current environment and they are corporeal)
3rd Level
  • Conjure Animals (must be from the current environment and they are corporeal).
  • Water Breathing
  • Animal polymorph
4th Level
  • Dominate Beast
  • Giant Insect
  • Locate Creature
  • Find Greater Steed
  • Guardian of Nature (Primal beast only)
  • Polymorph
5th Level
  • Insect Plague
  • Awaken (only Beast)
  • Conjure Elemental (must be a beast from the current environment, not an elemental and they are Corporeal.)
6th Level
  • Find the Path
  • Conjure Fey (must be a beast from the current environment, not a Fey and they are corporeal.)
8th Level
  • Animal Shapes
9th Level
  • Mass Polymorph
  • True Polymorph (Beasts Only)

Pyromancy / Pyrokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Control flames
  • Fire bolt
  • Green flame blade
  • Produce flame
  • Create Bonfire
  • Puff of smoke
1st Level
  • Hellish Rebuke
  • Burning Hands
  • Searing Smite
  • Hearth Charm
  • Thin The Ice
2nd Level
  • Heat Metal
  • Pyrotecnics
  • Flame Blade
  • Aganazzars Scorcher
  • Continual Flame
  • Scorching Ray
  • Flaming Sphere
  • Ashen Memories
  • Fire Darts
  • Magma Spray
  • Solitary Fireball
3rd Level
  • Fireball
  • Melfs Minute Meteors
  • Slow-Burn Fireball
4th Level
  • Fire Sheild
  • Wall of Fire
5th Level
  • Immolation
  • Flame Strike
6th Level
  • Disintergrate
  • Investiture of Flame
7th Level
  • Delayed Blast Fireball
  • Fire Storm
8th Level
  • Incendary Cloud
9th Level
  • Meteor Swarm
  • Pyroclasm

Cryomancy / Cryokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Frostbite
  • Ray of frost
  • Hoarfrost
  • Shiver
1st Level
  • Armor of Agathys
  • Ice Knife
  • Flurry
  • Freeze Potion
  • Icicle Daggers
  • Snowy Coat
2nd Level
  • Snillocs Snoball Swarm
  • Boreas's Breath
  • Creeping Ice
  • Entomb In Ice
  • Ice Hammer
  • Sculpt Snow
  • Sheen Of Ice
  • Snow Fort
3rd Level
  • Sleet Storm
  • Ice burn
  • Protective Ice
4th Level
  • Ice Storm
  • Brittling
  • Fusillade Of Ice
  • Wintry Glide
5th Level
  • Cone of Cold
  • Clash Of Glaciers
  • Control Ice
  • Ice Fortress
6th Level
  • Otilukes Freezing Sphere
  • Wall of Ice
  • Investiture of Ice
  • Icy Manipulation
  • Winterdark
7th level
  • Winterdark
  • Blizzard
8th Level
  • Glacial Cascade

Electromancy / Electrokinesis

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Thunderclap
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Lightning lure
  • Booming Blade
  • Thunder Bolt
1st Level
  • Thunderwave
  • Witch Bolt
  • Thunderous Smite
2nd Level
  • Shatter
3rd Level
  • Thunder Step
  • Call lightning
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Thundurous Wave
6th Level
  • Chain Lightning

Chapter 5 (Rules)


Homebrew feat

Medic (Rename from Healer)

You are an able physician, allowing you to mend wounds quickly and get your allies back in the fight. You gain the following benefits:

  • When you use a Medi-Pak to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point.
  • As an action, you can spend one use of a Medi-pak to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature's maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can't regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.

Quick Reload

  • Gain a +1 to Dexterity score. This may not exceed a maximum of 20.
  • With this feat you may reload a weapon as a bonus action. This dose not count for Heavy weapons.


  • When you use a Repair kit to Stabilize a Staling vehicle, that vehicle also regains 10 Hit points.
  • As an action, you can spend one use of a Maintenance kit to tend to a construct and restore 2d6 + 4 hit points to it. The construct can’t regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.

Ranged Sentinal

  • If your using a Pistol you count as having a weapon with the reach (10ft) feature.
  • Creatures within your reach provoke opportunity attacks even if they took the Disengage action.
  • When a creature within your reach makes an attack against a target other than you (and that target doesn't have this feat), you can use your reaction to make a ranged weapon attack against the attacking creature.


  • You may now throw grenade 10ft further for short range and 20 feat for long range.
  • You now have advantage on the scatter die when rolling for deviation with a grenade or Grenade Launcher.

Precise Shot

  • Gain a +1 to Dexterity score. This may not exceed a maximum of 20.
  • You no longer suffer disadvantage on ranged attack rolls made when firing into a Melee Combat or through an obscuring unit.

Close Quarters Combat

  • You no longer suffer disadvantage on ranged attack rolls made when firing Assault or Rapidfire weapons within reach of a Melee weapon.
  • Gain a + 2 bonus on ranged weapon attacks within normal range.

Power Frame

  • Increase any Attribute by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency with Power Frames.

Controlled Bursts

  • Increase your Dex Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you fire a weapon with the controlled burst or Burst fire, actions, you score an additional hit for every 3 points greater then the targets AC. For Pulse weapons it becomes 1 extra hit per 2 points above the targets AC.

Machine Gunner

  • Increase your Dex Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you fire a weapon with the Automatic property you gain 2 to the DC of a Spray or focused fire action.

Sharpshooter (rewrite)

  • Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon Attack Rolls
  • Your ranged weapon attacks always count cover as one less then it has, (half becomes no cover and 3/4 counts as half).
  • When firing ranged weapons you score a critical hit on one better then you would normally.

Rifle Discipline

Instead of following the normal rules for the Rapid Fire weapon property, creatures firing Bolt, Auto or Stub weapons with the Semi Auto range, will get the extra attack from Rapidfire if at least one of the below criteria is mete.

  • The shooting creature's target is within half the weapon's normal range
  • The shooting creature remained stationary during this turn.
  • The shooting creature is a Titan armor or the weapon is mounted.

For the purposes of this ability, a Rapid Fire bolt, Auto or Stub weapon is any weapon with bolt, Auto or Stub in its name with the Rapid Fire Property.

Precise Cantrip

Your damaging Cantrips affect even Creatures that avoid the brunt of the Effect. When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against one of your cantrips or you miss with a spell attack against one a target, that creature takes half the cantrip’s damage (if any) but suffers no additional Effect from the cantrip, effects like evasion will apply.

Armor Master (Rewrite)

You can use your armor to deflect strikes that would kill others. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • While you are wearing armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from non-magical attacks is reduced by 1 if you are wearing light armor, 2 in medium armor, 3 in heavy armor and in a light power frame, 4 If in a medium frame and 5 in heavy power frames.


  • Increase your Cha Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You may use the inspiration feature below

Inspiration you can inspire others through giving tactical commands, shouting mottos, battle cries or insperational speach. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn you choose one creature other than yourself within 60ft of you, who can hear you. That creature gains one Inspiration die, the die size is dependant on you charisma modifier see below.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. At level 10 this increases to 2x your Charisma modifier.

Insperation Die type
Charisma Modifier Insperation die
-1 and below 0
+0 1
+1 1D4
+2 1D6
+3 1D8
+4 1D10
+5 1D12

Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Officers Inspiration die. you must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Inspiration die at a time.

Undercity Affiliate

Your reputation and connections within the undercity is growing, once per day you may attempt a Persuasion, Deception or Intimidation check (DC 15) on a lower city citizen, to Learn the location of a undercity supplier and what affiliations the supplier may be a part of, or the location of a nearby gang affiliation. The type of skill used during the test could have positive or negative effects on your reputation with that specific undercity suppliers and any affiliations they may be a part of, this is all at DM discretion.

List of approved Core Rule Feats

  • Alert
  • Athlete
  • Actor
  • Charger
  • Crossbow Expert
  • Defensive Duelist
  • Dual Wielder
  • Dungeon delver, (Renamed Awereness)
  • Durable
  • Grappler
  • Great Weapon Master
  • Heavily Armored
  • Heavy Armor master, (Rewrite, Armor Master)
  • Inspiring Leader
  • Lightly Armored
  • Mage Slayer, (Renamed Witch Hunter)
  • Medium Armor Master
  • Mobile
  • Moderately Armored
  • Mounted Combatant
  • Observant
  • Polearm Master
  • Resilient
  • Savage Attacker
  • Sentinel
  • Sharpshooter (Rewrite)
  • Shield Master
  • Skilled
  • Skill Expert
  • Skulker
  • Tavern Brawler, (Renamed Bar Brawler)
  • Tough
  • War Caster
  • Weapon Master

Units types and operations

Often times during a Empires of War session you will have to fight for some reason or another and due to this the initiative tracker can get a bit cluttered, so the GM or a player may choose to group a number of friendly creatures or minions in to a unit.

Unit Types

There are 6 types of units: Hero's, PC's, Monsters, Mobs, Mounts, Vehicles and Crew serves see below for details. Each creature thats has been customized to suit this homebrew setting will have a unit type and the size if needed.


When Initiative is rolled The GM will roll Initiative for each Hero, Monster and Mob, mobs will use the Initiative of the Highest Ranking member of that Mob IE a Squad leader. Each Hero, Monster or Mob, must complete its turn before moving on to the next initiative.


The hero is a single creature unit that can operate by itself without needing to be in coherency of a unit. Furthermore each Hero gains the Look out sir ability below.

Look out Sir: When a Hero or PC is targeted by with a Ranged attack, the attack will be at disadvantage or the hero has advantage on saves made against attacks if unless any of the below criteria that is met.

  • The Hero is the closest enemy unit to the attacking creature.
  • The Hero is surprised.
  • The Hero is 2 size categories greater then the average size of the Mob.
  • The Hero is in clear line of sight of the Attacker and the hero does not have a friendly unit within 15ft of them.


The PC or player character is the Players Primary character used in the game, some PC may have Minions witch will operate on the PC's Initiative as seen in the Minion section of the book. The PC will be treated as a Hero for the purposes of features and abilities.


Like hero's, Monsters can roam the battlefield independently from any mobs, Though they do not gain the benefits of a Hero's Look out sir benefits.


The most common type of unit is a Mob, these units will consist of 1 creature to as many as 30 or more in some cases, these units may have a leader or other special creatures added to or added in replace of a another creature in the unit or mob. To ease the burden of mass combat the GM may use a mob, when done they will follow the bellow rules.

Mob Actions: Each creature in a mob must take its turn before the next initiative taken, a Mob may only use the following actions if the whole unit does; Ready, Dash, Disengage and Dodge.

Mob Coherency: Each creature in the mob must stay within 5ft of another creature in the same mob, this applies to creatures of sizes medium and below, this is call Mob Coherency. For creatures of sizes large and above, the unit must stay within 5+5ft of another creature in the unit for each size category it is above Medium, for example Medium is 10ft, Large is 15ft, Huge is 20ft and so on.

Mob AC: When a Mob is attacked, the Attacker will use the AC of creature that makes up the majority of the unit if there is a tie use the higher of the two.

Attacking a Mob: When a PC or Hero unit as well as Monster unit with an intelligence greater the 7, attacks a mob with more then 2 creatures in it and they are no greater then one size larger then the attacking unit with an attack, you must choose what type of strike the unit will preform, there is 3 types of strikes, Sweeping Strikes or Precise strikes or Ranged strikes, each type of strike operates differently see below.

Precises Strikes: when making Precise Attacks you will roll your attacks against any chosen target within reach as normal rolling against that creatures AC and applying any specific features of the target or yours as normal.

Sweeping Strikes: when making sweeping attacks you make all melee attacks against the Mobs majority AC and the damage will be applied to a creature within reach of the attack, chosen by the targets controller until that creature is reduced to 0 hp then apply remaining Spillover Damage to the next viable target chosen by the targets controller, until it is reduced to 0 hp and so on. though you may only loose creatures in the mob in this way that are within reach of the one using sweeping strikes.

Ranged Strikes Anytime a mob is attacked by a ranged strike the damage will be applied to the creature that is closest to the direction of the damage source until it is reduced to 0 hp, then apply the remaining Spillover Damage to the next viable target within range, until it is reduced to 0 hp and so on, though you may only Effect a total number of creatures in the mob equal to the number of shoots made.

Template weapons If the damage taken was a template weapon or spell you will add the total damage from the attack and apply from closest creature to greatest in relation to the damage origins, applying damage to . For example a flame thrower would be from the weapon but a grenade would deal damage from the closest to the center of the blast. Furthermore when applying damage or calculating number of targets effected to a mob with a template, only creatures covered more then 25% by the template may be effected and the mob may only lose creatures in that mob that were 50% or more under the template.

Attacks with a Mob: When a Mob is attacking you only make attacks with any creature in a mob that are within there reach, usually this is only the front rank but if a mob should have a reach greater then there size other ranks may get attacks. When a mob is making multiple of the same attacks against a target, you may roll them all at once, once all hits are calculated you then roll all the damage of the hits all at once, totaling the damage then you apply that to the target Mob. If a Target should have an ability that can effect a creature in a mobs attack, they may apply it at any time.

Note that because of R20 and its lack of being able to roll multiple dice with a vale added to each die roll, the best way to do this with the advanced dice roller, is to make the target number a number equal to the targets AC reduced by the Attack value of the creatures making the attack, Its a reverse equation to rolling an attack adding a value to it and comparing it to the targets AC, so that you may roll many attack and quickly know hit with out having to do multiple equations.

Mob Saves: If multiple creatures in a mob are subject to an ability that requires a save, the mobs make one save with save bonus of the majority, if theres a tie choose one.

Mob Conditions: A Mob must have 50% or more of its unit effected by the same condition for the effect to apply to the entire mob, note: the individual members are still impaired so this condition rule will only effect the mob if you are doing a mob action IE a group rolling of dice to quicken unit combat, not for things like squad leader or attachment special actions. For example an squad leader is put to sleep the unit will loose the benefits of his aura as he needs to be able to speak but the unit will not count as unconscious as the unit can carry or assist the squad leader, but will not benefit from there leadership.

Mob Moral: When a Mob Gets reduced to half its original numbers it must make a Moral test using the highest wisdom save in amongst the creatures in that unit, the DC is equal to 10 + 1 for each creature lost, if failed all remaining creatures in the mob are routed.


Some Units may be mounted or have the option of having a mount, witch in some cases this is a intelligent creature. Mobs that have mounts will usually have HP pool that is both the rider and mount combined. Mounted Mobs

  • If the rider isn’t mounted, the mount acts as a Monster on the riders initiative.

  • While the rider is mounted both the rider and mount act as one.

  • When the rider is hit by a ranged attack on its mount use the mounts AC and if hit the rider chooses whether the mount takes the damage or the rider.

  • When a rider is mounted, melee attacks may be made against the rider or they mount, if the attack is from a none mounted medium creatures or a creature of size small or smaller it is made at disadvantage against the riders.

  • When the rider is mounted, both the rider and its mount take one dexterity save when required to, using the mounts save.

  • When the rider is mounted, you do not prevoke attacks of opportunity from creature of medium or smaller size that is not mounted of has a weapon with reach greater then 5ft.


Some Units may be embarked upon vehicle, when this is done it uses half that creatures movement. Those who are allowed are usually determined by creatures of a particular size category or below.

  • Creatures embarked on a vehicle must fill a position on the vehicle, each position will be described in the vehicle profile.

  • The Vehicle acts on the Drivers Initiative unless it has a commanders position it then act on the initiative of the commander. If the drivers position isn't occupied, the vehicle usually wont act as a separate creature on the owners initiative.

  • Each creatures actions and visibility in each position will be described in the vehicle profile.

  • Each creature occupying a position may use there actions on there initiative to use any of the appropriate action for that position.

Crew Serves

Some weapons require a Crew to move and operate, each action will have a number of crew needed to use that action. Each crew serve usually has a number of crew with it as described on the crew severs Sheet. Follow the rules below when using crew serves.

  • If the action only requires one crew then a single crew member may do the actions on different turns.

  • When the Crew serve is hit by a ranged attack use the crew severs AC and if hit the player chooses whether the crew serve takes the damage or the Crew.

  • Melee attacks against the crew serve may be made against the Crew serve or the crew.

  • The crew serve always fails dexterity saving throws.

Line of Sight, Obsuration & Cover

Line of sight and Obscuration.

Fire into Melee

When making ranged attack against a target within 5ft of a friendly or non hostile target you will make those attacks a disadvantage unless you are using a Pistol within 5ft or are allowed to fire a ranged weapon without disadvantage within 5ft of an enemy unit. Furthermore if a natural one is rolled the shot will hit another random target within 5ft of the target, friend or foe.

Firing Through another unit

When making ranged attacks you may not shot through a unit if you and the Obscuring unit are on the same level and of the same size or you are of a size smaller then the Obscuring unit.

You may shoot through a unit with disadvantage if the target is one size larger then the obscuring unit and you are not smaller then the Obscuring unit, furthermore if you roll a natural 1 the shot hits a random target within the obscuring unit.

If the target is 2 sizes larger then the obscuring unit and you are not smaller you may fire at the target normally with no negatives. If you are smaller then the Obscuring unit you will fire at disadvantage.

Varying Heights

For every 5ft of elevation a subject has in relation to the other units, will count as a plus or minus 1 size category when determining line of sight.


There are two types of Cover Vertical and Horizontal.

Note: any of the below AC bonuses my also be appllied to some Dexterity or armor save roll made against appropriate attacks like Auto fire attack modes, consult your GM, for details and guidance on what attack save may benefit from cover.

Horizontal Cover: Horizontal cover is cover that covers the Bladed body from shoulder to shoulder, this is usually used when a subject is around the corner of a hard structure like a wall or building. Vertical cover comes in 5 grades as seen below, each giving varying benefits.

Cover grade Benefit
1/4 +1 AC
1/2 +2 AC
3/4 +4 AC
7/8 +5 AC
Full No LOS

Note: When firing at a mob in horizontal cover, the mob will rate the cover bonus if a total fraction of the entire unit is around the cover point and out of line of sight and within unit coherency.

Vertical Cover: Vertical cover is cover that covers the body from head to toe or vise versa, this is usually used when a subject is using a low wall or structure as cover. Horizontal cover comes in 5 grades as seen below, each giving varying benefits

Cover grade Benefit
1/4 +1 AC, when prone counts as 3/4
1/2 +2 AC, when prone counts as full cover
3/4 +4 AC, Full cover when crouched or prone
7/8 +5 AC, Full cover when crouched or prone
Full No LOS

Note: When firing at a mob in Vertical cover, the mob will rate the cover bonus if a total fraction of the entire unit is behind the cover point and within unit coherency.

New Skills & Moral

Additional Skills

Technology (Int): The Technology skill is used to recall information, identify or operate technologies and advanced machineries

Science (Int): The Science skill will be used to recall information, identify or handle any advanced sciences like chemistry, Physics, Ecology or astrology.


At the end of a creatures turn after which a creature is brought to half health or they takes damage during a turn while below half health, they must pass a Moral Test witch is a Wisdom save DC equal to half the total damage dealt to there HP during that turn, on a fail the Creature is Routed, the Routed condition is the same as the Frightened condition with one extra feature, if a Routed creature moves it must always end that move farther from any current enemy combatants.

A Routed creature may attempt to retake the Moral test at the end of each turn at the same DC -1 for each round elapsed. If the test is passed they Rally and are not Routed anymore, a rallied unit may as a reaction move up to there total movement. Furthermore if you have already rallied from a moral test since your last Short rest they have disadvantage on a Moral test until a short rest is complete. You automatically rally if you should be healed to above half your health.

Furthermore a creature can automatically Rally if a PC or Hero within 30ft uses its action and a persuasion or a intimidation check DC 20, on a pass the creature immediately rallies and is not frightened anymore.

Damage Immunities & Resistances

Something to note in the Empires of war setting, is there is no difference in magic damage sources and non magical sources for the purposes of of Damage Immunities, Resistances or Vulnerabilities.

In most cases the damage type is the most important thing when dealing damage, as many things do not have immunities or resistances to damage types that are typically dealt by arcanic or magical sources, like Force, Radiant, Necrotic and Psychic.

In addition to to dealing different damage types the Potent weapon Property becomes a vital tool when attacking targets with resistances and immunities.

Note: there may be a few entities usually of the supernatural or Hyper Technological nature that have Immunity or resistance that cant be reduces by the potent weapon property or any other abilities that reduces Immunity or resistance, this is called True Immunity or True Resistance. In most cases of true Immunity and resistance, there will usually be some way to trigger a laps in the True Immunity or Resistance and allow damage to be taken by that source as normal immunity or resistance, Like having to perform a ritual before a demi god can me hurt, or an extremely advanced Mech must have its shield downed before damage can be taken.

Natural Healing

Heroic though they might be, adventurers can’t spend every hour of the day in the thick of exploration, social interaction, and combat. They need rest time to sleep and eat, tend their wounds, refresh their minds and spirits for spellcasting, and brace themselves for further adventure.

Adventurers, as well as other creatures, can take short rests in the midst of a day and a long rest to end it.

Short Rest

A short rest is a period of downtime, at least 1 hour long, during which a character does nothing more strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds.

A character can spend one or more Hit Dice at the end of a short rest, up to half the character’s maximum number of Hit Dice (Minimum 1)), which is equal to the character’s level. For each Hit Die spent in this way, the player rolls the die and adds the character’s Constitution modifier to it. The character regains hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1). The player can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll. A character regains some spent Hit Dice upon finishing a long rest, as explained below.

Minions: Once per day during a short rest a minions controller may heal the minion for an amount equal to 25% (Minimum 1).

Long Rest

A long rest is a period of extended downtime, at least 8 hours long, during which a character sleeps for at least 6 hours and performs no more than 2 hours of light activity, such as reading, talking, eating, or standing watch. If the rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activity—at least 1 hour of walking, fighting, casting spells, or similar adventuring activity—the characters must begin the rest again to gain any benefit from it.

At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a number of dice equal to half of the character’s total number of them (minimum of one die). For example, if a character has eight Hit Dice, he or she can regain four spent Hit Dice upon finishing a long rest.

A creature can’t benefit from more than one long rest in a 24-hour period, and a character must have at least 1 hit point at the start of the rest to gain its benefits.

Minions: During a long rest all minions will heal for an amount equal to 50% of there total hit points (minimum 1).

Variant Hit die Roll

When spending hit die you may roll the die or you may take halve the value of the hit die + your con instead of rolling each die.

Slow Natural Healing

In Empires of War characters don’t regain hit points at the end of a long rest. Instead, a character can spend Hit Dice to heal at the end of a long rest, just as with a short rest but you may use a number of hit die equal to your level.

This optional rule prolongs the amount of time that characters need to recover from their wounds without the benefits of magical or material healing and works well for grittier, more realistic campaigns.

Source Healing

In the Empires of War setting Healing can come from many different sources and can be directed at different sources. So as a GM you should think of a few things, like what source the heal came from and what type of creature is receiving the healing. Below are some examples healing discrepancies to think of, in many cases these stipulations are not defined and have some flexibility at the GMs discretion.

  • a material healing like a physicians surgery ability should not be used on any non mortals like Undead, Clestials, Constructs, Plants, abberants and other non mortal subtypes.

  • Magical healing should be effective on just about everything. Though there are some things to consider as a GM, like healing from Divine sources should not heal Undead or Demons or maybe divine cant heal Constructs, it is ultimately left to the GM.

Temporary HP pools

In the universe of Empires of War there are many ways of protecting yourself, some of these things like Arcane Powers, Shield Generators, Heavy armor and Powerframes. When you gain any type of Temporary HP it will Fill a pool of HP that must be used before you base HP will be effected. There are 3 Types of temporary HP Pools, Arcane Temp HP, Shield Capacity, Armor Capacity and Temp Bio HP each of witch is separate from the others and from your HP and must be used before or after another.

If you have Arcane Temp HP pools of multiple types you must use all Mutant spell Powers HP pool before any Shield Capacity and all Shield capacity before any Armor Capacity.

Note: Each Pool will have a separate set of Immunities and resistances.

Specialist Features

Maneuvers and Superiority die

When you learn Maneuvers from any class, they are fueled by special dice called superiority dice. The number of techniques and superiority dice you gain will be detailed in the feature that gives you maneuvers. The Superiority die type at level 1 is a d4, it increases to a d6 at level 5, then a d8 at level 10, a d10 at 15 and a D12 at level 20.

Maneuvers. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some way, you can use only one maneuver per attack.

Superiority Dice. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

Saving Throws. Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the technique's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)


Universal Maneuvers

Coordinated Attack. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your attacks and use a bonus action to direct one of your companions to strike. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you and expend one superiority die. That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, adding your Superiority die to the attack's damage roll.

Disarming Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it's holding. You add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.

Distract. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll. The next attack roll against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is made before the start of your next turn.

Evasive Footwork. When another creature damages you with a Melee or Ranged attack, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to reduce the damage by the number you roll on your superiority die + your level.

Feinting Attack. You can expend one superiority die and use a bonus action on your turn to feint, choosing one creature within 5 feet of you as your target. You have advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your turn. If that attack hits, add your superiority to the attack's damage roll.

Covering Maneuver. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to maneuver one of your comrades into a more advantageous position. You add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and you choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your attack.

Menace. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to frighten the target. You add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Redirect. When you are hit by a Melee attack or pistol attack within 5ft, you can expend one superiority die, roll a superiority and add the number rolled to your AC against that attack. Furthermore if the attack misses you may use you reaction to force the attacker to make a Strength save on a fail you may move the target to an position within your reach.

Precision Attack. When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority die to add a superiority die to the attack roll and damage roll. You can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.

Bolster. On your turn, you can use a bonus action and expend one superiority die to bolster the resolve of you or one of your companions. When you do so, you or a friendly creature who can see or hear you. gains temporary hit points equal to your superiority die roll + your Charisma modifier + your level.

Riposte. When a creature misses you with a melee or pistol attack within 5ft, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to make a melee weapon attack or a ranged pistol attack that does not have the extensive action weapon property or use a template, against the creature. If you hit, you add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll.

Failure to Stop. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the target prone, if your attack was with a weapon the Knockback weapon property you instead cause the target to take it at disadvantage.

Critical Attack. When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority die, if you do all the attack you make will critically hit on a number 2 better the it would normally and you add your superiority die to the damage roll, when this is done the effects last untill the start of yourr next turn. You must use this maneuver before the attack roll is made. Note; when using this maneuver and an attack criticals you will not double your Superiority die, it is in addition to the critical hit.

Bleed: When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature and the attack hit the target you may spend one superiority die if you do the target must make a constitution save, if the test is failed the target takes damage equal to your superiority die at the start of each of there turns for a number of rounds equal to your superiority die. A creature may only suffer the effects of this once. if you target the same creature with this again and it fails its save you may extend the duration of the current bleed.

Follow up (Prerequisite: 6th level): When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a weapon attack on your turn, you can expend one superiority die to allow you to move 10 additional feet this turn if your speed is not 0. You gain an extra action that you can use before the end of this turn, which you can use only to take the Attack action (one weapon attack only). If you use this action to make a weapon attack and hit, add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.

Attacks on the Run (Prerequisite: 6th level) When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can expend one superiority die and take the Dash action as a bonus action. The first time you hit with a weapon attack this turn, add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll. Opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage this turn.

Counter Strike (Prerequisite: 6th level) When a hostile creature you can see moves closer to you and ends the movement within 5 feet of you, you can expend a superiority die and use you reaction to immediately move up to half your speed and make a weapon attack against that creature. If that weapon attack hits, add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll. You can make the weapon attack before or after you move, and this movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from the triggering creature.

Rally (Prerequisites: 6th Level): As a reaction when you are making a moral test you may expend on superiority dice and ad the roll to the test, this may be done when attempting to rally a friendly unit as well adding the dice to the Persuasion or Intimidation check.

Unbroken (Prerequisite: 11th level) When you take damage, you can expend one superiority die and use your reaction to steel yourself against the blow. You halve the triggering instance of damage. After you take the damage, roll the superiority die and add your level. You gain that many temporary hit points, which last until you finish a short or long rest.

Unstoppable (Prerequisite: 16th level) When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can expend one superiority die to become a rampaging engine of carnage. Until the end of this turn, each time you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a weapon attack, you gain an additional weapon attack that can be made as part of the triggering Attack action.

Melee Maneuvers

Lunging Attack (Melee). When you make a Melee weapon attack on your turn, you can expend one superiority die to increase your reach for that attack by 5 feet. If you hit, you add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll.

Pushing Attack (Melee). When you hit a creature with a Melee weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to drive the target back. You add your superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you push the target up to 15 feet away from you.

Grappling Attack (Melee) When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack and you have a free hand, you can expend one superiority die and use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the creature you hit. The creature must be within your reach and no more than one size category larger than you. Add the superiority die to the Strength (Athletics) check made to grapple the creature you hit.

Cleaving Attack (Melee). When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to damage another creature with the same attack. Choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target and within your reach. If the original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal to the damage you dealt to the first target + your superiority die. The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.

Goading Attack (Melee Only). When you hit a creature with a Melee weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to goad the target into attacking you. You add your superiority to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn.

Powerful Strikes (Prerequisite: 6th level, Melee Only) When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can expend one superiority die to add extra power to your weapon strikes. each time you hit with a melee attack this turn, add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.

Ranged Maneuvers

Leg/Wing Shot (Ranged): When you make a Ranged attack against a creature, you can expend one Superiority die to attempt to topple a moving target. On a hit, you add you superiority die to the damage and the creature must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Dead Eye (Prerequisite: 6th level, Ranged Only) You can expend one superiority die and unleash a rain of projectiles upon the area. This maneuver may only be done with Revolver pistol weapons that do not have the Automatic, Burst or extensive action weapon properties. As an action on your turn provided you have enough ammunition in the weapon you may make one attack against a number of creatures equal to your Dexterity Bonus +1 (minimum 2), each creature must be within 10ft of each other. you may add your superiority die to any Attack rolls made.

Beating zone (Prerequisite: 6th level Ranged Only) You can expend one superiority die and choose a point within range of a ranged weapon you wield. You unleash a rain of projectiles upon the area. This maneuver may only be done with weapons that do not have the Automatic, Burst or extensive action weapon properties. On your turn provided you have enough ammunition in the weapon you may treat it as if it had the Automatic (3), you may add your superiority die to any damage rolls made.


You have a constant Aura Around you, the aura effects anything within its range of you. Any creatures or object you wish in the range gains the aura effect or suffers the effect, you have active. You may only have one aura active at a time, provided you are conscious. You may suppress the effect of all auras as a bonus action and returning it as a bonus action as well. You may also switch Auras as a bonus action if you should know more the one aura.

Note: No creature may benefit from the same aura at any time, if a creature is in the range and benefiting from the effects of the same aura from two different sources, the creature uses the greater value, the effects don't stack.

The range of your aura will be noted when you gain the aura. The range of the aura is per aura, so you may have one aura that can reach farther then another, furthermore you may be restricted to picking from specific Aura types.

(Neutral) Command Auras

Lethal Assault: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, may add your Charisma Modifier to any of there damage rolls from any ranged or melee attack.

Expert Guidance: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, may add your Charisma Modifier to all there skill checks made.

Rights of Battle: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range may add your Charisma Modifier to all of there Attack rolls.

Wise Leader: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range may add your Charisma Modifier to all of there saving throws made.

Seize the Initiative: Any creature you wish Within your command Aura may add your Charisma Modifier to all of there Initiative checks.

Lethal Precision: Any creature you wish Within your command Aura gains a critical with ranged and melee attack on 1 better then they would normally and they gain an additional damage dice for a critical hit.

Defend: Any creature you wish Within your command Aura may add your Charisma Modifier to there Armor class.

Hold line: Any creature you wish Within your command Aura may add your Charisma Modifier to any Moral tests made , as well as you gain this toward any intimidation or persuasion checks made to rally friendly units.

Divine Auras

Warding Aura. the gods rely on you and you companions so heavily that it forms an Divine ward upon you. Any creature you wish within your Aura range of you have Resistance to damage from Spells.

Aura of Courage. Any creature you wish within your Aura range of you can’t be Frightened, while you are conscious.

Aura of Devotion. Any creature you wish within your Aura range of you can’t be Charmed, while you are conscious.

Aura of Faith. Any creature you wish within your Aura range of you must make a saving throw, the creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Aura of Protection. Any creature you wish within your Aura range of you gains a bonus to there AC equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Aura of Alacrity. You emanate an aura that fills you and your Companions with supernatural speed, allowing you to race across a battlefield in formation. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, if you aren't Incapacitated, the walking speed of any ally who starts their turn within your aura range may increases there speed by 10 feet until the end of that turn.

Healing Aura. You emanate an aura that heals you and your Companions with supernatural power, During combat each creature that starts its turn or ends its turn within your aura range gains an amount of healing equal to your Wisdom Bonus. out of combat during a short rest this allows those around you to heal better, those you wish within your aura range may reroll Hit die rolls during a short rest.

Radiant Cloak: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, take a number of Radiant damage when they enter your aura range or at the beginning of a turn in witch the start in you aura, equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Cleansing Aura: Any creature in the Aura has resistance to poison damage and immunity to the poisoned condition, if a creature is poisoned on a turn they start there turn in the Aura it is negated.

Havoc Auras

Aura of Control. you constantly emanate a menacing aura while you’re not Incapacitated. If a creature is Frightened of you, its speed is reduced to 0 while in the aura, and that creature takes psychic damage equal to half your level if it starts or ends its turn there.

Vile Shroud: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, take a number of poison damage when they enter your aura range or at the beginning of a turn in witch the start in you aura, equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Unholy Auras

Death shroud: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, take a number of necrotic damage when they enter your aura range or at the beginning of a turn in witch the start in you aura, equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Noxious Shroud: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, take a number of poison damage when they enter your aura range or at the beginning of a turn in witch the start in you aura, equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Bolster Undead: Any Undead creature you wish Within your Aura range, gain a bonus to there attacks and there AC equal to your charisma and they gain a bonus to AC.

Primal Auras

Blazing Cloak: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, take a number of fire damage when they enter your aura range or at the beginning of a turn in witch the start in you aura, equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Freezing Cloak: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, take a number of cold damage when they enter your aura range or at the beginning of a turn in witch the start in you aura, equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Electro Cloak: Any creature you wish Within your Aura range, take a number of Lightning damage when they enter your aura range or at the beginning of a turn in witch the start in you aura, equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Hymns, Litanies and Chants

As an action you may start Litany or Hymn, AKA (Chants) This last for up 10 rounds, as long as you can speak and be heard, any Friendly Creatures you choose within 60ft of you gain the Benefits listed for the chant. The number of chants you may use per day and how many you know will be noted in the feature that gave you the Chant. You regain all expended Chants at the end of a long rest.


War Hymn: gain a +1 to attack rolls and an extra 1d4 to all damage rolls excluding Arcane Powers.

Catechism of Fire Gain a 1d4 to all Ranged attack rolls.

Writ of Inquisitation Gain Advantage on Intelligence and Charisma saves and ability checks.

Protection Hymn: Gain a +2 to there AC and a + 1d4 on all saves made.

Hymn Of Life Each target within the range of this chant, regains an amount Hp equal the Chanters Wisdom bonus at the end of the Chanters turn. this does not heal Undead, Constructs or Fiend.

Canticle of Wrath Legionnaires in there Wrath may continue there wrath beyond one minute if they are within the range of the Litany.

Recitation of Focus Advantage on Dexterity and Wisdom saves and ability checks.

Divine Rally Gain Advantage on all moral tests, as well as on Intimidation and persuasion skill tests made to rally a friendly unit.


Incantation of the Iron Soul Each target within the range of this chant, regains an amount Hp equal the Chanters Wisdom bonus at the end of the Chanters turn. Only constructs may Benefit from this litany.

Chant of the Steel Fist Each target within the range of this chant, has a bonus to all Melee attacks and melee damage rolls equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

Benidiction of the Omnissiah Each target within the range this chant, has a bonus to all Ranged attack and ranged damage rolls equal to your Wisdom bonus.

Shroudpslam Enemies attacking any target within range of this chant has disadvantage on all ranged attack rolls made.

Invocation of Machine Fortitude Each target within the range of this chant, temporarly removes all levels of exhuastsion.

Litany of the Electromancer Once per round when this chant starts and during this Chant any Creature that starts or ends its turn within range of the chant takes an amount of lightning damage equal to your wisdom bonus. Only constructs may Benefit from this litany.


Litiny of Despair Enemies in range have disadvantage on saves made to resist being, Routed, Frightened or Charmed.

Omen of Potency your Melee attacks gain a bonus to attacks and damage equal to your Charisma bonus, Furthermore melee attacks count as magical for the purpose of resistances.

Warp sight Plea Each target within the range this chant, has a bonus to all Ranged attack rolls equal to your Wisdom bonus and when this litany is first used all casters have gain 1 Arcane charge and they gain 1 at the start of each round they are within range of your litany

Wrathful Entreati Must have mark of Bale'reth: you gain a +4 to your strength and You may make one attack as a bonus action.

Mutating Invocation Must have mark of Hayzildir: Roll a d4 an consult the list below, the effect lasts untill the start of your next turn, if the chant continues you re roll on the list at the start of each round and applying the new effect and losing the previous.

1: Regain 1d4 Hit points.

2: you gain a fly speed equal to your walk speed.

3: Enemy creatures must make a wisdom save DC 8 + Proficiency bonus + Charisma Bonus or be frightened for the duration of the chant. a creature may not be effected by this more then once per day.

4: Gain + 1d4 damage to all attacks made.

Feculent Beseechment Must have mark of Putricus: At the start of the Litany you gain temporary hit points equal to 2 x your level, losing any remaining when the litany ends. Furthermore you gain 1d4 Temporary Hit Points at the start of each round the chant is being heard.

Blissful Devotion Must have mark of Crulsilia: any friendly creature that can hear this chant gain +10 to there movement you may dash as a bonus action and you have advantage on dexterity saves and checks.


Soulteater: each enemy in Range takes necrotic damage.

Illusory Supplication Friendly targets within range have resistance to all damage types except for Radiant, force and Psychic.

Benediction of Darkness: Creatures within the aura are counted as being unlit, only magic can penetrate this darkness.

Benediction of dispair: Enemies in range Have -1d4 to all attack rolls made.


Litiny of Destruction Gain + 1d4 to all Melee attack rolls.

Pledge of Rage While active the chanter may use a bonus action to make one melee attack on there turn.

Chant of Strength The Chanter Gains Advantage on Strength and Constitution saves and ability checks.

Lethal Portent: each friendly unit within range will score a critical hit with melee attacks on 2 less then they would normally.

Warsuit Classes

Each Warsuit Class has 4 abilities, as Warsuit level 1 you apply the ability Mod, all passive traits and the level 1 shield generator. Furthermore you gain your choice of one of the 4 abilities from your chosen Warsuit class, at Warsuit level 2 you gain another choice, at Warsuit level 3, 3 choices and 4 choices at Warsuit level 4.


Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Strength and Constitution ability scores, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: Gain Resistance to Piercing, Slashing and Bludgeoning damage. Furthermore your Arcane bolts now deal Thunder damage instead of force damage

Shield Generator

Warsuit Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 30 50 70 90
Recharge Delay 2 2 2 2
Recharge Rate 20 20 20 20
Special Resistance Force Force Force Force

(1) Impact hit: once per turn If you move your max movement or more (minimum 20ft) in a straight line, You may deal an additional 2D8 Bludgeoning damage to the target with the first attack should it hit. The damage from this ability increases by 2D8 at levels 6, 10 and 14.

(2) Iron Hide: you may as a bonus action gain a Damage reduction of 5 against Piercing, Slashing and Bludgeoning damage. this effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your constitution bonus (minimum 1). this must be reduced before any shield effects. once this effect is used it cant be used again until a short or long rest is complete. Additionally this effect can be done as a reaction to taking damage, though if this is done it counts as a round of its duration.

(3) Power Roar: As an action you bellow out a roaring warcry all friendly creatures you choose within 30ft of you gain a bonus to all melee or ranged weapon damage rolls equal to you constitution bonus, this effect lasts for a number of rounds equal you constitution bonus as well. you regain the use of this feature after you complete a long or short rest.

(4) Thunderous Stomp: As a bonus action You stomp the Ground causing a destructive shock wave each creature within 10ft of you must make a Strength save, against a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Strength bonus, on a failure that creature is push back 10ft and knocked Prone, Taking 1d12 Thunder damage for each Strength ability score bonus you have and on a Success they are pushed 5ft back and take half damage.

(Prime) Immunity: You may as a reaction to taking damage, you gain immunity to your choice of one damage type, this lasts until the end of your next turn, you may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution, once you use this feature you cant use it again until you complete a short or long rest.


This profile counts a 3 individual classes each being focused on a specific element, Pyro is fire, Cryo is Cold and Storm is Lightning

Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution and Intelligence ability scores, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: You gain increased arcane abilities you gain more cantrips, spells known and spell slots dependent on what level you are se chatr below, note these are in addition to your innate casting abilities and you may take spells from the Pyromancy/Crypmanc/Electromancy discipline and they count as associated with the neutral powers. Furthermore your arcane bolts now deals Fire/Cold/Lightning damage instead of Force.

Level Cantrips Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 2 3 1 - - -
2 2 3 1 - - -
3 2 3 2 - - -
4 2 4 3 - - -
5 2 4 3 - - -
6 2 4 3 - - -
7 2 5 4 2 - -
8 2 6 4 2 - -
9 2 6 4 2 - -
10 3 7 4 3 - -
11 3 8 4 3 - -
12 3 8 4 3 - -
13 3 9 4 3 2 -
14 3 10 4 3 2 -
15 3 10 4 3 2 -
16 3 11 4 3 3 -
17 3 11 4 3 3 -
18 3 11 4 3 3 -
19 3 12 4 3 3 1
20 3 13 4 3 3 1

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 15 30 45 60
Recharge Delay 1 1 1 1
Recharge Rate 15 15 15 15
Special Resistance Fire / Cold / Lightning Fire / Cold / Lightning Fire / Cold / Lightning Fire / Cold / Lightning

(1) Potent Element: (Passive) You ignore resistance to Fire/Cold/Lightning damage when making attacks and using spells that deal Fire/Cold/Lightning damage.

(2) Elemental Armor: you may as a bonus action gain a cloak of Fire/Cold/Lightning, this Cloak lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). while this cloak is active you gain immunity to Fire/Cold/Lightning damage and any creature that enters a space or starts its turn within 10ft of you take an amount of Fire/Cold/Lightning damage equal to half your level. Once this effect is used it cant be used again until a short or long rest is complete.

(3) Intense Element: (Passive) when making attacks and using spells that deal fire damage, you treat Fire/Cold/Lightning immunity as resistance and you ignore Fire/Cold/Lightning resistance.

(4) -: -.

(Prime) Elemental Destruction: when you cast a Pyromancy/Crypmanc/Electromancy spell you may maximize the damage dice of the spell, once you use this feature you cant use it again until you complete a short or long rest.


Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution and Wisdom ability scores, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: You gain resistance to Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning and poison damage as well as you gain Immunity the poisoned and diseased conditions.

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 30 50 70 90
Recharge Delay 2 2 2 2
Recharge Rate 20 20 20 20
Special Resistance Poison Poison Poison Poison

(1) Boulder Shot: (Passive) Your Arcane bolts deals 2d8 Bludgeoning damage instead of a d10 force.

(2) Stone Gaze: you may as a bonus action you gaze at each creature within a 15ft cone must make a Constitution save, the DC is equal to 8 + Proficiency + you Constitution bonus, on a failure the target is Petrified for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution bonus, taking a new test at the end of there turn each round, losing the petrified condition on a pass. You regain the use of this feature after you complete a long or short rest. Furthermore if any of your Golems are in your gaze when you activate it they will heal for 2d6 + you constitution bonus.

(3) Terran Heart: (Passive) Gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom Bonus.

(4) Earthen Flow: You gain a borrow speed equal to your walk speed, this movement can only be used in earth, rock, stone, sand or similar material and it does not leave an trail behind.

(Prime) Earthquake: You create a seismic disturbance at a point on the ground that you can see within 120ft. For a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom Bonus (Minimum 1), an intense tremor rips through the ground in a 50-foot-radius circle centered on that point and shakes creatures and structures in contact with the ground in that area.

The ground in the area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature on the ground that is concentrating must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s concentration is broken.

When you first use this ability and at the end of each turn its activated, each creature on the ground in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.

This ability can have additional effects depending on the terrain in the area, as determined by the DM.

Fissures. Fissures open throughout the area at the start of your next turn after you use this ability. A total of 1d4 such fissures open in locations chosen by the DM. Each is 1d6 × 10 feet deep, 5 feet wide, and extends from one edge of the abilities area to the opposite side. A creature standing on a spot where a fissure opens must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall in taking 5d6 Bludgeoning damage. A creature that successfully saves moves with the fissure’s edge as it opens.

A fissure that opens beneath a structure causes it to automatically collapse (see below).

Structures. The tremor deals 30 bludgeoning damage to any structure in contact with the ground in the area when you use this ability and at the start of each of your turns until the earthquake ends. If a structure drops to 0 hit points, it collapses and potentially damages nearby creatures. A creature within half the distance of a structure’s height must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and is buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check as an action to escape. The DM can adjust the DC higher or lower, depending on the nature of the rubble. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and doesn’t fall prone or become buried.


Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Dexterity and Wisdom ability scores, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: Your Arcane bolts become Slashing wisps of air that deal 2d8 Slashing damage instead of a d10 force.

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 20 30 40 50
Recharge Delay 2 2 2 2
Recharge Rate 10 10 10 10
Special Resistance Force Force Force Force

(1) Air Slash: (Passive) You may Dash or Disengage as a bonus action.

(2) Flight: you may as a free action or a reaction gain a flying speed of 50ft this last for a number of rounds equal to your Dexterity Bonus. Once this effect is used it cant be used again until a short or long rest is complete.

(3) Air Burst: As a bonus action You cause a burst of air that pushes and knocks targets prone. Each creature within 15ft of a point you choose within 60ft of you must make a Strength save, against a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Dexterity bonus, on a failure that creature is push back 10ft and knocked Prone on a Success they are just pushed 10ft.

(4) Aero Shield: As a reaction to being damaged by a ranged attack you may gain a bonus to you AC against all ranged attacks equal to your Dexterity bonus (minimum 1) for a number of rounds equal to you wisdom bonus (minimum 1). Once this effect is used it cant be used again until a short or long rest is complete.

(Prime) Tornado: As an action A tornado forms on a point that you can see on the ground within 120ft. The tornado is a 10-foot-radius, 30-foot-high cylinder centered on that point. this lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom bonus (minimum 1), you can use your bonus action to move the Tornado up to 30 feet in any direction along the ground. The Tornado sucks up any Medium or smaller objects that aren’t secured to anything and that aren’t worn or carried by anyone.

A creature must make a Dexterity saving throw DC equal to 8 + Proficiency bonus + Wisdom Bonus, the first time on a turn that it enters the tornado or that the tornado enters its space, including when the tornado first appears. A creature takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In addition, a Large or smaller creature that fails the save must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained in the tornado until the spell ends. When a creature starts its turn restrained by the tornado, the creature is pulled 5 feet higher inside it, unless the creature is at the top. A restrained creature moves with the tornado and falls when the tornado ends, unless the creature has some means to stay aloft.

A restrained creature can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity check against the same DC. If successful, the creature is no longer restrained by the whirlwind and is hurled 3d6 × 10 feet away from it in a random direction taking 5d6 Bludgeoning damage.


Ability Mod: you gain a +4 bonus to your Intelligence ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: You gain increased arcane abilities you gain more cantrips, spells known and spell slots dependent on what level you are se chatr below, note these are in addition to your innate casting abilities and you may take spells from the Electromancy and Ruinous Craft disciplines and they count as associated with the Neutral powers. Furthermore your arcane bolts now deals your choice of either Lightning damage or acid damage instead of Force, this choice is chosen each time you apply this Warsuit Class.

Level Cantrips Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 2 3 1 - - -
2 2 3 1 - - -
3 2 3 2 - - -
4 2 4 3 - - -
5 2 4 3 - - -
6 2 4 3 - - -
7 2 5 4 2 - -
8 2 6 4 2 - -
9 2 6 4 2 - -
10 3 7 4 3 - -
11 3 8 4 3 - -
12 3 8 4 3 - -
13 3 9 4 3 2 -
14 3 10 4 3 2 -
15 3 10 4 3 2 -
16 3 11 4 3 3 -
17 3 11 4 3 3 -
18 3 11 4 3 3 -
19 3 12 4 3 3 1
20 3 13 4 3 3 1

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 20 40 60 80
Recharge Delay 2 2 2 2
Recharge Rate 20 20 20 20
Special Resistance Force Force Force Force

(1) Ruinous Reaction: when you are hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal your choice of Force, Lightning or Acid damage to the attacker, the damage equals your level. The attacker must also make a Strength saving throw with a DC of 8 + Proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus. On a failed save, the attacker is pushed in a straight line up to 10 feet away from you.

(2) Arc Rupture: (Passive) you gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In addition, whenever you start casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage, magic erupts from you. This eruption causes creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you to take lightning or thunder damage (choose each time this ability activates) equal to half your level.

(3) Chaos Tide: you can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Once you do so, you must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Any time before you regain the use of this feature, the DM can have you roll on the Perils of the Arcane Surge table immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. You then regain the use of this feature.

(4) Bend Luck: you have the ability to twist fate using your Chaos magic. When another creature you can see makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction and spend 2 arcane charges to roll 1d4 and apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature’s roll. You can do so after the creature rolls but before any effects of the roll occur.

(Prime) Witch Strike: When you hit a creature with a Melee Attack, you can use this feature to instantly attempt to transport the target through the planes of Havoc. The creature must make a Wisdom save with a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency bonus + your Charisma Bonus, on a failure the target disappears and hurtles through a Nightmare landscape.

At the end of the targets next turn your next turn, the target returns to the space it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If the target is not a Celestial, it takes 6d10 psychic damage as it reels from its horrific experience.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Short Rest.


Ability Mod: you gain a +4 bonus to your Strength ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: Due to the massive size of Titan avatar, You count as one size larger when determining your Carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 50 100 150 200
Recharge Delay 5 5 5 5
Recharge Rate 25 25 25 25
Special Resistance Force Force Force Force

(1) Larger Then Most: You ignore the effects of the long gun and Mounted weapon Property and you count as using 2 actions each time you use an action to reload, set up or take down a weapon with the Massive Parts weapon property.

(2) Devastating Blows: When you roll damage for a Melee weapon and roll the highest number possible on any of the dice, roll + 1 Damage dice for each dice you rolled the highest on. this includes any extra dice rolled from this ability.

(3) Heavy Support: You may ignore Heavy and Large weapon property.

(4) Hold Ground: You may now dodge as a bonus action.

(Prime) Absolute: A character with this trait gains a +10 bonus on all tests to resist Fear, Routing, Interrogation, and Mind affecting spell powers. Furthermore you always count as having one level of exhaustion less then you have..


Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution and your wisdom ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: You gain increased arcane abilities you gain more cantrips, spells known and spell slots dependent on what level you are, see chart below, note these are in addition to your innate casting abilities and you may take spells from the divine Craft disciplines and they count as associated with the Neutral powers. Furthermore your arcane bolts now deals radiant damage instead of Force, this choice is chosen each time you apply this Warsuit Class.

Level Cantrips Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 2 3 1 - - -
2 2 3 1 - - -
3 2 3 2 - - -
4 2 4 3 - - -
5 2 4 3 - - -
6 2 4 3 - - -
7 2 5 4 2 - -
8 2 6 4 2 - -
9 2 6 4 2 - -
10 3 7 4 3 - -
11 3 8 4 3 - -
12 3 8 4 3 - -
13 3 9 4 3 2 -
14 3 10 4 3 2 -
15 3 10 4 3 2 -
16 3 11 4 3 3 -
17 3 11 4 3 3 -
18 3 11 4 3 3 -
19 3 12 4 3 3 1
20 3 13 4 3 3 1

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 25 50 75 100
Recharge Delay 2 2 2 2
Recharge Rate 5 25 25 25
Special Resistance Necrotic Necrotic Necrotic Necrotic

(1) Soul Tether: The Healing Spells you cast on others heal you as well. When you Cast a Spell of 1st Level or higher that restores Hit Points to a creature other than you, you regain Hit Points equal to 2 + the spell’s level. if you are at maximum hit points you gain temporary hit points, in an amount equal to what went over your hit point maximum. you may only gain an amount of temporary hit points in this way equal to your level.

(2) Battle Trance: You touch one humanoid who wishes to be dedicated to the battles ahead. For the next 1 hours, whenever the target makes a attack roll, it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll. A creature can benefit from this only once. Once this effect is used it cant be used again until a short or long rest is complete.

(3) Divine Sway: As a Reaction when you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you suffers a critical hit, you can turn that hit into a normal hit. Any Effects triggered by a critical hit are canceled.

(4) Smite: when you hit a creature with a melee weapon Attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each Spell Level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an Undead or a fiend, to a maximum of 6d8.

(Prime) Arch Mendrite: when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore Hit Points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 Hit Points to a creature, you restore 12.


Ability Mod: you gain a +4 bonus to your Dexterity, ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: Furthermore arcane bolts become Daggers or arrows of shadow that deal 2d8 Piercing damage instead of a d10 force.

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 15 30 45 60
Recharge Delay 1 1 1 1
Recharge Rate 15 15 15 15
Special Resistance Force Force Force Force

(1) Assassinate: you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on Attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn in the Combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.

(2) Trade skills: You gain both the Fast hands and the Eye for details abilities below.

Fast Hands: you can use the Bonus Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves’ tools to Disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action.

Eye for Detail: you can use a Bonus Action to make a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a hidden object, compartment, trap or Door or to make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to uncover or find valuable objects.

(3) Positive Perception: (Passive) Gain a +5 bonus to all Perception skill checks as well as your passive perception.

(4) Camouflage: you can spend 1 minute creating camouflage for yourself. You must have access to fresh mud, dirt, plants, soot, and other naturally occurring materials with which to create your camouflage.

Once you are camouflaged in this way, you can try to hide by pressing yourself up against a solid surface, such as a tree or wall, that is at least as tall and wide as you are. You gain a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks as long as you remain there without moving or taking actions. Once you move or take an action or a reaction, you must camouflage yourself again to gain this benefit.

(Prime) Reactive Reflexes: you have become adept at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger. You can take two turns during the first round of any Combat. You take your first turn at your normal Initiative and your second turn at your Initiative minus 10. You can’t use this feature when you are surprised.


Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Dexterity and Wisdom, ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: Your Arcane bolts become small Kinetic rods that deal deals 2d8 Piercing damage instead of a d10 force.

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 30 60 90 120
Recharge Delay 3 3 3 3
Recharge Rate 15 15 15 15
Special Resistance Force Force Force Force

(1) Dead Shot: As an action you may choose to fire a single shot regardless of the amount of extra attacks you may have and provided the weapon does not have the Automatic or burst fire property, if you do and the attack hits you may roll 2 additional Damage dice when rolling for damage. Increase the extra damage by in additional 1 damage dice at levels 10 and 15.

(2) Ballistic Focus: You may as a bonus action enter a stat of ballistic focus, you gain a bonus to all ranged attack rolls and DCs of ranged attack equal to your Wisdom bonus. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom bonus. Once you have used this trait you must finish a short or long rest to regain its use.

(3) Lay Down Fire: (Passive) You may fire any Single shot or Semi automatic weapon that does not have the Extensive action weapon property as if it was auto fire (3), provided it has enough munitions loaded.

(4) Escape the Horde: Opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage..

(Prime) Ammunition Symbiote: All munitions you fires from a ranged or throw weapon ignore all cover benefits. Furthermore each time you use a source of ammunition you roll a d100 on a 50% or grater you do not use that munition.


Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Intelligence and Wisdom, ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: You gain increased arcane abilities you gain more cantrips, spells known and spell slots dependent on what level you are, see chart below, note these are in addition to your innate casting abilities and you may take spells from any disciplines associated with the unholy powers and they count as associated with the Neutral powers. Furthermore your arcane bolts become necrotic Bolts and now deal Necrotic damage Instead of Force.

Level Cantrips Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 2 3 1 - - -
2 2 3 1 - - -
3 2 3 2 - - -
4 2 4 3 - - -
5 2 4 3 - - -
6 2 4 3 - - -
7 2 5 4 2 - -
8 2 6 4 2 - -
9 2 6 4 2 - -
10 3 7 4 3 - -
11 3 8 4 3 - -
12 3 8 4 3 - -
13 3 9 4 3 2 -
14 3 10 4 3 2 -
15 3 10 4 3 2 -
16 3 11 4 3 3 -
17 3 11 4 3 3 -
18 3 11 4 3 3 -
19 3 12 4 3 3 1
20 3 13 4 3 3 1

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 30 60 90 120
Recharge Delay 3 3 3 3
Recharge Rate 15 15 15 15
Special Resistance Radiant Radiant Radiant Radiant

(1) Necro Touch: You can use an action to attempt to touch a creature via a melee attack roll, upon a hit deal 2d8 necrotic damage, if this damage reduces a creature's hit points to zero then it dies. The damage dealt increases to 4d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 10th, 4d8 at 15th, and 5d8 at 20th level. When you kill a creature using this ability it is raised from the dead for 24 hours and is under your command for the duration, once this time is up the creature will turn to dust and die. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

(2) Undead Affinity: you begin to manifest a likeness to undead and cause them to see you as one of their own. You gain a 10 ft. protective aura around you that causes undead with an intelligence of 8 or lower to see you as one of their own. Undead in this aura will not attack you unless you harm it first. Undead that are attacked or are being controlled by a target other than yourself aren’t affected by this feature.

At 10th level, your affinity with undead manifests physically, you are immune to diseases, your hit point maximum can't be reduced, and the range of your protective aura increases to 30 feet and protects your friends too.

At 15th level, you are similar to the undead so much that you take on their undead nature. You are immune to the exhaustion and poisoned conditions.

(3) Undead Controller: Whenever you create an Undead using any Necromancy spells, it has additional benefits, as seen below.

  • The creature’s hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to your collegiate arcana level.
  • The creature adds your Proficiency Bonus to its weapon Damage Rolls.
  • You can't lose control of undead by magical means.

Furthermore When cast a necromancy spell to raise an undead creature or you reassert any Necromancy spell, you may do it to an additional amount of targets equal to Your Intelligence bonus (Round up).

(4) Inured Death: you have resistance to necrotic damage and immunity to poison damage and to the diseased condition. Furthermore your hit point maximum can’t be reduced.

(Prime) Rez: You have mastered the manipulation of life and death. You can cast Resurrection without expending a spell slot or expending material components as well as roll for Harness the Arcane. Once you cast resurrection this way, you have to finish a long rest before you can do so again.


Ability Mod: you gain a +4 bonus to your intelligence, ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: You gain increased arcane abilities you gain more cantrips, spells known and spell slots dependent on what level you are, see chart below, note these are in addition to your innate casting abilities and you may take spells from any disciplines associated with the Neutral powers. Furthermore your arcane bolts now deals Psychic damage Instead of Force.

Level Cantrips Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 2 3 1 - - -
2 2 3 1 - - -
3 2 3 2 - - -
4 2 4 3 - - -
5 2 4 3 - - -
6 2 4 3 - - -
7 2 5 4 2 - -
8 2 6 4 2 - -
9 2 6 4 2 - -
10 3 7 4 3 - -
11 3 8 4 3 - -
12 3 8 4 3 - -
13 3 9 4 3 2 -
14 3 10 4 3 2 -
15 3 10 4 3 2 -
16 3 11 4 3 3 -
17 3 11 4 3 3 -
18 3 11 4 3 3 -
19 3 12 4 3 3 1
20 3 13 4 3 3 1

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 20 40 60 80
Recharge Delay 1 1 1 1
Recharge Rate 10 10 10 10
Special Resistance Psychic Psychic Psychic Psychic

(1) Psy Shield: you can weave arcane energy around yourself for Protection. When you cast a Telekinesis spell of 1st Level or higher, you can simultaneously use a strand of the spell’s magic to create a magical Shield on yourself that lasts until you finish a Long Rest. The Shield has a hit point maximum equal to 5x your level. Whenever you take damage, the Shield takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the Shield to 0 Hit Points, you take any remaining damage. You must use the your Shield before any shield generators or Temporary Hit points.

While the Shield has 0 Hit Points, it can’t absorb damage, but its magic remains. Whenever you cast an telekinesis spell of 1st Level or higher, the Shield regains a number of Hit Points equal to 5x the level of the spell to its maximum. You may also recharge the Shield with arcane charges as a bonus action, each charge refills 10 hp of the Shield.

Once you create the Shield, you can’t create it again until you finish a Long Rest. Furthermore you gain the Project shield ability below.

Projected Barrier: when a creature that you can see within 30 feet + 5 feet x your intelligence bonus of you takes damage, you can use your Reaction to cause your Shield to absorb that damage. If this damage reduces the Shield to 0 Hit Points, the original target creature takes any remaining damage.

(2) Psy Armor: Your body always has an invisible arcanic barrier around it. Your AC is increased by a number equal to your Intelligence bonus.

(3) Psy Deflection: your mastery over your mind slow down or redirects an attack. When you are hit from a ranged or thrown weapon. You may use this reaction, the damage you take from the weapon attack is reduced by 1D10 + your Intelligence modifier + your level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can redirect the attack. Make a ranged attack with the weapon or piece of Ammunition you just redirected, as part of the same Reaction. You make this attack with Proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and you use you spell casting ability for the attack.

(4) True Psion: when you cast a spell of the Telekinesis discipline that requires you to make an ability check as a part of casting that spell (as in Counterspell and Dispel Magic), you add your Proficiency Bonus to that ability check.

(Prime) Psy Resistance: Whenever you take damage from a magical source it is reduced by 10 damage. In addition once per Short rest you may choose to end one spell effect on yourself. Furthermore you gain advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Ability Mod: you gain a +2 bonus to your Strength and Dexterity, ability score, this must be applied after any ability score adjustments made with your Warsuit configurations unit.

Passive Traits: Furthermore arcane bolts become javelins of light that deal 2d8 Piercing damage instead of a d10 force.

Shield Generator

Level 1 2 3 4
Shield Capacity 25 50 75 100
Recharge Delay 3 3 3 3
Recharge Rate 25 25 25 25
Special Resistance Radiant Radiant Radiant Radiant

(1) Divert Strike: When a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to repeat the same attack against another creature (other than itself) of your choice.

(2) Swirling Dash: you can use the feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity bonus. you must be holding a melee slashing weapon of witch you are proficient with.

You charge forward in a whirling flourish, this ability hits all enemies within line 20ft long and 10ft wide. Flying creatures cannot be hit unless they are within 5 feet of the ground. All enemies must make a Dexterity save with a DC equal to 8 + your Dexterity bonus ability score + proficiency bonus). If they fail this counts as a successful hit from you and the weapon(s) you choose before attacking.

(3) Improvised War: You become Proficient with improvised weapons each improvised weapon you pick up a improvised weapon the GM will classify the improvised weapon type, to include damage type and die as well as any special properties it may have.

(4) Deadly Strikes: Your arms strength and precision to allow you to deal an additional 1D4 damage on all your melee attacks.

(Prime) Bladestorm: as an action, you can start a Bladestorm. As long as your holding a sword you can turn into a Whirling Death. All creatures of your choosing within 20 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency modifier + your strength modifier. On failure, they take 4d6 damage + your Strength or dexterity modifier.

On subsequent turns, you can use your action to keep the Bladestorm going, forcing all creatures within 20 feet to make the save again. You can keep a Bladestorm going for a number of turns equal to your Strength modifier or dexterity bonus. You can use this feature once per short rest.

Chapter 6 (Cybernetics)

Chapter 6 (Cybernetics)

There are all sorts of different Augmetics each takes up different locations on you body and some may require Prerequesits like being a specific race on needing a specific Augmetic. some others are a pair meaning that it will occupy both hands this still uses 1 Augment slot for

hands. Some Augmentations can be upgraded and taken more than once at the cost of another slot Be mindful of what mods your taking and weather or not they will take up the same slot, talk to you DM about your options.

Cybernetic Augmetations

Any individual that is proficient in Medicine, Science and Technology Skills as well as Surgical tools, Tech tools and Artificers Tools, may attempt to install a Cybernetic augmentation. This requires the Phyisical Augmentation or some time in hours and materials (consult GM) to create the Augmentation and a number of hours to install it. Then a number of long rests (consult GM) to recover. You also suffer 1 or more levels of exhaustion for a number days after recovery (consult GM), as your body gets accustomed to the new part. These mods Cannot used to stack with Genetic Modifacations, Nor can they be paired with such tech and in mixing and matching.

This Procedure must be done by anyone that is proficient with all the required skills, we will call them the "Cyber Doc". you may have a team of individuals preform the Procedure as long as all the Skill and tool Proficiency are Present in the "Team", this team may not be more then 4 people. For a Cyber Doc to preform the Procedure they or the team must have between them a set of Artificers tools, a set of Tech tools, sugical tools and a Healing potion or like Item and at least a first aid kit. Alternatively if a member of the team can heal in some way, they can replace the requirement of the healing potion. you must also have the augmentation constructed and present.

The Procedure is treated just like creating a intricate plan, using the Medicine, Tech, Science, Surgical tools

requires you to make 7 sucssesful skill tests 2 Science, 1 Technology, 1 Tech tools (Intelligence), and 1 Artificers tools and 2 Medicine before 3 failures. the DC for these checks is equal to 15 plus twice the number of Augmentations you are attempting to change or install. If all 3 tests are passed you then go into recovery, see below for details. If you fail during any of the three checks, you may attempt a retest with a DC of 16 plus twice the number of Augmentations you are attempting to change or install, if the second test is failed you are unsuccessful in your efforts and The patient must recover.

After recovery make an additional check to attempt to fix your work

during this time the patient will not benefit from any of the Augmentations that where attempted to be changed or installed.

The DC to fix a Augmetic is 20, if this check is also failed, you no longer benefit from it as it is non-functional. You may repeat the repair check after a long rest.

Augmentation Slots

Here is a list of the Augment slots and how many each may have.

Augmentation Slots

  • Head: 4
  • Nero: Maximum Varies
  • Chest: 4
  • Back: 2
  • Arms: 2 on each side
  • Hands: 3
  • legs: 2, on each side
  • Feat: 3
  • Dermal/Exo: 6
  • Spinal: 2
  • Anotomic: 4

Augmetics Casting Some Advanced Augmetics allow you to cast spells, Though a spells is used for the effect the effect its self is not Magical. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for Augmetics that uses a spell. You use your Intelligence score whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for any spell like ability you cast with Augmetics and when making an attack roll with one.

Augmetics Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Augmetics Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Asscension to the Machine Cult:

If at any point a non Construct, Has an Adamantin Skull, 2x Machine arms, 2x machine legs, 1 chest, 1 Back and a Nero harness they may count themselves as a construct.

Head Augmetics

You may have up to 4 Head Augmetics.

Adamantine Skull'

Effect: You become Immune to the effects of Knocked unconscious by any means other then being reduced to 0HP.

Nero Harness

Effect: You may now have an amount of Nero upgrades Equal to your Intel bonus +1.

Active Sensor Tracking

Prerequisites: Must have an Adamantine Skull or be a Construct.

Effect: Once per short rest, when you are attacked you may as a reaction make one attack with a weapon at that target. At level 9 you can use this twice per long rest.

Intelligence Core

Prerequisites: Must have an Adamantine Skull or be a Construct.

Effect: Permanently gain a +2 to you Intelligence, to a max of 22.

Upgrade This may be taken up to 4 times staking the effects.

O2 Converter

Effect: You now have Water Breathing.

Evasion Matrix

Prerequisites: Must have an Adamantine Skull or a Construct.

Effect: You may dodge as a bonus action.

Audio Filter

Effect: Gain Resistance to Thunder Damage and gain advantage on roll against the defend condition.

Night Vision

Effect: Gain darkvision in a radius of 60ft or add this to current darkvision

Upgrade: This may be taken twice.

Sensory Array

Prerequisites: Must have an Adamantine Skull or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain blindsight in a radius of 15ft. At level 9 the radius becomes 30ft

Scryers Node

Prerequisites: Must have an Adamantine Skull or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 10 reception discs located in a small compartment on your body and a receiver in your head. The discs are aabout the size of a dime and can be placed where required by either placing or throwing or any similar action. Whilst placed, they constantly transmit all sounds up to 100ft and images within 50ft, following normal rules for vision and sound. As long as the receiver is within 1000ft of the disc, these sounds and images can be viewed through the receiver. At level 9 the Reception

discs now have a range of sound at 200ft and vision at 100ft, the disc will transmit up to 2500ft to the receiver. Discs may be upgraded to include darkvision, extended audio and vision range, truesight or any other if the DM has approved.

Reactive Eye shields

Effect: Gain advantage on rolls against the Blinded condition and resistance to any damage done because of looking at something, like intense light.

Retinal Targeters

Effect: Gain a +1 bonus on all attacks and damage rolls with ranged weapons and a +1 to all the DC of ranged weapons that use a DC.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Nero Augmetics (Maximum Varies)

You must be Teknokiian or have the Nero Harness Augmetic which is a Head Augmetic that allows you to have Nero Augmetics, See description.

Satistics Generator

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Permanently gain a +2 to you Wisdom to a max of 22.

Upgrade This may be taken up to 4 times staking the effects.

Emotion Enhancement

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Permanently gain a +2 to you Charisma to a max of 22.

Upgrade This may be taken up to 4 times staking the effects.

Active Combat Protocols

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You may make one attack as a bonus action on your turn.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this a second time gaining a second attack on that bonus action.

Advanced Reflex Nodes

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain Advantage on acrobatics skill checks.

Precision Combat Module

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a +1 damage to all melee weapon attacks and damage rolls.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Language Modulator

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Upon hearing a language, that you do not understand for at least a minute and succeeding on an Intelligence saving throw (DC15) allows you to fully speak the language until your next short or long rest. after reviewing a script that you do not understand for a minute and succeeding an Intelligence saving throw (DC20) allows you to fully read and write in the script until the next short or long rest. Only one saving throw per language/script can be made per long rest. If your roll, after modifiers, is 22 or higher, permanently learn the language or script.

Situational awareness module

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a +5 bonus to your passive perception, this is active even when resting.

Central Processor

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: The duration of blinded, deafened, paralyzed and stunned is halved for you and you have advantage on saving throws to end these conditions.

Memory Matrix

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You always know which way is north, the number of hours left before sunset or sunrise and can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month and learn one additional language of your choice.

Central Intelligence Core

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You learn 2 languages of your choice and proficiency in an additional skill.

Pain Responce Sypithizer

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a damage reduction of 3.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Turing Program

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You have advantage on checks made to detect the presence of secret doors or traps and on savings throws made to avoid or resist traps. In addition gain proficiency in 2 skills or tools of your choice.

Univers Maniplator

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain the benefits of the "Lucky" feat but with only 1 luck point, at level 10 you gain 1 more point and another at level 20.

Analysis Enhancement

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You can attempt to hide when you are lightly obscured and missing an attack from hiding doesn't reveal your position.

Facial Processing Unit

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You have advantage on saving throws to resist being Charmed or Frightened and gain proficiency in Persuasion and Intimidation.

Drama Matrix

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You gain the ability to mimic any speech or sound you have heard within the past week and gain proficiency in Deception and Performance checks.

Camaraderie Core

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Any allies who take a short or long rest with you gain temporary hit points equal to half your level.

Cerebral Enhancement

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a + 2 to all Intelligence Saves and skill checks made.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Will Enhancement

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a + 2 to all Wisdom Saves and skill checks made.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Emotional Tracing Unit

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a + 2 to all Charisma and skill checks Saves made.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Arcane Generator

Prerequisites: Nero Harness, or be a Construct.

Effect: You are a Born Arcane user, you gain the Innate Caster mutation, see mutations on Pg. ___. These spells can be taken from any Discipline with the exception of the Divine, Ruinous and Necromancy Disciplines to include any that may require a mark. You use your Intelligence for the Spell casting ability. this ability does not need to be taken, always remember and understand how magic is used in Terrahime and the material plane.

Chest Augmetics

You may have 2 Chest Augmetics

Endurence Core

Effect: Permanently gain a +2 to you Constitution to a max of 22.

Upgrade This may be taken up to 4 times staking the effects.

Adamantine Plate

Effect: Gain +1 AC when in light or no armor.

Reactive Shield

Prerequisites: Adamantine Plate or be a Construct.

Effect: As a reaction, when you are attacked, you can increase your AC by 5 for 1 minute. You can use this ability once per long rest.

Grappler Core

Effect: You gain advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are grappling.

Healing Matrix

Effect: Gain an inbuilt healing kit with 4 charges per long rest. Each charge can be used to automatically stabilize a dying creature or restore 1d6+4 hit points. A target can only be healed once per short or long rest with this kit.


Prerequisites: must be a Construct.

Effect: A character with bionics gains the 1 HP at the start of each round of combat. This does not work if you are unconscious.

Master worked Bionics

Prerequisites: Bionics.

Effect: A character with master worked bionics gains the 1d4 HP at the start of each round of combat. This does not work if you are unconscious instead of just 1.

Back Augmetics

You may only have 2 back Augmetic.

Adamantine Plate

Effect: Gain +1 AC when in light or no armor.

Intergrated Grav Chute

Prerequisites: Adamantine Plate (back) or a Construct.

Effect: As a reaction while falling, this may be activated to slow descent speed to 10 ft per round or hover and remove falling damage. You can hover or control a fall for up to one hour. You can recharge the Grav-Chute’s solar battery by leaving it in sunlight for one hour. At level 9 you no longer requires a reaction to slow descent and remove falling damage.

Flanking Sensor

Effect: Enemies do not have advantage against you as a result of the help action, being unseen, being flanked or other similar effects.


Prerequisites: Adamantine Plate (back) or a Construct.

Effect: Gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed. Combination of physical materials and energy based projections. Must be activated as a bonus action before being able to use. After 5 rounds of constant use, they begin to overheat and become inoperable you can vent as an action to remove the overheating effect. you may end this early as a bonus action. at level 10 you may vent as a bonus action and at level 15 you may fly for 10 rounds. If you are in a Zero gravity environment you do not overheat.

Arm Augmetics

You may have 2 Augments on each arm.

Machine Arm (May have one per arm)

Effect: permanently gain a +1 to your Strength to a max of 22.

Upgrade This may be taken once per arm, staking the effects.

Adamantine Plate:

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain +1 AC when in light or no armor.

Upgrade This may be taken once per Arm staking the effects.

Enhanced Arm Servos

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 1D4 to damage rolls with melee weapons used by that arm.

Upgrade If you have this on both your left and right the bonus damage becomes 2D4 with Two-Handed melee weapons.

Grapple Gun

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Allows you to hide a one-handed retractable grappling hook inside your arm. This hook can attach to any surface and holds 60 feet of metallic cable. As a bonus action, you can attempt to attach the hook to any surface in range or reel the hook (bringing you to the attached surface). The attachment can support your weight, for example enabling you to end your turn on the ceiling.

You can attempt to grapple a creature using the hook. The target must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 10 + Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus) and can repeat this save at the beginning of each of their turns. The target is grappled on a failed save and takes 1d8 piercing damage. On a success, the target is not grappled and takes no damage. As bonus action, you can pull the target towards you or move to the target whilst they are grappled. Requires and occupies one free-hand whilst grappling and cannot grapple creatures more than one size larger than you. At level 9 The cable is now 120ft long and grapple damage is increased to 2d8.

Arm Blade

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Allows you to hide a one-handed, retractable blade inside your arm. It deals 1d10 + Strength modifier slashing damage. No action is required to extend or retract the weapon. At level 9 the Weapon now counts as +1 and magical.

Arm Club

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Allows you to hide a one-handed, retractable club inside your arm. It deals 1d10 + Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. No action is required to extend or retract the weapon. At level 9 the weapon now counts as +1 and magical.

Arm Spike

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Allows you to hide a one-handed, retractable Spike inside your arm. It deals 1d10 + Strength modifier piercing damage. No action is required to extend or retract the weapon. At level 9 the weapon now counts as +1 and magical.

Shock Stick

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Allows you to hide a one-handed, retractable Tazer stick inside your arm. It deals 1d10 + Inteligence modifier lightning damage. No action is required to extend or retract the weapon. At level 9 the weapon now counts as +1 and magical.

Net Launcher

Prerequisites: Must Have a Machine Arm, or be a Construct.

Effect: Allows you to hide a retractable net launcher inside your arm. As an action, you can load a net into the net launcher. Extending and retracting the weapon requires a bonus action. the net requires a DC 15 Strength check to break or a 15 slashing damage. At level 9 the Net now require a DC 20 Strength check to break or 30 slashing damage to destroy.

Hand Augmetics

You may have 2 hand augmetics on each hand.

Articulated Phalangies

Prerequisites: Must have Adamantine Fists, Machine arm or be a Construct.

Effect: Permanently gain a +1 to you Dexterity to a max of 22.

Upgrade This may be taken once per hand staking the effects.

Adamantine Fists (Pair counts as 2 Slot)

Effect you gain Proficiency with unarmed attacks and the now deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage

Fire Flux

Prerequisites: Must have Adamantine Fists, Machine arm or be a Construct.

Effect: Intergrated Hand flamer reload on short rest.

Cryo Ray

Prerequisites: Must have Adamantine Fists, Machine arm or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain the ray of frost cantrip.

Tazer Gauntlet

Prerequisites: Must have Adamantine Fists, Machine arm or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain the shocking grasp cantrip.

Plasma Blaster

Prerequisites: Must have Adamantine Fists, Machine arm or be a Construct.

Effect: acts as a plasma pistol.

Effect: Increase the damage of your unarmed strike to 1d6 bludgeoning damage. You may make an additional unarmed strike when you attack and hit with an arm weapon. At level 9 your Unarmed damage increased to 1d8 and you make two extra unarmed attacks.

Hydraulic Ram

Prerequisites: Must have Adamantine Fists, Machine arm or be a Construct.

Effect: May sacrifice damage die on each successful unarmed attack to push a target. For each damage die sacrificed, push the target 10 ft backwards for a d4 or d6, 15ft for a d8 or a d10 or 20ft backwards for a d12 upwards. and continue attacking without using your movement speed. May not push a target over an edge. At level 9, If an enemy collides with a wall or hard surface after moving due to this, they take 1d4 damage for each 10ft traveled. If they travel at least 30ft, they must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be stunned for 1 round.

Energy Snare

Prerequisites: Must have Adamantine Fists, Machine arm or be a Construct.

Effect: When a ranged weapon attack hits you, you can use your reaction to activate the energy Sners and reduce the damage by 1d6 + your level. If you reduce the damage to 0, the missile disintegrates. At level 9 The damage is now reduced by 2d6 + your level.

Leg Augmetics

You may have a Maximum of 2 Leg augmetics on each leg,

Machine leg (1 Per leg)

Effect: Permanently gain a +1 to your Strength to a maximum of 22.

Upgrade This may be done once per leg, staking the effects.

Adamantine Plate

Prerequisites: Must have a Machine leg, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain +1 AC when in light or no armor.

Upgrade This may be taken once per leg, staking the effects.

Enhanced leg Sevos (Pair counts as 2 leg slot)

Prerequisites: Must have 2 Machine legs, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics skill checks when using your legs.

Anvanced Propulsion System (Pair counts as 2 leg slots)

Prerequisites: Must have 2 machine legs, or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain +5ft to movement speed. Gain +5ft to jump distance, both vertical and horizontal. At level 10 you gain an additional +5ft to movement speed and jump distance.

Heavy support Tracks (Pair counts as 2 leg slots)

Prerequisites: Must have 2 machine legs, or be a Construct.

Effect: You may ignore Heavy property.

Feat Augmentations

You may have 2 foot augmetics on each foot

Articulated Locomotion

Prerequisites: Must have a Machine leg, or be a Construct.

Effect: Permanently gain a +1 to you Dexterity to a max of 22.

Upgrade This may be taken once per foot, staking the effects.

Displacement Pads (Pair Counts as 2 foot slots)

Prerequisites: must have 2 machine legs or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed. Climbing does not require additional movement. Gain the ability to walk on water or move across light, thin or narrow surfaces that would not normally bear your weight. Finishing your movement on such surfaces still imposes the normal conditions and a DC15 Dexterity saving throw is needed to avoid normal consequences. At level 9 you can now finish movement on such surfaces without the normal consequences (e.g. finish a turn standing on water).

Hydro Fins (Pair counts as 2 foot slots)

Prerequisites: must have 2 machine legs or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain a swim speed equal to your movement at level 9 gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed x 2.

Gravity Anchors (Pair counts as 2 foot slots)

Prerequisites: must have 2 machine legs or be a Construct.

Can be activated as a bonus action, if this is done you may not be Knocked Prone, lifted off or pushed on a metal surface When active reduce the character’s movement by 10ft, but allows him to move normally when in low or zero-gravity areas, provided there is a suitable metallic surface to walk upon.

Durmal/Exo Augmetics

You may have up to 6 Dermal/Exo Augmetics

Dermal/Exo Hardener

Effect: Gain resistance to slashing damage.

Upgrade: You may take this twice gaining immunity Instead.

Dermal/Exo Puncture Guard

Effect: Gain resistance to Piercing damage.

Upgrade: You may take this twice gaining immunity Instead.

Absorbent Dermis/Exo skeleton

Effect: Gain resistance to Bludgeoning damage.

Upgrade: You may take this twice gaining immunity Instead.

Fire Retardant Dermis/Exo Skeleton

Effect: Gain resistance to Fire damage.

Upgrade: You may take this twice gaining immunity Instead.

Rubberized Dermis/Exo Skeleton

Effect: Gain resistance to Lightning damage.

Upgrade: You may take this twice gaining immunity Instead.

Thermo Reactive Dermis/Exo Skeleton

Effect: Gain resistance to Cold damage.

Upgrade: You may take this twice gaining immunity Instead.

Active Camouflage (Counts as 2 slots)

Effect: Gain advantage on all sight based stealth checks. If after modifiers, you roll a 20 or higher, treated as if invisible and cannot be detected by sight. if the character Charges, Runs, or makes an Attack action, the effect immediately ends. GM Note: Because this Augmetic affects the character's skin, it will only have a minimal effect if they're covered in clothing or armor.

Anatomic Augmetics

You may have up to 3 Anatomic Augmetics


Prerequisites: must be a Construct.

Effect: You gain +5ft movement, Climbing no longer costs extra movement and standing up from being prone only uses 5 feet of movement.

Juggernaut Plating

Prerequisites: must be a Construct.

Effect: Your Strength score increases by 1. If you take the dash action on your turn and engage a target, you may use your bonus action to either push the target 10ft for large targets and 15ft for medium in the direction you are traveling, if they are pushed of an edge the the target makes a dex of strength save DC 8 + your STR + Proficiency. if you dont push them you may make a single attack against the target. If the attack connects, it deals an extra 1d4 damage for each 15ft traveled.

Ligament Upgrades

Prerequisites: must have 2 machine arms and 2 machine legs or be a Construct.

Effect: +5 bonus to initiative.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Hyper Drive Field

Prerequisites: must be a Construct.

Effect: When you hit a target in melee with an attack, you may use your reaction to move instantaneously. You can move 5ft in any direction without provoking an attack of opportunity. You may also use this ability to move the target 5ft in a direction of your choice. They make a Constitution saving throw against DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. On a save, nothing happens.

Vital Regulator

Effect: Add a max Hit die to your Hit point Maximum. Furthermore you gain advantage on medicine checks made to learn about an ailment you have. At level 10 you add one more Max Hit die to your Hit point Maximum.

Bionic Respiratory System

Effect: Gain Immunity inhaled poisons, gases and deiseses. and you gain advantage on saves made against being fitigued from running or reduce O2 levels.

Muscle Enhancement

Effect: Gain a + 2 to all Strength Saves and skill checks made.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Endurance Enhancement

Effect: Gain a + 2 to all Constitution Saves and skill checks made.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Response Enhancement

Effect: Gain a + 2 to all Dexterity Saves and skill checks made.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again staking the effects.

Bionic Heart

Effect: A character with a Bionic Heart may Once per long rest when you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, on your next turn electricity surges through your body and jolts you back to consciousness; instead of rolling for a death saving throw, you automatically gain 1 HP.

Upgrade At level 10 and above you may take this again if you do you regain HP equal to half your level.

Heavy Frame

Prerequisites: must be a construct and cannot be taken with a booster

Effect: You ignore the effects of the long gun and Mounted weapon Property and you count as using 2 actions each time you use an action to reload, set up or take down a weapon with the Massive Parts weapon property.

Spinal Augmetics

You can have up to 2 Augmetic arms

Ballistic Augmetic arm

Prerequisites: must have adamantine plate (back) or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 1x Ballistic Augmetic arm, as listed in the Augmetic arms descriptions section of Chapter 6 (Cybernetic Augmentation).

Manipulation Servo arm

Prerequisites: must have adamantine plate (back) or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 1x Manipulation Augmetic arm, as listed in the Augmetic arms descriptions section of Chapter 6 (Cybernetic Augmentation).

Explorer Servo arm

Prerequisites: must have adamantine plate (back) or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 1x Explorer Augmetic arm, as listed in the Augmetic arms descriptions section of Chapter 6 (Cybernetic Augmentation).

Medic Servo arm

Prerequisites: must have adamantine plate (back) or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 1x Medical Augmetic arm, as listed in the Augmetic arms descriptions section of Chapter 6 (Cybernetic Augmentation).

Medic/Torture Servo arm

Prerequisites: must have adamantine plate (back) or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 1x Torture Augmetic arm, as listed in the Augmetic arms descriptions section of Chapter 6 (Cybernetic Augmentation).

Maintenance Servo arm

Prerequisites: must have adamantine plate (back) or be a Construct.

Effect: Gain 1x Utility Augmetic arm, as listed in the Augmetic arms descriptions section of Chapter 6 (Cybernetic Augmentation).

Augmetic arms

Augmetic arm is the term used for a large assortment of bionic tentacle-like and robotic limb prosthetics also called "Servo arms" used by many members of the Empire and the Machine Host. An Augmetic arm is used for construction and repair, maintenance tasks, scientific research and even defensive/offensive attack capabilities. Most Augmetic arms contain a number of tools, devices or weapons that are intended to serve the specific functions required by their use. An Augmetic arms are usually hard wired into the central nervous system of the owner and surgically attached to the spine, so that it is controlled by its user's mind using neural impulses just like a biological limb.

Augmetic arms are constructed from various metallic alloys and have innumerable motors and actuators encased within their structures. A set of Servo arm are normally much longer than the subjects natural limbs and possess multiple joints to allow maximum reach and flexibility.

Techno priests of the Machine host with the rank of Enginseer and above are known to possess and even eagerly seek out the implantation of Servo arm, and although they may often have only a single one of the bionic Arms, it is possible to implant as many of the augmetic limbs as the human body's anatomy will allow but in most casses it is from 1 to 4. Necrobots can also have Augmetic arms implanted so that they can assist a Techno priest or Engineer in their duties.

Augmetic arm action: An Augmetic arm action may be used in replace of an attack during the attack action, or you may use up to two Augmetic arm actions as a bonus action (one per augmetic arm).

Augmetic arm Descriptions

Ballistic Augmetic arm

This solid, shoulder mounted Augmetic arm is designed for self-defence. This 5ft mechanical limb is usually mounted with a Laser pistol. The weapon type may be modified, Consult GM.

Effect As Augmetic arm action you may fire your Ballistic Augmetic arm you have using you intelligence bonus with proficiency to attacks and you intelligence bonus to damage rolls.

Manipulator Augmetic arm

A Manipulator Augmetic arm, is possibly the most common form of Augmetic arm in use. This artificial limb is a great aid to those working in industrial or technical areas. This powerful shoulder mounted Augmetic arm is designed for heavy lifting and the manipulation of industrial gear. Built of hardened Admantine and steel, this limb may extend to a length of 5ft.

The Manipulator is tipped with two sets of gripping and crushing pincers. The viscous gripping and crushing pincers can also tether the user to gantries or suitably heavy objects and may be used in combat to make melee attacks. While powerful, the Augmetic arm is not subtle and attempts to use it for such tasks as Data Slate typing, inscribing holy etchings, handling delicate objects, or the like, will only end with ruined equipment or a failed summoning.

Effect Your new Servo arm can perform any normal task that your biological arms can but are not proficient with any weapons or shields, it is however proficient in unarmed strikes.

As a Servo arm action you may make one unarmed strike with your Servo arm. The attack rolls for these strikes can use either your Constitution or Dexterity modifier and deals 1d8 plus modifier bludgeoning damage for each strike.

Your new arm also give you advantage on any grapple checks you make.

Exploration Augmetic arm

An Exploration Servo arm offers peerless investigation and collection skills to a Explorer. This Specialised, extraordinarily delicate Augmetic arm and collection pods all coordinate together to allow for perfect observation, collection, measurement, and archiving of up to ten separate samples. These samples are then fed through a series of filters and processes all within specially built chambers.

Effect This Augmetic arm has a camera that can hold up to 150 hours of footage that can be played back for the owner or loaded on to a Holo type device for exernal viewing. It also has 10 sample chambers taking a Augmetic arm action to get a sample, this allows for full analysis of the chambers properties and market worth this is done during a short rest. In addition, as part of a backup system to flush out and sterilise the sample chambers, each can be forcefully ejected from a spout on the end of the arm if needed as a Augmetic arm action. This Augmetic arm also contains a built in Life form scanner, clock, Moon lamp, Moon beam and compass, spread throughout the limb.

Augmetic harness (Techno legionnaires only)

A Servo Pack is a special type of augmetic aid often used by a legionnaire Chapter's Master of the Forge or his senior Techno legionnaires. this special legionnaires Power frame pack consists of many 4 mechanical limbs and weapons. With it, Techno legionnaires can make many repairs on any type of vehicle, shore up defences, or assist his legionnaires in combat.

Unlike other Augmetic arm, a Augmetic Harness is attached to the Techno legionnaires Power frame in replace of its original Power pack. It is controlled through the armors systems, it is not permanently or surgically implanted into the Techno legionnaires body but more of a Power frame upgrade.

Effect Counts as 2x Manipulator Augmetic arm, 1x Ballistic Augmetic arm one with a (plasma pistol) and 1x Ballistic Augmetic arm with a (Flamer) and this makes your size is now large.

Medical Servo arm

This two metre long, flexible artificial limb is designed to provide medical and surgical assistance in the field. The Medic Augmetic arm houses six injectors, each one may be filled with one dose of healing Medicines. These must be supplied and replaced separately. In addition to providing first aid, the Medic Servo arm flesh staplers may be used to staunch blood loss. A small scalpel attachment reduces the difficulty of limb amputation.

Effect You gain a Medi pack with 6 uses, these must be supplied and replaced separately during a short rest. as a servo arm action and one use of the medi-pack you may use the Spare the dieing cantrip. Furthermore with one use of the Medi pack you can use a servo arm action to restore 2d6 + 4 hit points to a creature within 5ft. The creature can't regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.

Medical/Torture Augmetic arm

Employed by evil and hateful Forces, a Medic/Torture Augmetic arm is made of thin, dextrous, two metre long tubes of metal tipped with a variety of fascinating needles and blades. This Augmetic arm can either heal or harm depending on the users intent.

just like the Medic Augmetic arm this houses six injector pistons, each may be filled with one dose of a healing or poison, and must be supplied and replaced separately. Built in flesh staplers may be used to staunch blood loss while the scalpel attachment reduces the difficulty of limb amputation.

Effect This acts the same as a Medic Augmetic arm but you may choose to fill any of the six injectors with either a uses of a med pack or a does of poison. Allowing you to use one use of the poison in this Augmetic arm to make a melee attack against a target within 5ft of you, have Proficiency with the Attack and it deals 1d6 + Intel bonus Poison damage. If you hit a creature with this it must make a con save DC 15 or be Poisoned for 1 min, they may take the test again at the end of each of there turns. if you fail to hit the use of poison is not consumed.

Maintenance Servo arm

This two meter long mechanical limb houses a variety of tools and attachments designed to assist a Mechanic in the course of his duties. The limb also houses six patching kits, each filled with one spare welding supply wires and oils, these must be supplied and replaced separately. In addition to this, the artificial limb contains an electrically powered welder, which can be used to weld the patches. it also generates one "blast" of smoke every 15 minutes. This belches smoke clouds that may be employed in melee combat to distract and choke, affecting all living creatures within a 5ft radius. Those affected by the billowing smoke must rely on their sense of smell to detect the servo arm user. Also useful in combat is the cutting blade found at the end of one tip, which is similar to a knife blade.

Effect You gain a Maintenance Kit with 6 uses, these must be supplied and replaced separately during a short rest. as a servo arm action and one use of the Maintenance Kit you may use the Spare the dieing cantrip on a vehicle or construct. you may also use one use of the Maintenance Kit and a servo arm action to restore 2d6 + 8 hit points to a vehicle or construct within 5ft, plus additional hit points equal to the targets maximum number of Hit Dice. The target can't regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.

Furthermore you may as a bonus action to cause a plume of smoke to surround you for 1d4 rounds, Creatures in the smoke are Blinded and Ranged attack against you or anyone in the radius of the smoke have disadvantage, this also applies when a creature is shooting through the smoke as well. You regain use of this after 1 hour.

Chapter 7 (Mutations)

Gene Modifications (Mortals Only)

Due to superstition and the uneven availability of technology across the Empire, the sophistication and use of Bio modifications varies widely, as does the reaction to those who display them. Each different kind of bio modification grants the user different benefits (and sometimes penalties) depending on craftsmanship (detailed below). Note that although Best craftsmanship genetic modifications rarely provide additional benefits beyond those of Good craftsmanship, they are far more impressive in the construction and design. This can be reflected in bonuses to Social tests, Influence, or Subtlety at the GM’s discretion. The Availabilities listed in this document represent Common Bio modifications.

Unless otherwise specified, the effects of Bio Modifications, Mutations and Cybernetic Augmentations do not stack and cannot both be applied to the same part of the body. For example, if a character has both vat-muscles and a bionic arm, they do not gain the benefit of vat-muscles for tests taken with the bionic arm.

those that specializes in Bio science and the study of life are known as a Gene slicer they commonly study biological systems, those of the alien in order to defeat them, those of the human body in order to improve it.

These Mods are for sapien and can only be installed by a Gene Slicer, Also these mods Cannot used to stack with Cybernetic Augmentations, Nor can they be paired with such tech and in mixing and matching

This requires some time in hours and the genetic materials (consult GM) to create the modifacation and a number of hours to apply it. Then a number of long rests (consult GM) to recover. You also suffer 1 or more levels of exhaustion for a number of days after recovery (Consult GM), as your body gets accustomed to the new part.

Performing this Proccedure requires Medicine check, the DC for this check is equal to 15 plus twice the number of modifacations you are attempting to change or install. On a failed check, you are unsuccessful in your efforts and must make an additional check to attempt to fix your original modifications.

The DC to fix a modifacation is 20, if this check is also failed, you no longer benefit from it as it is non-functional. You may repeat the check after a long rest.

Bio Modifications Effects

Adaptive Bone Marrow

With the administrations of a skilled Gene Slicer, bone marrow can be recoded to produce stem cells at a much higher rate, significantly improving the body's efficiency at healing.

Effect: When applying healing to a character with Adaptive Bone Marrow, may re-roll any die that is used to heal you.

Muscular Enhancement Genes

This is multi shot hormone treatment that vastly increase muscle growth throughout the body.

Effect: Your extreme Strength imposes disadvantage on any check an enemy is using to attempt to break free of or escape from your grapples. You also gain a climb speed equal to your base movement speed.

Narcosean Node

Implanted into the back of the brain, this pea-sized organ influences the circadian rhythms of sleep and the body's response to sleep deprivation. If deprived of sleep, the Narcosean node cuts in. The node allows a recipient to sleep and remain awake at the same time by switching off areas of his brain sequentially. This process cannot replace sleep entirely, but increases the bodys survivability by allowing perception of the environment while resting. This means that a recipient needs no more than 4 hours of sleep a day, and can potentially go for 2 weeks without any sleep at all.

Effect: a creature with this needs no more than 4 hours of sleep to complete a long rest, gains a +5 passive perception when sleeping and you ignore your 1st level of exahustsion for up to 14 days.

Cochleaic Enhancments

Not only does this implant make a recipient immune to dizziness or motion sickness, it also allows them to consciously filter out and enhance certain sounds.

Gain advantage on Perception check to do with hearing and save against deafness. Furthermore gain immunities to any type dizziness or motion sickness

Genetic Gills

Skilled Gene Crafters can craft gills to the sides of human neck, or abdomidol wall allowing the bearer to breathe underwater as well as on dry land.

Effect: A character with Collumus Gills gains water breathing.

Enhanced Tongue

Commonly acquired by nobles both to better enjoy their luxurious food and avoid the poisons of their enemies, a Enhanced Tongue nearly quadruples a human body's meager sense of taste.

Effect: A character with a Enhanced Tongue gains +10 to all Perception tests based on taste and smell, and can detect toxins and poisons by taste with an Science test.

Enhanced Lungs

Crafted from the finest gene-stock, detox Lungs replace your normal lungs and are far more effective than their natural counterparts.

Effect: A character with enhanced Lungs gains advantage on con saves made to resist the effects of exhuastsion, Furthermore you always count as having one level less exaustion.

Enhanced senses

A favorite among assassins and bounty hunters, enhanced Eyes drastically increase the range of human vision, making it almost impossible to hide from someone with this enhancement.

Effect: character with Enhanced senses gains advantage on all Perception tests.

Enhanced Ears

Commonly found among hive city bounty hunters, enhanced Ears are significantly more sensitive than their human counterparts, allowing for greater auditory perception.

Effect: A character with enhanced Ears gains advantage to all Perception tests based on hearing.

Hyper Kidneys

Another favorite of the nobility on certain worlds, Hyper-Kidneys exponentially increase the amount of blood the kidneys can filter, as well as enhancing their ability to detect and filter out toxins, making the human body far more resilient to the poisons of the treacherous.

Effect: A character with Hyper-Kidneys advantage on con saves made to Immunity poisons damage. if you also have a secondary heart you may use your entire turn to remove any poison conditions or effects produced by a poison or venom.

Neural Dampening

Dampening the pain centers of the brain makes the body far more resilient when under intense pressure.

Effect A character with Neural Dampening gains a +10 bonus on all tests to resist Fear, Routing, Interrogation, and mind affecting Psychic powers.

Regenator Gland

Among the most ancient and ill-understood gene-crafting techniques lie the secrets of rapid cellular regeneration. It is through the Logan Gland that this miracle of medicae is possible, though the gland can only operate for short periods of time.

Effect: A character with a Logan Gland gains the 1 HP at the start of each round of combat. This does not work if you are unconscios.

Clottiguan Organ

A liver-shaped organ about the size of a golf-ball, this implant is placed within the chest cavity and connected to the circulatory system. It generates and controls 'Clotigigene cells', which are released into the blood stream

if the recipient is wounded. They attach themselves to white blood cells in the blood and are carried to the site of the wound, whereupon contact with air they form a near instant patch of scar tissue, sealing any wounds the patient may suffer, acting like platelets, only much better and fast acting.

Effect: Once per long rest you may as a bonus Action regain 1d10 + Con Hit Points.


This additional gene crafted lung activates when a recipient needs to breathe in low or no oxygen and poison enviorments, even under water. The natural lungs are closed off by a sphincter muscle associated with the multi-lung and the implanted lung takes over breathing operations.

Effect: You can breath under water and you gain resistance to inhaled poisons, gases and deseises and advantage on saves against effects from such things.

Natural Weapons

Grafting sharp teeth and wicked claws onto the human body is a simple matter for most genetors. A character with Natural Weapons gains the Natural Weapons trait.

Effect: Gain a natural weapon that deal 1D8 damage work with your GM to see waht damage type it can be and waht part of the body it may be on.

Ossin Module

A small, complex, gene crafted tubular organ, the ossin module secretes hormones that both affect the ossification of the skeleton. This drastically alters the way the body's bones grow and develop. Two years after this implant is first put in the subject's long bones will have increased in size and strength (along with most other bones), and the rib cage will have been fused into a solid mass of interlocking plates.

Effect: You develop resistance to bludgeoning damage and advantage on any Constitution saves made to avoid a Broken bone.


This gene implant sits at the base of the brain, and provides hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable a recipients eyes to respond to light. The result being that recipient has far superior vision to normal humans, and can see in low-light conditions almost as well as in daylight.

Effect: Gain dark vision out to 60ft and lowlight out to 120ft

Parietal Therapy

You can detect your surroundings with flawless precision, even in complete darkness provided you are not Defend.

Effect: A character with Parietal therapy gains blind sight 15ft.

Secondary Heart

An additional gene crafted heart makes the human body significantly more durable.

Effect: A character with a Secondary Heart may Once per long rest when you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, on your next turn electricity surges through your body and jolts you back to consciousness; instead of rolling for a death saving throw, you automatically gain 1 HP.

Tardigrade Skin

Extracted from a microscopic life-form found across the galaxy, Tardigrade Skin enables the human body to resist almost any environmental extremes.

Effect: A character with Tardigrade Skin can reroll any failed constitution saves made to resist the effects of environmental extremes, such as extreme heat, vacuum, extreme cold or radioactivity.

Vat Muscles

A favorite of elite warriors as well as nobles wishing for a more intimidating appearance, Vat-Muscles are larger and more powerful than their natural counterparts.

Effect: A character with Vat-Muscles gains a +4 Strength to a Maximum of 22. This genetic modification cannot be taken with unatural/demonic Strength

Cerebellic Enhancement Genes

A favorite of elite rouges and scouts as well as nobles to be a better marksman, Cerebellic Tweeks focus on fine tuning the dexterity of the patient.

Effect: A character with Cerebellic Tweeks gains a +4 Dex to a Maximum of 22. This genetic modification cannot be taken with unatural/demonic agility

Body Conditioning Genes

A favorite of Brutish warriors and Defenders as well as nobles that want the stamina of the gods, body coditioning focuses on fine tuning the constitution of the patient.

Effect: A character with body conditioning gains a +4 Con to a Maximum of 22. This genetic modification cannot be taken with unatural/demonic Stamina

Cerebruic Enhancement Genes

A favorite fro many librarians and lore masters as well as Practitioners of the Scientific and technological concepts.

Effect: A character with Cerebruic enhancement gains a +4 Inteligence to a Maximum of 22. This genetic modification cannot be taken with -

Silver Seed

This Small pea sized organ is placed in the brain and allows the recipient the ability to manipulate the arcane powers much like any innate casters, this is most used by the legionnaire Librarians.

Effect: A character with this bio mod gains the Innate caster mutation as seen in the Mortal Mutations section of this chapter, the spells you gain may be taken from any discipline associated with the neutral powers and the use there Intelligence as the spellcasting ability.

Intuition Refinement Genes

This is used in most cases on acolytes, spiritual leaders and chaplianes.

Effect: A character with Intuition Enhancement Genes gains a +4 Wisdom to a Maximum of 22. This genetic modification cannot be taken with -

Charismatic Refinement Genes

Favored by battlefield leaders and politician as well as rouge traders and ambassadors.

Effect: A character with Charismatic Refinement Genes gains a +4 Charisma to a Maximum of 22. This genetic modification cannot be taken with -

Mortal Mutations (Mortals Only)

Mutations may only be taken any mortals

The Empire greatly fears mutation. First off, many such growths are physically alarming, causing natural revulsion in those who witness them.

Beyond simpler signs of mutation are much more groutesque such as insectoid claws, tentacles or fanged maws.

Rampant growth of meat and bone can create twelve foot high monstrosities whose fists are capable of bending steel, and whose mass can absorb Slug shots that would fell an ordinary person. There have also been many recorded instances of mutants whose flesh has melded with machinery or other inorganic technology, often through the reality warping power of Havoc.

In many Imperial territories, mutants are quickly abandoned by parents and have to learn how to take care of themselves. They are almost always the worst off people in Imperial society. It is very rare to find a territory that will tolerate them and not discriminate against them.

In these territories it is hard for mutants to find a purpose. Desperately seeking some form of acceptance, many mutants join rebellious cults and gangs. Most of these cults simply condemn the faults of empire, but others worship Havocus and plan rebellion against Order.

These cults easily corrupt mutants due to the discrimination they have suffered. On most territories mutants are not allowed to carry weapons for fear of rebellion. The weapons they do come to possess will often be primitive chains, knives, Basic firearms and other simple ballistic weapons like revolvers.

These Mods are for Human characters and can only happen through mean of corruption or an ability grants you one, in some cases a DM may give you one because of sustained exposure to a certain enviorments or chemical or even being brifely exposed to a certain agent. so be mindful of taking mutations because you may become an enemy of the Empire due do you inconsistant human biology.

Mutant Index

The Empire has outlined an official document called the Mutant Index. This documents the differences between Humans and mutants, It describes the subject's deviation from the standard Human according to a point system, the more severe the mutation, the higher its value in points on the Mutant Index.

While on most Imperial territories, a tolerance of up to 3 points is given, some area may be granted exemptions by the Empire due to their strategic value. consult you GM to see if the threshold is higher in your game.

Mutations Effects


your mutated body has taken your eyes but your other senses have compensated.

Effect: A character with Blind is now blind but it gains blind sight 50ft.

Chemeloionic Skin

The color of their skin will change to match their surroundings. A character with Chemeleonic Skin can become chameleonic and blend in with their environment. Changing their skin color is a bonus action.

Effect: After the change, they gain advantage on all sight based stealth checks. If after modifiers, you roll a 20 or higher, treated as if invisible and cannot be detected by sight. if the character Charges, Runs, or makes an Attack action, the effect immediately ends. GM Note: Because this genetic modification affects the character's skin, it will only have a minimal effect if they're covered in clothing or armor. Gain advantage on all Stealth checks.

Bio-conductive Skin

The nerves in the skin can produce an electric shock, making physical contact potentially dangerous.

Effect: If a character has conductive Skin, their unarmed attacks deal lightning damage so long as they're hitting the target with their bare skin. Additionally, once per round, a character with Bio-Electric Skin can force all characters who are in physical contact with their bare skin to take a constitution saving throw. If the targets fails the, they Stunned for one round.

Mutant resilience

Effect: A character with a mutant resilience may Once per long rest when you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, on your next turn electricity surges through your body and jolts you back to consciousness; instead of rolling for a death saving throw, you automatically gain 1 HP.


This Mutation makes the creature far more resilient when under intense pressure.

Effect A character with fearless gains a +10 bonus on all tests to resist Fear, routing, Interrogation, and mind affecting Psychic powers.


Gills that allow you to breathe underwater as well as on dry land. They can be located in many locations.

Effect: A character with Gills gains water breathing.

Mutant Ears

Mutant Ears are significantly more sensitive than their human counterparts, allowing for greater auditory perception.

Effect: A character with bestial Ears gains advantage to all Perception tests based on hearing.

Mutant Endurance

Mutants Lungs are far more effective than their natural counterparts.

Effect: A character with Bestial Endurance gains advantage on con saves made to resist the effects of exquastsion, Furthermore you always count as having one level less exaustion

Mutant Tongue

a Mutant Tongue nearly quadruples a human body's meager sense of taste.

Effect: A character with a mutant tongue gains +10 to all Perception tests based on taste and smell

Mutated Eyes

Raptor Eyes drastically increase the range of human vision, making it almost impossible to hide from someone with this enhancement.

Effect: character with Mutated Eyes gains advantage on all vision-based Perception tests as well as the Dark vision 30ft and low light 60ft, provided you are not blinded.

Mutated Armor

natural armor comes in many forms, ranging from sub-dermal bone armor to Chitanus exo skelitons, allowing their hosts to have at least a modicum of protection.

Effect: A character with Natural Armor gains a +2 when whearing medium or lighter armor and Resistance to your choice of any damage type except for Force damage.

Mutated Weapons

Sharp teeth and wicked claws are a few examples of natural weapons.

Effect: Gain a natural weapon that deal 1D8 damage work with your GM to see what damage type it can be and what part of the body it may be on as well as if it is dexterity based or finesse.

Innate Caster

Some are touched by the Astral sea, or perhaps by the Gods upon birth to this world, in some cases you may be gifted these powers by the Gods or a unknown mutation later in life, Innate casters usually dont know how or why they have powers they just know they do. Most innate casters are monitored or feared because of there arcanic abilities and they do not posses the abilities trained casters have to reduce the Corruption of the Astral sea. Many cultures outside the Empire see this mutation in different ways, some embrace it and use religion and belief to control it, others condemn and fear it.

Effect: you gain the ability to Manipulate Arcane Energies. Arcane users use the power of the astral sea to link to one of the many planes within it, Drawing power from it and producing it in the Material plane. With Havocus's corruption of the Astral sea conjuring such magics is an arduous task and some times result in failure to cast the spell or you could be exposed to the corruption of the Astral sea or worse, suffer an unforeseen Arcane Peril. Attempting to cast a spell is referred to Harnessing the Arcane, this acts the same

as casting a spell, see chapter 10 in the D&D PHB for the general rules of spellcasting. This is done with some modifications as Seen in chapter 4 (The Arcane).

You gain the ability know one cantrip and 2, 1st level spells and you have 1, 1st level spell slot per day at level 1, your spell casting ability is specified in the ability that gives this the innate casting and it may specify what disciplines you must pick from. As you level you gain acsess to more cantrips, Spells known and spell slots of higher level, see chart below. you regain spell slots when you complete a long rest.

Level Cantrips Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd
1 - 4 1 2 1 - -
5 - 8 2 4 2 - -
9 - 12 3 6 2 1 -
13 - 16 4 8 3 2 1
17 - 20 5 10 4 3 2

If you should gain a level in a casters class you may use these slot on spells learned from that class and you may use spell slots on spells known or Prepared from that class on spells known from this Mutation and vise versa. your spells known from this ability do not need to be prepared or in a spell book to use the are considered to be always prepared.

Furthermore you will use your class Spell ability for all spells cast, this includes the spell from your innate caster mutation.


Among the most odd, this Mutation causes lumps of flesh to heal very fastly over its body allowing for rapid healing in short intervals.

Effect: A character with a Regeneration gains the 1d4 HP at the start of each round.

Regenerative Tissues

This mutation, significantly improving the body's efficiency at healing.

Effect: When applying healing to a character with Adaptive Bone Marrow, may re-roll any die that is used to heal you.

Second Head

you grow a second head usually from your shoulder (usually it is much smaller and grotesque looking most often it can speak but not allways can others understand it)

Effect: you gain advantage on Perception saves made.

Toxic Adaption

This mutation enhances your ability to detect and filter out toxins, making your body far more resilient to the poisons of the treacherous.

Effect: A character with Toxic Adaptations advantage on con saves made to resist Radiations, Poisons, Diseases and drugs.

Environmental Skin

This Skin mutation enables the body to resist almost any one environmental extremes.

Effect: A character with Environmental Skin can reroll any failed constitusion saves made to resist the effects of any one environmental extremes, chosen from the following: Heat, Vacuum, Radiation or poison, Cold, Extreme elevation (IE +22,000 feet), Caustic air/liquid.

Multi armed

you have a third or forth functional arm. the first time you take this you gain 1 new arm, gaining the second when you take this mutation twice.

Effect: your new arm can do any thing your other arms can. you may also as a bonus action use a weapon or item in the hand as long as it is light. if you are dual wielding with your other two arms you get to do this attack and your normal offhand attack as the same bonus action, if you have four arms you may make two attacks as a bonus action

Unnatural Strength

This mutants muscles are larger and more powerful than their natural counterparts.

Effect: A character with Unnatural Strength gains a +4 Strength to a Maximum of 22.

Unnatural Constitution

This gives the mutant a constitution of a Krork.

Effect: A character with Unnatural Strength gains a +4 Constitution to a Maximum of 22.

Unnatural Size

Your body mutates to a size that is around 200% to 300% larger than it was though this tends to slow you down a bit.

Effect: A character with Unnatural Size is now a Large size and gains the Larger then most, Large Frame, Strong and Angry and Unstoppable Destruction, ability as described in the racial traits of the Sapien Gigantus (Ogre) race and you suffer a -10ft movement decrease.

Unnatural Dexterity

You become freakishly fast and dexterius.

Effect: A character with Unnatural Strength gains a +4 Dexterity to a Maximum of 22.

Unnatural Agility

Your body mutates in to a sleek and slender fast frame.

Effect: A character with Unnatural Agility gains +10ft movement, Climbing no longer costs extra movement and standing up from being prone only uses 5 feet of movement. you may jump 5x as far as you would normally.

Venom Glands

Venom Glands make you significantly more lethal.

Effect: If a character has Venom Glands, their unarmed attacks gain +1D4 Poison damage. Additionally, the character can spit venom from special glands in their mouth Once per short rest you may use a ranged attack with a range of 5ft you count as proficient with it and it is considered a pistol. if the attack hits the target must make a Constitution save DC 8 + your proficiency + your Con or they will be Blinded for 1d4 rounds

Mutated Wings

From the earliest days of humanity, people have dreamed of soaring through the skies. this mutation gives you a set of wings, though this often leads to trouble with the authorities due to apparent mutation.

Effect: A character with Wings gains a flying speed equal to there walk speed. The appearance of the wings is up to the character, though the most common variants are insect like or thin, skin-like membranes that resemble bat wing.

Demonic Mutation

Some chaos mutations may only be taken if you have a specific Mark of Chaos, if you do not

Caustic Blood

Your blood becomes a caustic as a high grade acid.

Effect: each time you take damage from a melee source of Piercing or slashing damage, you deal 1D6 points of acid damage to the target.

Club arm

one of you arms turns into a large Maul of flesh and Metal.

Effect: the club arm can't do basic tasks for the owner or wield a weapon, but you may make attacks with it and you are Proficient in them. This weapon may deals bludgeoning damage, it deal 2d6 damage has the light, Large, Knockback (STR Bonus) and AP Properties. you also gain advantage on athletics checks in grapples.

At level 10 the damage increases to 2d8 and you gain the AP+ property.

Breath of Warpflame (Hayzldir)

Effect: once per short rest as an action you may deal 4d6 Fire damage in a 15ft cone with ignight and the DC to save is equal to 8 + You proficiency bonus plus your Wisdom bonus. the damage of this increases by 1d6 at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20.

Demonic (Demon)

Effect: You gain Resistance to Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning, Fire, Cold and Poison damage as well as you have Immunity to Force damage and Vulnerability to Radiant damage. Furthermore you have advantage on all saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Demonic Ears

Effect: A character with Demonic Ears gains advantage to all Perception tests based on hearing.

Demonic Endurance

Effect: A character with Demonic Endurance gains advantage on con saves made to resist the effects of exquastsion, Furthermore you always count as having one level less Exaustion

Demonic Eyes

Effect: character with demonic Eyes gains advantage on all vision-based Perception tests. furthermore you can see in dim light within 100 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness nor in light, only shades of gray.

Demonic Hide

Demonic hide comes in many forms, allowing their hosts to have at least a modicum of protection.

Effect: A character with Natural Armor gains a +2 when wearing medium or lighter armor and Resistance to your choice of any 3 damage types of your choice except for Force damage.

Demonic Regeneration

Effect: A character with a Regeneration gains the 1d4 HP at the start of each round.

Demonic Strength

Effect: A character with Demonic Strength gains a +4 Strength to a Maximum of 22.

Demonic Host

Your body grows to a size that is around 200% to 300% larger than it was though this tends to slow you down a bit.

Effect: A character with demonic host Size gains the Larger then most, Large Frame, Strong and Angry and Unstoppable Destruction, ability as described in the racial traits of the Ogryn and you suffer a -10ft movement decrease.

Demonic Wings

Effect: you have a Flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can’t use this Flying speed if you are wearing medium or Heavy Armor, If you have a strength of 16 or 17 you may wear Medium armor and if you have a Str of 18 or greater you may wear heavy armor. The appearance of the wings is up to the character, though the most common variants are insect like or thin, skin-like membranes that resemble bat wing.

Demonic Motive

the creature is now far more resilient when under intense pressure.

Effect A character with Demonic Motive gains a +10 bonus on all tests to resist Fear, routing, Interrogation, and mind affecting Psychic powers.

Demon Sense

you can detect mortal souls with flawless precision, even in complete darkness provided you are not Defend.

Effect: A character with Mutated Ears gains blind sight 15ft.

Demonic Restoration

Effect: When applying healing to a character with demonic restoration, may re-roll any die that is used to heal you

Disgustingly Resiliant (Putacus)

Effect: Onece per round when you are hit with an attack you may roll a dice if it is a 4+ you ignore that attack.

Endless Rage (Bale'reth)

Effect: A character with a Endless Rage may Once per long rest when you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, on your next turn rage surges through your body and jolts you back to consciousness; instead of rolling for a death saving throw, you automatically gain 1 HP.

Flesh Hounds Tongue (Bale'reth)

a Flesh hounds Tongue nearly quadruples sense of taste.

Effect: A character with a demonic tongue gains +10 to all Perception tests based on taste and Smell

Demonic Dexterity

You become slender fast and dexterous.

Effect: A character with demonic dexterity gains a +4 Dexterity to a Maximum of 22.

Demonic Constitution

This gives the subject a constitution of a Demon.

Effect: A character with Unnatural Strength gains a +4 Constitution to a Maximum of 22.

Flesh Metal

An iron hard fusion of muscle, tendon and powered steel, fleshmetal forms a hideous exoskeleton over those devotees of Chaos whose bodies have melded with their Power Armour.

Effect: As long as a character with this trait has at least 1 HP you gain 1d4 Hp at the start of each round of combat. at level 10 this becomes 1d8 and a D10 at level 20. Furthermore when you use a Hit die to heal you may chose to not roll it and treat it as if you rolled half the max that you could roll.

Putrescent Biology (Putracus)

Effect: A character with Putrescent Biology gains immunity to all poison damage regardless of AP and the poisoned condition.

Tentacle arm

one of you arms turns into a Tentacle it may have teeth or a even a barb at the end.

Effect: the Tentacle can do basic tasks for the owner but it may not wield a weapon, it may however, make attacks and you are Proficient in them. This weapon may deals your choice of bludgeoning, Slashing or Piercing damage, it deal 1d8 has the Reach, light and AP Properties. you also gain advantage on athletics checks in grapples.

At level 10 the damage increases to 1D10 and you gain the AP+ property.

Venom Glands

Effect: If a character has Venom Glands, their unarmed attacks gain +1D4 Poison damage. Additionally, the character can spit venom from special glands in their mouth Once per short rest you may use a ranged attack with a range of 5ft you count as proficient with it and it is considered a pistol. if the attack hits the target must make a Constitution save DC 8 + your proficiency + your Con or they will be Blinded for 1d4 rounds

Warped Flesh Appendage

you gain a third arm of a sort, it way be shaped in different ways talk to you GM about opptions.

Effect: Gain a natural weapon that deal 1D8 damage Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage and when you use a bonus action to make one attack with the weapon, if you are already engageing in two weapoon fighting you may incorporate the Flesh appendage attack with you off hand strike.

You may gain this mutation twice gaining an additional attack with the second Appendage

Chapter 8 (Equipment & Vehicles)


Weapon Properties

Ammunition ( - / - ) (New): You may only use a weapon with the ammunition property if you have enough ammo for it. the property will have two numbers the first is the number of rounds in a magazine and the second is the round type.

Assault (New): A user of a weapon with this Property may still make an attack action if they also dashed this turn but there attack will suffer a cumulative -3 penalty to all attack this turn. if you already attacked before you dashed you may not benefit this.

Armor Piercing (AP - ) (New): a weapon with this property will reduce the targets AC or increase the DC of the weapons firing mode with the exception of knockback by an amount equal to the number on the Parentheses. This may only reduce AC that is Provided by Nonmagical or Natural armor.

Blast (-ft) (New): When a weapon with this property is activated all creatures within a Sphere with a radius equal to the size listed in the parentheses on the blast property, must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 8 + users proficiency bonus, if Proficient + the users Dexterity modifier if a ranged weapon lik effect or intelligence bonus if a device like effect. On a pass the target only suffers half damage on a fail it is takes full damage.

Burst (New): Upon a hit, everything within 5 ft of the piont of impact must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier intelligence bonus if a set device or take half damage dealt. Note upon a miss with a burst weapon, the round may impact near another target, consult GM.

Bulky (Renamed for original Heavy) Small creatures have disadvantage on Attack rolls with Bulky Weapons. A Bulky weapon’s size and Gurth make it too large for a Small creature to use effectively.

Combi (New): combi weapons are guns that have a secondary special weapon firing mode, during a turn a creature with this weapon uses there attack action they may use the secondary mode for one of there attacks during there turn, or the may gain one extra attack as apart of your standard attack action with the secondary fire but they will suffer a - 5 to all attacks and DC's made this turn, this extra attack must be declared during the first attack of the action but may be used later in the turn.

Deviation (-) (New): When a weapon with this property is used, nominate a point within range and roll the scatter die, witch is a D10, treat 1 and 10 as a direct hit, then starting with North on a 2, then going clockwise around the 8 cardinal directions. increased the number by 1, so 9 should end at north west, if you don't hit on the Scatter die, you then roll the Deviation die as listed it the parentheses and subtract your dexterity bonus from the roll (to a minimum of 1), the total is how many 5ft increments the round deviates in the direction of the Scatter die.

If the point you nominated is at long range or you have disadvantage on attack rolls, you roll 2 of the deviation die adding the two together and then reduce it by there dex.

Dispersing (New) When Firing a weapon with this property within Half its normal range you double the damage die of all the attacks damage roll. Furthermore when you fire this weapon at long range you deal half damage die.

Disintegrate (New): When firing a weapon with this property and the target is reduced to 0 hit points it is Disintegrated. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. This spell automatically disintegrates a Large or smaller nonmagical object or a creation of magical force. If the target is a Huge or larger object or creation of force, this spell disintegrates a 10-foot-cube portion of it. A magic item is unaffected by this spell.

Engulf (-ft) (New): When a weapon with this property is fired the user nominates a cone the size listed in the parentheses on the Engulf property, any creature in the cone must make a Dex save DC 8 + Dex modifier + Proficiency bonus, on a Pass the target takes half damage.

Extensive Action (New): If a weapon has this property you may only attack once per attack action, regardless of the amount of extra attacks you may have.

Grav (New) if a weapon with this property hits a target wearing light armor, no armor or non metal armor you count this weapon as normal, if they are wearing medium armor made of metal this weapon deals + 1 damage die to the target and has an AP (-1) as well as Potent (+), if the target is in Heavy Metal armor this weapon deal +2 damage dice and has AP (-2) as well as Potent (++) and if the target is in Power armor or it is a metal construct you add +3 damage dice to the attack and has AP (-3) as well as Potent (+++).

Heavy (Rewrite) A creature that moves and Fires a heavy weapon fires it at disadvantage, If you fire the Weapon before you move you may not move. or the target has advantage on saves made.

Indirect (New): When a weapon with this property is fired the user may fire at targets out of line of sight, when done you must roll the Scatter dice twice, taking the further result, only getting a direct hit with both scatter dice resulting in a hit, IE Natural 1 or 10. If a friendly Target has seen your impacts in a previous round and can communicate with a gunner of an indirect weapon may uses a bonus action to communicates the enemy position the the gunner, when done you will not have to roll 2 Scatter die. Furthermore a weapon with this weapon property may not be used indoors with cellings shorter then half the weapons long range.

Ignore Cover (New) Attacks with a weapon with this Property Ignore any benefits of cover.

Ignite If dealt damage by a weapon with this Property and is wearing some type of cloth of flamable material, it lights on fire. Dealing 1D6 fire damage at the start of each of there turns. They may use an action to put out the flames.

Knockback (-) (New): Any creature hit with a weapon with this property must pass a Str save DC 8 + Proficiency if Proficient + the number in the parenthesies of the property, or be Knock Prone and pushed back 5ft per number in the Parenthesies, if this would result in the target being pushed of a ledge they may make a Dex save the DC is the same if passed they stop at the edge of the ledge.

Large (New): Attacks with a weapon with this property are made with a negative equal to the wielders current Proficiency bonus. The wielder of a weapon with this property may ignore this properties effects if it has the Larger then most feature, or is of large or larger size. Furthermore small Creatures may not wield large weapons.

Long gun (New): a weapon with this property may is fired at disadvantage unless You use your bonus action to Brace the weapon on a wall or something to stabilize the weapon alternatively you may go prone.

Massive Parts (-) (New): Medium or smaller creatures takes a number of Actions equal to the number in the parentheses before the slash, to Reload or the number after the parentheses to set up or take down the weapon system. doing this may take multiple turns, if you have that ability to use two actions you can use both to reduce the requires time, One other creatures can use the help action, if done this will count as one of the required actions to reload, set up or take down the weapon. Large or Larger creatures count as using 2 actions each time you use an action to reload, set up or take down a weapon with the Massive Parts weapon property. Furthermore any abilities that allow you to reload may be used to fulfill on of the actions required from this property.

Mounted (New): Medium creatures have disadvantage on attacks with a weapon with this property, unless this weapon is mounted on a vehicle or tripod/Mount, Small and smaller creatures cannot wield at all, unless mounted.

Missfire (New) whenever you make an attack with a firearm and the dice roll naturally, is equal to or less then the misfire score the weapon misfires. The attack misses and you must roll a d100 on the chart below to see what happens to the weapon. If you naturally roll equal to or greater then the Critical number, a critical hit is Scored as if you rolled a natural 20 (I.E. double damage dice are rolled.

d100 Result
1% FUBAR, the weapon is FUBAR and must be entirely replaced or reconstructed cost is full value of weapon
2% - 5% The weapon is Destroyed and needs Parts that must be forged or acquired, equal to a percentage of a D100 roll compared to market value, and then may be repaired during a long rest and a successful Tech tools and a successful Artificers tools check, both DC 20,If both tests are failed the weapon is FUBAR, If one test is failed you may attempt the failed test again with a +5 to the DC, if you fail the test again the weapon is FUBAR
6% - 10% The weapon is Broken and requires Short rest and a successful Artificers tools check, DC 15, If the test is failed treat the weapon as if you had rolled a 2 to 5%.
11% - 15% The weapon is Seized and requires your actions and a successful Technology skill check, DC 10, If the test is failed treat the weapon as if you had rolled a 6 to 10%.
16% - 60% The weapon is Jammed and requires you to use a bonus action and a successful dexterity check, DC 10, If the test is failed treat the weapon as if you had rolled a 11 to 15%.
61% - 100% The weapon is Fine it was just bad munitions, or simple you just Missed.

Potent (-) (New): This Property comes in three Levels, Potent +, Potent ++ and Potent +++. If a weapon has this Property and hits a target you apply the below benefits in accordance to what level Potent the weapon has, each level will retain the benefits of the previous levels of AP

Potent (+): If a target hit with Potent (+) and has a Resistance to its type, you ignore it. If it has Immunity it becomes Resistance.

Potent (++): You Ignore Resistances and Immunities to its type.

Potent (+++): You Ignore Resistances and Immunities and any damage reduction the targets armor may have to its type.

Furthermore, there are some changes to the usual ways of using Immunity and Resistance, as noted below

  • If you target a creature that has no resistances, against a weapon that has Potent (+) property, the target take an additional amount of damage from the attack equal to half the damage dealt (Minimum 1), if the weapon has Potent (++) it has Vulnerability to the damage type and if the the weapon has potent (+++) take an additional amount of damage from the attack equal to 3x the damage dealt.

  • You may not stack sources of Potent, Resistance or Immunities, for example a Potent (+) weapon will still ignore resistance even if the target has resistance from multiple sources.

  • (Variant Rule GM discretion) If a creature hits with a weapon that does not have any type of the potency property and the target has Immunity to the type of damage it deals, they roll a d6, if the result is 4+, meaning on a 4 or higher, the target takes no damage if not the they take half.

Powder (New): A weapon with this property requires a powder horn. this works like a spell component pouch.

Pistol (New): A weapon with this property does not get disadvantage for firing a weapon within 5 ft of a enemy.

Pinpoint (New): A weapon with this property scores a critical hit on natural roll of one better the you normally would and when rolling for damage with critical hits you roll one extra damage die.

Pulse (New): a weapon with this property that is fired in the burst fire or controlled burst firing mode, will score an additional hit for each hit of a value 1 greater then you would normally.

Ray (New): When a weapon with this property is activated all creatures within a line with a width equal to the number listed before the slash in the parentheses on the Ray property and a length equal to the number after the slash. Each effected creature must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 8 + users proficiency bonus, if Proficient + the users Dexterity modifier if a ranged weapon like effect or intelligence bonus if a device like effect. On a pass the target only suffers half damage on a fail it is takes full damage.

Ravaging (New): If a weapon with this property roll the highest roll on a damage die you may roll one additional die, extra damage die from this property do not generate extra dice.

Rate of Fire (-) (New): There are multiple ways for a projectile weapon to fire, some fire shots one at a time possibly with a minor action to be done in between, some fire multiple shots with one press of the trigger and some fire continuously as long as you pull the trigger, this is represented by Four different types of firing.

Single Shot (SS): this is normal firing, one shot per attack

Semi Auto (SA): if a weapon with this property Fires within half its short range you may make one extra attack when using the attack action.

Burst Fire (BF): You May make one normal attack with this weapon per attack action you have, if you hit it deals normal damage, after your hit is determined count how much your hit was greater then the AC of your target, for every 5 points you beat there AC you score an additional hit with that weapon, each hit gains a bonus to the damage equal to the number in the parenthesis. this uses a number of rounds per attack equal to the number in the parentheses per attack, if you do not have the required amount of rounds for the whole burst but more then on it fires as if it was burst (the number of remaining rounds in weapon), if one round remains then fire as if is was single shot.

Automatic (AF): When attacking with a weapon that has the Automatic property, there are three ways to do so you may spray your fires at multiple targets, Focus fire on one target at a time or shoot controlled bursts at the target, see below for the three types of automatic weapon attack actions.

Note when using the Spray or Focus fire you must before any results are decided roll a D20 and if this roll falls within the weapons missfire range the weapon will misfire, you must roll on the missfire chart and then roll an additional d100, if the result is 25% or less the attack does nothing, if the result is 26-50% the attack will deal 1/4 damage, if the result is 51-75% the attack deals half damage and if it is 76-100% it deals damage as normal.

  • Spray Fire: You can as an action spray a cube a size equal to 5ft x the number in the parentheses, within normal range with shots. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity save DC 8 + Proficiency Bonus (If Proficient) + Dexterity Bonus, roll a number of damage dice equal to your weapons damage die multiplied by the number in the parentheses. Each creature that failed the test take the full amount of damage on the die and if they past they take no damage, This action uses a number of your rounds equal to the number in the parentheses x itself, you may not use this action if you have half or less of that amount of rounds needed.

Note: When Firing a spray action at a Mob and the Mob makes its save it will take half damage instead of no damage.

  • Focus Fire: You may as an action choose to fire at a single target within range. The target must make a dex save DC 8 + Proficiency Bonus (If Proficient) + Dexterity Bonus, roll a number of damage dice equal to your weapons damage die multiplied by the number in the parentheses. on a fail the target takes the weapons damage and on a pass they take half. This action consumes a number of rounds, equal to the number in the parentheses x itself, you may not use this action if you have half or less of that amount of rounds needed.

Note: The Focus fire action can not be used on a Mob.

  • Controlled Bursts: You May make one normal attack with this weapon per attack action you have, if you hit it deals normal damage, after your hit is determined count how much your hit was greater then the AC of your target, for every 5 points you beat there AC you score an additional hit with that weapon, each hit gains a bonus to the damage equal to the number in the parenthesis. this uses a number of rounds per attack equal to the number in the parentheses per attack, if you do not have the required amount of rounds for the whole burst but more then on it fires as if it was burst (the number of remaining rounds in weapon), if one round remains then fire as if is was single shot.

Recoil (-) (New): If the user of this weapon does not have a strength Score equal to or greater then the number in the parentheses, it will take a negative to all attacks rolls equal to the difference between the users strength score and the number in the parentheses. If the weapon is also automatic you reduce the DC your target needs to achieve by the difference. If a weapon with this property is Mounted you may ignore this property or you may braced in some way like bipods or rest the weapon on a wall to reduce this feature by 2.

Reloading (replacment): If a weapon has the reloading property runs out of ammunition in the weapon or magazine the wielder must spend an action to reload the weapon. Some weapons have a number in parentheses after the reloading feature this means you may only load that may rounds Per action you use to load the weapon.

Reliable (New): Whenever you have to roll on the misfire chart with a weapon with this Property you may roll twice and choose the higher of the two.

Sniper (New): When using a weapon with this property your target may not benefit from the Look out Sir rule as described in the Units section of chapter 3 (Units and Minions) and you may designate shot to specific creatures in a Mob.

  • Subdual damage:
  • Do not apply Subdaul damage to the target character’s hit points.
  • Any amout of subdual damage in an amount that exceades the targets Constitution modifier will become the DC for a Constitution save or fall unconscious.
  • If unconscious a new test may be made each round using the same DC that was failed originally.

Supercharge (New): Before firing a weapon with this Property you may choose to supercharge it, if you do, roll double the normal damage dice but you suffer a overheat on natural rolls of 1 - 4, if you also fall within the weapons Missfire you will suffer both effects (Overheat and you roll on the Misfire. Furthermore if you suffer a overheat you roll damage including the extra damage dice and then make a Dexterity save DC 15, on a fail you suffer the damage dealt and on a pass you suffer half as much damage. When you Overcharge you use double the shots it would have used without Overcharging.

Stunning (-) (New) Any creature hit with a weapon with this property must pass a Con save DC 8 + Proficiency if Proficient + the number in the parentheses of the property, or be stunned for one round.

Special Requirement (New): some weapons and items may Require a Specific Race, mod, armor type Ext. This will be described in the Properties of the Item. Example: the Bolt Rifle may only be used by the Masculum Divinus Magna sub race.

Tiny (New) Large creatures and those that have the Larger then most feature, have disadvantage on Attack rolls with Tiny Weapons. A Tiny weapon’s dimunitive size makes it too Small for a Large creature to use effectively.

Twin-barreled (New): you have advantage on attacks made with a twin linked weapon or the enemy has disadvantage on saves against effects caused by twin-linked weapons and you fire twice the number of shoots.

Vibro (New): A weapon with this property scores a critical hit on natural roll of one better the you normally would and when rolling for damage with critical hits you roll one extra damage die.

Volatile (New): If something with this Property is destroyed it will cause its effect to take place, IE if its a explosive it will detonate.

Vehicle (New): A weapon with this property may only be made if it is mounted properly on the appropriate vehicle.

Simple Ranged Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachments Slots
Auto weapons
Small Caliber Pistol 100gp 1D6 Piercing - Range 40ft/160ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small Cal (P), One-handed, Rate of Fire (SS), Tiny, Pistol, Light, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Small Caliber Rifle 150gp 1D6 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small Cal (R), Two-handed, Rate of Fire (SA), Tiny, Misfire (1), Recoil (9) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Small Caliber Carbine 150gp 1d6 Piercing - Range 50ft/200ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small Cal (R), Two-handed, Rate of Fire (SS) Tiny, Assault, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Small Caliber Leaver action Rifle 175gp 2D6 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Reloading (4), Extensive Action, Ammunition 8/Small Cal (R), Two-handed, Tiny, Sniper, Pinpoint, Long gun, Misfire (1), Recoil (11) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Small Caliber Sniper Rifle 200gp 1d6 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small Cal (R), Two-handed, Rate of Fire (SS), Tiny, Sniper, Long gun, Misfire (1), Recoil (10) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
UZ-1 300gp 1d6 Piercing - Range 20ft/80ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small Cal (P), one-handed, Rate of Fire (AF (4)), Tiny, Pistol, Light, Misfire (1-2), Recoil (11) Simple Compensator, Scope, Pistolgrip, Receiver, Froegrip
Medium Caliber Pistol 200gp 1D8 Piercing - Range 50ft/200ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Medium Cal (P), one-handed, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Light, Misfire (1), Recoil (10) Simple Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Medium Caliber Rifle 300gp 1D8 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Medium Cal (R), Two-handed, Rate of Fire (SA), Misfire (1), Recoil (11) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Medium Caliber Carbine 300gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Medium Cal (R), Two-handed, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Misfire (1), Recoil (10) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Medium Caliber Leaver action Rifle 350gp 2D8 Piercing - Range 150ft/600ft, Reloading, Extensive Action, Ammunition 7/Medium Cal (R), Two-handed, Sniper, Pinpoint, Long gun, Misfire (1), Recoil (12) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Barrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Medium Caliber Sniper Rifle 400gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 120ft/480ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Medium Cal (R), Two-handed, Rate of Fire (SS), Sniper, Long gun, Misfire (1), Recoil (11) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Submachine Gun 600gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 55ft/220ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Medium Cal (P), Two-handed, Rate of Fire Select (AF (4))/SS), Assault, Pistol, Misfire (1-2), Recoil (11) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Simple Ranged Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachments Slots
Large Caliber Pistol 300gp 1D10 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Large Cal (P), one-handed, Bulky, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Misfire (1), Recoil (12) Advanced Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Large Caliber Rifle 450gp 1D10 Piercing - Range 120ft/480ft, Reloading (5), Ammunition Magazine/Large Cal (R), Two-handed, Bulky, Rate of Fire (SA), Misfire (1), Recoil (13) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Large Caliber Carbine 450gp 1d10 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Large Cal (R), Two-handed, Bulky, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Misfire (1), Recoil (12) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Large Caliber Leaver action Rifle 700gp 2D10 Piercing - Range 200ft/800ft, Reloading, Extensive Action, Ammunition 8/Large Cal (R), Bulky, Sniper, Pinpoint, Long gun, Misfire (1), Recoil (15) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Large Caliber Sniper Rifle 800gp 1d10 Piercing - Range 180ft/720ft, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Large Cal (R), Two-handed, Bulky, Rate of Fire (SS), Sniper, Long gun, Misfire (1-2), Recoil (14) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Small Caliber Revolver 150gp 1D8 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Reloading, Ammunition 6/Small Magnum, one-handed, Tiny, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Light, Knockback (1), Misfire (1), Recoil (12) Trivial Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Medium Caliber Revolver 300gp 1D10 Piercing - Range 80ft/360ft, Reloading, Ammunition 6/Medium Magnum, one-handed, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Knockback (2), Misfire (1), Recoil (14) Simple Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Large Caliber Revolver 600gp 1D12 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Reloading, Ammunition 6/Large Magnum, one-handed, Bulky, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Knockback (3), Misfire (1), Recoil (16) Advanced Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Small Caliber Revolver Rifle 200gp 1D8 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Reloading (6), Ammunition 12/Small Magnum, two-handed, Tiny, SS, Pistol, Light, Knockback (1), Misfire (1), Recoil (11) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Medium Caliber Revolver Rifle 400gp 1D10 Piercing - Range 120ft/240ft, Reloading (5), Ammunition 10/Medium Magnum, two-handed, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Knockback (2), Misfire (1), Recoil (13) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Large Caliber Revolver Rifle 800gp 1D12 Piercing - Range 150ft/600ft, Reloading (4), Ammunition 8/Large Magnum, two-handed, Bulky, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Knockback (3), Misfire (1), Recoil (15) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Revolver Sniper rifle 700gp 1d12 Piercing - Range 220ft/880ft, Reloading (3), Ammunition 6/Large Magnum (R), two-handed, Long gun, Rate of Fire (SS), Sniper, Bulky, Knockback (4), Misfire (1), Recoil (16) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Simple Ranged Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachments Slots
Revolvers Continued
Arqubus 1,200gp 2d12 Piercing - Range 300ft/1200ft, Reloading (1), Ammunition 6/Magnum (LR), two-handed, Extensive action, Sniper, Pinpoint, Long gun, Heavy, Bulky, Mounted, Knockback (4), Misfire (1), Recoil (17) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Break action Shotguns
Large Gage Single/Double Barrel 125gp 2d4 Piercing - Range 40ft/160ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1 or 2/Large Gage, Recoil (12), Rate of Fire (SS) Tiny, Assault, Knockback (1), Misfire (2) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Medium Gage Single/Double Barrel 250gp 3d4 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1 or 2/Medium Gage, Recoil (14), Rate of Fire (SS) Assault, Knockback (4), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Small Gage Single/Double Barrel 750gp 4d4 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1 or 2/Small Gage, Bulky, Recoil (16), Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Knockback (6), Misfire (1) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Recurve Bow
Shortbow 25gp 1d6 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Short Arrow, Recoil (10), SS, Tiny, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Longbow 50gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Long Arrow, Recoil (12), SS, Bulky, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Greatbow 100gp 1d10 Piercing - Range 150ft/600ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Great Arrow, Recoil (14), SS, Bulky, Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Magnabow 200gp 1d12 Piercing - Range 200ft/800ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Great Arrow, Recoil (17), SS, Bulky, Large, Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Hand Crossbow 75gp 1d6 Piercing - Range 30ft/120ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1/light Bolt, Pistol, Rate of Fire (SS), Light, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Receiver and Pistolgrip
Light Crossbow 25gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1/Light Bolt, Assault, Rate of Fire (SS), Knockback (1), Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Foregrip and Pistolgrip
Heavy Crossbow 50gp 1d10 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1/Heavy Bolt, Assault, Rate of Fire (SS), Bulky, Knockback (2) Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Foregrip, and Pistolgrip
Magna Hand Crossbow 100gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1/Light Bolt, Pistol, Rate of Fire (SS), Large, Light, Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Receiver and Pistolgrip
Magna Crossbow 75gp 2d6 Piercing - Range 125ft/500ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1/Great Bolt, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Large, Knockback (3), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Foregrip and Pistolgrip
Simple Ranged Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachments Slots
Grenade Weapons
Pop Grenade 75gp 3D6 Bludgeoning - Throw 40ft/80ft, Burst, on a miss Deviation (1D6) Simple -
Standard Frag Grenade 100gp 3D6 Bludgeoning 3d6 Piercing - Throw 40ft/80ft, Knockback (4), Blast (10ft), Deviation (1D6) Simple -
Standard Krak Grenade 150gp 4D10 Piercing - Throw 40ft/80ft, Burst, AP (-2), Potent (+), on miss Deviation (1D6) Simple -
Small Pipe Bomb 75gp 2D6 Bludgeoning 2D6 Piercing - Throw 40ft/80ft, Knockback (2), Blast (5ft), Deviation (1D10) Trivial -
Large Pipe Bomb 125gp 3D6 Bludgeoning 3D6 Piercing - Throw 30ft/60ft, Knockback (2), Blast (10ft), Deviation (1D10) Trivial -
Small Homemade Explosives 200gp 4D10 Bludgeoning - Throw 25ft/50ft, Knockback (3), Volatile, Blast (15ft), Deviation (1D10) Trivial -
Large Homemade Explosives 400gp 6D10 Bludgeoning - Throw 20ft/40ft, Knockback (4), Volatile, Blast (20ft), Deviation (1D12) Simple -
Alcohol Bomb 50gp 4d6 Fire - Throw 35ft/70ft, Blast (5ft), Ignite, Volatile, Deviation (1D6) Trivial -
Martial Ranged Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachments Slots
Compound Bow
Compact Compound bow 175gp 2d6 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Arrow, Recoil (9), Extensive action, Pinpoint, Tiny, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Compound bow 225gp 2d8 Piercing - Range 150ft/600ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Arrow, Recoil (11), Extensive action, Pinpoint, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Great Compound bow 450gp 2d10 Piercing - Range 200ft/800ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Arrow, Recoil (13), Extensive action, Pinpoint, bulky, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Magna Compound bow 1,200gp 2d12 Piercing - Range 250ft/1000ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 1/Arrow, Recoil (15), Extensive action, Pinpoint, bulky, Misfire (1), Large Simple Scope, Side Rail Receiver and Pistol Grip (no Select fire)
Martial Ranged Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachments Slots
Revolving Hand Crossbow 150gp 1d6 Piercing - Range 30ft/120ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 5/light Bolt, Pistol, SS, Tiny, Light, Misfire (1-2) Trivial Scope, Receiver, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Revolving Crossbow 100gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 10/Light Bolt, SA, Knockback (1), Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Revolving Magna Hand Crossbow 200gp 1d8 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 5/ Light Bolt, Pistol, SS, Large, Light, Knockback (1), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Receiver, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Revolving Magna Crossbow 125gp 2d6 Piercing - Range 125ft/500ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 10/Light Bolt, SA, Assault, Large, Knockback (3), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Bolt Thrower 250gp 2d10 Piercing - Range 150ft/600ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 1/Great Bolt, Extensive Action, Sniper, Pinpoint, Heavy, Longgun, SS, Bulky, Knockback (4), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Foregrip and Pistolgrip
Needler 550gp 1d4 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 50/Needles, AF (5), Misfire (1-2) Complex Scope, Stock, Receiver, Underbarrel, Foregrip, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Pump Shotguns
Large Gage Pump 200gp 2d4 Piercing - Range 40ft/160ft, Two-handed, Reloading (5), Ammunition 9/Large Gage, Recoil (12), Rate of Fire (SS), Tiny, Assault, Knockback (1), Misfire (2) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Medium Gage Pump 600gp 3d4 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Two-handed, Reloading (4), Ammunition 8/Medium Gage, Recoil (14), Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Knockback (4), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Small Gage Pump 1,200gp 4d4 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading (3), Ammunition 7/Small Gage, Bulky, Recoil (16), Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Knockback (6), Misfire (1) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Semi Auto Shotguns
Large Gage Semi Auto 300gp 2d4 Piercing - Range 40ft/160ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Large Gage, Recoil (12), Rate of Fire (SA), Tiny, Knockback (1), Misfire (2) Trivial Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Medium Gage Semi Auto 700gp 3d4 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Medium Gage, Recoil (14), Rate of Fire (SA), Knockback (4), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Small Gage Semi Auto 1,200gp 4d4 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small Gage, Bulky, Recoil (16), Rate of Fire (SA), Knockback (6), Misfire (1) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Martial Ranged Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachment Slots
Auto Shotguns
Large Gage Auto Shotgun 800gp 2d4 Piercing - Range 40ft/160ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Large Gage, Tiny, Recoil (15), Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Knockback (1), Misfire (2) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine, Pistolgrip
Medium Gage Auto Shotgun 1,200gp 3d4 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Medium Gage, Recoil (17), Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Knockback (4), Misfire (1) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine, Pistolgrip
Small Gage Auto Shotgun 1,600gp 4d4 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small Gage, Bulky, Recoil (18), Rate of Fire (AF (3), Knockback (6), Misfire (1) Intricate Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine, Pistolgrip
Heavy Shotguns
Heavy Shotgun 2,000gp 5d4 Piercing - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Small gage, Bulky, Rate of Fire (SS), Heavy, Recoil (18), Knockback (6), Misfire (1), Large Intricate Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Foregrip, Siderail, Pistolgrip
Machine guns
Light Machine gun 500gp 1d6 piercing - Range 180ft/720ft, two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (4)), Ammunition Belt 200/light cal (R), Tiny, Recoil (11), Misfire (1-4) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Medium Machine gun 1,000gp 1d8 piercing - Range 240ft/960ft, two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (4)), Ammunition Belt 200/Medium cal (R), Bulky, Recoil (13), Long Gun, Misfire (1-4) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Heavy Machine gun 1,500gp 1d10 piercing - Range 300ft/1200ft, two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (4)), Ammunition Belt 100/large cal (R), Recoil (15), massive Parts (1/2), Mounted, Misfire (1-4) Intricate Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Auto-Cannon 2,500gp 2d12 Piercing - Range 240ft/960ft, two-handed, Rate of Fire (AF (2)), Ammunition Drum 20/20MM, Heavy, Recoil (13), Misfire (1), Knockback (5), Massive Parts (4), Mounted (2/4), Missfire (1-2) Advanced None
Accelerator Auto-Cannon 5,500gp 2d12 Piercing - Range 240ft/960ft, two-handed, Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Fixed Ammunition Belt 40/20MM, Heavy, Recoil (15), Massive parts (4), Mounted (2/4), Misfire (1-3), Special Requirement (Larger then most) Intricate None
Mini gun 2,750gp 1d4 Piercing - Range 80ft/360ft, two-handed, Rate of Fire (AF (8)), Ammunition Drum 200/6MM, Reloading, Heavy, Recoil (14), Misfire (1-4), Massive Parts (2/2), Large Simple None
Heavy Mini gun 5,750gp 1d6 Piercing - Range 100ft/400ft, two-handed, Rate of Fire (AF (8)), Ammunition Drum 100/Light Rifle, Reloading, Heavy, Recoil (16), Misfire (1-4), Massive Parts (2/2), Large, Mounted Advanced None
Martial Ranged Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachment Slots
Pulse Weapons
Light Pulse Pistol 550gp 1D4 Force - Range 80ft/320ft, Reloading, Ammunition 100/Pulse), one-handed, Rate of Fire (BF (4)), Pistol, Light, Misfire (1), Pulse Simple Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Light Pulse Rifle 1250gp 1d4 Force - Range 150ft/600ft, two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (BF (4)), Ammunition 75/pulse, Misfire (1), Pulse, Assault Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Pulse Pistol 900gp 1D6 Force - Range 100ft/400ft, Reloading, Ammunition 75/Pulse), one-handed, Rate of Fire (BF (4)), Pistol, Misfire (1), Pulse, Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature) Simple Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Pulse Rifle 1750gp 1d6 Force - Range 200ft/800ft, two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (BF (4)), Ammunition 50/pulse, Misfire (1), Pulse Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Light Auto Pulse Rifle 2000gp 1d4 Force - Range 200ft/800ft, two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (6)), Ammunition 200/Pulse, Misfire (1), Pulse, Assault Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail,
Auto Pulse Rifle 2500gp 1d6 Force - Range 250ft/1000ft, two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (6)), Ammunition 200/Pulse, Misfire (1), Pulse Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail,
Pulse Submachine 2250gp 1d4 Force - Range 55ft/220ft, Reloading, Ammunition 50/Pulse, Two-handed, Rate of Fire (Select) (AF (6))/BF (4), Assault, Pistol, Misfire (1) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Laser Weapons
Laser pistol 500gp 1D8 Fire - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 500/Energy Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Light, Pistol, Misfire (1) Trivial Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Enhanced Laser pistol 1,000 1D8 Fire - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 250/Energy Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+) Advanced Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Laser Rifle 700gp 1D8 Fire - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 250/Energy Cell, Rate of Fire (SA), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Enhanced Laser Rifle 1400gp 1D8 Fire - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 125/Energy Cell, Rate of Fire (SA), Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Laser Cannon 10,000gp 4D10 Fire - Range 240ft/960ft, Ammunition 1/Power Cells, Heavy, Extensive Action, Misfire (1), Massive Parts, Mounted (2/4), AP (-3), Potent (++) Intricate None
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachment Slots
Laser Weapons continued
Laser Carbine 700gp 1D8 Fire - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 250/Energy Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Misfire (1), Assault Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Enhanced Laser Carbine 1400gp 1D8 Fire - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 125/Energy Cell, Rate of fire (SS), Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+), Assault Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Gatling Laser 2700gp 1D6 Fire - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (6)), Ammunition 200/Power Cell, Misfire (1), Massive Parts (2/2), Large Advanced None
Gatling Laser Cannon 2700gp 1D8 Fire - Range 150ft/600ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (6)), Ammunition 100/power Cell, Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+), Massive Parts (2/2), Heavy, Large, Mounted Advanced None
Auto Laser Rifle 1100gp 1D8 Fire - Range 180ft/720ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (4)), Ammunition 250/Energy Cell, SA, Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Auto Enhanced Laser Rifle 2700gp 1D8 Fire - Range 240ft/720ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Rate of Fire (AF (4)), Ammunition 125/Energy Cell, Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Laser Sniper Rifle 1400gp 1D8 Fire - Range 160ft/640ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 100/Energy Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Misfire (1), Sniper, Long gun Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Enhanced Laser Sniper Rifle 2400gp 1D8 Fire - Range 160ft/640ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 100/Energy Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+), Sniper, Long gun Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Bolter Weapons
Bolter pistol 1,000gp 1d12 Piercing - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Bolter, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Bulky, Recoil (13), Knockback (1), Misfire (1), Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Simple Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Magna Bolter pistol 1,500gp 2d6 Piercing - Range 90ft/360ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Magna Bolter, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Large, Recoil (15), Knockback (2), Misfire (1), Large Advanced Scope, Receiver, Compensator, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Light Bolter Rifle 1,250gp 1D12 Piercing - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Bolter, Rate of Fire (SA) Knockback (1), Bulky, Recoil (14), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Martial Ranged Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity Attachment Slots
Bolter Weapons Continued
Magna Bolter Rifle 2,000gp 2d6 Piercing - Range 150ft/600ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Magna Bolter, Rate of Fire (SA), Long gun, Large, Recoil (14), Knockback (2), Misfire (1), Large Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Light Bolter Carbine 1,250gp 1D12 Piercing - Range 80ft/260ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Bolter, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Knockback (1), Bulky, Recoil (13), Misfire (1) Simple Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip,
Magna Bolter Carbine 2,000gp 2d6 Piercing - Range 100ft/300ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition Magazine/Magna Bolter, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Large, Recoil (14), Knockback (2), Misfire (1) Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, Siderail, Magazine and Pistolgrip
Heavy Bolter 15,000gp 3d6 Piercing - Range 180ft/720ft, Two-handed, Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Ammunition Belt 50/Magna Bolter, Heavy, Recoil (18), Misfire (1-2), Knockback (3), Massive Parts (2/4), Mounted Advanced None
Bolter Sniper 21,500gp 2d8 Piercing - Range 240ft/960ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 5/Heavy Bolt, Sniper, Pinpoint, Heavy, Recoil (17), Misfire (1), Long gun, Large Advanced Scope, Stock, Receiver, Barrel, Underbarrel, Compensator, Foregrip, and Pistolgrip
Flame Weapons
Hand Flamer 850gp 4d6 Fire - Ammunition\ 10 Charges = 1/2 gal Promethium, Extensive Action, one-handed, Pistol, Light, Engulf (15ft), Ignite Trivial None
Flamer 1100gp 4d6 Fire - Ammunition\ 5 Charges = 1/2 gal Promethium, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Assault, Engulf (30ft), Ignite Trivial None
Incinerator 5,200gp 4d6 Fire - Ammunition\ 3 Charges = 1/2 gal Promethium, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Assault, Engulf (40ft), Ignite, AP (-2), Potent (++) Advanced None
Heavy Flamer 10,500gp 6d6 Fire - Ammunition\ 1 Charges = 1 gal Promethium, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Heavy, Engulf (50ft) Ignite, Massive Parts (1/2), Mounted, AP (-1), Potent (+) Advanced None
Incendiary Ejector 15,750gp 8d6 Fire - Ammunition\ 10 Charges = 00 gal Promethium, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Heavy, Engulf (50ft) Ignite, Massive Parts (2/4), Mounted, AP (-1), Potent (+), Large Intricate None
Martial Ranged Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Star Weapons
Star pistol 500gp 1D10 Slashing - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 15/Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Light, Pistol, Misfire (1), AP (-1) Simple
Azuris Star pistol 1100gp 1D10 Slashing - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 15/Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Light, Pistol, Misfire (1), AP (-2), Potent (+) Complex
Star Rifle 900gp 1D10 Slashing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Misfire (1), AP (-1) Simple
Azuris Star Rifle 1700gp 1D10 Slashing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Misfire (1), AP (-2), Potent (+) Complex
Star Blaster 2500gp 1D10 Slashing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Star pack, Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Assault, Misfire (1), AP (-1) Simple
Azuris Star Blaster 3500gp 1D10 Slashing - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Star pack, Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Assault, Misfire (1), AP (-2), Potent (+) Complex
Star Lance 1400gp 2000 Slashing - Range 220ft/1720ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 10/Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Misfire (1), Sniper, Pinpoint, Long gun, AP (-1) Complex
Azuris Star Lance 4500gp 1D12 Slashing - Range 220ft/1720ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 10/Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Misfire (1), Sniper, Pinpoint, Long gun, AP (-2), Potent (+) Complex
Star Cannon 14700gp 3D10 Slashing - Range 300ft/1200ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 5/Heavy Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Heavy, Mounted, Massive parts (2/3), Misfire (1), AP (-4), Potent (+) Complex
Grenade Weapons
Military Grade Frag Grenade 250gp 3D6 Bludgeoning 3D6 Piercing - Throw 40ft/80ft, Knockback (2), Blast (10ft), Potent (+), Deviation (1D8) Advanced
Military Grade Krak Grenade 500gp 4D12 Piercing - Throw 40ft/80ft, Burst, AP (-3), Potent (++), on a miss deviation (1d6) Advanced
Small Demolitions Charge 1,500gp 4D12 Bludgeoning - Throw 25ft/50ft, Knockback (3), Blast (10ft), Deviation (1D10), AP (-1) Potent (+) Simple
Large Demolitions Charge 4,000gp 5D12 Bludgeoning - Throw 20ft/40ft, Knockback (4), Blast (20ft), Deviation (1D12), AP (-1), Potent (++) Advanced
Ignus Bomb 125gp 4d6 Fire - Throw 25ft/50ft, Blast (10ft), Potent (+), Ignight, Deviation (1D8) Simple
Exotic Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Explosive Weapons
Rocket Launcher 1,500gp see ammo - Range 240ft/960ft, two-handed, Ammunition 1/Rocket, Reloading, Heavy, Extensive Action, Special Ammo, Massive parts (1/1) Simple
Mag Feed Rocket Launcher 6,500gp see ammo - Range 240ft/960ft, two-handed, Ammunition 5/Rocket, Reloading, Heavy, Extensive Action, Special Ammo, Deviation (1d6), massive parts (2/1), Large Advanced
60MM Mortar 2,750gp see ammo - Range 200ft/800ft, two-handed, Ammunition 1/mortar 60MM, Reloading, Heavy, Indirect, Deviation (1d8), Extensive Action, Massive Parts (1/2). Mounted Simple
81MM Mortar 5,500gp see ammo - Range 300ft/1200ft, two-handed, Ammunition 1/mortar 81MM, Reloading, Heavy, Indirect, Deviation (1d8), Extensive Action, Massive Parts (1/3). Mounted Simple
Whirlwind Missile Launcher 10,500gp see ammo - Range 200ft/800ft, Shoulder mount, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Rocket, Heavy, Special Ammo, massive parts (Short rest), Special requirement (Power frame) Advanced
Grenade Launcher 3,500gp see ammo - Range 90ft/360ft, two-hannded Ammunition 6/40mm Grenade, Reloading, Assault, Special Ammo Simple
Ripper gun 8,500pg see ammo - Range 60ft/240ft, Ammunition 12/Ripper rounds Grenade, Two-handed, Reloading, SS, Assault, Recoil (17), Burst, Intergrated Magna Knife, Large Advanced
Grenadier Gauntlet 2000 see ammo - Range 60ft/120ft, Ammunition 12/40mm Grenade, One-handed, Reloading, Assault, Intergrated Ram (1H, 1d12 Bludgeoning), Special Requirement (power Frame) Simple
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Disintegrator)
Disintegrator Pistol 7,500gp 2d8 Fire - Range 30ft/60ft, Ammunition 10/Melta cell, one-handed, Pistol, Melta, Dispersing, Extensive Action, AP (-4), Potent (+++) Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Advanced
Disintegrator Rifle 10,000gp 2d8 Fire - Range 60ft/120ft, Ammunition 5/Melta cell, Assault, Two-handed, Melta, Dispersing, Extensive Action, AP (-4), Potent (+++) Advanced
Disintegrator Cannon 25,000gp 4D8 Fire - Range 120ft/240ftt, Ammunition 3/Melta core, Heavy, Two-handed, Melta, Dispersing, Extensive Action, AP (-4), Potent (+++), Massive Parts (2/4), Mounted Advanced
Magna Disintegrator Rifle 50,000gp 3D8 Fire - Range 120ft/240ft, Ammunition 2/Melta core, Heavy, Two-handed, Melta, Dispersing, Extensive Action, AP (-4), Potent (+++), Large, Massive parts (2/-) Intricate
Exotic Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Phoenix)
Phoenix Pistol 5500gp 2D4 Fire - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 15/Star pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Light, Pistol, Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+), Ravaging Complex
Phoenix Blaster 7000gp 2D4 Fire - Range 100ft/400ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Star pack, Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Assault, Misfire (1), AP (-1), Potent (+), Ravaging Simple
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Antimatter)
Anti Matter pistol 5000 1D8 Necrotic - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Dark Matter Rod, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Misfire (1), Potent (+++) Advanced
Anti Matter Rifle 6500gp 1D8 Necrotic - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 10/Dark Matter rod, Rate of Fire (SS), Misfire (1), Potent (+++) Advanced
Anti Matter Ray 30,000gp 2d8 Necrotic - Ammunition\3 Charges = 1 Dark matter rod, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Assault, Ray (5ft/60ft), Potent (+++) Advanced
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Radiation)
Rad Pistol 850 2d4 poison - Range 40ft/160ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 15/radium rounds, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Ravaging, Misfire (1), AP (-6), Potent (+), Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Simple
Rad Rifle 2,800 2d4 Poison - Range 80ft/320ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Radium rounds, Rate of Fire (SA), Ravaging, SA, Misfire (1), AP (-6), Potent (+) Simple
Rad Carbine 2,400 2d4 Poison - Range 60ft/240ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Radium rounds, Rate of Fire (Sa), Ravaging, Assault, Misfire (1), AP (-5), Potent (+) Simple
Rad Ray 3,000gp 4d4 Poison - Ammunition\3 Charges = 1 Rad rod, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Assault, Ravaging, Ray (5ft/60ft), AP (-6), Potent (+) Advanced
Heavy Rad Ray 13,000gp 6d4 Poison - Ammunition\3 Charges = 3 Rad rod, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Heavy, Ravaging, Ray (10ft/80ft), AP (-6), Potent (+), Mounted, Massive parts (2/3) Advanced
Rad Dish 3,000gp 4d4 Poison - Ammunition\ 3 Charges = 1 Rad rod, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Assault, Ravaging, Engulf (20ft), AP (-6), Potent (+) Simple
Heavy Rad Dish 13,000gp 6d4 Poison - Ammunition\3 Charges = 3 Rad rod, Extensive Action, Two-handed, Heavy, Ravaging, Engulf (30ft), AP (-6), Potent (+), Mounted, Massive parts (2/3) Advanced
Exotic weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Plasma)
Plasma Pistol 2,500gp 1d10 Fire - Range 60ft/240ft, one-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/plasma cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Supercharge, Misfire (1), AP (-3), Potent (++), Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Advanced
Plasma Cutter 4,500gp 1d12 Fire - Range 10ft/40ft, Augmetic arm attachment, Reloading, Ammunition 30/plasma cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Supercharge, AP (-1), Potent (+) Misfire (1), Servo harness Advanced
Plasmagun 8,500gp 1D10 Fire - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Plasma Cell, Rate of Fire (SA), Supercharge, Misfire (1), AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Plasma cannon 50,500gp 3D10 Fire - Range 180ft/720ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 5/Plasma core, Heavy, Blast 5ft, Deviation (1d8), Supercharge, Extensive Action, Misfire (1), Massive Parts (2/4), Mounted, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Technokii Plasma Incinerator 8,500gp 2d4 Fire - Range 150ft/600ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Plasma Cell, Rate of Fire (SA), Supercharge, Misfire (1), AP (-4), Potent (+++) Large Intricate
Teknokii Assault Plasma Incinerator 8500gp 2d4 Fire - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Plasma Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Supercharge, Misfire (1), AP (-4), Potent (+++), Large Intricate
Technokii Heavy Plasma Incinerator 25,500gp 3d4 Fire - Range 180ft/720ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 10/Plasma Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), heavy, Massive Parts (2/-), Supercharge, Misfire (1), AP (-4), Potent (+++), Large Intricate
Tecnokii Plasma Exterminator 45,500gp 4d4 Fire - Range 90ft/360ft, Two-handed, Ammunition 10/Plasma core, Assault, Blast (5ft), Deviation (1d6), Supercharge, Extensive Action, Misfire (1), AP (-3), Potent (++) Large Intricate
Technokii Plasma Caliver 5,000gp 2d4 Fire - Range 90ft/360ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Plasma Cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Assault, Automatic (2), Supercharge, Misfire (1), AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Plasma Culverin 38,500gp 4d6 Fire - Range 90ft/360ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 5/Plasma Cell, Heavy, Mounted, Massive parts (2/4), Blast (10ft) Deviation (1d6), Supercharge, Misfire (1), AP (-3), Potent (++), Large Intricate
Blaster Pistol 4000gp 1d8 Fire - Range 75ft/300ft, one-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 50/plasma cell, Pistol, Misfire (1), Rate of Fire (SS) AP (-2), Potent (+), Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Advanced
Blaster Rifle 7000gp 1d8 Fire - Range 150ft/600ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 25/Plasma Cell, Rate of Fire (SA), Misfire (1), AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Exotic weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Grav)
Grav Pistol 4650 1d8 Bludgeoning - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Grav Pack, Rate of Fire (SS) Pistol, Grav, Misfire (1), Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Advanced
Grav Gun 7600 1d8 Bludgeoning - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Grav Pack, Rate of Fire (SA), Grav, Misfire (1) Advanced
Grav Cannon 18,000 1d10 Bludgeoning - Range 150ft/300ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 5/Grav Pack, Heavy, Blast 10ft, Extensive action, Grav, Massive Parts (2/4), Mounted, Misfire (1) Advanced
Heavy Grav Cannon 28,000 1d12 Bludgeoning - Range 150ft/300ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 3/Grav Pack, Heavy, Blast 15ft, Extensive action, Grav, Massive parts, Mounted, Misfire (1), Large Intricate
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Arch)
Arc Pistol 5450 2d4 Lightning - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Arch Pack, Rate of Fire (SS) Pistol, Misfire (1), Stunning (1), AP (-1), Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Simple
Arc Rifle 10,200 2d4 Lightning - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Arch Pack, Rate of Fire (SA), Stunning (1), Misfire (1), AP (-1), Special Requirement (Cult Mechanicus) Simple
Enhanced Arch Pistol 8450 2d4 Lightning - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 30/Arch Pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Misfire (1), Stunning (1), AP (-2), Potent (+) Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Simple
Enhanced Arc Rifle 15,500 2d4 Lightning - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 20/Arch Pack, Rate of Fire (SA), Stunning (1), Misfire (1), AP (-2), Potent (+) Special Requirement (Cult Mechanicus) Simple
Heavy Arc Rifle 27,500 4d4 Lightning - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 10/Arch Pack, Rate of Fire (SS), Heavy, Massive parts (2/-), Automatic (2), Stunning (3), Misfire (1), AP (-4), Potent (++), large Advanced
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Phosphor)
Phosphor Blast Pistol 6,750 1d8 Fire - Range 60ft/240ft, One-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 50/plasma cell, Rate of Fire (SS), Pistol, Ignore Cover, Misfire (1), AP (-3), Potent (++), Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature). Advanced
Phosphor Blaster 21,400 1d8 Fire - Range 120ft/480ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 50/plasma cell, Rate of Fire (SA), Ignore Cover, Automatic (3), AP (-3), Potent (++) Misfire (1), AP (-3) Advanced
Heavy Phosphor Blaster 41,500 1d8 Fire - Range 180ft/720ft, Two-handed, Reloading, Ammunition 50/plasma cell, Heavy, Ignore Cover, Rate of Fire (AF (5)), Misfire (1), Massive parts (2/-), AP (-3), Potent (++), Large Advanced
Vehicle only Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Vehicle)
Heavy Auto Cannon - 3D12 Piercing - Range 300ft/1200ft, Rate of Fire (AF (2)), Ammunition 50/75MM, Special Requirement (Vehicle), Heavy, Knockback (2), Misfire (1-2) Simple
Multi-laser - 2D8 Fire - Range 250ft/1000ft, Rate of Fire (AF (3)), Ammunition 300/Energy, Special Requirement (Vehicle), Heavy, Misfire (1), Potent (+) Advanced
Battle cannon - See Battle Cannon Rounds in the Explosive ammunitions - Range 400ft/1600ft, Ammunition 10/105MM Shells, Extensive Action, Special Requirement (Vehicle), Heavy, Misfire (1) Advanced
SimpleMelee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Simple Melee Weapon
Combat Knife 5gp 1d4 Slashing/Piercing - One-Hannded, light, Finesse, Tiny Trivial
Magna Combat Sword 10gp 1d8 Slashing/Piercing - One-Hannded, Finesse, Large Trivial
Arch Maul 1,250gp 1d4 bludgeoning 1d4 Lightning - One-Hannded, Versatile (1d6/1d6), Stunting Simple
Taser Goad 850gp 1d6 Lightning - One-Hannded, light, Stunning (2) Simple
Sledge Hammer 25gp 2d6 bludgeoning - Two-Handed, Bulky Trivial
Magna Club/Mace 45gp 1d12 bludgeoning - Versatile (2d8), Two-Handed, Large Trivial
Martial Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Martial Melee Weapon
Magna Knife/dagger 35gp 1d6 Slashing/Piercing - One handed, Finesse, Large, light. Trivial
Vibro knife/dagger 275gp 1d4 Slashing/Piercing - One handed, light, Finesse, Tiny, Vibro, AP (-1), Potent (+) Advanced
Magna Vibro knife/dagger 400gp 1d6 Slashing/Piercing - One handed, Finesse, Bulky, Vibro, AP (-1), Potent (+), light Advanced
Magna Sword 150gp 1d10 Slashing/Piercing - Versatile (1d12), Large Trivial
Vibro Sword 5500gp 1d8 Slashing/Piercing - Versatile (1D10), Vibro, AP (-3), Potent (++) Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature) Advanced
Magna Vibro Sword 7500gp 1d10 Slashing/Piercing - Versatile (1D12), Large, Vibro, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Magna Great Sword 150gp 2d6 Slashing/Piercing - Two-handed, Large Trivial
Vibro Great Sword 5500gp 2d6 Slashing/Piercing - Two-Handed, Vibro, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Magna Vibro Sword 7500gp 1d10 Slashing/Piercing - Versatile (1D12), Large, Vibro, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Martial Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Martial Melee Weapon
Magna Greatblade 15,000 3d6 Slashing/Piercing - Two-handed, Large Advanced
Vibro Greatblade 27,500 3d6 Slashing/Piercing - Two-handed, Vibro, Large, AP (-3), Potent (++) Simple
Chain sword 1500gp 2d4 Slashing - One-Hannded, AP (-1), Ravaging, Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature) Simple
Magna Chain sword 2500gp 3d4 Slashing - One-Hannded AP (-1), Large, Ravaging Simple
Magna Katana 150gp 1d10 Slashing/Piercing - Versatile (1d12), Large, Finesse Trivial
Vibro Katana 5500gp 1d8 Slashing/Piercing - Versatile (1D10),, Finesse, Vibro, AP (-3), Potent (++) Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature) Advanced
Magna Vibro Katana 7500gp 1d10 Slashing/Piercing - Versatile (1D12), Large,, Finesse, Vibro, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Magna Ax 175gp 1D10 Slashing/bludgeoning - Versatile (1d12), Large Trivial
Vibro Ax 4450gp 1D8 Slashing/bludgeoning - Versatile (1d10), Large, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+) Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature) Advanced
Magna Vibro Ax 6,750gp 1D10 Slashing/bludgeoning - Versatile (1d12), Large, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Chain Axe 1750gp 2d4 Slashing - Versatile (3d4), AP (-1) Ravaging, Simple
Magna Chain Axe 2750gp 3d4 Slashing - Versatile (4d4), AP (-1), Large Simple
Magna Great Axe 175gp 2d8 Slashing/bludgeoning - Two-handed, Large Trivial
Vibro Great Axe 4450gp 1d12 Slashing/bludgeoning - Two-handed, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+). Advanced
Magna Vibro Great Axe 6,750gp 2d8 Slashing/bludgeoning - Two-handed, Large, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Chain Great Axe 1750gp 3d4 Slashing - Two-handed, AP (-1) Ravaging, Simple
Magna Chain Great Axe 2750gp 5d4 Slashing - Two-handed, AP (-1), Potent (+), Large Simple
Magna Sledge 335gp 2d10 bludgeoning - Two-Handed, Large Trivial
Vibro Sledge 8650gp 2d6 bludgeoning - Two-Handed, Bulky, Vibro, AP (-1), Potent (+) Advanced
Magna Vibro Sledge 11,200gp 2d10 bludgeoning - Two-Handed, Bulky, Large, Vibro, AP (-1), Potent (+) Simple
Magna Short Spear 150gp 1d8 Piercing - Versatile (1D10), Finesse, Thrown 1H 40ft/80ft, Large. Trivial
Vibro Short Spear 250gp 1d6 Piercing - Versatile (1D8), Finesse, Vibro, AP (-1), Potent (+) Thrown 1H 40ft/80ft, Special (Counts as Light if Wielder is Large or has the Larger then most feature) Advanced
Martial Melee Weapons Continued
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Martial Melee Weapon Continued
Magna Vibro Short Spear 1050gp 1d8 Piercing - Versatile (1D10), Finesse, Vibro, AP (-1), Potent (+), Thrown 1H 40ft/80ft, Large. Simple
Magna Long Spear 350gp 1d12 Piercing - Two-Handed, Large, Finesse, Reach 10ft, Thrown 1H 30ft/60ft Trivial
Vibro Long Spear 4850gp 1d10 Piercing - Two-Handed, Bulky, Finesse, Reach 10ft, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+), Thrown 1H 30ft/60ft Advanced
Magna Vibro Long Spear 6450gp 1d12 Piercing - Two-Handed, Large, Finesse, Reach 10ft, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+), Thrown 1H 30ft/60ft Advanced
Chain Long Spear 3450gp 2d4 Slashing - Two-Handed, Bulky, Reach 10ft, AP (-1), Potent (+), Ravaging, Simple
Magna Chain Long Spear 6850gp 3d4 Slashing - Two-Handed, Large, Reach 10ft, AP (-1), Potent (+) Ravaging, Simple
Neural Whip 5,050gp 1d4 Slashing 1d4 Psychic - One-Handed, Light, Finesse, Reach, Vibro, Advanced
Shock Whip 1850gp 1d4 Slashing 1d4 Lightning - One-Hannded, light, Finesse, Reach, Stunning (1) Simple
Exotic Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties Complexity
Exotic Weapons (Melee)
Lightning hammer 65,500gp 1D8 lightning 1d8 bludgeoning - Versatile (1d10/1d10), Large, Stunning (3) Special Requirement (Large size), AP (-2), Potent (++) Intricate
Human Power Fist 38,500 2d6 Bludgeoning - One-handed, Bulky, AP (-2), Potent (++) Advanced
Magna Power Fist 52,000 2d8 Bludgeoning - One-handed, Large, AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Human Lightning Claw 37,500 1d4 slashing, 1d4 Lightning - One-handed, Vibro, AP (-3), Potent (++) Simple
Magna Lightning Claw 43,000 1d6 Slashing, 1d6 Lightning - One-handed, Vibro, Large, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Bullet storm Gauntlet 26,000 2d8 Bludgeoning - One-handed, Large, AP (-2), Potent (+), Special Requirement (Powerframe), Integrated bullet Bolter Pistol Advanced
Chain Fist 64,500 4d4 bludgeoning/Slashing - One-handed, Large, AP (-3), Potent (++), Special Requirement (Power frame) Intricate
Eviserator 15,000 4D4 Slashing - Two-handed, Large, AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Exicutioners Greatblade 27,500 5d4 Slashing/Piercing - Two-handed, Vibro, Large, AP (-3), Potent (++) Simple
Lazer Scalpel 11,000 1d12 Fire - 1H, Light, Special Requirement (___) Intricate
Crozius Arcanum 22,500 1D6 Thunder 1d6 bludgeoning - Versatile (1d8/1d8), Bulky, Vibro, Stunning (3), AP (-2), Potent (+), Special Requirement (Chaplain Legionnaire) Advanced
Technokian Axe 23,500 2D8 Slashing/bludgeoning Simple Two-handed, Vibro, Bulky,, AP (-2), Potent (+), Special Requirement (Tecknokian), Techguard) Advanced
Holy Maul 36,500 1D4 Radiant 1d4 bludgeoning - Versatile (1d6/1d6), Bulky, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+) Simple
Magna Holy Maul 36,500 1D6 Radiant 1d6 bludgeoning - Versatile (1d8/1d8), Large, Bulky, Vibro, AP (-2), Potent (+) Simple
Ballistic Ammunition Types

The following ammunition types are considered to be ballistic in nature.

Ballistic Ammunitions Base Cost Per Unit Properties Complexity
Small Caliber P 1sp, 5cp - Trivial
Medium Caliber P 5gp - Trivial
Large Caliber P 1gp AP (-1) Simple
Small Caliber R 2sp, 5cp - Trivial
Medium Caliber R 9 Sp - Trivial
Large Caliber R 1gp, 5sp AP (-1) Simple
Small Caliber R (Linked) 4sp - Trivial
Medium Caliber R (Linked) 1gp, 3Sp, 5cp - Trivial
Large Caliber R (Linked) 2gp, 5sp AP (-1) Simple
Small Magnum P 5sp, 5cp - Trivial
Medium Magnum P 1gp, 4sp, 5cp AP (-1) Trivial
Large Magnum P 2gp AP (-2) Simple
Small Magnum R 6sp, 5cp - Trivial
Medium Magnum R 1gp, 7sp, 5cp AP (-1) Trivial
Large Magnum R 2gp, 5sp AP (-2) Simple
Magnum LR 3gp AP (-3) Advanced
Large Gage Slug 7sp, 5cp - Trivial
Medium Gage Slug 1gp - Trivial
Small Gage Slug 3gp, 2sp, 5cp -1AP Simple
Large Gage Shot 6sp, 5cp Dispersing Trivial
Medium Gage Shot 8sp Dispersing Trivial
Small Gage Shot 3gp Dispersing Simple
6mm 2 Sp - Trivial
25mm 25gp - Simple
Bolter 2gp - Simple
Magna Bolter 3gp, 5sp AP (-1) Advanced
Needle 1sp - Simple
Light Bolt 4sp - Trivial
Heavy Bolt 8sp - Trivial
Great Bolt 1gp AP (-1) Trivial
Small Arrow 1cp - Trivial
Large Arrow 1sp - Trivial
Great Arrow 5sp AP (-1) Trivial
Match Grade Ammunition

When buying Ballistic ammunitions you must also buy it in a "Grade". There are 4 grades of munitions, each being a bit more effective then the others, the higher the Grade the rarer the rounds are and the more complex there craft becomes. Below is a list of the 4 round Grades, there costs and there effects. these cost are added to the above costs, These may not be applied to any energy based weapons.

Ammunition Additional Cost Per Unit Properties Complexity
Standard 1sp, 5cp - Trivial
Match 5gp Potent (+) Simple
Master 7gp Potent (++) Complex
Artificer 10gp Potent (+++) Intricate
Energy Ammunition Types

he following Ammunition Sources are considered to be Energy based.

Energy Ammunitions Base Cost Per Unit Properties Complexity
Micro Cell 5gp - Trivial
Power Cell 10gp - Trivial
Pulse pack 15gp - Advanced
Plasma Cell 25gp - Advanced
Plasma Core 100gp - Intricate
Melta Core 250gp - Intricate
Arch pack 20gp - Simple
Arcanium Core 1500gp - Intricate
Special Ammunition Types

The following rounds may be used with any Ballistic ammunition unless otherwise noted in the round description below. The cost below are for Small Cal, Large gage, Needles, Small arrows and Light Bolts and is in addition to the base cost of the Round. For Medium Cal, Medium gage, Heavy Bolt and Large Arrows, multiply the below cost by 2 and for Large Cal, Small gage, Great Bolts and Great Arrows you multiply by 3.

Ammunition Additional Cost Per Unit Properties Complexity
Armor Piercing 1gp + AP (-1) or gains AP (-1) Trivial
High Velocity AP 2gp + AP (-2) or gains AP (-2) Simple
Conflagration 1gp, 5sp Deals fire damage and gains the Ignite weapon property Simple
Cryo 1gp, 5sp Deals Cold damage and + AP (-1) or gains AP (-1) Simple
Electro Conductive 1/5/20/25gp Deals Lightning damage and gains the Stunning (1-4) weapon property, Equal to the created Tier. Simple
Enhanced 1/5/20/25gp +1-4 damage Trivial
Smart Round 1/5/20/25gp +1-4 Attack rolls Trivial
Incendiary 2gp, 5sp Deals fire damage and + AP (-2) or gains AP (-2) Simple
Explosive Ammunitions
Name Cost Damage Properties Complexity
Grenade Launcher rounds
Frag Mk1 50gp 2D6 bludgeoning 2D6 Piercing Blast 5ft, Knockback (1), deviation (1d6) Trivial
Krak Mk1 75gp 3D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-1), Potent (+) Simple
Frag MK2 100gp 3D6 bludgeoning 3D6 Piercing Blast 5ft AP (-1), Potent (+), Knockback (2), deviation (1d6) Simple
Krak MK2 150gp 4D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-2), Potent (++) Advanced
Incendiary 50 5D6 Fire Blast (10ft), Ignite, AP (-2), Potent (+) Simple
Smoke 20 Special Blast (10ft) Trivial
Name Cost Damage Properties Complexity
Mortar rounds
Frag 60mm 250 4D6 bludgeoning 4D6 Piercing Blast 10ft, Knockback (2) Simple
Krak 60mm 350 4D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-2), Potent (+) Simple
Frag 81mm 500 5D6 bludgeoning 5D6 Piercing Blast 15ft, AP (-1), Potent (+), Knockback (4) Advanced
Krak 81mm 650 5D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Incendiary 81/60mm 300 8D6 Fire Blast (20ft), Ignite, AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Smoke 81/60mm 100 Special Blast (20ft) Simple
Name Cost Damage Properties Complexity
Rocket/Missile Launcher rounds
Frag Mk1 250 3D6 bludgeoning 3D6 Piercing Blast 10ft, Knockback (2) Simple
Krak Mk1 350 4D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-2), Potent (+) Simple
Frag Mk2 500 4D6 bludgeoning 4D6 Piercing Blast 10ft, AP (-1), Potent (+), Knockback (4) Advanced
Krak Mk2 650 5D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-3), Potent (++) Advanced
Name Cost Damage Properties Complexity
Battle Cannon Rounds
Frag Mk1 250 4D6 bludgeoning 4D6 Piercing Blast 10ft, Knockback (2) Advanced
Krak Mk1 350 5D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-2), Potent (+) Advanced
Frag Mk2 500 5D6 bludgeoning 5D6 Piercing Blast 15ft, AP (-1), Potent (+), Knockback (4) Intricate
Krak Mk2 650 6D10 Piercing Burst, AP (-3), Potent (++) Intricate
Special Bolt Ammunition Types

The following rounds may be used in any Bolt weapon otherwise noted in the round description below. The cost below are for light bolt rounds an is in addition to the base cost of the Round. For Heavy bolt rounds multiply the below cost by 2 and 3 for bolt sniper round.

Ammunition Cost Per Unit Properties Complexity
HET Rounds 5gp Deal Half bLudgeoning damage gains burst or + 5ft cube or +1 DC Simple
AP-T Rounds 4gp + AP (-2) or gains AP (-2) Simple
APFSDS-T Rounds 10gp +2 to attacks and DC, + AP (-2) or gains AP Advanced
Ammunition Cost Per Unit Properties Complexity
Vengeance Rounds 15gp + AP (-4) or gains AP (-4) and + 3 Misfire Advanced
Silenced Rounds 1gp hard to hear Simple
Seeker Bolts 8gp +1-4 Attack rolls Simple
Phosphor Bolt Rounds 5gp Deals fire damage, gains Ignite and Ignores cover Simple
Incendiary Bolt 3gp Deals fire damage, + AP (-2) or gains AP (-2) Simple
Balefire 5gp Deals Acid damage, now has Burst or +1 cube size and DC Simple
Tempest Bolts 3gp Deals lightning damage, gains stunning (1-4) and + AP (-1) or gains AP (-1) Simple
Tracker Bolt 100gp know target location Intricate
Witchbane bolts 25gp + 1 damage die against casters Advanced
Witchseeker Bolts 35gp advantage against and enemies have dis advantage against casters Advanced
Psycho Defilation 15gp causes disadvantage on arcane harness and denies rolls Advanced
Implosion Rounds (Bolt Sniper Rifle) -gp + 1 damage die, gains burst and + AP (-2) or gains AP (-2) Advanced
Hypercorrosive Rounds (Bolt Sniper Rifle) -gp Deals acid damage, + AP (-3) or gains AP (-3), Ignores Cover Advanced
Executioner Rounds (Bolt Sniper Rifle) -gp Advantage on attacks, + AP (-2) or gains AP (-2), Ignores cover Intricate
Mortis Bolts (Bolt Sniper Rifle) -gp Deals Necrotic damage and + AP (-2) or gains AP (-2) Intricate

Special Round Descriptions

Some special rounds may only be used in Specific Auto, Revolver or shotgun weapons, if this is the case it will be noted in the round description

Armor Piercing:

Just adds a Simple adamantine Penetrator in the ballistic very common around the Empire, mostly used by mortals to overcome Power armor, Constructs, Hard carapace and similar targets

Effect: You treat the weapon as having an AP level of one greater then it dose normaly, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-1).

High Velocity AP:

like the AP round this round has the Adamantine Penetrator and in increases the Grain count of powder to dangerous levels, making this round very effective at penetrating Armor but a bit more prone to missfire, though not as common amongst the lower class of the Imperium this round is moderately common.

Effect: You treat the weapon as having an AP level of two greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2) and you add 1 to the Missfire property of the weapon.


This round Reacts to air after being fired, turning the Adamantine penetrator into a Projectile of puff of thermal reactivity.

Effect: The damage is now Fire and gains the Ignite weapon property


This round Reacts to air after being fired, turning the Adamantine penetrator into a Projectile of concentratev Nitrogin.

Effect: The damage is now does cold damage and you treat the weapon as having an AP level of one greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-1)

Electro Conductive:

This round Reacts to air after being fired, turning the Adamantine penetrator into a Projectile of focused Static electricity.

Effect: The damage is now Lightning damage and gains the Stunning (1-4) weapon property, Equal to the created Tier.


Moderatly common amongst the Arbities and Gangers of hive cities=

Effect: Gain a bonus to to all damage rolls with these rounds equal to the created tier.

Smart Round:

theres rounds are created by very high ranking members of the Mechanicus, these rounds will move slightly toward its target.

Effect: Gain a bonus to to all Attack roll and DC's with these rounds equal to the created tier.


This round Reacts to air after being fired, turning the Adamantine penetrator into a Projectile of Molten slag.

Effect: The damage is now Fire and you treat the weapon as having an AP level of two greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2)

Special Bolt rounds

Some special rounds may only be used in Specific Bolt weapons, if this is the case it will be noted in the round description.

HET Rounds

High explosive with Tracer Rounds are best used against multiple lightly-armoured targets. They detonate before impact and detonate a small explosive charge victims.

A proximity detonator replaces the mass-reactive cap, and the Adamantine tip and dense metallic core are replaced with an increased charge. They are similar to flak rounds and are used against large clusters of enemies.

Effect: Weapons with the SS and SA rate of fire now have the burst property and the weapon deals half its total damage done as Bludgeoning. If firing in auto fire modes you increase the your cube size by 5ft and you gain a bonus +1 to the DC required.

AP-T Rounds.

The Armor Piercing with Tracer Rounds are armour-piercing rounds for bolt guns. The dense metallic core is replaced by a solid adamantium core.

Effect: You treat the weapon as having two AP level greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2).

APFSDS-T Rounds.

The Armor Piercing Fin stabilized Discarding Adamantine Sabot with Tracer Rounds are powerful armour piercing rounds. The dense metallic core is replaced by a solid adimantine core and uses a heavier main charge.

Upon impact, the outer casing peels away and the high velocity adamantium needle accelerates into the victim, where the larger detonator propels shards of super hardened metal further into the wound. These rounds are effective against heavily-armoured infantry and lightly-armoured vehicles. The main charge is increased to enable a larger explosion. The standard dense metallic core is replaced by a core of pure adamantium to optimise the penetration of reinforced armour.

Effect: You gain a +2 to all attacks and DC's made with these rounds and You treat the weapon as having an AP level of two greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2).

Vengeance Rounds

Vengeance Round bolts were created using unstable flux core technology that makes them hazardous to use but extremely potent at penetrating through heavily armoured targets. As their name implies, these bolts were developed by the Imperium specifically to target the Chaos Space legionnaire of the Traitor Legions.

Effect: You treat the weapon as having an AP level of 4 greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-4) and add 3 to the misfire chance of the weapon.

Silenced Rounds

Silenced Shells are Bolt Rounds that possess low sound signatures, intended to be used for covert combat and sniping. These rounds are best used in conjunction with a Targeting System and an extended barrel, to produce an effective reconissence and sniping weapon system.

A solidified mercury slug replaces the mass-reactive warhead for lethality at subsonic projectile speeds. A gas cartridge also replaces both the propellant base and main charge for silent firing.

Effect: Enemies cant here this weapon outside 100ft and they have disadvantage on perception rolls to hear the weapon being fired.

Seeker Bolts

Seeker Bolts are unique, hand-crafted rounds created by Chaplain Boreas of the Dark Angels Chapter. Each bolt contains a miniaturised Cogitator that detects the infrared heat signature of a target and then steers the bolt unerringly towards it.

Effaect: Gain a bonus to to all Attack roll and DC's with these rounds equal to the created tier.

Phosphor Bolt Rounds

Phosphor Bolts are hollow shelled bolts used by Veterans that unleash a gout of superheated, volatile gas that explodes moments later.

The use of Phosphor Bolts can eliminate the value of cover for enemy troops as any targets struck receive full damage even when partially protected by cover.

Effect: The damage is now Fire, it gains the Ignite Property and If your target has cover you ignore.

Incendiary Bolt Rounds

Incendiary Bolts are designed to immolate their targets and destroy them with superheated moltan slag. The dense core of the standard bolt is replaced with an Oxy-Thermo penetrator.

Effect: The damage is now Fire and you treat the weapon as having an AP level of two greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2)

Balefire Rounds:

Balefire Rounds have devastating results on organic matter, as the rounds were developed to combat the Hive organisums of the allien plague called the Swarm. The core and tip are replaced with a vial of acid that is propeled out like an aerosole upon the shattering of the vial, pumping the acid into the air around the detonation.

Effect: The damage is now acid and weapons with the SS and SA rate of fire now have the burst property. If firing in auto fire modes you increase the your cube size by 5ft and you gain a bonus +1 to the DC required.

Tempest Bolts

Tempest Bolts replace the standard mass-reactive core and armour-piercing tip of a bolt round with a fragmentation shell encasing a powerful micro-explosive proximity charge. This has the effect of showering a target with a murderous storm of shrapnel.

These heavier rounds, however, lack range compared to standard bolt shells. Produced only on Mars, Tempest Bolts were designed to be particularly effective at incapacitating machines and other electronic devices.

Such bolts are highly effective against targets like combat robots and cyborgs whose bodies are now more machine than organic tissue.

Effect: Your rounds now have the burst weapon property and deals Lightning damage. Furthermore against constructs and vehicles, the weapon gains the Stunning (1-4) property and you treat the weapon as having an AP level of one greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-1).

Tracker Bolts

Tracker Bolts are bolts which contain a tracking device. Fired into large objects, this type of bolt will accurately report the target's relative position to a hand-held tracking device.

Effect: You know the location of the creature as long as your on the same planet or its low orbit and there is no signal jam.

Witchbane bolts

Witchbane bolts are used by the Inquisition, primarily the Order Demonius and Justicus and the Demon Hunting Leggionarie.

Witchbane bolts are Arcanicaly charged, ritually inscribed silver tipped bolts. The negative Arcane charge and anti demonic ritual inscription on every Witchbane bolts allows them to pass through any defensive shielding, whether it is created by direct psychic energies or generated by manipulation of the Warp, technology employed by Void Shields or Conversion Fields.

When fired, each bolt can be imbued with a portion of a Steal Knight's innate psychic power, causing it to glow with an eerie blue light and strike home with significantly greater force than an ordinary bolt of its type.

Witchbane bolts are difficult to produce and incredibly wearing on a Bolt rifles inner mechanisms.

But Witchbane bolts provide the Steal Knights with a relatively straightforward method of enhancing the power of standard pattern weaponry without resorting to the need to extensively retrofit the weapon itself.

Effect: Gain +1 damage die on attacks against Celestials and Innate casters with theses bolts.

Witchseeker Bolts

With the metal casings forged from the blades of fallen legionnaire brothers of the Demon hunters and blessed by the devout priests of the Adeptus Ministorum, these bolt rounds used as relics by the Ebony knights have an unerring talent for finding their way to the heart of the witch.

Effect: You have advantage on attacks and DC's of attacks against any Celestials and Innate casters with these bolts.

Psycho Defilation Bolts

Based on a obsidian knights design, these bolts release a small core of neuro-inhibitors laced with Arcan-reductive compounds that disrupt a creature's connection to the arcane and can prove to be a potent weapon against magic opponents.

Effect: Any creature hit By this round has disadvantage on all arcane skill test made as well as any harness or deny the arcane rolls made until the end of its next turn.

Implosion Rounds (Bolt Sniper Rifle)

The result of early experiments with alternative krak technology, an implosion shell replaces its explosive core with an infinitesimally small amount of antimatter; this creates a violently decompressing vacuum when exposed to matter.

Like the standard bolt shell, these rounds activate via their mass-reactive core, meaning they embed partially in their target before the implosion takes effect. The round's force is therefore not directed at cracking open armour, but to collapsing the unfortunate victim's body from the inside out enough to debilitate even a geneborn soldier.

Effect: You treat the weapon as having an AP level of two greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2), it gains the burst weapon property and you add one damage die to the attack.

Hypercorrosive Rounds (Bolt Sniper Rifle)

Hypercorrosive rounds are used only in the Bolt Sniper Rifle used by legionnaire snipers. HyperCorrosive rounds detonate in a shower of Corrosive acid, sending out a cloud of metal melting liquids.

Effect: The damage is now acid you treat the weapon as having an AP level of Three greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-3). Furthermore they have the Burst property and gains ignores cover.

Executioner Rounds (Bolt Sniper Rifle)

Executioner rounds are used only in Bolt Sniper Rifle used by legionnaire snipers.

Executioner rounds are sophisticated self-guiding missiles slaved to a miniaturised computer that can seek their target behind cover, even changing direction mid-flight with tiny bursts of ballistic propellant.

Effect: You have advantage on attack with theses rounds and You treat the weapon as having an AP level of two greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2). Furthermore it gains the ignores cover weapon property.

Mortis Bolts (Bolt Sniper Rifle)

Mortis bolts are used only in the Bolt Sniper Rifle used by legionnaire snipers. Mortis bolts use an advanced anti mater technology to end material matter.

Effect: The weapon deals Necrotic damage and You treat the weapon as having an AP level of two greater then it dose, If there is no AP, it gains AP (-2).

Weapon Attachments

When you acquire a weapon you will find a weapon profile for the weapon as noted in the previous weapons section. this will have a section called Attachment Slots, this will give the locations that you may have attachments or upgrades installed on you weapon. There are 10 total attachment slots, the Receiver, Sights, Magazine, Stock, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Foregrip, Pistolgrip and Siderail.

When applying attachments to a weapon you will only be able to put 5 total attachments on a weapon reguardless of howm many attachment slots are allowed on the weapon.

Attachment Name Cost - Complexity
Enhanced Receiver 1000gp - Trivial
Custom Receiver 750gp - Simple
Dot/holo 150gp - Trivial
4x Scope/Acog 250gp - Trivial
4x Hybrid/Rco 650gp - Advanced
6x Mid Range Scope 400gp - Simple
8x long Range Scope 500gp - Advanced
Sickle Magazine 20gp - Simple
Straight Magazine 10gp - Trivial
Extended Mag 30gp - Simple
Drum Magazine 75gp - Advanced
Duplus X/ Dual Mag 5gp - Trivial
Buffer Group 50gp - Trivial
Collapsible Stock 150gp - Simple
Advanced Stock 200gp - Advanced
Auto Stock 350gp - Simple
Quick Stock 300gp - Trivial
Silencer Threads 550gp - Trivial
Flash Hider 50gp - Trivial
Compensator 400gp - Advanced
Advanced Muzzle 850gp - Advanced
Muzzle Break 600gp - Simple
Vented Muzzle 100gp - Trivial
Attachment Name Cost - Complexity
Short Barrel 100gp - Simple
Long Barrel 250gp - Simple
Extra Long Barrel 500gp - Simple
Precision Barrel 700gp - Advanced
Grenade launcher (Rifles Only) 1500gp - Simple
Master Key (Rifles Only) 1250gp - Simple
Bipods 200gp - Trivial
Forward Grip 25gp - Simple
Pod Grip 75gp - Simple
Angeled Fore Grip 50gp - Trivial
Angeled Short Grip 15gp - Simple
Comfort Grip 300gp - Simple
No Slip Grip 75gp - Trivial
Select Fire 375gp - Advanced
Side Rails
Flashlight 100gp - Trivial
Laser Sight 350gp - Simple
Dual light 500gp - Advanced
Canted Iron sights 25gp - Trivial


Enhanced Receiver

Effect: Gain the Dependable Weapon property, if the weapon already has this Property you may Ignore one Missfire per short rest, it Still counts as a miss.

Custom Receiver

Effect: A weapon with this mod Gains a +2 to all damage rolls.


Sights come in many forms but most provide similar effects when compared to other types of the same scope


Effect: +1 to attacks rolls and any DC's of attacks.

4x Scope/Acog

Effect: You no longer have disadvantage at long range.

4x Hybrid/Rco

Effect: You no longer have disadvantage at long range and gain +1 to attacks rolls and any DC's of attacks.

6x Mid Range Scope

Effect: You no longer have disadvantage at long range, +1 to attacks rolls and any DC's of attacks made within long range and -1 to attacks rolls and any DC's of any attacks made within short range. Furthermore this weapon gains the Sniper weapon trait.

8x long Range Scope

Effect: You no longer have disadvantage at long range, +2 to attacks rolls and any DC's of attacks made within long range and -2 to attacks rolls and any DC's of any attacks made within short range. Furthermore this weapon gains the Sniper weapon trait.


As well as the different types of ammunition available for the weapon, there have also been several different types of magazines. The standard magazine for the Bolter, autogun/stubgun is the Sickle Magazine. however you may work with your GM on how to upgrade to a different Mag type.

Sickle Magazine:

The standard-issue magazine, seen on most weapons. The magazine's shape is slightly curved to allow rounds to stack more neatly, thus taking up less space for a higher capacity magazine.

Effect: Carries 30 rounds, 12 for Pistols and 8 for Shotguns.

Straight Magazine:

A straight version of the sickle magazine. Holds less ammunition (20 rounds in rifles and 8 for pistols and 6 for Shotguns), but is easier to load in more intense situations.

Effect: This Mag may be reloaded as a bonus action.

Extended Mag:

Extended magazines are a relatively Common within the modern Empire. This is due to the extra rounds needed in a fire fight and in the magazines reliability compared to the Bulkier Drum Mags.

Effect: Carries 45 rounds, 20 for Pistols and 12 for Shotguns.

Drum Magazine (no pistols):

Drum magazines are a relatively rare sight in the modern Empire armies. This is due to their unreliability, the drum magazine having an unfortunate tendency to jam. However, drums can carry incremental amounts of Rounds, negating the need to reload as often. Despite the frequent jamming, they still brook some favour with local Hive Gangs, militia and Rebel or Heratic factions, frequently seen on Bolt guns or in brutal assaults, where running empty in a firefight can mean certain death.

Effect: Drums carry 40, 60 or even 100 Rounds and shotguns are half that, You add a +1 to the Missfire of the weapon by one for each Drum size increase.

Duplus X/ Dual Mag:

This type of magazine is quite popular amongst local planetary law enforcement or hive city gangs. It involves two standard Sickle Magazines which are attached together by some means, usually a band of cloth or tape (similar to the "ready-mags" of ancient Terra). This means when the weapon has to be reloaded, the user can simply flip the magazines around and insert the loaded magazine.

Effect: Every other reload with this Mag may be done as a Bonus action.


Buffer Group

Effect: A weapon with this mod reduces the recoil by 2.

Collapsible Stock

Effect: When extended you the weapon operates normally, When collapsed the weapon will count as having the CQC property but you will suffer a negative to the attack roll equal to there users Proficiency bonus and you fire at disadvantage in the Prone position.

Advanced Stock

Effect: A weapon with this mod Gains a +2 to all damage rolls.

Auto Stock

Effect: +1 to attacks rolls and any DC's of attacks made with any Burst fire or Automatic firing modes.

Quick Stock

Effect: If a weapon with this mod is in your hands when Initiative is Rolled you gain a +2 to the roll.


Silencer Threads

Effect: This weapon now has a removable silencer. As an action you may put on or take off the silencer. when its on enemies have disadvantage on saves to hear this weapon being fired and enemies cant hear it at all outside of 100ft, Furthermore a silenced weapon deal 1d4 less damage per hit (to a minimum of 1).

Flash Hider

Effect: Enemies have disadvantage on Perception checks to see the flash from this weapon


Effect: A weapon with this mod Gains a +1 to all attack rolls and DC's of attacks made.

Advanced Muzzle

Effect: Hits score a critical hit on 1 better then it would normally.

Muzzle Break

Effect: A weapon with this mod Gains a +2 to all damage rolls.

Vented Muzzle

Effect: A weapon with this mod reduces the recoil by 2.


Short Barrel

Effect: Multiply the short range by .75 (rounded to greater 5 or 10), this number multiplied by 4 is the max range and gain + 1 to attacks and DC's of attacks made at short range and a - 1 at long range. Furthermore the weapon gains the Pistol property if does not already.

Long Barrel

Effect: Multiply the short range by 1.50 (rounded to greater 5 or 10), this number multiplied by 4 is the max range and gain -1 to all attacks and DC's of attacks made.

Extra long Barrel

Effect: Multiply the short range by 2, this number multiplied by 4 is the max range and gain -2 to all attacks and DC's of attacks made. Furthermore the weapon gains the Long gun property if if does not already.

Precision Barrel

Effect: Hits score a critical hit on 1 better then it would normally.


Grenade launcher (Rifles & Carbines Only)

Effect: You attach a Under barrel Grenade launcher to the bottom rail of your AR this may be fired as and action or in replace of an attack. See weapon description for Stats.

Master Key (Rifles & Carbines Only)

Effect: You attach a Under barrel Shot Gun to the bottom rail of your AR this may be fired as and action or in replace of an attack. See weapon description for Stats.


Effect: you no longer need to use your bonus action to brace a weapon with bipods.


Effect: This base can be placed as a bonus action and allows any weapon with the Mounted weapon property to be mounted, ignoring the Mounted Propert, Note after this is placed the amount of time required by each weapon to set up the weapon, will usually be listed in the weapons massive parts weapon property.

Fore Grips

Forward Grip

Effect: You gain a +1 to single shot attacks rolls made with a weapon with this mod.

Pod Grip

Effect: You gain a +1 to Attacks and DC's of attacks made within short range and When Prone, you counts as Braced for the purposes of firing weapons with the long gun property.

Angeled Fore Grip

Effect: If a weapon with this mod is in your hands when Initiative is Rolled you gain a +2 to the roll.

Angeled Short Grip

Effect: +1 to attacks rolls and any DC's of attacks made with any Burst fire or Automatic firing modes.


Comfort Grip

Effect: If a weapon with this mod is in your hands when Initiative is Rolled you gain a +2 to the roll.

No Slip Grip

Effect: gain advantage on saves and checks against being disarmed or dropping your weapon.

Select Fire

The feature may not be used on an weapon that has the SS or SA rate of fire and does not have the extensive action weapon property

Effect: choose one additional firing mode the weapon does not already have. If burst or auto is chosen it may only be Burst (3) or auto (3).

Side Rails


Effect: a weapon With this mod may as a free action shine bright lite at 50ft and dim lite out to 100ft. this uses 1 micro cell and lasts for 2 hours of constant use.

Laser Sight

Effect: a weapon With this mod may as a free action shine a laser out to 100ft at night and 30ft in day lite, this may be Green or Red and has a Infer Red Setting as well. this grants the Wielder a +1 to hit rolls within the lasers range.

Dual light

Effect: This is a combination of the Flashlight and the Laser sight.

Canted Iron sights

Effect: Allows for standard firing of the weapon, this is used for rifles with long range scopes.

Armor and Protective gear

Many armors have been revised, so when creating characters use the below stats for armor.

Armor Variant rule

Any time a creature that is wearing armor make an attack, test or save that involves Dexterity, that character may only add an amount of there Dexterity bonus to that save or test, equal to the maximum allowed dexterity the worn armor provides regardless of your actual dexterity bonus. Note this does not effect the additional damage fro your dex on attacks dealt with dexterity based weapons.

Some armors may have ways to quickly get your dexterity back in limited manor, IE. taking your gauntlets off to allow you to use you fingers in a thieves tools check, talk with you DM on what these may be.

Note: On roll20 the easiest way i have found to represent this is to multiply your allowed Max dex in your current worn armor by 2 and then reduce your Dexterity ability by that amount using the Global ability score modifiers in the settings of the Character sheet and then remember to add the benefits of you dex when making attack macros.

Armor save

Due to the way armor works with 5E, An Alternative to the Dex save a target must make to reduce damage taken from a source dealing slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage, they may choose to make an Armor save roll instead of a dex save. To do this roll a d20 add a number to the dice equal to the amount of AC increase your worn armor gives you before dexterity is added -10. for example someone wearing Scale mail which is a 14 armor, so in this case you may add +4 on an armor save or use your normal Dex save.

Standard Armors
Armor Cost AC Strength Properties Weight Coverage Complexity
Padded/Jumpsuit 5gp 11 + Dex - Stealth Disadvantage 8Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches, Sabatons Trivial
Leathers 10gp 11 + Dex Str 9 - 10Lbs Torso, Bracers, Sabatons Trivial
Reinforced/ Studded Leathers 40gp 12 + Dex Str 11 - 15Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches, Sabatons Simple
Light Combat 125gp 13 (max 4) 12 armor saves vs Cold Fire and Electricity as well. 25Lbs Torso, Bracers Advanced
Carapace/Hide 10gp 12 (max 2) 12 - 12Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches, Sabatons Trivial
Chain shirt 50gp 13 + Dex (max + 2) - - 20Lbs Torso Trivial
Scale 65gp 14 + Dex (max + 2) - Stealth Disadvantage 45Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches Trivial
Breastplate 400gp 14 + Dex (max + 2) Str 11 - 25Lbs Torso, Bracers, Sabatons Simple
Half Plate 750gp 15 + Dex (max + 2) Str 12 Stealth Disadvantage 40Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches, Sabatons Simple
Flack 650gp 14 + Dex (max 3) Str 11 - 35Lbs Torso, Bracers Simple
Combat 950gp 16 + Dex (max + 2) Str 12 Stealth Disadvantage, armor saves vs Cold Fire and Electricity as well. 40Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches, Sabatons Advanced
Armor Cost AC Strength Properties Weight Coverage Complexity
Medium Continued
Scout 750gp 15 + Dex (max + 3) Str 11 - 25Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches Advanced
Ring Mail 30gp 13 + dex (max 1) - Stealth Disadvantage 40Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches, Sabatons Trivial
Chain Mail 75gp 14 + dex (max 2) Str 14 Stealth Disadvantage 55Lbs Torso, Bracers, Breeches, Sabatons Simple
Splint 200gp 17 Str 15 Stealth Disadvantage, -5ft movement 60LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons Simple
Plate 1500gp 18 Str 16 Stealth Disadvantage, -5ft movement 85Lbs Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons Advanced
Heavy Combat 1850gp 17 + Dex (max + 1) Str 15 Stealth Disadvantage, armor saves vs Cold Fire and Electricity as well. 65Lbs Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons Intricate
Leather/Hide/Carapace 3gp - - - 2lbs Helm (Open) Trivial
Combat 550gp +1 - may be used with armor saves and counts against damage sources of Cold Fire and Electricity as well. 5Lbs Helm (Open) Simple
Plate (Alloy) 350gp +1 - Stealth Disadvantage and may be used with armor saves 10Lbs Helm (Closed) Simple
Heavy Combat 750gp +1 - Stealth Disadvantage, may be used with armor saves and counts against damage sources of Cold Fire and Electricity as well. 8Lbs Helm (Closed) Advanced
Buckler 5gp +1 - - 3Lbs Held Trivial
Shield 25gp +2 - - 6Lbs Held Trivial
Tower Shield 150gp +2 Str 13 Stealth Disadvantage, -5ft movement, this is added to Armor saves made and armor saves can vs Fire and Cold damage 20Lbs held Simple
Combat Shield 1,200gp +2 Str 11 Integrated Weapon 10+Lbs Held Advanced
Colossus Shield 5,500gp +3 Str 15 Stealth Disadvantage, -10ft movement, may be used with armor saves and armor saves vs Cold, Fire and Electricity as well, Special Requirement (Large orLarger then most) 35Lbs Held Intricate
Power Frames
Armor Cost AC Attribute Adjustments Property Additions/Adjustments Type Weight Coverage
Mk-1 -gp 14 (+4 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +5ft movement Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-2 -gp 14 (+4 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +5ft movement, Adimantite Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-3 -gp 14 (+4 Max dex) +2 Str,, +4 Dex +5ft movement, Adimantite, Environmentally sealed Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-4 -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +5ft movement, Adamantite, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-4A -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-4B -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Leaded Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-4C -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex, +5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Insulation Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-5 -gp 14 (+4 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +10ft movement, Adamantite, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-5A -gp 14 (+4 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-5B -gp 14 (+4 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Leaded Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-5C -gp 14 (+4 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex, +10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Insulation Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-6 -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +10ft movement, Adamantite, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Reactive Servo Actuators Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-6A -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Reactive Servo Actuators Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Mk-6B -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex +10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Reactive Servo Actuators, Leaded Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Standard Power Frames Continued
Armor Cost AC Attribute Adjustments Property Additions/Adjustments Type Weight Coverage
Spartan Continued
Mk-6C -gp 14 (+6 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex, +10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Reactive Servo Actuators, Insulation Light -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Storm Trooper
ST-1 Alpha -gp 15 (+3 Max dex) +2 Str, +2 Dex + 10ft Movement Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
ST-A2 -gp 15 (+3 Max dex) +2 Str, +2 Dex + 10ft Movement, Adamantine Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
ST Bravo -gp 15 (+3 Max dex) +2 Str, +2 Dex + 10ft Movement, Adamantine, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
B-2 -gp 15 (+3 Max dex) +2 Str, +2 Dex + 10ft Movement, Cerasteal, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Charlie -gp 15 (+3 Max dex) +2 Str, +2 Dex + 10ft Movement, Cerasteal, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Environmentally sealed Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
C-2 -gp 15 (+3 Max dex) +2 Str, +2 Dex + 10ft Movement, Cerasteal, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Environmentally sealed, Insulation Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
C-3 -gp 15 (+3 Max dex) +2 Str, +2 Dex + 10ft Movement, Cerasteal, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Environmentally sealed, Leaded Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Delta -gp 15 (+5 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex + 10ft Movement, Cerasteal, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Environmentally sealed, Reactive Servo Actuators Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
D-2 -gp 15 (+5 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex + 10ft Movement, Cerasteal, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Environmentally sealed, Reactive Servo Actuators, insulated Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
D-3 -gp 15 (+5 Max dex) +2 Str, +4 Dex + 10ft Movement, Cerasteal, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Environmentally sealed, Reactive Servo Actuators, Leaded Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Standard Power Frames Continued
Armor Cost AC Attribute Adjustments Property Additions/Adjustments Type Weight Coverage
Thunder Armor
T1 -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) - - 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
T1-A -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) +4 Str Overpowered Servo Actuators 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
T2 -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) - Adamantite 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
T2-A -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) +4 Str Adamantite, Overpowered Servo Actuators 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
T3 -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) - Cerasteale 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
T3-A -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) +4 Str Cerasteal, Overpowered Servo Actuators 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
T3-B -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) +4 Str Cerasteal, Overpowered Servo Actuators, Insulated 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
T3-C -gp 16 (+2 Max dex) +4 Str Cerasteal, Overpowered Servo Actuators, Leaded 2 Heavy, 4 Medium -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-1 -gp 18 (+1 Max dex) +4 Str -5ft movement Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-2 -gp 18 (+1 Max dex) +4 Str -5ft movement, Adamantine Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-3 -gp 18 (+1 Max dex) +4 Str -5ft movement, Adamantine, Environmentally sealed Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4 -gp 18 (+1 Max dex) +4 Str -5ft movement, Adamantite, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4A -gp 18 (+1 Max dex) +4 Str -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4B -gp 18 (+1 Max dex) +4 Str -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Insulated Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4C -gp 18 (+1 Max dex) +4 Str -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Leaded Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Standard Power Frames Continued
Armor Cost AC Attribute Adjustments Property Additions/Adjustments Type Weight Coverage
Gladius Continued
MK-4A1 -gp 18 (+3 Max dex) +4 Str, +4 Dex -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4A2 -gp 18 (+3 Max dex) +4 Str, +4 Dex -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Insulated Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4A3 -gp 18 (+3 Max dex) +4 Str, +4 Dex -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Leaded Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5 -gp 18 (+3 Max dex) +4 Str, +4 Dex Adamantite, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Enhanced Servo Actuators Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5A1 -gp 18 (+3 Max dex) +4 Str, +4 Dex Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Enhanced Servo Actuators Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5A2 -gp 18 (+3 Max dex) +4 Str, +4 Dex Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Insulated Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5A3 -gp 18 (+3 Max dex) +4 Str, +4 Dex Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Reactive Servo Actuators, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Leaded Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-1 -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -10ft movement Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-2 -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -10ft movement, Adamantine Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-3 -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -10ft movement, Adamantine, Environmentally sealed Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4 -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -10ft movement, Adamantine, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4A -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
Standard Power Frames Continued
Armor Cost AC Attribute Adjustments Property Additions/Adjustments Type Weight Coverage
Titan Continued
MK-4B -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Insulation Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-4C -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -10ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Leaded Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5 -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -5ft movement, Adamantine, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5A -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5B -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Insulation Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm
MK-5C -gp 20 (No Max dex) +4 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con -5ft movement, Cerasteal, Environmentally sealed, Advanced Frame and wiring Harness, Enhanced Servo Actuators, Leaded Super Heavy -LBS Torso, Bracers, Gauntlet, Breeches, Sabatons, Helm

Basic Power Frame Properties

All power frames will have the following properties.

Servo Actuators: When wearing a power frame you count as one size larger when determining your carrying Capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Furthermore you gain the Larger than Most Ability as described Below.

Larger than Most You ignore the effects of the long gun and Mounted weapon Property and you count as using 2 actions each time you use an action to reload, set up or take down a weapon with the Massive Parts weapon property.

Recoil Suppression: Provides the ability to fire Non Heavy two handed weapons with one-handed. if this is done attacks are made at a negative equal to your currant Proficiency bonus.

No Manual Dexterity: While protective, armored gloves are not ideal for fine manipulation, you have the following negatives while in power armor.

  • you can not wield any Tiny weapons

  • Suffer a -10 penalty on slight of hand and dexterity based skill tests that rely on fine manipulation of you fingers.

Length per Arcanium Core: Each Frame runs of a single Arcanium core a highly Technological device that borders on the lines of magic and Technology, this core provides a nuculer level of power. the core is placed into the frame gives the frame 30 days of run time as just the frame in normal operations. To install a Arcanium Core it takes about an hour and requires a charged core, Tech tools and a check at DC 15 and Artificers tools and a check at DC 15.if ether test is failed it may be re attempted at a DC of + 5, if the second attempt is failed the process must be done again.

Doning power Armor: To don power armor you must use an object interaction when you are within 5ft of the rear of the armor to open it, at the start of your next turn the armor will be open, you may then as an action climb into the suit, you must then use another object interaction to close the armor. After the armor is opened it will remain that way for 1 min or until you climb in or you use an object interaction on it within 5ft.

Power Armor Frame Parts with the right services a power armor frame may be upgraded and augmented to suit many different operational functions, Like armor plating or grave boots for use in the zero gravity of the Cosmos, whatever it may be you must follow a few guidelines when you upgrade your armor. A frame has 6 major locations the Torso, Left arm, Right arm, Left leg, Right leg and the Head. Each location may have one armor plat and as many integrations as you wish.

Power Armor Drain: Heavier armor and multiple device integrations will require more power as all system that you add to or integrated into your frame are powered by the Arcanium core. This power drain will take from the total days of power you have until your Core needs to be changed. For armor plates this drain will be noted in the Armor plate description.

  • For Device integration you may integrate any amount of systems in any of the 6 Armor location on a frame, but this will be at a cost of 1 days energy for each device that was integrated.

  • if you stay at a sustained Sprint for more than an hour a day you will drain a day of energy for each hour sustained beyond the first

Additional Power Frame Properties

Some power Frames may have one or multiple of the following properties.

Adimantine Plating: If all plates are Adamantite the wearer gains resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage. This cant be taken with Cerasteel Plating.

Master Crafted: gains immunity instead of resistance to the listed damage types.

Artificers: gains immunity instead of resistance and -5 damage reduction to the listed damage types.

Cerasteel Plating: If all plates are Ceresteal the wearer gains resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Fire and Acid damage. This cant be taken with Adimantite Plating.

Master Crafted: gains immunity instead of resistance to the listed damage types.

Artificers: gains immunity instead of resistance and -5 damage reduction to the listed damage types.

Insulation: the wearer of a frame with Insulation gains resistance to Lightning and Cold damage. This cant be taken with Leaded.

Master Crafted: gains immunity instead of resistance to the listed damage types.

Artificers: gains immunity instead of resistance and -5 damage reduction to the listed damage types.

Leaded: the wearer of a frame with Leaded gains resistance to Poison damage for sources of Radiation. This cant be taken with Insulation.

Master Crafted: gains immunity instead of resistance to the listed damage types.

Artificers: gains immunity instead of resistance and -5 damage reduction to the listed damage types.

Environmentally Sealed: Protects the wearer from the vacuum of space and other environmental hazards, while this suits helm is donned and sealed it gives the wearer immunity to damage and effects from contact related and airborn poisons, carcinogen and disease. There is also an o2 converter to provide adequate oxygen supply as long as the unit is powered and the helm includes an eternal speaker and inbuilt microphone communicator.

Enhanced Servo Actuators: This frame no longer suffers the reduction to its movement ability Enhancement. If this is used with a frame that has 4 or more Super heavy plates you may only suffer no more then a -5 to you movement from your armor.

Reactive Servo Actuators: This frame no longer suffers the reduction to its Dexterity ability Enhancement also you gain a + 1 Max dex for every 2 dex increased to a maximum of +6. Furthermore This may not be used with any Super heavy plate applied.

Bio Enhancement Module: The wearer of this frame gains a + 4 Constitution ability enhancement.

Advanced Frame and wiring Harness: This frame may now have one more device integrations on each of its equipment slots.

Overpowered Servo Actuators: This frame no longer suffers the reduction to its Strength ability Enhancement. This may not be used with any light plate applied.



A Drone is a tiny robotic device that appears in different forms like the Empire, fashion them from the skulls of loyal Imperial servants to which robotic components and an antigravitic technology have been added to allow them to hover and drift bodiless through the air. This is so that they may continue their work for the Empire even after death. To have one's skull chosen to serve as a Servo-skull is a great honor in the Empire, for it implies one's service in life has been satisfactory enough to warrant continuation beyond death. Some others resemble more Robotic and sleek designs, that show the engineers individual style.

Drones perform an important roll in much of the technological lands, serving as everything from scribes and video cameras that copy down and recored important moments, to simple moving torches, hovering about their charge with candles and lanterns to illuminate the area.

Drones are used throughout all the Empire and other locations. Each is built to perform a certain task, some are designed for military roles, and among these some are built with enhanced optical sensors that allow them to serve as a reconnaissance scout.

Utility Drones

All utility Drones have a basic Profile as described in Chapter 3 (Minions), with the ability that are described below.

Auto Scribe

This commonly used drone allows one to copy down important conversations and confessions of prisoners word for word.

Effect: this skull records all words spoken by up to 6 targets within 30ft of the skull. This skull has roughly an hours worth of scroll th right on, it may last longer if less people are a part of the conversation and there are frequent Pauses in the conversation.

Audio and Video Drone

This drone is also found quite common amongst most factions and used by most technologically advanced cultures. These Drones have a video camera, microphone and speaker, that has capability of recording as well as play back on a small screen any recorded footage on the device.

Effect: this skull records all audio and video within a 45 degree cone in front of the drone. This Drone has 8 hours worth of recording. the quality of the Video and audio is of moderate quality and degrades with distance from the source.

Service Drone

The most common form of the Drone is the Service Drone. They are designed and equipped to offer assistance with a particular task, and most are fitted

with a basic set of extendable articulating pincers and whatever else by way of gear their duty requires.

Effect: this Drone can preform a rudementery tasks that it was loaded to do. Like changing out torches, delivering a scroll, opening doors, hold a glow beam, Speaker, video or Holo device, though the Service Drone does not have the capacity to be able to preform many different tasks.

Linguistic Drone

Useful to diplomats and explorers, a Linguistic drone is a specially designed drone equipped with an advanced linguistic device. The Linguistic Drone hovers just over the shoulder of its master, aiding him in translating and understanding unfamiliar tongues.

Effect: This Drone can Speak, understand and translate any known language in its records.

Message Drone

A Message Drone is a mobile communications platform used commonly with the Empire to carry recorded messages. The drone is an round or Square metal unit about the size of a citrus fruit that has an anti gravity emitter built within it.

The Message Drone carries messages to people it is programmed to find by using a recorded pheromonal trace to track down the person for whom its message is intended. The drone can record short audio and holographic messages that will only be played for the person whose pheromonal markers match the drone's data set.

Because it carries a relatively small power cell, the Message Drone can only be used for short range communications and is generally used within the spires of wealthy Metros to carry personal or business oriented messages between the members of the nobility.

Effect: This drone can carry a message of up to one minute long to a target you know within 5 miles.

Advanced Drones

Each advanced Drones has its own Profile described in the NPC minions Section of this book.

Gun Drone

Designed with a somewhat reinforced structure and fitted with a single efficient weapon system and targeting selection programs, Guardian-skulls (also known as Gun-skulls and Combat-skulls depending on their armament) are uncommon but prestigious and effective bodyguard devices. Their small size, tireless vigilance, and ability to hover in the shadows silently make them surprisingly discreet and effective servants.

Effect: See Gun drone in the minions section of Chapter 3 (Minions).

Spotter Drone

This advanced recon drone is conected directly to the owners mind by way of nero link. it allows the owner to see and hear through its electronic senses

Effect: See spotter drone in the minions section of Chapter 3 (Minions).

Mounts and Vehicles

Below is a list of mounts and vehicles and the cost of them, refer to the Monster Manual for the profiles.

Item Cost Speed Carrying Capacity seating Fuel type/amount Weight Size
Donkey or Mule 8gp 40ft 420 lbs 1 Veggiterian 8 pounds/day 450 Lbs M
Horse, draft 50gp 40ft 540 lbs - Veggiterian 20 pounds/day 1500 Lbs L
Horse, Riding 75gp 60ft 480 lbs 2 Veggiterian 15 pounds/day 1000 Lbs L
Pony 30gp 40ft 225 - Veggiterian 7 pounds/day 400 Lbs M
Pony Riding 50gp 40ft 200 lbs 1 Veggiterian 5 pounds/day 350 Lbs M
Warhorse 400gp 60ft 540 lbs 2 Veggiterian 17 pounds/day 1200 Lbs L
Dune Strider 500gp 70ft 450 Lbs 1 Omniverous 16 pounds/day 900 Lbs L
Bicycle 10gp 40ft 200 lbs 1 man powered 15 Lbs M
Mo-ped/Scooter 125gp 50ft 280 lbs 1 Refined Machine Oil 3GT/100MPG 250 Lbs M
Motor Bike 450gp 80ft 300 lbs 2 Refined Machine Oil 5GT/75MPG 350 Lbs M
Motor Quad 650gp 60ft 550 lbs 2 Refined Machine Oil 8GT/50MPG 450 Lbs M
Magna Bike 1,050gp 80ft 950 lbs 1 Refined Machine Oil 15GT/25MPG 1250 Lbs L
Magna Quad 1,300gp 60ft 1200 lbs 1 Refined Machine Oil 20GT/20MPG 1800 Lbs L
Small Vehicle 6,500gp 90ft 750 lbs 2 Refined Machine Oil 15GT/25MPG 2500 Lbs H
Medium Vehicle 13,050gp 80ft 1100 lbs 5 Refined Machine Oil 25GT/15MPG 2500 Lbs H
Large Vehicle 22,300gp 60ft 1850 lbs 8 Refined Machine Oil 300GT/25MPG 2500 Lbs H

Vehicle and Mount Use

Anyone may attempt to pilot or use any mount or vehicle provided you can fit within its saddle or cockpit as listen in the mounts description. When riding a mount use the following rules.

  • Animal Mounts will use Animal handling Skill for any vehicle handling rolls made Though you use your Dexterity bonus in replace of wisdom and when doing so you may only benefit from your dexterity bonus to a maximum of your mounts Dexterity bonus.

  • When Riding an animal mount you may make actions that require both hands, though if this presists for more then on round vehicle handling roll DC's will increase by 1 each round.

When piloting a vehicle use the following rules.

  • Vehicles will use the appropriate vehicle tool proficiency for any vehicle handling rolls made, you use your Dexterity bonus and when doing so you may only benefit from your dexterity bonus to a maximum of your vehicle Dexterity bonus.

  • When piloting a vehicle and you make an attack with a pilot or Driver Weapon you will use the pilots dexterity bonus but only to a maximum of the Vehicles Dexterity bonus.


The Battlemech is a highly customizable vehicle, that is usually seen with articulated arms. These War walker or tank like Mechs come many types, having different means to functionality and support, like different Legs, Arms, weapon systems, hull types and much more.

The Battlemech is most favored when Imperial army patrols must move across rough terrain that would completely immobilize heavier wheeled or tracked vehicles. Battlemech achieve a perfect balance of robustness and mobility, able to negotiate terrain that would immobilize heavier vehicles whilst still able to face down fire that would shred ranks of infantry.

Some Battlemech, appropriately called Armored Mechs, may possess better cockpit armor plating than the norm and are fitted with stabilizers to let them carry heavier weaponry. This transforms the Battlemech's role from one of utility, armed reconnaissance and light infantry fire support to one of full on anti armor or even artillery support.

Many civilian and mercenaries employ the use of a Walker in combat and non combat functions. Some engineers acquire or build a sentinel and outfit it with many different upgrades and functions, causing different modification and models to be developed, like the Lifters and Runner variations.

Battle Mech Creation

When creating a Battle Mech you must pick one Hull, one legs and two arms. Each of these have changes to various stats of the Mech profile in the following pages.


Stat Modification
Hull Points: 20 x Con bonus
Armor Class: 13 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 20 Str/16 Dex/18 Con
Movement/round: 35ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 35 Mph
Vehicle handling: 0
Fuel use per Hour: 10 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 300 Gal
Stat Modification
Hull Points: 10 x Con bonus
Armor Class: 12 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 18 Str/18 Dex/14 Con
Movement/round: 50ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 50 Mph
Vehicle handling: +2
Fuel use per Hour: 5 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 100 Gal

Furthermore a scout body gains the Crew Exposure vehicle position action as well as the Open topped and Open Topped Crew positions Actions vehicle feature below.

Crew Exposure: Anyone in any position is considered 3/4 cover to all targets except for targets in a 45 degree arch from the rear, if that is the case the driver is completely covered.

Open topped: creatures may target the crew of this vehicle if they are visible, if they miss the attack will hit the vehicle if it did not miss the targets AC by more the 5 whole points, if it missed by 5 or more then the attack misses entirely.

Open Topped Crew positions Actions any crew may on its turn, attack as normal from its position with non heavy ranged weapon, they may be fired in a 180 degree arch off the Front of the Vehicle if you are the driver the though this may not be done if the driver has moved or used an action with the mech this may not be done. if you have the spar seats upgrade the other crew may fire from there positions like the drive.

Stat Modification
Hull Points: 25 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 16 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 22 Str/14 Dex/20 Con
Movement/round: 30ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 30 Mph
Vehicle handling: -5
Fuel use per Hour: 20 Gal
Fuel tank size: 400 Gal

Furthermore any crew that is enclosed in this vehicle gains advantage on any save against any effects that cause the Blinded, Deafened as well as disadvantage on perception skill test.

Light weight
Stat Modification
Hull Points: 15 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 14 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 16 Str/20 Dex/16 Con
Movement/round: 40ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 40 Mph
Vehicle handling: +4
Fuel use per Hour: 10 Gal
Fuel tank size: 200 Gal

Furthermore a Battlemechs with this hull is now Large size, and Battlemech with this hull may not equip any weapons with the Heavy or Large weapon property and its stomp now deals d6's for damage die instead of d8's.

Legs (pick one)

Bipedal: Standard legs with now changes.

Quadrupedal: A Battlemech with these legs is no longer effected by difficult terrain and Pilots gain advantage on any checks Made to avoid being knocked prone.

Furthermore a Battlemech with these legs has -5 ft movement per round and -5 Mph over land and Burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Tracks: Any weapons on a Battlemech withe these legs, to include a gun turret no longer suffers the effects of the heavy weapon property and you are immune being knocked prone and may not use the stomp attack.

Furthermore a Battlemech with these legs has -10 ft movement per round and -10 Mph over land and Burns an additional 20 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Grav Plate: A Battlemech with these Legs now floats above most surfaces to include liquids. You are immune being knocked prone. Furthermore a Battlemech with thses legs have an additional -2 vehicle handling, Burns an additional 10 gallons of fuel per hour of operations and cant use the stomp attack.

Arms (pick 2, may have the same)

Grabber Claw: Standard arm with no changes. See Mech Profile for details.

Melee Arm: Your Battlemech gains an arm that can have any Magna melee weapon that does not have the Two handed Property, Melee weapons deal one additional damage dice or 2 if its a chain weapon, IE Magna Chain Ax, Magna Chain spear ext. unless you have a Light weight Body then the damage stays the same. If you have two Melee arms you may use two handed weapons or weapons with the versatile property if you use both arms. Furthermore all weapons on a melee arm gains a +5ft reach.

Ranged Arm: Your Battlemech gains an arm that can have any ranged weapon that does not have the Light or Tiny weapon property mounted to it.

Grapple Arm: you gain a grappling launcher This fires a grappling hook connected to a 90 foot long cable. You may as an action on your turn or as a reaction, activate this arm, causing the grappling hook to shoot outward, unspolling the cable behind it as it goes. to do so you must make a ranged attack with grapple, if it hits it deals 2d8 Piercing damage, with the AP (3) weapon property and the hook remains in the target and the target is grappled.

You can take an object interaction to activate a winch which winds the cable back into the compartment. If the grappling hook has been set, the winch will pull your weight x2 toward the mech at a rate of 30 feet per round.

At any point a creature grappled by this feature may use its action to attempt to remove the hook, the target must make a strength save DC 8 + Pilot Pro + Mech Dex, removing the spear on a successful save.

Mech Upgrades

Below is a list of available Mech Upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequisites will be listed in the upgrades description.

Shield Generator: Your Battlemech may now install and gain the benefits of any shield generator, on your mech.

Armor plates: Your Battlemech gains a +2 bonus to your AC on all sides an you suffer a -2 to all vehicle handle checks and a -5ft movement and -5 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations. This may be taken twice.

Cerasteal Plating: Your Battlemech gain resistance to Fire and Acid damage.

Insulation: Your Battlemech gain resistance to Lighting and Cold damage.

Hull Supports: Your Battlemech gains additional Hull points equal to 5 x your mechs constitution bonus for a light Hull, 10 x your mechs constitution bonus for Scout Hull, 15 x your mechs constitution bonus for Standard Hull and 20 x your mechs constitution bonus for Armored Hull. as well as the vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations for a Light body, 10 for Scout, 15 for standard and 20 for Armored.

Superior Materials: your Battlemechs Constitution is increased by +4

Enhanced Hydraulics: your Battlemechs Strength is increased by +4

Mobility Enhancements: your Battlemechs Dexterity is increased by +4

Turbo Core: your Battlemechs Speed increases by 20ft and gains 20 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Underslung Weapon: You gain a Non heavy weapon that is attached to one of you arms, this may be taken twice, once fro each arm.

Advanced Targeting systems: Ranged weapons on you Mech with the exception of a Gun turret, do not suffer the Effects of long range as well as you may use your pilots entire dex bonus when making weapon attacks with driver or pilot weapons regardless of the vehicles dex.

Spirit Release: Your Battlemech is now immune to the effects of Charmed and frightened or any effect that targets a machine spirit.

Extra Large Fuel Tank: Your Battlemechs fuel tank now hold double the amount gallons.

Enhanced Fuel System: Your Your Battlemechs fuel consumption is reduced by 1/2 (round down to nearest 5 or 10 gal).

Weapon stabilizers: Your Battlemech no longer suffers from the unstabilized weapons feature.

Auto Loader: You may reload any vehicle weapons system you have as a bonus action with the exception a mounted gun turret. This may only be done 1 time for each weapon between rests. This upgrade may be taken more then once allowing one additional reload per weapon between rests.

Maglock Footing (Must have Bipedal or Quadrupedal): Can be activated as a bonus action, if this is done you may not be Knocked Prone, lifted off or pushed on a metal surface When when wearing these boots the mechs movement is reduced by 10ft, but allows him to move normally when in low or zero-gravity areas, provided there is a suitable metallic surface to walk upon.

Heavy Footed (Must have stomp): your Stomp deals an additional damage die.

Martial Enhancements (Must have a Melee Arm): The weapon on your Melee arm will always use the versatile deals one additional damage dice or two if its a chain weapon, IE Chain Ax, Chain spear ext.

Marine Propulsion Systems (Must have Environmentally sealed and can not have Tracks or Grave plate): Your Battlemech gains a swim speed equal to half your base speed.

Gun Turret (Cant be taken with Larger Storage or Spare Seats) your Battlemech gains a new position with a turret that 1 passenger can man. The mounted gun turret may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile. The Turret Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as a attack action.

Gun Turret (Position): fires in a 360 degree arch of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Shoulder Mounted Artillary: The pilot may now fire a shoulder mounted turret that may have any Missile Launcher, Rocker launcher, Grenade Launcher or Mortar weapon mounted to it. When the weapon is in operations you will use the below position profile. The Forward Mounted Gun may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action. This may be take twice mounting a weapon on each shoulder.

Shoulder Mounted Artillary weapon. The weapon fires in a 180 degree arch of the front of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Heavy Hitter (Requires a Melee arm): You may wiled Two handed weapon or use the versatile damage weapons av a weapon wielded in one Melee arm, Though all attacks will suffer a negative to the attack roll equal to the wielders proficiency.

Spare Seats (Cant be taken with Gun Turret or Larger Storage): you Mech may have 2 passenger of medium size or less, as well as this vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Larger Storage (Cant be taken with Gun Turret or Spare Seats): the Storage compartment in your walker is now 5x5 and can hold 1000 pounds, as well as this vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Environmentally Sealed (Must have standard, Armored body or Light): Protects the occupants from the vacuum of space and other environmental hazards, while inside the vehicle it gives Immunity to the Blinded and Defend conditions as well as resistance to Thunder damage. Furthermore the occupants are Immune poison and radiation damage sources sourced form outside the sealed chamber. There is also an o2 converter to provide adequate oxygen supply as long as the unit is powered and includes an external speaker and inbuilt microphone communicator.

Jump Thrusters (Can not be taken with Tracks or Grav Plate): as an object interaction, You Battlemech may now jump up to your speed in hight and you movement forward. Furthermore you gain the slow fall feature Below, as well as this vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Slow Fall: you can use your Reaction when you fall to reduce any Falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your level.

Advanced Battelmech Modifications

Below is a list of available Advanced mech upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequsites will be listed in the upgrades description, if an ability replace a Basic Battlemech mod you already have you may choose a new battle mech mod from the list of basic battlemech mods above.

Advanced Advanced Alloy Plating: Gain immunity to Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage.

Advanced Cerasteal Plating (Replaces Cerasteal Plating): Gain immunity to Fire, and acid damage.

Advanced Insulations (Replaces Insulation): Gain immunity to Cold, and Lightning damage.

Full Audio Dampeners (Must have Environmentally sealed: Gain Immunity to Thunder damage.

Holy Icon: Gain Resistance to Radiant damage and Forces damage.

Booster Jets (Requires Jump Thrusters) During a jump, if you don't end the flight on a hard surface you may spend 1 charge and an amount of gallons of fuel equal to 5 x your mechs Constitution bonus (minimum 1) and gain a fly speed equal to your movement, durring this flight you may make one Pivot of 90 degrees per turn. This may only be done for 5 rounds consecutively, spending the same amount of fuel used to initiate the jump each round and then it needs to be vented for 5 rounds. This may be done underwater gaining a swim speed instead of a fly speed with the same restrictions and If your in a zero gravity environment, you can Maneuver normally and no venting is needed and only uses 1 gallon of fuel. This has 5 charges, regaining all on a long rest.

If you have no charges left or you are venting you may not apply the effects of Slow fall.

Arcanium Core: Your Battlemech needs no Fuel, your Mech will not run out of fuel any time soon, your Mech is immune to Exhaustion as long as a core is active and will not die due to running out of power form continuous operations, this core it the equivalent of 10,000 Gallons of Ignas oils. This arcanium core may be replaced during a long Rest.


Huge/Vehicle Construct (Mount, 15ft. by 15ft.)

Crew One Driver of medium or small size.

Passengers None

Travel pace See Hull Stats

See Hull See Hull See Hull 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning

Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic, Necrotic

Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious


Armor Class: See Hull Stats

Hit points See Hull Stats

Position Actions and Features

Each occupied Crew position has a number of actions it may Preform, on the occupying creatures turn choosing from the options below.


The Pilot may on its turn, use its action to use Stomp or use one of the arms on the battle Mech in replace of one of the pilots attacks during the pilots attack action, These actions may include auto fire like action that usually use your whole action, Though each Ranged weapon system may only be fired once per turn unless the weapon is being fired in single shot, Semi-automatic, Burst Fire, or Controlled Burst firing modes. Furthermore the drive may as there movement action make one move with the Mech.

Arm 1 (Grabber Arm): you now have a robotic manipulations arm, this arm can lift up to 100 pounds x the vehicles Strength bonus and requires the drivers action to operate. Many Battle Mechs have other types of arms like weapons arms or even grappling hooks launchers.

Arm 2 (Grabber Arm): you now have a robotic manipulations arm, this arm can lift up to 100 pounds x the vehicles Strength bonus and requires the drivers action to operate. Many Battle Mechs have other types of arms like weapons arms or even grappling hooks launchers.

Move: The Driver may move the vehicle up to the vehicles movement on its turn, the vehicle can not be turned greater the 90 during any given movement, meaning you may turn 90 during your normal movement but if you use another action or gain another movement action you may turn another 90 degrees.

Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. Hit 9 (2D8 + 5), this attack can only be used against medium or smaller creatures.

In control. If the crew of vehicle is required to make a dexterity save to avoid an AOE, the driver makes one save for all the crew effected, adding his proficiency bonus plus dexterity bonus to the roll.

Vehicle Features

A Mech has the following features

Fuel: This vehicle has a Ignas oil tank with an amount of gallons as listed in your Hull Stats and burns an amount of gallons each hour of operations as listed in the Hull stats, after witch the vehicle gains 1 level of Exhaustion every rounds after empty.

Handling. See Hull

Immutable Form. This vehicle is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Unstabalized Weapons Attacks with weapons on this vehicle have disadvantage if the vehicle has moved more then its base movement or made a turn greater then 90 degrees.

War Rigs

The War Rig is a highly customizable vehicle, that is usually seen with weapons of transport capabilities. These War Rig or tank like vehicles come many types, having different means to functionality and support, like different Mobility means, Vehicle turrets, weapon systems, hull types and much more. When creating a War Rig you must pick one Hull, one Mobility and two Utilities. Each of these have changes to various stats of the War Rig profile in the following pages.



Stat Modification
Hull Points: 20 x Con bonus
Armor Class: 13 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 20 Str/16 Dex/18 Con
Movement/round: 35ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 35 Mph
Vehicle handling: 0
Fuel use per Hour: 10 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 300 Gal


Stat Modification
Hull Points: 10 x Con bonus
Armor (Fron/Side/Rear): 12 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 18 Str/18 Dex/14 Con
Movement/round: 50ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 50 Mph
Vehicle handling: +1
Fuel use per Hour: 5 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 100 Gal

Furthermore a scout body gains the Crew Exposure vehicle position action as well as the Open topped and Open Topped Crew positions Actions vehicle feature below.

Crew Exposure: Anyone in any position is considered 3/4 cover to all targets except for targets in a 45 degree arch from the rear, if that is the case the driver is completely covered.

Open topped: creatures may target the crew of this vehicle if they are visible, if they miss the attack will hit the vehicle if it did not miss the targets AC by more the 5 whole points, if it missed by 5 or more then the attack misses entirely.

Crew positions Actions any crew may on its turn, attack as normal from its position with non heavy ranged weapon, they may be fired in a 180 degree arch off the Front of the Vehicle if you are the driver the though this may not be done if the driver has moved or used an action with the mech this may not be done. if you have the spar seats upgrade the other crew may fire from there positions like the drive.


Stat Modification
Hull Points: 25 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 16 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 22 Str/14 Dex/20 Con
Movement/round: 30ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 30 Mph
Vehicle handling: -5
Fuel use per Hour: 20 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 400 Gal

Furthermore any crew that is enclosed in this vehicle gains advantage on any save against any effects that cause the Blinded, Deafened as well as disadvantage on perception skill test.

Light weight

Stat Modification
Hull Points: 15 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 14 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 16 Str/20 Dex/16 Con
Movement/round: 40ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 40 Mph
Vehicle handling: +4
Fuel use per Hour: 10 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 200 Gal

Furthermore a war riggs with this hull is now Large size, and may not equip any weapons with the Heavy or Large weapon property and its ram now deals d8's for damage die instead of d10's.

Mobility (pick one)

4x4 (Sport): A War Rig with this mobility gains a +20 ft movement per round and + 20 Mph over land, an additional -4 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations

Furthermore a War Rig with this mobility Burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations and your ram deals D8 instead of D10s.

4x4: Standard mobility with now changes.

8x8: A War Rig with this mobility is no longer effected by difficult terrain and Drivers gain advantage on any checks Made to avoid being knocked prone.

Furthermore a War Rig with this mobility is now Huge size, has -5 ft movement per round, -5 Mph over land and Burns an additional 10 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Tracks: Any weapons on a War Rig with this mobility, not including a Mounted gun turret no longer suffers the effects of the heavy weapon property and your War Rig is immune being knocked prone.

Furthermore a War Rig with this mobility is now Huge, has -10 ft movement per round and -10 Mph over land and Burns an additional 20 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Grav Plate: A War Rig with this mobility now floats above most surfaces to include liquids and your War Rig is immune being knocked prone.

Furthermore a War Rig with this mobility is now Huge, has an additional -2 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 15 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Boat Hull: A War Rig with this mobility loses its on land movement and gains a swim speed equal to is movement overland movement though this may only float and may not dive.

Furthermore a War Rig with this mobility is now Huge, has an additional -4 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Boat Hull (Speed): A War Rig with this mobility loses its on land movement and gains a swim speed equal to is movement overland +20ft, though this may only float and may not dive.

Furthermore a War Rig with this mobility has an additional -6 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 10 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Submersable (Cant be used with a Scout Frame): A War Rig with this mobility loses its on land movement and gains a swim speed equal to is movement overland movement as well as this mobility gains the Environmentally sealed War Rig upgrade at no cost.

Furthermore a War Rig with this mobility is now Huge, has an additional -4 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 10 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Utility (pick 2)

Troop compartment: your War Rig gains 3 additional seats these are usually arranged behind the Driver and front seat passenger. This upgrade may be taken twice.

Main Gun Turret (may not be taken with Scout Hull): your vehicle gains a new position, with a Main gun turret that 1 passenger can man. The turret may have one vehicle weapon mounted to it. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile.

The Main Gun Turret Gunner may on its turn, use its action to use one of the weapons on the Main Gun Turret in replace of one of the Gunners attacks during the Gunners attack action, These actions may include auto fire like action that usually use your whole action, Though each Ranged weapon system may only be fired once per turn unless the weapon is being fired in single shot, Semi-automatic, Burst Fire, or Controlled Burst firing modes.

Main Gun Turret (Position): All weapons attached to the turret fires in a 360 degree arch of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Side Sponson: your vehicle gains a two Additional position, with two small Sponsons that 1 passenger per sponson can man on either side on the vehicles hull. The mounted gun turret may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile. The sponson Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action.

Right/left Sponson (Position): The weapon fires in a 180 degree arch of the Right/Left of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Cargo Bed: Your War Rig gains a 5x5ft truck bed that can hold 500 pounds x war rigs Strength bonus, this space is considered to bey 5ft in hight unless your vehicle has the open toped feature or you choose to have it open like i truck bed, if this is done anything in the space is considered to be visible with 1/2 cover.

If your Hull is huge the bed size is 8x8 and can hold 1000 pound x war rigs strength bonus with a hight of 8ft.

This may be taken twice, if done your War Rig gains a 8x8ft truck bed that can hold 800 pounds x war rigs Strength bonus if your Hull is Large, with an 8ft hight or if your hull is huge the bed size is 12x12 and can hold 1500 pound x war rigs strength bonus with a 12ft hight allowed.

War Rig Upgrades

Below is a list of available War Rig Upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequisites will be listed in the upgrades description.

Shield Generator: Your War Rig may now install and gain the benefits of any shield generator, on your mech.

Armor plates: Your War Rig gains a +2 bonus to your AC on all sides an you suffer a -2 to all vehicle handle checks and a -5ft movement and -5 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations. This may be taken twice.

Cerasteal Plating: Your War Rigs gain resistance to Fire and Acid damage.

Insulation: Your War Rigs gain resistance to Lighting and Cold damage.

Hull Supports: Your War Rig gains additional Hull points equal to 5 x your mechs constitution bonus for a light Hull, 10 x your mechs constitution bonus for Scout Hull, 15 x your mechs constitution bonus for Standard Hull and 20 x your mechs constitution bonus for Armored Hull. as well as the vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations for a Light body, 10 for Scout, 15 for standard and 20 for Armored.

Superior Materials: your War Rigs Constitution is increased by +4

Enhanced Hydraulics: your War Rigs Strength is increased by +4

Mobility Enhancements: your War Rigs Dexterity is increased by +4

Turbo Core: your War Rigs Speed increases by 20ft and gains 20 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Advanced Targeting systems: Ranged weapons on you War Rig with the exception of a Gun turret, do not suffer the Effects of long range as well as you may use your pilots entire dex bonus when making weapon attacks with driver or pilot weapons regardless of the vehicles dex.

Spirit Release: Your War Rig is now immune to the effects of Charmed and frightened or any effect that targets a machine spirit.

Extra Large Fuel Tank: Your War Rig fuel tank now hold double the amount gallons.

Enhanced Fuel System: Your Your War Rig fuel consumption is reduced by 1/2 (round down to nearest 5 or 10 gal).

Weapon stabilizers: Your War Rig no longer suffers from the unstabilized weapons feature.

Auto Loader: You may reload any vehicle weapons system you have as a bonus action with the exception of a mounted gun turret and a Dash mounted Gun. This may only be done 1 time for each weapon between rests. This upgrade may be taken more then once allowing one additional reload per weapon between rests.

Death roller (cant be taken with Light and scout Hulls or with a death roller): your ram deals an additional damage die and if you choose when getting this upgrade, to have your ram deal half its damage dice in your choice of either Piercing or Slashing damage.

Dozer Blade (cant be taken with Light and scout Hulls or with a death roller): your ram deals an additional damage die and you no longer suffer the effects of difficult terrain.

Marine Propulsion Systems: Your War Rig gains a swim speed equal to half your base speed, Though it can not dive, it may only Float.

Enhanced Cockpit (Must have Main Gun Turret): The driver may fire any of the Main Gun Turret weapons on as if they where in the Main Gun Turret seat as well as preform the tasks of a driver.

Maximized Seating (Must have Troop transport): You gain 6 Troop seats for each troop compartment upgrade you take, as well as this vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Larger Storage (Must have Cargo Bed): the cargo bed on your War rig is now 2x2x2ft larger and can hold an additional 200 pounds for large Hulls and 3x3x3ft and an additional 500 pounds for Huge Hulls, as well as this vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Environmentally Sealed (Must have standard, Armored or Light Hull): Protects the occupants from the vacuum of space and other environmental hazards, while inside the vehicle it gives Immunity to the Blinded and Defend conditions as well as resistance to Thunder damage. Furthermore the occupants are Immune poison and radiation damage sources sourced form outside the sealed chamber. There is also an o2 converter to provide adequate oxygen supply as long as the unit is powered and the includes an external speaker and inbuilt microphone communicator.

Coaxial Machine Gun (must have Main Gun Turret): Your Main Gun Turret may now have a medium or light machine gun mounted next to the main gun and can be operated by the Main Gun Turret gunner during there turn.

Dash Mounted Gun: The occupant of the Front Passenger seat may now fire forward mounted turret that may have any non pistol or non heavy weapon mounted. When the weapon is in operations you will use the below position profile. The Dash Mounted Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an action.

Dash Mounted Gun (Position). This can be operated by the front seat passenger and fires in a 180 degree arch of the front of the vehicle.

Mounted Gun Turret (Cant be taken with Main Gun Turret) your War Rig gains a new position with a turret that 1 passenger can man. The mounted gun turret may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile. The mounted gun turret Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action.

Mounted Gun Turret (Position): The weapon fires in a 360 degree arch of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Forward Mounted Gun: The Driver may now fire forward mounted turret that may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon but not Mortars. When the weapon is in operations you will use the below position profile. The Forward Mounted Gun may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action.

Forward Mounted weapon. The weapon fires in a 45 degree arch of the front of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Advanced War Rig Modifications

Below is a list of available Advanced rig upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequsites will be listed in the upgrades description, if an ability replace a Basic War Rig mod you already have you may choose a new War Rig mod from the list of basic War Rig mods above.

Advanced Advanced Alloy Plating: Gain immunity to Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage.

Advanced Cerasteal Plating (Replaces Cerasteal Plating): Gain immunity to Fire, and acid damage.

Advanced Insulations (Replaces Insulation): Gain immunity to Cold, and Lightning damage.

Full Audio Dampeners (Must have Environmentally sealed: Gain Immunity to Thunder damage.

Holy Icon: Gain Resistance to Radiant damage and Forces damage.

War Fortress You War Rig gains one utility upgrade in addition to your chosen 2 utility upgrades, when this is done you vehicle is now one size larger and burns an additional 20 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Arcanium Core Generator (Replaces Extra large fuel tank): Your War rig needs no Fuel, your War rig will not run out of fuel any time soon, your mrig is immune to Exhaustion as long as a core is active and will not die due to running out of power form continuous operations, this core it the equivalent of 10,000 Gallons of Ignas oils. This arcanium core may be replaced during a long Rest.

War Rig

Large/Construct (Mount, 10ft. by 10ft.)

Crew One Driver of small or Medium size.

Passengers 1 Medium or smaller

Travel pace Refer

See Hull See Hull See Hull 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning

Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic, Necrotic

Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious


Armor Class: See Hull

Hit points See Hull

Position Actions and Features

Each occupied Crew position has a number of actions it may Preform, on the occuping creatures turn choosing from the options below.


The Driver may on its turn, use its action to use Ram or use one of the Driver weapons in replace of one of the drivers attacks during the drivers attack action, These actions may include auto fire like action that usually use your whole action, Though each Ranged weapon system may only be fired once per turn unless the weapon that is being used is fired in single shot, Semi-automatic, Burst Fire, or Controlled Burst firing modes. Furthermore the drive may as there movement action make one move with the vehicle.

Move: The Driver may move the vehicle up to the vehicles movement on its turn, the vehicle can not be turned greater the 90 during any given movement, meaning you may turn 90 during your normal movement but if you use another action or gain another movement action you may turn another 90 degrees.

Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. Hit 14 (2D10 + 6) Bludgeoning damage, if you moved more then 30ft but less then 60ft the damage is 3D10 + 12 and if the target is smaller then huge, the creature must make a strength save DC 15 on a fail you push them 10ft, if you moved more then 60ft the damage is 4D10 + 18, the DC is 20 and you push them 15ft.

In control. If the crew of vehicle is required to make a dexterity save to avoid an AOE, the driver makes one save for all the crew effected, adding his proficiency bonus plus dexterity bonus to the roll.

Front seat

The Front passenger may on its turn, attack as normal from its position, ranged weapon may be fired in a 90 degree arch of the front and of the vehicle and 180 degree arch off the right side of the Vehicle.

Vehicle Features

The war has the following features

Fuel: This vehicle has a Ignas oil tank with an amount of gallons as listed in your Hull Stats and burns an amount of gallons each hour of operations as listed in the Hull stats, after witch the vehicle gains 1 level of Exhaustion every rounds after empty.

Handling. See Hull.

Unstabalized Weapons Attacks with weapons on this vehicle have disadvantage if the vehicle has moved more then 60ft or made a turn greater then 90 degrees.

Immutable Form. This vehicle is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Air Rig

The Air Rig is a highly customizable air vehicle, that is usually seen with weapons or transport capabilities. These Air Rig or plane like vehicles come many types, having different means to functionality and support, like different Mobility means, Vehicle turrets, weapon systems, hull types and much more. When creating a Air Rig you must pick one Hull, one Mobility and two Utilities. Each of these have changes to various stats of the Air Rig profile in the following pages.



Stat Modification
Hull Points: 20 x Con bonus
Armor Class: 12 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 16 Str/14 Dex/16 Con
Movement/round: Min 80 Max 200ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 200 Mph
Vehicle handling: 0
Fuel use per Hour: 10 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 150 Gal


Stat Modification
Hull Points: 10 x Con bonus
Armor Class: 10 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 16 Str/16 Dex/14 Con
Movement/round: Min 60ft - Max 150ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 150 Mph
Vehicle handling: +1
Fuel use per Hour: 5 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 100 Gal

Furthermore a scout body gains the Crew Exposure vehicle position action as well as the Open topped and Open Topped Crew positions Actions vehicle feature below.

Crew Exposure: Anyone in any position is considered 3/4 cover to all targets except for targets in a 45 degree arch from the rear, if that is the case the driver is completely covered.

Open topped: creatures may target the crew of this vehicle if they are visible, if they miss the attack will hit the vehicle if it did not miss the targets AC by more the 5 whole points, if it missed by 5 or more then the attack misses entirely.

Crew positions Actions any crew may on its turn, attack as normal from its position with non heavy ranged weapon, they may be fired in a 180 degree arch off the Front of the Vehicle if you are the driver the though this may not be done if the driver has moved or used an action with the mech this may not be done. if you have the spar seats upgrade the other crew may fire from there positions like the drive.


Stat Modification
Hull Points: 25 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 15 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 20 Str/14 Dex/20 Con
Movement/round: Min 100ft - Max 250ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 250 Mph
Vehicle handling: -5
Fuel use per Hour: 40 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 400 Gal

Furthermore any crew that is enclosed in this vehicle gains advantage on any save against any effects that cause the Blinded, Deafened as well as disadvantage on perception skill test.

Light weight

Stat Modification
Hull Points: 15 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 14 + Pilots Dex bonus to max of vehicles Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 20 Str/16 Dex/16 Con
Movement/round: Min 50ft - Max 300ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 300 Mph
Vehicle handling: +4
Fuel use per Hour: 20 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 200 Gal

Furthermore an Air rigg with this hull is now Large size and may not equip any weapons with the Heavy or Large weapon property.

Mobility (pick one)

Fixed Wing (Jet): A Air Rig with this mobility gains a +20ft miniumum and a +50ft Maximum movement per round and multiply the Mph over land by 2, gains an additional -4 vehicle handling, as well as it Burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations

Fixed Wing (Rotor): Standard movement with now changes.

Fixed Wing (Air Bus): Any weapons on a Air Rig with this mobility, not including a Mounted gun turret no longer suffers the effects of the heavy weapon property and your Air Rig is immune being knocked prone.

Furthermore a Air Rig with this mobility is now Huge, has -10ft minimum and a -25ft movement per round as well as -50 Mph over land and Burns an additional 20 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Rotary Wing (Heavy): A Air Rig with this mobility now floats or hovers, you no longer have the Fast Mover vehicle feature and your Movement per round and Movement over land is equal to the minimum Movement. You may now turn 180 degrees with this vehicle during each movement action taken.

Furthermore an Air Rig with this mobility is now Huge size, has an additional -2 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 20 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Rotary Wing (Light): A Air Rig with this mobility now floats or hovers, you no longer have the Fast Mover vehicle feature and your Movement per round and Movement over land is equal to the minimum Movement. You may now turn 180 degrees with this vehicle during each movement action taken.

Furthermore a Air Rig with this mobility Burns an additional 10 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Utility (pick 2)

Troop compartment: your Air Rig gains 3 additional seats these are usually arranged behind the Driver and front seat passenger. This upgrade may be taken twice.

Main Gun Turret (may not be taken with Scout Hull): your vehicle gains a new position, with a Main gun turret that 1 passenger can man. The turret may have one vehicle weapon mounted to it. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile.

The Main Gun Turret Gunner may on its turn, use its action to use one of the weapons on the Main Gun Turret in replace of one of the Gunners attacks during the Gunners attack action, These actions may include auto fire like action that usually use your whole action, Though each Ranged weapon system may only be fired once per turn unless the weapon is being fired in single shot, Semi-automatic, Burst Fire, or Controlled Burst firing modes.

Main Gun Turret (Position): All weapons attached to the turret fires in a 360 degree arch of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Wing/Door Sponsons: your vehicle gains a two Additional position, with two small Sponsons that 1 passenger per sponson can man on either side of the vehicles hull or wing. The mounted gun turret may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile. The sponson Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action.

Right/left Wing/Door Guns (Position): The weapon fires in a 180 degree arch of the Right/Left of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Cargo Space: Your Air Rig gains a 5x5ft cargo space that can hold 500 pounds x Air rigs Strength bonus, this space is considered to be 5ft in hight unless your vehicle has the open topped feature or you choose to have it open like i deck or open stern, if this is done anything in the space is considered to be visible with 1/4 cover.

If your Hull is huge the bed size is 8x8 and can hold 1000 pound x Air rigs strength bonus with a hight of 8ft.

This may be taken twice, if done your Air Rig gains a 8x8ft truck bed that can hold 800 pounds x Air rigs Strength bonus if your Hull is Large, with an 8ft hight or if your hull is huge the bed size is 12x12 and can hold 1500 pound x Air rigs strength bonus with a 12ft hight allowed.

Air Rig Upgrades

Below is a list of available Air Rig Upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequisites will be listed in the upgrades description.

Shield Generator: Your Air Rig may now install and gain the benefits of any shield generator, on your Air rig.

Armor plates: Your Air Rig gains a +2 bonus to your AC on all sides an you suffer a -2 to all vehicle handle checks and a -5ft movement and -5 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations. This may be taken twice.

Cerasteal Plating: Your Air Rigs gain resistance to Fire and Acid damage.

Insulation: Your Air Rigs gain resistance to Lighting and Cold damage.

Hull Supports: Your War Rig gains additional Hull points equal to 5 x your mechs constitution bonus for a light Hull, 10 x your mechs constitution bonus for Scout Hull, 15 x your mechs constitution bonus for Standard Hull and 20 x your mechs constitution bonus for Armored Hull. as well as the vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations for a Light body, 10 for Scout, 15 for standard and 20 for Armored.

Superior Materials: your Air Rigs Constitution is increased by +4

Enhanced Hydraulics: your Air Rigs Strength is increased by +4

Mobility Enhancements: your Air Rigs Dexterity is increased by +4

Turbo Core: your Air Rigs Speed increases by 20ft and gains 20 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 20 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Advanced Targeting systems: Ranged weapons on you Air Rig with the exception of a Gun turret, do not suffer the Effects of long range as well as you may use your pilots entire dex bonus when making weapon attacks with driver or pilot weapons regardless of the vehicles dex.

Spirit Release: Your Air Rig is now immune to the effects of Charmed and frightened or any effect that targets a machine spirit.

Extra Large Fuel Tank: Your Air Rig fuel tank now hold double the amount gallons.

Enhanced Fuel System: Your Your Air Rig fuel consumption is reduced by 1/2 (round down to nearest 5 or 10 gal).

Weapon stabilizers: Your Air Rig no longer suffers from the unstabilized weapons feature.

Auto Loader: You may reload any vehicle weapons system you have as a bonus action with the exception a mounted gun turret and a Reae mounted gun turret. This may only be done 1 time for each weapon between rests. This upgrade may be taken more then once allowing one additional reload per weapon between rests.

Marine Landing Systems: Your Air Rig can now Float and land on water as well as hard surface.

Enhanced Cockpit (Must have Main Gun Turret): The driver may fire any of the Main Gun Turret weapons on as if they where in the Main Gun Turret seat as well as preform the tasks of a driver.

Maximized Seating (Must have Troop transport): You gain 6 Troop seats for each troop compartment upgrade you take, as well as this vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Larger Storage (Must have Cargo Space): the cargo space on your War rig is now 2x2x2ft larger and can hold an additional 200 pounds for large Hulls and 3x3x3ft and an additional 500 pounds for Huge Hulls, as well as this vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Environmentally Sealed (Must have standard, Armored or Light Hull): Protects the occupants from the vacuum of space and other environmental hazards, while inside the vehicle it gives Immunity to the Blinded and Defend conditions as well as resistance to Thunder damage. Furthermore the occupants are Immune poison and radiation damage sources sourced form outside the sealed chamber. There is also an o2 converter to provide adequate oxygen supply as long as the unit is powered and the includes an external speaker and inbuilt microphone communicator.

Coaxial Machine Gun (must have Main Gun Turret): Your Main Gun Turret may now have a medium or light machine gun mounted next to the main gun and can be operated by the Main Gun Turret gunner during there turn.

Rear Mounted Gun: The occupant of the Front Passenger seat may now fire a Rear mounted turret that may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon but not Mortars. When the weapon is in operations you will use the below position profile. The Rear Mounted Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an action.

Rear Mounted Gun (Position). This can be operated by the front seat passenger and fires in a 180 degree arch of the Rear of the vehicle.

Mounted Gun Turret (Cant be taken with Main Gun Turret) your Air Rig gains a new position with a turret that 1 passenger can man. The mounted gun turret may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon and Mortars but the range becomes anywhere within 10ft of your Air Rig regardless of your hight. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile. The mounted gun turret Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action.

Mounted Gun Turret (Position): The weapon fires in a 360 degree arch of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Nose/Wing Mounted Gun: The Driver may now fire a Nose/Wing mounted turret that may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon and Mortars but the range becomes anywhere within 10ft of your Air Rig regardless of your hight. When the weapon is in operations you will use the below position profile. The Forward Mounted Gun may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action. This upgrade may be taken up two additional times as long as you dont have the Rotary Wing (Heavy) and Rotary Wing (light) Mobility upgrades.

Forward Mounted weapon. The weapon fires in a 45 degree arch of the front of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Advanced Air Rig Modifications

Below is a list of available Advanced rig upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequsites will be listed in the upgrades description, if an ability replace a Basic Air Rig mod you already have you may choose a new Air Rig mod from the list of basic Air Rig mods above.

Advanced Advanced Alloy Plating: Gain immunity to Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage.

Advanced Cerasteal Plating (Replaces Cerasteal Plating): Gain immunity to Fire, and acid damage.

Advanced Insulations (Replaces Insulation): Gain immunity to Cold, and Lightning damage.

Full Audio Dampeners (Must have Environmentally sealed: Gain Immunity to Thunder damage.

Holy Icon: Gain Resistance to Radiant damage and Forces damage.

Air Fortress You Air Rig gains one utility upgrade in addition to your chosen 2 utility upgrades, when this is done you vehicle is now one size larger and burns an additional 20 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Arcanium Core Generator (Replaces Extra large fuel tank): Your War rig needs no Fuel, your War rig will not run out of fuel any time soon, your rig is immune to Exhaustion as long as a core is active and will not die due to running out of power form continuous operations, this core it the equivalent of 10,000 Gallons of Ignas oils. This arcanium core may be replaced during a long Rest.

Air Rig

Large/Construct (Mount, 10ft. by 10ft.)

Crew One Driver of small or Medium size.

Passengers 1 Medium or smaller

Travel pace Refer to Hull

See Hull See Hull See Hull 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning

Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic, Necrotic

Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious


Armor Class: See Hull

Hit points See Hull

Position Actions and Features

Each occupied Crew position has a number of actions it may Preform, on the occuping creatures turn choosing from the options below.


The Pilot may on its turn, use its action to use one of the Pilot weapons in replace of one of the drivers attacks during the drivers attack action, These actions may include auto fire like action that usually use your whole action, Though each Ranged weapon system may only be fired once per turn unless the weapon that is being used is fired in single shot, Semi-automatic, Burst Fire, or Controlled Burst firing modes. Furthermore the Pilot may as there movement action make one move with the vehicle.

Move: The Pilot may move the vehicle up to the vehicles movement on its turn, the vehicle can not be turned greater the 90 during any given movement, meaning you may turn 90 during your normal movement but if you use another action or gain another movement action you may turn another 90 degrees.

In control. If the crew of vehicle is required to make a dexterity save to avoid an AOE, the driver makes one save for all the crew effected, adding his proficiency bonus plus dexterity bonus to the roll.

Front seat

The Front passenger may on its turn, attack as normal from its position, ranged weapon may be fired in a 90 degree arch of the front and of the vehicle and 180 degree arch off the right side of the Vehicle.

Vehicle Features

The war has the following features

Fuel: This vehicle has a Ignas oil tank with an amount of gallons as listed in your Hull Stats and burns an amount of gallons each hour of operations as listed in the Hull stats, after witch the vehicle gains 1 level of Exhaustion every rounds after empty.

Handling. See Hull.

Unstabalized Weapons Attacks with weapons on this vehicle have disadvantage if the vehicle has moved more the 60ft or made a turn greater then 90 degrees.

Immutable Form. This vehicle is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Fast Mover: A vehicle with this feature Must move at least its Minimum movement, if this can not be none the vehicle starts to fall at a rate of 60ft per round and has dis advantage on all Skill checks, saves and attacks made.

War Bike

The War Bike is a highly customizable personal vehicle, that is usually seen with weapons or a limited transport capabilities. These Motor Bike or ATV like vehicles come many types, having different means to functionality and support, like different Mobility means, side cars, weapon systems, hull types and much more. When creating a War Bike you must pick one Hull, one Mobility and two Utilities. Each of these have changes to various stats of the Motor Bike profile in the following pages.



Stat Modification
Hull Points: 10 x Con bonus
Armor Class: 12 + Drivers Dex to max of vehicle Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 18 Str/16 Dex/16 Con
Movement/round: 60ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 60 Mph
Vehicle handling: 0
Fuel use per Hour: 5 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 30 Gal


Stat Modification
Hull Points: 5 x Con bonus
Armor Class: 10 + Drivers Dex to max of vehicle Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 16 Str/18 Dex/14 Con
Movement/round: 80ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 80 Mph
Vehicle handling: +1
Fuel use per Hour: 3 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 25 Gal


Stat Modification
Hull Points: 20 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 14 + Drivers Dex to max of vehicle Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 20 Str/14 Dex/18 Con
Movement/round: 40ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 40 Mph
Vehicle handling: -5
Fuel use per Hour: 7 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 40 Gal

Furthermore any crew that is enclosed in this vehicle gains advantage on any save against any effects that cause the Blinded, Deafened as well as disadvantage on perception skill test.

Light weight

Stat Modification
Hull Points: 15 x Con Bonus
Armor Class: 11 + Drivers Dex to max of vehicle Dex bonus
Ability Scores: 14 Str/20 Dex/12 Con
Movement/round: 50ft
Movemnet/Over Land: 50 Mph
Vehicle handling: +4
Fuel use per Hour: 2 Gal
Fuel tank Size: 20 Gal

Furthermore a Motor Bike with this hull is now Large size, and motor bikes with this hull may not equip any weapons with the Heavy or Large weapon property.

Mobility (pick one)

2x2 (Sport): A War Bike with this mobility gains a +20 ft movement per round and + 20 Mph over land, an additional -4 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 2 gallons of fuel per hour of operations

2x2: Standard mobility with now changes.

4x4: A War Bike with this mobility is no longer effected by difficult terrain and Drivers gain advantage on any checks Made to avoid being knocked prone.

Furthermore a War Bike with this mobility is now Large size, has -5 ft movement per round, -5 Mph over land and Burns an additional 2 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Tracks: Any weapons on a War Bike with this mobility, not including a Mounted gun turret no longer suffers the effects of the heavy weapon property and your War Rig is immune being knocked prone.

Furthermore a War Bike with this mobility is now large, has -10 ft movement per round and -10 Mph over land and Burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Grav glide: A War Bike with this mobility now floats above most surfaces to include liquids and your War Rig is immune being knocked prone.

Furthermore a War Bike with this mobility is now Large, has an additional -2 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 2 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Marine Hull: A War Bike with this mobility loses its on land movement and gains a swim speed equal to is movement overland movement though this may only float and may not dive.

Furthermore a War Bike with this mobility is now Large, has an additional -4 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 1 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Marine Hull (Speed): A War Bike with this mobility loses its on land movement and gains a swim speed equal to is movement overland +20ft, though this may only float and may not dive.

Furthermore a War Bike with this mobility has an additional -6 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 2 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Submersable (Cant be used with a Scout Frame): A War Bike with this mobility loses its on land movement and gains a swim speed equal to is movement overland movement as well as this mobility gains the Environmentally sealed War Bike upgrade at no cost.

Furthermore a War Bike with this mobility is now Large, has an additional -4 vehicle handling and Burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Utility (pick 2)

Passenger seat: your War Bike gains an additional seat this is usually in the form of a side car next the Driver. This upgrade may be taken twice gaining an additional seat in the side car behind the other passenger.

Cargo Bed: Your War Bike gains a 3x3ft truck bed that can hold 100 pounds x war rigs Strength bonus, this space is considered to bey 3ft in hight unless your vehicle has the open toped feature or you choose to have it open like i truck bed, if this is done anything in the space is considered to be visible with 1/4 cover.

If your Hull is Large the bed size is 5x5 and can hold 250 pound x War Bike strength bonus with a hight of 5ft.

This may be taken twice, if done your War Bike gains a 5x5ft truck bed that can hold 250 pounds x War Bike Strength bonus with an 5ft hight, if your Hull is Large, the bed size is 8x8 and can hold 750 pound x War Bike strength bonus with a 8ft hight allowed.

Side Mounted Gun: The Driver may now fire side mounted turret that may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon but not Mortars. When the weapon is in operations you will use the below position profile. The Forward Mounted Gun may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action. This Upgrade may be take twice.

Side Mounted weapon. The weapon fires in a 45 degree arch of the front of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

War Bike Upgrades

Below is a list of available War Bike Upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequisites will be listed in the upgrades description.

Shield Generator: Your War Bike may now install and gain the benefits of any shield generator, on your mech.

Armor plates: Your War Bike gains a +2 bonus to your AC on all sides an you suffer a -2 to all vehicle handle checks and a -5ft movement and -5 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 10 gallons more fuel per hour of operations. This may be taken twice.

Cerasteal Plating: Your War Bike gain resistance to Fire and Acid damage.

Insulation: Your Motor Bike gain resistance to Lighting and Cold damage.

Hull Supports: Your War Bike gains additional Hull points equal to 5 x your mechs constitution bonus for a light Hull, 10 x your mechs constitution bonus for Scout Hull, 15 x your mechs constitution bonus for Standard Hull and 20 x your mechs constitution bonus for Armored Hull. as well as the vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations for a Light body, 10 for Scout, 15 for standard and 20 for Armored.

Superior Materials: your War Bike Constitution is increased by +4

Enhanced Hydraulics: your War Bike Strength is increased by +4

Mobility Enhancements: your War Bike Dexterity is increased by +4

Turbo Core: your War Bike Speed increases by 20ft and gains 20 miles an hour over land as well as the vehicle now Burns 5 gallons more fuel per hour of operations.

Advanced Targeting systems: Ranged weapons on you Motor Bike with the exception of a mounted Gun turret, do not suffer the Effects of long range as well as you may use your pilots entire dex bonus when making weapon attacks with driver or pilot weapons regardless of the vehicles dex.

Spirit Release: Your War Bike is now immune to the effects of Charmed and frightened or any effect that targets a machine spirit.

Extra Large Fuel Tank: Your War Bike fuel tank now hold double the amount gallons.

Enhanced Fuel System: Your War Bike fuel consumption is reduced by 1/2 (round down to nearest gal).

Weapon stabilizers: Your War Bike weapons no longer suffers from the unstabilized weapons feature this includes mounted gun turret.

Auto Loader: You may reload any vehicle weapons system you have as a bonus action with the exception a mounted gun turret. This may only be done 1 time for each weapon between rests. This upgrade may be taken more then once allowing one additional reload per weapon between rests.

Environmentally Sealed (Must have standard, Armored or Light Hull): Protects the occupants from the vacuum of space and other environmental hazards, while inside the vehicle it gives Immunity to the Blinded and Defend conditions as well as resistance to Thunder damage. Furthermore the occupants are Immune poison and radiation damage sources sourced form outside the sealed chamber. There is also an o2 converter to provide adequate oxygen supply as long as the unit is powered and the includes an external speaker and inbuilt microphone communicator.

Mounted Gun Turret (Must be taken with Side car or Cargo bed) your War Rig gains a new position with a turret that 1 passenger can man. The mounted gun turret may have any non pistol weapon mounted to it, this includes Heavy weapon. When the weapon is in operations, the operator will use the below position profile. The mounted gun turret Gunner may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action.

Mounted Gun Turret (Position): The weapon fires in a 360 degree arch of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Forward Mounted Gun: The Driver may now fire forward mounted turret that may have any non heavy or pistol weapon mounted to it. When the weapon is in operations you will use the below position profile. The Forward Mounted Gun may on its turn, fire the mounted weapon as an attack action.

Forward Mounted weapon. The weapon fires in a 45 degree arch of the front of the vehicle and use the profile of the appropriately mounted weapon.

Advanced War Bike Modifications

Below is a list of available Advanced rig upgrades, Some upgrades may be taken more then onces and others may require another specific upgrade or ability and others my require you to not have a specific upgrade, if this is the case, these changes and any prerequsites will be listed in the upgrades description, if an ability replace a Basic War Rig mod you already have you may choose a new War Rig mod from the list of basic War Rig mods above.

Advanced Advanced Alloy Plating: Gain immunity to Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning damage.

Advanced Cerasteal Plating (Replaces Cerasteal Plating): Gain immunity to Fire, and acid damage.

Advanced Insulations (Replaces Insulation): Gain immunity to Cold, and Lightning damage.

Full Audio Dampeners (Must have Environmentally sealed: Gain Immunity to Thunder damage.

Holy Icon: Gain Resistance to Radiant damage and Forces damage.

War Bike You War Bike gains one utility upgrade in addition to your chosen 2 utility upgrades, when this is done you vehicle is now one size larger and burns an additional 5 gallons of fuel per hour of operations.

Arcanium Core Generator (Replaces Extra large fuel tank): Your War Bike needs no Fuel, your War rig will not run out of fuel any time soon, your Motor Bike is immune to Exhaustion as long as a core is active and will not die due to running out of power form continuous operations, this core it the equivalent of 10,000 Gallons of Ignas oils. This arcanium core may be replaced during a long Rest.

Motor Bike

Medium/Vehicle Construct (Mount, 5ft. by 5ft.)

Crew One Driver of Medium or small size.

Passengers One of Medium or Small size.

Travel pace See hull stats

See Hull See Hull See Hull 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning

Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic, Necrotic

Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious


Armor Class: See Hull stats

Hit points: See Hull Stats

Position Actions and Features

Each occupied Crew position has a number of actions it may Preform, on the occupying creatures turn choosing from the options below.


The Driver may on its turn, use its action to attack with a held weapon or use one of the Driver weapons in replace of one of the drivers attacks during the drivers attack action, These actions may include auto fire like action that usually use your whole action, Though each Ranged weapon system may only be fired once per turn unless the weapon that is being used is fired in single shot, Semi-automatic, Burst Fire, or Controlled Burst firing modes. Furthermore the driver may as there movement action make one move with the vehicle.

Move: The Driver may move the vehicle up to the vehicles movement on its turn, the vehicle can not be turned greater the 90 during any given movement, meaning you may turn 90 during your normal movement but if you use another action or gain another movement action you may turn another 90 degrees.

In control: If the crew of vehicle is required to make a dexterity save to avoid an AOE, the driver makes one save for all the crew effected, adding his proficiency bonus plus dexterity bonus to the roll.

Driver Exposure: Anyone in the drivers seat is considered fully exposed to targets within a 90 degree arc of the flanks and rear of the vehicle and you get 1/4 cover against targets in a 90 degree arc of the front of the vehicle.

Crew positions Actions any crew may on its turn, attack as normal from its position with non heavy ranged weapon, they may be fired in a 180 degree arch off the Front of the Vehicle if you are the driver the though this may not be done if the driver has moved or used an action with the mech this may not be done. if you have the spar seats upgrade the other crew may fire from there positions like the drive.

Vehicle Features

The Motor bike has the following features

Fuel: This vehicle has a Ignas oil tank with an amount of gallons as listed in your Hull Stats and burns an amount of gallons each hour of operations as listed in the Hull stats, after witch the vehicle gains 1 level of Exhaustion every rounds after empty.

Handling. see hull stats.

Immutable Form. This vehicle is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Unstabalized Weapons Any attacks made while on this vehicle have disadvantage if the vehicle has moved more the 60ft or made a turn greater then 90 degrees, with the exception of a ram attack

Open topped: creatures may target the crew of this vehicle if they are visible, if they miss the attack will hit the vehicle if it did not miss the targets AC by more the 5 whole points, if it missed by 5 or more then the attack misses entirely.

Common Advanced gear

Item Cost
Entrenching Tool 5gp
Clock/Watch (Basic) 5gp
Common imperial Clothes 7gp, 5sp
Compass 25gp
Chemical Testing Strips (5 Pack) 10gp
Fiber Rope (50ft) 25hp
Glow Beam 35gp
Holy icon 10gp
Holy Text 25gp
Manacles 80gp
Incense 1sp
Microphone and Speaker 150gp
Ration Pack (1 Day) 1gp
Purification Filters 15gp
Mechanical Messenger 250gp
Purified Water 1/2 Gallon 3sp
Writers Supply 30gp
Refined Ignas Oils 1 Gallon 1gp

Common Gear Descriptions

Entrenching Tool

More than a simple trowel, the composite edge of this tool can break up even the hardest packed earth.

Effect: A entrenching tool halves the time needed to dig trenches, foxholes, and other earthen fortifications. It also makes for a sturdy improvised weapon it serves as a hand ax, as many a Guardsman can attest.


This small timepiece also known as a Crono can be worn strapped to the wrist or held comfortably in the hand. Settings on the chrono’s display allow for the accurate tracking of Imperial standard, shipboard, and local time.

Common Clothes

Basic imperial Clothes


See Compass in the device descriptions

Chemical Testing Strips

Basic means of testing chemical nature of liquids or solvable chemicals

Glow Beam

Directional line of light pointed in held direction bright 40ft, Dim 80ft

Fiber Rope (50ft)

This rope is Basic fiber rope it has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 23 Strength check. 50' of Fiber rope weighs 10 lbs and has a load rating of 1200 lbs.

Holy icon

A Cherish holy symbol

Imperial Creed

Much like a bible many Imperials interact with it daily


No bounty hunter or Enforcer would be without several sets of these solid restraints, though they are often used to ensure sacrificial offerings do not stray from a cult’s altar or for other, darker purposes.


Basic incense and sage for clensing

Portable Microphone and speaker

this held device is used to amplify your voice

Purification Filters

This is usually attached to a small manual pump that filters water for consumption, but the filter its self may be used as a straw, filtering the liquid as it moves through.

Effect: 1 filters, filters up to 5 gallons of water. If the water is very concentrated with contaminent particles it may degrade the filter faster (consult your GM).

Ration Pack

Filling but unappetising, the bars, bricks, powders, and pastes in a standard Ration Pack contain enough nutriment to feed an adult Human for one day.

Vox Drone

See Servo skulls section of this book.

Water 1/2 Gallon

Simple clean Potable H2O.

Writers Supply

This satchel contains inks, quills, parchment, and other tools necessary to craft a missive on scrolls.

Uncommon Advanced gear

Item Cost Weight
Advanced Personal Assets Display (A.P.A.D.) 500gp 2lb
Advanced Positioning Node 850gp .5lb
Auto Quill 550gp 35lb
Auto Scribe 4,500gp 18lb when not in flight
Ballistic Appeasement 350gp .5lb
Renown Clothing 150gp -
Combi-Tool 225gp 9lb
Chaplet Ecclesiasticus 100gp 1lb
Data Scroll 1,250gp 3lb
Lamp pack 85gp 8lb
Grapnel & line 650gp -
Hand-held targeter 1,750 -
Army issued Mess Kit 80gp
Binoculars 1,200gp
Magnetic lock Boots 3,450gp
Medpack 25gp
Vissual audio Recorder 850gp
Night vision Goggles 1,800gp
Recoil Glove 8,500gp
Rebreather 4,500gp
Gas mask 450gp
Gas mask Filter 50gp
Repair kit 350gp
Sisters of War Decreae 35gp
Sacred Machine Oil 50gp
Screamer 1000gp
Signal Jammer 9,500gp
Biometric Scanner 12,000gp
Spell Tomb 50gp
Stim Mk 1 50gp
Stim Mk 2 150gp
Stim Mk 3 450gp
Stim Mk 4 1,800gp
Stim Mk 5 9,000gp
Stummer 6,500gp
Symbol Of Authority 100gp
Radio Communicator 750gp
Web Shooter 10,000gp

Uncommon Advanced gear

Advanced Personal Assets Display

An Advanced Personal Assets Display is a device that the Early Techno crafters created during the Techno reviloution after seeing the monitoring systems of the Machine Host on Mechrohime they encountered during the Cosmic Crusade. This single hand held Tiny construct is linked to the Net, each registered APAD, can display many functions of ones life on the APAD. The APAD is capable of making text communications (like email or text) to any known APAN ID number, it holds a Contact list of IDs after first contact or the manual entering of the ID.

Another major function of the APAD is it can Be linked to an account with the Gold Trust Bank Allowing Quick transfers of funds from person to person, Many individuals use this device for that function only, as the gold trust bank will not devulge an individuals Personal economic information and that concept has been well guarded by House Khrysos since its founding. This however does not cover the security of any other information that may be passed over the net through the APAD. An APAD can be upgraded with other functions as well, like the functions of a APN, Voice and holo comunication as well as Visual/audio recorder or even a Bio monitor system. The APAD has an Energy life of 7 days after that you must plug it to a Power source and regain its energy at a rate of a day every 10 mins on charge.

Advanced Positional Node

An advance map and GPS unit, if uploaded with plenetery data you can plot grids and routes, see terrain maps and you may text other APN's over a encrypted or non encrypted networks. if plenetery data is not installed you can still plot routs and points with limited capability.

Advancerd Fiber Rope (50ft)

This rope is made of synthetic fibers it has 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 30 Strength check. 50' of Fiber rope weighs 5 lbs and has a load rating of 6000 lbs.

Life form Scanner

An Life form scanner is a versatile hand held scanner that can detect numerous phenomena with a high degree of accuracy.

Effect: Activated as a Combat Action to detect energy emissions, motion, and other life signs within 150ft.


Often said to be the true weapon of the scribe, the arcane inner workings of an Auto-Quill can quickly and accurately copy, produce, or forge documents.

Effect: gain advantage on any checks made to forge or alter documents.

Auto Scribe

an auto scribe is a literature Servo skull

Effect: See Auto scribe in the sevo skull section of this book.

Ballistic Appeasement

this device contains sophisticated machine spirits that interface with and enact the Technocus’s blessings upon a weapon. This helps restore a jammed weapon to function and appeases the weapon’s war spirit.

Effect: you may ignore 1 Misfire, you regain the use of this after a short rest and a brief Prayer.

Renown Clothing 1-5

Common clothing consists of religious vestments, uniforms, or protective worker’s overalls. It is unusual for an individual to have a choice in their clothing, tied as it is to their purpose in serving the Empire. Clothing of a higher Rarity is a sign of status, and may grant small situational bonuses when making social Skill checks

Effect: add a +1 bonus for each level of clothing to all Persuasion, deception and intimidation checks made when wearing them.


Ubiquitous among the Machine host, Mountian Haflings and the Dwarfs, these versatile devices are the right tool for virtually every technical job.

Effect: You gain a +2 on all checks made to, repair, maintain, and sabotage technology.

Chaplet Ecclesiasticus

This religious symbol is an holy icon hung upon a cord of adamantine beads. Some orders of the Sisters of war place each bead on the cord as a representation of acts of penance.

Effect: The Chaplet can be used as a Symbol of Authority, see Symbol of authority. Furthermore this may be used as a grotte.

Data Scroll

Common throughout the Empire, but originaly found with the machine host on Mechrohime, the simple cogitation engine within a Data Scroll can hold a wealth of information, from personal journals to Historical texts to the collected tech patterns of the Machine host.

Effect: You can record any information transferable from a cogitator, such as local maps, familial records, or Factory outputs, onto your Data scroll as well as you can bring up a key pad to type and right notes on a blank page or use a stylist to wright and the its translated to text. each Data Scroll can hold a small library worth of text on just one Data Scroll.

Biometric Scanner

This sensitive medical devise that monitors a patient’s health and biorhythms and aids in the diagnosis of virtually any physical ailment.

Effect: Gain advantage on Tests to detect and diagnose diseases, injuries, and ailments, and to determine cause of death

Lamp pack

Most portable glow-globes, sometimes called "lamp packs," are roughly the size of a clenched fist and can shine strong, yellowish light a dozen or so metres in width, lasting roughly five solar hours before their power pack needs recharging or replacing.

Effect: this emits bright light in all directions out to 30ft and dim light out to 60ft, this takes a charge pack and lasts for 8 Hours of constant use and 1 hour to charge.

Grapnel & line

A combination of clip-harness and gas-powered pistol, this can fire a hook or magnetic clasp attached to a thin, strong wire at an overhead target up to 300ft away.

Effect: an attack roll it required if the target is more then 150ft you have disadvantage on the attack, if the attack hit the grapnel attaches to the desired spot such as a rooftop, a user can manually climb the line or activate a powered winch that can lift the user roughly 15ft per round. Common sets can hold 250Lbs.

Hand-held targeter

A hand-held targeter is a small device used in most forces of the Empire. It is capable of detecting ranges to targets using optical sights for zooming, prediction systems for firing, and so on. It is commonly used by spotters assisting with artillery fire.

Effect: A creature with a hand-held targeter may spend its action to grant another character advantage on its next ranged attack.

Army Issue Mess Kit

This compact kit unpacks into a bowl, plate, microstove, canteen, and full set of utensils, allowing the user to reheat ration packs or cook simple meals from ingredients scavenged in the field. A mess kit also contains a week’s worth of ration packs and water purification tablets.

Effect: Gain advantage on Survival checks made to find or prepiar food and water.


This advanced arrangement of lenses and prisms functions as a visual aid.

Effect: Gain Advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight made with Magnoculars.

Maglock Boots

Heavy and bulky, these oversized boots contain electromagnets. They allow the wearer to adhere to metallic surfaces such as exterior hull plating, and are often found in voidship emergency lockers. Magboots reduce the character’s movement by 10ft, but allows him to move normally when in low or zero-gravity areas, provided there is a suitable metallic surface to walk upon

Effect: Can be activated as a bonus action, if this is done you may not be Knocked Prone, lifted off or pushed on a metal surface When when wearing these boots the character’s movement is reduced by 10ft, but allows him to move normally when in low or zero-gravity areas, provided there is a suitable metallic surface to walk upon.


This is essentialy the basic first aid kit of the Imperium

Effects: This kit has five uses. as an action you may expend one use to get a + 5 on the wisdom (Medicine) check to stabalize a dying creature.

Visual Audio Recorder

A relatively simple recording device, Video recorders or pictuers can capture audiovisual media. Most models can also display recorded data on integrated screens, with advanced models using holographic imagery. There are also Specialised mono task servitors called Holo mechrobots are essentially ambulatory recorders, brought on hazardous events or missions to autonomously capture occurrences for later codifying.

Night vision goggles

These can be worn as corneal lenses or as outer eyewear, and amplifies any low-level light to allow the wearer to see as if normal lighting was present.

Effect: Characters wearing these may see in the dark at 60ft as if it where bright light and dim light out to 120ft.

Recoil Glove

This heavy gauntlet uses interlocking plates laced with memory wire to stiffen in a protective grip, absorbing the shock from powerful hand weapons

Effect: you may fire two-Handed Rapidfire and assault weapons with one hand


Respirators take many forms: a flexible polyplas hood, a visored helmet, or a sophisticated face-mask. They use replaceable oxygen canisters and internal breath recyclers to protect the wearer from hostile atmospheres and toxic gasses.

Effect: A Respirator canister lasts for 2 hours of continuous breathing. Whilst breathing through the Respirator, you are immune to breathable poisons and toxic atmospheres.


These devices store and recycle breathable air via a mask and external supply tank.

Effect The user to immune to toxic atmospheres, even allowing him to survive underwater. The air canister lasts only for about one hour and then must be replaced, which takes a Full Action.

Repair kit/Tool Bag

a basic kit for Vehicle and construct stabilization.

Effect: This kit has five uses. as an action you may expend one use to get a + 5 on whatever artisans tools is used to make the check to Normalize a dying Vehicle or construct.

Sisters of war decree

This small book details the traditions and beliefs of the Sisters of war. Many customise the books to reflect the individual nature of their Order.

Effect: If you are sister of War, you can read the Rule of the sisters as part of a short rest to Gain 1 Divine Corruption point.

Sacred Machine Oil

Blessed by Tecknocus, this oil has considerable value to the Machine host. It is said that this oil has properties to soothe an agitated machine spirit.

Effect: as an action you may apply one use of this to an Imperial construct or device, ignore the first critical failure when making checks involving the technology, in any scene (including combat missfires).


These proximity alarms set off a piercing wail when they detect intruders. Screamers can detect sound, movement, and even odours.

Effect: To activate, the player must succeed on a DC 10 Tecnology test, but the GM rolls this test in secret; players will not know how well the device is working until later on. Once set, a screamer has a passive Perception of 20 for the purposes of detecting sounds or motions. If it detects an intruder, it sounds its alarm, which can be heard anywhere out to 1/2 Mile. Doors, walls, and other barriers reduce the alarm’s range.

Signal Jammer

As the name suggests, Basic models are overt and obvious, such that the transmitting agencies know they are being jammed. Sophisticated versions emit precisely-tuned frequencies that dampen out transmissions without anyone detecting the action.

Effect: This device acts to overpower local vox, data, or other transmissions within a range of roughly 1/2 Mile.

Bio Monitor

This Data-Slate is typically incorporated into an armoured forearm bracer or gauntlet. It monitors the wearer’s vital signs, showing the pulse rate and health matrix of the wearer.

Effect: Targets healing you may Add + 1HP per die to all healing the bearer received.

Spell tomb

This well crafted leather bound book often with a clasp. usually made by its writer tombs very in size shape and craftsmanship.

Stim Mk 1-5

A cocktail of high-tech combat drugs, often stored in a single-use injector, come in different grades of potency.

Effect: If in hand can be used as a bonus action to heal 1D4+4 Hit points per MK level, to a creature within touch range.


The reverse of a screamer, a stummer blankets sound within 15ft through sonic detection and dampening projectors.

Effect: A character carrying an active stummer gains a +10 bonus to Stealth checks. A stummer typically has enough power for 20 minutes of continuous use before needing to be recharged, a process that takes about one hour and requires a power source.

Symbol Of Authority

A badge, ring, seal, rosette, amulet or otherwise to indicate that the bearer should be taken seriously by those familiar with the hierarchy of their culture.

Effect: you gain +2 on all Persuasion, deception and intimidation. versus targets who would respect your position.

Radio Communicator

Portable wireless communications technology is often a necessity for operatives that split up or report to a higher power. comes in a short wave and a long wave versions

Local Comms

This hand held walkie talky like Device may be set to different frequencies, upon keying of the rune you may speack into the device and it will be broadcasted on that frequency.

Effect: As a object interaction You can communicate with anyone within 10 kilometer (6 Mile ) that has a Radio Communicator unit tuned to the same frequency.

This device can also be found in a ear piece Small enough to fit comfortably in an ear canal and sensitive enough to pick up the wearer’s voice, operatives often use these devices to communicate in whispers over distances to coordinate actions.

Long Range Comms

A bulging backpack of wireless and radio technologies, these communications units operate over large distances and on multiple wave bands simultaneously, and as such are favored by battlefield commanders and assistants to large Imperial retinues.

Effect: You can communicate with anyone within 100 Kilometers (around 62 Miles) that has a Radio Communicator unit tuned to the same frequency.

Web shooter

Effect: When this device is used, you can use an object interaction in conjunction with an attack action to shoot a stream of sticky Adhesive out of a gun. Make a ranged attack against a creature of size large or smaller that is within 30 feet of you. You add your proficiency bonus and Dexterity modifier to this attack roll. If you hit, the creature is restrained by the webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can make a Strength saving throw to break free from the webbing. The effect ends if the adhesive is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 5 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning damage, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.

Rare Gear

Item Cost
Arcane Focus Varies
Arcane Hood (Novice) 7,000gp
Arcane Hood (Adept) 18,000gp
Arcane Hood (Master) 34,000gp
Camo clock 14,000gp
Comm leech 16,000gp
Grav Chute 25,000gp
Jump Pack 45,500gp
Null Rod 18,000gp
Thermo Goggles 22,000gp
Thermo Balancing suit 55,500gp
Void Suit 80,000gp

Arcane Focus

The Arcane Focus vary wildly in appearance, some may take the form of a rod or staff, while others may simply appear to be a ‘lucky charm’ or a special deck of the Emperor’s Tarot. Arcane focuses allow a caster to focus there arcane powers through an item allowing for greater success in harnessing the proper arcane energies needed to manifest the spell. This item has 3 grades, increasing it potency an visual adornments with each grade.

Effect: The user of an Arcane focus may add + 1 to all harness the arcane tests for each level your focus is.

Arcane Hood

The Arcane Hood is an Imperial arcane device that is utilized by many Arcane users to protect the wearer against the unpredictable and corrupt nature of the Arcane. An Arcane Hood renders the wearer capable of nullifying the effects that other casters have on the astral sea. Most importantly, Distinguished by the trademark metal hood and arcanium inlay, an Arcane Hood uses a set of interwoven, intricately-aligned arcanium crystals to nullify the effects of an arcane peril. This item has 3 grades, increasing it potency an visual adornments with each grade.

Arcane Hood (Novice): The Bearer of a Novice Arcane hood may use Arcane charges at the cost of one charge to add +1 to the ability check made during any arcane denial, weather to counter or resist a counter, when this is done you may only use a number of charges on this feature equal to half your intelligence bonus (round up). Furthermore when wearing a Novice Arcane Hood you may ignore 1 Arcane Peril, the use of this recharges after you have preformed a short rest.

Arcane Hood (Adept): The Bearer of a Adept Arcane hood may use Arcane charges at the cost of one charge to add +2 to the ability check made during any arcane denial, weather to counter or resist a counter, when this is used you may use a number of charges on this feature equal to half your intelligence bonus (round up). Furthermore when wearing a Adept Arcane Hood you may ignore 2 Arcane Peril, the use of this recharges after you have preformed a short rest.

Arcane Hood (Master): The Bearer of a Master Arcane hood may use Arcane charges at the cost of one charge to add +3 to the ability check made during any arcane denial, weather to counter or resist a counter, when this is used you may use a number of charges on this feature equal to your intelligence bonus. Furthermore when wearing a Master Arcane Hood you may ignore 3 Arcane Peril, the use of this recharges after you have preformed a short rest.

Camo clock

Camo-cloaks are hooded cloaks composed of a mesh backing, woven with thousands of ribbons of colour shifting and light-absorbing material, weaved for its durability and ability to help hide the wearer.

The Camo Cloak is coated with an absorbent material called Cameleoline which takes on the colouration of the surroundings giving, the wearer a great deal of individual concealment and when used by elite stealth experts it can give the wearer near perfect concealment.

Effect: You gain advantage on all stealth checks against sight based perception checks. If after modifiers, you roll a 20 or higher, treated as if invisible and cannot be detected by sight. if the character Charges, Runs, or makes an Attack action, the effect immediately ends.

Comm leech

A somewhat heretical item in the eyes of the machine host, these tap into Coms signals or data transmissions.

Effect: After making a successful Technology check (with the GM setting the difficulty based on the situation and signal), the user can use it to receive a signal or transmission within 1 mile for a number of minutes equal to his intel bonus. If the character fails by a number greater than his Intelligence bonus, the sender and receiver of the signal become aware that someone is attempting to tap in.


A backpack sized anti-gravitic device that can control a fall from nearly any height, including sub-orbital altitudes. It allows Imperial troops to float safely to a landing on a column of anti-gravitic force. A gravchute emits a suspensor field that counters the force of gravity at the particle level, and two small Petroleum fueled thrusters to provide some directional control.

Effect: As a reaction while falling, this may be activated to slow descent speed to 10 ft per round or hover and remove falling damage. You can hover or control a fall for up to one hour. You can recharge the Grav-Chute’s solar battery by leaving it in sunlight for one hour.

Jump pack

A large backpack sized thruster device that can control a fall like a grave chute but it may be used to make controlled trust in in a direction, It allows Troops to manuver with fast and savage attacks.

You may now jump up to 60ft up and 60ft forward and you gain the slow fall feature Below. During your turn, If you don't end the flight on a hard surface you may fly 30ft up and 30ft forward and make one Pivot per turn this may only be done for 5 rounds consecutively and then the Pack needs to be vented for 1 rounds. If your in a zero gravity environment, you can fly up to 60ft normally and no venting is needed. At level 10 you may vent as a bonus action.

Slow Fall: you can use your Reaction when you fall to reduce any Falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your level. If you are venting you may not apply the effects of Slow fall.

Null Rod

null rod Few things invoke terror as much as a rouge arcanist calling on the unholy or ruinous powers of the astral sea to twist reality and rend souls. While faith in the Emperor and the Divines is always essential, a null rod can also be effective in negating such threats. Most null rods appear as short obsidian cylinders, often crawling with arcane icons and glyphs.

Effect: Each Rod has 5 Charges and as a reaction can dampen the powers of any psykers within 30ft, allowing you to deny the witch at the cost of one charge it is always cast at level 1 and you may add the wielders Wisdom bonus to the test made to resist a spell of levels higher then 1st.

Thermo Goggles

The thermo sensitive technology within these goggles grants the wearer the ability to see heat signatures even in the dark.

Effect: You ignore any penalties to Tests due to visual conditions aginst targets with a body temp sgnificntly different then its surroundings.

Thermo Balancing Suit

Synskin is a bio-reactive body glove with an inert non-reflective surface that moulds itself to the wearer’s form.

Effect: You gain advantage on all stealth checks against sight based perception checks. It also renders the wearer invisible to the use Thermal vision. This counts as clothes that have an AC of 11 no Max Dex, some armors can be worn over a void suit omitting the armor value of it, for the armor worn over it.

Void Suit

Found in various styles and states of disrepair in voidship storage compartments, a Seald Suit protects the wearer from the rigors of low atmospheric pressure and hard vacuum.

Effect: Protects the wearer from the vacuum of space, with enough oxygen for five hours of continuous use and it Includes a radio communicator. This counts as clothes that have an AC of 11 no Max Dex, some armors can be worn over a void suit omitting the armor value of it, for the armor worn over it.