Martial Archetype - Death Wing Legionnaire

by BloodwolfAlpha

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Death Wing Legionnaire

Martial Archetype: Death Wing Legionnaire

Weapon Bond

When you choose this martial archetype, choose a weapon you are proficient with. You may spend 1 hour bonding to it, the weapon taking on properties based on your battlefield role.

Battlefield Role

When you choose this martial archetype, you must also choose one of the following roles:

Harvester of souls

Your weapon bonded to you deals necrotic damage and has a range of 25/50. When thrown or not in your hands, regardless of size, the weapon you wield will return to your hand as a free action. In anyone else's hands your bonded weapon is simply its basic version.

Champion of the Heavens

Your weapon bonded to you deals radiant damage. On a natural 20 attack roll, your weapon glows with radiant energy. You gain the effects of haste for the rest of your turn, and your critical hit range is 17-20 until your next turn.

Keeper of the Flame

Your weapon bonded to you deals fire damage. Once per turn you may choose to make a spinning sweep attack. Your weapon emits a wave of fire that blasts into all enemies around you, dealing 2d12 fire dmg at 3rd level, 3d12 at 7th, 4d12 at 15th, and 10d12 at level 20. Enemies must succeed a dexterity saving throw against your spell DC, taking half dmg on a success.

Master of Executions

Your weapon bonded to you deals psychic damage. When you kill an enemy combatant, you may choose to make an example of them. When you execute an enemy, all unfriendly creatures must make a wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you for 1 minute. Any enemy that fails this throw by more than 5 is paralyzed in fear for the duration.

Death From Above

Starting at 3rd level, whether through as a harbinger of death itself, or an icon of the cleansing light of the heavens, you learn to use your flight to strengthen your attacks. If you fly more than 15 ft to a target, you can crash down on them, your first weapon strike dealing an additional damage dice, and your damage dice for your weapon increase by one step up for the duration of that turn. (ie. d8 becomes d12 etc).

As Above, So Below

At 7th level, you have perfected the art of chaining your brutal aerial attacks together. Once per short rest, when you use the Death From Above ability you may make a second attack with an upwards strike, leaping into the air. You gain the benefits of Death From Above twice over (a second additional dmg dice and an additional step up) as well as knocking an enemy prone on a successful attack.


At 15th level, you have mastered your battlefield role, and gain additional benefits for each role in turn.

Harvester of Souls

Your weapon's range doubles, and when recalled to your hands you may have it travel in a straight line back to you. Roll an attack for each target, and on each hit they take dmg as if being hit by a regular attack.

Champion of the Heavens

When you roll a natural 20, your weapon auto-crits for the rest of your turn, and on a natural crit, your weapon deals triple the dmg. Your crit range extends from 16-20.

Keeper of the Flame

You may use this ability a second time in your turn, and the fire dmg from it ignores resistance.

Master of Executions

Once per short rest and on a critical hit, your adversary must make a constitution saving throw, or they are immediately executed, regardless of hp left. (Exceptions: Major enemies, DM Discretion)

On Wings of Carnage

You have mastered aerial combat. You gain a second use of the "As Above, So Below" ability, the range you must travel to activate Death From Above is shortened to 5 ft, and you have resistance to all damage while in the air. Additionally, your bonded weapon deals an additional dmg dice, and ignores resistances to that dmg type.