Strategist Class

by CaliusShontor

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Strategist Class
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 First Strike, Strategist Save DC
2nd +2 Strategems
3rd +2 Strategist Archetype
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Terrain Movement
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement
7th +3 Strategist Archetype Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Improved Movement
10th +4 Strategist Archetype Feature
11th +4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Elusive Tactics
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 Strategist Archetype Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Strategic Retreat
18th +6 Strategist Archetype Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Strategem Overload

A group of enemies are felled by a barrage of fire arrows. A strong wind destroys the enemy encampment. The Ogre gets ambushed on his way to attack a carriage. A Strategist is someone who has learned how to make strategems, magical strategies conjured from books, become a reality.

Quick Build

First make Intelligence your highest stat followed by Dexterity and choose the Scholar background.

Hit Points

As a Strategist you gain the following features.

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Strategist level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Strategist level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium armor, shields Weapons: Simple Weapons, Shortbow, Crossbow

Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies Vehicles: Chariot and Carriage

Saving Throws: Intelligence and Constitution

Skills: Choose two from History, Arcana, Animal Handling, Survival, Persuasion, Investigation, Deception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) any simple weapon or (b) Shortbow with 20 arrows
  • (a) scale mail armor or (b) leather armor
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

First Strike

When successfully hitting a target using a melee weapon attack or ranged weapon attack all cantrip and spell attacks against the target have advantage until the start of your next turn.

Strategist Save DC

Intelligence is your ability score when using your Strategist abilities. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for Intelligence abilities. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

At Level 2


Strategems are parts of bigger shcemes that have been used throughout historic battles to gain the upper hand. You may use a strategem as many times as your proficiency bonus meaning they are Strategy Points. Strategy points recharge on a short or long rest. At the end of the document is a list of strategems that you can use each with its own abilities. You are able to learn Strategems equal to your intelligence modifier.

Strategists who follow the way of war and conquering kingdoms choose a Study. Strategists who choose to become terrors on the battlefield become Warlords. Strategists who choose to claim the throne for themselves become Usurpers. Strategists whom focus on manipulating battles through decoys are Marionetttes.

Terrain Movement

At Level 5 the Strategist becomes an expert at utilizing and manipulating the battlefield. As an action gain advantage on saving throws against difficult terrain and ignore difficult terrain when moving. Additionally, the Strategist can use their bonus action to change the difficult terrain in a 20-foot radius centered on themselves into normal terrain for 1 minute. Usable equal to your proficiency bonus.

Improved Movement

At Level 9 the when activating Terrain Movement you can use your bonus action to improve your movement speed and climbing speed, they are doubled plus you get additional protection from cover when hiding behind objects. Usable once per long rest.

Elusive Tactics

The Strategist gains proficiency in Dexterity saving throws. Additionally, when the Strategist is targeted by a melee or ranged attack, they can use their reaction to force the attacker to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to the Strategist's save DC). On a failed save, the attack automatically misses. Usable once per long rest.

Strategic Retreat

The Strategist excels at disengaging from combat and granting their allies an opportunity to escape. When the Strategist uses the Disengage action, all allies within 30 feet can also use their reaction to Disengage without provoking opportunity attacks. Additionally, the Strategist's Disengage distance is doubled.

Strategem Overload

The Strategist has become a master of Strategems. No strategems points are used when using Strategems and they become unlimited.


Some Strategists have full understanding for the art of war. You gain proficiency in heavy armor.

Tactical Awareness

At Level 7 The Warlord's tactical instincts become finely honed. The Warlord has advantage on initiative rolls and can't be surprised. Additionally, they can use their reaction to make an opportunity attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within their reach. Usable once per long rest.

Vehicle Riding

At Level 10 The Warlord has learned to ride combat vehicles like the Chariot. A Chariot costs 20 GP and 1 day to construct. The Chariot has 20 HP and 17 AC and a movement speed of 60ft and deals damage equal to what the charger feat imposes and can be ridden by any of the Warlord's companions. The Warlord also can cast the Find Steed spell with no need for components. All attacks made from the Chariot have advantage on attack rolls and damage rolls.

War Cry

At Level 15 The Warlord has learned to use their voice to empower their allies. All allies on the battlefield can add the Warlord's proficiency bonus to all attack rolls. Usable once per long rest.

War Tent

At Level 18 The Warlord has learned to create a magical tent that cannot be torn or burned down by magic or fire. It is capable of holding 7 medium creatures inside. While inside creatures have advantage on Perception checks. The magical tent lasts until the Warlord becomes incapacitated or loses concentration. Usable once per long rest.


Some Strategists learn how trickery and the fall of Kingdoms take place. You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills if not already proficient. If already proficient you gain expertise in the skills.

Whispered Secrets

At Level 7 the Usurper gains the ability to plant subtle suggestions within the minds of others. When the Usurper uses their reaction, they can telepathically speak a secret encouragement or warning to the target. The target gains advantage or disadvantage on its next saving throw, ability check, or attack roll, as determined by the Usurper. Usable once per long rest.

Puppet Master

At Level 10 the Usurper can exert control over another creature's actions. As an action, the Usurper can target one creature they can see within 60 feet. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to the Strategist save DC). On a failed save, the Usurper can force the target to take one action of the Usurper's choice on its next turn. Usable once per long rest.

Tangled Webs

At Level 15 the Usurper has learned the tactic of manipulation. When making a Deception check the Usurper can pick three targets to manipulate. The targets must make a Wisdom saving throw versus the Strategist save DC. On a failed save the targets immediately become convinced to commit an action that the Usurper chooses. Every turn the target can attempt to break free or be attacked to break free. Usable once per long rest.

Ultimate Control

At Level 18 the Usurper can command absolute allegiance from those they successfully deceive. As an action, the Usurper can choose up to three creatures they can see within 60 feet. Each chosen creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to the Strategist save DC). On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed by the Usurper for 1 hour. This charm ends if the Usurper or one of their allies causes harm to the charmed creature.


Strategists that learn to use decoys to distract the enemy become Marionettes. At level three the Strategist learns how to summon a 5 HP 12 AC decoy that forces targets within 15ft to make Wisdom saving throws or be drawn to attack the decoy.

List of Strategems

  • Flanking Maneuver: As an action Spend 1 strategem point to make a creature get disadvantage on a saving throw.
  • Tactical Retreat: As an acation Spend 1 strategem point to use Disengage as a bonus action.
  • Feigned Weakness: As a bonus action Spend 1 strategem point to impose disadvantage on an enemy's attack roll against you or an ally within 30 feet until the start of your next turn.
  • Misdirection: As a bonus action Spend 1 strategem point to redirect the damage of a successful hit from one creature to another within 5 feet of the target.
  • Ambush Tactic: As an action Spend 1 strategem point to double an allies sneak attack or smite damage against a surprised creature.
  • Shrewd Negotiation: As an action Spend 1 strategem point to gain advantage on a Charisma (Persuasion) check during negotiations for up to a minute.
  • Man The Posts: As an action spend 1 strategem point to grant an ally advantage on their death saving throws. Lasts for 1 minute.
  • Arrow Swarm: As an action spend 1 strategem point to create a protective barrier of falling arrows that grants allies within 5ft +2 to their Armor Class for 3 rounds of combat. Enemies caught within the arrow swarm are dealt 3d6 damage.
  • Poison Mist: As a bonus action spend 1 strategem point to create a mist of poison, range of 50ft. Any creature within 5ft of the mist must make a Constitution saving throw versus your Strategist save DC or become poisoned for 3 rounds of combat.
  • Resolute Defense: As an action spend 1 strategem point cause your allies hit points to not drop below zero until the start of your next turn.
  • Swift Raid: As an action spend 1 strategem point to teleport an ally to any square 25ft from their current location.
  • Confiscate: As an action spend 1 strategem point to take the weapon and armor of any creature within 15ft of you that fails a Strength saving throw versus your Strategist save DC for 3 rounds of combat.
  • Wind Blows: As an action spend 1 strategem point to make the weather blow strong winds incapictating any creature that fails a Strength throw verus your Strategist save DC until the start of your next turn.
  • Blizzard: As an action spend 1 strategem point to cause snow to fall covering the ground in ice turning it into difficult terrain for 3 rounds of combat.
  • Advance: As a bonus action spend 1 strategem point to double the movement, climbing and flight speeds of your allies until the start of your next turn.
  • Osmosis: As an action spend 1 strategem point to grant you and up to five allies the ability to see any invisible creature whether it be a magical effect or not. Lasts for 1 minute.
  • Engineering Bridge: As an action spend 1 strategem point to make a bridge appear that is 15ft wide and 50ft long that is able to be folded and is a vehicle that weights 25lbs. Lasts for 1 minute.
  • Encourage: As a bonus action spend 1 strategem point to encourage the actions of allies within 15ft of you for 1 minute. During the duration all skill checks have advantage as long as the effect lasts.
  • Back into the Fight: As a bonus action spend 1 strategem point to absolve up to 3 allies from any ailment.
  • Improve Morale: As an action spend 1 strategem point to give up to 5 allies temporary hit points equal to half your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier.
  • Indomitable: As a bonus action spend 1 strategem point to prevent you and up to 5 allies from being grappled. Lasts for 1 minute.
  • March: As an action spend 1 strategem point to grant you and 5 allies the ability to walk through tough terrain as though it was normal terrain.
  • Tactless Taunt: As a bonus action spend 1 strategem point to target a creature to taunt. The targeted creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw versus your Strategist save DC or be taunted to attack another creature of your choosing for up to 3 rounds of combat.
  • Striking Viper: As a bonus action spend 1 strategem point for you and up to 5 allies to have advantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn.
  • Phantom Soldier: As an action spend 1 strategem point to make a Phantom soldier appear within 25ft from you. The phantom soldier cannot attack, but can perform simple tasks such as blocking doorways and closing and opening doors. Has an AC equal to your Strategist Save DC and disappears after being attacked.
  • Capture Target: As an action spend 1 strategem point to make a magical rope appear around a target to immobilize them. The target must succeed a Charisma saving throw versus your Strategist Save DC or have their movement reduced to 0 unable to move.
  • Recover Wounds: As an action spend 1 strategem point to target you and up to 5 creatures to heal for 1d6 plus your intelligence as an one time action.

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