The Arcana

by absenthearte

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The World of the Arcana

The Planes of the Arcana

“The Perfect Order, The Region of Dreams, The Realm of the Dead, The Sea of Fire, The Eternal Day, The Churning Chaos, The Twilight Forest, the Endless Night, The Plain of Ice, The Battleground, the Azure Sky, The Faerie Court, the Kingdom of Binding.”

The sources of magic - These Planes are the sources of all things related to power. The Major Arcana reside amongst these Planes. (The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Justice, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Strength, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, The World)

At the centre of these planes, lies the world of Jyrsur. Jyrsur has many continents and regions, but the foremost is Shavara, the Convergent Lands. This is the place of the campaign, where mortals reside.

There is a veil between the Arcana and Jyrsur. Competent arcanists are able to step over, using their abilities to traverse the Arcana, but it is a dangerous undertaking - All manner of beings reside within the Arcana, many malicious.

This world is a godless one. The gods, should they exist, have been killed or abandoned the world.

The Convergent Lands

The Convergent Lands are made up of 8 different regions:

  • Hakum (Indo-Arabic in feel, with east asian influence)

  • Makaria (Icelandic / Scandinavian)

  • Lykos (Balkan)

  • Klarush

  • The Minyark Plains (A mixture of forested land and the famous plains that the region is named for. Seemingly perpetually evergreen)

  • The Grey Marches (Dour, dull, constantly raining. Marshes and swamps are common.)

  • Caldur (Reminiscent of Rome)

  • The Hearthlands (Densely forested, intermixed with various geothermal phenomena. Culturally medieval england)

Character Expectations

You are 3rd-level characters, using the following array: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 8. You also gain one 1st-level feat of your choice, in addition to the feat you receive from your Origin.

The Premise:

You are all Patron-marked. This means that one of the 21 Major Arcana has formed a connection with you, intertwining your fate with theirs, a nigh unbreakable link that binds you to the Realms of the Arcana. The only Arcana that is unable to be linked with, is the Devil.

Your race will be altered, depending on your chosen Major Arcana. Your Patron has a VERY personal relationship with you - Some Patron-marked have engaged with them romantically, some have an easy friendship, whilst others have an apprentice - master dynamic.

You are all adventurers of some renown. How exactly you gained this is up to you, but you are by no means immensely well known celebrities. You have all been recruited by a wealthy Caldurian Arcanist of some repute, to find and obtain research of hers that has been stolen by an academic rival - The pay, at the very least, is brilliant, a hefty 200 gold pieces per person.

To put this money into perspective, the setting is run on the silver standard - Gold occupies a place very similar to platinum in other settings. Silver is plentiful in this setting and most importantly, it is a renewable resource - Silver mines in specific, when allowed, will replenish themselves with silver ore.

Setting information

Arcana, as a setting, is highly magical. Magic suffuses the land, but unlike the Forgotten Realms or other traditional D&D settings, magic is wholly the realm of the Major Arcana and the supernatural.

The setting is also young, with only 700 years of recorded history. Majority of the world is not fully explored, with communications between regions rare.

Technology isdependenton the region. Some areas, such as Caldur benefit from the remains of magical study (They cannot wield magic as a player character would and must rely on items). The Arcana are the only beings capable of constructing magical items of true power and they seldom do.

Others are not so fortunate and entire villages can fall prey to monsters, with none knowing of it.

The common folk of the world look upon the wild lands with dread. Few people are widely traveled—even the most ambitious merchant is careful to stick to better-known roads. The lands between towns or homesteads are wide and empty. It might be safe enough within a day's ride of a city or an hour's walk of a village, but if someone go beyond that, they are taking their own life into their hands. People are scared of what might be waiting in the old forest or beyond the barren hills at the far end of the valley, because whatever is out there is most likely hungry and hostile. Striking off into untraveled lands is something only heroes and adventurers do.

The races most common in this setting are: Elves, Humans, Dragonkin, Tieflings, Halflings and Orcs. Uncommon races include Half-Elves, Genasi and Dhampir. Rare races are Goliath, Genasi and Aasimar.

If a race is not mentioned above, they likely do not exist. Some options are available for races not listed - perhaps you are the result of some monstrous magic-user, an experiment gone awry. Maybe you are the result of a Major Arcana's blessing, or the dalliance of a Minor Arcana in your family bloodline.

Magic is power, and as such, the Minor Arcana rule, with each suit representing a different ruling power in the setting. The Minor Arcana do not rule directly over their territories, choosing instead to let the governing powers in each region handle themselves. As such, even if two kingdoms are under the ownership of a single Minor Arcana Suit, they may come into conflict, as long as they remain within the reasonable terms set by their Suit. Competition is seen as important to foster strength, and almost all Suits encourage this between their Vassal Kingdoms.

The Suits are as follows

  • Cups (Dead. Previously held Klarush, Mare Serafin, Mare Arx, Mare Argenteum and Mare Aureum)

  • Pentacles (Hakum and the Eastern Lands)

  • Swords (Makaria and Lykos)

  • Wands (Caldur, The Hearthlands)

The Minyark Plains and the Grey Marches are not territory owned by a Suit.

The Minyark Plains is neutral ground and the Grey Marches are held by the Hanged Man's Heralds. None have contested them yet.

The Seas previously held by the Suit of Cups are uncontrolled and wild, having become rife with danger and all manner of monstrous marine life. As a result, travel by sea has become increasingly unsafe. The more powerful of Vassal Kingdoms are able to employ the highly sought after and extremely rare Sea Witches to protect their assets, but majority have had to adhere to tight schedules dictated by their Suit in order to access sea trade, employ former pirates, or abandon their ports entirely. A Sea Witch is a person who practices the Paths once taught by the Suit of Cups.

The Suits are each ruled by their respective Monarch (Note that King is simply a title, it is not indicative of the Monarch's gender identity):

  • The King of Pentacles, Tsuki-Varj.

  • The King of Swords, Jormungandr

  • The King of Wands, Pythia

There is one other Monarch not tied to a Suit. The killer of the King of Cups, a Sacred Lion by the name of Reigan. It is said that the Devil themself spoke to him and told him that he would one day rule the world.

Societal Norms

This setting is one where power is EVERYTHING. If you have enough power, you can mostly do what you want, and none can touch you.

Much of the bureaucracy is dedicated to keeping those in the higher echelons of power from directly interacting with the bottom. This is a world where, if someone is insulted by your words or actions, they have the right to respond with violence - if they are powerful enough, those responsible for you (family or otherwise) may even have to issue an apology for inconveniencing them with the trouble of disciplining you. Rank and status is everything and often the difference between life and death.

Setting specific changes to races


Elves are the longest lived of all the races, barring certain types of Dragonkin. In spite of this, the average recorded lifespan of an elf is estimated to be around 170 years old. Elves reach adulthood approximately at the age of 60 (The period of life considered 'teenage' lasts from the age of 17 until 50).

The reason for this is the unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on whom you ask) elvish inclination towards the repeated and consistent reckless endangerment of their life and general disregard for life and limb. Certain elvish scholars, having aged out of their desire to, for example, challenge an Ancient Dragon to a game of wits, theorise that the elvish brain, before reaching the age of 200, lacks the sufficient development in the areas that govern fear and reasoning.

No elf has ever died of old age.

The Subrace of Elf is not indicative of their culture, but rather of how their particular subset of elf has adapted to the area they live in. Elves are without subrace until age 50. At 50, they change according to their environment. This is a one time change and is permanent. (eg, Drow are elves that work and live underground).


Half-Elves are accursed, sad things. A half-elf has the evergreen beauty of an elf, but that is all they have. They are a flower destined to wilt. Half-Elves invariably die at age 100, after maturing at age 40. Their deaths are well documented and very agonising. They physically fade away, losing corporeality until they simply disappear, forever dead. They cannot be resurrected by any means, save the intervention of one Major Arcana: The Devil.


Kobolds, Dragonborn and Lizardfolk are all considered Dragonkin.

Planetouched (Tieflings, Aasimar, Hexblood and Genasi)

These are the result of the planes touching mortal lives. Tieflings are descended from the influence of Negative aspects of a Plane, Aasimar Positive, and Genasi Neutral. Hexblood are the direct result of Old Grandmother, a Hag that can be bargained with in the Grey Marches. The children she gifts parents that cannot conceive are always Hexblood.


Dhampir almost entirely hail from Hakum, but several families can be found in the Grey Marches or in Caldur. Dhampir can be any race except Elf, Dragonkin or Planetouched.

Magic and You

Magic and similar abilities (Extreme martial prowess is an example, or Ki) are highly prized by the governing bodies of EVERY region. They are also EXTREMELY rare, to the extent that battles and sometimes wars are fought over the ownership or fostering of such talent.

90% of people do not possess magic beyond their own innate racial abilities (tieflings are an example). If you are a magic based Class, think about how your character is able to use these abilities. Are your powers a direct result of your Arcana's influence, or is it something else entirely?

Research into Magic is not common either - Artificed magic is perhaps the most explored, and that is only in theory and in Caldur. You likely have zero to little knowledge about how your own magic works. The fear that it could one day just...disappear might be something that plagues your character.

Magia Cordis (Two Towns)

Magia Cordis, also known as Two Towns, is where the campaign begins. One of the largest cities in Caldur, it is the foremost center of learning in Eastern Shavara. Colloquially referred to as 'Two Towns', the city is largely populated by students and researchers.

Named for the two towns that sprung up around the immense towers that serve as the largest landmark for miles around, Two Towns is the one place in Caldur where the sale and study of magical items are permitted. Directly regulated by a Council, the entire city is beholden to the schools that populate the towers, and their forays into the labyrinth beneath the city. There, magical items are retrieved, their secrets slowly deciphered as the scholars feud over achievements and coin.

Magia Cordis is commonly known as a money sink for many Greater Houses of the Caldur aristocracy, all seeking greater prestige through sponsoring scholars and through amassing magical items. Majority of the students attending the schools are from these Houses.

Due to the large population of rich students, restaurateurs, merchants and all manner of shops have sprung up, creating a veritable melting pot of culture and wares. Gambling dens and brothels coexist alongside guildhalls and hotels, though the former is certainly easier to find than the latter.

The Arcana

The Fool

The Master of the Faerie Court, the centre of the greatest Story - A flighty, fanciful person, he holds power over new experiences and stories

Sacred Animal. Domestic dog

The Fool stands on a cliff's edge, overlooking the limitless potential of their future.

The Magician

The Master of the Endless Night, the most powerful arcanist in existence, the Magician holds the secrets to all magic - they tend to the Weave of magic.

Sacred Animal. Fox

The Magician makes real that which is unreal, manifesting desires from nothingness.

The High Priestess

The Master of the Realm of Dreams, the holder of knowledge, the High Priestess knows everything - The knowledge she does not hold lies with the Magician. The two have a symbiotic relationship.

Sacred Animal. Owl

The High Priestess stands guardian to the gates of mystery, offering arcane secrets to the initiated.

The Empress


The Empress hasn’t been seen in centuries. She apparently resides in the Azure Sky with her attendants, the Lovers.

Sacred Animal. Cow

The Empress embraces her inner beauty and kind nature, allowing it to flourish in the world around her.

The Emperor

The Emperor maintains control over the Perfect Order, a master of conquest and domination. He is Lord and master of the Triumvirate Arcanum.

Sacred Animal. Bull

The Emperor is in control of his own destiny, building his empire on a solid foundation.

The Heirophant

The Heirophant controls a part of the Perfect Order, a member of the Triumvirate Arcanum

Sacred Animal. Ram

The Hierophant values tradition above all, encouraging conformity and trust in established institutions.

The Lovers

The Lovers reside in the Azure Sky, symbols of peace and tranquillity. Despite their close relationship with the Empress, they are extremely tight-lipped about her situation

Sacred Animal. Snake

The Lovers embrace each other, united by the knowledge they are stronger combined.

The Chariot

The Chariot resides in the Heavenly Sands, a region of the Battleground. He holds power here with Strength.

Sacred Animal. Sphinx

The Chariot is in complete control of its own destiny. It hurtles towards victory, unhindered by adversity


Strength holds power over the Vast Savannah, ruling over the region with a martial rule.

Sacred Animal. Lion

Trust your own Strength. You will find the courage inside when it is most needed.

The Hermit

The Hermit has no specific plane. They wander the planes.

Sacred Animal. Bear

The Hermit knows the value of silence and embraces it in all things.

The Wheel of Change

The Wheel of Fortune is one of many Arcana holding dominion in the Churning Chaos, a realm of relentless change - They certainly have one of the strongest influences on that plane.

Sacred Animal. None

The Wheel turns endlessly with the passage of time, changing fortunes as if by whim.


Justice resides in the Perfect Order, meting out sentences, serving as an impartial Judge.

Sacred Animal. Pig

Justice carefully weighs every option, making her choice with complete objectivity.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man lives within the Endless Night, not under the control of the Magician, but sharing the realm with them. He has power over the Marsh of Sacrifice.

Sacred Animal. Raven

The Hanged Man relinquishes control, sacrificing himself to the judgment of the World.


Death rules supreme in the Realm of the Dead. One of the few Arcana that are able to separate themselves into avatars, he also travels the mortal realm, performing the role of the Grim Reaper.

Sacred Animal. Horse

Death reaps that which has run its course, allowing new life to grow in the space left behind.


Temperance no longer has a home. She wanders, aimless, scared and confused.

Sacred Animal. Dove

Temperance shuns extremes and embraces harmony. She finds tranquility in the midst of struggle.

The Devil

The most mysterious and, supposedly, the most powerful of the Arcana, the Devil rules the Kingdom of Binding - They hold power over all deals and oaths.

Sacred Animal. Goat

The Devil knows there is power in perception. He binds those who cannot see their path to freedom.

The Tower

The Tower resides in the Churning Chaos and in the Battleground. At the forefront of all disasters, and the source of all destructive change, they are a calamitous being.

Sacred Animal. Stag

The Tower rises above the world, a beacon of great upheaval and crumbling structure.

The Star

The Star resides in the Endless Day, a symbol of hope and joy. She is the source of all goodness and is the patron of healers and redemption.

Sacred Animal. Domestic cat

The Star has faith in herself that radiates through the darkness, guiding the lost and weary.

The Moon

The tempestuous huntress, the Moon is the flighty, harsh ruler of the Twilight Forest. She holds power over female ability and is associated with the wild things of the world.

Sacred Animal. Wolf

The Moon creates illusions in the dead of night, obscuring truth and casting long shadows.

The Sun

The brother of the Moon, the Sun is the King of the Eternal Day and holds power over the Sea of Fire. The lord of rebirth, light, and flames, he is a beloved Arcana.

Sacred Animal. Falcon

The Sun shines brightly on your path, illuminating what seemed lost in the darkness of night.


Judgement is an enforcer - She works with Justice and the Emperor, but has power in the Perfect Order. She enforces the punishments that Justice metes out.

Sacred Animal. Elephant

Judgment looks within for absolution, shedding time-worn insecurities and guilt.

The World


Nothing is known about the World.

Sacred Animal. Turtle

The World celebrates a journey come full circle. A land of new opportunity lies at your feet.