Lunareth: A High Fantasy Setting for 5e

by SumtimesImFunny

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Chapter 1: Welcome to Lunareth!

A World Built by Magic

Before life was breathed into the multiverse, Thusur and Erasil, the gods of Light and Magic banded together. Their magical matrimony caused the stars themselves to erupt, bombarding Lunareth and the surrounding multiverse with life, and the resources necessary to maintain it.

The Surface World

On the planet surface lie the remains of the first civilizations. Burned away by the immense heat of Thusur I, the star Lunareth orbits around. During the day, the surface is arid and dangerous, which makes it the prime target of so many daring adventurers to make their fame and fortune. At night, it cools rapidly, allowing all the monsters and beasts to roam free. Regardless of the time of day, the surface is a dangerous place for everyone.

The Sundom

Even after the earth was scorched and all life fled underground, the surface of Lunareth has not lost its magic. Deep in the desert-like biomes, survivors have managed to create some semblance of civilization. These outlanders worship Thusur, God of Light and the Stars, claiming his scorching was a call to action for the strongest and most willing to survive. These people banded together to form the Sundom, a congregation made up of thousands of tiny villages on the planet surface. There are no real laws or rules, only the law of Thusur and the will to survive. The people of the sundom, like the place they call home, are arid and hardy, capable of making life wherever they will it.

The Forgotten Depths

A standalone pirate themed adventure set in the universe of Lunareth. Check it out HERE

Below Ground

Below the scorched, monster-ridden surface of the planet, life has thrived underground. The planet's subterranean ecosystem has evolved to be perfect for the planet's denizens. Rich, fertile soil, an abundance of useful flora and fauna, and many natural resources to mine and refine. The people of Lunareth have been able to create thriving underground civilizations that have withstood the test of time.

The Inner Burrows

The Inner Burrows, colloquially known as "The Cradle", is where the people of Lunareth first took roots after the surface world was scorched. The cities that have taken root within the Inner Burrows all follow the rules and laws put in place by Erasil, God of Magic and the Moons. This alliance between the cities of The Cradle is called The Lunar Bond. Blessed with divine knowledge and powerful magic, the people of the Inner Burrows represent the best parts of Erasil, and are his pride and joy.


The city of Mythspire was the very first to rise to prominence. Its pristine architecture has withstood ages of change and discord. It is the seat of an empire that spans the entirety of the Inner Burrows, and even some of the Outer Burrows, headed by Erin The Keeper, Lord of Erasil. The city has also been the battlefield for many wars, yet to this day it has yet to fall. The people of this city are used to peace, but always ready for war.


The city of Valera is the seat of Erasil worship. The massive temple dedicated to the worship of the God of Magic and the Moons takes up almost half the city. Within the temple walls, mages and all sorts of practitioners of magic and faith can learn and hone their craft. Valera is also the birthplace of The Expanse, a mystical event that drew in people of other planes in the multiverse to Lunareth approximately 1000 years ago.

The Outer Burrows

Beyond the protection of the Lunar Bond lies the Outer Burrows. Here, the rich ecosystems of Lunareth shine the brightest, and those who have learn to tame it or live amongst it thrive. Many settlements in this area were constructed right on the edge between the Inner and Outer Burrows. Yet further out than that lie smaller independent settlements, such as druid groves or ranger conclaves. Many worshipers of Erasil are sent on pilgrimages to the Outer Burrows to truly commune with the deity and bask in his creation.

The Dark Depths

Beyond and below the Burrows lie the Dark Depths. Here, monsters and aberrations roam free, killing and consuming all who stand in their way. It is a savage, lawless place where only the bravest, most daring adventurers can explore.

Chapter 2: The Multiverse

The Expanse

The multiverse surrounding Lunareth is vast and mostly unexplored. What little has been discovered is by accident. Almost 1000 years ago, a group of powerful wizards dared to ask "Is there something beyond?", and went to experimenting. After years of research and trial and error, they stumbled upon an extraplanar portal. This was known as The Expanse. From there, powerful wizards have learned of other planes of reality, inviting their people to Lunareth. Thanks to the efforts of those people, Lunareth is now incredibly diverse. The visitors to this realm are proud to call it home, and have shared their endless secrets, allowing Lunareth to enter a new age of invention.

The Crescent Plane

Known as the cradle of the multiverse, the Crescent Plane was the first plane of existence in the multiverse. Created by Erasil and Thusur, it is the home of the gods, Lunareth, and life itself. Erasil rules over this plane after his fellow Elder Gods, Thusur and Turena, denied their responsibilities to Lunareth and its people. After the Expanse, the most powerful gods of the multiverse have since left their planes and gone to the Crescent Plane, where Erasil formed The Pristine View, a fortress where all the gods of the multiverse can share and revel in the Elder Gods' creation.

The Pristine View

Created by Erasil, this intangible fortress houses the most powerful gods in the multiverse. Here, Erasil can host feasts, bouts, debates, and spectacles for the other gods without taking his sight off of Lunareth, his most cherished creation.

Plane of Stars

Inspired by Thusur's beauty, Erasil devoted himself to create a plane of existence in his lover's image. This led to the creation of the Plane of Stars, a mystical realm where the very laws of physics are altered. The plane is bombarded by sunlight, and the people there have learned to harness the gravitational pull of the stars to traverse the realm. After its creation, Erasil created Diesis, God of Invention, to watch over the realm. Diesis was fascinated by magic, and used his knowledge and drive to shape the realm to his liking, preserving its beauty and mysticism. He also took up the scientific journey to create life. He began with his son, Udros, the First Gith, who Diesis used as a mold for the githyanki and githzerai, which now populate the Plane of Stars. After the Expanse, Diesis left Udros in charge of this plane, leaving it to join Erasil and the rest of the Pantheon in the Crescent Plane.

Plane of Shadow

What was originally an experiment between Erasil and Thusur, the Plane of Shadow is a realm with no stars or moons. The people here live in complete darkness, and their lifestyle and senses have evolved to show it. Also home to powerful monsters and dangerous magic, the people here are cold and harsh. To watch over this plane, Erasil and Thusur created Catarr, God of Darkness. Catarr is devious, able to manipulate shadow to his desire. He snuck into other planes of existence, primarily the Crescent Plane and the Plane of Balance, and stole thousands of mortals from underneath the gods' noses. He raised them in the Plane of Shadow, creating the Drow and Duergar. The Shadar-Kai are also from this realm.

Plane of Elemental Chaos

In response to Erasil's distant behavior and lack of attention, Thusur, God of Light and the Stars left the Crescent Plane for a moment, taking their son Fivor to create his own realm in hopes of spiting his lover. The Plane of Elemental Chaos was the result, a land of unpredictable storms and disasters. Nothing Thusur or Fivor could do could undo the calamities in this plane, frustrating the pair. Thusur then left Fivor in charge of the plane and returned to Erasil, begging for forgiveness. Fivor grew to hate his father for abandoning him, driving him to madness. He chose to leave his new home as is, assuming the name "God of Disaster". From his new home, Fivor created Elementals, which he trained as part of his army to wage war against his parents. He also created the Genasi, which were much harder to indoctrinate into his army, so he disregarded them.

Plane of Balance

After Thusur created the Triplet Goddesses, Muna, Ena, and Bana, he and Erasil created them a realm to rule over. They created the Plane of Balance, nearly identical to the Crescent Plane. The three goddesses bickered endlessly amongst themselves, splitting the realm into three separate kingdoms. When Erasil discovered how to create life, he shared this gift with the sisters, who in turn created Celestials, Fey, and Fiends. This was the first plane to be contacted by the people of the Crescent Plane during the Expanse.

Realm of Time

This is the home of Turena, Goddess of Time. She created this minor plane of existence to escape the other Elder Gods. In here, her power is absolute and mortal life is forbidden from entry.

Chapter 3: The People of the Multiverse

The people of Lunareth are magical just like the world around them. Life underground has made certain mortal races more well equipped than others.

Common Races

The natives of Lunareth. The people here have endured great changes and turmoils, yet they persevere. Adaptation quickly favored those who could survive the initially damp and stale air of the underground. Burrowers and other monstrous races soon also integrated into Lunareth's society. These races populate all of Lunareth, above and below, and hold power over most of it's society.

  • Small Humanoid Races: Gnomes, Halflings, Dwarves, etc.
  • Goblinoids: Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Verdan, etc.
  • Monstrous Races: Orcs, Gnolls, Grung, Yuan-Ti, etc.
  • Animal Races: Tabaxi, Tortle, Harengon, Owlin, etc.
  • Constructs: Warforged, Automatons, etc.
  • Hybrids: Found in Appendix A

Uncommon Races

Also known as the extraplanar, many races were discovered during and after The Expanse. While many stick to their home planes, many have made Lunareth their home. These races can be found frequently in major cities, but are rarer in smaller settlements and groups:

  • Fey: Elves, Satyrs, Eladrin, Fairies, etc.
  • Exotic Races: Shadar-kai, Tieflings, Gith, etc.
  • Elementals: Genasi
  • Dhampir: Found in Appendix A

Rare Races

While native to Lunareth, Humans (and any half breed of humans) were unfit to thrive in the harsh desert wastelands of Lunareth's surface, and found it difficult to adapt to underground living. Giantkin and Dragonkin are quite the opposite. They dominate the surface world, but even so, its scarce resources and harrowing climate make reproduction not the higher priority. These races are rarely found, even in civilized places:

  • Humans and Halfbreeds: Humans, Half-elves, Half-orcs
  • Giantkin: Goliaths, Firbolg
  • Dragonkin: Dragonborn, Kobolds, Lizardfolk
  • Lords: Found in Appendix A


Due to a rather unorthodox race distribution, languages have also changed rarities. Consult the table below when choosing languages that would accurately be known by your characters.

Most Common Languages

Language Spoken By
Common The Multiverse
Dwarvish Dwarves
Halfling Halflings
Gnomish Gnomes
Goblin Golbinoids Races
Orcish Monstrous Races

Uncommon Languages

Language Spoken By
Sylvan Fey, Elves
Celestial Celestials
Infernal Devils, Tieflings
Shadow Speech Duergar, Drow, Shadar-Kai
Elemental Elementals, Genasi
Gith Githyanki, Githzerai

Rare Languages

Language Spoken By
Terran Humans, Human-Hybrids
Draconic Dragons, Dragonkin
Giant Giants, Giantkin
Deep Speech Creatures of the Dark Depths
Elder The Lunareth Pantheon of Gods, Lords

Chapter 4: Factions of the Multiverse

Since before The Expanse, and even the burning of the surface world, the people of Lunareth stood together, building communities and sharing in the diversity of life. After thousands of years, some of these factions still remain.

The Lunar Guard

Once a band of nomadic mercenaries, The Lunar Guard are faithful followers of Erasil, protecting the realm from dangers of any kind. Today, they are the main line of defense of Mythspire and its queen, Erin The Keeper. They are also not all warriors, for the Lunar Guard now has clerics, bards, paladins, diplomats, politicians, and merchants in its ranks.

The Sundom

Very few can survive in the arid surface of the planet, but life happens everywhere in Lunareth. These people have endured endless hardships from the weather. Civilizations come and go in these parts, but all the successful ones are part of the Sundom, a collection of small villages sprawled across the scorched planet surface. Faithful to Thusur, members of the Sundom are welcomed everywhere, even underground. All sorts of people can be found here, from simple merchants and traders, to mercenaries, to royalty.

The Long Shadow

Little is known about this strange group of outlanders. With no real headquarters, tenets, or hierarchies, it hardly counts as a faction. All that is known is that they are monster hunters of the greatest caliber. They spend their entire lives learning how to kill monsters. Mostly regarded as mercenaries, the Long Shadow's allegiance is with The Burrows, and have proven to be excellent spies and assassins during wartime.

The Vanguard

A super secretive sect of clerics and paladins of The Triplet Goddesses. Divided into 3 sub sects for each goddess: The Peacekeepers (Muna), The Deathdealers (Ena), and The Corruptors (Bana), The Vanguard mostly deals with in-fighting amongst themselves. Every now and then, however, when The Triplet Goddesses join forces, they assemble to complete their holy mission. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes a little of both, The Vanguard is as unpredictable as the goddesses they serve.

The Barons

The Secretive "Barons" have worked their way into every slice of crime in Lunareth. Where their money to be made, they have their hands in the pot. They extort businesses, pay bribes, smuggle, and steal, but never kill. It is said that they have hidden tunnels only they know how to traverse that connects all major cities of The Burrows. The Barons are also known for trading exclusively with Electrum Pieces (EP).

The Travelers

This group of adventurers and storytellers was first formed by Theems The Scholar. The Travelers are a nomadic group of scholars who record the stories they hear on the road. Whether it be the life of an adventurer, or the local legends of a rural town, The Travelers remember these stories and pass them down verbally, never writing anything down, unless Theems himself requests it. Ranked purely by how much they can recite from memory, elders of this faction are some of the smartest and wisest people in Lunareth.

The Gauntlets

These nomadic peacekeepers are unaligned to any creed, faith, rule, or nation. Those who swear The Oath of the Gauntlets must do the right thing, no matter the cost. Their deeds go from catching petty thieves to dismantling corrupt organizations and tearing down tyrannies. Gauntlets do their jobs gratis, not asking for rewards or praise.

Chapter 5: Gods of the Multiverse

The people of Lunareth care deeply for the divine. Many find peace in their beliefs, while others draw magic from their faith. The following are the deities you will encounter while playing this setting:

Elder Gods

The very first deities. Oldest, wisest, and most powerful of the pantheon, their rule is undisputed and respected by all other deities. These are the arquitects of the multiverse.

Thusur, God of Light and the Stars

As the most powerful deity in existence, Thusur was responsible for the creation of the multiverse. It is said he burned so bright that his ashes became the building blocks of the multiverse. Married to Erasil, Thusur is a jealous lover, regularly despising the mortals of Lunareth for taking away his love. His jealousy was so much that Thusur I, the star that Lunareth orbits around, burned so bright it scorched the planet's surface.

Erasil, God of Magic and the Moons

Erasil, alongside his lover Thusur, were the ones who breathed life into Lunareth in the first place. Unlike his lover, Erasil prefers to oversee and intervene in mortal affairs to ensure his creation isn't undone. He created the 7 moons of Lunareth to observe the planet at all times. His greatest creation is still life on Lunareth, so much so that he shares his incredible gifts of magic with the mortal races of the planet, so that they may protect themselves and thrive.

Turena, Goddess of Time

Turena is the oldest deity in existence. Her eternal responsibility is to shape time so that it cannot be defied. When Thusur and Erasil created Lunareth, she was furious, as all her work was completely undone. Turena hates that mortals have free will and access to magic. In protest, Turena walked away from the Pantheon, choosing instead to isolate herself within the Realm of Time.

The Triplet Goddesses

The triplets rule over the Plane of Balance, the sister realm of the Crescent Plane, and are sisters to Thusur.

Ena, Goddess of War

Ena, the wisest of the triplets, dedicated herself to avoid conflict between her sisters Muna and Bana. Where Diplomacy and Corruption meet, there will always be conflict, so Ena steps in and makes sure that petty squabbles between her sisters do not end in bloodshed.

Muna, Goddess of Diplomacy

Muna is the more social of the Triplet Goddesses. She spends most of her days observing the mortals of Lunareth and granting the guidance on how to avoid conflicts. Her mortal enemy, her sister Bana, constantly tries to undo her work. She is responsible for the creation of Celestials.

Bana, Goddess of Corruption

Bana spends all of her time quietly following her sister Muna around Lunareth, undoing all of her efforts to keep the peace. Her motivations are unknown, but the result of her meddling has brought down nations. Known as "The Archdevil", she created Devils and Demons.

Extraplanar Deities

These deities came from other planes of existence, bringing with them their influence and worship.

Diesis, God of Invention

Diesis is from the Plane of Stars, and used to be its sole god and ruler. After the Expanse, he moved to the Crescent Plane to learn all there is about magic. He cares little for ruling and commanding, instead focusing on building and experimenting, creating the best future possible for his greatest invention, the gith. Most gith regard him as the one true god, despite him rejecting that role.

Catarr, God of Caves and Monsters

Catarr came from the Plane of Shadow, and used to be called "God of Darkness" by his faithful, the Shadar-Kai. Before the Expanse, the Shadar-Kai ruled over the Duegar and Drow, using their god-given abilities to subjugate and enslave. After they made contact with other planes, Catarr left the Plane of Shadow, mesmerized by Lunareth's beautiful caves. He then took up the mantle of "God of Caves and Monsters". With his departure, the Shadar-Kai were left powerless, leading to hundreds of years of war. Today, there is peace between the denizens of the Plane of Shadow, and all worship of Catarr is forbidden.

Children of the Gods

As masters of creation, the gods themselves created powerful offspring. Equally powerful as their parents, these deities have completely separate domains and worshipers.

Udros, God of Alchemy

Son of Diesis, Udros is the current ruler of the Plane of Stars. He is also known as the First Gith, being the mold from which Diesis crafted the githyanki and githzerai. As the youngest of the children, he prefers to focus on ruling over his plane of existence, rarely asking for or giving help to other planes or deities.

Netia, Goddess of Ceremony

The firstborn of Thusur and Erasil, Netia was born during the inception of the multiverse, making her older than most other deities. As Goddess of Ceremony, she is a testament of her parents' love and devotion to one another. She shares in Thusur's anger towards Erasil, both being so devoid of his attention. But she also shares in Erasil's love for the life he created.

Zine, God of Redemption

Child of Ena, Goddess of War, Zine was raised by Ena and her sisters to see good in all, even the worst of people. He seeks out the most terrible people in the multiverse, offering them self-reflection and the chance at redemption. His followers mostly consist of Oathbreaker Paladins who wish to repent and take up oaths once again.

Nai-Selus, God of Sea Travel and Trade

After Fivor attempted to destroy the still re-developing Lunareth after Thusur abandoned him, Erasil and Thusur created Nai-Selus. Together they repelled the storms and waves sent by Fivor. When the battle subsided, Nai-Selus took the leftover water and created The Forgotten Depths. The Depths now serve as their divine domain, but their duties also extend to any and all bodies of water across the multiverse.

Fivor, God of Disaster

After Thusur left the Crescent Plane, he took his favorite son, Fivor, with him. In their new home, the Plane of Elemental Chaos, Thusur trained Fivor to be relentless and strong. This endless training turned Fivor mad. When Thusur returned to Erasil, Fivor was left behind, which made him even madder. The denizens of the Plane of Elemental Chaos call him "The Mad God". Fueled by anger towards his parents, he used his divine power and the chaotic energy of the Plane of Elemental Chaos to create more deities, regarded as "The Chaos Constructs".

The Chaos Constructs

Forged by Fivor, God of Disaster, these deities embody the many different aspects of their creator, for better or worse. Originally meant to be mindless soldiers in Fivor's army, these deities have since gained sentience and have domains and worshipers of their own.

Colir, God of Sickness

Fivor's first attempt at creating a deity went badly. Colir's appearance is warped and twisted, and his mind is even more shattered than Fivor's. Colir is sickness incarnate, a cloud of noxious gas that kills all who come in contact with it. Colir has been sentenced and imprisoned within his home plane, but even then his influence extends to the other planes, bringing plagues and illness to mortals.

Vexar, Goddess of Vengeance

After the Mad God learned his lesson, he attempted once again to create a being to spite his father, Thusur. This attempt came in the form of Vexar. She has no physical shape, instead described as an endless torrent of flame. She embodies all the hatred Fivor has for his father, but all of the modesty and patience her creator was taught by Erasil. She's been tasked with keeping the Mad God within his realm, lest he bring disaster to all realms.

Divine Lords of Lunareth

The beauty of Lunareth is so grand that even the gods come down from the heavens to experience it. They do this by creating immortal beings of pure divine magic known to the people of Lunareth as "Lords". These Lords are their own people, yet share the powers and alignments of their creators. While most Lords enjoy life amongst mortals, hiding their true potential, some were sent to Lunareth for specific purposes in mind.

Erin, The Keeper, Lord of Erasil

The first divine lord in existence, Erin was created by Erasil and sent to Lunareth after the planet surface was scorched to lead the mortal races to prosperity underground. Her impact was so much so that she has been named Queen of Mythspire, the first city of The Cradle.

Theems, The Scholar, Lord of Diesis

When Diesis moved to the Crescent Plane, he also learned to create Lords directly from Erasil. His first Lord, Theems, was sent to the Arcane Archive in Valera to learn all he could of this new realm. Today, Theems' vast knowledge of all subjects is regularly inquired about by those under his tutelage as Head Scribe.

Markon, The Warlord, Lord of Ena

To prevent war in other planes of existence, the Goddess of War, Ena created many Lords. While most never have needed to leave the comfort of their lives to serve their creator, Markon has no other choice. As Ena's Lord in the Plane of Elemental Chaos, his job is never ending. While often referred to as "The Warlord", his real job is more along the lines of a gate guard, ensuring the malignant forces of Fivor, the God of Disaster, do not leave their realm.

Rathos, God of the Dead and Undead

Since the dawn of life in the multiverse, a dark force threatened the balance. First referred to as simply Death, later The Dead One, and even later The Speaker of the Dead, this force commanded the recently deceased to destroy the living. Today, this being is know as Rathos, and is the mortal enemy of mankind and the Elder Gods, especially Erasil. His very existence is a threat to all life across the multiverse. His worshipers are equally as evil, performing blasphemous necromancy to appease their god.

Chapter 6: Erasil's Law

As the Elder God of Magic, all life on Lunareth owes its existence to Erasil. Although a merciful, just, and honest god, Erasil has stepped in countless times across history to intervene in mortal affairs. Over time, he has created a set of Virtues and Sins that all settlements under the Lunar Bond must follow:


  1. Cultivation of Knowledge: The people of Lunareth and the multiverse have a lot to learn from one another. Cherish that diversity and learn as a community.
  2. Free Will: Life is only beautiful if lived willfully. Free will is the only route to true happiness in the realm.
  3. Cooperation Between Planes: Our extraplanar neighbors are here to stay, and we should welcome them with open arms.
  4. Willful use of Magic: Magic is Erasil's gift to the living. It must be used with the purpose of bettering lives.
  5. Peaceful Resolution: Lunareth and The Burrows have seen war, and would like to avoid it. A peaceful discussion between parties is key to good diplomacy.


  1. Hording Knowledge: With the hundreds of millions of people in Lunareth, knowledge is found in all parts. To horde and hide it away would be to destroy the sanctity of community.
  2. Enforcing Your Will Onto Others: To remove the free will of others is a capital sin. All must live true to themselves, free of dark persuasions.
  3. Conspiracy with Evil: Lunareth stands because its people live good lives, sworn to the betterment of society. To go against it is to stand against all of Lunareth.
  4. Desecration of the Dead: Death is a necessary part of life. Those who seek to reverse it or avoid it are blasphemes to life itself.
  5. Greed for All Things: The accumulation of powers, in any sense, if forbidden. Lunareth represents unity between all people, regardless of sex, race, gender, or creed.

Chapter 7: The Undead of Lunareth

The act of summoning the undead is abhorred by Erasil and forbidden within The Burrows. Worshipers of Rathos, God of the Dead and Undead, perform horrible acts of necromancy to resurrect and command the once dead. These monstrosities are a threat to the delicate balance of Lunareth and the surrounding multiverse.


The weakest of the undead, Zombies make up the brunt of Rathos' forces across the realms. These undead mindlessly wonder the darker corners of The Burrows, biting down on unsuspecting travelers unlucky enough to cross them.


These undead have kept fragments of their minds and memories. To become a specter upon death is the desire of all Rathosans. These specters vary in power, but can often times cast magic and speak the languages they knew in life.


A subspecies of Specter, Wraiths embody the worst aspects of the person it once was. Capable of immense damage, Wraiths can travel through solid objects, turn invisible, and strike fear directly into the hearts of others. Rathosans turn their enemies into Wraiths, claiming that it is a prison of their master's making.


Those who wish to avoid death altogether commit heinous acts of heresy to appease Rathos, who in turn grants them eternal life, but also eternal servitude. Liches can be mindless, shambling undead like Zombies, but can also be incredibly dangerous, reaching nigh-omnipotence. Liches carry the personality of the person they used to be, for better or worse.


Those who serve Rathos faithfully are often given a gift better than Lich-dom. Rathos turns his most faithful into vampires, fearsome undead with a myriad of magical abilities. These monsters are able to live amongst the living with ease. Down in the Burrows, free of the sunlight, Vampires have grown to be some of the most feared creatures in the realms. Vampires can even at times have children, named Dhampir or "Half-vampires". Vampires can also influence the minds of mortals and even infect them with Vampirism, which slowly turns them into undead servants to the Vampire who turned them.

Chapter 8: The Underground Ecosystem

Life Below Ground

After life above ground became unbearable for all but the most hardy and durable, the people of Lunareth made the intricate tunnel networks below their home. All was not lost, for Lunareth is a magical place. Erasil's blessings weren't only visible above ground, for the vast and diverse ecosystems found underground make life in Lunareth viable and extraordinary.


"Burrow" is the colloquial name for a large cave opening. Burrows can vary from village sized to crossing entire oceans. These can also contain any number of creatures or biomes, all unique and not interconnected. For example, you could have a burrow where it is constantly cold and snowing nearby or next to a burrow with a desert-like landscape. The intricacies of how these burrows can coexist is always a subject of research and discussion amongst scholars in Valera, and its what makes life in Lunareth so marvelous.


In Lunareth's underground ecosystem, you will run into all sorts of biomes, from dense jungles to vast oceans. The diversity and variety to be found in The Burrows and beyond give way to all life, regardless of where it might normally be found.


The biomes explained above had to come from somewhere. The weather changes in Lunareth have given way to the creation of these biomes over many years. Even below the surface, it rains, sleets, snows, and hails. There are also storms of almost every caliber, such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

Day/Night Cycle

Without the heat of the sun, life underground had to learn to adapt. The closer to the surface, the warmer the rocks feel, and the more fertile the ground. To keep track of time, the people of Lunareth have Sun Bulbs, tiny bioluminescent insects that cling to the roofs of burrows. They collect the heat from the rocks during the day, and let out bright light in return. When the rock cools, they sleep, taking their light with them. Ultimately harmless, the people of Lunareth have not only learned to live with them, but have come to rely on their light to keep track of time.

Natural Landmarks

The following list includes unique landmarks that can be found anywhere below ground. These are of usually massive consequences, able to create or completely change the surrounding environment.

Sand Spikes

These miles long blocks of sandstone originate from the planet surface, and slowly creep deeper and deeper into the planet as time passes. These sand spikes bring with them intense heat, enough to create desert-like conditions in whatever burrow the decide to creep into.

Natural Dams

These periodic accumulations of limestone near rivers, lakes, or seas redirect the course of water every now and then. Depending on the size of the body of water, the consequences can be minimal or drastic. The dams usually come and go, meaning that many places only have access to nearby water for a few months of the year.

Thusur Bulbs

A larger, distant relative of the Sun Bulbs, which provide light and warmth for millions of people underground. These elusive Thusur Bulbs tend to stray away from civilization, but their gargantuan size is able to absorb and emit awesome amounts of solar energy. A single Thusur Bulb can change entire ecosystems by either draining the sunlight it receives, or bombarding it in harsh sunlight for prolonged periods of time.

Wyrm Tunnels

Past the safety of The Inner Burrows, the cave systems of Lunareth shift and turn uncontrollably and unpredictably. Tunnels collapse and re-emerge on the daily, revealing or enclosing burrows at random. Some claim that it is the work of Catarr, God of Caves, while others claim large burrowing creatures make and destroy these tunnels, sculpting the Burrows to their hearts' desire.

Appendix A: Custom Races


Since The Expanse, races from all across the multiverse have made Lunareth their home. For the last 1000 years, many interspecies relationships have been formed. The result of these pairings is called a Hybrid, born of two different races.

  • Creature type: You are Humanoid
  • Age: Your age is the average of both your parents.
  • Appearance: Your appearance can be that of either parent, or a mix of both.
  • Size: Your size equals that of your parents. If your parents are different sizes, choose either Small or Medium.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is equal to your fastest parent.
  • Ability Score Increase: Choose one Ability Score to increase by 2 and another by 1, or increase 3 abilities by 1.
  • Hybrid Trait: Choose one unique race feature of each parent. You cannot stack the same feature twice. You also cannot choose the "Feat" feature from either parent, if they have it.
  • Languages: You speak Common, and the languages of both your parents. If your parents speak more than one language, you can only choose one per parent.


Vampires are often times able to have mortal children, whether it be with other vampires or mortal creatures. These "Half-Vampires" are imbued with their parents undead strength, with only some of the drawbacks.

  • Creature type: You are both Humanoid and Undead for the purposes of features or spells that target only Humanoids or Undead
  • Age: Dhampir grow up quickly, reaching full adulthood in 10 years, and live to be up to 200.
  • Appearance: Your appearance can be that of either parent, or a mix of both. Your skin is unusually pale for your race.
  • Size: You are Medium sized.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Ability Score Increase: Choose one Ability Score to increase by 2 and another by 1, or increase 3 abilities by 1.
  • Persuasive: You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
  • Darkvision: You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet.
  • Undead Resilience: You are immune to disease and the Poisoned condition. You are also resistant to Poison damage.
  • Undead Magic: You learn one cantrip of your choice from any spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
  • Sunlight Sensitivity: You have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws while exposed to direct sunlight. You also cannot regain hit points from any source while in sunlight.
  • Languages: You speak Common, and another language of your choice. You can also communicate simple thoughts with Undead.


Created by the gods, Lords are vessels for their divine power. While some choose to live out as mortals, some embrace their god-given abilities to enact their creators wills. Some Lords don't even know they are Lords until their powers manifest randomly.

  • Creature type: You are Humanoid
  • Alignment: Your alignment will usually match that of your creator.
  • Age: Lords are ageless, perpetually stuck as the age they were created in. While they can live forever, most Lords opt to return to their creators when their divine quest is complete.
  • Appearance: You look like any race of your choice. Consult with your DM to get a better understanding of which races would fit the best regarding your creator. You also gain a visual feature of your celestial heritage. Choose one from the Lord Features table below or pick one at random.
  • Size: Your size is Small or Medium, based on your appearance.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is equal to 30 feet.
  • Ability Score Increase: Choose one Ability Score to increase by 2 and another by 1, or increase 3 abilities by 1.
  • Racial Trait: Choose one unique race feature of the race you based your appearance on. You cannot choose the "Feat" feature, if your race has it.
  • Darkvision: You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet.
  • Divine Resistance: You are resistant to one type of elemental damage (Except Force) of your choice.
  • Divine Magic: You learn one Cleric cantrip and one 1st level Cleric spell of your choice. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You can cast your 1st level Cleric spell once per Long Rest without expending a Spell Slot.
  • Languages: You speak Common and Elder
Lord Features Table
1d6 Lord Features
1 Odd colored freckles
2 Metallic, glowing, or completely black eyes
3 Strange natural hair color
4 Cast irregular shadows
5 Unusual birthmark that resembles your creator's holy symbol
6 Tattoo that always changes places

Appendix B: Variant Rule: Birthplace

On top of class, race, and background, adventurers of Lunareth are shaped by where they came from. These Birthplaces give your characters additional features and traits based on where you came from.

Inner Burrows

Being born and raised in the Cradle, you have an extraordinary talent for the magical arts, whether you pursue it or not. You've lived life surrounded by civilization.


  • Diplomatic: You gain proficiency in Persuasion or Deception (your choice).
  • City Dweller: When traversing an urban area, you cannot get lost by non-magical means. You also cannot be surprised while you are not Incapacitated.


  • Well-Taught: You learn 1 Wizard or Cleric cantrip of your choice. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is Intelligence or Wisdom.
  • Transmuter: If you are a spellcaster, you gain the Transmute Spell Metamagic option. You can use it once every Short Rest.

Outer Burrows

The wilderness has trained you well. You've grown separated from society and its laws. While a life of danger may not be for everyone, it is the one you live, and you live it well.

  • Outlander: You are proficient in light armor and the Herbalism Kit.
  • Ally of Nature: You learn the Speak with Animals spell and always have it prepared. You can cast it only as a ritual once per Short Rest.


Worn out by the endless heat of Thusur I, you have learned how to weather the toughest sands. By Thusur's grace you thrive in the harsh wasteland. Like the sands you walk, you are coarse and hardy.

  • Heat Resistant: You are resistant to Fire damage, and can survive in temperatures up to 130°F.
  • Dune Master: You are proficient in Survival and Nature. You can double your proficiency bonus for these checks while you are on Lunareth's surface.


You came from another plane of existence. Maybe you are new here, maybe you've spent some time getting a lay of the land. Either way, you are a long way from home, so you better get acclimated quick.

  • Non-Native Speaker: You gain one additional language. Maybe one you picked up in Lunareth when you first arrived or learned preemptively before you moved.
  • Extraplanar: You gain proficiency in History, Arcana, Nature, or Religion (your choice). Your proficiency bonus is doubled for checks related to your home plane.
  • Planar Gift: You gain the following benefit based on which Plane of Existence you come from:

Plane of Stars

  • Starborn: You always know which way is North, and you cannot get lost by non-magical means, no matter which plane of existence you are in.

Plane of Balance

  • Order Magic: You learn one of the following spells, based on your alignment. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Alignment Spell
Good Cure Wounds
Evil Inflict Wounds
Neutral Protection From Evil and Good
Lawful Bless
Chaotic Bane

Plane of Shadow

  • Shadow Veil: While in dim light or darkness, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action.

Plane of Elemental Chaos

  • Chaos Magic: You learn Chaos Bolt. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once per Long Rest, if you miss with this spell, you can choose to have it hit instead.

Appendix C: Lunareth Pantheon Table

Deity Nicknames Alignment Domains Appearance Worshipper Name Holy Symbol
Erasil, God of Magic and the Moons The Mage, The Brilliant One, The Groom, The Moon Master LG Arcana, Life, Twilight A Frost Giant with a long white beard Erasilans, Lunars Shattered moon eclipsing Thusur I
Thusur, God of Light and the Stars The Incandescent, The Sun Above, The Watcher of Stars CN Light, Life, War A Stone Giant brighter than the sun Thusurans, Solars Sun with 5 sunbeams shooting downward
Turena, Goddess of Time The Time Keeper, The Patient One, The Maker of Time LN Knowledge, Order A blind Storm Giant, carrying a massive hourglass Turenans, Watchers Clock with 5 arms
Ena, Goddess of War The Warlady, The Battle Scarred, The Neutral One N War An Elf, draped in red stained plate armor Ennites, Deathdealers Frozen axe head
Muna, Goddess of Diplomacy The Pale Angel, The Diplomat, The Confident One LG Peace, Order A pale Solar in a long white cloak Munnites, Peacekeepers Handshake with a halo above
Bana, Goddess of Corruption The Archdevil, The Corruptor, The Consumer, The Irredeemable CE Trickery, Death An Archdevil with a wicked smile Bannites, Corruptors Beckoning hand with a swirl of magic
Diesis, God of Invention The Inventor, Master of Artifice, The One True God LN Knowledge, Forge A Githzerai with very long hair Diesiars Hammer struck by lightning
Catarr, God of Caves and Monsters Dark in Shadow, The Bone Collector, Beast Master CN Nature, Trickery A Shadar-Kai or a giant beast with raven black fur/feathers Catarrites, Dark Dwellers Beast claw bursting out of darkness
Udros, God of Alchemy The First Gith, The Alchemist LG Knowledge A Githyanki with a third eye on his forehead Udrosans, The Gifted Potion flask boiling
Netia, Goddess of Ceremony Starchild, Moonchild, The Lover of Life CG Life A gorgeous Halfling woman wearing reds and blues Netians, The Joyous Praying hands below a golden arch
Zine, God of Redemption Oathcleanser NG Life, Peace A Wood-Elf wearing tattered silver armor Zinites, The Redeemers Man kneeling before an obelisk
Nai-Selus, God of Sea Travel and Trade The First Seafarer, The Storm Tamer NG Life, Tempest A Triton dressed in golden silks Nai-selites or Selites Askew golden anchor
Fivor, God of Disaster The Exiled One, The Burning Storm, Child of Chaos, The Revenant NE Tempest, War, Death A Fire Genasi covered in purple flames Fivorans, The Chaotic Purple flame with a castle inside
Colir, God of Sickness The Sick One, Plague-Bearer CE Death A black and green cloud Colirites, The Plagued Dagger tip dripping with poison
Vexar, Goddess of Vengeance The Chaos Torrent LE War, Grave A spinning torrent of fire Vexarites, The Vengeful Two eyes burning in anger
Rathos, God of the Dead and Undead Death, The Dead One, Speaker of the Dead, Shepard of Undead, The First Sin CE Death, Grave A Lich with sharp fangs and claws Rathosans, Lichborn, Gravewalkers Skull with a spider crawling out of one eye

Appendix D: Optional Feats

Vampire Spawn

Prerequisite: Contracted Vampirism for 7 consecutive days.

The final stage of Vampirism has taken hold of you. You are now a Vampire Spawn, eternally bound to your Vampire Master. You gain the following benefits:

  • Undying: You no longer age, and you no longer require food or water.
  • Darkvision: You gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its reach increases by 30 feet.
  • Vampiric Servant: Whenever your Vampire Master issues an order to you, you can choose to resist it, but only if you succeed a DC20 Wisdom Saving Throw first.
  • Bloodthirsty: You must consume the blood of the living to sustain yourself. Going 7 days without consuming blood will incur one level of Exhaustion for every day without blood.
  • Sunlight Sensitivity: Direct exposure to sunlight makes you unable to restore hit points. It also incurs Disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. After 1 consecutive hour of direct exposure, you begin taking 10 Radiant damage every minute you are exposed, which cannot be reduced in any way.
  • Silver Vulnerability: You are vulnerable to damage dealt by Silvered Weapons
  • Vampiric Restrictions: You cannot cross running water or the threshold of uninvited homes.
  • Bite: As an action, you can make a melee attack against an adjacent humanoid or beast. On hit, the target takes 1d4 + Strength Necrotic damage and must roll a Constitution Saving Throw (Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution Modifier). On a failed save, you drain their blood, sustaining you for the next 7 days. On a successful save, the target become immune to this attack for the next 24 hours. Creatures Charmed by you automatically fail the saving throw.

True Vampire

Prerequisite: Vampire Spawn Feat, Killed and drank the blood of your Vampire Master.

You have broken free of your Vampire Master's control, ascending to True Vampirism. You gain the following benefits:

  • Superior Darkvison: You darkvision's range is increased by an additional 30 feet.
  • Undead Strength: Your Bite attack now deals 1d10 damage, instead of 1d4. Additionally, you can drink the blood of any sleeping or unconscious humanoid. Doing so does not alert the target.
  • Undead Command: You learn the Command spell. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell. When targeting humanoids, beasts, or undead or CR 1 or lower, the target automatically fails their saving throw against the spell.
  • True Vampirism: You are no longer vulnerable to Silvered Weapons. You can also freely cross running water and enter uninvited homes.

Ascendant Vampire

Prerequisite: 9th level, Undergone the Vampiric Ascension Ritual of Rathos.

Your Vampirism comes straight from Rathos, God of the Undead. You are the ultimate form of Vampire. You gain the following benefits:

  • Ultimate Darkvision: You can see in darkness, magical or otherwise, out to 120 feet.
  • Undead Strikes: Your weapon attacks and Unarmed Strikes now deal an additional 1d10 Necrotic damage.
  • Vampiric Resistance: You are immune to Poison and Disease, and resistant to poison and Necrotic damage. If you already have any of these resistances, they become immunities.
  • Undead Superiority: Undead of CR 1 or lower must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw if they target you with an attack or spell. On a failed save, they must target another creature. If there are no other creatures to target, they lose their attack or spell.
  • Enthrallment: You can cast Dominate Person once per Long Rest without expending a spell slot. Constitution or Charisma (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell. When you cast Dominate Person this way, if the target is a Humanoid of CR 1 or lower, they automatically fail their saving throw. Additionally, you can spend 1 minute drinking the blood of a Humanoid dominated by you. Doing so gives you the effects of a Short Rest. It also gives the drained target Vampirism. If they cannot cure themselves in 7 days, they become your Vampire Spawn.

If you take the Ascendant Vampire Feat, all features and benefits gained from the Vampire Spawn and True Vampire Feats are completely replaced. If your DM allows it, you may replace these Feats with another Feat of your choice.


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