Menel NPC's

by JonDuke

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Pasloe is the main village for the players and where the quest lines for the world of Menel begin. Pasloe is a fast growing village from the kingdom of Avalon and acts as a major port for ships coming from the old world to stop and resupply on goods. Pasloe's fast growing economy supports many shops in town including:

  • Wolfe's Den (General Goods)
  • Happy Cauldron (Magic Supplies)
  • Hammer Time (Blacksmith)
  • The Salty Spittoon (Tavern / Inn)
  • Ocean's Breeze (Naval Supplies)
  • The Blaque Market (Specialty Store)
  • Royal Requests (Adventurer's Guild)

Other Business: Sheep Farm, Church, Farmlands, Mill, Bakery, Wolfe Mine, Hairy's Pottery


Jenny Duke

Jenny Duke runs the general goods store in Pasloe by the name "Wolfe's Den". She and her sister Taylor Duke were some of the founding members of Pasloe. Jenny is a Moon Druid, Wolf Feyline and spends her time hunting and crafting at her shop. She sees the value of nature so while she is a hunter she also respects the balance of the life nature holds.

Taylor Duke

Taylor Duke is the local leader of the sailing guild and Captain of Pasloe's fleet of ships used for many of the quests posted by the town. Taylor and her sister Jenny were part of the founding members of the village and she often brings more colonists from the mainland to settle down in the new world.

Lizbeth Smyth

Lizbeth is the local blacksmith for Pasloe running her own shop called Hammer Time. She grew up learning blacksmithing from her father in Portsmyth and when the opportunity came to explore the new world and start her own shop she jumped on the first boat to Pasloe in the new world.

Lily Lubelle (La Pucelle)

Lily is a 1/2 dragon native of the new world. She discovered Pasloe when exploring for food to bring back to her home village of Dravania. Finding the humans of Pasloe interesting; she decided to stay and help out as a town guard to keep the peace. Every dragon has a hoard and for Lily its her friends. She loves hugs but her cold body temperature makes them something unique to the touch. Her favorite food from the tavern is rabbit stew. In Dravania she has the nickname La Pucelle meaning "The Maiden".

Wiz Hikari

Wiz moved here from Portsymth to set up a shop of her own while she grows her skills in magic from what she learns from the new world. She finds interest in collecting artifacts from the ancient civilizations in these lands. She spends a lot of her time in the shop brewing potions to sell and usually forages for supplies in the evenings. There is something off about her...

Tiffany Gilbert

Tiffany is the local bartender who owns and runs the tavern in Pasloe. He grew up in Lake Town but moved to Portsmyth with his sick wife while she was treated at the magic academy. While working as a bartender to support her medical treatments she passed away from illness leaving him heartbroken. When learning about the opportunity to start fresh in a new world he decided to leave and start his own tavern with his remaining savings. He hopes someday to find love again, but is happy with the friends he has now in his new life abroad.

Norah Dooley

Norah is the local shepherdess of Pasloe and often helps out with the church. Being an orphan at a young age she was raised by the nuns at the church and worked for as a shepherd for its sheep. She eventually raised enough money to move to Pasloe and start a new life for herself. She is in charge of the local sheep farm but has a desire to someday become a skilled tailor. Norah is a sweet and very kind hearted and willing to help anyone in need. Being younger in years she is taken advantage a lot due to her kindness.

John B. Goode

John is the local farmer of Pasloe where he grows vegetables for the tavern and helps keeps the village fed. His farmlands are several miles from town so he is rarely seen unless he is bringing food to the village. His farmlands is located south west from Pasloe along the river. While vegetables from the mainland don't grow as well, farming has gotten easier thanks to raising local plants instead.

Lord Tortimer

Tortimer is the local Mayor of Pasloe. Given the land by the king himself he had a vision to start a village in the new world and watch it grow as a trade center and a safe place for all to live freely. He can be seen wandering around town in the evenings enjoying a fresh air and greeting the villagers. Thanks to his philanthropist philosophy Pasloe has the lowest taxes of any of the colonies of Avalon.

Colony Ship Serenity (Lvl 4)

Father Joel Braeburn

Father Braeburn has been sent by the king himself to run the church in Pasloe. He is a well known priest in the city of Portsymth and has the goal of spreading the churches influence in the new world. Being as Pasloe is so close to Conquestia's border Avalon is hoping to influence the religious culture in the region and assert its dominance. Braeburn focuses heavily on caring for the weak and poor, often collecting charity funds to help with community outreach.

Sister Asia Argento

Extremely shy and inexperienced in the world Asia spent a lot of her time learning about the different gods of the world and is very book smart. What she lacks in wisdom of the world she makes up for in knowledge. Asia focused her abilities to increase her helpfulness as a healer to the sick and injured. Asia spends her free time at the church taking care of the churches garden where she grows the herbs needer for healing rituals and medicine.

Sister Kate Takayama

Sister Kate is the more laid back of the nuns at Pasloe's church. While she has been described as vulgar due to not hiding undignified habits like farting, scratching her butt, burping, and telling dirty jokes when drunk. Outside of these activities she is composed and serious as a decision maker and acts as a leader of the nuns at Pasloe's church. She might be a bit rough but she makes a great leader. She loves to eat and has a bottomless appetite for food and alcohol.

Felix Argyle

Felix joined Pasloe and works as a helper in the tavern as a waiter serving food, drinks, and cleaning tables. He wears blue often and acts pretty feminine most of the time. Being a Feyline he does have cat like tendencies however and can become easily distracted while working at the tavern. He has a very kindhearted attitude towards others making him a village favorite.

Holo Miller

Holo Came to the town of Pasloe to help out in the farmlands and start their own wheat farm. A windmill has been built on her farm so that she can start producing bread for the village. Holo being a Wolf Feyline has become great friends with Jenny Duke since they share a primal ancestry. Holo enjoys the slow life as a farmer and has an unnatural ability to grow wheat at an incredible rate. The wheat flower and bread her mill produces is said to be the best in the world.

Willow Velveten

Willow learning about other Viera in the new world sparked her interest in checking it out so she packed up her things and moved to Pasloe to start her own tailor and dress makers. She buys a lot of furs from Jenny and wool from Norah to then transform them into high end clothing to sell to the rich travelers passing through Pasloe to the rest of the new world.

Colony Ship Intrepid (Lvl 5)

Lisa Minci

Lisa joined Pasloe to help out Wiz with the magic shop and start a library in Pasloe containing knowledge that has been discovered in the new world as well as some classics from the old world for the villagers to read. Lisa also has a collection of magic books she shares with those she trusts well. She tends to be flirty with those younger then her who come to her library. Hell hath no furry like Lisa when a book is not returned on time.

Astolfo Black

Astolfo has been hired by the city of Pasloe to help assist Lily as a city guard. Due to the many travelers passing through Pasloe, organized crime has been more common so Asolfo helps to keep it in check. With tensions between Pasloe and Conquestia heightening having a military force ready and strong defenses of the city is important to Astolfo. While Lily focuses on the city Astolfo focuses on outside threats to the city.

Rory Mercury

Rory as an addition to the city guard with Astolfo joined Pasloe to help defend it in the case of war breaking out between Avalon and Conquestia. She is a follower of Emroy which is a god of war, violence, and death. She is not slow to strike down those who get in her or her allies way. She is a strong ally when it comes to combat as she does not hesitate when conflict occurs. She tends to be a bit flirtatious around men and has a kind heart helping those in need that she comes across.

Athena Cisco

She joined the city of Pasloe to learn about the new world and become an explorer. She has a keen interest in artifacts and philosophy. After acquiring enough artifacts she opens the first museum in Pasloe. Being nocturnal the museum is open from 6pm until 3am. She loves eating rare delicacies and cooked food. She can often be found eating at the tavern during dinner before opening the museum for the day.

Ryoko Flametongue

Ryoko left her homeland of 1/2 dragons due to famine and settled down in Conquestia and over the course of 10 years became a military general. After watching Conquestia get more involved in war crimes she decided to leave on the next ship to Isla De Murta. While there she hopped on a colonial ship to Pasloe. There she decided to start a new life. Instead of taking taking lives from warfare she would save them by becoming a medic.

Edward Elric

Edward as a state sponsored alchemist has been sent by the King to investigate the magic offered by the new world. He spends a lot of his time researching notes on what adventurers learn back from their travels and collecting materials for high level alchemy. He occasionally will head to locations of interest to do some investigating himself on magical phenomenon.


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