way of the six fists

by NightofKnight

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way of the six fists

More than one hand

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can concentrate for one hour to create a pair of extra arms, which can replace or cover arms you don't use or are magically immobile.

  • Six arms. These arms are golden and appear to be wearing a gauntlet, you can use it as a prosthesis if your real arm is not capable, the maximum number of arms you can create per rest is equal to your proficiency bonus, but cannot exceed 6, you do not gain any extra advantages if you use more than one shield and cannot carry non-light weapons with them.

  • Damage. You can add your bonus to damage rolls from your unarmed attacks.

  • Large body. No creature has advantage in grappling you, and you can continue attacking normally the creature grappling you if at least one pair of its arms is available.

You can use your monk features with it, and you are proficient with these arms, plus it is treated as a heavy weapon when attacking with them.


At 3rd level, you gain proficiency and Intimidation Performance and use your wisdom modifier in place of charisma.


At 6th level, your fists can deliver a sequence of quick blows with the aim of “mining” the opponent's face. You can use Burst Flurry without spending KI, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses after taking a long rest.

Need a hand?

At 11th level, you can use your reaction and spend 2 KI points to pull an ally within 5 feet who is subject to a melee weapon attack in any direction from you.

Inner strength

At 17th level, once per turn, you have advantage on the first Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, whichever comes first.