Moogles are a small race of humanoids. The are intelligent and industrious, with many choosing to specialise in fields such as engineering, alchemy, or the arcane. Planar travel is fairly common. Due to their size, they often choose to maintain separate societies away from bigger folk, although they are not wary of contact with bigger peoples.
"Kupo!" —Every Moogle
Moogles are well known for their ability to send items and messages across vast distances quickly. While part of this is due to their preferences for technology and magic giving them access to methods of delivery otherwise unknown; it is also due to their connection to a vast psychic network called the “Mognet”. This connection enables Moogles to communicate with each other, even across the planes.
Moogle Flight
Moogles have small bat-like wings on their back, but with the exception of some of the smallest, these cannot provide enough lift to fly. And, contrary to the common rumor, Moogles are not weightless. They generally weigh between 30 and 50 lbs. However, they have the natural ability to resist the pull of gravity when they choose and can hover with little effort. This ability does not propel them forward. They must rely on their wings or other means to propel themselves forward.
Moogle Sight
Moogles are naturally very observant and empathetic, but they also have inherent telepathic abilities that allow them to read others emotional state, natural disposition and temperament, and occasionally, their thoughts.
Mind Block
Moogles can also control, to some degree how they are seen or not seen by the world around them. Using their inherent psionic ability they can choose to be immune to magic that allows other creatures to read their thoughts or emotions, and for a limited time to see them at all. They can block telepathic communications and dampen the use of psychic attacks.
"Are you here to shop, kupo? Have a look, kupo, at my wondrous wares." —Undisclosed Moogle
Art Credit:
Bryan Pugh
some content generated by Midjouney
Physical Description
Moogles resemble small bipedal mammalian creatures. Appearances can range from rodentlike, to feline, to marsupial and can vary wildly between individuals. Their body is covered with short fur with small bat-like wings, they also have an antenna with a Pom-Pom (or Bon-Bon) at the end of it. They are about 3-4 feet tall and weigh around 35-40 lbs.
Moogles are clever folk who are able to handle any tool with ease. Their curiosity is only matched by their mischievousness. Moogles delight in surprising humans, and their jobs highlight their special talents. Their dexterity makes them the perfect candidates for jobs requiring delicate work. Moogles are delightful creatures and friendly. They enjoy building and creating stuff as well as selling them. Moogles are natural merchants.
Most Moogles are social creatures who like to interact with any and all species and try to get along with everyone. They are adept at fitting into most communities, especially with Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves, and making themselves welcome and valuable. Moogles are most commonly found in Human lands.
Moogles tend to be either Neutral or Good. However social Moogles tend to desire to help anyone who requests it. This desire can override their normal alignment without affecting their overall alignment. It is suspected that Moogles tend to get a bit of "tunnel vision" when helping others.
Moogles really don't have lands of their own, preferring to live in lands of other races because that's where they get the most business and opportunities. Moogles usually form a community with themselves when living in cities of other races.
Moogles tend to worship deities of craft, innovation, or knowledge if any. Some examples of such deities for these domains include Gond, Oghma, Moradin, and Waukeen.
Racial Traits
Creature Type:
Small (about 2-4 feet tall)
20 feet. fly 20 ft. (hover).
Life Span:
It is not known how long Moogles live.
You can speak, read, and write Mogish, Common, Celestial, and one other language.
Moogle names are generally themed on the word 'moogle' or 'kupo'. Some examples: Mog, Molulu, Moghan, Moguel, Moglin, Mogret, Moggie, Mogsy, Mogwin, Mugmug, Cosmog, Stiltzkin, Montblanc, Marche.
Special Traits:
As a Moogle, you have these special traits.
You can communicate telepathically with any Moogle you know.
Moogle Flight
As a bonus action, you can activate or deactivate your hover ability and rise up to 20 feet above the ground. If you have wings, you can fly up to 20 feet in any direction so long as you are no higher than 20 feet above the ground directly below you. Your wings do not act as traditional wings, but instead act as a means of propulsion and steering. While hovering you benefit from a constant effect that is the same as having a Feather Fall spell affecting only yourself. The following applies conditions to your flight:
Medium armor reduces speed and vertical limit by 10 ft. and you cannot fly in heavy armor. Heavy armor disables the feather fall effect.
You cannot fly while exhausted, encumbered, incapacitated, or if your wings have been damaged. This also disables the feather fall effect.
Moogle Sight
As an action you can touch a creature and magically know the creature's current emotional state. If the target fails a Charisma save (DC 10 plus your proficiency bonus plus your Charisma modifier), you also know the creature's alignment. Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically fail the saving throw. You can also cast the detect thoughts spell, requiring no spell slot or components, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it this way again. Your spellcasting ability for the spell is Widsom, Intelligence, or Charisma. If you have spell slots of 2nd level or higher, you can cast this spell with them.
Mind Block
You are resistant to psychic damage, and, if you choose, you can be immune to magic that allows other creatures to read your thoughts, determine whether you are lying, know your alignment, or know your creature type. Creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if you allow it. You can also use an action to magically turn invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack, make a damage roll, or force someone to make a saving throw. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You have devoted yourself to the spiritual leaders in your community. You honor the ancients have learned to channel their power in your service to the community.
Background Traits
Ability Score Bonus
+2 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence
Skill Proficiencies
Insight, Religion
Tool Proficiency
Calligrapher's Supplies
Common, Celestial
Magic Initiate (Divine)
Book (Prayers), Calligrapher’s Supplies, Holy Symbol, Parchment (10 sheets), Robe, 3 GP
Your youth was spent studying the intricate working of arcane magic and how to use it to simplify or accomplish the daily tasks of your people. You have specialized in creating tools using this knowledge and skill.
Background Traits
Ability Score Bonus
+2 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity
Skill Proficiencies
Arcana, Investigation
Tool Proficiency
Artisan's Tools (one of your choice)
Common, Celestial
Magic Initiate (Arcane)
Book (History), Calligrapher’s Supplies, Parchment (8 sheets), Quarterstaff Robe, 8 GP
You are skilled and nimble, but you have worked hard to learn the skills of a trade. You are accepted as a skilled asset by your mentor and by your community. In addition you have learned how to promote your skills and your work in order to get the best trade possible.
Background Traits
Ability Score Bonus
+2 Intelligence, +1 Charisma
Skill Proficiencies
Investigation, Persuasion
Tool Proficiency
Artisan's Tools (one of your choice)
Common, Celestial
Abacus, Artisan’s Tools (same as above), Merchant’s Scale, Pouch (2), Traveler’s Clothes, 25 GP
You grew up traveling. You have slept under the open sky. You have seen wonders, strange monsters, and strange lands. You have traveled with many people, but especially enjoyed time learning the fundamentals of channeling the magic of the wild.
Background Traits
Ability Score Bonus
+2 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity
Skill Proficiencies
Stealth, Survival
Tool Proficiency
Cartographer's Tools
Common, Celestial
Magic Initiate (Primal)
Arrow (20)
Bedroll, Cartographer’s Tools, Fishing Tackle, Quiver, Shortbow, Tent, Traveler’s Clothes, 2 GP