Cerebral Ascendancy Collective

by Pezz

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Cerebral Ascendancy Collective

Faction: Cerebral Ascendancy Collective

How It Was Formed:

The Cerebral Ascendancy Collective emerged as Mindflayers, survivors of fallen interdimensional empires, sought refuge on the Material Plane within Haven. They united under a shared desire to regain their lost dominion, rebuild their strength, and impose their will on unsuspecting civilizations.

  1. Purpose: The Cerebral Ascendancy Collective's purpose is the restoration of their once-vast empires and the expansion of their control over the Material Plane. Driven by an insatiable hunger for power and dominion, they seek to harness their psionic abilities to reshape Haven and manipulate its inhabitants.

  2. Location on Haven: The Cerebral Ascendancy Collective establishes enclaves in hidden and remote locations across Haven. Their presence is often concealed beneath the surface, in caverns, ancient ruins, and subterranean passages.

  3. Their Kingdom: The Cerebral Ascendancy Collective doesn't possess a centralized kingdom but rather operates through a network of interconnected enclaves. These enclaves serve as strategic hubs from which they exert their influence and execute their intricate schemes.

  4. Social Structure: The Cerebral Ascendancy Collective operates under a hierarchical structure led by an Overmind, a powerful Mindflayer who serves as the central authority. Below the Overmind are the Council of Minds, an assembly of highly skilled and influential Mindflayers who guide the faction's decisions.

  5. Leaders:

  • Overmind Zeltharik: The supreme leader of the Cerebral Ascendancy Collective, Zeltharik wields unparalleled psionic power and strategic genius. Their mind commands the collective will of the faction.
  • Council of Minds: Comprising accomplished Mindflayers, the Council advises and executes the directives of the Overmind. Each member specializes in a different aspect of psionics.
  1. Specialties Among the Faction:
  • Psionic Mastery: Mindflayers within the Cerebral Ascendancy Collective possess advanced psionic abilities, capable of manipulating minds, altering reality, and bending the fabric of space.
  • Mind Control: Their power allows them to subjugate the will of others, bending weaker minds to their command.
  • Interdimensional Travel: They have retained knowledge of interdimensional travel, enabling them to draw upon resources and beings from other planes.
  1. Player Character Benefits for Joining:
  • Psionic Empowerment: Faction members gain access to enhanced psionic abilities, allowing them to manipulate reality, control minds, and unleash powerful psychic attacks.
  • Networked Consciousness: Members can tap into the collective knowledge and experiences of other faction members, gaining insights and solutions to challenges.
  • Access to Psionic Artifacts: The Cerebral Ascendancy Collective possesses ancient artifacts that amplify psionic powers and grant unique abilities to members.
  1. Proving Loyalty to the Faction:
  • Trial of Mindmeld: Initiates undergo a perilous psionic ritual to demonstrate their control over their own minds and their willingness to connect with the Dominion's collective consciousness.
  • Task of Manipulation: Recruits are assigned missions that involve influencing or controlling key individuals or groups to further the faction's goals.
  1. Common Members in the Faction: Mindflayers who pledge allegiance to the Cerebral Ascendancy Collective make up the core of its membership. These creatures are driven by ambition, a hunger for power, and a shared goal of reclaiming their dominion. Mindflayers of various ages and psionic skill levels contribute their unique talents to the faction's grand schemes.

Faction Perks (background replacer)

Rank 0 - Acolyte

Psychic Sensitivity: If you're not already a mindflayer, your character is presented with a choice: a regular tadpole to be implanted within you to transform you into a mindflayer, or a special-grade one that allows you to gain the benefits of the faction while retaining your natural form. Either choice grants you the ability to telepathically communicate with creatures within 30 feet of you.

Ability Bonus: You gain a permanent +1 to Intelligence.

Proficiency: You gain proficiency in Arcana. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise. Additionally, you may choose one tool and one language to become proficient in.

You may choose between the Caster or Non-Caster tadpole power. Once you have made your choice, it cannot be changed.

Tadpole Powers (Caster): As a spellcaster, you have the ability to amplify the impact of your spells. You can choose to enhance your spellcasting in the following ways:

  • Spell Precision: By adding +2 to your spell attack modifier.
  • Psychic Surge: By infusing your spells with psychic energy, you can add 1d6 extra psychic damage to the damage dealt by your spells.
  • Spell Resilience: You can improve your spell save DC by 2.

Tadpole Powers (Non-Caster): As a non-caster, you have developed psychic abilities that enhance your combat prowess. Once per round, as a reaction, you can choose one of the following effects:

  • Psychic Precision: Add +2 to your attack roll when making a melee or ranged attack.
  • Mindrending Strike: Add 1d6 psychic damage to your melee or ranged weapon attacks.
  • Mental Fortitude: Increase your spell save DC by 2 when targeted by a spell or ability that requires a saving throw.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.

Rank 1 - Sentinel

Sense Connection: Once per day, you may choose to extend your thoughts and sense the nearest mindflayers who are connected to the Elder Brain. You may communicate freely for up to 10 minutes before the connection breaks.

Proficiency Bonus: You may choose 2 skills to become proficient in and 2 languages to learn.

Growing in Strength: The tadpole within you has grown, granting you stronger abilities. Choose between Arcane Mastery and Gift of Simplicity.

Arcane Mastery: As a caster, you possess unparalleled control and understanding of arcane energies. This ability allows you to cast spells with enhanced efficiency and precision, granting you the following benefits:

  • Effortless Casting: You can cast spells without the need for spell components, eliminating the requirement to gather or carry specific materials. Your innate connection to magic allows you to manifest the necessary components purely through your willpower and understanding of the arcane.
  • Potent Spells: When you expend a spell slot to cast a spell, you can channel additional energy into it, increasing its potency. This grants your spells additional effects or enhances their damage, making them more impactful and formidable.

This ability can be used as a reaction, up to a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.

Including: 1. Enemy saving throws are now made at a disadvantage. 2. Increase your spell range by 100 feet. 3. Ignores component requirements. 4. Allows you to add your spell modifier to your damage.

  • Expanded Spell Knowledge: Your vast understanding of magic allows you to learn and cast spells beyond your usual limits. You can choose a number of additional spells equal to your proficiency modifier from any spell list. These spells become a part of your repertoire and can be prepared or cast like any other spell you know.

Gift of Simplicity: As a non-caster, you possess the unique ability to perform certain actions without the need for complex tools or resources. You can utilize this ability in the following ways:

  • Simple Solutions: You can solve puzzles or overcome obstacles that would typically require specialized tools or specific skills. By tapping into your innate problem-solving abilities, you can find straightforward and efficient solutions. (Dungeon Master discretion)
  • Physical Mastery: You possess enhanced physical prowess, allowing you to perform feats of strength, agility, or endurance that surpass the capabilities of an average person. This could involve climbing walls effortlessly, leaping great distances, or enduring extreme physical challenges.
  • Adaptive Instincts: You possess an uncanny ability to adapt to various situations quickly. This allows you to pick up new skills or adapt existing ones on the fly. You become temporarily proficient in a skill you are not currently proficient in and gain advantage on the next check you make with it.

These abilities can be used as a reaction, and you can utilize them a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.


Sept 30-

  • Faction benefits now included.

Reclaiming Haven Series. A Homebrewed Addition for Anyone!

Art from page 2 found here ART

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