Variant: Mana Points D&D5e
This system is a revision of the Spell Points rule of the DMG page 288-289, replacing the restrictive and artificial Spell Slots with a more intuitive and simple Mana Point system.
Spellcaster Class
Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Each Level gives you a Spellcaster Level.
Half Spellcaster Class
Artificer, Paladin, Ranger
Each Level gives you half a Spellcaster Level (rounded up).
Third Spellcaster Subclass
Fighter: Eldritch Knight, Rogue: Arcane Trickster
Each Level gives you one third of a Spellcaster Level (rounded up).
Pact Caster Class
Each Level gives you a Pact Caster Level.
Third Pact Caster Subclass
Blood Hunter: Profane Soul
Each Level gives you one third of a Pact Caster Level (rounded up).
If a Creature uses Multiclass, now the Paladin & Ranger Classes and all Subclasses round down (instead of round up) their Spellcaster and Pact Caster Levels.
Only the Mana Points gained from a Pact Caster Class or Subclass are regained when you finish a Short Rest.
Released: v1.0 - 14/10/2023
Updated: v1.3 - 26/12/2023

Mana Points
Instead of gaining a number of Spell Slots with the Spellcasting or Pact Magic Features, you gain a number of Mana Points as shown on the table for your Class.
Spellcaster Recovery. Spellcasters regain their expended Mana Points when they finish a Long Rest.
Pact Caster Recovery. Pact Casters regain their expended Mana Points when they finish a Short or Long Rest.
Spellcasting and Pact Casting
You can expend a number of Mana Points to create a Spell Slot of a specific Level and use it immediately to Cast one of your Spells. Your Spellcaster or Pact Caster Level determines the maximum Level of Spell Slot you can create.
Spells of 6th Level or higher. Spells of 6th-Level and higher are particularly taxing to Cast, you can only Cast one Spell of 6th, 7th 8th and 9th Level once each. You cannot do so again until you finish a Long Rest.
Greater Spellcasting Starting at Spellcaster Level 19th, you can Cast Spells of 6th-Level twice per Long Rest, and at Spellcaster Level 20th you can Cast Spells of 7th-Level twice per Long Rest.
Mana Point Cost
Spell Level | Mana Cost |
Cantrip | 0 |
1st | 2 |
2nd | 3 |
3rd | 4 |
4th | 5 |
Spell Level | Mana Cost |
5th | 6 |
6th | 7 |
7th | 8 |
8th | 9 |
9th | 10 |
Optional Rule: Hardcore Cantrips
Casting a Cantrip now Costs 1 Mana Point, and you gain a number of additional Mana Points per Long Rest equal to your Spellcasting Modifier (minimum 1).
Ideal for low fantasy campaigns, or to return the dread of D&D3.5, but beware that it weakens Caster Players.
Affected Features
Arcane Recovery/Natural Recovery
Once per Long Rest, when you complete a Short Rest you can choose to regain a number of Mana Points equal to your Druid Level if you have the Natural Recovery Feature, or your Wizard Level if you have the Arcane Recovery Feature.
Uses Converted to Mana
If any Trait/Feature/Feat/Rule allows you to Cast a Spell with limited uses, you instead gain its equivalent amount of Mana Points from the uses when converted into the Mana Point Cost table, allowing you to use those Mana Points freely.
Regainin Spell Slots
If any Trait/Feature/Feat/Rule allows you to regain a Spell Slot, you instead gain a number of Mana Points equal to its conversion on the Mana Point Cost table.
Mana Points: Spellcaster
Spellcaster Level | Mana Points | Maximum Spell Level |
1st | 4 | 1st |
2nd | 6 | 1st |
3rd | 14 | 2nd |
4th | 17 | 2nd |
5th | 25 | 3rd |
6th | 29 | 3rd |
7th | 34 | 4th |
8th | 39 | 4th |
9th | 50 | 5th |
10th | 56 | 5th |
11th | 63 | 6th |
12th | 63 | 6th |
13th | 71 | 7th |
14th | 71 | 7th |
15th | 80 | 8th |
16th | 80 | 8th |
17th | 90 | 9th |
18th | 96 | 9th |
19th | 103 | 9th |
20th | 111 | 9th |
Combine the Mana and Sorcery Points into a single pool.
The Mana Points allow a Warlock to Cast Spells at lower Spell Levels, allowing it a better management of its resources.
Mana Points: Pact Caster
Pact Caster Level | Mana Points | Maximum Spell Level |
1st | 2 | 1st |
2nd | 4 | 1st |
3rd | 6 | 2nd |
4th | 6 | 2nd |
5th | 8 | 3rd |
6th | 8 | 3rd |
7th | 10 | 4th |
8th | 10 | 4th |
9th | 12 | 5th |
10th | 12 | 5th |
11th | 18 | 5th |
12th | 18 | 5th |
13th | 18 | 5th |
14th | 18 | 5th |
15th | 18 | 5th |
16th | 18 | 5th |
17th | 24 | 5th |
18th | 24 | 5th |
19th | 24 | 5th |
20th | 24 | 5th |
This system is based on the original Coffee's Spell Points, now the Coffee's 5e Spell Casting Alternatives, and the ElderArthur, Spellcasting - Mana Points. This version gives Mana to Pact Casters (Warlock), and has a few changes to fit my liking.
Art Credits:
Page 1: Thundering Sparkmage - Billy Christian
Page 2: Wizard's Lightning - Wizard's Retort - Magic The Gathering - Greg Rutkowski