[No] Vacancy

by kickash

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[No] Vacancy Walkthrough

by Ash Karczag

[No] Vacancy


Write down the following information about your characters on your character sheet:

  • Name

  • Age (roll 2d20 + 16)

  • Gender (if applicable)

  • Background

  • 3 items always on your person

  • 5 items in the van

  • HP (roll 1d6)

  • STR (roll 3d6)

  • DEX (roll 3d6)

  • CTRL (roll 3d6)

The Crew

You all are a tight-knit crew of a TV show, chasing ghosts and demons across the heart of middle America. It's a long drive on a road that stretches endless ahead. What's the name of your show? Who are you, and what's your role on the crew?

The Storm

The skies begin to growl and grumble, and before you know it, a massive storm is upon you. The rain hammers down hard, and the road becomes a blurry mess of wet asphalt. The decision is unanimous; it’s time to find shelter.


To keep the game moving along at a good clip, use this pacing guide of real time events..

d6 Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3
1 Arrival at The Melville First encounter with the shadowy figure Face the fish people by the lake
2 Finding eerie logbook entries Discovery of twisted motel room Find the artefact pieces
3 Strange sightings near the lake Encountering ghostly messages Fear monster has eaten all the guests
D6 Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3
4 Hearing whispers in the wind Realization of phones/radios malfunctioning Discovery of the door on the island
5 Discovering the cars are sabotaged Finding a disturbing newspaper article Closing the dark dimension door with the artefact
6 Uncovering the archaeological paraphernalia Experiencing the grounds transformations Final escape from The Melville

The Motel

Just as the world outside seems to turn into a watercolor of grays and blacks, a sign looms out of the gloom - “The Melville Motel.” You take the turn and pull into the motel’s parking lot. It’s an old place. The neon sign flickers in the rain, casting long reflections on the puddled ground. Soda-vapor streetlights illuminate the parking lot in a yellow haze. You notice a few other cars parked - others seeking refuge from the storm too. The wind howls, shaking the neon sign slightly.

The Parking lot

The Melville has a timeless look, like it's been waiting patiently through the decades for lost travelers like yourselves. The paint on the walls is peeling, the parking lot is dirt and worn gravel.

Map Check

The players may want to check the map and figure out what other things might be in the area. Use the table below to determine the outcome of a CTRL map check.

d10 Result
9 - 10 Clear Understanding: The map is easy to read. You find
notable locations, like a forgotten town or an
abandoned amusement park, all too far to drive tonight.
7 - 8 Fair Clarity: You understand the basic layout of the
area around The Melville. There isn't much here.
5 - 6 Unclear: The map is somewhat faded or outdated. You
get a general idea but miss out on potential points of
d10 Result
3 - 4 Confusing: The map is old, torn, or marked with
illegible annotations. It's hard to make out any useful
1 - 2 Misleading: The map leads you to believe something
false, like a road that no longer exists or a marked
location that turns out to be something else entirely.
The Motel Office

As you nudge the door to the main office open, the first thing that hits you is the stale air. It's a quiet, old room with a bunch of plants taking over corners. The decor is all over the place, like someone couldn't decide on a single era. Right there on the counter, there's this logbook. You flip it open and see a bunch of names signed in, but not a lot of them signed out. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Now, take a look around. There are newspapers lying around with headlines about people disappearing, boat accidents on the lake, and weird stuff found in the water. Over in one corner, there’s a bunch of old archaeological stuff. There's a photo of the motel’s manager at a dig site, dated 1912. Beside it, there are schematic drawings of a large, black rock. There's currently not anyone at the counter, but there is a bell with a sign that says "Ring for service."

The Manager

You ring the bell. You wait a moment. You get a chill. The door behind the counter opens and a man walks out, or rather squeezes out, and quickly shuts the door behind him. He's an older man. He steps to the counter, his gaze scanning over the group before he speaks with a soft voice.

Manager: "Quite a storm out there. You'll be wanting a room then?" He reaches under the counter, producing a ledger and a set of keys which clatter slightly as he places them down.

Manager: "We've got...umm, only one room open right now. The rate is fair." His hands shake slightly as he opens the ledger to a new page, offering a pen to the one who seems to be in charge.

Manager: "Just need a name and a signature here. Just, ah, avoid wandering around after dark. My wife gets a might fright, you see." As he speaks, his gaze seems to drift off, as if lost in troubling memories. But he quickly shakes it off, forcing another smile as he awaits the necessary information to check you in.

Manager: "Diner's open if you need a little something to eat. Cook's gone home, but the machines still have some stuff in 'em. Snacks and such."

Manager: "I hope your stay at The Melville is... comfortable. And should you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always here." He hands you a key with a red plastic fob and the letter 9 in white paint.

Phones and radios

Whenever someone tries to use a phone or radio, it doesn't work the way it should. These effects might be mistaken as a result of the storm.

d10 Effect Description
1 Distorted Voices Voices on the other end sound distorted or garbled during calls or radio communications.
2 Ghostly Messages Strange, cryptic messages or eerie whispers heard amidst static.
3 Disappearing Signals Phones and radios lose signal intermittently or receive signals from unknown sources.
4 Delayed Communications Messages or calls are delayed, arriving much later or in a jumbled, out-of-order sequence.
5 Unintended Recipients Calls or messages are received by unintended recipients, leading to confusing interactions.
6 Eerie Echoes Words echoed back in a distorted or chilling manner when speaking into the device.
7 Visual Anomalies Smartphones show visual distortions or capture eerie images not present in the physical world.
8 Unexpected Frequencies Radios tune into unsettling frequencies broadcasting otherworldly sounds or unknown languages.
9 Battery Drains and Surges Sudden battery drains or surges, possibly with flickering screens or unexpected power-offs.
10 Reversed Controls Controls work in reverse or devices respond unpredictably to touch or voice commands.
Strange sighting

At this point, the players may have someone go out to the car to unload stuff. They see something strange. Roll on this same table if anyone goes outside to check their phone, look around, etc.

d20 Sightings Description
1 - 2 Shadowy Figure A fleeting glimpse of a shadowy figure darting between the nearby trees.
3 - 4 Glowing Eyes A pair of glowing eyes watching from the darkness, disappearing abruptly.
5 - 6 Unnatural Fog A sudden, thick fog rolls in, obscuring vision momentarily.
7 - 8 Whispering Wind Faint whispers carried by the wind, forming eerie, unintelligible murmurs.
9 - 10 Cold Spot A sudden, intense cold spot felt, sending shivers down the spine.
11 - 12 Disembodied Laugh A distant, eerie laugh echoing through the night air.
13 - 14 Floating Lights Mysterious, floating lights moving erratically in the distance.
15 - 16 Vanishing Animal An animal seen scurrying away, vanishing into thin air before your eyes.
17 - 18 Flickering Motel Sign The motel sign flickers, displaying unsettling words or symbols briefly.
19 - 20 Reflection in the Water An odd reflection in a puddle or the lake, showing something not there.

Every time the players leave and re-enter a room or area, it is transformed slightly. It becomes more decrepit, decayed, twisted. The colors are more faded, the ground and the walls less flat. Mark the location on the map with a tick mark for each re-entry, and roll on this table. The Motel grounds count as a location.

d6 Transformation Description
1 Fading Colors The once vibrant colors now appear faded, almost drained of life.
2 Uneven Ground The ground becomes uneven, with unexpected dips and rises making walking tricky.
3 Wall Warping The walls seem to warp, no longer flat but bulging or caving in subtly.
4 Decay Signs of decay are more pronounced; peeling paint, crumbling concrete, rusting metal.
5 Strange Smells An odd, musty smell pervades the air, and eerie creaks and groans echo in the space.
6 Strange Sounds Eerie creaks and groans echo in the space. A low hum rings in your ears.
Other Guests

The players will run into other guests in the parking lot, coming out of the office, going to their rooms, the diner, the boat house, or the garage. Here's a list of guests and their reason for being here:

d6 Guest Reason for Stay Conversation Starters
1 Marilyn Hayes Road trip pit stop on her way to a family reunion "Ever been on a long road trip before?" "Know any good diners around here?"
2 Greg and Lisa Cooper Celebrating their anniversary with a weekend getaway "Got any recommendations for places to visit around here?" "Ever had a staycation?"
3 Arnold Bennett Traveling salesman staying overnight "Ever run into any interesting folks on your travels?" "Know of any good local bars?"
4 Sasha Ivanov Photographer capturing abandoned places in America "Ever been interested in photography?" "Know of any eerie places around here to shoot?"
5 Jenna Simmons Hiker exploring local trails and nature spots "Ever explored the trails around here?" "Know of any hidden nature spots?"
6 Barry Thompson Local who often rents a room to escape city noise "Ever feel the need to just get away from the city buzz?" "Know any quiet spots around here?"
The Lake
From the motel room

You see a lake stretching out not far off. The shore is rough with weeds and a couple of bare trees sticking out like sore thumbs. Every now and then, the motel's neon sign flickers, throwing a shaky light across the water. It’s quiet, except for the drumming of raindrops hitting the water, making tiny ripples before they vanish.

From the boathouse

In the far distance on the lake's surface, you can see lights like there might be a house on the other side.

The Motel Room

Alright, you guys head on over to room 9, nestled on the rear side of the motel property, facing the lake. Two queen beds, a table and chairs, a desk, a couch, a table, and a bathroom. There's one of those cabinet TVs against one wall.There's two nightstands by each of the beds, and a phone on one of the nightstands. There's a window facing the lake. As you glance around, you can't help but notice a peculiar spot on the ceiling that kinda like black mold.

The Black Mold Spot

The artefact is hidden in the ceiling above the black mold spot. In fact, it's in the ceiling of all 9 rooms. The players will definitely notice the mold spot.

It's about the size of a dinner plate, with an odd, irregular shape. The color is a deep black, but it's got hints of green and grey swirling around too, like some sort of dark, moldy bruise against the pale ceiling. It's got a bit of a fuzzy, velvety look to it, yet in some spots, it looks slightly shiny, almost wet. As you stare at it, you notice it’s not just a flat spot. It's got some texture, some bumps and ridges, almost like it's been growing and spreading slowly over time, reaching out across the ceiling. The edges aren't clean either; they sort of fade out, blending into the ceiling but in a messy, splotchy way.

If the players investigate further, they'll be able to prying the ceiling spot open and get the artefact out.

After a bit of poking and prodding, you manage to loosen a chunk of the ceiling right around the mold spot. As the plaster crumbles away, you spot something nestled within the cavity. It's a piece of what appears to be an artefact. You carefully reach in and pull it out. The artefact piece is a strange looking object, about the size of a pocketbook. It's got an intricate design, with shapes and symbols that don’t quite match anything you’ve seen before. The material is odd too, not quite metal, not quite stone, but something in between with a cool, smooth texture. It's heavy in your hand, heavier than its size would suggest. The color is a deep, rich black, but as you turn it in the light, you catch glints of other colors swirling within its surface, like an oil slick on water. The edges are sharp, like it's been broken off of something larger.

If the players ask other guests if there's mold spots in their rooms or anything strange, here are some possible responses:

d8 Response
1 "Yeah, there's a weird mold spot on my ceiling too. It's got a funky pattern to it."
2 "No mold, but there's a weird dark spot on the wall behind the headboard."
3 "Now that you mention it, I noticed a tile on the bathroom floor that's all messed up."
4 "Mold, no. But there's an odd indent in the floor under the carpet. Felt it when I stepped on it."
5 "Actually, yeah. There's a strange spot on the ceiling. And a hollow sound when I tap near it."
d8 Response
6 "I found a small panel loose on the wall, with weird symbols inside. Maybe related?"
7 "No mold, but the mirror in my room is super dirty. Pretty gross."
8 "Yeah, there’s a mold spot in my room too. And some odd scratches on the wooden floor. What a dump."
The Diner

It's a cozy little diner that's got a strong 50’s vibe to it. The place is lit up with neon lights, giving it a sort of warm, nostalgic glow. Off to one side, there’s this small jukebox, ready to belt out some old-school tunes at the drop of a coin. There’s a counter with some stools and a bunch of booths, all decked out in that classic 50s style. You notice there's an attached kitchen, but all the counters are closed and boarded up. Instead, they've got these vending machines lined up where you'd expect to see a grill or a fryer. As you're looking, you notice the brands in the vending machines are very strange.

Here's a list of things you might find in the vending machines in the diner:

d6 Item Name Description
1 Reality Chex Mix Just normal chex mix, but with a weird name
2 Holographic Hummus Like hummus but actually holographic
3 Zero-G Gummies The gummies are floating around in the bag, seeming not to care about anything
4 Nut-free Salted Peanuts Just the best part
5 Emergency Clams For the most dire of times
6 Parallel Universe Popcorn Popcorn that pops in and out of existence
The Garage

It's an old, rundown garage and gas station combo just off to the side of the motel. It’s got a layer of dust on everything like it’s been ages since anyone last swung a wrench here.It’s a fully kitted out spot though, every tool you’d expect to find is there, resting in its place. Well, almost every tool. There are these outlines on the pegboard showing where some tools used to hang. You spot two old gas bowsers out front. They've got that vintage look, but hey, they still work.

Manager's Boat Ride

While the players are in the diner or in their motel room, the manager boats out to the island to open the doorway to the dark dimension. At the same time, the manager's wife sabotages the cars in the parking lot.

What Happens Next

At this point, the players have gotten the key to their room, unloaded their stuff, maybe stopped by the diner, and probably run into a few other guests. They've found the strange mold spot, and have probably noticed the way the rooms are changing each time they come in and out. Here's some things they might do:

Investigate Other Rooms

Curiosity piqued, they might decide to investigate other rooms, either vacant ones or those of the guests they've interacted with, to look for more oddities or artefact pieces.

  • Venturing into other rooms, they stumble upon more unusual markings, each unique to the room it's found in. In each room, there's evidence that an artefact was once there.
Engage More with Other Guests

They could decide to converse more with other guests, sharing their findings, and asking if anyone else has noticed anything strange or has had similar experiences.

  • As they share their experiences with other guests, one guest mentions hearing strange whispers at night, while another talks about seeing fleeting shadows in the corner of their eyes. They gather that everyone is feeling a mix of curiosity and unease, and some guests share they've found odd items in their rooms too, potentially pieces of the artefact.
Examine Artefact Piece

They may want to spend some time examining the artefact piece they found, possibly searching for clues or trying to decipher the symbols on it.

  • On closer inspection of the artefact piece, they notice that the symbols are part of a larger pattern. It's as if this piece is meant to connect with others. The symbols seem to tell a story or a set of instructions, but they'll need more pieces to get the complete picture.
Explore Outside Areas

They might want to explore the motel's surroundings, like the lake, any nearby structures, or the diner further, searching for more clues or anomalies.

  • Outside, by the lake, they find an old, weather-beaten signpost with faded writings about the motel's history and its connection to a local legend. In the diner, beneath one of the booths, they find a newspaper clipping from decades ago about a mysterious disappearance at the motel. In the motel office, they find more newspaper clippings about the archaelogical dig, and pictures of the artefact before it was broken. In the motel manager's locked office, they find another artefact piece.
Seeking Local Help

They might decide to venture into the nearby town or contact local authorities to seek help or gather more information about the motel and its eerie occurrences.

  • Given the inability to make contact via phones or radios and with their cars sabotaged, the players might opt for a more direct approach. They could decide to venture on foot or find alternative transportation to reach the nearby town. A thick white fog prevents them from seeing anything outside the motel grounds.
Flashback Clues

To prompt your players along, you may use this flashback table to give them clues about what the lake is hiding.

d8 Flashback Description
1 A memory of a local sharing tales of an island in the middle of the lake where rituals were held.
2 A sudden recall of a newspaper clipping about a hidden underwater cave discovered in the lake.
3 A flashback of a strange dream where voices whispered, beckoning to come to the lake under the moonlight.
4 A memory surfaces of seeing an old photograph in a town archive showing a door-like structure on the lake’s shore.
d8 Flashback Description
5 A vivid recall of a story heard in town about a boat found drifting on the lake, its oars set in a way that pointed towards a specific direction.
6 An image of a book page from the motel’s library comes to mind, showing a map of the lake with marked coordinates.
7 A flashback of a conversation with a previous motel guest who mentioned seeing lights on the lake at midnight.
8 A memory of finding a postcard in the motel showing a picturesque view of the lake, with a peculiar structure visible on the other side.

The Fear Monster

After the manager take his boat trip across the lake to open the doorway, the Fear Monster bursts through the door and begins to feed on the guests, and the dark dimension begins to completely engulf the motel and soon, the world. The only way to stop the darkness from consuming everything is to force the door closed with the artefact. Of course, this will seal the fear monster on our side of the doorway.

The next time the players go outside, read this out loud.

The evening drapes around the motel like a chill blanket. The sky’s got that deep indigo hue, and the lake's waters are still, almost eerily so. The rain has given way to a thick, white fog. A cold gust sweeps through, swirling the leaves and rattling the windows, shaking the doors. Out of the shadows, this... thing emerges. It’s hard to make out its form at first. It’s got a ghastly, twisted form, its body seems to flicker and warp with each step it takes towards you. Its eyes are like two burning coals in a sea of darkness, filled with a hunger that sends shivers down your spine.

Seeking Shelter

They might look for a safer place within the motel or nearby structures, barricading themselves while they try to figure out how to deal with the Fear Monster. This can lead to moments of strategizing, and possibly discovering new clues or resources that can help against the monster.

The beast lunges at you guys, its form shivering with every shriek and howl that escapes its maw. You all scramble, hearts pounding against your chests like wild drums. You spot the diner, the neon lights flickering inconsistently. With a unanimous yet unspoken agreement, you all dart towards it. Behind you, the monster morphs into a shadowy mist, chasing you with a terrifying, hungry growl. "Quick, inside!" someone shouts. You all pile into the diner, slamming the door shut behind you. The windows rattle as the monster crashes against the door, its eerie eyes glaring through the glass, burning with an unholy fire. You hurriedly stack tables and chairs against the door, the monster's roars of frustration echoing through the night. It slams against the door again, the wood creaking ominously. The creature's face distorts with each hit, morphing between your worst fears.

Crossing the Lake

The encounter with the Fear Monster might push them to consider crossing the lake sooner, in hopes of finding answers or a way to fight back against the dark forces plaguing the motel.

The path to the boat house isn't long but every shadow feels like it's lurking with unseen eyes, every rustle in the bushes makes your heart skip a beat. The boat house stands there, an old wooden structure that's seen better days. The wood's weather-beaten, paint's peeling off, and it’s got that musty, old wood smell. The door creaks ominously as you push it open, revealing a couple of boats resting on the murky water, tethered to the dock inside. The water is still, reflecting the ghostly pale moonlight. It's quiet, too quiet, the kind of quiet that sets your teeth on edge.

Engage the Fear Monster

If your players decide to engage the Fear Monster, a high-stakes combat ensues. They'll need to muster all their courage and utilize their abilities strategically to fend off this terrifying creature. It's an intense, heart-pounding battle where every move counts. The monster's power to manipulate fear might lead to players facing their worst fears during the encounter.

d8 Form Description Effect on Players
1 Shadowy Serpent: A long, dark snake-like figure with glowing red eyes. Slithers around players, constricting and suffocating them with fear.
2 Ghastly Apparition: A floating ghostly figure with a horrifying, distorted face. Sends chills down players' spines, freezing them in place with terror.
3 Monstrous Spider: A huge, shadowy spider with eyes that peer into one’s soul. Crawls rapidly around, its eerie eyes instilling paralysis in players.
4 Towering Phantom: A tall, looming phantom with an aura of dread. Its towering presence overwhelms players, drowning them in despair.
5 Twisted Reflection: Takes the form of a grotesque, twisted version of a player. Mimics players’ actions in a horrifying manner, causing confusion and dread.
6 Abyssal Creature: A creature from the depths with tentacles reaching out. Tentacles aim to grasp players, dragging them into a pit of fear.
7 Skeletal Beast: A menacing skeletal creature with a chilling screech. Its screech reverberates through players’ minds, scattering their focus.
8 Bloodcurdling Banshee: A banshee with a face of terror and a scream that pierces the soul. Its scream shatters courage, leaving players trembling.

The Dimension Door

The silence around is haunting, every step you take seems to echo through the void. Then you see it... the door to the Dark Dimension. It’s unlike any door you’ve ever seen. Standing about 10 feet tall, it's carved from a material that seems to swirl with shadows, absorbing the scant light around. The doorframe is adorned with ancient, cryptic runes that seem to dance and flicker with a life of their own. It’s eerie, the way the symbols seem to beckon, whispering secrets of the abyss. The door itself holds a mirror-like surface, but the reflection it casts is twisted, filled with shadowy tendrils and fleeting images of nightmarish landscapes.

Closing the Door

The players will need to gather all 10 artefact pieces to complete the artefact. They may find the one in their room and in the manager's office, but the fear monster will get to the others first. As the fear monster retrieves the artefact pieces, it feeds on guests, then brings the piece back to the gate to assemble it one by one. If the players can get there, they can get and hide the artefact pieces. Of course, they could also just try to smash the door to pieces.

Locations of the other pieces

Underwater Cave As you row across the calm waters, the reflection of the moon guides you to a hidden underwater cave. It’s a tight squeeze, but inside, nestled among ancient, algae-covered carvings, you find an artefact piece. The cave seems to hum with an old, forgotten power.

Sunken Rowboat Out in the deeper parts, there's this old rowboat lying at the bottom, half-buried in silt. With a dive, you discover another piece of the artefact tucked away in a waterlogged box. It’s eerie down there, the silence of the deep is haunting.

Old Fishing Shack There’s an old, ramshackle fishing shack on the far shore. Inside, among rusty hooks and tattered nets, you find another piece wedged behind a loose plank. The shack seems to have seen better days, but it's a small haven in this ominous landscape.

Hollow of a Dead Tree Near the water’s edge, there’s this ancient, dead tree. Its hollow trunk holds another piece, wrapped in a decayed cloth. The tree stands as a lonely sentinel, its bare branches reaching out to the dark skies.

Abandoned Campsite Tucked away in a small clearing, you stumble upon an abandoned campsite. Among the remnants of a cold campfire and a torn tent, you find another piece buried in the ashes. It’s a ghostly scene, remnants of happier times now swallowed by fear.

Decrepit Dock There's this old, decrepit dock jutting out into the water. Underneath, among the rotting planks and reeds, you find another piece tangled in old fishing line. The dock creaks with each step, a mournful sound carried away by the wind.

Waterlogged Chest Amidst some reeds, you find a waterlogged chest half-buried in mud. With a bit of effort, you pry it open to find another artefact piece nestled within. The chest holds echoes of forgotten treasures, now guardians of your desperate hope.

The Reaper's Rock There's this large, ominous rock jutting out from the lake, locals call it the Reaper's Rock. It's got this old, eerie vibe to it. As you approach, you notice there's something carved into the rock, ancient markings that seem to tell a story of long ago. With a bit of searching, you find a hidden crevice on the side facing away from the motel. You reach in and pull out another piece of the artefact, covered in a layer of old moss.

Ending the Game

The game may end in a few different ways. You may choose to end the game because of time constraints, players getting stuck, or a natural conclusion based on the story. Here are three ideas for how to end the game.

Consumed by Fear

By dying in tragic battle with the fear monster

As you make your final stand against the Fear Monster, the air grows thick with terror. The world around you seems to dissolve into shadows, the monster’s eerie howls echoing through the void. One by one, you feel yourselves drawn into its malevolent grasp, your fears manifesting into chains that pull you closer to its gaping maw. It’s a slow, torturous end as the monster feeds off your fear, the darkness engulfing you until there’s nothing left but silence. The motel stands as a sinister monument to the night of horror, the tale of your brave but doomed attempt lost in the whispers of the haunted wind.

Victory over Evil

By destroying the door, or closing it with the artefact

The moment arrives, the artefact pieces assembled in the doorway to the Dark Dimension. As you chant the ancient incantations, a blinding light radiates from the artefact, piercing through the suffocating darkness. The Fear Monster shrieks in agony, its form dissolving into ashes. The door shudders, then slowly seals shut, the dark tendrils retreating as if banished by the light. As the door closes, the motel and the surrounding area seem to breathe a sigh of relief, the sinister cloud lifted. You've done it. Against all odds, you’ve sealed the evil away, saving not only yourselves but countless souls from the menace that lurked beyond. The sun rises, casting away the dark shadows, as you leave the motel behind, the bond forged in the crucible of terror forever etched in your souls.

The Escape

By repairing one of the cars and escaping

The horrors of the night weigh heavily on your hearts. The Fear Monster, the dark door, it’s too much, too terrifying. With a collective decision, you grab what you can and dash towards your vehicles. The engine roars to life just in time as you speed away from the motel, the dark silhouettes growing distant in the rearview mirror. But as you drive away, the terror of the night lingers, the unknown fate of the motel and the Dark Dimension a haunting specter in your minds. The road stretches ahead, endless, as you leave the night of terror behind, the dark mysteries of the motel remaining unsealed, a chilling tale of the unknown.

[No] Vacancy Walkthrough

A liminal horror adventure walkthrough designed to be paired with the [No] Vacancy liminal horror module by Eldritch Gremlin.

by Ash Karczag

This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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