Wizard: Extradimensionalist

by WarrenTheHero

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School of Extradimensionalism

Planar magic is a rare practice of the Art that spans multiple Schools, all with the focus of crossing dimensional barriers to realms beyond. Some forms of Teleportaion are considered planar, as are many summoning spells and of course, high-order spells such as Plane Shift.

Contained within the study of Planar magic is extradimensionalism; all magic which stretches space into itself to create pockets of planar magic in the material world. As an Extradimensionalist, this is the magic you focus on primarily, shaping space to move around the battlefield and create refuge for yourself and your companion.

Unique among even Extradimensionalists, you have found an item of exceptional rarity: a Planar Seed. This powerful magical item allows you to shape and grow your own demiplane, eventually solidifying itself into a full and permanent plane of your own. As your magical power grows, so too does your plane and your ability to shape it.

Planar Seed

By second level, though perhaps before, you have acquired a nearly-unique magical item called a Planar Seed, which you have bonded with. The Planar Seed is in the shape of your choice, fits in the palm of your hand, and weighs 1,000 pounds, though it only weighs 1 pound while you carry it on your person. It might resemble a mundane object, a glowing golden orb, a crystalline hedron, an ever-shifting tessellation of a fourth-dimensional, or anything else you choose. It is always visibly magical, and radiates extremely powerful Conjuration magic under the scrutiny of Detect Magic. It also functions as an Arcane Focus for your spells.

While holding your Planar Seed, you can enact a 10-minute ritual to transport yourself and up to ten willing creatures of your choice within 10 feet to a demiplane connected to your Planar Seed. Due to its unstable nature, the demiplane forcibly ejects all creatures after 1 hour. The same ritual can transport creatures back early. If you are alone in your demiplane, you can stay indefinitely without it ejecting you. Once you have performed the ritual to transport yourself or others to the demiplane, you cannot do so again until you complete a Long Rest.

Your Demiplane

At second level, you can begin shaping the plane created by your Planar Seed. No matter what, your plane begins at a size no more than 20 feet in radius and has breathable air, a walkable surface, and ambient sourceless light. Beyond that, you can choose the specifics of your demimplane, such as whether the walkable surface is soil, stone, crystal, metal, or something else. You can also impart a day/night cycle (though it is too small for a sun/moon), whether it has plant and/or small animal life, and other similar features. You can also choose to have it be aligned with an Elemental Plane, such as being insufferably hot and engulfed in flame, be primarily filled with water, have very little physical substance and be made mostly of sky, or be a mostly-solid chunk of stone with some tunneling. You also choose whether a creature that

reaches the end of your plane finds its border simply impassible, or whether they end up on the opposite side of the plane.

You are never harmed by the natural environment of your demiplane such as flames or crushing depths.

As your power grows, so too shall your plane's, and the choices you make shape the plane's development. Seeding the plane with life now will allow it complex ecosystems later. Filling it with water might allow it to become truly oceanic, or having it be made predominantly of earth might create rich veins of ore and complex cavern networks.

Bag of Holding

Also at 2nd level, you've learned the simplest trick of Extradimensionalist magic: Making the interior of a space larger than its exterior. With 8 hours of work, you can transform a regular bag or satchel into a Bag of Holding, as described in the Dungeon Master's Guide. If you create a new Bag of Holding, all previous bags made with this feature lose their magic, ejecting any items over their mundane capacity.

Extradimensional Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy one of the following spells to your spellbook is halved:

Spell Level Extradimensional Spell
1 Catapult, Find Familiar, Longstrider, Unseen Servant
2 Arcane Lock, Enlarge/Reduce, Misty Step, Rope Trick
3 Blink, Catnap, Haste, Thunder Step
4 Banishment, Dimension Door, Leomund's Secret Chest, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
5 Far Step, Passwall, Planar Binding, Telekinesis, Teleportation Circle
6 Arcane Gate, Drawmij's Instant Summons, Guards and Wards, Scatter
7 Etherealness, Plane Shift, Reverse Gravity, Teleport, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
8 Control Weather, Demiplane, Maze, Mighty Fortress
9 Astral Projection, Gate, Imprisonment, Time Stop

Improved Demiplane

By 6th level, your continual work during your downtime to enhance your demiplane have borne fruit. Your Demiplane expands in size to a radius of 1 mile. The small decisions you made early in the life of your demiplane begin to develop outward. For example, choosing to seed life might mean your demiplane now boasts a small forest and a simple ecosystem, while an oceanic demiplane might have functioning tides and multiple depth zones and small biomes. You can also choose for your demiplane to contain simple structures, such as a scattering of houses or a small keep.

Your demiplane's improved stability now means that it won't eject outsiders other than you for up to 8 hours, and you can enact the transportation without limit if the only creature being transported is yourself (including your Familiar, if any).

Furthermore, your demiplane bends itself to provide enhanced comfort for you and your allies. Any creature that completes a Short Rest inside of your demiplane, if you wish, regains additional Hit Points equal to your Wizard level. Any of this healing that would go above a creature's maximum hit points becomes Temporary Hit Points instead.

Planar Shortcut

By 6th level, you've learned to use your connection to your Demiplane to bypass real space. As an Action, you can choose a place you can see within 120 feet. You then shift to a safe place within your demiplane. Then as a Bonus Action, you can shift out your demiplane to the chosen space, or the nearest available space if it is occupied. You are also automatically ejected to that space at the end of your next turn.

Once you have used Planar Shortcut, you cannot do so again until you complete a Long Rest, unless you spend a Spell Slot of second level or higher as part of Planar Shortcut's Action.

Planar Expansion

At 10th level, your demiplane has expanded into a fully-fledged, albeit small, plane, expanding to the size of a small planet. You choose whether it is flat or spherical; in either case it is about 2,500 miles in radius. It can now be traveled to with the Plane Shift spell, developing its own frequency for that spell's tuning fork component. As with Improved Demiplane, your earlier decisions about your plane expand into complete features. It can host a variety of environments from coasts to mountains to deserts to tundras, a vibrant ecosystem of many plants and animals, and devastating or profitable elemental effects throughout its elemental strata. While uninhabited by intelligent life, your plane can include more buildings such as castles and palaces, towns and cities, as well as temples, roads, bridges, and other structures you wish. You do not have to specifically plan out each city or building; the plane will create reasonable approximations.

All plants and animals in your plane are Charmed by you, and you can exert your will on its environment; you can cast Control Water, Control Weather, Fly, Move Earth, and Telekinesis while in your Plane without expending a spell slot, and these spells do not require your Concentration. These spells end immediately if you or your target leave the plane.

Finally, your plane no longer ejects people after a duration; it is self-stable and can be traveled to via your Planar Seed's ritual, or through Plane Shift or other planar magics. Your Planar Seed can always replace the material component for Plane Shift to your plane.

Collapse Space

As a 10th-level Extradimensionalist, you can compress the spacial dimensions of the world around you with the wave of your hand. As an Action, you can choose two creatures you can see, possibly including yourself, each within 120 feet of

you. You collapse the space between the two creatures, causing them to end adjacent to each other; each is moved in a straight line, irrespective of obstacles or creatures, until they are adjacent to each other. If there is an obstacle in the space they would meet, such as creature or object, instead the pair are placed to one side or the other of the obstruction (your choice); the targets must always end adjacent to each other.

An unwilling creature can attempt a Charisma Save against your Spell Save DC to avoid being moved. If one target succeeds and the other is willing or fails, the latter is moved in a straight line to a space adjacent to the former.

You can also use Collapse Space as a Reaction when you make an attack or cast a spell. If you do so, you collapse the space between your effect and your target, not counting the first 120 feet of distance between you and your target. For example, you could cast Shocking Grasp on a creature 120 feet away, or Fire Bolt on a creature 240 feet away.

You can use Collapse Space a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all uses when you finish a Long Rest.

Planar Fulfillment

At 14th level, your continual work to improve your plane has reached its apex. Your plane has reached its ultimate form, expanding in size to that of an entire star system, albeit a small one. Your plane features one world, which is the fullest development of what your plane has been growing so far. It can feature continents, oceans, and all the landforms and diversity of life that accompanies such things. Your plane features one or two small stars which the planet orbits around, as well as up to three moons that orbit the planet. You choose whether the gaps between these celestial bodies is an empty vacuum or airlike aether. The night sky of your plane is populated by pinprick gaps in the outermost edge of your plane which look like stars, each corresponding to a different plane or demiplane.

Alternatively, if your plane has elemental influence, it becomes a miniature version of the plane it takes influence from. Though not infinite in scope like the grander elemental planes, it is still an exemplary and unique incarnation of its form. An earthen plane might host planet-sized mountains moving in close contact to each other allowing one to step from one to the other, while an air plane might be a near-infinite blue sky with powerful air currents connecting planetoid to planetoid in a faster than light jetstream.

In addition, if you wish, your plane spontaneously creates several hundred intelligent humanoids. The time dilation as your plane goes through its final growing pains allows these peoples to have developed a working and complex society over several generations. You can subtly influence the development of these cultures if you wish. These humanoids might instinctively recognize you as the creator of their world and treat you as such, though they are not automatically Charmed like other beings native to your plane.

Finally, while on your plane, you can cast Wish without expending a spell slot, though the results of these castings can only ever effect your plane itself and its native denizens. When cast this way, you never suffer 'Wish Stress' for a non-duplication effect.

Planar Portal

At 14th level, you can conduct your Planar Seed's transportation ritual any number of times per day, and the ritual only takes 1 minute rather than 10. When you conduct this ritual, you can create a two-way portal within 10 feet of you which is 100 feet in diameter and links directly to a point of your choice on your plane. If created on your plane, the portal links to your last physical location on the Material Plane, if there is space for it. The portal lasts for 1 hour or until you close it as an action, though once you have created this portal, you cannot do so again until you complete a Long Rest.

Designed By: Warren The Hero
Inspired By: Planeshifter from Tome of Magic for D&D 3.5
Image Credits: Dream.AI