The Awaked Duck

by NightofKnight

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The Awaked Duck

The Awaked duck

A unique lineage of ducks has been touched by ancient magic. Endowed with a rare intelligence among birds, the Anasuras, as they call themselves, ascended to a new level of existence.

These feathered beings now walk upright, with wings transformed into deft hands and keen minds that rival those of any civilized race. By awakening this ancestral knowledge, the Anasuras became the guardians of avian harmony, maintaining the balance between the earthly and feral worlds.

Awaked Duck traits.

Increased ability score. Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2, and increase a different one by 1.

Age. Ducks normally live 9 years, but you live more than 50 years.

Size. Awaked ducks are between 2 and 3 feet tall while duck-shaped and 3 to 4 feet while standing upright and weigh about 20 pounds. Its size is considered medium.

Speed. You have a base walking speed of 25 feet and your flying and swimming speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can read and speak Common and Wild.

Respect for Anatidaephobia. You can use your bonus action to instill fear in a creature within 30 feet of you; He must succeed on a Wisdom check (DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be scared of you for 1 minute. You can only use this feature again after finishing a long or short rest.

Strange appearance. you are a humanoid, but you are in the posture of an ordinary duck, in this form no one suspects that you are not an Common duck.



experience. You gain proficiency in two martial weapons of your choice.

natural armor. While you are not wearing armor, your agility gives you a base Armor Class of 12 + your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, your walking speed increases by 10 feet.

implacable wizard

Intelligence thing. You have proficiency in intelligence saving throws.

Hidden Power. If you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature, your Spell save DC increases by 1.


I will make the source of this homebrew available to know who they are, where the images came from