Creatures and Magic of the Everswamp

by Hyperdrift

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Creatures and Magic
of the Everswamp


Within the Everswamp, where the aberrations of the Underdark and Far Realm mingle with the felicitous magic of the Feywild, live the ostentatiously-oracular grodels.

Bulbous, and able to collapse into a puddle by simply exhaling, grodels are almost entirely made of lungs. Grodel social structure is based on the volume of one's bellow. While this would tend to attract predators, grodels banding together can deter even the hungriest predator with their cacophonous belching, bellowing, and braying.

Some grodels manage to learn the gift of music. Though some are ostracized for it, others some rise to prominence despite this deviation from simple voluminous, guttural volleys of sound.


Small Aberration, Neutral

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 24
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 10 (0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)

  • Skills/Senses Perception +3, passive Perception 13, Stealth +1
  • Saves Constitution +3 (advantage)
  • Damage Resistances acid, bludgeoning
  • Languages Common, Grodel
  • Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Blubbery Body. the Grodel has advantage on Constitution saving throws.


Bellow. (recharge 5-6) The Grodel bellows at creature within 10 ft. It must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws until the end of its next turn.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6) piercing damage. The target is grappled.

Bonus Actions

Puddle. The grodel exhales and collapses into a blubbery puddle. While in this state it is prone, and resists bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and is immune to the grappled and restrained conditions. A grodel can re-inflate from a puddle as bonus action if it is not submerged.


Defying classification, Xorphids exhibit a wide variety of forms. Some appear to be evolved mushrooms; others have leathery skin, turtle-like shells, slimy amphibious skin and gills, or appear like colorful but hairless anthropomorphic rodents. Yet more are floating amoebas or jellyfish-like shapes, as if these creatures are spirits that modeled their bodies based on another natural creature. Indeed, that is the prevailing theory of their origin. Xorphids appear harmless, but occasionally can have less-than-friendly intentions for visitors to the Everswamp, as trisksters or even silent stalkers. Some adopt other humanoids and follow them doggedly, as life companions. Yet more may sacrifice themselves to save a traveler, or act as a guide through the Everswamp.

Xorphids do not speak, but, perhaps from the influence of the Far Realm, have limited telepathic abilities.


Small Aberration, Typically Neutral or Chaotic Good

  • Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 24
  • Speed 30 ft. walk and swim, or fly (hover)

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 10 (0)

  • Skills/Senses Perception +4, passive Perception 14, Survival +4
  • Save Wisdom + 4
  • Damage Resistances psychic
  • Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Limited Telepathy. A Xorphid may convey and receive simple thoughts and ideas telepathically to creatures within 30 ft that it knows of.
Spellcasting. The Xorphid is a 3rd level spellcaster (+4 to attack, spell DC 12) and does not require verbal components.
cantrips (at-will): minor illusion, dancing lights
3/day: cure wounds, animal friendship, sanctuary
1/day: levitate
Zoink. (1/day) The Xorphid teleports up to 120 feet.


Befuddle. (recharge 5-6) The Xorphid muddles the thoughts of a target creature within 30 ft. that it knows of. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or else it cannot attack a Xorphid or cast a damage-dealing spell on its next turn.

Boink. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 30/60 ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4+2) bludgeoning damage. Xorphid slings a stone at a target. A hit target subtracts 1d4 from attack rolls until the end of their next turn (cummulative).

Greater Flumphoids

Evolved from the simple floathing eye-stalked flumphs of the Underdark, greater flumphoids take on a staggering array of quasi-humanoid forms, ranging from small to large, with varied colors, textures, adornments, and appendages.

Though they share the telepathic senses of the progenitors, greater flumphoids share only simple ideas in that manner, and prefer to indulge in the verbalizing their ancestors cannot. Flumphoids are regular chatterboxes and have a gift for, and interest in acquiring new languages. As guardians of the more vulnerable species of the Everswamp, greater flumphoids tap illusions, psychic, and telekinetic powers to thwart threats.

Greater Flumphoid

Small, Medium or Large Aberration, Typically Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 42
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (0)

  • Skills/Senses Arcana +5, Religion +5
  • Save Wisdom + 4
  • Damage Resistances psychic
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Limited Telepathy. A Greater Flumphoid may convey and receive simple thoughts and ideas telepathically to creatures within 60 ft that it knows of.
Spellcasting. The Greater Flumphoid is a 5th level spellcaster (+5 to attack, spell DC 13).
cantrips (at-will): shocking grasp, mind sliver
3/day: sleep, dissonant whispers, comprehend languages
2/day: blindness/deafness, phantasmal force
1/day: major image


Multiattack: The Greater Flumphoid makes two appendage attacks.
Appendages. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 1d6 psychic and 1d6 acid damage. On a hit, the appendage injects acid into the target's flesh. At the end of each of its turns, the hit target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 2 (1d6) acid damage on a failure or ending the recurring acid damage on a success. A lesser restoration spell cast on the target also ends the recurring acid damage.

New Spells & Metamagic


Alter Surface

Transmutation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M ( a material matching the desired surface consistency)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

In up to two five-foot squares within range, you alter the properties of a solid surface to take on your choice of the consistency of gooey tar, or slippery smooth, or rough and grippy. The surface’s appearance and shape does not change.

If you choose gooey tar, a creature entering the space and coming into contact with the surface, or starting their turn in contact with the surface must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have their movement reduced to zero. A creature attempting to move an object in contact with the surface must succeed on a strength saving throw.

Alternatively, if you cause the surface to become slippery, a creature entering or beginning their turn standing on surface must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

Alternatively, if you choose to alter the surface to become rough and grippy. A creature in contact with that surface has advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) checks to climb (vertical surface) or avoid the Prone condition or involuntary movement.

Spell lists. Artificer, Bard, Warlock, Wizard


Evocation Cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round

You channel magical energy into a willing a creature within range. If the willing creature succeeds on an attack roll before spell ends, the attack roll is a critical hit on 19 or 20, and the attack deals an extra 1d10 force damage.

At higher levels. This spell’s damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

Spell lists. Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


Illusion cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 15 ft. cone.
  • Components: V,S,M (a handful of quartz crystals)
  • Duration: instantaneous.

You create a bright flash of light, a flurry of snow, or summon a spectral swarm. Creatures in the cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or subtract 1d4 from their next attack roll until the beginning of your next turn.

Spell lists. Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


Enchantment cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a bit of sinew)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You turn a portion of creature’s body against itself. A limbed, winged, finned, or tentacled creature in range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or one of its limbs you choose falls out of its control. If the limb is a leg or wing, the creature it falls prone. If the creature has a swim speed and the limb is a fin or tail, it has its movement speed reduced by half until the end of its next turn. If the limb is arm or tentacle, it drops any object it was holding with that limb and the next attack against the creature has advantage.

Spell lists. Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard

Flash step

Conjuration cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: self
  • Components: S, M (a sprinkle of black powder)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Provided your movement is not zero, you move 15 feet in a flash of light to an unoccupied space that you can see. This distance cannot be reduced. Although this movement is not teleportation, it can be in any direction. Your movement creates a loud cracking sound audible to a distance of 120 feet. If you take movement of at least 15 feet in a line before casting flash step, immediately after casting the spell and before taking any additional movement, you can you can use your bonus action to make a shove attack. The attack deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit.

At higher levels. This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Spell lists. Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


Illusion cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: self
  • Components: S, M (skin of a chameleon)
  • Duration: Concentration 1 minute.

While lightly concealed, or in dim light or darkness, you change to match the color of your surroundings. You are heavily obscured for the duration. This spell ends if until you attack, move, or cast a spell.

Spell lists. Bard, Druid, Ranger

Puff of Smoke

Conjuration cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: S, M (sprinkles of ashes or black powder)
  • Duration: 1 round

You conjure a burst of thick, dark smoke in a 5 foot square within range. The area is heavily obscured until the beginning of your next turn. As determined by your DM, the smoke may grant advantage to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks to conceal a tiny object within reach and Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide.

Spell lists. Artificer, Bard, Warlock, Wizard

Thunder punch

Evocation cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Make a melee spell attack against a creature or object. On a hit, the target suffers 1d8 thunder damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed back 5 feet.

At higher levels. This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Spell lists. Artificer, Warlock, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard

Feywild-Influenced Spells


1st Level Conjuration

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a bit of slime, a slug, or rotten fruit)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Make a ranged spell attack at a creature in range. On a hit the creature is covered in slime (color is your choice). While covered in slime the creature has disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) checks, and advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics checks) to avoid or escape a grapples and restraints. The creature also has disadvantage on checks to avoid the prone condition and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.

If the creature or an ally takes an action to remove the slime the effect ends.

Spell lists. Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


2nd Level Transmutation

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a bead, bauble, or chewing gum)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You conjure a bubble of up to 10 feet diameter at a point within range. When conjured, the bubble can enclose up to eight tiny creatures, four small creatures, two medium creatures, or one large creature.

As a bonus action, you can move the bubble 10 feet in any direction. If the bubble takes any piercing damage, it bursts, ending the spell. The bubble moves 15 ft. in a light breeze, 30 ft. in a moderate breeze or 60 ft. in a strong gale.

Creatures in the bubble can breathe and speak normally. If the bubble is conjured underwater, it is filled with water, otherwise it cannot be submerged.

Spell lists. Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


3rd Level Transmutation

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a claw or fang)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to one minute

Choose a creature in range that you can see. It must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC or it takes on a less imposing, less frightful appearance, such as altering its teeth and claws to become shorter, or causing it to appear rounded and tubby, have large, round glossy eyes, make squeak noises as it moves, or speak in soothing coos instead of growls and roars.

For the duration, the creature has disadvantage on Intimidation checks and other creatures have advantage on saving throws against any fear-inducing effects of the target creature. Natural weapons that dealing slashing and piercing damage deal only half damage.

The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Spell lists. Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard

Far Realm-Influenced Spells

The Far Realm has influenced the magic of the Everswamp, where adventurers discover new and strange spells.

Third Eye

1st Level Transmutation

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a pickled eye in a jar)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a willing creature and open a third eye on your choice of the hand, the back of the head, neck, or sternum. While the eye is unobscured, the creature may re-roll initiative, a Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Insight) check, or a Dexterity saving throw, choosing either the original or new result, and the spell ends.

Spell lists. All.

Eye Stalk

2nd Level Transmutation

  • Casting time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a pickled eye in a jar)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to one minute

You touch one willing creature and cause it to sprout an eye stalk from its shoulder. Until the spell ends, the creature can use an action to fire a beam from the eye at a creature within a range of 30 ft. The creature attempts a Wisdom saving throw against your spell DC. On a failed save, the creature suffers a random condition and the eye stalk withers and disappears. The target creature can attempt another saving throw to end the condition at the end of each of their turns while the spell lasts, ending the spell on a success.

d4 Result
1 Charmed
2 Restrained
3 Frightened
4 Slowed: half speed, no reactions,
either action or
bonus action

Spell lists. Warlock,

Tentacular Horror

3rd Level Conjuration

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a squid or octopus tentacle)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to one minute

You conjure a hovering tentacular horror from the far realm in an unoccupied space in range. The horror is an unstable magical creature that is immune to all conditions. Creatures, including you, starting their turn, or moving within 5 feet of the horror must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell DC or become Frightened of the horror, whether or not they can see it. A creature can attempt a saving throw to end the Frightened condition on themselves when they start their turn 10 feet or more from the horror. As a bonus action on your turn you can direct the horror to move up to 20 feet in any direction. The tentacular horror has an AC of 12+(spell level/2) or 14 at 3rd level, and 35+(5 x spell level) HP, namely 50 HP at 3rd level. The horror vanishes when the spell ends or when it is reduced to 0 HP.

The horror takes no actions, but if a creature, including you, ends its turn within five feet of the tentacular horror, the horror can use its reaction to make a melee spell attack against the creature. On a hit, the creature suffers (spell level) d6 bludgeoning damage (3d6 at 3rd level) and is grappled. A creature can use its action to attempt to escape the grapple with a Strength saving throw equal or greater than your to your spell DC. The horror can grapple a maximum number of creatures equal to the spell level.

Spell lists. Druid, Warlock, Wizard

Feedback Please!

Have questions, comments, playtest feedback, or requests for additional content or changes?
I need your feedback!
Contact Dan at

Date Change
2024.05.24 Fix Xorphid boink range and description. Reduce puff of smoke range to 5 ft. and change to affecting the area not the creature.
2023.11.17 Initial release on GMbinder
2024.05.08 Cantrip updates from playtest

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