Warlock - Hex Summoner (Geto Subclass)

by Dweebie

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Hex Summoner

Warlock Level Feature
1st Cursed Energy, Hellish Curse, Monster Summons
6th Accursed Specter
10th Maximum Uzumaki
11th Master Summoner
14th Master of Hexes, Special Grade Uzumaki

Cursed Energy

Starting at 1st level, you gain a pool of points equal to your level + your number of pact magic spell slots + your charisma modifier. These points can be expended to use abilities, and are replenished on a short or long rest.

Hellish Curse

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a baleful curse on a creature. As a bonus action, expend 4 cursed energy points and choose one non-humanoid creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:

  • When the cursed target dies, the target must make a wisdom saving throw, on a failed save a soul appears where they died. The soul is a 1 lb object that you can carry. If you spend an action, you can eat the soul, gaining access to the creature as a summon.
  • When you capture a creature, roll it's hit dice to determine it's maximum hit points.

When you die all of the creatures you have absorbed are formed together into a magical bead that can be consumed by another creature with this ability. If it's not consumed within 1 hour, the bead solidifies and becomes a solid non-magical bead with a weight in kg equal to the combined CR of all creatures in the bead.

Monster Summons

Starting at 1st level, you can summon creatures you’ve previously slain. You expend an action in order to summon a number of creatures with a combined CR equal to ½ your level (CR 0 Counts as ⅛ for this purpose). Summoned creatures are completely subservient to your will and obey all commands given to them, verbally or telepathically. Summoned creatures capable of speaking will only do so upon your command. These creatures must use your proficiency bonus instead of their own, and you can expend 2 energy points when summoning them to cause their constitution and one other ability score of your choice to be increased by your charisma modifier.

  • You can communicate telepathically with your creatures and they are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions as well as any other form of mind control.
  • Upon summoning the creature you begin a concentration-like effect where you make saving throws whenever you take damage for each creature summoned, upon failing the save, the creature is unsummoned and returns to you.
  • When a creature that you’ve summoned dies, it does not return to you. You can spend your action on your turn to dismiss as many of the creatures you have currently summoned as you would like.
  • You can only have one instance of this feature running at a time, using it again causes the previous instance to cease.
  • The charisma of these creatures are capped at 10. Their intelligence and wisdom are scaled down differently, according to the table below:
Default INT/WIS Scaled INT/WIS
1 - 4 1
5 - 7 2
7 - 9 3
10 - 12 5
13 - 16 8
17+ 10
  • Should they have spellcasting, they use their default DC and modifier regardless of their scaled down stats and their intimidation stat uses their default Charisma. If you choose to spend 2 energy points to increase one of their mental stats, this only effects their default stat, allowing you to increase their spellcasting power but not their mental resistances or mental abilities. Creatures cannot converse beyond basic ideas unless they have an scaled down int of 10.

Accursed Specter

Starting at 6th level, you can expend a pact magic spell slot to summon a creature from your arsenal with a maximum CR equal to half the level of the spell slot expended (rounded down). At 11th level, this CR increases to 3 when using 5th level spell slots. Creatures summoned in this way follow the same rules as the Monster Summons feature, however they do not require saving throws to keep and you can re-summon more. These creatures are unsummoned when you take a long or short rest.

Maximum Uzumaki

At 10th level, you can spend an action to sacrifice a number of creatures you have in your arsenal up to your proficiency bonus to fire a ball of energy. All creatures in a 15 foot wide and 100 foot long cone in front of you must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. Upon a failure they take necrotic damage equal to a number of d8s equal to the total CR of all the creatures sacrificed.

You also regain cursed energy points equal to the total CR of all the creatures you sacrificed.

Master Summoner (Optional)

replaces Mystic Arcanum Feature

At 11th level, you can use an action and expend 2 cursed energy points to summon a creature with a CR of ¼ or less in the same manner as the Monster Summons feature, without a limit. These creatures last for 1 hour before they return to you if they’re still alive.

At higher levels, you can summon more powerful creatures like this: the CR increases to ½ at 13th level, to 1 at 15th level, and to 2 at 17th level.

Master of Hexes

Starting at 14th level, applying your hexblade's curse to a creature with a CR less than ¼ your level doesn't cost cursed energy points you can also expend 1 cursed energy point on these creatures to cause them to automatically fail the saving throw for your hexblade’s curse soul creation.

You can also increase the DC of the saving throw with cursed energy points by expending the amount you want to increase the DC by.

You can also summon a creature of any CR with your Monster Summons feature by expending a number of cursed energy points equal to the difference between half your level (rounded down) and the CR of the monster.

Upon your death, you can choose to release all of your captured creatures instead of forming a bead, they all regain their free will and manifest in a physical form. You can choose one creature with a CR of ¼ your level or less to keep control over for the next 8 hours, this creature cannot resurrect you or aid in any effort to do so.

Special Grade Uzumaki

Starting at 14th level, you can spend an action to use a Maximum Uzumaki on one creature with a CR of 10 or above. When doing so, in addition to the typical effects of Uzumaki with the damage dice quadrupled, you gain all of the abilities, reactions, and bonus actions of the creature that was sacrificed for 24 hours. You can also make one of it's actions as part of using Uzumaki and in doing so add your Charisma Modifier and Proficency Bonus to the attack and damage rolls as well as the spell save DCs that may come with that attack.

When sacrificing a creature in this way, you regain all of your cursed energy points.


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