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## CrushLego's Alchemy *Hunched over a mortar and pestle, a gnome in a thick trenchcoat mixes gathered mushrooms together, bright flashes of light illuminating his mad face. As he bottles the substance, he turns to his incapacitated companion, letting three drops fall on her, the signs of infection begin to clear.* *The human reads the recipe carefully, measuring out her portions: four flakes of gold mixed with two pinches of saltpeter. Sprinkling the concoction into a second flask, she looks at the drink for a few seconds before downing the liquid. Instantly her head clears for the first time in months.* ### A Poor Man's Magic When asked to consider mages, oftentimes peoples minds turn to great conflagrations of flame or wizened old men raising legions of the dead. Less flashy is the art of alchemy. Born of mixing substances and knowing the results, it can be more akin to cooking than magic. Still, even a single wayward twitch could spell the end of an alchemist errant. Though many folk often pick up a simple recipe or two, true masters of the craft spend months perfecting even a single formula. \columnbreak
### Supremely Versatile Oftentimes, a mage is forced into a single discipline that they study rigorously. While alchemists do sometimes follow this pattern, more commonly they are able to wield a variety of recipes that pull from different schools of study. When facing down against an alchemist, one never knows what tricks or resources they may have at their disposal, making the challenge that much more difficult.
Another strength of brewing is the sheer utility it offers. While creations such as alchemist's fire can explode as well as any pyromancer, far more recipes solve a wide array of issues. From enhancing traits to incapacitating foes, an alchemist has a very broad arsenal to draw from. This is not limited to potions either, as crystals, salves, balms and other forms are all possible concoctions. ### A Costly Endevoir Perhaps the greatest downside of alchemy is its cost. The most potent ingredients often fetch a small fortune, and having to remake the craft after each use takes time. This limits what many alchemists are capable of simply to whatever they happen to have on them.
Still, a well stocked laboratory is a trove of wonders often able to create anything at all, and given enough time alchemists utility far outweighs the price. Many alchemists are indeed well connected however, for when a rare ingredient hits the market, only those savvy enough are able to secure it. This is another reason that picking fights with alchemists often requires a great deal on planning, for their allies can be just as steadfast as the brews. \pagebreak # Alchemy System In order to use these rules, a character must have proficiency in Alchemist's tools, used when synthesizing concoctions. However, without the use of an Herbalist's Kit, and sometimes Brewer's Supplies, alchemist's are forced to buy the ingredients they need from apothecaries. ## Ingredient Points Rather than use precise ingredients, this Alchemy system uses a new resource known as Ingredient Points, or IP. These generic points are intended to avoid 'bean-counting' the precise ingredients for each recipe, in order to not slow down game-play. Few players want to watch a DM and Player argue about if Wild Gypsum is found in the Enchanted Elven Woods.
IP are intended to be generic ingredients, with which most things can be made. For example, you may have 3 IP, that can be roleplayed as sulphur in one recipe, then mandrake root in another. Similarly to the Expanded Alchemist's Tools in *Xanathar's Guide to Everything,* this allows for flexibility in creation. ## Foraging When given downtime or during a longrest, a character can declare they begin foraging if they have proficiency with, and own, an Herbalist's Kit. The DM may declare only certain ingredients are available, and that some creations are unable to be made. Otherwise, the action must be done in a region where plants with alchemical properties are available. Depending on how successful the task it, the character will find Ingredient Points, which can then be used to make follow recipes.
When Foraging, the player makes an ability check, using the Wisdom ability score and Herbalist Kits proficiency. If the player roles a 5 or below, they come back empty handed. For every number above 5, the player finds a single IP. For every 4 IP they find, an hour is needed. (15 minutes per IP) A player can decide to gain less IP then they are able to, in order to spend less time.
For Example:
*Jenny's ranger searches the woods to make a healing salve for her dwarf companion. As she has proficincy with Herbalist's Kits, is level two, and has a wisdom of 16, she roles a d20 and adds a bonus of 5. (d20 + 3 + 2) The dice comes up as a 13, for a total of 17. Thus, she finds 12 IP worth of ingredients. (17-5 is 12) Jenny only has 2 hours, so decide to gain 8 IP.*
\columnbreak ## Salvaging When a monster is slain, it is possible to salvage its remains for potent alchemical remains. The process takes half an hour. The DM first decides if a creature has any parts that can be used alchemically, and if so, how many IP they are worth. They then set a DC, and the character roles Wisdom (Medicine). If they succeed on the check, then they get the set number of IP.
## Purchasing The DM has final say on how much IP cost in apothecaries and other stores. In particularly barren or poor shops, it may be that each IP costs 10 gold, whereas in bountiful wizardly studies, you instead find each IP costing only 2 gold. The DM has final say in the matter, however the author recommends a 3:1 ration of gold to IP. Of course, some stores may have limited stock, and allow for one to purchase only a set number of ingredients.
## Brewing When a character wishes to make something with their hard earned IP, they must first see how many IP it takes to make that item. They subtract that many from however many they currently have. If the player does not have enough IP, they are unable to make the item.
Next, the player must check the Creation DC of the item, written in its description. The the player makes an ability check, using the Intelligence ability score and Alchemist's Tools proficiency. The DC is equal to the item's Creation DC, and they must succeed to successfully make the item.
Should the check fail, the ingredients are wasted, the potion ruined and the alchemist must try again. If the check succeeds however, the person makes a number of the creation according to the item's description. On a critical success, you make twice as many items. ## Ingredient Quality As an optional rule if a DM wishes, different ingredients can produce more potent effects. The only horn of the last unicorn is likely much more powerful than a handful of buttercap mushrooms you found in the woods. Alchemist's strive for the rarest ingredients, and the possible effects from such reagents are legendary.
If they DM permits it, particularly esoteric or expensive ingredients can reduce the DC for brewing, or can add additional effects, potency or other stronger effects, as they see fit. Ultimately, this relies on DM discretion, but may add an additional level of utility and tactics to the system. \pagebreak
## Recipes As a rule of thumb in this document, most recipes will follow this format when presented below. Though deviations may occur, all changes or notes will be listed within the alchemy item itself. Unless otherwise noted, all creations are single use only, though may create multiple copies in a single batch. Unless otherwise stated, it takes an action to use the item. A creature may know recipes equal to their Intelligence Modifier + 2, and may learn additional ones by purchasing them from vendors or other Alchemists, at DM discretion.
### Potion Name *A brief description of the potion, and states some small details for role play.*
**Required IP:** This will inform the reader of the number of IP needed to make the creation.
**Ingredients:** Suggest ingredients for the recipe.
**Creation DC:** The DC requred to make the recipes.
**Batch Production:** Number of items made per Creation roll.
**Duration:** How long the creation's effects last.
**Effects:** Whatever stats or rules the creation uses, and what it will actually do.
> ##### Ingredients > The ingredients of each recipe are simply to add flavour, or optionally to make certain things available only in some environments. Players and DMs are encouraged to be creative with the ingredients and decide what goes into their brews. The IP does not change, but may make these creations more interesting.
### Eclipse *A small blue crystal tasting faintly of mint and sugar, when chewed, Eclipse gives the user excellent night vision. Though many are born with this power innately, to others, being able to see in the night unaided by spells or lights can be an invaluable tool. Assassins, thieves, guards, explorer's and anyone at night all pay top dollar for the artificial crystals, though an improperly made one can have disastrous effects.*
**Required IP:** 10
**Ingredients:** Ginseng Leaves, Broese Sticks, Goji Berries, Raw Sap, Carrot Extract
**Creation DC:** 16
**Batch Production:** 3
**Duration:** 2 Hours.
**Effects:** Upon eating one of the crystals, a creature gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. They cannot see colour at all during this time, only in shades of gray. Additionally, bright lights become intolerable to the user. Anything that is more illuminant than a campfire will become blinding. The DM has final say of what counts, but fire spells, large torches or light magic all likely count. When within 30 feet of such a light source, a user has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and attack roles.
### Desert Bitters *Named by the alchemist who invented them during long treks through desert sands, these small capsules can stave off exhaustion for a number of hours, though once the effect wears off, a user becomes more tired than they otherwise would have. Well made Desert Bitters are also able to stave off physical fatigue while their effect lasts.*
**Required IP:** 5
**Ingredients:** Sugar, Bread Dough, Ginger, Ragweed
**Creation DC:** 10
**Batch Production:** 5
**Duration:** 6 Hours.
**Effects:** After ingestion, a user may remove up to 2 levels of exhaustion. Over the course of the Desert Bitters' duration, the user has advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws against gaining additional levels of exhaustion. After the brew wears off, the user gains twice as many additional exhaustion levels as they had before the ingestion of the Bitters. If this causes the user to have six or more levels of exhaustion, they die of extreme effort. \pagebreak ### Dog's Nose *A salve that must be kept away from the sun, when rubbed on a creature's neck and arms, the cream prevents that creature from being tracked via scent. Though not infallible, the brew is useful against detection from creatures that rely on their nose, such as Hounds, Lycanthropes and Grimlocks. However, the ointment causes minor numbing to the user's eyes, nose and sense of touch, impairing their own ability to perceive in minor ways.*
**Required IP:** 8
**Ingredients:** Dog Tallow, Aconite, Mint Leaf, Chili Powder, Wild Onion, Opium
**Creation DC:** 15
**Batch Production:** 2
**Duration:** 2 hours.
**Effects:** When applied to a creature, all attempts to track, detect or follow that create via smell, both magical and non-magical, are made at disadvantage. However, the user additionally has a -2 penalty to Wisdom (Perception) checks.
### Mother's Touch *A sweet smelling incense, Mother's Touch calms the mind of its subject and impairs their ability to feel strong emotions of any kind. Love, hatred, fear and joy all turn into listless apathy, and the creature begins to avoiding care. While they are like this, they are no less likely to be complacent to commands or avoid defending themselves. However, it can prevent a raging king from declaring the exile of a friend, or to put the mind of a scared child at ease.*
**Required IP:** 10
**Ingredients:** Mandrake, Dwale, Honey, Camomile Tea Leaves, Drum Bell, Wild Neep
**Creation DC:** 18
**Batch Production:** 1
**Duration:** 1 Hour.
**Effects:** When lit, thin smoke fills a 5 ft cube, and any creature not covering their mouth and nose within must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. A creature can willingly fail this save. On a failure, any effect making the subject charmed or frightened ends, and they are unable to strongly express emotion. If they were previously going through a powerful feeling, it ends and they are left feeling apathetic about the entire ordeal. After realizing that they had their emotions influenced by Mother's Touch, a creature may grow hostile. \columnbreak ### Lotus Gauze *Wrapped rolls of bandages that have been alchemically treated, they assist a creature in mending injuries and can help to speed up the healing process. Once made, they can be stored for a seemingly indefinite time, yet once applied are only good for a single day. Reputably warm to the touch, the mixture creates a pleasant heat when applied, and can help to ease the muscles and pain of a subject. In addition to the regular ingredients, the alchemist must provide a roll of bandages for Lotus Gauze to be crafted.*
**Required IP:** 5
**Ingredients:** Lotus Flower, Garlic, Strawberry Extract, Swine Gall, Peppermint Extract, Eysyl
**Creation DC:** 14
**Batch Production:** 1
**Duration:** Single Use.
**Effects:** When applied to a creature missing any of its hitpoints, the next time the subject rolls any hitdice during a short rest, it adds an additional 2d8 to the total. It then functions like normal bandages afterwards.
### Sommnium *A sap that can be imbibed, Sommnium is popular as a recreational drug due to its ability to make creatures hallucinate. When taken, visions of fears, joys, triumphs and, surprisingly, dark men in hats, are common sightings. A useful distraction or way to disable enemies, or to just get high, the drug is difficult to produce and requires more complicated tools than most other recipes. When added to food, it's potency does not wane, but often takes upwards of an hour to reach full effect.*
**Required IP:** 15
**Ingredients:** Hawk Eye, Belladonna, Licorice Root, Inorganic Mercury, Strong Alcohol (>70% ethanol), Poppy Seeds
**Creation DC:** 18
**Batch Production:** 6
**Duration:** 3 hours.
**Effects:** After an hour of being imbibed, a creature has disadvantage on all skill checks, attack rolls and saving throws. They experience a giddy feeling akin to that of overwhelming positivity. Users frequently see, hear and feel things that are not present, and have trouble distinguishing these hallucinations from reality. It's up to the DM to determine the extent to which these drugs work, but is encouraged to warp perception and what we often consider to be normal. \pagebreak ### Alchemist's Tracker *Incense that is made into cubes or sticks, when inhaled by a creature, their hearing sharpens to super-human levels. Though far from interesting, the ability to pinpoint the origins of sounds and detect what is going on from further away is a tool put to use by many guards, assassins, or others who need to stay vigilant. Still, many an inquisitive mercenary has been crippled after getting overwhelmed by intense noises.*
**Required IP:** 8
**Ingredients:** Boiled Willow Bark, Finely Ground Tea Leaves, Seaweed, Reptilian Scales, Egg Yolk
**Creation DC:** 14
**Bath Production:** 2
**Duration:** 5 Hours.
**Effects:** When consumed, a creature has advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sound. Additionally, if the creature hears any loud noises (i.e. gunfire, monsters roaring, gongs) or takes any thunder damage, they must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or else become deafened and stunned for one minute. They may repeat this saving throw at the start of each of their turns. \columnbreak ### Cloud in a Bottle *A bottle that appears to be filled with milky white smoke. When broken, the bottle harmlessly explodes and creates a thick cloud in its place. The cloud lasts for only a few seconds, but is enough to stop a fall, create a barrier, or throw up a smokescreen. It's as thick as a solid object and can stop a full grown adult running into it, yet dissipates quickly, becoming little more than whispy mist within seconds. Several variants of this brew exist.*
**Required IP:** 15
**Ingredients:** Block of Ice, Cypress Wood shavings, Saltpeter, Quartz Dust, Smoke, Mercury. Blood or Dewbloom Flowers may also be added.
**Creation DC:** 18
**Batch Production:** 1
**Duration:** 1 Round.
**Effects:** A creature can use their action to throw the bottle to a point they can see within 30 feet. It immediately shatters, creating a 5 foot sphere centered around it. This sphere is unable to be penetrated by solid objects, acting as a barrier. It negates any fall damage of creatures who fall on it. At the start on your next turn, the sphere begins to dissipate and it becomes a proper gas, through the area is heavily obscured for another 4 rounds. A strong wind may disperse the cloud.
If blood as added to the creation, it becomes a Bloodbath in a Bottle. It functions the same as a normal potion, but is a deep crimson colour and can confuse the noses of tracking animals such as hounds. Additionally, it may distract, frenzy or calm monsters who rely on blood, such as Vampires, depending on how they act. If a dewbloom flower is added instead, it becomes a Rainshower in a Bottle. The cloud 'rains' and creates water while it remains, but otherwise remains the same. This could be to take a portable shower, or to keep a store of water handy.
### Pheonix Paint **Flavour Text** Often stored in ceramic and feeling cold to the touch, this soft cream carries a faint glimmer and often can be seen glowing in the dark. When mixed with a catalyst, this inherent shimmer only intensifies, though after a minute the paint begins to fade from view entirely...
**Required IP:** 5
**Ingredients:** Purified Quicksilver, Glowberries, Wisp Wrappings, Kettle Bells
**Creation DC:** 13
**Batch Production:** 3
**Duration:** Until Dispelled
**Effects:** When the two components are mixed together, they turn invisible, and can only be seen with the *See Invisibility* spell or similar magic. When a creature applies a mixture of strong alcohol and salt, however, the paint becomes visible once more, taking on its prior appearance. Thus, *Pheonix Paint* is able to function as an invisible ink of sorts, useful only to those who know where to look and how to find it.
### Sanus Tea **Flavour Text** A simple combination of herbs, when brewed into an infusion and administered to a creature suffering from a disease or allergen, temporarily provides them respite.
**Required IP:** 3
**Ingredients:** Freshwater Cascara, Licorice Root, Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Kofloran Orchid Stem, Cheesecloth (optional)
**Creation DC:** 0
**Batch Production:** 2
**Duration:** 4 Hours
**Effects:** When imbibed by a creature suffering from a disease or allergen, the tea suppresses these effects for the duration. The condition is not cured, however any effects caused by the infection, effectively putting it in 'stasis.' If they disease progresses, it is temporarily halted, though the time spent free of its effects do not count towards the time needed to overcome the infection either. Should a creature consume more than 1 serving of tea in a single day, they gain a level of exhaustion at the end of every subsequent dose. \columnbreak
### Illuminant Cordial **Flavour Text** A simple liquid, when disturbed the potion begins to glow, providing illumination and allowing for a simple, albiet expensive, light source.
**Required IP:** 10
**Ingredients:** Solarium, Firecap Stems, Lemon Juice, Dragon Citron Seeds, Myrrh Gum, Enchanted Crystals
**Creation DC:** 15
**Batch Production:** 1
**Duration:** Until Destroyed
**Effects:** When the vial containing this potion is disturbed, it emits bright light for 20 feet, and dim light for an additional 5. Should the vial ever be broken or the elixir inside exposed to air, the potion erupts in a brilliant display of light, 'detonating' similar to a bright flare before quickly being rendered an inert pile of alchemical sludge. Any creature within 10 feet of the potion when it is broken must make a DC 13 Constitution Saving throw or be blinded for 2 turns, if they are looking at the area where it broke. Afterwards, the potion is ruined.
### Frigid Finale **Flavour Text** An azure powder that is cold to the touch, when exposed to non-magical flames it quickly douses them, rendering them inert and providing a useful method of fire control.
**Required IP:** 15
**Ingredients:** Sodium Nitrate, Ice Wraith Crystals, Remorhaz Spine Powder, Faerunian Lichen
**Creation DC:** 17
**Batch Production:** 3
**Duration:** Instantaneous
**Effects:** As an action, a creature can through a handful of this power, (1 'dose') at a fire within 5 feet of it. If the fire is non-magical, a single 5 foot square is extinguished. If the entire conflagration fits within this space, it is entirely put out. Alternatively, *Frigid Finale* can be used to counteract a single vial of Alchemist's Fire.
\pagebreak ### Mandrake Brew **Flavour Text** A powerful alcohol bordering on what counts as Alchemical, this potion acts as a strong mind altering substance, instilling pleasant visions and few adverse side effects after the fact. It is especially popular with students, or at least those who can get their hands on it.
**Required IP:** 10
**Ingredients:** Mandrake Root, Mandrake Extract, Malted Barley, Yeast, Wheat, Apples, Honey, Citric Acid, Juniper Berries, Angelica Root, Orange Peel
**Creation DC:** 15
**Batch Production:** 6
**Duration:** 1 Hour Per Potion Consumed
**Effects:** When a full glass of *Mandrake Brew* is consumed, a creature undergoes pleasant, minor visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations that often give the sensation of flying. Additionally, the creature becomes drowsy and brings a calming sensation, though this is not enough to entirely incapacitate a humanoid, rather being a relaxing occurrence. Finally, the effects of regular alcoholic beverages are both present and amplified in this drink, bringing the usual effects of inebriation. Despite this, users do not form addition, nor do hangovers take place afterwards. However, every time a creature consumes a 'dose' of *Mandrake Brew,* they must make a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw, increasing by 2 for every consumption after the first. Abilities that give advantage on saving throws against poison would apply to this. Failure on this Saving Throw gives creatures a lever of inebriation, or increases it by one. There are multiple levels of inebriation: 1. Every time the character stands or moves faster than half speed they must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw or fall prone/throw up, at the DM’s choice. 2. Disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks 3. Disadvantage on Dexterity Checks 4. The character falls unconscious. \columnbreak ### Hawkeye Extract *A simple amber liquid with small bits of gore floating in the mix, when consumed this elixir tastes faintly of Juniper, and and improves the vision of a user. However, they also suffer from increased tunnel vision, as their eyes take on the colour of that of a hawk's.*
**Required IP:** 12
**Ingredients:** Hawk's Eye, Melted Amber, Juniper Berries, Ludwagian Funnel Cap, Hydrochloric Acid
**Creation DC:** 15
**Batch Production:** 2
**Duraction:** 10 Minutes
**Effects:** When consumed, the potion grants advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight, and n conditions of clear visibility, you can make out details of creatures and objects as small as 2 feet across for up to 2 miles away. However, the potion also causes extreme tunnel vision, giving a user disadvantage on all Saving Throws and Attack Rolls, and these effects cannot be canceled or mitigated. After the effects wear off, a creature is left with only a migraine and small amount of nausea.