Orb of Whispers Rulebook [B/X]

by ZZ1Lord

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Orb of Whispers

Solve the riddles and secrets of a mystical world

Find yourselves buried in the conflicts of denizens from places lost

Across ancient temples and dark Corridors

A Thrilling historic fantasy world compatible with the Old-School board game

Dungeons & Dragons B/X Ruleset

Written by ZZ'Lord
Any use of third party content in the document is for personal, non-profit and entertainment purposes only.


The Orb of Whispers invites you in the roads of wonder and danger, It is a world of Quest Seekers, mythical creatures and lost histories. Become entrepreneurs on this untamed world Rife with intrigue, secrets and magic. A land plagued by the indecisive nature of the passions at the midst of it's transition, where the minds of people are being tempered with the heated iron of change. Some defying change and seek comfort in the spoils of the past. Wild regions abound. City-states, confederacies, and kingdoms of various sizes dot the landscape, but beyond their borders the wilds crowd in. People know the area they live in well. They've heard stories of other places from merchants and travelers, but few know what lies beyond the mountains or in the depths of the great forest unless they've been there themselves. Your adventures takes you through unexplored territory, ancient crypts and ecosystems of wild monsters who call castle rubble their home and eventually find yourselves entangled to conflicts that affect the agenda of vicious cutthroats and mighty factions.
Discover Lost treasures : Explore a vast network of vast tunnels, Corrupted temples and ancient civilizations. Use your wits to find Hidden secrets or die trying.
take lead in moral choices: ​The world is alive with real people and real problems. Ask probing questions, make insightful observations, or express your wildest desires as an adventurer or something completely different.
Make your way from adventure to adventure : Become part of a story where the flow of chaos narrates wild and unpredictable outcomes.
Gloomy and intense atmosphere : Passages filled with terror but also curious discoveries, the Orb of Whispers will entertain and terrify those who dare to explore its vast landscapes.

What's in store?

Unique Backgrounds : Social backgrounds that can offer starting equipment spells and languages, as well as give creative solutions and opportunities outside the boundaries of the rules.
New Classes : Demi-humans from B/X are replaced with new Demi-human Classes that occupy the Orb and introducing the Dragonborn Demi-human class and Human Beastmaster Class.

New to old-school gaming?

Newer RPGs (i.e. post-2000) tend to work from a different set of design principles and have somewhat different play expectations than old-school games. Players who are familiar with newer RPGs but not with the old-school style of play may find these documents useful
Principia Apocrypha - Ben Milton, Steven Lumpkin, and David Perry
Quick Primer for Old School Gaming - Matthew Finch

Sources of inspiration

These books, films, and music inspired the creation of The Orb of Whispers They are a great place to pick up a mental portfolio for the adventure.

Films :

Peresvet & Osliambia - (Russian Orthodox Cartoon)
Δοξόμπους - Φώτος Λαμπρινός
Excalibur (1981) - John Boorman
The Mummy - Stephen Sommers
Witchfinder General - Michael Reeves

Books and art :

Conan the Barbarian - Robert E. Howard
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Various Stories
The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan
The Witcher - Andrzej Sapkowski
Olaus Magnus - art collection
Siyah Qalam "The Black Pen" - art collection
Κρύπτες & Καθάρματα (Crypts and Creeps) - Φώτης Ηλιόπουλος

Music :

Άγρια Φυλή
Synaulia - Music of Ancient Rome
Mythscribe - Wanderings Of Cursed Halls


The Orb of Whispers was influenced by content from which may reflect ethnic, racial, and gender prejudice that were commonplace in times past, These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today but to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed. diversity is a strength and it's a golden rule to make the table as welcoming and inclusive as possible!

Character Creation

Here you can find some additional rules for character creation.


the character also are assumed to start the game with a set of plain clothes, i.e. a tunic, belt, a belt-pouch and a pair of shoes

Clothing Cost
Gloves, leather 5 gp
Tabard 5 gp
Belt 1 gp
Hat, felt 1 gp
Hat, wide-brimmed 1 gp
Hat, fur (nomadic) 1 gp
Hat, luxurious 25 gp
Scythian cap 5 sp
Wool cape 3 gp
Cloak 2 gp
Boots, soft 2 gp
Boots, tough 3 gp
Boots, high 3 gp
Nomadic costume 2 gp
tunic 5gp
Tunic, decorated 25gp
Shoes, leather 1gp
Mantle 3 gp
Mantle, luxurious 100 gp

Name, Class and background

You may have been thinking about this all during the character creation process, but now it's time to give your character their name and class and background, traits which makes them a real character.
Choose a name carefully. It should represent the character in some way, or at least be a name you like.
Names can be what sound cool to you, playing on words or using literal names is a good way to go, further list of names can be found below.
Choose a class based on your resulted ability scores, The original classes can be found in the Basic Rulebook.
Demi-humans in the books are replaced by all new Demi-humans to fit the setting of the Orb of Whispers found on further pages, inside this rulebook you can also find new classes, The Human Beastmaster and Demi-Human Dragonborn.


If your character is a spellcaster, they will also need to equip themselves with the spells they know. Magic-users have one spell slot and know two spell at their first level of experience, while clerics learn their first spell at second level. Magic-users also need to have spell books to record the spells they know, The magic-user has two spells recorded in their spell book, Read Magic and one powerful magic spell which is rolled for. They obtain more spells as they gain levels.

d4 Spell
1 Charm Person
2 Magic Missile
3 Sleep
4 Shield

A magic-user's first spell book is free, a gift of the wizard who taught them. Clerics do not need spell books.


Whether the player characters have a future ahead of them is something uncertain, but each of them had a past. The background doesn't describe the character's current profession, which is of course that of an adventurer, but it gives us information about his life before he took to adventuring. For example, a character may once have been a noble, but has now lost his title or land and become an adventurer.
Elements such as the character's previous social class, occupation, skills and knowledge acquired are extracted from their background, which is usually nothing more than a descriptive word.
A new character's background can be determined by rolling dice on the tables below, in the columns corresponding to the social class they have rolled. Some of the backgrounds (Artisan, Scholar, etc.) have additional options. We assume that the characters have sufficient skills and knowledge relevant to their background: they are likely to come in handy during the game. Additionally, some backgrounds grant the character additional languages, items, or additional starting spells.

Define your Character's social class

2d6 Social Class
2-7 Plebian
8-10 Professional
11-12 Lord

d20 Plebian
1 Almsman
2 Bandit
3 Barbarian
4 Burglar
5 Charlatan
6 Escort
7 Farmer
8 Fisherman
9 Grave Robber
10 Heavy Worker
11 Hermit
12 Hunter
13 Monk
14 Nomad
15 Phalangite*
16 Pirate
17 Ruffian
18 Shaman
19 Slave
20 Woodsman

d10 Professional
1 Acolyte
2 Artisan
3 Bard
4 Exorcist
5 Head Hunter
6 Healer
7 Merchant
8 Mercenary
9 Sailor
10 Soldier

d4 Lord
1 Knight
2 Noble
3 Scholar
4 Soldier**

*check the Soldier background
**With the rank of Count


Acolytes belong to the clergy of a religion or cult. A priest has specialized knowledge about the cult he follows, while enjoying appreciation and respect among his co-religionists. The exact religion will be determined by the player in agreement with the DM and depending on the time. There is a 1 in 6 chance that the character belonged to a heretical faith.


Almsmen are wanderers who, between various menial jobs and petty crimes, live primarily on the alms of others. While this was often due to some illness or misfortune that left them unable to work, the majority of adventurers with this background were simply louses or tramps raised on the streets.


The various barbarian tribes continue to survive isolated from civilization, in inaccessible mountains or dense forests. A barbarian may feel uncomfortable in a city, but they are hardy, courageous, and possess keen hunting and survival instincts. Characters with a barbarian background know the language of their tribe.

d6 Barbarian tribe
1 Hyperboreans
2 Varangians
3 Goths
4 Cimmerians
5 Alans
6 Xiongnu


Itinerant teller of stories and legends. Their often exaggerated narratives are done in a figurative and artistic way and usually accompanied by a musical instrument. Bards frequent inns, celebrations and manorial courtyards.
A character with this background starts the game in possession of a musical instrument.


Bandits operate as members of several gangs that surprise and rob travelers. The hideouts of Bandit companies are usually hidden in dense forests. Accustomed to the difficult life of the underworld, bandits are also familiar with ambushes, kidnappings and torture.


You are a seasoned craftsman, skilled in some specialized work requiring an apprenticeship. Those who practice such professions are usually organized in guilds that defend their interests and regulate their professional activities. The profession of a craftsman is determined by the table:

d66 Artisan Specialization
11 Potter
12 Baker
13 Perfumer
14 Tanner
15 Clerk
16 Executioner
21 Candlemaker
22 Locksmith
23 Jeweler
24 Barber
25 Scribe
26 Stonemason
31 Cook
32 Metallurgy
33 Engineer
34 Miller
35 Shipwright
36 Carpenter
41 Winemaker
42 Armorer
43 Innkeeper
44 Shoemaker
45 Farrier
46 Tailor
51 Saddlemaker
52 Ropemaker
53 Carpetmaker
54 Embalmer
55 Mason
56 Bowyer
61 Glazier
62 Butcher
63 Painter
64 Micrographer
65 Calligrapher
66 Mosaic Artist



Burglar or pickpocket. He knows about disguises and ambushes, as well as how to move around a city. He knows the underworld market, its people and ways. If a Thief has this background, they start out with Thieve's tools.


Cunning wandering swindler who lives at the expense of the naivete of others, using various tricks, lies and deceptions. He can be a card player, a professional con artist or a con artist of any kind. He is certainly the most suitable in recognizing his peers. A character who rolls this background must have at least a 10 in Intelligence, otherwise he ends up an Almsman.

d6 Specialty
1 Humbug
2 Quack Doctor
3 Cardsharper
4 Goldbricker
5 Swindler
6 Forger


Escorts work alone or belong to a "house". If an Escort has a charisma of more than 15 it is considered that they were a concubine and belonged to the professional class. A concubine had well-to-do clients – often lords – so they are familiar with the ways of the nobility.
If the character with this background is a Magic-User, then they receive the spell Charm Person as an additional starting spell in their spellbook.


Specialist in wishes that aim to exorcise ghosts of lesser spirits and demons that are believed to cause bad luck, diseases, etc. Exorcists are in demand in the villages, and they wander around practicing their art.
If the character with this background is a Magic-User, then they receive the spell protection from evil as an additional starting spell in their spellbook.


Farmers work in the countryside cultivating the land or raising animals. Some have their own estates, while others work as serfs for a lord. They are well versed in the weather, the cultivation of the land, and the care of various domesticated animals. The specialization of a farmer can be determined by this table:

d6 Farmer specialization
1 cultivator
2 cultivator
3 Vine grower
4 Animal Breeder
5 Shepherd
6 Apiarist


Knowledgeable of various fishing methods and sea creatures. He is also quite familiar with boat navigation, rowing and handling sails.

Grave Robber

A macabre type of thief who swindles the dead of their unwanted riches. He is an orienteering and mapping expert when it comes to labyrinths and catacombs.
He has at least the basic knowledge of archaic to be able to read inscriptions on mounds. Characters with this background start by having a crowbar.

Heavy Worker

Laborer for heavy jobs, mostly unskilled or low skilled. They have increased resistance and efficiency in this type of laborious work.

d6 Heavy Work Duty
1-2 Porter
3-4 Construction worker
5 Mine worker
6 Stonecutter

Head Hunter

Hitman or bounty hunter. Good at tracking, intelligence gathering, ambushing, disguises and general assassinations. He is also knowledgeable about deadly poisons and their use.


Healers practice traditional medicine, also known as apothecaries. They know the symptoms and ways of treating common diseases, they know how to treat wounds, and how to perform amputations.


Someone who has been forced to live for a long time in isolation, outside of society. The reasons for a hermit's isolation are varied, although they are often religious, social or psychological. Naturally, a hermit possesses knowledge of survival in nature. However, his many years of isolation may have made him seem strange and distant to people.


Hunters know well of forests, the different game and the hunting method of each one (methods of approach, traps, etc.). He knows tracking, as well as how to move quietly through vegetation. Hunters starts their adventuring carrier in possession of:

1-3 bow and quiver with 20 arrows
4-5 a hound
6 a trained hunting hawk


Specializing in guerrilla warfare. The Highwaymen are hardened mountain bandits and renegades. They have a military organization and are based in fortified lairs in the wilderness. They are outlaws and operate as looters or raiders, although some of the larger companies even offer mercenary services.


Elite mounted warrior, scion of some titular military landowner family. Hardy, disciplined, and experienced in warlike matters, administration, and horsemanship.
A character with this background starts out owning Plate Mail Armor.


Mercenaries, usually as members of various mercenary companies, offer military services to the highest paying lords. They have military discipline and war experience. They tend to drink a lot and cause trouble in pubs.


A traveler who trades goods from distant places. Merchants know the art of haggling, the trade routes of their region, and have a variety of acquaintances and connections. They usually specialize in marketing one type of product, for which they have specialized knowledge which is determined by the table:

d66 Merchant Specialization
11 Salt
12 Horses
13 Perfumes and essential oils
14 Silverware and Goldware
15 Herbs, potions and medicine
16 Furs, leathers or wool
21 Ivory
22 Artworks
23 Tools
24 Sugar
25 Ceramics
26 Stolen Goods
31 jewelry
32 Codexes and scrolls
33 Oil
34 Items of Worship: icons, amulets, relics
35 Minerals
36 Silk
41 Spices
42 Drugs
43 Dry food: salted meat, grains, fruits
44 Timber
45 Weapons
46 Armor
51 Strange objects
52 Precious materials: electrum, ebony, violet dyes
53 Precious stones
54 Porcelain
55 Alcoholic Drinks
56 Clothing
61 Slaves
62 Ropes and nets
63 Monsters
64 Glass
65 Fabrics
66 Carpets



Your Character belongs to some religious or mystical order of an ascetic nature. His knowledge will be proportional to the monastic order he served. There is a 1 in 6 chance that he belongs to some mystical demonic sect.


Raised in some family castle, mansion or ancient courtyard. your character was probably heir to some title as well. A noble has received the basic classical education in history, rhetoric and philosophy. He knows horsemanship, fencing, and the rules of dueling, while he is also familiar with the coats of arms of lords, palatial manners, and court protocols.


The life of the nomads is simple and their societies are of low specialization. Most are herders and live in camps consisting of a few families. They know excellent horsemanship, hunting, as well as the basics of survival in the wild. The various factions of the nomads often clash and are always ready for war. Characters with this background know the nomadic language. The tribe of origin of a nomad can be determined by the table:

d6 Nomadic tribe
1 Scythians
2 Sauromates
3 Massageteans
4 Pechenegs
5 Sarmatians
6 Semetchki


Schooled in the harsh life of the sea, of lawlessness and plunder. Well-traveled and with a proneness for tirades. They have many friends but also many enemies in the ports.


Violent, threatening bully. Act as a member of a gang or as a guard in notorious haunts such as brothels and taverns. He knows from intimidation, torture, bullying and harassment and is familiar with the criminal underworld.


There are several ways to fall into slavery: captivity, punishment, unbearable debt. A slave's skills and knowledge depend on the type of work he performs (usually of the manual type). Your character has developed patience and endurance in difficult conditions. Of course, he is now free or a fugitive. The following table will determine the type of slave:

d6 Slave Work
1 Heavy Worker*
2 Rower
3 Farmer slave
4 Pit fighter
5 Harem slave
6 Eunuch in noble service

*Check the Heavy Worker Background


Once member of a lord's army. Trained, disciplined and experienced in tactical combat. His management experience depends on his rank:

2d6 Rank Commanded
2-6 Phalangite -
7-8 Pentrarch 5 men
9 Decarch 10
10 Dragonarch 50 men
11 Kentarch 100 men
12 Count 500 men

soldiers belong to the working class, unless they hold the rank of Count, in which case they are considered members of the aristocracy.


Possesses remarkable knowledge of an academic specialty. Scholars are often high-ranking officials, magic-users, or advisers to lords. A scholar begins the game with pen, ink, a blank codex, and a treatise on his specialty (worth 50 Gold). The specialty of the scholar is determined by this table:

d6 1-3 4-6
1 Philosopher Historian
2 Courtier Theologian
3 Naturalist Demonologist
4 Astrologer Geographer
5 Mathematician Alchemist
6 Orator Physician


Mage-doctor of nomadic (1-3) or barbarian(4-6) origin. Your character knows stories and myths about the various spirits of nature. A specialist in traditional medicine, they treat diseases with herbs, purification ceremonies, the use of cymbals and even hallucinogenic substances.


Well-travelled. Your character's knowledge includes ship navigation, crew organization, sea hazard management, orienteering, cartography, as well as basic waterways. Every sailor claims that has seen some mythical sea monster with his own eyes or has at least once escaped certain drowning.


Forests are the second home of Woodsmen and they walk around with confidence. They know the quality and strength of each tree's wood, as well as how to cut them efficiently. Characters with this background start the game with a Battle axe or a Hand axe.


Human and Dragonborn

1 (d66)
11 Abella
12 Abram
13 Adda
14 Aeddon
15 Aida
16 Akiya
21 Alaric
22 Alban
23 Alina
24 Althus
25 Amara
26 Arasen
31 Artiga
32 Asha
33 Asher
34 Aveline
35 Avella
36 Bas
41 Basira
42 Bastien
43 Bataar
44 Beca
45 Beltran
46 Bevan
51 Brynn
52 Cadigan
53 Caldas
54 Cedric
55 Cera
56 Chandra
61 Chenda
62 Cortina
63 Dag
64 Del
65 Delkash
66 Delos
2 (d66)
11 Deshi
12 Edda
13 Elara
14 Eldryn
15 Eleri
16 Elli
21 Elstan
22 Emelyn
23 Eos
24 Erin
25 Esra
26 Euros
31 Fanir
32 Fara
33 Farina
34 Flint
35 Freya
36 Gethin
41 Ghalen
42 Gideon
43 Giliana
44 Glain
45 Glynn
46 Griff
51 Gwen
52 Haf
53 Haleema
54 Hennion
55 Hirsham
56 Ikram
61 Indirra
62 Irsia
63 Ishana
64 Isolde
65 Ithela
66 Jaggar
3 (d66)
11 Jebran
12 Jelma
13 Jihan
14 Joa
15 Kabeera
16 Kai
21 Kaivan
22 Kalidas
23 Kalina
24 Kanno
25 Kara
26 Kataka
31 Katania
32 Katja
33 Kato
34 Katrin
35 Kayu
36 Keeara
41 Keelan
42 Kendi
43 Kenrick
44 Keyshia
45 Khinara
46 Khulan
51 Kiah
52 Kimura
53 Kione
54 Kodroth
55 Kori
56 Kormak
61 Kotama
62 Kova
63 Kuno
64 Kuron
65 Kynan
66 Lago
Tip: To turn a female sounding name into a male name, either remove a letter replace the ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, etc. at the end with an ‘o’, ‘us’, ‘er’ or ‘on’ and vice versa.
4 (d66)
11 Leela
12 Lestara
13 Lili
14 Lio
15 Loona
16 Lucia
21 Lucius
22 Mai
23 Makari
24 Malik
25 Masias
26 Mattick
31 Maura
32 Maya
33 Melia
34 Menna
35 Mila
36 Milva
41 Mira
42 Mona
43 Morell
44 Morgan
45 Morgana
46 Morien
51 Morter
52 Muna
53 Mura
54 Myrick
55 Myrtle
56 Nadira
61 Naila
62 Nakata
63 Nakura
64 Namba
65 Nan
66 Nanda
5 (d66)
11 Nazmi
12 Nekun
13 Nia
14 Nisus
15 Okoth
16 Owena
21 Padma
22 Parcell
23 Pearce
24 Pemba
25 Pendry
26 Perella
31 Qamar
32 Quinn
33 Ranna
34 Razeena
35 Reema
36 Reese
41 Reva
42 Rhian
43 Rhoddri
44 Rowena
45 Sabine
46 Sadia
51 Sarda
52 Sarria
53 Saskia
54 Sayer
55 Segura
56 Selva
61 Sendra
62 Seraphine
63 Serene
64 Servan
65 Setara
66 Shekhar
6 (d66)
11 Shona
12 Sibila
13 Sidan
14 Siorra
15 Sola
16 Solana
21 Tahir
22 Talan
23 Tallus
24 Tamara
25 Tarvin
26 Taylah
31 Tegan
32 Temir
33 Tessa
34 Themon
35 Thorne
36 Tio
41 Toran
42 Torgan
43 Torrens
44 Tristan
45 Ulric
46 Valeri
51 Verena
52 Vesna
53 Vigo
54 Wena
55 Willa
56 Wulan
61 Wynne
62 Yorath
63 Yuda
64 Zanita
65 Zhan
66 Zura


Other Races

Blemmy : 1 (d66)
11 Atan
12 Baku
13 Banda
14 Bashtu
15 Bayara
16 Boulderheart
21 Buandu
22 Chaidu
23 Chony
24 Denua
25 Frostbeard
26 Grendar
31 Grimjaw
32 Grumthar
33 Hulgoth
34 Jaran
35 Javyn
36 Jochu
41 Kathos
42 Khashin
43 Khatir
44 Khutan
45 Kidha
46 Kira
51 Martu
52 Otaan
53 Othos
54 Qudan
55 Rokhan
56 Stonefist
61 Tanua
62 Temura
63 Thunderfoot
64 Thundrok
65 Tuban
66 Vorak
Lupine : 1 (d66)
11 Bagvor
12 Blightfang
13 Cedregg
14 Delk
15 Dirdarg
16 Dogul
21 Dudrurg
22 Gobmaw
23 Grimeflank
24 Griznak
25 Grumblegut
26 Ichor
31 Krab
32 Lumpeye
33 Mildeda
34 Minvas
35 Mite
36 Mule
41 No-Eyes
42 Pagg
43 Palelegs
44 Scabrot
45 Sickflank
46 Skrizzle
51 Slagwrench
52 Sludger
53 Slugmug
54 Smuglegs
55 Snaggletoe
56 Snik
61 Starrog
62 Targ
63 Urdus
64 Virdok
65 Wartooth
66 Zonde
Madman : 1 (d66)
11 Aghed
12 Bulfim
13 Bum
14 Bumph
15 Burzob
16 Dudagog
21 Durgol
22 Durzol
23 Eghuglat
24 Garshak
25 Grommash
26 Gulfim
31 Gutjja
32 Kragash
33 Lambug
34 Lash
35 Lugnak
36 Lurog
41 Morgul
42 Murob
43 Naghig
44 Nargol
45 Oodagh
46 Puiltag
51 Rukh
52 Shazgob
53 Shura
54 Smaghed
55 Sugha
56 Thrashok
61 Urgosh
62 Xarpug
63 Xugar
64 Yazgash
65 Zogar
66 Zugorim
Tip: To turn a female sounding name into a male name, either remove a letter replace the ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, etc. at the end with an ‘o’, ‘us’, ‘er’ or ‘on’ and vice versa.
Blemmy : 2 (d66)
11 Ainiol
12 Andir
13 Anir
14 Aviel
15 Barduin
16 Barthiel
21 Bolvil
22 Boman
23 Brolin
24 Brundar
25 Dolgin
26 Dunna
31 Durnar
32 Fargrim
33 Gagin
34 Gimor
35 Glomin
36 Glondor
41 Gormir
42 Grimgar
43 Haldor
44 Kragh
45 Mavir
46 Norgrim
51 Ralgiol
52 Ratha
53 Rogrin
54 Rugur
55 Rulviel
56 Rulvir
61 Rumol
62 Rundur
63 Thonna
64 Thorgli
65 Thrum
66 Torag
Lupine : 2 (d66)
11 Bleat
12 Blister
13 Bogmaw
14 Burble
15 Chortle
16 Cluck
21 Cratch
22 Creak
23 Creech
24 Foulbelly
25 Gimble
26 Gloomgrasp
31 Glush
32 Gnarlback
33 Gnash
34 Grig
35 Groak
36 Grumblegore
41 Herk
42 Leech
43 Mongo
44 Muckjaw
45 Rattle
46 Scar
51 Scratch
52 Shush
53 Slar
54 Slith
55 Sludgefang
56 Slumberthorn
61 Snarltooth
62 Snuffle
63 Stoad
64 Vrusk
65 Wallow
66 Wartskin
Madman : 2 (d66)
11 Agul
12 Ahmad
13 Aznagul
14 Balagar
15 Bator
16 Bavaor
21 Balagar
22 Cahur
23 Dilba
24 Falavar
25 Galnara
26 Germa
31 Gheschar
32 Girsa
33 Gulnara
34 Hyrkal
35 Kazaor
36 Labat
41 Mala
42 Mathalga
43 Mathog
44 Mazohalun
45 Mettengem
46 Narangerel
51 Nefiz
52 Omurtag
53 Orasal
54 Pesken
55 Ruga
56 Swar-Kagor
61 Tuttizar
62 Ulba
63 Ullabat
64 Uzlok
65 Yrkelen
66 Zemfira

Classes of the Orb


Humans are widespread
across the Orb and appear in
a large variety of heights,
skin tones and hair colors
that range from cultures
and climates with light
tones being common and
darker tones being exotic.
They live among piers who share their culture and often leave traces of their lineages.
They can specialize to any role which suits them and they are heavily driven to make the best out their short life span. determined to lead the Orb towards a greater future - no matter the cost. It's that ambition that keeps the Demi-humans at bay. While the Humans of the present appear to be honorable and sociable they have proven multiple times to be drawn towards selfish goals.
All human classes present in B/X are available as well as the Beastmaster class presented on later pages.
Class requirements
Class Minimum Scores Prime Requisite
Cleric Wisdom
Fighter Strength
Thief Dexterity
Magic-User Intelligence
Beastmaster Strength & Wisdom
Blemmy Dexterity 9 Strength & Constitution
Lupine Constitution 9 Strength & Int.
Charisma 9
Dragonborn Constitution 9 Strength
Intelligence 9
Madman Constitution 9 Strength & Dex.
Dexterity 9

Purchasing trained animals

Hunting Dog Guard Dog
Cost : 40 gp 120 gp
Armor Class : AC 7 AC 6
Hit Dice: 1 2
THAC0: 19 18
Move : (180')60' (150')50'
Attacks : 1 bite 1 bite
Damage : 1d6 -1 1d6
Save as : fighter 1 fighter 1
Morale : 8 8*

  • if not bonded
Guard dogs need 3 to 8 weeks to bond with their master and trust him, Hunting dogs and Guard Dogs are trained to follow basic commands. They can be barded at regular barding price. Players may want to take guard dogs with them into the dungeon. The referee should not forget that dogs are noisy (their barking may trigger extra checks for random encounters), as well as that they fear strange monsters, large beasts and frighten the meek.


1 Common
2 Nomadic
3 Archaic
4 Gloctic
5 Chthonic
6 Stygian
7 Demonic
8 Draconic
Common : The ligua franca of The Orb
Nomadic : It is spoken by the various nomadic and barbarian tribes.
Archaic : It can be found in ancient ruins, Rarely spoken nowdays.
Gloctic : Unhistorical language of Madmen, ogres and Blemmyes.
Chthonic : It is spoken by the dryads, and the animal-like Demi-humans such as the Lupine.
Stygian : Language of the subterranean creatures that come from underground caves and dungeons. It is spoken by the Goblinoids, as well as the Troglodytes.
Demonic : It is spoken by demons and those who worship them
Draconic : The old spoken language of dragons, innately known by the Dragonborn.


Requirements : Dexterity 9
Prime Requisite : Intelligence, Strength
Hit Dice : 1d8
Maximum Level : 14
Armor : Leather, chainmail, shields
Weapons : Any
Languages : Alignment, Common, Gloctic

Headless creatures, their facial features are placed on their bodies. Their mouths are large, vertical, and full of sharp teeth. They are large and, even without a head, reach up to 6'5 feet in height.
Blemmyes typically establish their own communities in the wilderness. They are known as powerful warriors with a strong resistance to every kind of hardship. Blemmyes also have a reputation for being slow-witted and literal-minded that is not entirely deserved, though it is true that they lack subtlety when compared to their smaller kin. They can be steadfast allies or unyielding foes.
They have a deep mistrust of the arcane due to the passing of events, how the pursuit of conquest and the corruption of the individual mind has always been manipulated by the force of magic.

Agile Fighting

As the blemmy becomes more adept in their ferocious might they gain a +1 AC bonus upon reaching 4th level. This increases to +2 at 6th level, +3 at 8th level, and +4 at 10th level.

Blemmy Skills

In the wilderness, Blemmyes can use the following skills with the chance of success shown opposite:
Climb sheer surfaces (CS) : Only applies to natural surfaces (e.g. tree trunks, cliff faces). A skill roll is required for each 100’ height to be climbed. Failure indicates that the Blemmy falls at the halfway point, suffering falling damage.
Hide in undergrowth (HD) : Requires the Blemmy to be motionless—attacking or moving while hiding is not possible.
Move silently (MS) : A Blemmy may attempt to sneak past enemies.


Blemmyes can use all types of weapons and can use leather armour, chainmail, and shields.

Cure Poison

In the wilderness, a Blemmy can gather herbs to concoct an antidote to natural poisons. This takes one turn per character to be cured. Each subject may make a second save versus poison to end the effects.

Fear of Arcane Magic

Blemmyes are mistrustful of arcane magic and will refuse to knowingly use or come under the influence of spells or magic items, however Blemmyes will accept divine magic or any other magic associated with their tribal religon.

Foraging and Hunting

A party with a Blemmye succeeds at foraging with a 2-in-6 chance and finds prey when hunting with a 5-in-6 chance

After Reaching 8th Level

A Blemmye can call upon other Blemmyes to form a great horde of warriors, numbering 250 per level above 7th. The warriors are 1st level fighters with basic combat gear. A horde can only be mustered for a specific purpose (e.g. attacking an enemy city, rescuing hostages, etc.). Once the purpose is achieved or abandoned, the horde disbands. Mustering a horde takes one week, and it remains for one week per level of the Blemmye.

Blemmye Level Progression

Level Exp. HD THACO
1 0 1d8 19
2 2.500 2d8 19
3 5.000 3d8 19
4 10.000 4d8 17
5 18.500 5d8 17
6 37.000 6d8 17
7 85.000 7d8 14
8 140.000 8d8 14
9 270.000 9d8 14
10 400.000 9d8+2* 12
11 530.000 9d8+4* 12
12 660.000 9d8+6* 12
13 790.000 9d8+4* 10
14 920.000 9d8+6* 10

*: Modifiers from Constitution no longer apply.

Blemmy skills chance of success

Level CS HD MS
1 87 10 20
2 88 15 25
3 89 20 30
4 90 25 35
5 91 30 37
6 92 33 40
7 93 36 42
8 94 40 44
9 95 43 46
10 96 46 48
11 97 50 50
12 98 53 50
13 99 56 50
14 99 60 50

Saving Throws

10 13 12 15 16
10 13 12 15 16
10 13 12 15 16
8 11 10 13 13
8 11 10 13 13
8 11 10 13 13
6 9 8 10 10
6 9 8 10 10
6 9 8 10 10
4 7 6 8 7
4 7 6 8 7
4 7 6 8 7
3 5 4 5 5
3 5 4 5 5

D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

S: Spells / rods / staves.

Rolling Skill Checks

All skills are rolled on d%, with a result ofless than or equal to the listed percentage indicating success.
Player Knowledge
The referee should roll for hide in shadows and move silently on the player’s behalf, as the character always believes the attempt to be successful. If the roll fails, the referee knows that the character has been noticed and should determine enemies’ actions appropriately.


Requirements : Charisma 9, Constitution 9
Prime Requisite : Intelligence, Strength
Hit Dice : 1d6
Maximum Level : 12
Armor : Any, including shields
Weapons : Any
Languages : Alignment, Common, Chthonic

Creatures with the head of a dog but with all other members of human appearance... they are tender like a man, When peaceful they behave like man, when furious they become cruel and retaliate on humankind.
Lupines prefer a more romantic, simple existence with the land, its wild beauty and creatures.
They rarely visit civilization, struggling to attach themselves with temporary events, They are either uncommonly patient or explosive with swiftly passing passions, thus they have developed an attachment towards more durable things such as athletic peak, sword and sorcery and inner completeness.
The head and fur pattern of a Lupine varies a lot among kin, dog-heads or jackal-heads appear to exist across different regions similar to their human skin and height.

Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic works as presented at p15 of Moldvays basic rulebook.
Spell casting: From 2nd level, Lupines gain the ability to cast arcane spells, owning a spell book in which the magical formula for the spells they know are recorded.
The level progression table (opposite) shows both the number of spells in the Lupine’s spell book and the number they may memorize, determined by the character’s experience level. Thus, a 2nd level Lupine has one spell in their spell book, selected by the referee (who may allow the player to choose).
Lupines have the same spell selection as magic-users. Using magic items: As spell casters, Lupines are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands).


Lupines can use all types of weapons and armour.

Smelling Through Doors

When listening for noise, Lupines have a 2-in-6 chance of success as they can substitute for their improved sense of smell.


Lupines have infravision to 60’, Infravision is the ability to see heat (and the lack of heat). Normal and magical light makes infravision useless. With infravision, warm things seem red, and cold things seem blue.
For example, an approaching creature could be seen as a red shape, leaving faint reddish footprints. A cold pool of water would seem a deep blue color. Even items or creatures which are the same temperature as the surrounding air can be dimly seen by infravision.

After Reaching 9th Level

A Lupine has the option of creating a stronghold that will attract other Lupines from far and wide. Lupines from other communities will generally be friendly and may collaborate in times of war or disaster.
A Lupine ruler may only hire Lupine mercenaries. Specialists and retainers of any race may be hired.

Lupine Level Progression

Level Exp. HD THACO
1 0 1d6 19
2 2.500 2d6 19
3 5.000 3d6 19
4 10.000 4d6 17
5 20.000 5d6 17
6 40.000 6d6 17
7 80.000 7d6 14
8 150.000 8d6 14
9 300.000 9d6 14
10 450.000 9d6+2* 12
11 600.000 9d6+4* 12
12 750.000 9d6+6* 12

*: Modifiers from Constitution no longer apply.


Level 1 2 3 4
1 - - - -
2 1 - - -
3 2 - - -
4 2 - - -
5 2 1 - -
6 2 2 - -
7 2 2 - -
8 2 2 1 -
9 3 2 1 -
10 3 2 2 -
11 3 2 2 1
12 3 3 2 1

Saving Throws

12 13 13 15 15
12 13 13 15 15
12 13 13 15 15
10 11 11 13 12
10 11 11 13 12
10 11 11 13 12
8 9 9 10 10
8 9 9 10 10
8 9 9 10 10
6 7 8 8 8
6 7 8 8 8
6 7 8 8 8

D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

S: Spells / rods / staves.



Requirements : Constitution 9, Dexterity 9
Prime Requisite : Strength & Dexterity
Hit Dice : 1d6
Maximum Level : 10
Armor : Leather, chainmail, shields
Weapons : Any
Languages : Alignment, Common, Gloctic

Madmen occupy an uneasy place in a dangerous world, they exert morbid practices such as sacrifices and blood rituals in defiance of the Orb's ideals for Puritanism. taking comfort in their savage and uncouth ways, They are cunning in battle and cruel in victory lashing out at anyone they believe they can bully.
In Their zealous desire for power, Some Madmen stray away from their original tribe and seek the taste of blood and human flesh, they are referred as Man eaters
Madmen stand about 3'5 feet tall in their hunched position, they can stand around 5 feet at full height or even curl up to hide quite efficiently, they are covered head to toe in large strands of hair, wild Madmen have a distinct stench emanating from their fur, dress themselves with masks and wear ritualistic necklaces of phallic shaped objects, preferably made of bone.


When attacking an unaware opponent from behind, a Madman receives a +4 bonus to hit and doubles any damage dealt.


Madmen can use all types of weapons and can use leather armour, chainmail, and shields, they must be made to fit them however.


Madmen have infravision to 60’, Infravision is the ability to see heat (and the lack of heat). Normal and magical light makes infravision useless. With infravision, warm things seem red, and cold things seem blue.
For example, an approaching creature could be seen as a red shape, leaving faint reddish footprints. A cold pool of water would seem a deep blue color. Even items or creatures which are the same temperature as the surrounding air can be dimly seen by infravision.

Retainer Distrust

Madmen often have difficulty gaining the trust of humans and demi-humans, due their chaotic tendencies. Retainers in a Madman's employ have their loyalty score reduced by one. (This does not apply to retainers who are also Madmen.)

Thieving Skills

Madmen can use the following skills, with the chance of success shown opposite:
Hide in shadows (HS) : Requires the Madman to be motionless—attacking or moving while hiding is not possible.
Move silently (MS) : A Madman may attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.
Pick pockets (PP) : If the victim is above 5th level, the Madman’s roll is penalised by 5% for every level above 5th. A roll of more than twice the percentage required for success means that the attempted theft is noticed. The referee should determine the reaction of the victim

Madman Level Progression

Level Exp. HD THACO
1 0 1d6 19
2 1.800 2d6 19
3 3.600 3d6 19
4 7.000 4d6 19
5 14.000 5d6 17
6 28.000 6d6 17
7 60.000 7d6 17
8 120.000 8d6 17

*: Modifiers from Constitution no longer apply.

Madman skills chance of success

Level HS MS PP
1 10 20 20
2 15 25 25
3 20 30 30
4 25 35 35
5 30 40 40
6 36 45 45
7 45 55 55
8 55 65 65

Rolling Skill Checks

All skills are rolled on d%, with a result ofless than or equal to the listed percentage indicating success.
Player Knowledge
The referee should roll for hide in shadows and move silently on the player’s behalf, as the character always believes the attempt to be successful. If the roll fails, the referee knows that the character has been noticed and should determine enemies’ actions appropriately.

Saving Throws

13 14 13 16 15
13 14 13 16 15
13 14 13 16 15
13 14 13 16 15
12 13 11 14 13
12 13 11 14 13
12 13 11 14 13
12 13 11 14 13

D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

S: Spells / rods / staves.

After Reaching 8th Level

A Madman can establish a bandit stronghold, attracting 2d6 apprentices of 1st level fighters, thieves, or Madmen. These apprentices will serve the character with some reliability; however, should any be arrested or killed, the PC will not be able to attract apprentices to replace them. A successful Madman might use these followers to start a Thieves’ Guild.

Beast master

Requirements : None
Prime Requisite : Strength & Wisdom
Hit Dice : 1d6
Maximum Level : 14
Armor : Leather, chainmail, shields
Weapons : Any
Languages : Alignment, Common

Beast masters are adventurers with a special connection to animals.
United in focus they work in partnership with an animal as its companion and friend.

Prime requisites:

A beast master with at least 13 in one prime requisite gets +5% to XP. If both STR and WIS are 16 or higher, the character gets a +10% bonus.

Animal Companion

A beast master may attempt to forge a bond with an encountered animal. If the attempt succeeds, the animal becomes the beast master’s loyal companion. Establishing a Connection The beast master must approach a single animal in a peaceful manner. The referee makes a reaction roll (see Encounters in Old-School Essentials). If the result is 8 or greater, the animal becomes the beast master’s companion.


Type of animals : Both wild and domestic animals may be companions. Giant or magical animals may be companions at the referee’s discretion.
Maximum companions : A beast master may have up to one animal companion per experience level. The total Hit Dice of companions may not exceed the character's experience level.
Death or dismissal : If an animal companion dies or is dismissed, the beast master may attempt to forge a connection with a new animal.
Companions’ Behaviour : Once a connection is successfully established, the animal companion follows the beast master everywhere. It obeys basic commands from the beast master and will fight to defend the beast master, never checking morale.


After reaching 5th level, a beast master can see through the eyes of their animal companions, wherever they may be. This requires deep concentration.


Beast masters can use all types of weapons and can use leather armour, chainmail, and shields.

Identify Tracks

A beast master can identify the tracks and spoor of animals in the wild.

Reaction Modifier

A beast master gains a +1 bonus to reaction rolls made when interacting with animals, in addition to their Charisma modifier.

Beast master Level Progression

Level Exp. HD THACO
1 0 1d6 19
2 1.800 2d6 19
3 3.600 3d6 19
4 7.250 4d6 19
5 15.000 5d6 17
6 30.000 6d6 17
7 60.000 7d6 17
8 120.000 8d6 17
9 240.000 9d6 14
10 360.000 9d6+2* 14
11 480.000 9d6+4* 14
12 600.000 9d6+6* 14
13 720,000 9d6+8* 12
14 840,000 9d6+10* 12

*: Modifiers from Constitution no longer apply.

Speak with Animals

Animals understand the basic meaning of a beast master’s words.
From 2nd level : he beast master can also understand the speech of animals.
From 4th level : The beast master can communicate empathically with animals within sight, without the need for words. Communication with animals is always commensurate to their intelligence.

Saving Throws

11 12 12 15 16
11 12 12 15 16
11 12 12 15 16
11 12 12 15 16
9 10 10 13 14
9 10 10 13 14
9 10 10 13 14
9 10 10 13 14
7 8 8 11 12
7 8 8 11 12
7 8 8 11 12
7 8 8 11 12
5 6 6 9 10
5 6 6 9 10

D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

S: Spells / rods / staves.

After Reaching 9th Level

A beast master may construct a stronghold in the wilderness. Animals within a 5 mile radius of the stronghold will become friends with the beast master. They may warn of intruders, carry messages and news, and so on. In exchange for this friendship, the beast master must protect the animals from harm.


Requirements : Constitution 9, Intelligence 9
Prime Requisite : Strength
Hit Dice : 1d8
Maximum Level : 10
Armor : Leather, chainmail, shields
Weapons : Any
Languages : Alignment, Common, Draconic

Dragonborn are tall, powerful demihumans with scaled skin and dragon-like heads. They typically weigh about 250 pounds and stand around 6’ tall. As reptiles, they reproduce by laying eggs.
A Dragonborn's color of scales as well as the properties of their breath are determined by their ancestor, unlike true Dragons, dragonborn do not have wings but they have tails three to four feet long and horns, with the shape determined by their Draconic ancestry
Dragonborn are the result of a macabre attempt of malevolent forces scratching to gain any foothold against the other nations, an attempt to make a war machine through a series of ancient blood rituals and transmogrifications upon humans, The process left almost all of the immortal agents of the Orb, the Dragons either traumatized or destroyed.
Greeted with stares and whispers, to see mistrust and fear in every eye: this is the lot of the Dragonborn and to twist the knife, Dragonborn know that this is because they are the reminder of a dark past. for which they and their children and their children’s children will always be held accountable.
Dragonborn subsist in small minorities found mostly in human cities or towns, often in the roughest quarters of those places, shunned by those who fear their heritage. where they grow up to be Mercenaries, thieves, or ruffians. Sometimes they live among other minority populations in enclaves where they are treated with more respect. However, They are known for their fierce loyalty and their love of hoarding gold.

Breath Weapon

Like dragons, dragonborn can exhale a breath weapon of destructive energy. The shape of the breath weapon and the type of damage it inflicts depend on the species of dragon that the character has an affinity with (see Draconic Bloodline).
Frequency of use: Up to 3 times per day.
Area: The size of the breath weapon depends on the shape:
- Cloud: 10’ wide, 15’ long.
- Cone: 15’ wide at the far end, 20’ long.
- Line: 5’ wide, 30’ long.
Damage: All caught in the area suffer damage equal to half the dragonborn’s current hit points (rounded up). A save versus breath is allowed for half damage.

Draconic Bloodline

Each dragonborn has an affinity with a specific species of dragons. This determines their breath weapon and the colour of their scales. The player should roll on the table below to determine the character’s draconic affinity.

d10 Colour Damage Shape
1-2 Black Acid Line
3-4 Blue Lightning Line
5-6 Green Poison Cloud
7-8 Red Fire Cone
9-10 White Cold Cone


Dragonborn Level Progression

Level Exp. HD THACO
1 0 1d8 19
2 3.000 2d8 19
3 6.000 3d8 19
4 12.000 4d8 17
5 24.000 5d8 17
6 45.000 6d8 17
7 95.000 7d8 14
8 175.000 8d8 14
9 350.000 9d8 14
10 500.000 9d8+2* 12

*: Modifiers from Constitution no longer apply.


Beast masters can use all types of weapons and can use leather armour, chainmail, and shields.


A dragonborn’s scaly skin grants a -1 bonus to Armour Class when they wear no armor.

Dragon-affecting Magic

Dragonborn are affected by magic that specifically targets dragons (e.g. a sword +1, +3 vs dragons).

Dragon Affinity

Dragonborn gain a +1 bonus to reaction rolls when encountering dragons

Saving Throws

12 13 14 13 16
12 13 14 13 16
12 13 14 13 16
10 11 12 11 14
10 11 12 11 14
10 11 12 11 14
8 9 10 9 12
8 9 10 9 12
8 9 10 9 12
6 7 8 7 10

D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

S: Spells / rods / staves.

Draconic Resistance

A dragonborn gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against the type of damage associated with their breath weapon.

After Reaching 9th Level

A dragonborn has the option of creating a stronghold that will attract dragonborn from far and wide. Dragonborn from other communities will generally be friendly and clans may collaborate in times of war or disaster.
A dragonborn ruler may only hire dragonborn mercenaries. Specialists and retainers of any race may be hired.
