
by NightofKnight

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Martial Archetype - Tusk

Rotating Infusion

Starting at 3rd level, you master the Rotating Infusion technique, allowing you to charge your attacks with the power of Spin. When using your action to attack, you can launch your nails toward your targets within a range of up to 60 feet. When you hit a creature with this attack, it takes 1d6 piercing damage. You can use this feature up to 10 times, and all uses are regained after a short or long rest. At 15th level, you can have up to 20 uses of this ability.

Golden Rotation

Upon reaching 7th level, you gain the ability to channel Golden Rotation. You are able to create a vortex on a struck surface, keeping it active for up to 1 minute. After this time, the vortex implodes, dealing 1d4 force damage if this vortex is over a creature. Additionally, you can move it in any direction within 20 feet as a bonus action. If you target a creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw. In case of failure, the vortex will not be generated.

Rotation Mastery

From the 10th level onwards, you achieve mastery in the Giro technique. Now, when attacking with your nails, you can add your ability modifier to the damage done by them. Additionally, you gain the ability to use your bonus action to take refuge in the vortex created by Golden Strike. While inside, your Armor Class receives a +4 boost and you are immune to knockback and being the target of spells that require you to be visible. If someone tries to attack with magic or weapon aimed at your vortex, they must roll a d6; on a roll of 1 to 4, the attack is deflected to the nearest vortex, and on a roll of 5 or 6, you take the damage.

don't say that you love me!

Upon reaching 18th level, you reach the peak of your ability and can summon a manifestation of Tusk, the Spin-Imbued Stand. As a bonus action, you can summon Tusk to fight at your side. Tusk has his own hit points, armor class, and attacks, as detailed in his stat block. It remains active for 1 minute or until reduced to 0 health. Once you use this feature, you can only do so again after completing a long rest. Prey Stat Block

Tusk ACT 4

Large Monstrosity, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points Equal to three times your fighter level + your Wisdom modifier
  • Speed 40 feet

22 (+6) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 3 (-3) 10 (0) 10 (0)

  • Saving Throws the same as your user.
  • Skills the same as your user.
  • Condition Immunities bewitched, paralyzed.
  • Senses the same as your user.
  • Languages the same as your user, but you can't talk.

without barrier. tusk can pass through walls and half covers, in addition, it ignores the AC bonus of creatures that use the Arcane Shield spell

Ride. prey can teleport to the location its user used Rotating Infusion as a free action.

Return of The World. Tusk cannot be affected by spells that change time or the environment.


Barrage. Melee Weapon Attack: (6+PB) to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 14(2d8 + 6) force damage.

Legendary Actions

Tusk has the ability to potentially incapacitate the target it hits. This legendary action only activates when the Tusk user is mounted and has moved at least half their speed.

Infinite Rotation. Once per turn, Tusk rolls a d6 when taking the Barrage action. On a roll of 1 or 2, the creature takes 1d6 psychic damage. On a result of 3 to 5, the creature suffers disadvantage on its next attack roll or saving throw. On a result of 6, the creature is incapacitated and cannot take its next action or bonus action.