Cleric - Cat Domain

by YeetGoddessOfDestruction

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Cleric Domain

Cat Domain

In the realms of the divine, some clerics find themselves drawn to the enigmatic and graceful ways of the Cat Lord. This deity embodies the essence of feline qualities—agility, curiosity, and independence—and grants their chosen clerics a unique connection to the natural world and the spirit of cats.

These clerics, known as Cat Domain clerics, serve as protectors of the night, guardians of the wilderness, and healers of the injured. They share a bond with cats, both large and small.

As a Cat Domain cleric, you embrace the feline aspects of your deity and channel its divine power to enhance your agility, heighten your senses, and even adopt the form of a powerful, spectral feline. Your connection to the Cat Lord allows you to move gracefully through the world, your footsteps as silent as a stalking cat, and your combat skills mirroring the precision and lethality of a hunting predator.

However, like cats, you are not without your playful and curious side. You approach life with a sense of humor, often finding amusement in the unexpected, and you're fiercely protective of your companions, whom you regard as your "pride."

While you wield divine magic, your abilities are marked by the spirit of independence and a hint of unpredictability. Embracing the Cat Domain means walking the path of agility and wonder and embodying the untamed spirit of cats.

Cat Domain Features

Cleric Level Feature
1st Domain Spells, Felice Grace, Cat-alyzation
2nd Channel Divinity: Cat's Curse
6th Channel Divinity: Celestial Cats, Additional Cat's Curse
8th Divine Strike (1d8), Additional Cat's Curse
14th Divine Strike (2d8), Additional Cat's Curse
17th Catlike Physique

Cat Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1st Speak With Animals, Catapult
3rd Find Cat, Pass Without Trace
5th Catnap, Haste
7th Hairball, Polymorph
9th Awaken, Dominate Person


Imbued with the power of the Cat Lord, you have so much finesse that you can make use of it in virtually any situation.

starting at first level, you gain proficiency with all slashing and piercing weapons (except firearms). In addition, any weapon that is not heavy gains the finesse property while wielded or thrown by you.


starting st first level, you bestow the feline gift upon any creature you heal, turning them into a catgirl for 10 minutes. They gain cat ears and a cat-like tail and are considered a feline. They gain Feline Agility from the tabaxi race while in this state. If they already have it, their movement increases by 5 instead for the 10 minutes.


starting at 2ND level, whenever a feline moves, you may, as a reaction, expend 1 use of channel divinity to use one of your cat's curses on all creatures whose path was crossed.

Besides house cats and large cats such as tigers, felines include humanoid cats such as leonin and tabaxi, as well as all of the monsters listed on the felines list for "Find Cat."

To cross a creatures path, a creature must move from the side, directly in front of it, within reach, then off to the other side.

At Second level you choose 2 Cat's Curses and you may choose an additional Cat's Curse at 6th, 8th, and 14th level.

Cat's Curses are listed below. Only one's Cat's Curse can affect the same creature and a new Cat's curse replaces the effect of the previous cat's curse.


The target creature must succeed a wisdom save or they have disadvantage on attack rolls. At the end of their turn, they may make a wisdom save against your spell save DC to end this condition. This effect lasts 1 minute.


The target creature's size becomes tiny for 1 minute. They also gain a small catlike features such as cat ears and are considered a feline. They may make a wisdom save when you use this curse to negate this effect if they succeed and may do so again on their turn as an action.


The target creature makes a constitution save against your spell save DC. If they fail, they lose one immunity or resistance to a damage type you choose. The damage type chosen must be either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.


The target creature makes a wisdom save against your spell save DC. If they fail, they use their next move action only to move towards the nearest box or rectangle if there are no boxes and lay on it, becoming prone.

This rectangle can be any upward-facing rectangular face with sides no longer than 10 feet and no shorter than 1 foot.


The target creature must succeed a constitution save or become silenced. They may make another con save to end this effect at the end of their turn.


The target creature must succeed a dexterity save or their movement is reduced to 20 if it is higher than 20. This effect lasts until they succeed on a dex save at the end of their turn or for for 1 minute. Additionally, they move to last in the initiative order.


Starting at 6th level you can use your cat-like agility to nimbly slip away. Once per round on your turn, you may cause one attack of opportunity to miss you.


At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 slashing or piercing damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.


At 17th level, your body takes on catlike features. You may gain cat ears, a tail, or whiskers. become immune to the prone condition while conscious unless you choose to become prone. You become immune to fall damage.

You may squeeze into spaces as small as 1 inch.

Appendix 1: Spells


2nd-level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S, M (A small bowl and a bell)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hours

You may summon four cats, tresym, or chimeric cats. Alternatively you may summon 2 Gremshka or panthers, or 1 lion or tiger.

When cast at higher levels, you may summon a single feline equal to the level this spell is cast at. When you do this, use the felines list below. You may also attempt to summon specific felines you have encountered if you know their name.

Felines List
CR Feline
3 Displacer Beast, Fleecemaned Lion
4 Winged Lion
5 Gladiator (Leonin)
6 Chimera
8 Assassin (Tabaxi)

You may give summoned felines orders each turn, but they make a wisdom saving against your spell save DC when deciding whether to obey or behave as they naturally would which is not limited to, but may include assisting you, attacking you, ignoring you, or knocking all the silverware off of your table.

Spell Lists: Druid, Ranger, Bard


4th-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 Feet
  • Components: V, M (A strand of yarn and a sprig of catnip)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

This spell channels vitality into plants within a specific area. There are two possible uses for the spell, granting either immediate or long-term benefits.

If you cast this spell using 1 action, choose a point within range. All terrain within a 20 foot radius becomes engulfed in cat hair. A creature must spend 5 feet of movement to move 1 foot through this area.

All creatures within the area of effect must succeed a strength save or be incapacitated. They can make another strength save at the end of their turn to attempt to remove this effect.

At Higher Levels. The radius of the spell is increased by 10 feet for each slot above 5th.

Spell Lists: Any Feline race may add this spell to their class spell list

Change Log

  • Initial Draft



  • Changed color scheme to make everything more readable
  • Cat's Grace now requires 13 strength to give finesse.


  • Changed Cat's Grace requirement to 12 str


  • Changed Formatting and color scheme again.


Changed nearly every feature slightly. removed old feature and added PURRFECT DODGE in it's place


Clarified what is meant by "feline".


Art by Nightcafe AI Cat Domain Cleric by Colette

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