Monastic Tradition: Way of the Brewmaster

by Geofrog

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Way of the Brewmaster

Storied Journeys and Generous Pours

Wanderers, storytellers, listeners, and above all, appreciators of fine drink. A monk that follows the Way of the Brewmaster is an elusive brawler who uses agility and mystical brews to avoid damage and protect allies. Often jovial and independent, Brewmasters typically roam the lands looking for adventures to add to their repertoire of stories, new ingredients to test, and new taverns to trawl through.

Subclass Features

Bonus Proficiencies

3rd-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the History skill if you don’t already have it. Tales and conversations heard at inns and taverns have granted you much insight into the world. You also gain proficiency with Brewer's Supplies.

Fortifying Brews

3rd-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

At 3rd level, your training has allowed you to brew and metabolize mystical concoctions that grant powerful temporary effects. A brew can be consumed as a bonus action. They have no effect on creatures other than the brewmaster that created them. At the end of a long rest, as long as you are an appropriate level and can access your brewing supplies, you can craft 3 Fortifying Brews. After 24 hours, the magic infused brews become inert, granting no effect. If you consume a brew with a duration while another brew effect is active, the first effect ends. The Fortifying Brews you can choose from are the following:

Scalding Brew. You ignite 1 or more of your limbs in magical flame. The flames are harmless to you, and causes your unarmed attacks to deal an additional 1d4 fire damage. If you are grappled by another creature, that creature takes fire damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die at the start of its turn.

Black Ox Brew. You regain Ki points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). For one minute, you can add 1d4 to one attack roll, ability check or saving throw.

Purifying Brew. You end one charmed, poisoned, blinded, deafened, or frightened condition on yourself.

Celestial Brew. Upon drinking, and at the end of your turns for the next minute, you gain temporary hp equal to one roll of your martial arts die.

Dragonfire Brew. Requires Level 6. Immediately after drinking, you spew white-hot flames in a 15 foot cone. Creatures in the cone that fail a dexterity saving throw take fire damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die + proficiency bonus, or half as much on a successful save. For one minute, you can replace one attack from your attack action with an expulsion of Dragonfire Brew.

Stoneshell Brew. Requires level 6. You gain resistance to non-magical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage for 1 minute.

Fey Oil Brew. Requires level 6. You gain proficiency in all Charisma skills for 10 minutes and creatures have disadvantage on Charisma (perception) checks to determine if you are lying.

Mercurial Brew. Requires level 6. For 10 minutes, you gain the effects of the Gaseous Form spell.

Expedious Fortification

6th-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

Starting at 6th level, you can steady your stance and mind in the heat of combat with your brews, and your offensive maneuvers grant you defense.

Blackout Combo. When you hit a creature with 2 attacks from your Flurry of Blows ability, it gains disadvantage on its next attack against you until the end of your next turn.

Tranquil Spirit. When you imbibe a Fortifying Brew, you can spend 1 Ki point to gain the benefits of the dodge action until the start of your next turn.

Fleet of Fist. When you imbibe a Fortifying Brew as a bonus action, you may make one unarmed strike as part of the same bonus action.

Fundamental Observation

11th-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

Starting at 11th level, you have developed a keen eye for sensing the body language and emotions of others. You are now so practiced in your brewing technique that is has become a meditative experience.

Close to Heart. When you make an insight check, you may add one roll of your martial arts die to the result.

Shadowboxing Technique. When a creature misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to expose a weakness in their defenses. Make an insight check against their deception. If you succeed, your next attack roll against them has advantage.

Light Brewing. During a short rest, if you have fewer than your maximum allowed amount of Fortifying Brews in your inventory, and have access to brewer's supplies, you may create 1 Fortifying Brew. This activity counts as meditation for you.

Pretense of Instability

17th-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

At 17th level, you gain the ability to brew more quickly, increasing the number of Fortifying Brews you can create after a long rest from 3 to 4. You also gain additional benefits to your abilities while under the effects of your brews.

High Tolerance. You can also consume 2 Fortifying Brews at once, gaining the benefits of both. Consuming a new brew while under these effects will end one current effect of your choice.

Counterstrike. While under the effects of a brew, your Shadowboxing Technique allows you to make an unarmed strike as part of the same reaction.

Keep it Coming. While under the effects of a brew, when you are reduced to 0 hp, you can spend 3 Ki points to be at 1hp instead.

Art Credits: Coffeemaster by Magda Proski and Drunken Master by BM solari


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